ad1 t o &iiics - Environmental Protection Agency · Ein.11 onmental Health Officei I-le$iti;...


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Mi David h/lolloy Ein.11 onmental Health Officei I-le$iti; Sdvtce Executive (South) 2nd Flooi ,'Odk House Liiiie Tiee Abeiiue, Millennium Park Naas, County Ktldaie Art MI David Molloy


Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland

4 - Y35 W821 1


';eannci&athru, @%'$st 3000 Eastdt Chaisled$BhBil6 Shedin Contae LochiGarma?. h e Y35 W82 1

T t353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa le

W w e p a l e


LoCall: 1890 33 55 99 Reg No.: WO287-01

Deai M i Molloy 1

eguldtioii 21 of the E trial Emissions) t t ad1 ed not i fi ca t i o n a iib detei n>in'ahon* in

nde 01 &iiics Limited, ven, poi tIaw, Coiintyl i i the Agency's webkik

Yours sincerely

. . . _ . , . '

, !'!

'"1 ,

. . Dorota Richards Prograiiiine Officer . ,

Enviroiinieiital Licensing Prograiiiiiie . . . .

Office of hviroiimental Sustaiiiability

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniamhaireochr om Choomhnu Comlahaorl

I* s

Diiectoi of Seiviccs - Planning Section Wateifoid City and County Council

The Mall \Vateifoid

C1ty IHall

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 WE21

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaisledn Bliaile Sheain Contae Loch Garrnan. h e ~ 3 5 w82 i

T t353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa ie W wwwepa ie

LoCall 1890 33 55 99 Reg NO ' \VO2S7-0 1

Deai SiiiMddaiii

y o \ ision4 of Regulation 21 of the EPA (Iiidustiial Emissions) 20S 3 - pleq5e see atlaclied notification and pi oposed deteriiiinaiion i n

ication hoin Oriiioncle Oiganicc Limited, Killowen, Poi tlaw, County n activity 'it *Killowen, Portla\\, County tWateifoid A copy of the ble-foi inspection on the Agency's website M ~ \ V eua ie

i oposed deteiiiiination may be made on-line on the Agency's website at ing i t by piepajd po\t to the headquarters of the Agency, or by leaving'it eAgeiicy, at the headquarters of the Agency in Wexford dui i n s office 5 OOpiii Monday to Friday A valid objection must be ieceived at the

2 b g p c y t before 5.00. pm on the applicable date, as specified in the

Youi 4 sincerely

Doiota Richaid\ Pi ogi-ainiiie Oflicer Eiivironmeptal Liceiiying Piogi amme Office of Eniiiioiimcntal Sustainability

. ..

Secretai y An Taiscel- The National Trust L'oi lieland The I~ailoi'.; Hall Back Lane Dublin S

I .


I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhbireocht urn Choomhnli Comhrhml

02/06/16 Reg No.: WO2S7-01

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford. Ireland ~ 3 5 wa2 1

( 1 Ceanncheathru. Bosca East 3000 East';?Ch%I$n &aTdShedin Contae Loch Garm'an:!&re Y35W821 ,,,(, !

T +353 53191160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa le W wwwepa le

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

www epa ie 01

8 ' - , .

Dorota Richards P io gram m e 0 ffi cer En vi ro n men t a I Li c ens i iig P rogra m in e Office of EnvironmentaI Susrainability

r .

.. .. * '

. -: - 1 -

An Ghnromharreocht urn Choomhnu C&hrho&l U' Environmental Protection Aqencv

Minister Simon Co\,eiiey, TD

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland ~ 3 5 wa21

Departmen1 of Agricultuie, Food and the Marine Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaisledn Bhaile Shedin Agfi,culture House,

K ildnre ~ 3 5 wa21 . Contae Loch Garman, h e

Dublin 2 e i iv i r~ i i i i i e i i t a lco-o l .d ina t io~~~agr icu l~u~e .go~. ie . . . .

