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DANISH STUD BOOK (Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod)

VOLUME 17 Supplement 1

Edited by:




Forkortelser (abbreviations & explanations) 3

Stambogsreglement (stud book rules) 4

Landekoder (country codes) 10

Godkendte stambøger (approved stud books) 11

Resultat af bedækninger 2012 (Return of mares) 13

Bedækninger 2013 (Coverings) 23

Nyindsatte hopper i dansk fuldblodsavl (new mares) 31

Nyindsatte hingste i dansk fuldblodsavl (new stallions) 37

Indeks 39

Abbreviations & explanations

ADG Algemeines Deutche Gestütbuch Tysk StambogAMS American Stud Book Amerikansk StambogASB Australian Stud Book Australsk StambogDSF Danish Stud Book Dansk StambogGSB General Stud Book Engelsk StambogNSB Norwegian Stud Book Norsk StambogNTR Non Thoroughbred Record Ikke fuldblods reg.SBF Stud Book Francais Fransk StambogSSF Swedish Stud Book Svensk Stambog


abs absorbedgold barrenej bed. not coveredu. opl. no returnej. reg. not registeredkastet slipped

br. brun baymbr. mørkebrun browns. sort blackf. fuks chestnutsk. skimmel greyrsk. rødskimmel roan

h. hingst colthp. hoppe filly/maretv. tvillinger twins+ død dead

* efter hestens navn betyder, at denne ikke er optaget i Dansk Stambog men i specialregister.

* any horse whose name is followed by this asterix is registered in non thoroughbred register.

This supplement contains the record of danish thoroughbredbreeding in 2011.The publisher cannot accept responsability for any error that may have arisen.



1. Regler for registrering af fuldblodsheste

1.1 For at kunne blive registreret i Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod, skal en hest:

1.2.1 Afstamningsmæssigt i samtlige led være registreret i enten Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod eller i en Stambog godkendt af the International Stud Book Committee, eller

1.2.2 Et føl kan oprykkes fra the Non Thoroughbred Register (B-Register) udgivet under Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod, hvis hesten har otte på hinanden følgende kryds med Fuldblod inklusiv det kryds, føllet direkte stammer fra.

1.2.3 Heste der ikke erklæres for egnet til registrering i Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod, kan i stedet registreres i Dansk Galops B-Register (Non Thoroughbred Register).

2. Registrering af Avlshopper og Avlshingste

2.1 Bevis for identitet.

Før en hingst eller hoppe kan registreres til avl i Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod, skal hestens identitet fastsættes.

a) Dokumentation i form af certifikat visende hestens registrerede navn, farve, aftegn, alder, afstamning og ejer.

b) Ved at spore hesten gennem samtlige dens ejerskaber siden fødslen.

c) Ved registrering af hestens DNA-profil. Dette vil kræve en blod- eller hårprøve taget af en veterinær, samt moderens DNA-profil med mindre denne tidligere officielt er blevet registreret.

Ved import af hest skal der forefindes et eksportcertifikat til identifikation af hesten fra hestens fødeland. For importerede heste, der besøger Danmark i mindre end ni måneder, kan eksportcertifikatet erstattes af hestens identifikationsdokumenter fra det land hesten er registreret.

2.2 Opdrætter

Opdrætteren er den fysiske eller juridiske person, der er registreret som ejer af hoppen på det folingstidspunktet.

3. Bedækningslister

3.1 Bedækningslister fremsendes af Dansk Galop til den enkelte hingsteholder, når hingsten er registreret til avl.

3.2 Hingsteholderne skal:

a) På bedækningslisterne anføre navnene på de hopper, der bedækkes af deres avlshingst i løbet af sæsonen.

b) Returnere bedækningslisterne til Dansk Galop.

c) Udstede en bedækningsattest til ejeren af hver enkelt hoppe der bedækkes af deres avlshingst samt sende kopi heraf til Dansk Galop.

4. Følregistrering

4.1 Betingelser for følregistrering

For at kunne registrere en hoppes afkom skal Dansk Galop modtage følgende fra opdrætteren:

a) En bedækningsattest, signeret af hingsteejeren, der bekræfter den første og sidste bedækningsdato i det foregående år, hingsteejerens bekræftelse af hoppens identitet, og at hoppen blev bedækket naturligt uden brug af kunstig insemination. Ethvert føl produceret ved kunstig insemination, fosteroverførsel eller transplantation, kloning eller enhver anden form for genmanipulation kan ikke blive registreret.

b) En fødselsanmeldelse der angiver føllets forældre, farve, køn og fødselsdato, udfærdiget af opdrætteren, samt en skriftlig og grafisk beskrivelse af hestens aftegn udfærdiget, underskrevet og dateret af en veterinær.

Aftegninger skal beskrives mens føllet er sammen med sin mor og inden 1. oktober i fødselsåret.

c) En veterinær tager en hår- eller blodprøve af føllet og i visse tilfælde også fra hoppen og hingsten, og videresender det til Blodtypelaboratoriet for Heste med henblik på at fastslå, at hoppen og hingsten er forældre til føllet.

5. Udstedelse af pas

5.1 Et pas vil blive udstedt til ethvert føl, hvis fødsel registreres i Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod. Passet forbliver Dansk Galops ejendom, men skal til alle tider følge hesten. Det er også ejeres, opdrætteres og træneres ansvar at tjekke identiteten af enhver hest i deres varetægt, samt at signere den relevante side i passet til bekræftelse af hestens identitet. Enhver tvivl om en hests identitet skal øjeblikkelig rapporteres til Dansk Galop. 5.2 Ethvert tab af pas skal straks anmeldes til Dansk Galop.

5.3 Pas er Dansk Galops ejendom og skal returneres hvis påkrævet.

6. DNA-bestemmelse

6.1 Det officielle laboratorium til udførelse af DNA bestemmelse for Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod er: Blodtypelaboratoriet for Heste, Rødebækvej 2, 8653 Them.

6.2 Dansk Galop accepterer kun DNA-test foretaget af ovennævnte laboratorium eller af et laboratorium, som er godkendt af en udenlandsk stambog.

DNA eller blodtyper bestemt af udenlandske laboratorier accepteret under følgende forudsætninger:

(a) Hvis den pågældende hest er død før en hår- eller blodprøve kunne tages, for at bestemme DNA typen af en importeret avlshoppe eller avlshingst. (se 2.1.c).

(b) Hvis det er for at fastslå ophavet til en moderlivsimport, som er undfanget i udlandet og importeret i livmoderen.

Forudsat at korrekt DNA-profil er konstateret, og at Dansk Galop kan godkende denne.

7. Navngivning af heste

Registering af en hests navn kan kun udføres af eller gennem godkendelse hos den kompetente autoritet i dens fødeland.

7.1. En navneansøgning for en hest skal indeholde farve, køn og alder sammen med dens forældres registrerede navne. Ansøgninger vil ikke blive accepteret med mindre hesten er indført i Dansk Stambog for Fuldblod eller godkendt af the International Stud Book Committee.

For heste født i Danmark skal et navn også godkendes af stambogsautoriteterne i de øvrige skandinaviske lande (Sverige, Norge).

7.2 En hest må ikke starterklæres til et løb eller anvendes til avl med mindre den har et navn registreret hos Dansk Galop.

7.3 Det er ikke tilladt at bruge navne:

a) der er registreret eller har været registeret af Dansk Galop inden for de seneste 20 år.

b) der har været anvendt til en avlshoppe, som har fået registreret afkom i Danmark indenfor de seneste 15 år

c) der er indeholdt i den internationale liste over beskyttede navne

d) der består af mere end 17 bogstaver, tegn eller mellemrum

e) på offentlige personer uden deres eller deres families tilladelse

f) der består af initialer eller tal

g) hvis betydning, udtale eller stavemåde kan forekomme odiøs eller fornærmende

h) der figurerer i de første fem led i hestens egen stamtavle

7.4. Dansk Galop kan nægte registrering af navn, som foreningen ikke billiger.

7.5. Heste, der har startet, kan ikke ændre navn.

7.6 Navne der indgår som en reklame for en virksomhed eller et produkt vil blive accepteret med en skriftlig tilladelse fra virksomheden eller organisationen der associeres med navnet.

7.7 Navngivning eller ændring af navn for en udenlandsk født hest skal godkendes af den anerkendte væddeløbsautoritet i hestens fødeland.

8. Eksport af heste

8.1 Ejeren af en hest, der eksporteres, skal ansøge om endorsering af hestens pas og er eksporten permanent (hvis hesten skal opholde sig i udlandet i mere end ni måneder) skal tillige ansøges om udstedelse af eksportcertifikat.

