

Your lost manual on using the super powers you already possess. You can now employ God's Natural Laws to become and obtain your heart's desire.

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Aiming for #1

#1by Kenneth Moore M.S.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious For Success


#1Aiming For #1

Reprogramming Your Subconscious For Success

by Kenneth Moore M.S.

Aiming For #1 2015


#1#1#1The purpose of this Program is to help others achieve their goals by understanding how the mind works.

How many of you remember a TV sitcom called THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO?

It was an American comedy-drama series which aired for three seasons from 1981 to 1983. It was all about a high school special ed. teacher who is given a red suit by outer space aliens that looked more like pajamas than a superhero out�t. Never-the-less it endows the teacher with super powers when he wears it. The problem is the very �rst thing the teacher does is lose the instruction manual about how the suit works… that becomes



#1#1#1the premise of the entire show. This guy clumsily goes about solving problems but since he really doesn't know how to use what he's got… it becomes a comedy of errors.

Now, I was a big fan of the show but that's not why I'm talking about it. I'm using it as a point of reference because each and every one of us is like THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO. We are all endowed with superhuman abilities, but we were never really given the instruction manual on how to use them.

This program… AIMING FOR NUMBER ONE… is your instruction manual. If you read it and learn how to use the innate powers each of us possess. You can achieve whatever goals you desire. You will be able to live the life you want and you will be able to be the person you want to be.

But before you can believe this is all possible… you will need to know why it is possible.


#1#1#1JOIN ME AS WE AIM FOR #1… invite your friends and SHARE and LIKE this on your FaceBook Page. It doesn't cost you anything, but your time and what you are going to get out of it is… PRICELESS!


#1#1#1Did Someone Say GOD?

Ironically, in so many people's minds there exist a gigantic clash between science and spirituality.


#1#1#1Perhaps it is because science is rooted in hardcore provable facts and much of religion is based on faith and believing what can not be seen.

So many self-help programs in the past have gone out of their way to avoid talking about God and, in fact, many either don't mention him at all or they attempt to disguise “the creator of the universe" by calling him something else for fear of offending someone. I'm here to say that if you are an atheist or even an agnostic. You probably aren't going to like a lot of what I am going to say. But bear in mind I am not here to preach to you. I'm not here to proselytize and I am definitely not here to evangelize although I have no problem in doing any of that. I am simply here to say that there are laws in this universe that exist and I simply cannot give them credence without the existence of a supreme being who created the heavens and the earth.

The irony in my mind is that it is impossible to study science without the laws of the universe of


#1#1#1which there are many. The more you study them, the more you become convinced that they are so perfect. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they could not exist simply by accident or without being part of a grander scheme, by an omnipotent creator.

These laws, unlike man-made laws, don't apply just some of the time. They exist ALL of the time. Theses laws don't change from day to day and these laws are in effect regardless of your even being aware of them. You don't have to know how they work… only that they DO WORK… AND THEY DO WORK IN YOUR LIFE EVERYDAY!

Take for instance the Law of Gravity. Hold out a rock with your hand and then let it fall and it will hit the earth every time. Drop a rock out of a ten story building and you know where it is going to end up… every time.

How about the Law of electricity. It wasn't very long ago that Benjamin Franklin flew his kite, but lightning has been around long before mankind.


#1#1#1Do you even know what electricity is and how it works? That's the real beauty of God's Laws… you don't have to know all about them in order to use them. You can have the I.Q. of a tree stump and still benefit from turning on a light. Somebody else already figured out how to make it work for you! All you have to do is follow their instructions. And that's what this manual is all about.


#1#1#1If you ask 100 people what their mind looks like, chances are 95 of them will describe a brain… and they would be wrong. The brain is a part ofthe mind, a component, but it is not the mind.



#1#1#1Much like your radio is a component of a vast network of broadcasting systems sending out and receiving radio signals all over the world but at various frequencies. However, your radio is not the true source of all these radio signals… it is just a receiver. However, your mind is both a receiver and sender… but from where to where?

You don't see these mind signals, but they are out there just like radio signals unseen. The fact is they literally surround us constantly day and night. Just like radio signals. The air is filled with them, but it is not until you dial your radio to a specific frequency that it is able to "tune in". That is when you hear them. That is how your mind is. It works on its' own unique frequency. Sending and receiving one at a time. Sometimes rapidly and at other timesslowly. Otherwise, mental images and thoughts would be so garbled. You wouldn't be able to make heads nor tails out of any of it.

