Aegis – (n) protection; patronage *** aEGiS – egg shell protects egg


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Aegis – (n) protection; patronage

*** aEGiS – egg shell protects egg

Apprise – (v) inform; notify


Bibulous – (adj) fond of drinking; inebrious

*** bebir = to drink in Spanish

Claque – (n) fan club; people hired to applaud

***a claque would clap for their team

Deracinate – (v) uproot; eliminate all traces of; eradicate

***eliminate, eradicate

Eleemosynary – (adj) charitable; philanthropic

*** charity

Indigenous- (adj) originating in the nation where found; native; inborn

*** “in the genes”

Lachrymose – (adj) given to tears; mournful; tearful

*** morose

Melee – (n) confused struggle; violent free-for-all; brawl; scuffle

*** “Hey, Hey! Stop that MELEE!”

Microcosm – (n) a miniature world; model of larger system

*** microscopic cosmos

Sanguine – (adj) having a ruddy complexion; cheerful; flushed; rosy

*** when we win my face is sanguine!

Solecism – (n) ungrammatical usage; misusage; blunder; faux pas

*** don’t sing a SOLO if you have a bad voice!

Vassal – (n) a subordinate or dependent; a servant (adj) subservient

*** my vassal cleans my castle

Verisimilitude – (n) quality of appearing to be true; realism;


*** very true to similar to
