Advanced Placement European History Spring 2015 Review Drill A


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Advanced Placement European History

Spring 2015Review Drill A

This ideology arose in response to the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. Its adherents viewed society as an organism that changes (or ought to change) very slowly over the generations.





He is best known for his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, in which he proposed that ascetic (austere) Protestantism, was one of the major reasons that created both market-driven Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution

Graham Wallas

Alexis de Tocqueville

Charles Darwin

Max Weber

In addition to her fear of even a defeated Germany, the French also feared

American and British economic penetration

the loss of more territory


Little Entente

The Paris Peace Talks and the Treaty of Versailles

satisfied no one

treated the defeated Central Powers justly

placed the United States in the forefront of World affairs

satisfied only France, Japan and Italy

He was a rival to and murdered by Mussolini

Giacomo Matteotti

Éamon de Valera

Giuseppe Mazzini

Giuseppe Garabaldi

Camilo Cavour

If a person traveled from west to east in Europe in the eighteenth century the more likely it would be that he would see

rotten boroughs

more clearly defined and responsible nobility

people bound to the land

the putting out system

In 1922, this Irish author wrote Ulysses, in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array of contrasting literary styles, including stream of consciousness. The novel explores the squalor and monotony of life in a Dublin slum with characters paralleling Odysseus, Penelope and Telemachus.

Thomas Mann

James Joyce

George Bernard Shaw

Ernest Hemingway

Robert Owen

believed that society should be managed by experts and that wealth not be redistributed

inspired Pierre Joseph Proudhon and the Anarchist movement of the 1840s

was the architect who rebuilt Paris for Napoleon III

built a successful industrial environment at New Lanark, Scotland

The ___________________was the period lasting from accession of Augustus to the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 C.E.


Pax Romana

Punic Wars

Period of the Kings

His seminal work, Principles of Geology (published 1830-1833 in three volumes), embraced the idea of Uniformitarianism or the idea that the earth was shaped by processes that are still in operation today.

William Paley

Herbert Spencer

Charles Darwin

Charles Lyell

The Hohenzollerns turned which of the following states in a major European power?






Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Late Middle Ages?

The Conciliar Movement

a.Plentitude of Power

The Mini Ice Age

The Theory of Forms

He was an English Romantic poet who believed that the artist’s imagination was God at work in the mind and said that “the imagination was a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM.” .

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Johann Gottfried Herder

Victor Hugo

Lord Byron

Protestant reformers in the Sixteenth Century tended to do all of the following except

oppose the celibate life for clergy

encourage basic education

oppose monasticism

view marriage as a degraded state of life

Modern European feminism emphasizes

political equality

women’s control over their own lives

economic equality

political and legal equality

The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748.

precipitated the War of Jenkins ear

outlawed the importation of slaves into the New World

ended the War of the Austrian Succession

forced Prussia to give up its possessions in the Holy Roman Empire

When the British Fabian Socialists, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, spoke of a new civilization in the 1920s and 1930s, they were referring to (the)

a. Soviet Union

b. Fascist Italy

c. Ramsay MacDonald’s Labor Government

d. Nazi Germany

The Congress of Victors in 1934

enforced the Dekulakization policies of Stalin

invited Lincoln Steffens to address the congress

were mostly purged by Stalin

gave support to the expulsion of Trotsky from the Party

Which is the most accurate statement about the Crimean War?

Both sides had well-equipped armies

After the war, stability prevailed in Europe for decades

The European Question was solved

Piedmont gained some political advantages

In his efforts in opposition to the Atlantic Slave Trade, he was hailed as a 'Renewer of Society', and, until his death in 1833, was known as the conscience of Parliament.

William Wilberforce

Julio Fandiño

John Trenchard

the Earl of Bute

As a result of the Hampton Court Conference,

Parliament ordered the arrest and eventual execution of the Duke of Buckingham

Parliament passed the English Bill of Rights

The English Civil War of 1642-1646 broke out

Anglican and Puritan distrust accelerated

Queen Elizabeth came to the throne

Which of the following statements best describes the school of Impressionism? Impressionists

mostly portrayed religious, mythological and historical subjects

sought the Platonic ideal of perfection

were inspired by imagination, folklore, fairy tales, dreams and other phenomena in opposition to that of empirical reasoning

recorded ordinary people at dance halls, cafes, beach parties, working in the fields or picnicking in the country

French Protestants/Calvinists were called






The Falangists

opposed the Spanish Popular Front

triumphed in the 1936 Italian elections

supported the Anschluss in Austria

demanded that ethnic Germans be allowed to separate from the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia

Most philosophes in the Age of Enlightenment favored


Existing monarchies

American/British style democracy

French revolutionary democracy

The years from 1919 to 1939 marked the Age of

the Great Depression




J’accuse, an 1898 open letter accusing the French government of anti-Semitism in the unfair trial of Alfred Dreyfus, was written by

Adolphe Thiers

Georges Boulanger

Emile Zola

Patrice McMahon

Nineteenth century liberals

wanted to extend liberties to the peasant and urban working classes

opposed the ideas of John Locke

opposed the ideas of Adam Smith

believed in advancement in society based on talent and achievement but did not favor full democracy.

