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Dear AAAS and Sigma Xi Members and Friends,Journey with us June 2-9, 2007 to Southeast Alaska, a land of humpback whales, soaring bald eagles, thundering glaciers, pristine islands

and dramatic fjords. As we explore Alaska’s majestic Inside Passage, we’ll walk among magnificent spruce forests, explore the picturesque

coves of Baranof Island, view up-close the spectacular waterfalls and sheer granite walls of Tracy Arm fjord, and see local communities

indelibly linked to the history of this region. Experience firsthand the Alaska most people bypass when they travel on large cruise ships.

Plus, traveling now provides even greater rewards: take advantage of our round-trip complimentary airfare between Seattle and Alaska.

Aboard the comfortable, 62-guest expedition ship, Sea Bird, we’ll experience the freedom that only a small ship can provide — the freedom

to be flexible, permitting us to follow a pod of humpback or orca whales or to go ashore and examine the flora of a particular cove. From the

unique vantage of sea kayaks and motorized Zodiac landing craft, you’ll observe Alaska up close and land to explore remote islands.

The Sea Bird is equipped to bring the underwater realm to you in a fascinating, close up way. The hydrophone will be lowered into the water

to allow us to hear live vocalizations of whales. The video microscope will transmit microscopic images to monitors in the ship’s lounge and

allow us to view an otherwise largely unnoticed world.

You’ll be in good company with a group of like-minded travelers interested in adventure and discovery and accompanied by a team of

dedicated Naturalists who tell you about the wildlife, plants, native cultures and history of this region. They’ll answer your questions and

help you make the most of your journey. And you’ll travel informally. A good pair of walking shoes, binoculars, a camera and a sense

of spontaneity and fun are the basic gear you’ll need.

Search for whales, bears, sea lions, otters and puffins in a place where eagles outnumber people and where

no two days will be alike. You’ll come away refreshed and renewed, and with a much deeper understanding of

the great land that is Alaska. To make your reservation, please call toll free at 800-252-4910 or return the

reservation form on page 15. I hope you will join us!


“ The wide ceaseless sweep of a live glacier down the side of a great mountain and out into the sea holds a more compelling suggestion of power than any other action of nature.” — Ella Higginson, Alaska, The Great Country

Margaret M. Betchart

President, Betchart Expeditions, Inc.

For AAAS Travels and Sigma Xi Expeditions

P.S. To extend your exploration to Anchorage, the Kenai Peninsula, and Denali National Park,

please consider joining our optional extension June 9-16, 2007 (see page 10 for details).

Not a theme park, Alaska is America’s greatest wilderness & we’ll explore its pristine niches.

Not a theme park, Alaska is America’s greatest wilderness & we’ll explore its pristine niches.

With the tonic of its wildness and beauty, and the richness of its fisheries and other

resources, Alaska continues to reward us. In Tracy Arm, where waterfalls cascade

from high, glacially carved walls, we see the dramatic effects of glaciers. And later in

Glacier Bay, a body of water nearly seventy miles long, and ten miles wide in places, we’ll learn

even more about their inexorable earth-moving. Reid, Johns Hopkins, Margerie, Lamplugh: the

highly dynamic glaciers we’ll explore are a veritable Who’s Who. We’ll examine their tidewater

faces. Learn how they advance and retreat. Watch spectacular calvings complete with thunderous

audio effects. And, conditions permitting, we’ll also observe these seemingly motionless ice rivers

from the sky — your Expedition Leader can arrange optional flightseeing for you.

Observe groups of whales. See spouting, blowing and spectacular breaching. Eavesdrop via our ship’s hydrophone.

In Frederick Sound or Chatham Strait. In the waters just off Point Adolphus or near Chichagof Island. It

can happen in any or all of these places, (and usually not by accident — our Captain and expedition staff

have unerring instincts for whale-finding). We strike the expedition version of gold — a group of hump-

backs or orca settling in to feed, right off our port or starboard bow. Suddenly everyone who’s been standing

silently at the deck rails, drunk on beauty like bees on honey, is galvanized. Photographers hoist their cam-

eras. Guests not on deck come flying up. And everyone gasps in chorus — as one gravity-defying breach after

another, like a barrage of July 4th fireworks, fills the air with spangled spray. And while we’re watching, one

of our Naturalists lowers the hydrophone, and soon the air fills with the strange, appealing sounds of the

whales calling to each other. What are they communicating? And how do their communications connect to the

behavior we can observe from our front-row seats on deck? Our Naturalists are there with us and often there’s

a visiting field scientist on deck, too. They answer our questions and help us understand more of the remark-

able behavior we can so clearly see.

