Analysis of FC's


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Analyse of the FC’s

Alternative Music Magazine Secondary Research

Cover Line



Callout Main Image

TeasersThe masthead is covered by the main image, this suggests that the magazine is quite well-known so consumers know what the magazine is even though the masthead isn't fully visible. Doing this brings more attention to the main image which may be used as a cover line to entice their target audience.

The cover line is in a larger font compared to the rest of the text on the FC. This attracts their target audiences eyes suggesting that this is the biggest article in the magazine and also the most interesting.

The main image covers the masthead. This connotes that this is the biggest article in the magazine and acts as an anchorage to that article.

This acts as a teaser because it makes their audience want to find out why this is happened and may consume the magazine to find out. (Attract audience).

These attract their target audience as it lists all the artists that will be featuring in the magazine. At least one of these will attract their target audience because they are based on the genre of the magazine and the interests of their consumers.

Although this is in a very tiny font, this may act as something to catch the eye of the consumer and will attract them to read the article that it is quoted from.

Cover Line





Main Image

SkylineThe masthead is bold, clear and large attracting the consumer. It is a very well known magazine and is unique as it has shortened the title in the first consonants of the name.

This entices the audience and makes the want to buy the magazine as this is an exclusive interview so they wont find the information form anywhere else.

The main image is usually in the centre, but this magazine has gone for a unique look and has placed the artists face on the side below the masthead. This will catch consumer eyes as it will stand out from the rest of the conventional magazines on the shelf.

The lists of the other artists names will attract consumers as they may be interested in finding out what they content/ article will be about.

The fact that it is a special issue attracts the audience as they want to know why it is a special issue.

This entices the consumer as they want to find out why she has said that and what makes her different from the rest of the pop stars.

This is in a much larger font that the other plugs, therefore this must be their main article within the content of the magazine and they must think that this will catch the consumers and attract them the most.

Cover Line



Main Image


This is bold as it is in a red rectangle, therefore, it stands out from the rest of the text on the FC.

This is clearly the main focus on the FC as no text covers her face. This may act as an anchorage to the main article. Her name below is also in a bright colour and larger font from the rest of the plugs.

These are in bold fonts with interesting colours attracting their audiences eyes. They are also in boxes which gives the magazine a unique look.

I assume that this is the cover line because it stands out he most. It is the largest and boldest font.

The list of artists names attracts the consumers because they may be interested/a fan of that artist and therefore want to read about them.

Puff The free sign attracts the audience as every one likes a freebie and they will feel as if they are getting something back from buying the magazine.

Cover Line



Main ImageThe masthead is partially covered by the main image which suggests that the image is more important than the masthead. This also connotes that this is a well know magazine.

The main image is very unique. Your eyes are instantly drawn to his face as there isn't much text on the FC. This gives the magazine a very unique and edgy look, even though there isn't many plugs on the FC, you still want to read the magazine as it looks interesting.

The plugs aren't very noticeable, however they still attract consumers because they may be interested in the topics/people mentioned and will therefore buy the magazine.

The cover line is very simple, however, the main image acts as a anchorage. It is in a larger font than the plugs and is also in a different colour.

Cover Line



Main Image



The masthead is very eye catching as it has a unique font.

This is in a much larger font compared to the plugs and is almost going across the centre of the magazine FC.

These attract consumers as they may be interested in finding out information about the bands/artists in the picture and the additional information below may also attract them.

The main image doesn't stand out that much because the FC is quite busy. However, it is an anchorage with the main article and therefore may attract people to buy it as they may see the image before they read the text.

Their plugs are mainly anchored with images which gives the consumer more information.

The word ‘massive’ would attract many consumers as they feel as if they must buy the magazine to get a ticket. From the FC it sounds like freebies are involved and it also sounds exclusive.

Evaluation From the font cover analysis I have learnt that

most alternative genre magazines focus on the main image and have very little text on their front covers. The FC’s are usually very colourful, eye catching and unique. From this I have learnt that I prefer magazines with a unique image and a small amount of text as this is different and will help my magazine stand out from the rest on the shelf.