Rules of registration

1. Thoroughbred pedigree qualification

1.1 To be eligible to be registered as a Thoroughbred in the Danish Stud Book a horse must be able:

1.2.1 To be traced down all lines of its pedigree either in the Danish Stud Book or in a Stud Book approved by the International Stud Book Committee, or

1.2.2 A foal may be promoted from the Non Thoroughbred Register (B-Register) published by the Danish Stud Book when the horse can prove satisfactorily eight consecutive crosses with "Thoroughbred" including the cross of which it is the progeny.

1.2.3 Animals which do not qualify registered in The Danish Stud Book can be registered in the Danish Jockeyklub’s B-Register the “Non thoroughbred register”.

2. Broodmare / stallion registration

2.1 Identity verification

Before any stallion or mare can be registered in the Danish Stud Book as breeding stock the animal's identity must be established.

a) A certificate showing the animal's registered name, colour, markings, age, pedigree and owner.

b) By tracing the animal through all its ownerships since birth.

c) By establishing the DNA-profile of the animal. In respect of all breeding animals, this will require a blood or hair sample taken by a veterinarian surgeon, and the dams DNA-profile unless her DNA-profile has previously been officially established.

In the case of imported animals an export certificate identifying the animal must be received from the stud book authority of the animal's country of birth. For imported animals visiting Denmark for less than nine months the requirements for the provision of an export certificate may be replaced by the lodgement of the animal's identity documents issued by the stud book authority with which it was registered at birth.

2.2 Breeder

For the purpose of these regulations the breeder is the person or entity who has been recorded as being the owner of the mare at the time that her foal was dropped..

3. List of coverings and covering certificates

3.1 List of coverings are issued by the Danish Jockey Club for each stallion when it is registered for breeding.

3.2 Stallion owners are required:

a) To enter on the list of coverings the names of every mare covering by their stallion in the season.

b) To return the covering lists to the Danish Jockey Club.

c) Issue a covering certificate to the owner of each mare that have been covered by their stallion and send a copy to the Danish Jockey Club.

4. Foal registration

4.1 Foal registration requirements

For registration of the produce the following must all be received from the breeder:

a) An official certificate of covering, signed by the stallion owner, confirming the first and last dates of service in the previous year, the stallion owner's satisfaction as to the correct identity of the mare, and that the mare was served naturally and that artificial insemination was not used. Any foal resulting from or produced by the process of artificial insemination, embryo transfer or transplant, cloning or any other form of genetic manipulation not herein specified shall not be eligible for recording in a thoroughbred stud book.

b) A formal application form to register the animal stating the parentage, colour, sex and date of birth of the produce, prepared by the breeder, and showing a written and graphic description of the markings of the produce, prepared, signed and dated by a veterinary surgeon.

Markings should be taken whilst the foal is under its dam before the 1st of October in the year of birth.

c) A veterinarian samples blood or hair from the foal and where necessary also from the mare and stallion, and forward this to The Veterinarian Institute to determine that the mare and stallion qualify as the parents of the foals by typing.

5. Issue of passports

5.1 A passport will be issued for every foal whose birth is registered with the Danish Stud Book.While the passport remains the property of The Danish Jockey Club it must accompany the horse at all times. It is also the responsibility of all owners, breeders and trainers to use the passport to check the identity of each horse in their care, and to sign the relevant page in the passport to signify that the identity has been confirmed. Any identity doubt should be reported to the Danish Jockey Club immediately.

5.2 Any loss must be reported to the Danish Jockey Club immediately.

5.3 Passports are the property of the Danish Jockey Club and must be returned on demand.

6. DNA-typing

6.1 The laboratory officially designated to carry out DNA typing for the Danish Stud Book is: Blodtypelaboratoriet for Heste, Rødebækvej 2, 8653 Them.

6.2 For the purpose of these regulations an animal's DNA type will not be considered to be officially established unless either it has been established by the above laboratory, based on hair or blood samples submitted to that laboratory, and notified to the Danish Jockey Club or in certain circumstances, it has been established by the officially designated laboratory of an approved Stud Book Authority overseas.

The circumstances under which DNA or blood types established by overseas laboratories as above will be accepted are:

(a) If the animal concerned has died before a valid hair or blood sample could reasonably have been taken from it, to establish the DNA type of an imported broodmare or stallion, (see 2.1.c).

(b) In the case of stallions only, for the purpose of parentage testing a foal conceived abroad and imported in Utero.

provided that the hair or blood type so established and notified to the Danish Jockey Club is considered sufficiently comprehensive for the purpose.

7. Naming of horses

The Registration of a name for a horse can only be made by or with approval of the competent Authority of its country of birth.

7.1. An application for a name for a horse must state the colour, sex and age together with the registered name of the sire and dam. Such applications will not be accepted for registration unless the horse has been accepted for inclusion in the Danish Stud Book or in a stud book approved by the International Stud Book Committee.

For Danish born horses a name must also be approved by the Stud Book Authorities in the other Scandinavian countries (i.e. Norway, Sweden).

7.2 A horse may not be entered to race or be used for breeding unless it has a name registered with the Danish Jockey Club.

7.3 It is not allowed to register a name:

a) that are registered or has been registered with the Danish Jockey Club within the last 20 years

b) that has been used for a broodmare which has a foal registered with the Danish Jockey Club within the last 15 years

c) on the international list of protected names

d) of more than 17 characters, signs or spaces

e) of a public person, unless written permission is given by the person concerned or their family

f) followed by initials or numbers.

g) which meaning, spelling or pronounciation are vulgar, obscene or insulting

h) that exists within the first five generations of its own pedigree

7.4 The Danish Jockey Club is entitles to reject the registration of a name which it does not sanction.

7.5 A horse that have been racing cannot change its name.

7.6 Names that is used in commercials for a company, organisation or a product will not be approved unless written permission is given by the company or organisation concerned.

7.7 Name or change of name for a horse born abroad, must be approved by the Recognised Turf Authority in the country of birth.

8. Exportation of horses

8.1 The owner or his agent of a horse to be exported must apply on the official form for the endorsement of the horse's passport, should the export be permanent (if the stay abroad is to be in excess of nine months for a stud animal) for the issue or endorsement of an Export Certificate.



ALG Algeriet LUX LuxembourgARG Argentina MAL MalaysiaAUS Australien MTA MaltaBAR Barbados MAR MartiniqueBEL Belgien MAU MauritiusBIH Bosnien-Herzegovina MEX MexicoBRZ Brasilien MOR MarokkoBUL Bulgarien NDO IndonesienCAN Canada NZ New ZealandCHI Chile NOR NorgeCHN Kina PAK PakistanCOL Colombia PAN PanamaCUB Cuba PER PeruCYP Cypern PHI FilippinerneCZE Tjekkiet POL PolenDEN Danmark POR PortugalECU Ecuador PR Puerto RicoEGY Egypten RUM RumænienFR Frankrig RUS RuslandGER Tyskland SIN SingaporeGR Grækenland SAF Syd AfrikaHOL Holland SLO SlovakietHK Hong Kong SVN SlovenienHUN Ungarn SRI SpanienIND India SUD Sri LankaIRA Iran SWE SudanIRE Irland SWI SverigeISR Israel SY SyrienITY Italien TRI SchweizJAM Jamaica TUN TrinidadJPN Japan TUN TunesienKEN Kenya TUR TyrkietLEb Libanon USA USALIB Libyen URU UruguayLTU Lithauen VEN Venezuela



Argentina MalaysiaAustralia Mexico

Austria MoroccoAzerbaijan NetherlandsBahrain New Zealand

Barbados NorwayBelgium ParaguayBrazil PeruBulgaria Philippines

Chile PolandChina PortugalCroatia QatarCypres RomaniaCzech Republic RussiaDenmark Saudi ArabiaDominican Republic Serbia, Bosnia & HerzegovinaEquador SlovakiaFinland SloveniaFrance South Africa & ZimbabweGermany SpainGreat Britain & Ireland SwedenGreece SwitzerlandHungary SyriaIndia ThailandItaly Trinidad & TobagoJamaica TunesiaJapan TurkeyKazakhstan United Arab EmiratesKenya USA, Canada & Puerto RicoKorea UruguayLebanon UzbekistanLithuania Venezuela


Colombia GuatamatalaCosta Rica Panama




(Return of Mares)