Observe groups of whales. See spouting, blowing and spectacular breaching. Eavesdrop via our ship’s hydrophone.

Navigate around bergs and slip into dramatic coves. Get up close and personal to wildness.

Our approach to travel is one of discovery. We have little interest in

just cruising past the sights and creatures of this world: We want

to give you the time and the ability to experience beauty and wild-

ness up close. Our bow camera, video microscope and hydrophone aid us in

discovering the worlds within our world. And so do our kayaks. We’re proud

to have pioneered kayaking from expedition ships in Antarctica and the

Arctic. And pleased that our sturdy kayaks will give you the opportunity to

encounter Alaska more intimately: have an eye-level view of an iceberg, hear

the sounds of wildness, or savor a rare silence. Best of all, you can count on

being able to do it. People of every skill and fitness level can kayak instantly.

So look forward to experiencing this personal adventure.


Our flight from Seattle to Juneau provides a sce-

nic overview of Alaska’s fjords and waterways. A

visit to the Alaska State Museum introduces us to

this “frontier” land before embarkation. (D)


We enter Tracy Arm, a spectacular 22-mile-long

fjord, with many waterfalls cascading from its

high, glacially carved walls. As we maneuver

among large icebergs, we keep an eye on the

shoreline, where we sometimes find black bears

feeding, and on the steep granite cliffs high above

where mountain goats may be spotted. (B,L,D)


Today we’ll head in to the small town of Peters-

burg on Mitkof Island; our nimble ship slipping

into the small harbor bustling with fishing

activity and boats of all kinds — trawlers, purse

seiners, gill-netters and more. A town of 3,500,

Petersburg was founded more than 100 years ago

by rugged Norwegian fishermen, and their heri-

tage remains as the town continues to derive its

identity, as well as its income, from fishing.

Walking the streets of friendly Petersburg pro-

vides some insight into the character of a true

Alaskan town — isolated, with an obvious spirit of

community and self-sufficiency. Flightseeing is an

option here. (B,L,D)


These waters are prime areas for both killer

whales and humpback whales — it’s not uncom-

mon to see groups of up to 30 at a time. With

luck we’ll get to observe fascinating behavior —

breaching, tail-slapping and variations on feeding

— as we fill the deck, delighting in their activities

and listening to the play-by-play from our expert

naturalists, while our skilled Captain and crew

keep us in perfect proximity. We may also see sea

lions hauled out and dozing. Once ashore, we’ll

have the opportunity to walk along a quiet forest

trail, accompanied by our naturalists. The still wa-

ters are excellent for kayaking, offering another

option for appreciating this area close up. (B,L,D)




Glacier Bay N.P.


Frederick Sound

Admiralty Is.

Point Adolphus

JuneauTracy Arm



We spend the entire day in magnificent Glacier

Bay, where we see enormous glaciers that flow

from the ice fields far above. Some of these end

abruptly at the water’s edge, and we watch and

hear them calving as tons of ice crash into the sea.

Watch for humpback and orca whales known to

frequent these waters. (B,L,D)


Cruise to Inian Pass, where playful sea otters

reside, and hike, kayak and search for whales near

Point Adolphus, a feeding area for humpbacks.

Keep watch on deck and you may find yourself

rushing to the bow as a group of whales begins

feeding nearby. (B,L,D)


Today is a day with the luxury of no specific plan.

We may stop at an isolated beach to hike a forest

trail, beachcomb, tidepool or explore island coast-

lines by kayak or Zodiac — all in an area with the

world’s highest density of nesting bald eagles.



Sitka’s strong Russian heritage is readily appar-

ent as you visit St. Michael’s Russian Orthodox

Church with its onion domes. Gaze up at the

grand totem poles that line the wooded trails

through Sitka National Historic Park and, at the

Raptor Rehabilitation Center, come face-to-face

with bald eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. Later

travel to the airport for flight to Seattle. (B)

Note: Lindblad Expeditions is authorized to operate

in the Tongass National Forest under a Forest Service

special use permit, enabling us to take you hiking and

kayaking at wild and remote areas of Southeast Alaska

that are otherwise off limits.








