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This Aldi advert uses price and competition. It clearly has the price of the Aldi Tomato Ketchup and the Heinz Tomato Ketchup too. It is labeled in yellow which is the colour on the advert that stands out the most and the writing is bigger than any other writing on the advert. The Heinz is £1.95 where as the Aldi is 69p, over all with the Aldi ketchup you are saving £1.29. The little girl is holding both of the bottles showing that she doesn’t mind which one she has, proving that you can save money and people will still be happy with the Aldi ketchup. This advert is based on price rather than quality. The Competition in this advert is the Aldi’s own and the brand Heinz. The message they are trying to get across is that the Heinz ketchup might not be the same as Aldi’s, but Aldis is perfectly fine too, and cheaper. They have used a little girl in the advert, this was a good technique because little children tend to be fussy about things and what they eat, but here the girl is saying she doesn’t mind which one she has because its still ketchup.

This advert Is for Marks and Spencers. It has what will be inside the sandwich in an order of a sandwich, with the bread being the top and the bottom. All of the writing is the colour of the food that it says. The copy at the bottom of the advert states that this particular sandwich is an ‘ultimate’ sandwich for the ultimate lunch. This shows that this is not just a normal sandwich, it is a top sandwich mad by Marks and Spencers and has all the top ingredients by them. This advert is more about quality and value. The quality is how good the product is. In this sandwich, it is not just any normal bread, its brown wholemeal. It’s got two types of cheeses in, goats and soft. It has chutney in, not just normal onions and it has roast tomato rather than just a tomato from a salad. Rather than just saying they have the ultimate sandwich, they have described what’s in it to show people that its not just any normal sandwich.Value is also in this advert as this sandwich may not cost too much but there is a lot in it for what it is.The image of the poster is important in this one because as it is only writing it still needs to sell the product. There is no picture of the product but it is still easy to tell what you would be getting.