Amin 2013 the Urban Condition a Challenge to Social Science



Amin 2013 the Urban Condition a Challenge to Social Science

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  • Public Culture

    Lindsay, Greg. 2010. The battle for control of smart cities. Fast Company, December 16, battle- for- the- soul- of- the- smart- city.

    Massey, Doreen. 2005. Throwntogetherness: The politics of the event of place. In For space, 149 62. London: Sage.

    Taylor, Peter. 2004. World city network: A global urban analysis. London: Routledge.

    UN- Habitat. 2008. State of the worlds cities 2010/2011: Bridging the urban divide. Nairobi: United Nations Human Settlements Programme.

    Valverde, Mariana. 2011. Seeing like a city: The dialectic of modern and pre-modern ways of seeing in urban governance. Law & Society Review 45, no. 2: 277 312. doi:10.1111/j.1540- 5893.2011.00441.x.

    World Bank. 2009. Systems of cities: Harnessing urbanization for growth and poverty alleviation. New York: World Bank.

    Public Culture

    Published by Duke University Press