


Portfolio Highlights

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Alex Moisi

Portfolio Highlights

Freestyle Marketing

Assignment: Generate a self-promo post card

The card follows the company branding ideals in regards to colors and layout, featuring the company logo in prominent positions where it will have the most exposure.

The original message, highlighting the companies unique identity encourages continued communication.

Was met with positive reactions, more than 50% of the card recipients scheduling a meeting.

Freestyle Marketing

Assignment: Create a design for a self-promo M&M package

The purpose of the package was to highlight the “fresh” identity of the company using a color scheme limited togreen, orange and yellow.

The package was extremely successful, being used in a nation wide marketing campaign.

City Flowers

Assignment: Create a unique visual identity for an on-line jewelry store

The visual brand had to be focused on the store ‘s target group of young, urban women and was reflected in on-line ad campaigns as well as product packaging and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The marketing campaigns increased sales and generated a network of loyal customers around the virtual store, bringing more than 100 daily unique page views.

Assignment: Design a short story website

The purpose of the website was to highlight serialized short stories, andbuild on a community of daily readers . the website was built on a modified Wordpress theme and was designedto be easy to read and navigate.

A youthful/ frank tone was given to the site, through the original graphics as well as the news updates.

The site covered it’s cost within two months of launching and became profitable after three months.

Demand Media

Assignment: Generate a comedy page around the Twilightmovement

The page used original graphics and text highly targeted towards the New Moon movie.

Received almost 400,000 views within a few weeks of going live and was met with enthusiasmby both the movie community and outsiders.