Only in Alaska can the magnificence of nature and

wildlife be experienced in so grand a setting.

Alaska’s rich coastal waters are a mecca for

marine life from unicellular plants to the larg-

est whales. On this extension, we will become

acquainted with Alaska’s natural treasures in

Seward and Kenai Fjords National Park, plus

Alaska’s premiere national park — Denali, topped

by 20,320 foot Mt. McKinley. Denali offers sweep-

ing landscapes of tundra and taiga forest framed

by the snowy Alaskan Range. Look for a profu-

sion of wildflowers, grizzly bears, caribou, moose,

Dall’s sheep, red fox, golden eagles, and nesting

birds. Join us and discover grand landscapes,

Alaskan wildlife, and the rich heritage of Alaska’s

native peoples.

Day 1: Sitka to Anchorage

Fly Sitka to Anchorage. Transfer to the Sheraton

Hotel. Welcome dinner. (D)

Day �: Anchorage to Seward

Morning visit to the Anchorage Museum of His-

tory and Art, a treasure trove of art of the North,

Alaska history, and archaeology. Afternoon drive

to the Kenai Peninsula and the fishing community



Mt. McKinley

Denali National Park and Preserve





of Seward, named after Secretary of State Wil-

liam Seward, who was instrumental in purchasing

Alaska from Russia in 1867. Seward Windsong

Lodge (2 nights). (B,D)

Days 3: kenai Fjords National Park

Board a cabin cruiser to explore magnificent

Kenai Fjords National Park. Thundering tidewa-

ter glaciers radiate from the Harding Ice Field.

Listen for the sounds of whales in the distance

and birds overhead as we slowly approach islands

that provide safe nesting habitat for thousands

of nesting puffins, kittiwakes, cormorants, and

gulls. Be on the look out for auks, sea lions, and

sea otters. Return to Seward and visit the new

SeaLife aquarium. (B,L)

Day �: Alaska Native heritage center and Talkeetna

Drive north from Seward to Anchorage and visit

the new Alaska Native Heritage Center. Enjoy

native artisans carving in wood, stone, ivory

and making traditional clothing decorated with

local stones, shells, and bones. See dance perfor-

mances, reconstructed village sites, native boat

building, and interpretive exhibits. In the after-

noon drive along the Susitna River and Talkeetna

Range to Talkeetna Alaska Lodge. Optional flight-

seeing, weather permitting. (B)

Day �, �: Denali National Park

For the next two days, stay in the heart of the

park and explore magnificent Denali National

Park. Look for grizzly bears and cubs, caribou,

moose, Dall sheep, and with luck - wolves. June

is the wildflower month and when not looking

for mammals we can photograph colorful flowers

amongst the tundra. Kantishna Roadhouse (2

nights). (B,D/B,L,D)

Day 7: Denali National Park to Anchorage

Drive through the park for our return journey to

Anchorage. Enjoy a farewell dinner in celebration

of Alaska. Millennium Alaska Hotel. (B,L,D)

Day �: Anchorage to home

Morning airport transfer for flights home. (B)

cOST PEr PErSON Double Occupancy: $3,��0, Sole Occupancy: $�,��� Subject to change.

cost Includes: All accommodations; meals indicated; guided activities; luggage handling and group transfers.

Not Included: Air transportation from Sitka to Anchorage with return Anchorage to Seattle; two lunches and two dinners; personal items; gratuities to guides.

O ur twin expedition ships, Sea Lion and

Sea Bird, can reach places inaccessible

to larger ships, yet each comfortably

accommodates 62 guests in 31 outside cabins. The

feeling, we’re told, is often compared to that of a

large private yacht, with everyone integral to the


Accessibility means freedom. This means

that we spend our time in Alaska feeling that it’s

all ours. Only visits to resolutely Alaskan towns

like Petersburg remind us that civilized (and

charming) life exists here, too. And while whale

watching is synonymous with Alaska, it is by no

means the only unforgettable experience in store

for us. Thanks to our fleet of Zodiacs and a brace of

sturdy kayaks, with a moment’s notice we can be off

the ship and out exploring — prowling around just-

calved bergs and ice floes dotted with harbor seals.

