Adolescence The transition period from childhood to adulthood


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The transition period from childhood to


Is adolescence getting longer or shorter?

Physical Development

• It all begins with puberty

Puberty: the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing.

Physical Development

What is the time period of adolescence?

What produces puberty?

What is the reason for puberty?

Primary Sexual Characteristics• The body structures that make

sexual reproduction possibleOvaries Testicle


Secondary Sexual Characteristics

• Nonreproductive sexual characteristics

Female breasts

Deepening of male voice

Body hair

Jalo’s Hips

When does puberty start?The Landmarks

• First ejaculation for boys

•Menarche for girls

Do we remember these things?


Sequence is way more predictable than the

timing.How might timing differences effect an adolescent socially?

Would maturing early benefit girls and/or boys? Why or why not?

Cognitive Development

• Have the ability to reason but…….

•The reasoning is self-focused. Assume that their experiences are unique.•Experience formal operational thought

Lawrence Kohlberg and his stages of

Morality•Preconventional Morality

•Conventional Morality•Postconventional Morality

Preconventional Morality

•Morality of self- interest

•Their actions are either to avoid punishment or to gain rewards.

Conventional Morality

Morality is based upon obeying laws to

1.Maintain social order

2.To gain social approval

Postconventional Morality

•Morality based on your own ethical principles.

Talk is CheapHow do we turn morality into


•Teach Empathy•Self-discipline to delay

gratification•Modal moral behavior

Social Development

Its all about forming an identity!!!

Identity• One’s sense of self.• The idea that an

adolescent’s job is to find oneself by testing various roles.

• Comes from Erik Erikson’s stages of Psychosocial development.


• Some teenagers take their identity early by sharing their parents values and expectations.

• Some teenagers will adopt a negative identity- opposition to society, but conforms to a peer group.


• Towards the end of adolescence, intimacy becomes the prime goal.

• Can you list the intimacy differences between men and women?

Trust vs. Mistrust

Age Important Event


Birth - 18 months

Feeding Infants form a loving, trusting relationship with parents; they also learn to mistrust others.

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Age Important Event


18 months - 3 Years

Toilet Training

Child's energies are directed toward physical skills: walking, grasping, and toilet training. The child learns control along with a healthy dose of shame and doubt.

Initiative vs. Guilt

Age Important Event


3 - 6 Years Independence Child becomes more assertive, takes more initiative, becomes more forceful.

Competence vs. Inferiority

Age Important Event


6 - 12 Years School The child must deal with demands to learn new skills while risking a sense of inferiority and failure

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Age Important Event


Adolescence Peers Teens must achieve self-identity while deciphering their roles in occupation, politics, and religion.

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Age Important Event


Young Adult Relationships The young adult must develop marriage-seeking relationships while combating feelings of isolation.

Generativity vs. StagnationAge Important


Middle Adult Parenting Assuming the role of parents signifies the need to continue the generations while avoiding the inevitable feeling of failure.

Integrity vs. Despair

Age Important Event


Late Adult Life Reflection

Acceptance of one's lifetime accomplishments and sense of fulfillment.
