Ana Valendiano, Antonette Tamayo, Aimee Zenarosa 7E


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Ana Valendiano, Antonette Tamayo, Aimee Zenarosa7E


1. Who coined the phrase 'World Wide Web'? Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. He's also considered by most

people as the person who started the whole thing rolling. 2. How did the Internet Start and Why? It all started with the time-sharing of IBM computers in the

early 1960s at universities such as Dartmouth and Berkeley in the States. People would share the same computer for their computing tasks. The Internet also received help from Sputnik! After this Russian Satellite was launched in 1957, President Eisenhower formed ARPA to advance computer networking and communication.

Plus, we won't even mention that whole industry where people show their naughty bits.

3. Who was J.C.R. Licklider? Licklider is often referred to as the father

of the Internet because his ideas of interactive computing and a "Galactic Network" were the seeds for the Internet. His ideas would be developed thru DARPA,(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1962. Later he would help form ARPANET and the Internet was on it's way.

Vinton Gray Cerf was another founding father of the Internet. He played a key role in the creation of the Net by developing the TCP/IP protocols we use for the Internet.

4. What was ARPANET? ARPANET stands for 'Advanced Research Projects

Agency Network' Came about in the arena of Sputnik and the cold war. The military needed a method of communicating and sharing all the information on computers for research and development. It would also be a handy communication system if all traditional ways were wiped out in a nuclear attack!

5. What was the First long distance Connection?

In 1965 using a low speed dial-up telephone line, MIT researcher Lawrence G. Roberts working with Thomas Merrill, connected the TX-2 computer in Massachusetts to the Q-32 in California. The phone lines weren't quite up to the task!

6. Who was Leonard Kleinrock? Kleinrock came up with the theory of packet

switching, the basic form of Internet connections. With a group of UCLA graduate students on Oct. 29, 1969, Kleinrock connected with the Stanford Research Institute but as they typed in the G in LOGIN -- the system crashed!

7.What is an Ethernet? It's a protocol or system for a set of computer

networking technologies for local area networks (LANs), the origins of which came from Bob Metcalfe's Harvard's dissertation on "Packet Networks."

8. When was the first mouse introduced? The first computer mouse was introduced in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart at the Fall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco.

9. Did Al Gore really invent the Internet? No, but give credit where credit is due. He did the most of any elected official to actively promote the Internet. However, he wasn't even in Congress when ARPANET was formed in 1969 or even when the term 'Internet' came into use in 1974. Gore was first elected in 1976.

Gore himself may be the cause of this Urban Legend or Internet myth - during a Wolf Blitzer CNN interview on March 9, 1999 - Al Gore did say: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.“

Causing himself some ridicule but also paving the way for such future one-liners as: "I invented the environment!"

10. Who coined the phrase 'information superhighway'?

Wikipedia says Nam June Paik coined the phrase "information superhighway" in 1974.

Al Gore popularized the phrase in the early 1990's.

11. Which decade really saw the explosion of the net?

The 1990s. The Internet exploded into the mainstream with the release of the first popular web browser Mosaic in 1993.

12. How fast is the Internet growing? Very fast! It took 38 years for radio to reach 50 million users, 13 years for TV, and only 5 years for the Internet. Source:

13. Number of Internet Users and Breakdown. The Internet is roughly 35% English, 65% Non-English with the Chinese at 14%. Yet only 13% of world's population, 812 million are Internet users as of Dec. '04. North America has the highest continental concentration with 70% of the people using the Internet.

14. Country with the highest percentage of net users?

Sweden at 75%. 15. How big is the Internet's surfing world?

Google's index now stands at over 8 billion pages. There are now over a Billion Internet Users and that number is growing rapidily.

16. What was the Net's first index called? Archie, other than library catalogs, this was the first

index created in 1989 by Peter Deutsch at McGill in Montreal. Although it spouted such others as Veronica and Jughead, Archie was short for Archiver and had nothing to do with the comic strip.