Your brain is an unbelievably complex mechanism. It makes even the most sophisticated computer look


#1#1#1simplistic by comparison. It is composed of neurons and synapses encapsulated in grey matter transferring electrical impulses chemically to various parts of the brain that are responsible for every task within the body. Every person on the face of this earth is literally a living breathing miracle.

You are a miracle of unimaginable proportions created by an omnipotent creator who made you his greatest creation… in his image. And if you are able to deny all of this then denial (pronounced DE NILE) ain't just a river in Egypt.

Now he or she may have begun the process using a primordial pool of chemical ooze but trust me when I say we did not come into being by mere accident any more than when I bake a cake it happened by accident… because it didn't. It takes just the right ingredients… prepared in just the right way… cooked in just the right sequence at the right temperature in the right containers for the correct amount of time to make it all happen. And that's just for a cake. So accident, I think not.



The Free Dictionary on the internet describes the mind as "the part or faculty of a person by which one feels, perceives, thinks, remembers, desires, and imagines." While Wikipedia describes the mind as "the set of cognitive faculties that enables memory, consciousness, perception, thinking and judgement. And last but not least the internet defines the mind as: "the element of a person thatenables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought." A part or faculty of a person, a set of faculties, the element of a person… are all pretty vague and general. So despite the fact that we all have minds, our understanding still remain fairly vague. We know what the mind does to some extent, but not so much what it really is.

Keep in mind (no pun intended)… Gestation for a human being is only nine months starting out with one cell that divides into two cells that divide into four and so on and so forth with certain cells becoming specialized to become fingers and toes and arms and legs and brains… you get the picture.


In ONLY nine months. So, If you aren't a living breathing walking miracle. I don't know what is.

Always know… YOU ARE SPECIAL… so very SPECIAL from the moment of conception.

#1#1Now that we know that we don't really know what the mind is or where it exist.. let's talk about what we do know. We do know the MIND undeniably does EXIST. We do know that each and every one



#1#1#1of us has one. It is a part of the very fabric of our lives and each and every one of us is tapped into it by way of our brains that generate and receive mental images. So what else do we know about the mind?

We also know the mind can be subdivided into two separate parts… the CONSCIOUS and the SUB-CONSCIOUS.

The conscious mind is that part of your mind by which you are aware of everything. Our mind is like a master recorder by which we are constantly receiving input from our five senses. We see; we hear; we smell; we touch and we taste. Our minds process all of the data we experience 24 hours a day; seven days a week and 52 weeks out of the year. That's a lot of information you've stored up over a lifetime of living. All of this in addition to your own personal thoughts are stored away some-where as memory files. Forever stored. Forever accessible. Never lost. Never completely forgotten simply filed away for another day or maybe for



another life. All this data is yours whether you ever recall it or not. It is part of what makes you… YOU!

As you read these words and register their meanings... you form images in your mind and bring basic concepts together. You literally create the reality,your reality in your conscious mind.

If you don’t like your present reality... you can dosomething about it by changing it, but you must first change the reality in your conscious mind.Reprogramming the subconscious is the key toopening up these new possibilities or Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) as it is called by Bandler and Grinder, who developed this methodology. For our purposes it simply is the use of language and images to facilitate behavioral changes. Much in the same way that Ivan Pavlov used auditory signals, bells to produce conditioning in his dogs.The ringing of a bell made them salivate becausebeing fed was paired with ringing a bell. Belief systems can similarly be altered to produce changeswithin the subconscious when used repetitively.


THE SUBCONSCIOUSThe subconscious mind is the most incredible aspect of our very existence.

Just imagine if you would that you ran your own business. And in that business you had the single most perfect employee that ever existed. This employee existed only to serve you… the BOSS.


He or she was never late for work. In fact, they never left work. They were ALWAYS present to do your bidding… no matter what it was. No matter what time it was… NO MATTER if it was good or bad, right or wrong, easy or difficult. This employee could do it all and he or she didn't complain about how much work you gave him or her to do or anything. They just did it without question. Without hesitation. Without judgement. And they did it at no cost to you… that's right, FOR FREE! How great would that be as a boss to have someone devoted to you to do whenever and whatever you told them to do? A silent partner who wanted for you everything that you WANT!

Well… that's your subconscious.

You’re probably saying… ARE YOU SERIOUS! You have got to be KIDDING! Why, if I had someone like that in my employment… I'd be RICH… I'd be SUCCESSFUL, I'd be FAMOUSor whatever I wanted to be! But I'm not any of those things.