We can land on picturesque beaches to launch our

kayaks or hike into the forest.

During your time with us, our expedi-

tion staff likes nothing better than to surprise and

delight you by pointing the bow of the ship into a

cascading waterfall or into an alluring cove. Our

seasoned crew consists of expert Zodiac drivers and

considerate service providers. Their energy, enthusi-

asm and field expertise are sure to enhance your ex-

perience. This is what expedition travel is all about:

not just seeing wildness, but being out there, in it.

Everyone gets a front-row seat of the daily adventure show aboard Sea Lion and Sea Bird.


To enhance your experience aboard Sea Bird and Sea Lion,

we offer a series of wellness services. Wake up with an

energizing Botanical Massage or join a long, aerobic hike.

Restore balance to your body, mind and spirit in one of

nature’s beautiful places.


The Sea Bird and Sea Lion’s small size allows for incredible maneuverability; the bow is the perfect viewing

spot, whether through the lens of the binocular or camera. Naturalists are always there to help spot & identify

wildlife. Our open seating and casual approach to the onboard dining experience makes it easy to pull up a

chair, meet and mingle with fellow guests.


Category 1: Main Deck (#300-305) $4,840 Sole Occupancy $7,260

Conveniently positioned between the dining room & lounge, these cabins feature two single lower beds, a writing desk and a large view window.

Category 2: Upper Deck (#200-212, 215) Bridge Deck (#100-104) $5,270 Sole Occupancy $7,890

These well-located cabins include two lower single beds & a view window.

Category 3: Upper Deck (#214, 216, 217, 219) Bridge Deck (#105, 106) $5,990

These cabins feature a seating unit with table and two large view windows. Upper Deck cabins include two lower single beds which can convert to a double bed and a pull-out single bed for a third person. Bridge Deck cabins include two lower single beds only.

Note: Sole Occupancy cabins are available in Categories 1 and 2 only. Third person rates are available in certain categories at one half the double occupancy rate.

Shares: If you wish to share accommodations, we will be glad to make arrangements at the double occupancy rate in Category 1 and 2 only.

Costs are Per Person Double Occupancy unless otherwise noted.

The Sea Lion, built in 1982, and Sea Bird, built in 1981, and refurbished in 2005, are

of U.S. registry and comply fully with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. Gross Tonnage: 99;

Overall Length: 152 feet; Draft: 8 feet; Cruising Speed: 12 knots.


105 103



102 100 SUN DECK





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Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks.©2006 Lindblad Expeditions,Inc.

All of our expeditions set out with a generous complement of Naturalists aboard, under the

direction of an experienced Expedition Leader (EL). Our most senior ELs have led many

Alaskan expeditions. They and their handpicked teams of Naturalists know the terrain and

share its secrets with you, including specific landfalls that few, if any, passengers on any cruise ship

will ever see. You travel with and learn from a team of geologists, zoologists, marine biologists and

botanists, who are among the best in their field. Each team also includes people who are specially

trained in sharing their knowledge with young people of all ages. The caliber of our Naturalists has

earned us many accolades. And whether you linger on a trail with a Naturalist who can establish

the link between the Amanita muscaria mushroom and Santa Claus, or participate in a debate over

whether biology or geology is more central to understanding life, we think you’ll find our staff

highly engaging. And that you’ll be pleased by how deeply our team respects the environment. We

are committed to conservation and protection, and it shows — in our deeds, as well words. To find

out whose company you’ll be sharing on your expedition, just go to for a team

roster of bios and more.

You’ll experience Alaska with one of the most passionate and expert Expedition Teams we have assembled.





O ur mid-morning

feast was of the

sensory kind, the excite-

ment almost exhausting.

Humpback whales were

introduced to us quite

like the characters in a drama. First there were the

tall and hanging blows, a signal that they were there,

appearing at the surface. The dark and lumpy rostrums

pushed the water forward as if to make room for the

back and following dorsal fin. Two, three, now eight,

then sixteen or more individuals paraded past present-

ing their patterned flukes for identification. Knowing

who the performers were was only preparation for what

was to follow for their behavior changed from individual

pursuits to social cooperative feeding. A hydrophone

eavesdropped in on their “conversations.” We soon

learned the language and were able to predict when to

watch for bubbles and dancing fish trying to fly from

charging leviathan maws. The climax, an eruption of

scrambled body parts that rapidly became individuals

once again busily straining schooling herring from

sea water soup. Over and over for hours the action

continued until our stomachs drew us away again.