Aristotle favored polity by which he meant that

a ruler with complete authority should have power in a state.

honor and honesty were far more important than money or fame or political power.

the world we live in is not the only world, because our world is a pale and imperfect reflection of a perfect world

that the rule of law should limit popular sentiment.

In his book, The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche claimed that

to limit human activity to strictly rational behavior was to impoverish human life.

the study of Socrates and the ancient philosophers held the key to understanding human societal evolution

accommodations with modernism were possible

the certainty of a better life was possible

Existentialism can best be defined as

resistance to the expansion of classical liberalism.

continuation of the revolt against reason that began in the nineteenth century.

the extension of Hegelian philosophy and faith in the power of human reason.

return to the Reformational values of Christianity.

The three nations who partitioned Poland in the late eighteenth century were

Prussia, France, Ottoman Empire

Great Britain, Austria, Russia

France, Prussia, Austria

Russia, Prussia, Austria

At the Peace of Augsburg in 1555

the prince of any principality determined the religion of his principality

official recognition was given to both Anabaptists and Calvinists

Maurice of Saxony supported Charles V

the Protestant princes refused to attend and were condemned

French economic reformers such as Francois Quesnay and Pierre Dupont de Nemours were known as





The Old Regime or Ancien Régime

was a term that applied to the nobility only

was found only in Great Britain

was a series of social relationships bound by tradition

ignored the peasants

In 1923, Adolph Hitler and his followers attempted the Beer Hall Putsch whose purpose was to

kill Jews

overthrow the German government

throw France out of the Saar Basin

repudiate the Locarno Treaties

A series of important liberal reforms were enacted by the Catholic Church:

at the Vatican II Council of the mid 1960s

at the Vatican I Council of the mid 1860s

before the 1950s

at the urging of popes Leo XIII and Pius X

In March 1939, Adolf Hitler

signed a non-aggression pact with Poland

sent German soldiers into the Rhineland

occupied Prague

set up the Vichy government in unoccupied France

Modern European Existentialism (Europe’s philosophy of the twentieth century) has its roots in the thought of Nietzsche and





In 1935, what nation did Benito Mussolini attack and make an Italian colony in spite of objection from the League of Nations?






Thales of Miletus, Benjamin Franklin and Alessandro Volta all experimented with






Up until 1850,

most education in Europe took place in church run schools

literacy was widespread in all of Western Europe

Romanticism was more important in scientific thought that Rationalism

the popes refused to have any dialogue with the Italian government

The Jansenists

opposed the teachings of St. Augustine

opposed Jesuit teachings about free will

were supported by Pope Innocent X

were defended by Louis XIV and Louis XV

In 1588 at the Battle of Gravelines, the English

finally drove the French from Calais

produced the Bill of Rights

won the Seven Year’s War

defeated the Spanish Armada

Unlike the First World War, what factor led to the bitterness of the Thirty Year’s War?

Catholic – Protestant hatred

growing nationalism

Louis XIV’s desire to control Europe

the Defenestration of Prague

To raise money to build a new St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, his famous pitch line was As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.

Julius II

Martin Bucer

Thomas Cranmer

Johann Tetzel

Which of the following was not a motive of Nineteenth Century Imperialism?





During the Marburg Colloquy (meaning conversation or dialogue) of 1529, Luther and Zwingli could not agree on

Clerical Celibacy

Justification by Faith Alone

Cuius regio; eius religio

The nature of the Eucharist

Stalin did all of the following except

exterminate Kulaks

develop Five Year Plans

continue Lenin’s New Economic Policy

collectivize agriculture

carry out unprededented purges of opponents – both real and imagined.

The Reformation Parliament of Henry VIII did all of the following except

passed laws to dominate the clergy

recognized Henry as head of the Church in England

made Henry the highest court of appeal for all Englishmen

sanctioned the execution of Queen Catherine

When Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939, the Soviet Union

came to Poland’s defense

made an alliance with France and Great Britain

surrounded the Baltic countries of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia

appealed to the League of Nations

In her Charter of the Nobility, she defined the rights and privileges of the nobility in exchange for their loyalty and service to the state. These rights included heredity transferring of noble status, power over their serfs and exemption from taxes

Maria Theresa

Catherine the Great

Catherine de Médicis

Christina of Sweden

“Bloody” Mary

William Whewell of Cambridge University in England first coined the word _____________ to describe those who studied the physical world in growing numbers in French, German and British Universities.