Backrub was the original name for Google! Larry Page and Sergey Brin used this term for their search engine in 1996, Google as we know it debuted in 1998. The name Google is a twist on the word Googol, a number represented as 1 followed by 100 zeros.

17. What does HTTP stand for? HyperText Transfer Protocol - it's the protocol for

moving files across the net; it requires two client programs. The HTTP client and the server

18. What is an ISP? Internet Service Provider - This is the service

or company you use to access the Internet. 19. What is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language - it's the coded

format language for transmitting and creating hypertext web pages.

20. What are your average surfing habits according to Nielsen NetRatings?

Each month you usually visit 59 domains, view 1,050 pages allocating 45 seconds for each page and spend about 25 hours doing all this net activity! Each surfing session lasts 51 minutes.


Networking: Organizations involved in coordinating and developing online communication technologies IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority; works on coordinating

functions for the Internet ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; the

corporation that is responsible for the IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions of the Internet

IETF: The Internet Engineering Task Force; a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet

IRTF: Internet Research Task Force; promotes research for the evolution of the future Internet by creating focused, long-term and small research groups working on topics related to Internet protocols, applications, architecture and technology

ISC: Internet Software Consortium; develops and maintains production quality Open Source reference implementations of core Internet protocols

ISOC: Internet Society; a professional membership society; provides leadership in addressing issues that confront the future of the Internet, and is the organization home for the groups responsible for Internet infrastructure standards, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)

W3C: World Wide Web Consortium; develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) for the World Wide Web

CAIDA: Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis; provides tools and analyses promoting the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure

Standards: Organizations and resources related to technology standards ACM: Association for Computing Machinery Technical

Standards Commitee; coordinates all official ACM participation in standards-related activities; ACM is an educational and scientific computing society

ANSI: American National Standards Institute; a private organization that administers and coordinates the United States voluntary standardization and conformity assessment systems

BSI: British Standards; the National Standards Body of the UK, responsible for facilitating, drafting, publishing and marketing British Standards and other guidelines

CSR: Communications Standards Review; reports on formal telecommunications standards work-in-progress (US and International) covering multimedia and wireline access technology standards

DISA: Data Interchange Standards Association; home for the development of cross-industry electronic business interchange standards; serves as the Secretariat for ASC X12 and their X12 EDI and XML standards development process

Doc Ctr: Document Center; search for standards EIA: Electronic Industries Alliance; a national trade

organization that includes US manufacturers representing the electronics industry; a partnership of electronic and high-tech associations and companies whose mission is to promote market development and competitiveness of the US high-tech industry through domestic and international policy efforts

ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute; an organization whose mission is to produce the telecommunications standards for Europe and beyond

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission; a global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies which serve as a basis for national standardization

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; an international membership organization serving industry with standards programs

IAB: Internet Architecture Board; a committee of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); responsible for oversight of IETF activities, Internet Standards Process oversight and appeal, and is responsible for the management of publication of the RFC Series and the management of the IETF protocol parameter registry, operated by the IANA

IMTC: International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium; a corporation comprising approximately 100 organizations around the globe to promote and facilitate the development and implementation of interoperable multimedia conferencing solutions based on open international standards; a source of conferencing-related information for its members, other vendors, media and the public

ISO: International Organization for Standardization; a network of the national standards institutes of some 140 countries, with a central office in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system and publishes the finished standards

ITU: International Telecommunication Union; an international organization within which governments and the private sector could work together to coordinate the operation of telecommunication networks and services and advance the development of communications technology

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology; develops and promotes measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life; a non-regulatory federal agency within the US Department of Commerce

T1: Committee T1; sponsored by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions and accredited by the American National Standards Institute to create network interconnections and interoperability standards for the United States

TIA: Telecommunications Industry Association; trade association representing providers of communications and information technology products and services

WSSN: World Standards Services Network; a network of Web sites of standards organizations around the world; provides information on international, regional and national standardization and related activities and services; links from the WSSN site are provided to the Web sites of international standardizing bodies, regional standardizing bodies, national members of ISO and IEC, and other international/regional organizations with related activities

INTERNET TIMELINE 1969 ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) goes online in

December, connecting four major U.S. universities. Designed for research, education, and government organizations, it provides a communications network linking the country in the event that a military attack destroys conventional communications systems.