— Karen Copeland, Natural History Staff

Daily Expedition Report

Sea Bird in Alaska July 10, 2006


TERmS AND CONDITIONS VOyAGE COSTS INCLUDE: Accommodations aboard ship, air trans-portation, meals indicated, all shore excursions and sightsee-ing, use of kayaks, entrance fees, group transfers as indicated in itinerary, tips (except to ship’s crew), taxes and service charges, services of Lindblad Expeditions’ natural history staff.

NOT INCLUDED: Optional extension, flightseeing, individual transfers, baggage/accident/travel protection plan, items of a personal nature. Gratuities to ship’s crew at your discretion.

NOTE: A complete packet of pre-departure information, includ-ing recommended reading list and suggestions on what to bring, will be sent to you after your reservation is confirmed.

RESERVATIONS: To confirm your place, an advance payment of US $�,000 per person is payable by check.

FINAL PAymENT: Due 90 days prior to departure.

TRAVEL PROTECTION PLAN: A Travel Protection Plan is available at extra cost. Upon receiving your reservation, we will send you information on this policy. This comprehensive guest protection plan covers trip cancellation for medical reasons; trip delay; medical expenses; accidental death; lost baggage; and medical evacuation.

SmOKING POLICy: Allowed only in designated outdoor areas.

RESPONSIBILITy: Certain other provisions concerning, among other things, limitations of the Companies’ liability for loss of property, injury, illness or death during the voyage will be provided to all guests prior to final payment, and to prospec-tive guests upon request.

NOTE: Itinerary and prices are subject to change. The com-pany reserves the right to impose surcharges based on increases in the company’s actual cost of fuel.


Number of Days Prior to Expedition Start Per Person Cancellation Fee

60 days or more Deposit59–30 days 50% of trip cost29–0 days No refund

This policy applies to expeditions and extensions. We strongly recom-mend that you purchase a travel protection plan.



Aboard the Sea Bird Please reserve ______ place(s) on Exploring Alaska, June 2-9, 2007.

Please reserve ______ place(s) on the Exploring Anchorage, the Kenai Peninsula, and Denali National Park Extension, June 9-16, 2007.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________________

Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________State: _________________ Zip: __________________________

Home Phone: _________________________________ Business Phone: _______________________________________

Fax:___________________________________________ E-Mail: ________________________________________________

Accommodations: Double Single Twin share w/friend Twin share (Roommate assigned by Tour Operator.)

Please indicate choice of cabin category in order of preference: 1st choice:__________ 2nd choice:________

Enclosed is my deposit check of $1,000 per person payable to Betchart Expeditions, Inc. Trust Account

I/We have read the Terms and Conditions for this program and agree to them.

Signature(s)_______________________________________________________________Date: ______________________

Membership: AAAS Sigma Xi ACS #979. Trip Extension is arranged by Betchart Expeditions Inc.

(as it appears on passport)

(as it appears on passport)

For Reservations or Information:Carol LarsenAlaska Expedition Betchart Expeditions, Inc.17050 Montebello RoadCupertino, CA 95014Phone: 800-252-4910 or



brINgINg ThE kIDS: Take $500 off the double occupancy rate for each person under 18. All departures include staff who are specially trained and skilled in organizing activities for and inspiring curiosity in young people of all ages.

cOMPLIMENTArY AIrFArE: Take advantage of complimen-tary air fare between Seattle and Juneau, with return from Sitka. Extension Air Fare: If you are joining our Extension, you will receive a credit for the complimentary fare. We will book your air Seattle/Juneau, Sitka/Anchorage, Anchorage to Seattle, and advise you of the fare. We can also book your air from home to Seattle, RT.








Travel + Leisure �00� Small-ship

cruise Lines Award Lindblad

Expeditions is ranked among the

best. Travel + Leisure �00� World’s

best Tour Operators Award ranked

Lindblad Expeditions in the top ten

by readers. Condé Nast Traveler

gold List �00� ranked Lindblad

Expeditions among the best:

“...a 93.9 score for Destinations/

Itineraries, 96.� Service and 89.3

for Activities.”

17050 montebello RoadCupertino, CA 95014