Why did Luther not support the Peasants’ Revolt?

Luther felt no pity for their harsh treatment by the German nobility

The peasants supported Charles V and the old Catholic prince-bishops

Luther’s view of Reformation was not political but spiritual

Luther was afraid that the Catholic party would win if he backed the peasants.

The latter half of the nineteenth century saw the rise of (the) _____________ or White Collar Workers which included secretaries, retail clerks and lower level bureaucrats.

Professional Class

Petite Bourgeoisie

Captains of Industry


Restrictions on clothing, food, and luxury items are all examples of

the Vingtième


the English Game Laws

Sumptuary Laws

Ghetto life

1871 + 1918 =


Winston Churchill

Adolf Hitler

Pearl Harbor

Josef Stalin

Plato and Aristotle both

felt that Philosopher Kings should rule

favored Polity or a Constitutional Government dominated by members of the middle class

developed the idea that rulers themselves are both the guardians of the law and subject to the law

despised tyranny and mob rule and wanted a just and stable society.

Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès:

thought that Napoleon could be used for his own political purposes

proposed a Holy Alliance of Prussia, Austria, Britain and Russia whereby the monarchs of those nations would promise to act together in accordance with Christian principles.

advised Tsar Alexander to withdraw from the Continental System and prepare for War.

negotiated the Treaty of Schöenbrun which humiliated Austria and set up Napoleon’s marriage to Marie Louise.

In the long term, the Columbian exchange

brought a lasting decline in population because of the ravages of diseases such as smallpox.

had very little influence on world population figures.

led to economic instability because of a glut of Chinese silver.

increased world population because of the spread of new food crops.

The Petition of Right of 1628

forbade taxation by the king without the permission of Parliament

attempted to collect taxes from the nobility by forcing property owners to pay a forced loans to the government

laid the basis for Magna Carta

reflected a deep distrust of Oliver Cromwell and his Parliamentary forces

He was a racialist writer who in 1899, wrote The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, in which he championed the concept of biological determination through race but also believed that through genetics the human race could be improved and that even a superior race could be developed.

Theodor Herzl

Karl Lueger

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Paul Lagarde

In France, Nobles of the Robe gained their rank from

military service

service in the Church

serving in the bureaucracy

industrial achievement

In May 1871, Adolphe Thiers negotiated the ________________ with Prussia, which obligated France to pay a large indemnity and turn over Alsace and Lorraine to Germany.

Treaty of Gastein

Treaty of Frankfurt

Treaty of Plombières

Treaty of Paris

In his book, Reflections on Violence, George Sorel stated that

bureaucratization (the creation of bureaucracies) was alien to the modern way of life

people do not pursue rationally perceived goals but a led to action by collectively shared ideals.

bureaucracies constitute the most efficient and rational way in which human activity can be organized

race was the most important index of human potential

He was elected pope at sixty-eight and reigned for 25 years. He sought to make accommodations with the modern age and address the great social questions of the time. He defended private property, condemned socialism and Marxism and said that employers were obligated to treat their employees fairly. His most important work was Rerum Novarum.

Pope Pius IX

Pope Leo XIII

Pope Pius X

Pope Pius XI

In 1815, this Serbian leader began the Second Serbian Uprising. In 1817, he was defeated by the Ottomans but gained partial autonomy for most of Serbia. In 1830, he became head of an independent Serbia

Filiki Eteria

Kara George

Muhammad Ali

Miloš Obrenovitch

The Korean War resulted in

an overwhelming victory for U.S.-backed South Korea.

an overwhelming victory for U.S.-backed North Korea.

an encouragement of the U.S. policy of containment.

a discouragement of the U.S. policy of containment.

The Revolution of 1905

led to Bloody Sunday

was caused by the Tsar dissolving the Duma

caused the Russo-Japanese War

led to the establishment of the Duma

The French political thinker and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville

praised the leaders of the French Revolution

was a conservative who despised both Romanticism and liberalism

criticized de Gobineau for his racial theories

Wrote The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century

The Edict of Nantes in 1598

established universal religious toleration

gave Huguenots qualified religious freedom

gave Lutherans religious Freedom

settled the French – Spanish border dispute

In Arms and the Man (1894; the title taken from the first words of the Roman poet Vergil’s Aeneid) and Man and Superman (1903), he heaped scorn on the romantic ideals of love and war. and in Androcles and the Lion (1912), he pilloried Christianity – and in a currently edited out Preface, he stated that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth were lost at his crucifixion.

Charles Dickens

J. J. Thompson

George Bernard Shaw

John Maynard Keynes

In spite of the strong contrast in motivation and economics, the leaders of the American and French Revolutions used the liberal philosophy of what treatise of John Locke to justify the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule?