REMEMBER The Greatest American Hero… You are THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO and you've lost the manual telling you how your magic suit works. BELIEVE IT OR NOT… YOU can be rich. YOU can be SUCCESSFUL, and YOU can be FAMOUS. You can be whatever you want to be… but you need to use the powers you already possess the right way. The correct way. Not just some of the time. Not by accident but ALL of the time with the intentional purpose to become exactly how YOU WANT TO BE. HOW YOU BELIEVE YOURSELF CAPABLE OF BEING!

Thirty-eight years ago I read an article about an individual who spoke one of the greatest statements ever spoken… at least for me in my life. You askwhat was this gifted book and who was this allknowing sage? Well, the gifted book wasn’t evena book. It was a magazine… the same magazinethat features an annual swimming suit issue, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED and the old wisen sage was EARL CAMPBELL. Probably not your first guess either. Now those of you who even know


who Earl Campbell is, are probably shaking their heads in disbelief… and if you don't know about the "Tyler Rose" you are probably just saying, "WHO?"

Earl Campbell was in my estimation the greatest running back to ever come out of the University of Texas and possibly the greatest running back to ever play professional football in the NFL. That’s right... a jock! Gold is where you find it,and if you are always looking for it you can discover it in a lot of places most people wouldn’t evenbegin to look. Earl played for the Houston Oilers and even though he was fast enough to run around his opponents he was also powerful enough to run over them.

In the Sports Illustrated article, he was being celebrated for having won the Heisman Trophy in 1977. In the article, he was quoted as having said that "the greatest gift his coach Darryl Royal ever gave to him was the knowledge that he would never be any greater than what he believed


himself capable of being... that he could always be less than but never better than his belief in himself!" And despite the crippling effects of his glory days on the gridiron Earl Campbell while now often being confined to a wheelchair has created a successful business Earl Campbell Meat Products which he owns and operates in Austin, Texas to this day.



Let's go back to the perfect employee example. Now you're the BOSS and your subconscious is the employee… just waiting around for you to tell it what to do.



Have you ever wanted to wake up at a certain time in the morning and you thought about it and then lo and behold… you woke up a couple of minutes before the time you had wanted to get up at withoutthe aid of an alarm clock. How'd you do that?

How about knowing somebodies name but not being able to remember it and then suddenly, sometime later the name just comes to you when you weren't even trying to remember it. How'd you do that?

Forget where you put your keys, or your wallet or cell phone… then remember where, when you were thinking about something completely different. How did you do that?

Easy… the same way you'd get an employee to do something is exactly the way you get your sub-conscious to perform… you tell it. It might be with words that you think or images you create. One way or another, you program your subconscious to act on your behalf because it is going to do


whatever you tell it to do. You do it by saying or thinking the words or by mentally picturing the outcome.

Have you ever told yourself that you were going to have a bad day and then were surprised that you were having a really bad day. Remember your subconscious does not distinguish between what is good or bad for you… it just obeys and does exactly what you tell it to do. That poor grade on a test or failed job interview. Yep! You may have wanted to make a good grade or get that perfect job, but if you didn't really believe that you would… you probably didn't. If you didn't prepare and study for it, you've already learned that not doing whatyou were supposed to do isn't going to get you a good grade. Believing one way or the other commands your employee to produce the results you've programmed. REMEMBER: Your sub-conscious does not make a judgment call. It's function is not to think but to do!

So as magical as remembering or waking up using


your internal clock might seem, it really has nothing to do with magic at all. And just as certainly as your subconscious performs its' duties for the small things it also works for the big ones. In fact, it works for everything, every time. Just like gravity.That is why it is so important you use it wisely… to benefit yourself and do no harm! To not sabotageyour efforts to become what you want to be!

I hear people constantly programming their sub-conscious negatively. Sometimes I point it out and I hear… "Well, I really didn't mean it that way!" Hold the presses. REMEMBER: Your subconscious does not distinguish between your joking around OR your being dead serious. When you give it a program like "I'm so dumb… or I can't get anything right". It goes immediately into action to do exactly what you have instructed it to do… that is to be dumb or to not get anything right. It doesn't matter if you were joking or being serious to your employee. It will do whatever you tell it to do. So be careful with your thoughts and the words of your mouth.


Even the Bible talks about "being ensnared by the words of your mouth". We do it all the time. In fact, we do it all day long… each and every day and just as certainly as you wake up without using an alarm clock or remember something you thought you had forgotten… BELIEVE IT OR NOTyou program yourself for success OR failure!


When you tell your subconscious to do something… you are basically programming it to act or behave in a certain way to get specific results. As I have



already mentioned, it doesn't really matter whether the end goals or good or bad because the sub-conscious does not make judgment calls. It simply does what it is told.