Føl født 2013

ACADEMY AWARD Brun 2000, Irland (Ballylinch Stud)v. Danehill (USA) – Ingabelle (IRE) v. Taufan (USA) (GSB 44/1193)

Achambra (FR) v. Desert Prince 28.1.13 br hp G15521Acqualina Beauty (IRE) v. Montjeu 18.5.13 br hp G15456Amusement v. Final Appearance kastetAube d'Irlande (FR) v. Selkirk 21.5.13 br h G15465Auchroisk (SWE) v. Nicolotte 5.3.13 br h An Cnoc (SWE)Bandear (IRE) v. Royal Applause uden opl.Ballet Comique (FR) v. Docksider 7.3.13 br h Diamond (SWE)Catella (SWE) v. Caerwent 10.2.13 mbr hp Nigritella (SWE)Embattle (FR) v. Dernier Empereur 18.4.13 br h G15476Gift of Grace (FR) v. Cadeaux Genereux abs.Good Girl v. Mas Media gold.Lady Clementine v. Richard of York 28.2.13 br hp G15495Lumen (fr) v. Verglas 15.2.13 br hp La Supernova (SWE)Marigold v. Cajun Cadet goldPull The Plug (USA) v. Pulpit 19.1.13 br hp G15517Raadyr v. Cajun Cadet 23.3.13 br hp G15518Skytrial (USA) v. Sky Classic 13.3.13 br hp G15525Snowburst (FR) v. Diktat 19.2.13 br hp Føllet +13Tafira (IRE) v. Invincible Spirit uden opl.Totally Invincible (IRE) v. Invincible Spirit 28.1.13 br hp G15533Until June (IRE) v. Intikhab 6.3.13 br hp Waiting for Emily (NOR) White Precordia (SWE) v. Precocious uden opl.

ADLERFLUG Fuks 2004, Tyskland (Gestüt Schlenderhan)v. In The Wings (GB) – Aiyana (GER) v. Last Tycoon (IRE) (ADG 37/15)

Synolite (IRE) v. Be My Guest 3.3.13 f hp Thit + 13

ALPINO CHILENO Skimmel 1999, Argentina (Hara Maria del Sol) v. Alpino Fitz (ARG) – Fairyland (ARG) v. Lode (USA) (ARG SB 25)

Goodrun (NOR) v. Oktan 22.3.13 f hp G15485

AMADEUS WOLF Brun 2003, England (Ascagnano S P A)v. Mozart (IRE) – Rachelle (IRE) v. Mark of Esteem (IRE) (GSB 45/978)

Green Utopia (IRE) v. Alhaarth 27.2.13 br hp Clara Grace

APPEL AU MAITREFuks 2004, Frankrig (Gilles & Ailette Forien)v. Starborough (GB) – Rotina (FR) v. Crystal Glitters (USA) (SBF 56/345)

Amazing Award v. Academy Award 10.2.13 br hp Mazie's LassAndalousie (GB) v. Spinning World 29.3.13 f h Lousie’s LadAutarcie (FR) +2012 v. Ski Chief hoppen dødAwesome Miss (FR) +2013 v. Awesome Again hoppen dødBelle Blanche v. Primatico 24.2.13 br hp Belle RoseBy the Book (IRE) v. Definite Article uden opl.Capote Line (IRE) v. Capote gold hoppen dødCinnamon's Pride v. Richard of York 24.4.13 f h Pacific KingCreole Legend (NOR) v. Cajun Cadet abs.Danila (SWE) v. Silvano uden opl.Diktat Queen (GB) v. Diktat 18.5.13 mbr h Mr Like ItDominet Hope (GB) v. Primo Dominie føl +Elaine v. Cajun Cadet 1.4.13 br h In the MoodEvening Rose (SWE) v. Funambule 6.5.13 f hp NN (NOR)Fleur en Fleur (FR) v. Hernando 16.3.13 br h G15480Fortaleza (NOR) v. Cajun Cadet 30.5.13 f hp NN (NOR)Imdala (SWE) v. Dalakhani 15.5.13 f h G15490Imogen (NOR) v. Singspiel 3.6.13 f hp G15491Jambalaya v. Cajun Cadet uden opl.Juvenlini (GB) v. Bertolini 27.1.13 br hp NN (SWE)Kinnari v. Take Risks tvillinger +Lois (SWE) +2013 v. Fraam hoppen dødMayfair v. Final Appearance uden opl.Mariee Celebre (GB) v. Peintre Celebre 25.3.13 f hp Mariee Gare (SWE)Mish (GB) v. Hernando 30.3.13 f hp G15509Peas and Love v. Cajun Cadet goldQickilai (SWE) v. Nicolotte uden opl.Romola (GB) v. Wolfhound 6.4.13 f h NN (NOR)Seashore (GB) v. Prince Sabo 11.4.13 br hp AlimaShaisa (IRE) v. Shalford 9.3.13 f h NN (NOR)Silora (GER) v. Lorofino uden opl.Sofie (GB) v. Efisio 18.3.13 f h RedcoatStarving (FR) v. Starborough 18.5.13 f hp G15527Sweet Marguerite (GB) v. Diktat 20.4.13 f hp Calvary (SWE)Tamara Red (IRE) v. Mukaddammah uden opl.Tempi v. Final Appearance 10.5.13 f hp Salome +13Theatrical Award (NOR) v. Academy Award 9.2.13 br h Lifeofbryan (NOR)The Spread (GB) v. Alhaarth 24.3.13 f hp La Maitresse (SWE)Thunder Lass (IRE) v. Maledetto 18.5.13 br hp Spicy AppealTinkerbell v. Richard of York uden opl.Veil of Night (GB) v. Val Royal 19.2.13 f hp G15550What An Angel v. Final Appearance 9.5.13 br hp Nice DelightWhat Budget (GB) v. Halling 13.03.13 f h NN (NOR)Wings of A Dove (GB) v. Hernando 30.3.13 f hp G15540Zantana (NOR) v. Ballet Prince 24.3.13 f hp Twisted (NOR)

AUSSIE RULES Skimmel 2003, USA (Belgrave Bloodstock Ltd)v. Danehill (USA) – Last Second (IRE) v. Alzao (USA) (AMS) (GSB 45/652)

All A Dream (GB) v. Desert Story 11.2.13 sk h G15459

BALLET PRINCEBrun 1990, Irland (Ballymacoll Stud Farm)v. Sadler’s Wells (USA) – Sun Princess (GB) v. English Prince (GB) (GSB 42/2336)

Little Nellie (GB) v. Lomitas 6.3.13 br h Fred BelloniSweet and Line v. Dexterity gold

BINARY FILE Brun 1998, USA (Juddmonte Farms) v. Nureyev (USA) . Binary (GB) v. Rainbow Quest (USA) (AMS)

Cocco Pio (IRE) v. Turtle Island kastetCoolmore Rocks (USA) + 2013 v. Rock of Gibraltar 28.3.13 br h G15472Dirtybird v. Funambule abs.Gypsy Singer (USA) v. Kingmambo goldLois Lane v. Academy Award 1.4.13 mbr hp Amber LaneMe Legend v. Silca Legend 9.3.13 f hp LefinalMunay (IRE) v. Desert King hoppen export SWE

BOSUN’S WATCHBrun 2004, England (Lostford Manor Stud)v. Singspiel (IRE) – Sinking (GB) v. Midyan (USA) (GSB 43/1121)

Queen Mambo v. Richard of York uden opl.Snuggles (IRE) v. Bluebird uden opl.

COCKNEY REBEL Brun 2004, Ireland (Oak Lodge Bloodstock)v. Val Royal (FR) – Factice (USA) v. Known Fact (USA) (GSB 45/1938)

Strapina (GB) v. Stravinsky 16.4.13 br hp Lahndan

DEVIL'S DRINK Brun 2007, Japan (Northern Racing)v. Agnes Tachyon (JPN) – Silk Prima Donna (JPN) v. Brian’s Time (USA) (JPN)

Cut Supreme v. Final Appearance 21.3.13 br hp DevilciousGreenville v. Kateb uden opl.Jaba-Dina (SWE) v. Strong Statement 21.2.13 br hp Javeline (SWE)Kat Dior v. Itsabrahma 9.4.13 sbr hp Swan BlackLime Line v. Basiluzzo 12.5.13 f hp Early DawnSnowfall (GB) v. Polar Falcon uden opl.