1972 Electronic mail is introduced by Ray Tomlinson, a Cambridge,

Mass., computer scientist. He uses the @ to distinguish between the sender's name and network name in the email address.

1973 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is

designed and in 1983 it becomes the standard for communicating between computers over the Internet. One of these protocols, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), allows users to log onto a remote computer, list the files on that computer, and download files from that computer.

1976 Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter and running mate

Walter Mondale use email to plan campaign events. Queen Elizabeth sends her first email. She's the first state leader to do so.

1982 The word “Internet” is used for the first time. 1984 Domain Name System (DNS) is established, with

network addresses identified by extensions such as .com, .org, and .edu. Writer William Gibson coins the term “cyberspace.”

1985. Quantum Computer Services, which later changes its

name to America Online, debuts. It offers email, electronic bulletin boards, news, and other information.

1988 A virus called the Internet Worm temporarily shuts

down about 10% of the world's Internet servers. 1989 The World ( debuts as the first

provider of dial-up Internet access for consumers. Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics) develops a new technique for distributing information on the Internet. He calls it the World Wide Web. The Web is based on hypertext, which permits the user to connect from one document to another at different sites on the Internet via hyperlinks (specially programmed words, phrases, buttons, or graphics). Unlike other Internet protocols, such as FTP and email, the Web is accessible through a graphical user interface.

1990 The first effort to index the Internet is created by Peter Deutsch at

McGill University in Montreal, who devises Archie, an archive of FTP sites.

1991 Gopher, which provides point-and-click navigation, is created at

the University of Minnesota and named after the school mascot. Gopher becomes the most popular interface for several years. Another indexing system, WAIS (Wide Area Information Server), is developed by Brewster Kahle of Thinking Machines Corp.

1993 Mosaic is developed by Marc Andreeson at the National Center for

Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). It becomes the dominant navigating system for the World Wide Web, which at this time accounts for merely 1% of all Internet traffic.

1994 The White House launches its website,

Initial commerce sites are established and mass marketing campaigns are launched via email, introducing the term “spamming” to the Internet vocabulary. Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark start Netscape Communications. They introduce the Navigator browser

1995 CompuServe, America Online, and Prodigy start providing

dial-up Internet access. Sun Microsystems releases the Internet programming language called Java. The Vatican launches its own website,

1996 Approximately 45 million people are using the Internet,

with roughly 30 million of those in North America (United States and Canada), 9 million in Europe, and 6 million in Asia/Pacific (Australia, Japan, etc.). 43.2 million (44%) U.S. households own a personal computer, and 14 million of them are online.

1997 On July 8, 1997, Internet traffic records are broken as the

NASA website broadcasts images taken by Pathfinder on Mars. The broadcast generates 46 million hits in one day. The term “weblog” is coined. It’s later shortened to “blog.”

1998 Google opens its first office, in California. 1999 College student Shawn Fanning invents Napster, a computer application

that allows users to swap music over the Internet.The number of Internet users worldwide reaches 150 million by the beginning of 1999. More than 50% are from the United States. “E-commerce” becomes the new buzzword as Internet shopping rapidly spreads. is launched.

2000 To the chagrin of the Internet population, deviant computer

programmers begin designing and circulating viruses with greater frequency. “Love Bug” and “Stages” are two examples of self-replicating viruses that send themselves to people listed in a computer user's email address book. The heavy volume of email messages being sent and received forces many infected companies to temporarily shut down their clogged networks.The Internet bubble bursts, as the fountain of investment capital dries up and the Nasdaq stock index plunges, causing the initial public offering (IPO) window to slam shut and many dotcoms to close their doors. America Online buys Time Warner for $16 billion. It’s the biggest merger of all time.

