Ancient Chinese House Roof




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ancient chinese house roof


roof structure of architecture of ancient China

The roof   is the ancient Chinese architectural style in the main part of the curve in general were from different forms of Liangjia structure. The building is important to single out brackets cornices, eaves in the corner formed Qiqiao wing angle.5 roof of the basic form, that is, the two sides of the slope at both ends hanging out hanging Peak; sloping sides do not hang out at both ends of the hard-top; slope on all sides of the veranda Dianding; for the cut-off on the hanging hardware or Shan Shan, under the cut-off for Xie Shanding veranda of the hall, Cuanjian Ding, also a time of their priority, which Dianding veranda of the first, occurred at about the Qin Dynasty, Qin and Han dynasties when the hanging and similar top of the roof of a sharp save, but the latter still For a short period of Zheng Ji, the slope is not true in the intersection, after the Eastern Han Dynasty have had a real and Zanjian Ding Xie Shanding; Peak emergence of the latest hardware, the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with extensive use of brick walls housing After the adoption of a large number. In addition to the hardware and hanging Peak Peak, other forms of the roof can be made in the form of Zhong Yan.All kinds of roof construction in ancient ChinaSingapore's housing interface is generally a roof. Poding a two-Zheng Ji (sometimes slope of

the two-phase round, Zheng Ji-free, gold or ridge known as the Juan Peng), and sometimes in the two-side slope around the block from the direction of an up and down, decorative vertical ridges; four Po Ding Zheng Ji and a 4 closure of the oblique ridge; Xieshan Ding has 9 roof, that is, a Zheng Ji, 4 vertical ridges, the ridges closure 4. Only Cuanjian Ding closure ridge, the number of 4 to 8, with the shape of the plane; Cuanjian Ding circular roof did not. A variety of roof ridge closure received in the previous paragraph, also known as a small part of the bifurcated ridge. The ridge-side ridge or ridge often high-profile since the decoration, Zheng Ji as the animal Kiss (also known as the end of chi, chi kiss or kiss is), vertical ridges and the closure of the ridge down animals, animal closure, the bifurcated ridge Many animals, such as immortal. Early roof tiles for the more complex base, the Ming and Qing Dynasties is commonly used in a variety of specialized spinal matter.According to the roof of their own style personality, separately for different occasions. Dianding magnificent style veranda, such as for building high-level central axis of the main temple door and housing; Xieshan Ding gorgeous and lively personality, for the general side hall in a palace; Zanjian Ding used for pavilions and pagodas; hanging Peak Hill and hardware used for residential . In the feudal society in China, the shapes and decoration of the roof are many grades of the provisions of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is particularly strict. In the form of roof, height, decorated with the image of the ridge, the size and number, as well as the materials used to be based on the color of the level of the building, shall not go beyond.Housing Liangjia refers to the wood structure of the upper part of the skeleton, its structure can be divided into two beams and lift the two-Chuan Dou types. Carrying beam in the column deep into the housing along the direction of the beam to place, on the beam and then overlay layers to reduce the beam, the beam at the two ends of a short beam under the home or Dianmu short column, the next layer of support beams. Most of the short beam, said Leung Ping is neutral short column. In the next two Liangjia between the short column in the middle of stigma and Liang Liang in the first room along with the direction of the sub-index linked to constitute a "between." Application purline may also wooden pallets and Fang. Chuan Dou-deep into the housing along the direction of a row of Li-chu, have access to higher columns purlin to support sub-standard; inter-column with a long horizontal cross-Fang, Liang Jia between the two sub-standard addition to the outside and play with Fang and fiber Sub-link. Carrying beam used in the construction of the North, the South for the higher construction; Chuan Dou-general of the South for more housing.Liang Jia of the art processing in the following ways: ① to Liang Liang made on the form, that is, the beam up and down on the surface are Xiao Cheng slightly upward curve of the arch, at the same time on the beam between Dianmu, the outline also make short column A variety of artistic processing. If the de-made, hump-shaped and so on. Short columns and beams decorated with wood joints used. ② in the beam on the surface of the sculpture more floriation were mainly observed in the construction of the Qing Dynasty, some only floriation Shi Liang in the end, some full Tongshen birds, there is the tendency to be too cumbersome. ③ draw on the beam in the colored pattern.

