Ancient Greece – Unit Two By: John Venetos, Alayna Vesto, and Francis Kim


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Ancient Greece – Unit Two

By: John Venetos, Alayna Vesto, and Francis Kim

Wars Governme-nt Culture Types of

PeopleAthens and


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Question 1 - 10

This war was fought between Greece, and this empire, whose leader was Xerxes, and was stopped by 300 Spartans.

Answer 1 – 10

The Persian Wars or Battle of Thermopolis.

Question 1 - 20

After the Persian wars Athens took over this league, which was founded during the wars.

Answer 1 – 20

Delian League

Question 1 - 30

This group of wars occurred between Athens, and Sparta, when Athens lost to Syracuse in Italy.

Answer 1 – 30

The Peloponnesian War

Question 1 - 40

After Athens lost the Peloponnesian war these people began to take shape it Greek society questioning traditional morals.

Answer 1 – 40

Philosophers or Sophists.

Question 1 - 50

The Trojan war occurred in Troy because a Trojan Prince kidnapped this woman, which was the wife of a Greek King.

Answer 1 – 50


Question 2 - 10

What type of Government did Sparta, and Athens have?

Answer 2 – 10

Athens is a Democracy, Sparta had a Militaristic Government.

Question 2 - 20

People were Chosen to participate in the Assembly of 500 in Athens by …?

Answer 2 – 20

Lot or lottery

Question 2 - 30

Six thousand people were necessary for a quorum in order to _________ someone, or banish them from society.

Answer 2 – 30

Ostracize them.

Question 2 - 40

What type of Democracy did Athens have?

Answer 2 – 40

A Direct form of Democracy

Question 2 - 50

Name two purposes of the Athenian Assembly?

Answer 2 – 50

To pass laws, set budgets, or declare war

Question 3 - 10

Name a famous example of Greek Architecture?

Answer 3 – 10

The Parthenon

Question 3 - 20

Who was a famous Greek oral Poet known for his epic stories?

Answer 3 – 20


Question 3 - 30

What did the Greeks believe in? Name four of their gods.

Answer 3 – 30

They were pagan. Their main gods were Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Persephone, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hera, Demeter.

Question 3 - 40

Who were some Greek philosophers? What were they known for?

Answer 3 – 40

Plato- Founded a school (The Academy lasted 900 yrs) Socrates- Examine your beliefs Aristotle- Opened a school (Elysium)

Question 3 - 50

The Mycenaean's copied types of Culture from the Minoans such as…

Answer 3 – 50

• Pottery, writing, ideas, and trading.

Question 4 - 10

Based on what type of defenses that the Minoans and the Mycenaean's had, what sort of civilization (gov. based) is it?

Answer 4 – 10

The Dorians and Mycenaeans had heavy defenses indicating that they were war driven civilizations.

Question 4 - 20

Which civilization lost the art of writing, and slowly stopped trading?

Answer 4 – 20

The Dorian's

Question 4 - 30

What was the result of the contact between the Mycenaean's and the Minoans?

Answer 4 – 30

The Minoans saw the importance of seaborne trade, adapted the Minoan writing system and formed it’s arts, politics and religion off of it.

Question 4 - 40

Who was the man known as the best storyteller through spoken word? In which Civilization did he live in?

Answer 4 – 40

Homer, the Dorian civilization.

Question 4 - 50

The Greeks created a rich set of myths and Gods; what was the reason for having these myths?

Answer 4 – 50

Myths were used to understand natural phenomenon's, and the nature of human passions.

Question 5 - 10

What was the period of time in Athens when it experienced intellectual and artistic growth?

Answer 5 – 10

The Golden Age

Question 5 - 20

Who was Pericles and what did he achieve?

Answer 5 – 20

Pericles lead Athens through most of the Golden age

- He strengthened democracy by paying public officials so the job would be more open to people.

-Paid artists and architects and worker who used marble, ivory and gold

Question 5 - 30

What military advantages did Sparta and Athens each have?

Answer 5 – 30

Sparta had a better army but Athens had a better navy.

Question 5 - 40

What initiated the Persian wars and how did it end?

Answer 5 – 40

Sparta being under Athens rule viewed Athens in hostility, and both Athens and Sparta pressed for war. The war came to a conclusion with a truce when Athens and Sparta were worn out by years of war.

Question 5 - 50

An important legacy of Athens was direct democracy, what was it? What type of Democracy is used in the U.S. Today?

Answer 5 – 50

Direct democracy is a form of government where citizens rule directly and not through representatives.

The United States has an indirect democracy, with representatives for the people.
