Albinism scrapbook


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By: Falgune Dusara

Albinism is prejudice or discrimination is against or disregard of the needs of disabled people.

 What is definition of Albinism?

Ableism is a form of discrimination  in which are shown to people who appear able-bodied. many definitions rely on ideas like “normal” people as opposed to those who are “abnormal” .Some disabled activists even dislike the term “albinism,” preferring to use “disables,” which enforces the idea that this form of discrimination involves the targeting of people with obvious physical or mental disabilities.

What is definition of Albinism?Cont.

Ableism is discrimination against people with disabilities, including the expression of hate for people with disabilities, denial of accessibility, rejection of disabled applicants for housing and jobs, institutionalized discrimination in the form of benefits systems designed to keep people with disabilities in poverty and many more.

Define the action of discrimination Albinism?

Society without obvious physical or mental disabilities might not even think about their ableism attitudes and the ableism structure of their society. For example, people with use of their legs may not consider how difficult navigation can be in a wheelchair. Ableism also penetrates language and society; uses terms like “weak,” “lame,” and “retarded” are all ablest, and widely used, even by people who are sensitive to other forms of discrimination.

Define the action of discrimination Albinism? Cont.

Albinism can make it hard for someone to get a job, force students out of some universities and colleges, create social barriers, and make basic life tasks very frustrating, especially for disabled individuals who want to live independent, active lifestyles. This form of discrimination also highlights the difference between people with obvious physical disabilities and people with hidden disabilities, like medical conditions which cause chronic ill-health without an outward manifestation of disability.

Define the action of discrimination Albinism? Cont.

The disabled often experience issues with the following:   Equity and Human Rights Health and Unmet Needs Leaving Institutions and Hospitals and transitioning into the Community In-Home Care

Source: Canadian research network for care in the community. (n.d). Diversity:

Disability Issues in Home and Community Care. Retrieved from

Define the action of discrimination Albinism?


During 1200-1700s: people admit people who have disability are posed by evil and witches sprits, they get killed because they are sinful to live in this world.

Did you Know ?

4.4 million Canadians (14.3%) reported having a disability in 2006. The percentage of Canadians with disabilities increased with age, ranging from 3.7% for children 14 years and under to 56.3% for those 75 years and over.

In 2006, a greater proportion of females (15.2%) reported a disability than males (13.4%). This does not hold for all age groups. A greater proportion of males aged 0 to 14 (4.6%) were reported having a disability than females in the same age

Lack of mobility, pain, and reduced agility were the three most reported disabilities among adults aged 15 and over. Adults were most likely to report some limitations due to pain (11.7%) followed closely by a mobility disability (11.5%), and agility (11.1%). Women reported more of these types of disabilities than men (13.4% mobility, 13.3% pain, and 12.4% agility for women versus 9.5%, 10.0%, and 9.7% for men).

Among school-aged children (aged 5 to 14) with a disability, learning disabilities was the most common disability for boys (72.7%), whereas chronic health conditions was the most common type for girls (65.0%).

Retrieved: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada


Autism Chronic Illness Hearing loss/ Deafness Intellectual disability  Learning Disabilities Memory Loss / Alzheimer Mental illness  Physical Disabilities Speech and Language Disorders Vision Loss and Blindness

Retrieved : General List of Disabilities

List of Disability that

is most commons:

This form of oppression looks like at the individual client who having disability and suffering mental or physical issue. The client who has disability need take care of their health. There is oppression when it is comes disability person don’t get along with family or have lack of love from their family. People who have disability may face issue where they couldn’t able to do any task like normal people. For example, deaf woman can’t hear and aren’t able to talk much surround with people. I have experience when I get hard time getting along with my family. Sometime family doesn’t know how to act and treat disability like as normal people. It hard for them learn to adapt with disability people. Things don’t turn right unless if you working with them one at time. For example my mom compares my brother and me because my brother drives when he was 20 year olds. I am 20 year olds now but I don’t want to drive because I am scared I may not hear properly for the sounds while driving. She forces me to drives and saying my brother is more responsible and smart. Every time I always kept thinking myself I am consider myself dumb and sometime parent don’t understand where I am going through in phrase. My mother decided to teach me slowly one steps at time by getting test for my driving license. A Year later I decided to take driving class because I felt comfortable to drive. I was nervous to drive and my mom taught me to breathe and focus on the road. She was patient enough than last year. In conclusion, Social work must use their practice as micro level by engaging clients who have disability while dealing working teamwork as client or supportive guidance and must take care of client health.