DEXTERITY Brun 1998, USA (Juddmonte Farms) v. Kingmambo (USA) . Diese (USA) v. Diesis (GB) (AMS)

Action Again (GER) v. Goofalik uden opl.Action Investment v. Arado uden opl.Adept (GB) v. Efisio ureg. følAnnabiyah (GB) v. Anabaa Blue 17.4.13 br hp JubiiBeauty Shine (GB) v. Selkirk 9.4.13 br hp G15484Beauty Winner (USA) v. King of Kings uden opl.Good Comfort v. Arado 12.5.13 br h KasaiHeritiere (GB) v. Hernando uden opl.LB Seawing v. Presidium 28.4.13 br hp Ciao CiaoMamaia v. Kateb 11.5.13 f h JuhuuMaxima v. Asaasy abs.Medusa v. Final Appearance 30.4.13 f h Lille NillerMiss Creek (GB) +2013 v. Intikhab uden opl. Hoppen dødSimpatica (IRE) v. Grand Lodge ureg. følVeeb (IRE) v. Footstepsinthesand 6.2.13 br hp Foot Note

EXCELLENT ART (GB)Brun 2004, England (Cheveley Park Stud Ltd)v. Pivotal (GB) – Obsessive (USA) v. Seeking the Gold (USA) (GSB 45/863)

Enchanting Muse (USA) v. Fusaichi Pegasus 25.4.13 br h G15477

FABULEUX INDIEN Fuks 2001, Danmark (Bumble Stud) v. Fabuleux Prospect (USA) . Posenzee (IRE) v. Posen (USA) (DSF 15/58)

Airlift (FR) v. Barathea uden opl.Danse du Feu v. Rurik 21.5.13 f h Mister Snipper

HELSINKIMbrun 2004, USA (Winstar Farm)v. Distorted Humor (USA) – Well Dressed (USA) v. Notebook (USA) (AMS)

Pianella (IRE) v. Revoque 23.4.13 br h G15514

IDAHO QUEST Mkbr. 1997, England (Juddmonte Farms) v. Rainbow Quest (USA) . Javandra (USA) v. Lyphard (USA) (GSB 44/1233)

Curie de Boussac v. Dexterity uden opl.

KALATOSFuks 1992, Tyskland (Renate & Dirk v. Mizlaff)v. Big Shuffle (USA) – Kardia (GER) v. Mister Rocks (GER) (ADG 36/329)

Tiger Image v. Dexterity 27.2.13 br hp CarambaKHELEYFBrun 2001, (USA) (Darley)v. Green Desert (USA) – Society Lady (USA) v. Mr Prospector (USA) (AMS) (GSB 47/1859)

Xaar Queen (GB) v. Xaar 22.2.13 mbr hp G15452

LAYMAN Fuks 2000, USA (Darley Stud)v. Sunday Silence (USA) – Laiyl (USA) v. Nureyev (USA) (AMS 34)

Cow Girl (IRE) v. King's Best hoppen exporteretFront Pearl v. Starry Night 18.3.13 f hp G15483

LORD SHANAKILLMbrun 2006, USA (Vimal Khosla, Gillian Khosla et Al)v. Speightstown (USA) – Green Room (USA) v. Treatrical (USA) (AMS)

Yaselda (GB) v. Green Desert 19.3.13 br hp Selma

MASTERCRAFTSMANSkimmel 2006, Irland (Lynch Bages Ltd)v. Danehill Dancer (IRE) – Starlight Dreams (USA) v. Black Tie Affair (IRE) (GSB 46/2093)

Matchmaker +2013 v. Funambule 9.3.13 br h Marlborough

MINGUNBrun 2000, USA (Flaxman Holdings Ltd.)v. A P Indy (USA) – Miesque (USA) v. Nureyev (USA) (AMS)

African Bell v. African Song føl +Air Strike Eleven v. Final Appearance 22.3.13 br hp G15458Bea Apache (SWE) V. Be My Chief 1.4.13 mbr h Geronimo (SWE)Chasing Angels (USA) v. Cuvee 23.5.13 f h Føllet +13Chilly Dew v. Palatal 22.2.13 f hp G15470Energia Cintilante (BRZ) v. Torrential 6.4.13 f hp Millénaire (SWE)Gift From The Sea (IRE) v. Bernstein abs.Haakima (USA) v. Dixieland Band 21.2.13 br h G15487Härkila (IRE) v. Elusive City 5.2.13 br h G15488La Petite Chinoise (GB) v. Dr Fong uden opl.Love Affair v. Richard of York kastetMajhud (IRE) v. Machiavellian 13.3.13 br hp G15503Mara Chaparral (IRE) v. High Chaparral 2.2.13 br hp G15505Nashida v. Richard of York 4.3.13 br hp Zulamit Zaid (SWE)Orchestrina (IRE) v. Mozart 27.1.13 f h G15513Peggy Guggenheim (IRE) v. Danehill Dancer 13.4.13 br hp G15547Predict (GB) v. Oasis Dream 5.3.13 f hp IS Flaming HeartRough Enough v. Poliglote abs.Scratch My Back (SWE) v. Be My Chief 18.4.13 br h G15522Top Action (NOR) v. Top-Boot uden opl.

Victorian Art (IRE) v. Chineur 7.2.13 br h føllet +13Violetta's Ginger (GB) v. Giant's Causeway 1.4.13 f hp G15536Will Be (IRE) v. In the Wings 9.3.13 mbr h Graal (SWE)Zell Amzee Zaid (SWE) v. Troon 16.4.13 f hp Zewina Zaid (SWE)Zoogina Zaid (SWE) v. Troon uden opl.Zuccini Business (GB) v. Entrepreneur føl +

NAAQOOSBrun 2006, England (S.Boucheron)v. Oasis Dream (GB) – Straight Lass (IRE) v. Machiavellian (USA) (GSB 46/706)

Vytinna (FR) v. Victory Note 18.4.13 mbr h G15537

NORTHERN HILL Sk. 2000, Irland (Orpendale) v. Sadler's Wells (USA) . Infamy (GB) v. Shirley Heights (GB) (GSB 44/1191)

May Lady v. Cajun Cadet uden opl.

PISTACHIO Sk. 1996, England (Lord Vestey) v. Unblest (GB) . Cashew (GB) v. Sharrood (USA) (GSB 43/384)

Bahamian Princess (GB) v. Bahamian Bounty 16.5.13 br hp Bahamian DawnLoqiuta v. Final Appearance 1.3.13 br/sk hp G15500Miss Moet +2013 v. Richard of York hoppen dødQueen of Burlesque (USA) v. Black Mambo uden opl.

PRIMATICO Mkbr. 1997, USA (Skymarc Farm) v. Danzig (USA) . Primevere (USA) v. Irish River (FR) (AMS)

Ashwaq (IRE) v. Northjet uden opl.Eboracum Dream (GB) v. Diktat uden opl.Fine Paladine v. Palatal 9.3.13 br hp G15479Honours Even (GB) v. Highest Honor uden opl.Ma Dame (GB) v. Magic Ring 2.4.13 br h føllet +13Miss Evergreen v. Prince Mab uden opl.Skee the Feen (GB) v. Viking 5.4.13 br hp G15524

RANSOM O'WARBrun 2000, USA (W. Lazy T Ltd.)v. Red Ransom (USA) – Sombreffe (GB) v. Polish Precedent (USA) (AMS)

Flowing Style (USA) v. Cozzene 19.3.13 br hp G15481Vallee de Bois v. Bahhare uden opl.

ROCK OF GIBRALTARBrun 1999, Irland (Joe Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. O'Brien)v. Danehill (USA) – Offshore Boom (IRE) v. Be My Guest (USA) (GSB 44/1919)

Singita +2013 v. Diaghlyphard hoppen død

ROYAL EXPERIMENTSk. 1999, USA (John R Gaines Thoroughbreds)v. Royal Academy (USA) – Morning Games (USA) v. Grey Dawn II (FR) (AMS 37)

Centennial v. Kateb abs.Folita (GB) v. Lomitas abs.Mac Dalia (GB) v. Namid 22.3.13 br h Victor (SWE)Nova Zembla (GB) +2013 v. Young Ern 16.4.01 sk h Royal ZemblaSalida (NOR) v. Spectacular Tide 3.5.13 sk h G15549Trioline v. Theatrician abs.Two Cool Cats (IRE) v. One Cool Cat 8.3.13 f hp ureg. føl

ROYAL MAJOR Brun 2004, Tyskland (Gestüt Etzean) v. Monsun (GER) . Reem Dubai (IRE) v. Nashwan (USA) (ADG 36/580)

Karma Chamelian (USA) v. Diesis 31.3.13 f hp Tattenham CornerNoel's Girl (IRE) v. Redback uden opl.

