Affirmative Action is racial, sexual, and national preference for minorities. Affirmative action was...


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Affirmative Action is racial, sexual, and national preference for minorities.

Affirmative action was created to make up for past discrimination in the U.S. over

Caucasian male majorities

• Affirmative Action:• Divides races in society

– 60% of Americans advocate ending Affirmative Action

• Goes Against the Constitution– “The ‘equal protection clause’… which applies only

to public institutions, prohibits discrimination based

on race or sex” • Reverse Discriminates

  “Preferential affirmative action patronizes American blacks, women, and others by presuming that they cannot succeed on their own. Preferential affirmative action does not advance civil rights in this country.”

  ~Alan Keyes

Supporters argue that it makes up for past discrimination, but

Our government needs to put a stop to affirmative action.

Act Now

• Write a letter to your state representative

• Start a protest

• Get the word out

“Affirmative action is the attempt to deal with malignant racism by instituting benign racism”

~ Elliott Larson