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ancient chinese house roof picture

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the Great Wall the Great Wall  


The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers (4,163 miles ) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the great wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.History: Excitement abounds in the origin, vicissitude and nature of the great wall of the Qin, Han, and Ming dynasties.The Great Wall was originally built in the Spring, Autumn, and Warring States Periods as a defensive fortification by the three states: Yan, Zhao and Qin. The Great Wall went through

constant extensions and repairs in later dynasties. In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the "Great" wall until the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang succeeded in his effort to have the walls joined together to fend off the invasions from the Huns in the north after the unification of China. Since then, the Great Wall has served as a monument of the Chinese nation throughout history. A visit to the Great Wall is like a tour through the history backwards; it brings tourists great excitement in each step of the wall.发贴者 chinese houses   No comments:

the Great Wall


the Great Wall

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chinese houses altar In ancient China, the main functions of the altar for worship, so there is the "altar" of the name. However, vows, will be North Korea, Feng Bai, the ancients often built altar to show a

solemn act, for example, when Liu Bang was built altar gatherings for worship General Han Xin.The emergence of the altar, with the prehistoric environment in the open nature worship of God is closely related to the activities at that time, in order to attract the attention of the gods so that their hope to reach a better gods, often use natural mound, high - Kong or higher, such as mountain terrain to build the altar. For example, sub-county in Liaoning Lingyuan Hill found that the Hongshan Culture altar is located on the Peak; at Lingyuan, Niu Jian-Ping River at the junction of the beam female temple ruins in the top of the mountain; in Zhejiang Yuhang of the Dayaoshan Top, and found a Liangzhu culture of the altar.

Into the era of civilization, the altar   of large-scale construction and use of increasingly monopolized by the rulers. Their object of worship, but also gradually on the day, and, on that state, the first of several agricultural, and other top natural God and the nature of God with a strong flavor of the High God on the islet. From the highest ruler of the world (or their representatives) to a maximum of Zhuji nature of God islet, which is built on ancient sacrificial altar in the building occupied a higher status and specifications, has a different and the supremacy of the sacred, and Such features are in addition to the universe other than the worship building does not have.

Has a broad religious building, a narrow, respectively. The only sacrificial altar in the narrow sense of the main building?? Or a square or circular altar, the sacrificial altar and in a broader sense, including the main building and ancillary buildings. To the existing Beijing's Temple of Heaven in the Ming and Qing, for example: the narrow sense refers to the Temple of Heaven Tan Huan Qiu, and in a broader sense, including the Temple of Heaven is a vegetarian Palace, the Temple Qi years, Wong Yu Qiong, Zaisheng kiosks all other buildings. And hierarchical world of reality corresponds to the feudal era of the ruling class will be the separation of heaven and earth god islet different level. In this way, as the sacrificial altar will be built in the shape, size, material, and many there have been clear hierarchical. To the altar built by the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Emperor of Heaven is the highest God, the altar of Heaven and therefore it is designed to three; state is synonymous with national, state, therefore the three-tier altar has been made; to the altar for two days Tan, on the altar and are a Xiannong Tan. How much of the rise is entirely in accordance with the godhead may be.发贴者 chinese houses   No comments:

ancient chinese houses altar

ancient chinese houses altar


Corridor is the roof of the aisle, the house has an independent channel, or the top of the channel. Including the corridors and Veranda, with the sun, rain, rest, and other functions. Gallery is an integral part of the building, but also constitute the appearance of the construction division of the characteristics and an important means of spatial patterns. If the co-Wai's courtyard corridors, the courtyard space on the handle, body volume is the key to beautify; garden in the verandah area can be divided to create space to increase the depth of field and to guide tourists. Chinese ancient architecture in the gallery often with geometric patterns of the railing, Zuodeng, chair of geese (that is, by beauty), hanging down, the colored pattern; on the walls often decorated with assorted lights windows, Louchuang, on Portal, bottles and so on the door A variety of decorative elements.发贴者 chinese houses   No comments:

chinese houses-corridor

chinese houses-corridor


chinese house-pagodaPagoda or named tower,is the ancient Chinese civilization, culture and marks an important symbol of China's ancient architecture is an important type. Buddhism from China, combined with Chinese characteristics founded by the Buddhist temples and China has developed tower, pagoda temple is an important part of. After a long time to build, not only quantity, but also rich in content. The mini-tower can be used as carving works of art, souvenirs; tall tower is the ancient multi-storey building, which involves the situation of different historical periods, different historical periods related to the structure, mechanics and other areas of science and technology development.Ancient pagoda itself has exceeded the performance of their buildings as the value and significance, but also history, culture, religion, philosophy, aesthetics, archeology, ethnology and even tourism and so on the value of different disciplines rolled into one. Tap on the different aspects in a comprehensive manner, there is a very significant issue.发贴者 chinese houses   3 comments:

chinese house-pagoda

ancient chinese house- yingbi


Yingbi, or named Zhaobi, built in the courtyard of the door opposite the door or in front of the door, Yingbi to block the view of the door opposite the mess outside the building so that people can feel standing in front of the wide, clean, but also shows the courtyard of the Inside and outside are different. According to ancient geomantic experts say that in front of the Yingbi, and the hospital Yingbi, in order to make the air flow around the line and Yingbi, while gas-feast, and "Long after" record straight loss Rending. Sha red block from the role of the murderous look. However, the size of the courtyard, in his capacity as the owner of the premises as a result of different sizes and different doors, so Yingbi in the construction of certain rules. The word is generally Yingbi, to build more housing officer in front of wealthy

businessmen or, Yingbi its construction is divided into three parts, Tongwa coat, in the rectangular brick wall with a framework for the heart box and added four brick, carved in the middle Blessed, money and the words hung, under the name Xu Mizuo Yet there is still a Yanchiyingbi, block work fine, brick mill of the joints, there are carved flowers, birds Yingbi also have a corner on the wall of flowers, grass, and so on. Yanchiyingbi the entire building to fully embody the solemn, beautiful. General Yanchiyingbi in the construction of more government offices, government policy, the luxurious, the common courtyard of the three Yingbi, the first at the inside of the door, was a font called Yingbi word. Yingbi inside the door of the word independent of the rooms have a gable wall or between, known as the independent Yingbi, if the rooms in the mountain directly on the wall build a small wall and made Yingbi cap shape, so that the gable and Yingbi together, Shan Ying Bi known as the Block.

The second is located outside the door of Yingbi, which is located in the alley , is on the gate of a big house, there are generally two types of shape, was flat, "a" character, called Yingbi word, the plane "Mi"-shaped, said Yanchiyingbi. Both Yingbi stand alone or wall opposite the house, or build upon on the wall opposite the house, mainly for housing and do not block the view of the opposite rows of Yantou angle, so that the door to go out to those who have a tidy appearance of the feelings of pleasure .There is also a Yingbi, located in the east and west sides of the door, and door cornices into 120 degrees or 135 degrees angle, the plane was / \ characters, called "anti-Yingbi eight-character" or "write-Shan Ying Bi." Eight anti-Yingbi to do this, the door to the back, into the 2-4 meters in front of a small room and out the door can be used as a buffer land. Eight anti-Yingbi the foil contrast, the rich family is even more profound, open, Wealthy.发贴者 chinese houses   No comments:

chinese house-yingbi chinese house-yingbi


PavilionChinese ancient architecture in multi-storey buildings. Early differences between House and the House, the House refers to the re-housing, repair and narrow Qu, in a building in the back seat; Court means the lower part of the overhead, hanging the bottom of the building, a square was flat, two-story, flat seat, In the main UN building in the location. Court House, and then each other, no strict

