An introduction to Judaism, Jewish culture, and the Jewish community UNDERSTANDING JUDAISM:


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an introduction to Judaism, Jewish culture, and the Jewish community


OVERVIEW OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Approximately 14 million Jews world-wide (<0.2% of the world population, about 2% of US

population) In Nebraska, approximately 6,000 Jews The Jewish community is ethnically, linguistically

and religiously diverse

One of the oldest world religionsFirst major religion to state that there is one GodBegun by Abraham, considered the father of the Jewish peopleThe Jewish Bible is called the Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures The Tanakh is made up of three parts:

Torah (Five Books of Moses) Prophets Writings


Judaism has changed and evolved through its 3,000 years of existence.

Today, there are 4 major branches or movements within Judaism:

Orthodox JudaismConservative JudaismReform JudaismReconstructionist Judaism

JUDAISM, cont.

God TorahIsrael (both the people Israel and the land of Israel)


Many Jews affiliate with a particular branch of Judaism, but some Jews simply identify themselves as “Jewish” or only identify culturally, rather than religiously, with being Jewish.

Even within each major branch of Judaism, there is a variety in emphasis and practice depending on the local context and culture, and individual choice.



• One God – all powerful, all knowing

• God created the universe and everything in it

• God has definite expectations for all human beings, and especially Jews

How do we know? The Bible

(either written by God or divinely inspired)


Relationship between Humans and God

Examples - rest on Sabbath, observing holidays, rules of kashrut (kosher)

Relationship among Humans

Examples - social justice (giving charity, caring for widows and orphans, the poor), visiting the sick, comforting mourners, rejoicing with brides and grooms on their wedding day

Relationships between Humans and Nature

Examples - respect for animals, awe for natural wonders, imperative to plant trees, special relationship to the land of Israel


• Judaism is focused on life and living. Jews traditionally believe that if they follow God’s ways they will be blessed in this lifetime (health, happiness, prosperity, fertility) and if they do not follow God’s commands they will be cursed in this lifetime (sickness, poverty)

• Judaism believes in an afterlife, but does not dwell on it.

• Each person is obligated to look at the world around them and find a way to make it better.



Any questions before we move on?

Jewish place of worship Communal institution of Jewish life Space where many public activities and life cycle events of

Jewish life take place

Rabbi: trained scholar in Judaica, teacher of Jewish texts and traditions. Rabbis often lead prayer services, though any learned Jew can lead the service.

Cantor/Hazzan: specially trained singer who chants the worship service and leads the musical and vocal parts of the prayers.


“Uniform” of Jewish prayer: Kippah or yarmalka: head-covering (Some Jews wear these all the time) Talit: prayer shawl Tefillin: phylacteries (worn in morning prayers, not used during holidays)


Judaism is a communal religion. A minyan (quorum of ten adults/men) is required to recite certain prayers.

Observant Jews pray three times a day. Most prayers are recited in Hebrew, although in

Reform synagogues, many of the prayers are in English.

WORSHIP, cont.

Part of the 613 commandments in the Torah Dictate the slaughter of animals, preparation

of food, and prohibit certain foods Jews follow these laws to differing degrees

depending on their level of observance Kosher food is often marked with one of the

following symbols:



Separation of meat/poultry from dairy products (when eating, as well as dishes, utensils, etc.)

No pork or shellfish (including by-products, such as lard)

Only meat/poultry that is slaughtered and prepared according to Jewish law

Note: The best way to accommodate Jewish dietary needs is to buy packages goods marked kosher, or mark foods containing meat or dairy, or provide fresh vegetables or fruit (as they are always kosher).

The Jewish (Hebrew) calendar is a luni-solar calendar. 7 days per week 12 months per year (13 in a leap year) 29 or 30 days per month 354 days per year (384 in a leap year)

Jewish days start at sunset and end at sunset, 24 hours later.Because of this - Jewish holidays begin at sunset. Currently the year 5774 in the Hebrew calendar.Use divisions of: B.C.E.= Before Common Era or C.E.=

Common Era when referring to the Gregorian year.


Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, is the most important of all holidays.

Five major holidays: Rosh HaShanah (Jewish New Year)Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)Sukkot (Festival of Booths)Pesach (Passover)Shavuot (Festival of Weeks)


At sunset on Friday night, Jews may welcome the Sabbath by:

Lighting special candles and saying a prayerSaying a prayer over a cup of wine or grape juiceSaying a prayer and eating a braided bread called challah

Attending Shabbat services at the synagogue

These rituals are also used to begin all other major Jewish holidays.


Begins every Friday at sunset and lasts until sunset on Saturday

Day of rest, reflection and rejuvenation Many Jews attend synagogue services and the

Torah is read Labor and work are prohibited

SHABBAT, cont.

The Jewish new year Falls sometime in September or October Two day holiday Begins a solemn 10-day season of self-

examination and self-judgment in the life of a Jew

Jewish people attend synagogue at special services where the shofar (ram’s horn) is sounded.

Traditional to eat challah that has been formed into a circle to symbolize a full year. Also traditional to eat apples or challah dipped in honey to symbolize the hope for a sweet year.


Day of Atonement Ends the 10 days of repentance that began with Rosh

HaShanah Jewish people attend synagogue to pray for

forgiveness from God and from anyone they have wronged

Jews must also ask for forgiveness directly from the people they may have wronged

Jews fast during this solemn holiday and usually mark the end of the fast and holiday with a celebratory meal

Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are known as the “High Holy Days”


OTHER HOLIDAYSSukkot (Festival of Booths – eight days)• Recalls the Jews’ journey through the desert after being freed

from Egyptian slavery, Jews build a sukkah (temporary booth) in which to dwell during the holiday

Pesach (Passover) • Commemorates the Exodus of the Jews from Egyptian slavery into


Shavuot (Festival of Weeks or Pentecost)• Shavuot celebrates the receiving of the Torah and the late

spring/early summer harvest


Hanukah (Festival of Lights, in December) Tu B’Shevat (Jewish Arbor Day, late January or early February) Purim (Festival of Lots, late February or early March) Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day, late April or

May) Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day, late April or May) Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day, late April or May) Tishah B’Av (Commemoration of the Destruction of the

Temple, mid-July to early August)

JEWISH LIFE CYCLE EVENTS Brit Milah (Circumsion) Bar/Bat Mitzvah Marriage Death Commemorating the anniversary of a loved

one’s death

Bar Mitzvah for a boy, Bat Mitzvah for a girl

Rite of passage that Jewish boys and girls perform on their twelfth or thirteenth birthday to mark their transition into adulthood

Usually involves leading a Shabbat prayer service and reading from the Torah



Mezuzah: a decorative container holding parchment inscribed with a passage from the Torah that is affixed at an angle to the right doorpost of a Jewish home. A mezuzah may also be placed on any doorpost in the home except the bathroom.

Tzedakah box: A collection box in Jewish homes that serves as a constant reminder of the need and responsibility to give to charity.


Antisemitism The HolocaustIsrael

ANTISEMITISM Prejudice and/or discrimination against Jews Stereotypes of Jews are still prevalent and need

to be addressed Can be based on hatred against Jews because of

their religious beliefs, their membership (ethnicity) and sometimes on the erroneous belief that Jews are a “race”

THE HOLOCAUST Also known as the “Shoah” Systematic, state-sponsored murder of 6 million Jews

and millions of other people by the Nazis and their collaborators during World War II

Watershed event in Jewish history Important to be sensitive to the fact that members of

the Jewish community may have had relatives who perished in or survived the Holocaust

Some people try to claim the Holocaust never happened, they are called “Holocaust-deniers”

ISRAEL Central to Judaism and Jewish culture for

as long as Judaism has existed Israeli-Palestinian conflict primarily a

political, not religious, conflict Important to consider your sources to

get accurate and balanced information when learning about Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