SAKHEE’S SECRETFuks 2004, England (Miss Bridget Swire)v. Sakhee (USA) – Palace Street (USA) v. Secreto (USA) (GSB 45/885)

Assistacat (IRE) v. Lend A Hand 15.3.13 f hp IS Flaming Secret

SILCA LEGEND Fuks 1998, England (E. Aldridge) v. Efisio (GB) . Silca.Cisa (GB) v. Hallgate (GB) (GSB 44/2459)

Derniere Levee v. Free and Gay 7.3.13 f h Zorro RiojaHå Te Hå v. Melmac 7.3.13 f hp Iratherwalkalone

SILVER FROSTSkimmel 2006, Irland (Skymarc Farm) v. Verglas (IRE) – Hidden Silver (GB) v. Anabaa (USA) (GSB 46/310)

Veliana (FR) v. Vettori 26.3.13 s/sk hp G15535

SIYOUNIBrun 2007, Frankrig (HH The Aga Khan's Studs SC.)v. Pivotal (GB) – Sichilla (IRE) v. Danehill (USA) (SBF 60/409)

Female Voice (SWE) v. Be My Chief uden opl.Jersey Girl v. Binary File 25.4.13 br hp G15523

SLEEPING INDIANBrun 2001, England (George Strawbridge)v. Indian Ridge (GB) – Las Flores (IRE) v. Sadler's Wells (USA) (GSB 45/649)

Caerless (SWE) v. Caerwent uden opl.

SPECIAL QUEST Brun 1995, Frankrig (Wertheimer et Frere) v. Rainbow Quest (USA) . Mona Stella (USA) v. Nureyev (USA) (SBF 48/268)

Afrodite v. Kateb 31.3.13 br h G15457All Fair v. Always Fair abs.All For Love v. Richard of York 30.4.13 br h G15460All Right v. Richard of York kastetAll That Jaz (GB) v. Alhijaz goldAmazone (SWE) v. Samum 19.2.13 mbr h Amos (SWE)Caviar (GB) v. Thunder Gulch 16.2.13 br hp Mrs HudsonClauses Cherie v. Marchand de Sable uden opl.Clauses Surprise v. Rainbows for Life 17.5.13 br hp Clauses RainbowCut So Sharp v. Final Appearance kastetDanseuse et Toi v. Richard of York abs.Fastina +2013 v. Dunphy 23.4.13 br h FaliFlip the Switch +2013 v. Ballet Prince 31.5.13 f h G15551Flywithme +2013 v. Funambule 1.5.13 br hp G15482Il-X +2013 v. Fanaan 30.5.13 br hp G15552Irish Smile (IRE) v. Chevalier uden opl.Jolie Fleur v. Richard of York 8.3.13 br h G15492Ladies First v. Basiluzzo føl +Ma Ani (IRE) v. Mujtahid 30.5.13 f h G15546Marina Belle (GB) v. Royal Applause 22.2.13 br h Mr WigginsMiss Chelsea +2013 v. Richard of York hoppen dødNanette v. Richard of York 19.3.13 br h G15510Polmara (IRE) v. Polish Precedent 29.4.13 br hp G15548Princess First v. Basiluzzo 23.5.13 br hp Baroness FirstRose Pearl v. Richard of York 26.4.13 br hp G15519Tears Go By (IRE) v. Alhaarth 1.5.13 br h G15530Val de Flores (GB) v. Oasis Dream 15.3.13 br h G15453 Wafter (ARG) v. Acceptable 30.4.13 br hp G15538Whirl Away v. Academy Award uden opl.Zelah (IRE) v. Alzao 31.3.13 br hp G15542

STARSPANGLEDBANNER Fuks 2006, Australien (Emily Krstina(Australia) Pty. Ltd.) v. Choisir (AUS) – Gold Anthem (AUS) v, Made of Gold (USA) (AUS) (GSB 47/1869)

Lady Lily (IRE) v. Desert Sun uden opl.

SWEDISH SHAVE Fuks 1998, Frankrig (Societe Sogir) v. Midyan (USA) – Shavya (GB) v. Shavian (GB) (SBF 52/333)

Breeders Line v. Le Fou uden opl.Classic Line v. Primatico uden opl.

TEAM PLAYER Brun 2001, England (Meon Valley Stud) v. Mark Of Esteem (IRE) . Colorspin (FR) v. High Top (GB) (GSB 45/236)

Becharm (GB) v. Singspiel 11.1.13 f hp AntarticaMarshavent (FR) v. Commands uden opl.Rave On (ITY) v. Barathea uden opl.Zafeena v. Zafeen uden opl.

TERTULLIANFuks 1995, Tyskland (Gestüt Schlenderhan)v. Miswaki (USA) – Turbaine (USA) v. Trempolino (USA) (ADG 36/734) Solvana (IRE) v. Selkirk 14.4.13 f.h. G15431 

TIGER HILL Brun 1995, Irland (Gestüt Wittekindshof)v. Danehill (USA) – The Filly (GER) v. Appiani (ITY) (ADG 36/707)

Royal Filly (GB) v. Zilzal 9.2.13 f hp G15520

VICTORIOUS SOUL Fuks 2006, USA v. Perfect Soul (USA) – Victorius Vice (USA) v. Vice Regent (USA) (AMS)

On Line (SWE) v. Songline 31.3.13 f h Prime RedPamuzinda (SWE) v. Lend A Hand 6.5.13 mbr h Pampas Soul (SWE)

WOOTTON BASSETTBrun 2008, England (Laundry Cottage Stud Farm)v. Iffraaj (GB) – Balladonna (GB) v. Primo Dominie (GB) (GSB 46/56)

Lulla (fr) v. Keos 11.5.13 mbr h Blackstone (fr)


(Coverings 2013)

ACADEMY AWARD Brun 2000, Irland (Ballylinch Stud)v. Danehill (USA) – Ingabelle (IRE) v. Taufan (USA) (GSB 44/1193)

Xaar Queen (GB) v. Xaar

APPEL AU MAITREFuks 2004, Frankrig (Gilles & Ailette Forien)v. Starborough (GB) – Rotina (FR) v. Crystal Glitters (USA) (SBF 56/345)

Achambra (FR) v. Desert Prince Acqualina Beauty (IRE) v. MontjeuAu Pair (IRE) v. Domedriver Belle Blanche v. PrimaticoLady Clementine v. Richard of YorkCaerless (SWE) v. Caerwent også bed. med NobileoDominet Hope (GB) v. Primo DominieDrivers Seat (FR) v. VadasinElaine v. Cajun Cadet Embattle (FR) v. Dernier EmpereurFabiola v. Ballet PrinceFancy Dancy (USA) v. PurgeFleur en Fleur (FR) v. HernandoGood Girl v. Mas Media Imdala (SWE) v. DalakhaniImogen (NOR) v. SingspielMayfair v. Richard of YorkMish (GB) v. HernandoRaadyr v. Cajun Cadet Second Wind (NOR) v. Duty TimeSkytrial (USA) v. Sky ClassicStarving (FR) v. StarboroughTafira (IRE) v. Invincible SpiritTotally Invincible (IRE) v. Invincible SpiritVeil of Night (GB) v. Val Royal Veliana (FR) v. VettoriVytinna (FR) v. Victory NoteWings of A Dove (GB) v. Hernando Zantana (NOR) v. Ballet Prince30

AIR CHIEF MARSHALLBrun 2007, Irland (Barronstown Stud)v. Danehill Dancer (IRE) – Hawala (IRE) v. Warning (GB) (GSB 46/1365)

Antoinette v. Mas Media Diamond of York v. Richard of York Marigold v. Cajun Cadet 3

BINARY FILE Brun 1998, USA (Juddmonte Farms) v. Nureyev (USA) . Binary (GB) v. Rainbow Quest (USA) (AMS)

All A Dream (GB) v. Desert Story Amusement v. Final AppearanceBelvedere v. PrimaticoCreole Legend (NOR) v. Cajun Cadet Cocco Pio (IRE) v. Turtle IslandCut Best v. Final AppearanceDirtybird v. Funambule Fraidi (SWE) v. DiaglyphardFast Connection (SWE) v. RedbackFrisbee (SWE) v. Be My ChiefGypsy Singer (USA) v. KingmamboJazzeira (SWE) v. TroonJacquline (SWE) v. TroonJoy of Life (SWE) v. Chain of Life Lady Mary v. Cajun CadetLady Sarah v. Richard of YorkLove Affair v. Richard of YorkGreen Utopia (IRE) v. Alhaarth Miss Valuev v. PistachioMunay (IRE) v. Desert KingPeggy Guggenheim (IRE) v. Danehill DancerPolmara (IRE) v. Polish Precedent Royal Filly (GB) v. ZilzalTeBheagNanEilan v. NicolotteTempi v. Final Appearance Tiger Image v. DexterityVida Nova v. Richard of York27