2001 Napster is dealt a potentially fatal blow when the 9th U.S.

Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco rules that the company is violating copyright laws and orders it to stop distributing copyrighted music. The file-swapping company says it is developing a subscription-based service. About 9.8 billion electronic messages are sent daily. Wikipedia is created.

2002 As of January, 58.5% of the U.S. population (164.14

million people) uses the Internet. Worldwide there are 544.2 million users.The death knell tolls for Napster after a bankruptcy judge ruled in September that German media giant Bertelsmann cannot buy the assets of troubled Napster Inc. The ruling prompts Konrad Hilbers, Napster CEO, to resign and lay off his staff.

2003 It's estimated that Internet users illegally download about 2.6

billion music files each month.Spam, unsolicited email, becomes a server-clogging menace. It accounts for about half of all emails. In December, President Bush signs the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act), which is intended to help individuals and businesses control the amount of unsolicited email they receive.Apple Computer introduces Apple iTunes Music Store, which allows people to download songs for 99 cents each. Spam, unsolicited email, becomes a server-clogging menace. It accounts for about half of all emails. Apple Computer introduces Apple iTunes Music Store, which allows people to download songs for 99 cents each.

2004 Internet Worm, called MyDoom or Novarg, spreads through

Internet servers. About 1 in 12 email messages are infected. Online spending reaches a record high—$117 billion in 2004, a 26% increase over 2003.

2005 is launched. 2006 There are more than 92 million websites

online. 2007 Legal online music downloads triple to 6.7

million downloads per week. Colorado Rockies' computer system crashes when it receives 8.5 million hits within the first 90 minutes of World Series ticket sales. The online game, World of Warcraft, hits a milestone when it surpasses 9 million subscribers worldwide in July.

2008 In a move to challenge Google's dominance of search and

advertising on the Internet, software giant Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion. In a San Fransisco federal district court, Judge Jeffrey S. White orders the disabling of, a Web site that discloses confidential information. The case was brought by Julius Baer Bank and Trust, located in the Cayman Islands, after a disgruntled ex-employee allegedly provided Wikileaks with stolen documents that implicate the bank in asset hiding, money laundering, and tax evasion. Many web communities, who see the ruling as unconstitutional, publicized alternate addresses for the site and distributed bank documents through their own networks. In response, Judge White issues another order to stop the distribution of bank documents. Microsoft is fined $1.3 billion by the European Commission for further abusing its dominant market position, and failing to comply to their 2004 judgment, which ordered Microsoft to give competitors information necessary to operate with Windows. Since 2004, Microsoft has been fined a total of $2.5 billion by the Commission for not adhering to their ruling.


The growth rate of the Internet exceeds that of any previous technology. Measured by users and bandwidth, Internet has been growing at a rapid rate since its conception, on a curve geometric and sometimes exponential.

Today, the Internet is growing exponentially in three different directions -- size, processing power, and software sophistication -- making it the fastest growing technology humankind has ever created:

Size. The graphs in the historical statistics section show the exponential rate of growth in the number of people that use the Internet. Soon more than half the world's population will have access to the Internet.

Power. As first appreciated at the Dartmouth AI Conference in 1956, computer processors and storage continue to double in power and capacity about every 18 months, providing steadily more powerful computers for use by increasing sophisticated software.

Functionality. Software applications from routing programs to browser applications continually build on previous technology to become more sophisticated with every release, continuously evolving to incorporate new features and capabilities.



1. Which country has the highest percentage of net users?

2. Give 1 web application framework. 3. What year did Queen Elizabeth sent her

first email? 4. What year was YouTube launched? 5-6. What are the 2 types of organizations

that are responsible for the development of the internet?

7-10. What are the 3 different directions that the internet is growing exponentially in?


1. Sweden 2. Perl, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, CFML

(ColdFusion), ASP.NET 3. 1976 4. 2005 5-6. Networking and Standards 7-10. Size, Power and Functionality