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Alternative Energy

Solar Power• The heat from the sun can be used to heat water for use in pools and stoves.• Solar power can also be used to make electricity.• In California's Mojave Desert, there are huge rows of solar mirrors that are used to power 350,000 homes.• Solar cells are devices that can use sunlight directly to make electricity.

Advantages Disadvantages- renewable - cheap- no pollution

- expensive equipment- no energy on cloudy or rainy days

How it's made: solar panels

Wind Power• Wind can be used to spin turbines and create electricity.• Windy areas in California such as places near San Francisco, Palm Springs and Bakersfield use wind turbines to power their homes and schools. • The turbines produce 300 kilowatts of energy each hour.

Advantages Disadvantages- renewable- no pollution- cheap

- need constant wind- unreliable- can harm birds- eyesore

Water Power• Wheels, or turbines, inside of water dams are turned by flowing water to make electricity. • In California, about 15% of all electricity comes from hydroelectric power.

Advantages Disadvantages- renewable - no pollution

- destroy river habitats- increase erosion- dam failure causes floods

Nuclear Power• In Nuclear power plants Uranium atoms are split apart, giving off a lot of heat energy which boils water and makes steam. This is used to turn a wheel to generate electricity.

Advantages Disadvantages- a little makesa lot of energy- no air pollution

- nonrenewable- produces radioactive material- uses lots of energy

Geothermal Energy• The heat of the earth boils underground water, making steam.• The steam is used to make electricity in a geothermal power plant.• In California, there are 14 areas using geothermal energy to make electricity.

Advantages Disadvantages- low cost- no fuel needed- renewable- does not harm environment

- high cost to install- only in certain areas- might release harmful gasesunderground

Biomass• Biomass is organic material such as dead trees, branches, yard clippings, left-over crops, food scraps, wood chips, bark, sawdust and manure.• Biomass decomposes and produces methane which can be burned for fuel.• The compost can also be used as fertilizer to plant new plants and this will help take carbon dioxide out of the air.

Advantages Disadvantages- reuses garbage- available everywhere

- pollutes air if biomass is burned- expensive

Methane Capture• Methane can be captured from landfills and burned to produce electricity, heat buildings and power garbage trucks.• Capturing methane before it gets to the atmosphere helps reduce the effects of climate change.

Green Transportation• California is the third largest user of gasoline in the world!• Fuel efficient cars: use less gas to travel same distance. less gas = less CO2

• Alternative fuel vehicles: runs on fuels other than gas such as natural gas or hydrogen.• Flexible fuel vehicles: can run on gas but also on ethanol (fuel made from corn)• Electric vehicles: uses an electric motor instead of a gas engine. No direct emissions!• Hybrid vehicles: uses gas and electricity. less gas = less CO2

How to be more fuel efficient

• Avoid aggressive driving and hard braking• Drive at a constant speed - cruise control• Avoid idling• Make sure tires are properly inflated• Don't use air conditioner• Change oil regularly• Tighten gas cap• Park in shade• Drive less!• Don't buy a black car

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Energy Efficient Buildings

Energy Efficient Buildings

Brain pop: energy sources,0,4523042.story

Bill nye : energy

1. Your book has 8 pages: you need a title page and the rest of the pages must be about a different type of alternative energy

2. Each section must have a picture and a blurb of information about the type of alternative energy.

Alternative Energy Book