CAMPANOLOGISTBrun 2005, USA (Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum)v. Kingmambo (USA) – Ring of Music (GB) v. Sadler’s Wells (USA) (GSB 44/2224)

Edge of Eternity v. Academy Award1

DEVIL'S DRINK Brun 2007, Japan (Northern Racing)v. Agnes Tachyon (JPN) – Silk Prima Donna (JPN) v. Brian’s Time (USA) (JPN)

Snowfall (GB) v. Polar FalconAfrican Award v. Academy AwardCut Supreme v. Final Appearance Lime Line +2013 v. Basiluzzo4

EISHIN DUNKIRKFuks 1997, USA v. Mr Prospector (USA) . Forest Flower (USA) v. Green Forest (USA) (AMS 36)

Karakorun (GB) v. Kheleyf1

FABULEUX INDIENFuks 2001, Danmark (Bumble Stud) v. Fabuleux Prospect (USA) . Posenzee (IRE) v. Posen (USA) (DSF 15/58)

Sarina (SWE) v. Diaghlyphard 1

FALCOBrun 2000, USA (Wertheimer Et Frere)v. Pivotal (GB) – Icelips (USA) v. Unbridled (USA) (AMS)

Spring of Pearls (IRE) v. Big Shuffle1

FLYINFACT Sbr. 1984, Frankrig (Mme E. Longton)v. In The Wings (GB) – Zeffirella (GB) v. Known Fact (USA) (SBF 47/298)

Pollenca (IRE) +2013 v. Law SocietyAkada Cha Cha v. Arado1

MAMBO KINGSbr. 2002, Danmark v. Diktat (GB) – Gypsy Singer (USA) v. Kingmambo (USA) (DSB 15/33)

Hot Chili v. Richard of York Miss Skycat (USA) v. Tale of the Cat2

MERCHANT OF VENICEBrun 1998, USA (Orpendale)v. Storm Cat (USA) – Bonita Franchita (CAN) v. Devil’s Bag (USA) (AMS)

Maxima v. Asaasy1

MINGUNBrun 2000, USA (Flaxman Holdings Ltd.)v. A P Indy (USA) – Miesque (USA) v. Nureyev (USA) (AMS)

Adios Mi Plata (IRE) v. PyrusAir Strike Eleven v. Final Appearance Chilly Dew v. PalatalDalkey Girl (IRE) v. Raise A GrandEnchanting Muse (USA) v. Fusaichi PegasusEywa (GB) v. Mark of EsteemGift From the Sea (IRE) v. BernsteinGoodrun (NOR) v. OktanHaakima (USA) v. Dixieland BandHalfsong (SWE) v. SonglineHärkila (IRE) v. Elusive CityInger’s Lady (IRE) v. InchinorJath (GB) v. Bishop of CashelKlang Valley (GB) v. Dubai Destination La Petite Chinoise (GB) v. Dr FongLois Lane v. Academy Award Loreley (SWE) v. NicolotteMajhud (IRE) v. MachiavellianMariyca (GB) v. DaylamiMara Chaparral (IRE) v. High ChaparralOjos del Salado (IRE) v. DanetimeOrchestrina (IRE) v. Mozart Philitagain (NOR) v. PhilidorPika v. Academy AwardQuinzi Bloom (SWE) v. DiaglyphardReed Door (USA) v. Street Cry Saucy Heart (SWE) v. Heart of OakScratch My Back (SWE) v. Be My ChiefSenora Thatcher (CHI) v. Sam MSnowburst (FR) v. DiktatSome Night (IRE) v. Night ShiftStormy Girl (SWE) v. InchroryTigress Eleven v. Academy AwardVictoria Dream v. Cajun CadetVictorian Art (IRE) v. ChineurVictory Spirit (SWE) v. DiaglyphardZally Zaid (SWE) v. Cajun CadetZoogina Zaid (SWE) v. Troon Zamora Zaid (SWE) v. Troon39

MYBOYCHARLIEBrun 2005, Irland (Denis Noonan)v. Danetime (IRE) – Dulceata (IRE) v. Rousillon (GB) (GSB 46/1192)

October Winds (USA) v. Irish RiverPremiere Note (GB) v. Alhaarth2

NOBILEO (GB)Fuks 2003, England (Burkle Dieter M)v. Galileo (IRE) . Nataliana (GER) v. Surumu (GER) (ADG37/879) (GSB 45/831)

Caerless (SWE) v. Caerwent også bed med Appel au MaitreChalet (GB) +2013 v. Singspiel Fine Paladine v. PalatalMarina Belle (GB) v. Royal ApplauseQueen Mambo v. Richard of York Sangreal (GB) v. Medicean Skee the Feen (GB) v. Viking7

NORTHERN HILL Skimmel 2000, Irland (Orpendale) v. Sadler's Wells (USA) . Infamy (GB) v. Shirley Heights (GB) (GSB 44/1191)

May Lady v. Cajun Cadet 1

PISTACHIO Skimmel 1996, England (Lord Vestey) v. Unblest (GB) . Cashew (GB) v. Sharrood (USA) (GSB 43/384)

Concord (SWE) v. Mas MediaLoquita v. Final Appearance 2

PRIMATICO Mkbr. 1997, USA (Skymarc Farm) v. Danzig (USA) . Primevere (USA) v. Irish River (FR) (AMS)

Sweet and Line v. Dexterity Take A Walk v. Ballet Prince 2

RAJSAMANSkimmel 2007, Frankrig (HH The Aga Khan Studs)v. Linamix (FR) – Rose Quartz (GB) v. Lammtarra (USA) (SBF)Fonage (GB) v. Zafonic1

ROYAL EXPERIMENTSkimmel 1999, USA (John R Gaines Thoroughbreds)v. Royal Academy (USA) – Morning Games (USA) v. Grey Dawn II (FR) (AMS 37)

Folita (GB) v. Lomitas Miss Behave (gb) v. Invincible SpiritNova Zembla (GB) +2013 v. Young Ern

Peas and Love v. Cajun Cadet Trioline v. Theatrician5

ROYAL MAJOR Brun 2004, Tyskland (Gestüt Etzean) v. Monsun (GER) . Reem Dubai (IRE) v. Nashwan (USA) (ADG 36/580)

Becharm (GB) v. SingspielKarma Chamelian (USA) v. DiesisRave On (ITY) v. Barathea3

SILCA LEGEND Fuks 1998, England (E. Aldridge) v. Efisio (GB) . Silca.Cisa (GB) v. Hallgate (GB) (GSB 44/2459)

Action Again (GER) v. GoofalikAction Investment v. AradoAnnabiyah (GB) v. Anabaa BlueBeauty Winner (USA) v. King of Kings Comx v. Tiger HillGood Comfort v. AradoMamaia v. KatebMillevini (IRE) v. Hawk WingOh La La (SWE) v. Shamardal9

SPECIAL QUEST Brun 1995, Frankrig (Wertheimer Et Frere) v. Rainbow Quest (USA) . Mona Stella (USA) v. Nureyev (USA) (SBF 48/268)

Afrodite v. KatebAll Fair v. Always Fair All Grey v. Academy Award All For Love v. Richard of YorkAll Right v. Richard of York Assistacat (IRE) v. Lend A HandChasing Angels (USA) v. CuveeClauses Cherie v. Marchand de Sable Clauses Doll v. Guys and Dolls Cut So Sharp v. Final AppearanceDanseuse et Toi v. Richard of York Feuer.Limelight v. Feuerbach Jolie Fleur v. Richard of YorkLa Sabana (FR) v. Loup SolitaireOur Actress (GB) v. Act OnePredict (GB) v. Oasis DreamRomola (GB) v. WolfhoundTears Go By (IRE) v. AlhaarthTop Pearl v. ItsabrahmaVal de Flores (GB) v. Oasis Dream

Viola Vrinsk v. Silca Legend Wafter (ARG) v. AcceptableYaselda (GB) v. Green DesertZelah (IRE) v. Alzao24

