ADAM Brochure


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Analyze. Discover. Address. Manage.

The Power of Information “Why ADAM”A recent study conducted by the IBM institute for Business Value and the MIT Sloan Management Review found that the top-performing organizations are five times more likely to leverage analytics than lower performing counterparts. Additionally, 53% of top performers, utilize insights derived from the analytics to guide day-to-day operations and 45% of leading organizations use these in the context of future strategies.

At Advantix, we understand the importance of information as an essential tool in helping our clients make smarter and more effective business decisions. With the introduction of ADAM™, we provide you with insight that transcends aesthetics to supply powerful analytics and top-tier telecom management practices. ADAM™ represents the convergence of statistical evaluation and advanced forecasting and data manipulation.


Geospatial Mapping Manage your global platform by utilizing ADAM’s

full scale geospatial mapping tool. View the behavior, spend, assetand inventory statistics for each location in

your organization across virtually any hierarchy structure.

Advanced Formulas & Calculations Access powerful modules- Forecasting and

Predictive Analytics; Indices and Inflation; Statistical Control Charts—designed to turn data into actionable strategies.

Share and CustomizeEasily export content to team members and management

at the click of a button. Customize your dashboards, tools and reports to reflect charts, metrics and designs of your choosing.

Cell Level Drill Downs Dynamically drill down into targeted individual user reports containing a comprehensive break-down of a selected user’s spend and usage activity over time.

Cross Platform IntegrationADAMTM integrates with a variety of software platforms, allowing you to view critical data within the core interface and access comprehensive reports specifically for your organization.

The introduction of ADAM™, Advantix’ CPM suite, represents the first fully loaded and comprehensive analytic intelligence platform of its kind. ADAM™ provides organizations with the information they need to make smarter and more educated business decisions, promoting operational efficiency and increasing program productivity. ADAM™ is equipped with a limitless capacity for data management in the cloud, which supports platform growth and remains responsive regardless of your platform size. The ADAM™ user interface provides clients with an easy to master and customizable framework which can be tailored to support specific business rules and needs.

Secure DataADAM™ utilizes state of the art multi-tenancy to

keep your data safe and secure at all times. ADAM™

automatically filters your data set to incorporate only the

data specifically assigned to the credentials supplied at

login, making hierarchical platform management a breeze.

Access AnywhereADAM™ is a web based platform that can interface with

any device. With no software to download or install, you

can access ADAM™ whenever and wherever you want

with no decline in functionality.

About AdvantixBringing cutting-edge solutions, control, and

consulting to the corporate telecommunications environment,

Advantix is dedicated to providing the

best in wireline and mobile telecom lifecycle


Contact1202 Richardson Dr., Suite 200Richardson, TX 75080(866) 238-2684
