Adaptive Testing For Classification Of Learners And Quiz ... · Question Bank: Provide the facility...


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Adaptive Testing For Classification Of Learners AndQuiz Questions Using Clicker

Anoop Dobhal

IIT Bombay

June 22, 2014

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1 Clicker OverviewClicker In UseWeb Based Clicker System for Aakash Tablet

2 MotivationAim and ObjectivesScope of the ProjectConstraints of the Project

3 Proposed SystemAlgorithm For Modifying The ParametersServer ModuleClient Module

4 Test Results

5 Limitations

6 Conclusion and Future Work

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What is Clicker

Clickers, known with many names like ARS (Audience Response System),CRS (Classroom Response System), SRS (Student Response System),PRS (Personal Response System), etc. .

Clickers are act as medium of communication between instructor andstudents

It can be any portable handheld device like smart phones, tablet,laptops or any hardware are given to all students in the class

The instructor can ask question or post quizzes during class

Students can respond using whatever device they own

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Clicker In Use

Provide instructors, a new way of teaching and improvingmethodologies of learning

Students participation increased

Instructor gets a good hand on students understanding about asubject

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Web Based Clicker System for Aakash Tablet

Admin: It provides facilities to admin for adding, editing, fetching anddeleting the information

Raise Hand: It provides the facility to ask questions or doubt

Polling: Used to conduct questionnaire

Question Bank: Provide the facility of adding and searching questionsfor conducting exams or quizzes

Create Quiz: This module provides the facility of creating quiz byfetching questions from Question Bank

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Problem Statement

In a large or even small classroom, there is different kind of students.They have different scale of learning depend upon their nature and pastexperience. So dividing students into category of learning power is difficulttask for a instructor.


One solution to the problem is to provide System, which will recommendquestion to students according to their intelligence level.

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Aim and Objectives

Focus on improving learning by understanding student capabilities likeIQ level, problem understading etc..

To Increase students participation in class

Develop an efficient and improved solution, which will projectquestions to users according to user intelligence

Develop a system, which will change questions difficulty level accrdingto users reponse

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Scope of the Project

To provide better learning environment in classroom

To provide means to change current clicker system learningenvironment beyond only tabulating students responses and displayingresults

To provide users to give Reponses according to their intelligence level

To provide system to change questions difficulty level according tousers response

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Constraints of the Project

Bandwidth management problem as numbers of user increases

What types of question formats will help student in greater extent?

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Proposed System

Rasch model

Our system is based on Rasch model (is a psychometric model foranalyzing categorical data, such as answers to questions on a readingassessment or questionnaire responses.

Our Appraoch

Maintaining two variables Qj and Ui

Qj is question difficulty value

Ui is user intelligence value

The values of these variables will be change according to userresponses

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Algorithm For Modifying The Parameters

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Server Module

Login: Using LDAP userid and Password

Create Quiz: Provide the functionality of creating a new quiz

Add Question: Provides the functionality of adding question into thedatabase

Save Response: Provides the functionality of saving response at serverside

Database: Used for storing questions added by instructor

Web Interface: Dashboard used by instructor for login, addingquestions and creating quizzes

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Server Interaction Diagram

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Database Relation Diagram

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Web Interface For Login

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Web Interface For Create Quiz

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Web Interface For Adding Question Into Database

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Client Module

Java Wrapper is used to communicate to Server using apache http client.Each Operation is done using http post request. The operations are

1 Login

2 Next Question

3 Save Response

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Flow Diagram Of Quiz Application

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Initialisation Of Variables

1 user_level is set to 0.05

2 question_level is set to 0.95, whenever a question is selected forQuiz

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Test Results When One User Attempt The Quiz

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Test Results When One User Attempt The Quiz

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Test Results When Five Users Attempt The Quiz

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When an user attempt all questions correct, then intelligence valuereach at maximum value of 0.95

When an user attempt all questions incorrect, then intelligence valuefor that user will not decrease beyond 0.05

Fairness is not achieved that good

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Our system provide recommendation system that can recommendquestion to students according to their intelligence or IQ level

At the end of the quiz, we are able to characterize questionsaccording to their difficulties and user according to their intelligence

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Future Work

Find the correlation between users intelligence, so that question canbe recommended based on correlation

Maintain the history of each user responses, so that question can berecommended based on that history

Provide some explanation of each answer to client/user, wheneverthey give their responses

Use other kinds of recommendation system or approaches that can beintegrated with current system

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The End

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