TEAM PLAYER Brun 2001, England (Meon Valley Stud) v. Mark Of Esteem (IRE) . Colorspin (FR) v. High Top (GB) (GSB 45/236)

Lateralle (IRE) v. UnfuwainBrandymixa (USA) v. HennessyCentennial v. KatebCut Siegerin v. MuthhilGaanya (FR) v. Oasis DreamIntruder (GB) v. Polish PatriotKeep ’em Honest (USA) v. Thunder GulchMarshavant (FR) v. Commands7





ALL A DREAM Mbr. 2002, England (K. Rausing) v. Desert Story (IRE) – Alioli (GB) v. Nishapour (FR) (GSB 45/20)

2013 Sk h G15459 Aussie Rules (USA) Stutteri Hjortebo2014 Binary File (USA)

AU PAIRFuks 2005, Irland (Hawthorn Villa Stud)v. Domedriver (IRE) – Noble Dane (IRE) v. Danehill (USA) (GSB 46/1763)

2014 Appel au Maitre (FR) Stutteri Hjortebo

BRANDYMIXASkimmel 2003, USA (Francis Brendan McEntee)v. Hennessy (USA) – Amenixa (FR) v. Linamix (FR) (AMS)

2014 Team Player (GB)

DRIVERS SEAT Fuks 2008 Frankrig (Baudouin Christian o James o Naess A)v. Vadasin (FR) – Fuel Injection (SWE) v. Eagle Day (USA) (SSF 28/45)

2014 Appel au Maitre (FR)

EDGE OF ETERNITYSkimmel 2008, Danmark (York Stutteri) (DSF 16/16)v. Academy Award (IRE) – All Right v. Richard of York (GB)

2014 Campanologist (USA)

ENCHANTING MUSE Brun 2006 USA (Barronstown Stud)v. Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) – Moon Flower (IRE) v. Sadler's Wells (USA) (AMS) (GSB 46/1700)

2013 Br h G15477 Excellent Art (GB) (Stald RAS)2014 Mingun (USA)

FONAGEBrun 1997, England (Juddmonte Studs) v. Zafonic (USA) – Dockage (CAN) v. Riverman (USA) (GSB 44/706)

2014 Rajsaman (FR)

GAANYA Brun 2009, Frankrig (Haras d’Etreham)v. Oasis Dream (GB) – Saba (ITY) v. Kris (GB) (SBF)

2014 Team Player (GB)

IRISH SMILEBrun 2005, Irland (Jill Finegan & Irene McGreal)v. Chevalier (IRE) – Catch A Smile (USA) v. Silver Hawk (USA) (GSB 46/1037)

2014 Special Quest (FR)

KARAKORUN Brun 2008, England (Gascoigne Paul) v. Kheleyf (USA) – Assuage (GB) v. Wolfhound (USA) (GSB 46/45)

2014 Eishin Dunkirk (USA)

LADY MARYBrun 2006, Danmark (Stutteri Hjortebo) v. Cajun Cadet (GB) – Cut Memory v. Dunphy (FR) (DSF 16/27)

2014 Binary File (USA) Stutteri Hjortebo

LADY SARAHBrun 2006, Danmark (Stutteri Hjortebo)v. Richard of York (GB) – La Sall v. Cajun Cadet (GB) (DSF 16/44)

2014 Binary File (USA) Stutteri Hjortebo

LATERALLE Brun 2011, Irland (Petra Bloodstock Agency Ltd.) v. Unfuwain – La Splendide v. Slip Anchor (GSB 45/650)

2014 Team Player (GB)

MILLEVINI Brun 2008, Irland (Ridgecourt Stud)v. Hawk Wing – Audacieuse v. Rainbow Quest (GSB 46/48)

2014 Silca Legend (GB)

MISS BEHAVEBrun 2008, England (Stald Rainbow) v. Invincible Spirit (IRE) – Violetta’s Ginger (GB) v. Giant’s Causeway (USA) (DSF 16/79)

2014 Royal Experiment (USA) Stald Rainbow

OCTOBER WINDSBrun 2001, USA (Mme Camelia J. Casey) v. Irish River (FR) – Lyphdum (USA) v. Lyphard (USA) (AMS)

2014 Myboycharlie (IRE) Stutteri Hjortebo

PREMIERE NOTEBrun 2003, England (Haras de Mezeray)v. Alhaarth (IRE) – Good To Dance (IRE) v. Groom Dancer (USA) (GSB 45/469)

2014 Myboycharlie (IRE) Henrik Stork

SARINAFuks 2001, Sverige (St Petersburg Stables)v. Diaghlyphard (USA) – Kutbeya (USA) v. Diesis (GB) (SSF 28/102)

2014 Fabuleux Indien (DEN) Eva og Johnny Kristensen

SPRING OF PEARLSMbrun 2002, Irland (Moyglare Stud Farm Ltd) v. Big Shuffle (USA) – Foreign Love (USA) v. Gulch (USA) (GSB 45/1999)

2014 Falco (USA) Stutteri Hjortebo

STRAPINA Brun 2004, England (Newsells Park Stud Ltd.)v. Stravinsky (USA) – Serpina (IRE) v. Grand Lodge (USA) (GSB 45/1082)

2013 Br hp Lahndan Cockney Rebel (IRE) Stutteri Thorskovgård 2014 ej bed

TIGRESS ELEVENBrun 2008, Danmark (The Handsome Foursome)v. Academy Award (IRE) – Kutbeya ((USA) v. Diesis (GB) (DSF 16/44)

2014 Mingun (USA) The Handsome Foursome

THUNDER LASSBrun 1995 Irland, (St Simon Foundation)v. Maledetto (IRE) – Prosapia (USA) v. Our Native (USA) (GSB43/1932)

2013 Br hp Spicy Appeal Appel au Maitre (FR)2014 ej bed

VICTORIA DREAMBrun 2008, Danmark (Nina Falck & Gert Larsen)v. Cajun Cadet (GB ) – Alacrity (GB) v. Alzao (USA) (DSF 16/15)

2014 Mingun (USA)





(New stallions)

APPEL AU MAITREFuks 2004, Frankrig (Gilles & Ailette Forien)v. Starborough (GB) – Rotina (FR) v. Crystal Glitters (USA) (SBF 56/345)

GO GO GADGETMbr 2007, Tyskland ( Herbert Schniepp)v. Areion (GER) – Globuli (GER) v. Surako (GER) (ADG 37/275)

Indeks til avlshopper, navngivne føl og AVLSHINGSTE:

Achambra (FR) 14 / 24Acqualina Beauty (IRE) 14 / 24Action Again (GER) 17 / 29Action Investment 17 / 29Adept (GB) 17Adios Mi Plata (IRE) 27African Award 25African Bell 18Afrodite 21 / 29Air Strike Eleven 18 / 27Airlift (FR) 17Akada Cha Cha 26Alima 15All A Dream (GB) 15 / 25 / 32All Fair 21 / 29All For Love 21 / 29All Grey 29All Right 21 / 29All That Jaz (GB) 21Amazing Award 15Amazone (SWE) 21Amber Lane 16Amos (SWE) 21Amusement 14 / 25An Cnoc (SWE) 14Andalousie (GB) 15Annabiyah (GB) 17 / 29Antartica 22Antoinette 24APPEL AU MAITRE 38Ashwaq (IRE) 19Assistacat (IRE) 20 / 29Au Pair (IRE) 24 / 32Aube d'Irlande (FR) 14Auchroisk (SWE) 14Autarcie (FR) +2012 15Awesome Miss (FR) +2013 15

Bahamian Princess (GB) 19Ballet Comique (FR) 14Bandear (IRE) 14Baroness First 21Bea Apache (SWE) 18Beauty Shine (GB) 17Beauty Winner (USA) 17 / 29Becharm (GB) 22 / 29Belle Blanche 15 / 24Belle Rose 15Belvedere 25Blackstone (fr) 22Brandymixa (USA) 30 / 32Breeders Line 22By the Book (IRE) 15

Caerless (SWE) 21 / 24 /28Calvary (SWE) 15Capote Line (IRE) +2013 15Caramba 17Catella (SWE) 14Caviar (GB) 21Centennial 20 / 30Chalet (GB) +2013 28Chasing Angels (USA) 18 / 29Chilly Dew 18 / 27Ciao Ciao 17Cinnamon's Pride 15Clara Grace 14Classic Line 22Clauses Cherie 21 / 29Clauses Doll 29Clauses Rainbow 21Clauses Surprise 21Cocco Pio (IRE) 16 / 25Comx 29Concord (SWE) 28Coolmore Rocks (USA) + 2013 16Cow Girl (IRE) 18Creole Legend (NOR) 15 / 25Curie de Boussac 17Cut Best 25Cut Siegerin 30Cut So Sharp 21 / 29Cut Supreme 16 / 25