Micro Level

This form of oppression look like at the organizational level is Social Circle, Neighbors, community Involvement such as volunteer or job, School/ Post-Secondary School and Financial Aids. Disability people may face many oppression such being bullied by their peers or social circle. It is hard for disability people for not getting respect from other people because the society thinks they aren’t normal people. Neighbors can be hard time to complain about disability people making noise in the street. They are often discriminate disability people should go in mental hospital especially people who have autism. I think it hard for the society accept the facts disability are not normal people and some people may have ability to think that disability people can give everyone smile , laugh , love and they are special people. Sometime people think the disability people are in special needs, think about what special needs means. Special needs are meant for a person who needs love, comforts and supportive care. Disability people have major oppression was getting their community involvement because disability people are often don’t get job or volunteer because of their health issue. They are discriminate because they aren’t able do their work properly fast or act professional. Many disability people are often having hard time to get money so they can earn to live and save money for their house, foods and medical reason. Another oppression the disability faces in school was properly most difficult task to learn or teach. It is hard for them to struggles every day because disability people can’t learn so much into their minds and they often get challenge to think critical ability and they are often fail in class. People who have disability need accommodation to make it are meeting their specific needs at school. They often need more help and have helping teacher assistance. They need vocational learning than after taking academic. Some disability have goals to reach in their career or something in life to achieve, they felt like it is so hard for them followed the academic standard like normal people can do. It is has oppression into that situation. Final oppression that disability faces is financial aids, disability have to face for not having jobs and it is difficult for them not have much money to earn. They often have money matter to pay rental house, bills, and medicine. In conclusion , Social work have to engage with clients who having oppression while dealing social circle, neighbors, community involvement, school and financial aids.

Mezzo Level

This form of oppression look like at the level of policy is federal government, health care law, benefits and school head department. Disability people often have money to earn living so they have benefits and the money from the government. Disability doesn’t have to often come into job and may not have jobs because of their health reason. There are many benefits for disability people can apply is Canada Pension Plan, Disability Benefits, Benefits for your Children, grant for student with people disability, and Grant for Services and Equipment. Even though, the health insurance should be cover by their medical health laws. The disability needs care for their health. They must have health card and access free medical care for their needs. Final if the student who are facing difficultly by mental or physical issue for an education must have talk with school head department to talk about the child education have to deal or find solution to change the learning process and may have to transfer special school or classroom. It is difficult for albinism to deal in school because they need special class which is vocational program. They will learn basic applied topic then if the students want to go further in studies and they can move into academic program like people who don’t have disability can do. In conclusion, Social work must use practice to understand the macro level to engage their clients by knowing the government laws and benefits, health care laws and school head department. Disability people faces many challenge everyday struggle their learning process, getting bully and not finding career for themselves.

Macro Levels

  My vision is being an ally to help people who have dealt difficulties with disability. My

dream was to work with disability and I have major passion for this career. I want to help them out every each ways. I don’t want them to be discriminate and they will have their self-esteem low. I want them standing rising and higher just like me because I am disability too. I want them to cherish their life moments when they can remember their social peers, school education and experience in job. I want them to face in reality. Many disabilities are afraid to go out to make something out in their life because the society is blamed for making fun at them considering not “normal people”. My goals are to have is speak out for action , protest if may need , gather more information and research to file a court and have to change the governments laws if it required, gather people who can help us by signing up in petitions and getting into social media and news channel. I have learned in social justice class that people need to speak less and listen more. We need to stand out and make a change for ablest.


Being an Ally