Repetition is one way that we strengthen subconscious programming and, in this case, it may even mean subconscious reprogramming. That is when we change the direction of previous programs we have already directed our subconscious to achieve. Instructing your subconscious to do one thing is good and once is all this dutiful employee requires. However, if that same program is repeated over and over and over again… it logically becomes strengthened with each and every command. So it is very important that you make the repetition of subconscious programming a habit. But remember every time you put an order in for the opposite results… that program negates the previous command. You may have thought to yourself a thousand times that "I am so stupid!" and for the duration of the time, you think that your subconscious is going to put that program into motion to prove that you really

are, "so stupid". The more times you think that or even just believe it, the stronger that programming becomes. But think just once that, "Hey, I'm really not stupid… I'm really smart!" and your subconscious has been reprogrammed to produce results that verify the new program.

It's called, "SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY". When you believe something is going to happen it usually does… because you have programmed your subconscious to achieve those results. And keep in mind your subconscious is so much larger and so much more powerful than your conscious mind that when and if the two were to square off against each other there simply is no contest. The subconscious will defeat the conscious mind every time. Not occasionally or just some of the time, but every time. One hundred percent of the time. All the time.

Perhaps now you can see how important the messages are that we received as children. Messages from parents. Messages by siblings. Messages by teachers and grandparents and virtually everybody who was bigger than we were. Even messages from total strangers. If you heard things like "he or she's so stupid, or fat or ugly or smart, and talented or pretty or handsome" those programs even when simply implied seep into the subconscious… if we believed them or even gave them an inkling of possibility. We become what we believe ourselves to be perceived as.

The more we heard the same programming, the stronger those programs became and the more we believed them to be true because of "self-fulfilling prophecy". Our subconscious was working hard to make them true. Gestalt psychology gives us a term called the "tabula rasa" meaning the empty slate. It refers to our minds at birth being empty or clean but like Benjamin Franklin said "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." Old Ben was right in a clever sort of way but like an empty vessel our minds are constantly being filled with truths, half-lies and out and out falsehoods. As small children, older people know more than we do and they are all so much bigger than we are. There is a general tendency to believe what older, bigger and smarter people tell us about life and ourselves. Children haven't figured it out that being smarter than a child doesn't require a genius I.Q. and that as adults these bigger smarter people may have entire sets of problems that cloud their actions and messages. Children simply don't understand those dynamics… but isn't it great we don't stay children FOREVER!


are, "so stupid". The more times you think that or even just believe it, the stronger that program-ming becomes. But think just once that, "Hey, I'm really not stupid… I'm really smart!" and your subconscious has been reprogrammed to produce results that verify the new program.

It's called, "SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY". When you believe something is going to happen it usually does… because you make it happen. You program your subconscious to achieve those results. And keep in mind your subconscious is so much larger and so much more powerful than your conscious mind that when and if the two were to square off against each other there simply is no contest. The subconscious will defeat the conscious mind every time. Not occasionally or just some of the time, but every time. One hundred percent of the time. All the time. Every time.

Perhaps, now you can see how important the messages are that we received as children. Messages from parents. Messages by siblings. Messages by teachers


and grandparents and virtually everybody who was bigger than we were. Even messages from total strangers. If you heard things like "he or she's so stupid, or fat or ugly or smart, and talented or pretty or handsome" those programs even when simply implied seep into the subconscious… if we believed them or even gave them an inkling of possibility. We become what we believe ourselves to be perceived as. We began to see ourselves throughother peoples eyes. Not knowing or even caring what baggage they were carrying around aboutthemselves.

The more we heard the same programming, the stronger those programs became and the more we believed them to be true because of "self-fulfilling prophecy". Our subconscious was working hard to make them true.

Gestalt psychology gives us a term called the "tabula rasa" meaning the empty slate. It refers to our minds at birth being empty or clean but like Benjamin Franklin said "We are all born ignorant, but one


must work hard to remain stupid." Old Ben was right in a clever sort of way but like an empty vessel our minds are constantly being filled with truths, half-lies and out and out falsehoods. As small children, older people know more than we do and they are all so much bigger than we are. There is a general tendency to believe what older, bigger and smarter people tell us about life and ourselves. Children haven't figured it out that being smarter than a child doesn't require a genius I.Q. and that as adults these bigger smarter people may have entire sets of problems that cloud their actions and messages. Children simply don't understand those dynamics… but isn't it great we don't have to remain naive FOREVER!