Dalkey Girl (IRE) 27Danila (SWE) 15Danseuse et Toi 21 / 29Derniere Levee 20Devilcious 16Diamond (SWE) 14Diamond of York 24Diktat Queen (GB) 15Dirtybird 16 / 25Dominet Hope (GB) 15 / 24Drivers Seat (FR) 24 / 32

Early Dawn 16Eboracum Dream (GB) 19Edge of Eternity 25 / 32Elaine 15 / 24Embattle (FR) 14 / 24Enchanting Muse (USA) 17 / 27 / 32Energia Cintilante (BRZ) 18Evening Rose (SWE) 15Eywa (GB) 27

Fabiola 24Fali 21

Fancy Dancy (USA) 24Fast Connection (SWE) 25Fastina +2013 21Female Voice (SWE) 21Feuer.Limelight 29Fine Paladine 19 / 28Fleur en Fleur (FR) 15 / 24Flip the Switch +2013 21Flowing Style (USA) 19Flywithme +2013 21Folita (GB) 20 / 28Fonage (GB) 28 / 32Foot Note 17Fortaleza (NOR) 15Fraidi (SWE) 25Fred Belloni 16Frisbee (SWE) 25

Geronimo (SWE) 18Gift From The Sea (IRE) 18 / 27Gift of Grace (FR) 14GO GO GADGET 38Good Comfort 17 / 29Good Girl 14 / 24Goodrun (NOR) 14 / 27Green Utopia (IRE) 14 / 25Greenville 16Graal (SWE) 19Gypsy Singer (USA) 16 / 25Gaanya (FR) 30 / 33

Halfsong (SWE) 27Heritiere (GB) 17Honours Even (GB) 19Hot Chili 26Härkila (IRE) 18 / 27Hå Te Hå 20Haakima (USA) 18 / 27

Il-X +2013 21Imdala (SWE) 15 / 24Imogen (NOR) 15 / 24In the Mood 15Inger’s Lady (IRE) 27Intruder (GB) 30Iratherwalkalone 20Irish Smile (IRE) 21 / 33IS Flaming Heart 18IS Flaming Secret 20

Jaba-Dina (SWE) 16Jacquline (SWE) 25Jambalaya 15Jath (GB) 27Javeline (SWE) 16Jazzeira (SWE) 25

Jersey Girl 21Jolie Fleur 21 / 29Joy of Life (SWE) 25Jubii 17Juhuu 17Juvenlini (GB) 15

Karakorun (GB) 26 / 33Karma Chamelian (USA) 20 / 29Kasai 17Kat Dior 16Keep ’em Honest (USA) 30Kinnari 15Klang Valley (GB) 27

La Maitresse (SWE) 15La Petite Chinoise (GB) 18 / 27La Sabana (FR) 29La Supernova (SWE) 14Ladies First 21Lady Clementine 14 / 24Lady Lily (IRE) 22Lady Mary 25 / 33Lady Sarah 25 / 33Lahndan 16Lateralle (IRE) 30 / 33LB Seawing 17Lefinal 16Lifeofbryan (NOR) 15Lille Niller 17Lime Line +2012 16 / 25Little Nellie (GB) 16Lois (SWE) +2013 15Lois Lane 16 / 27Loqiuta 19 / 28Loreley (SWE) 27Lousie’s Lad 15Love Affair 18 / 25Lulla (fr) 22Lumen (fr) 14

Ma Ani (IRE) 21Ma Dame (GB) 19Mac Dalia (GB) 20Majhud (IRE) 18 / 27Mamaia 17 / 29Mara Chaparral (IRE) 18 / 27Mariee Celebre (GB) 15Mariee Gare (SWE) 15Marigold 24Marina Belle (GB) 21 / 28Mariyca (GB) 27Marlborough 18Marshavent (FR) 22 / 30Matchmaker +2013 18Maxima 17 / 26

May Lady 19 / 28Mayfair 15 / 24Mazie's Lass 15Me Legend 16Medusa 17Millénaire (SWE) 18Millevini (IRE) 29 / 33Mish (GB) 15 / 24Miss Behave (gb) 28 / 33Miss Chelsea +2013 21Miss Creek (GB) +2013 17Miss Evergreen 19Miss Moet +2013 19Miss Skycat (USA) 26Miss Valuev 25Mr Like It 15Mr Wiggins 21Mrs Hudson 21Munay (IRE) 16 / 25

Nanette 21Nashida 18Nice Delight 15Nigritella (SWE) 14Noel's Girl (IRE) 20Nova Zembla (GB) +2013 20 / 29

October Winds (USA) 27 / 34Oh La La (SWE) 29Ojos del Salado (IRE) 27On Line (SWE) 22Orchestrina (IRE) 18 / 27Our Actress (GB) 29

Pacific King 15Pamuzinda (SWE) 22Peas and Love 15 / 29Peggy Guggenheim (IRE) 18 / 25Philitagain (NOR) 27Pianella (IRE) 17Pika 27Pollenca (IRE) +2013 26Polmara (IRE) 21 / 25Predict (GB) 18 / 29Premiere Note (GB) 27 / 34Prime Red 22Princess First 21Pull The Plug (USA) 14

Qickilai (SWE) 15Queen Mambo 16 / 28Queen of Burlesque (USA) 19Quinzi Bloom (SWE) 27

Raadyr 14 / 24Rave On (ITY) 22 / 29

Redcoat 15Reed Door (USA) 27Romola (GB) 15 / 29Rose Pearl 21Rough Enough 18Royal Filly (GB) 22 / 25Royal Zembla 20

Salida (NOR) 20Salome +13 15Sangreal (GB) 28Sarina (SWE) 26 / 34Saucy Heart (SWE) 27Scratch My Back (SWE) 18 / 27Seashore (GB) 15Second Wind (NOR) 24Selma 18Senora Thatcher (CHI) 27Shaisa (IRE) 15Silora (GER) 15Simpatica (IRE) 17Singita +2013 20Skee the Feen (GB) 19 / 28Skytrial (USA) 14 / 24Snowburst (FR) 14 / 27Snowfall (GB) 16 / 25Snuggles (IRE) 16Sofie (GB) 15Solvana (GB) 22Some Night (IRE) 27Spicy Appeal 15Spring of Pearls (IRE) 26 / 34Starving (FR) 15 / 24Stormy Girl (SWE) 27Strapina (GB) 16 / 34Swan Black 16Sweet and Line 16 / 28Sweet Marguerite (GB) 15Synolite (IRE) 14

Tafira (IRE) 14 / 24Take A Walk 28Tamara Red (IRE) 15Tattenham Corner 20Tears Go By (IRE) 21 / 29TeBheagNanEilan 25Tempi 15 / 25The Spread (GB) 15Theatrical Award (NOR) 15Thit + 14Thunder Lass (IRE) 15 / 34Tiger Image 17 / 25Tigress Eleven 27 / 34Tinkerbell 15Top Action (NOR) 18Top Pearl 29

Totally Invincible (IRE) 14 / 24Trioline 20 / 29Twisted (NOR) 15Two Cool Cats (IRE) 20

Until June (IRE) 14

Val de Flores (GB) 21 / 29Vallee de Bois 19Veeb (IRE) 17Veil of Night (GB) 15 / 24Veliana (FR) 20 / 24Victor (SWE) 20Victoria Dream 27 / 35Victorian Art (IRE) 18 / 27Victory Spirit (SWE) 27Vida Nova 25Viola Vrinsk 30Violetta's Ginger (GB) 19Vytinna (FR) 19 / 24

Wafter (ARG) 21 / 30Waiting for Emily (NOR) 14What An Angel 15What Budget (GB) 15Whirl Away 21White Precordia (SWE) 14Will Be (IRE) 19Wings of A Dove (GB) 15 / 24

Xaar Queen (GB) 18 / 24

Yaselda (GB) 18 / 30

Zafeena 22Zally Zaid (SWE) 27Zamora Zaid (SWE) 27Zantana (NOR) 15 / 24Zelah (IRE) 21 / 30Zell Amzee Zaid (SWE) 19Zewina Zaid (SWE) 19Zoogina Zaid (SWE) 19 / 27Zorro Rioja 20Zuccini Business (GB) 19Zulamit Zaid (SWE) 18
