An Yoshi Lovestory



Just a little something I wrote as a short story for a friend/sister a while back.

Citation preview

The sun was high in the afternoon sky as it bathed the Mushroom Kingdom in it's warm glow. It's warm rays resting on the many inhabitants of the kingdom that were walking down the sidewalk, driving their car's and playing out in the park's. two Yoshi's had looked at one another as their features and body's could be seen. The male was a black Yoshi with dark blueeyes, his muscles were hidden underneath his sleeveless shirt and faded denim jeans. He had on a pair of white tennis shoes. His paw held another Yoshi's, a white Yoshi who had a tattoo of a heart on her right leg, on the center of her thigh. Her dark purple eyes glinted softly in the sunlight as her red lipstic had been put on before leaving her house earlier that morning to take lunch to her boyfriend. Her red eye shadow could be seen along with twogold rings resting on her ridge's on her back. She had on a pair of sky blue boots along with a leather bikers shirt on her chest and a pair of dark blue shorts on her waist. Her chest was rather big as she had a DD cup size. as they walked, their tails wagged slowly back and fourth in unison.

The white Yoshi looked to her boyfriend, a somewhat rough but gentle tone could be heard in her voice as she spoke to him.

"Well, Riker honey, what will you do now that your out of Foxhound?"

The black Yoshi shrugged, smiling happily to the white Yoshi. there was a warm tone to his voice as he spoke.

"Well, Whayslin... I'm not really sure... I mean, I retired today and so I'll probably spend the next few weeks having some quality time with you. maybe watch a few movie's and clean out my closet and get rid of the old war fatigues..."

Whayslin giggled at that, she winked to Riker and stopped with him in their tracks. they were in front of an flower shop as she gazed into his eyes. aflame of passion and flirtatiousness could be seen as Riker gazed into her eyes in return, a flirty tone came into her voice, changing in what felt like a second as she whispered to him.

"Don't get rid of them, Love... they make you look so sexy..."

"H-Huh? You think that I look sexy whenever I have them on?"

"Mmmhmmm, I sure do..."

"Well... In that case-!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Whayslin kissed Riker deeply on the lips. they held one another in each others arms, tails wagging slowly as they soon broke the kiss and looked into one anothers eyes. A loving smile came over Riker's face, as did Whayslin's. the two stood there for what felt like an hour when it was really ten minutes. Riker shook his head, getting back into the right state of mind as he turned and began to lead Whayslin back down the sidewalk. his eyes closed as he blushed deeply. his paw kept agentle grasp on her own as he took his house key as they had neared the street that Riker lived on. there was a loud barking nearby as a Chain Chomp was trying to cause a ruckus in it's owners backyard. Whayslin blinked and sighed, grunting at the Chain Chomp's barking.

"Geeze, I wish that they would put a muzzle on that thing..."

"Whayslin, honey... It is a animal, there's nothing wrong with it's barking..."

Whayslin nodded, sighing calmly as Riker had lead her up the cement driveway to a single story four bedroom house. she looked at the front lawn which was cleanly cut, it looked like it was done in the early hours of the morning. as she looked up at the house, Whayslin could see that the exterriorof the house was painted a tan color with white planters just underneath the window's. some potted plants rested on them , the windows were big squareswith what looked like red curtains hiding the interrior of the house.

As Whayslin and Riker got up to the front door, the black Yoshi put his house key into the lock. as he turned the lock, the tumbler's on the inside unlocked. Riker took the key from the lock and gripped the doorknob, openingthe door into the house to reveal it somewhat dark. the sun faintly shined into

the house through the red curtains, the faint glows of sunlight bounced off what looked like leather furniture, a flatscreen TV and a few lamps. The two Yoshi's walked into the house, closing the front door behind them. Riker blinked a bit, adjusting to the dimness as was Whayslin. the two walked into aarchway on their right and into what looked like a big kitchen area, a wooden,round table with four chair's nestled around it could be seen along with a microwave on the tiled counter. A stove rested in between the counter which had the microwave on it and a bare counter that was next to several more tiled counter's. A white fridge was able to be seen next to the wall close to the archway of the entry hall.

Riker smiled calmly to Whaylin as he looked at her passionately, the sun was slowly starting to move down from it's place high in the afternoon sky towards the horizon slowly. casting a long, orange shadow across the ground and houses. Whayslin blinked as she streatched, she soon walked intothe living room where leather furniture was able to be seen. a flat panel TV could be seen along with a DVD tower besides it, the DVD tower was filled to the brim with movie's of every sort. comedy, horror, action, action/adventure,romance... Riker began to cook an early dinner for himself and Whayslin, she had relaxed on the leather couch in the living room as she spoke calmly.

"Riker, I'm going to go get in the shower... the towels are in the closet still, right?"

"Yeah, the shower has been having a few issues lately due to the line backingup..."

"Alright, thank you sweetie!"

The white Yoshi stood up from the couch and walked down the hallway to the closet, she opened it and took out a blue towel and washrag. Whayslin then walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Riker had finished making their dinner somewhat when there was a knock at the front door, he set the pan down after turning off the stove as well as put the food on two plates. The black yoshi walked to the front door and opened it, there was a Hammer Sister in a black suit. Her body was hidden and nothing could be seen aside from her hair that was protruding from the back of her black

suit. it was a braided pony tail that went down to her ankles, A red color to it.

The Hammer Sister spoke with a cruel tone as she glared at Riker.

"I know it was you and your girlfriend that destroyed all of those clones... we could have won the upcoming war if you hadn't destroyed them!"

"We destroyed them, because of how Foxhound used me... Colnol has become corroupt, he didn't deserve my service under him..."

The Hammer Sister lunged at Riker, only to get her right arm grabbed by the Black Yoshi and snapped. her bone was broken as Riker soon rushed the Hammer Sister out of the house and into the lowering sun. The Hammer Sister grunted a bit as she attempted to move her right arm. she soon realized that it was broken as it brought amazing amount's of pain shooting through her body. Her feet lifted up as she kicked the Black Yoshi off of her body and onto the cool grass.

"We will get back at you, you and your little girlfriend, too!"

The Hammer Sister quickly leapt up onto her feet as she ran down into a dark alley, vanishing. Riker stood up, grunting as he blinked. he rushed back into the house quickly and closed the front door, the shower turned off as he turned on the lights in the living room and kitchen. the sun had loweredfully behind the horizon after several hours passed, Riker and Whayslin had ate and changed into their nightware as they soon climbed underneath the bedcovers. The two Yoshi's fell asleep in one another's arms without a care in the world. even though Riker knew that Hammer Sister would be back for an rematch.

Meanwhile, at Foxhound headquarters... The Hammer Sister and the Colnol were in deep discussion with one another, discussing what had happened.

"S-Sir! I can't do that! I'm not a killer!"

"But you had him... Elaine... You just let him go all because he broke your arm!"

"What would YOU have done... sir?! He was really strong... he could have tornmy arm off if he really wanted!"

"I understand... You may go, Elaine... but don't fail me again..."

Elaine nodded as she got up, her right arm was in a cast as she walked out of the conference room. She walked down the hallway towards the parking structure where her car was. The last thing that anybody in the structure saw of her was the back of her clothes as she vanished into the parking garage...