China's tourism and historical sites to watch, often encounter, such as pavilions, these buildings are located in the Qishanxiushui, dotted every one of the richest poetic beauty.There is a pavilion roof without the walls of small buildings. There are round, square, hexagonal, octagonal, and plum blossom-shaped fan, and so on a variety of shapes. Pavilion often built on a hill, next to the water, flowers, the bridge can be for people to shelter in a

shade, rest viewing, but also in the park more beautiful scenery. Most of the Chinese pavilion with wood, bamboo, brick, stone-built, such as Beihai Park, Beijing's five Longting, Suzhou and so on the Canglang Ting.Gallery is a garden in building links between the channels. It can not only shelter from the rain the sun, like a scenic tour guide lines can be provided for visitors through the space between the pillars to watch the scenery. Summer Palace in Beijing gallery, is the longest of the Chinese garden gallery, the gallery is calm on the side of the Kunming Lake, on the other side is green and Longevity Hill Yi Zuzu classical architecture. Visitors stroll the promenade, one can watch all the beautiful Huguangshanse.Tse is in the high-profile house. General pavilion built in the water, banks of flowers or the water's edge. Built on the water's edge, also known as the "Shuixie" for visitors to watch and build water features, such as Beihai Park Shui Xie, Chengde Mountain Resort of water, such as heart pavilion.Is a magnificent two-story pavilion above the tall buildings. Visitors can climb Yuan Wang, rest viewing; books can also be used to worship Buddha, visual flying. In China, many of the famous pavilion, as close to the sea in Shandong Penglai Pavilion, the Summer Palace of Beijing Summer Palace, Jiangxi Tengwang Ge, and Yueyang in Hunan, Hubei, such as the Yellow Crane Tower.发贴者 chinese houses   No comments:

traditional chinese houses



Yiroukegang thought, is the traditional wisdom of the Chinese nation. The world-renowned Tai Chi Chuan

Such thinking is the direct result of

The Chinese tradition of building wooden structures seismic shock method

Can be called "architectural version of Tai Chi Chuan"

And masonry construction of the West "just has just grams of" different from the traditional

Chinese wooden structure built to resist the impact of the earthquake, using the "Yiroukegang" thinking through all sorts of clever, its objective is to minimize the cost of Will be a powerful natural bridge to minimize damage. Many of China's ancient architecture were successfully received by the earthquake test, such as Tianjin, North Guanyinge Dule Si, Yingxian Wooden Tower building, and so on, thousands of years has gone through many earthquakes are still proudly stands. Contemporary architectural design to withstand an earthquake of 9 degrees as the goal, and our traditional wooden building has been able to meet this requirement, but its price is far less than the West's "just" can not but be impressed by the width and "soft" power.

Flexible framework: the wall was not housing collapse

Since the beginning of the civilization of the Chinese nation not only on the wisdom of the choice of organic materials such as wood as the main structural material, and the development of the world's oldest, longest and highest technical maturity structure of the system - flexible framework for the system. China's wood technology, if only in Yuyao, Zhejiang Hemudu ruins the moment, at least so far nearly 7,000-year history. As a comparison, the West has been used for thousands of years in the system of load-bearing walls, until the industrial revolution, modern science and technology development, realized that the superiority of the frame, was the beginning of large-scale popular, but also worth pondering is that this framework System is still "just has just grams." China's traditional wooden structure, with all the advantages of the frame structure, such as the "wall of housing do not fall down" effect, but its flexible connectivity, and it has made a considerable degree of flexibility and a degree of self-recovery capability. The earthquake in Wenchuan, many of the cultural construction of the wall were damaged to varying degrees, but the main structure has not collapsed, this is the flexible framework of anti-seismic capability.