The Wealth of Nations

Ninety Five Theses

Two Treatises of Government

Which two of the following were NOT among the three pillars of Nicholas I of Russia?






Eisenhower endorsed the Domino Theory which held that

that communism would die out on its own.

the Chinese under Mao would challenge the Unequal Treaty status imposed upon them by Moscow

the Marshall Plan had been a failure.

if one state in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow.

Søren Kierkegaard

supported Vatican II

supported Karl Barth and orthodox Lutheranism

said that the truth of Christianity was found in the lives of those who had faced extreme situations, not in creeds or doctrines

became popular when an Anglican Bishop, John Robinson, published Honest to God.

Josephine Butler campaigned against

The Contagious Diseases Acts

Virginia Woolf

The Psychoanalytic Movement

The Revolution in Physics

The Bloomsbury Group

The Council of Trent, which lasted from 1545 to 1563, successfully

reached a compromise between Luther and Calvin.

played a key role in Henry VIII's break with the Catholic church.

took steps to reform the Catholic church.

launched the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).

Louis XIV’s view of the monarchy was influenced by his experience of the revolt known as the





The economic basis of eighteenth century life was

regional trade

international trade

the land

industry and manufacturing


He believed that behind the development of human history from one period to the next lay the mind and purpose of what he called the World-Spirit, a concept not unlike the Christian God.

Immanuel Kant

John Wesley

Lord Byron

Georg Hegel

This leader of the Counter Reformation wrote Spiritual Exercises and founded the Society of Jesus.

Charles V

Ignatius Loyola

John Calvin

Cardinal Caspar Contarini

The Social Darwinists believed that

a sharp distinction had to be made between the biological and social worlds.

only a socialist political and social structure would keep humans from destroying themselves.

powerful nations were meant to dominate weaker societies.

human beings had reached the point where competition among nations was no longer necessary.

In the great Kitchen Debate of 1959, _____________________ debated luxuries vs. real needs, but it were clear that the West, led by the United States had the highest standard of living in the world.

Stalin and Churchill

Churchill and Stalin

Eisenhower and Khrushchev

Nixon and Khrushchev

Between 1859 and 1893 Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos all fell under the control of

Great Britain




This theory stated that information derived from logical, mathematical principles and sensory experience was the only source of knowledge.

Natural Selection




In his book, Leviathan, he argued that people were “nasty, greedy and selfish” and needed a strong, strict governmental to keep them under control.

John Locke

Thomas Hobbes

Rene Descartes


The chief victim of late nineteenth century European imperialistic expansion was





_________________ coined the expression The Lost Generation.

Gertrude Stein

Ernest Hemingway

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Karl Barth

The Modern Devotion Movement of the late fifteenth century was a religious movement that stressed all of the following except

individual piety

practical religion


monastic life

Charles de Montesquieu

was the first professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at the University of Paris.

blamed Islam for the fall of both the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

associated Islamic society with a passivity that he attributed to peoples subject to political despotism.

wrote Turkish Embassy Letters, in which he praised Ottoman society especially its practice of vaccination against smallpox.

The initial driving force in Luther formulating the Ninety-Five Theses was

his excommunication from the Roman Catholic church.

the sale of indulgences.

the rise of secular humanism during the High Middle Ages

the influence of John Calvin.

In the Sixth Century, he managed to obtain the obedience of all western bishops, was a skilled theologian, and emphasized the authority of the Church over its members, as in stressing the sacrament of penance.

Urban II

Hugh Capet

Gregory I

John XII

Which of the following best expresses the idea of Social Darwinism

Argument from design

We need a critique of moral values; the value of these values themselves must first be called into question.

The dream is the disguised fulfillment of a wish

justice is nothing else than the interest of the stronger

He was a French novelist and playwright whose most famous work was La Comédie Humaine, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. Balzac’s stories showed French life in such accurate detail with such multifaceted and amoral characters that he is regarded – even more than Dickens – as one of the founders of European Realism.

Claude Bernard

Émile Édouard Zola

Gustave Flaubert

Honoré de Balzac

The German offensive of 1914 aimed at Paris was halted at

the Marne

the Somme



After the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia that ended the Thirty Year’s War, _____________emerged as Europe’s dominant power




The Holy Roman Empire

The basic challenge facing the Hapsburg Empire after 1648 was:

Lack of Resources

Political and Ethnic Diversity

Weak and incompetent rulers

The rising power of England

The first real Prime Minister of Great Britain was

James Edward Stuart

William Pitt the Younger

Robert Walpole

The Duke of Buckingham

In France, Nobles of the Sword gained their rank from

military service

service in the Church

serving in the bureaucracy

industrial achievement