Floating raft foundation as a whole, Dougong, mortise Mao: the key to the fight against earthquake

Few of China's ancient architectural complex in the construction plane, the main use of a 2:1 aspect ratio is less than the rectangle. Plane patterns and rules in favor of anti-seismic structure. Traditional construction is often in the middle of a (inter-care) the most, on both sides of the times, and so on in order to reduce inter-Blastophagus wide, so the design is very conducive to the earthquake resistance of torque.

Chinese ancient architecture in general by the platform, Liang Jia, the roof consists of high-grade construction on the roof and between the beams and a layer Dougong. China's ancient architecture with modern platform language to describe the structure, known as the "floating raft foundation as a whole," is like building a ship carrying floating in the form of an earthquake, "stormy sea", can effectively prevent the construction of the foundation was cut Damage to reduce the seismic impact on the upper part of the building. Chinese traditional architecture Liangjia generally carried beam structure, in the framework of the vertical direction to form a great little structure on the shape of Practice has proved that this structure has a better way of seismic behavior. Large elegant roof of the ancient Chinese traditional architecture is the most prominent feature of the image, but also to improve the building's earthquake resistance ability has made a considerable contribution. The formation of large roof (especially Dianding veranda, Xie Shanding, etc.) need a large number of complex structures and components, has greatly increased the roof and the whole framework of a whole; huge weight of the roof from its on-line in the column, also raised the framework of

the stability of the Sex.

Dougong of ancient Chinese architecture is aseismic another important fighters in the earthquake shock absorber of the car as it plays the same as dissipation deformation. Historically, many with Dougong construction can withstand strong earthquakes, such as Hua Yansi of Datong in Shanxi Province, in the absence of Dougong low-level construction subsidiary has been destroyed, with the main hall Dougong able to survive, Dougong a full description of the earthquake. Dougong but can play a "shock absorber", and that was the level of the various components of Dougong connect to a group of highly integrated, "just set," according to "those who can afford the more you work," the principle of the earthquake Power transmission to the pillars of the anti-seismic capability, has greatly enhanced the security of the entire structure.

In addition to these more significant way, the ancient Chinese traditional architecture also used in a number of other technical measures is the key to anti-seismic buildings. For example, the use of mortise Mao: Mao tenon is extremely sophisticated inventions of our ancestors as early as 7000 before they started, which do not have to nail the connection components, making Chinese traditional wooden structure into a contemporary architectural bent over, the framework Flexible or rigid frame of the special structure of the body, not only to bear a greater load, and have allowed a certain degree of deformation in the earthquake through the deformation under load to absorb some of the seismic energy structure to reduce the earthquake response. For example, another pillar of Health, the side of the foot, and other techniques to reduce the building's center of gravity, and the overall structure of the center of gravity tilted inward, to enhance the stability of the structure; capitals, columns and feet were exhausted amount to bundle wrapped in cloth and other structural components to connect So that the column-plane formation of a closed system architecture with modern terminology, it is the formation of the upper and lower beam, effectively put an end to the stigma, the foot of the column moved to strengthen the building of an overall framework. Liang Jia system adopted by the amount of late by the amount of stigma Fang, Shu-chu, climb, ride led by Leung, purlin, Chuan and many other components strengthened, enhanced structural integrity; Zhuchu post with a combination of ways to Significantly reduce the column at the end of Zhu Chu and the friction between the top surface, which effectively have a role in isolation; tall in the pavilion, such as Dule Si Guanyinge, such as the Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian County, all in dark layer there are ramps Up, a great improvement to the framework of the level of shock resistance to the role again; Yanzhu between the outer wall of thick set, modern architecture has played in the "wall" of the role of these, The list goes on, to the layout of the building group Deal with components as small as the size of the design section, every show of ancient craftsmen in the seismic design of the knowledge and ingenuity.

Yingxian Wooden Tower:

Chinese ancient architecture of the outstanding representatives of the anti-seismic capability发贴者 chinese houses   153 comments:

ancient chinese house