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa le W wwwepa ie

I LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

~ 02/06il6 Reg No.: WO287-01

Deai Miiii4tei Coveiiep, TD

ie piovibioiiY of Regulaiion 2 1 of the EPA (Industlial Emissions) ~'ib 201 3 , pleay see a1tached notification and pioposkd deterinination i n

pplication ti om Oimonde Oiianics Limited, Killo\Ceii, Portlaw, County f an activity at Killowen, Poitlaw, County Waterford A copy of the ailable foi inkpectioii on the Agency-< website \vww eua ie

*I Any oblection to the propohcd detei mination may bc inade on-line on the Ageiicy's website at

by sending i t b) piepgiip p yec of the Aiy icy , at the h Ogiii, to 5 OOpm, Mondciy to Fiiday A : y l i d objection m u 4 t be' ieceived at the

headquailei4 of the Agency before 5.00 pm on t'he applicable date, as specified in the accompanying notification

eadclllal-tkrs of the Asel '6 of t'he Agents i n \v

Yours sincerely

Dorota Richards P Io gram in e 0 ffi ccr En v i yon me i i t a I Licensing P rograinme 0 ff i ce o f En vi ron in en t a I S us ta i i i ab i 1 i t y

. .

nicalions, Encigy 6: Nalut al Resouices

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland V35W821! '>

Ceanicheat6ri Bosca Polst 3000 Eastat ChaislCa~6iiall~'Shealn

Y35 W821

,;: ',<

, l.rContae,Loct, Garman. h e

T +353 53 9160600 F t353 53 9160699 E info@epa le W w e p a le

LoCall 1890 33 55 99 02lOhl l6 Reg No WO287-01

Dear M r Griflin

Yo U rs si mere 1 y

Dorota Richards P rogl-a i i i m e 0 fticer Envi ronmen ta I Licensing Programme Ofl'ice of Envit~onmen~al Sustainability

I .

. .

Dept of Environment, Coiiiniunity & Local Go\~einmen~ Ne!\/ town Road W ex ford Soiclia Byrne@en\riron le


Dear Sir/bl:idani

Reg NO. : WO287-01

1 Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhoireorhl urn Choomhnu Comhrhooil

Headquarters PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaisledn Bhade Shedin Contae Loch Garman, tire ~ 3 5 wa21

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa le W wwwepa le

tocall 1890 33 55 99

vision^ of Re~gulation 2 1 of the EPA (Industiial Emissions) , please see attached notification and proposed deternilnation i n

io,n ftoiii Oimonde Oiganics Limited, Killowen, Poi t law, County pect of an activity at Killowen, Poitlaw, County W'aterford A copy of the

for inspection on tlie Agency's website \v\\w epa le.

ioposed deteimination inay be made on-line on the Agency's website al ding i t by prepaid post to the headquarters of tlie Agency, or by lea lie Agen$)/, at the headquarters of the Agcticy in \\'exfordl duiing

5 OOpiii. Monday to Fiiday A \lalid oblection nhs t be received o:f tlie Agency :before 5.00 pili on thc applicable date, as specified in the

acc o 111 pan y I t i g no ti fi i a t i o t i

Pleuse note thot there is no rc?~uiroiierit,foryou to uckriorderl~e recqipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely I

Do ro ta I< ic 11 a rds Progiainnie Officer En I r b nm en t a! Licensing P rogra nini e Ofi'ice of Enwi onmental Su.;tainability


Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland

1 Developinent Applications Uni t Y35 W821

tment of Ails, I-lelitage and the Gaeltacht ai@nlig go\‘ le

Ceanncheathru Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt ehatsledn Bhatle Shedin Contae Loch Garrnan. h e Y35 W821,,/

W wwwepa ie

02/06/16 Reg No.: WO287-01 LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Pieme note tlirrt there i v no reqirirernent f o s jwu to irckrrorvledge receipt id this letter.

Youis sinceiely 1 1 * I e ,

i , 7 ,

Do ro ta Rich a rds Programme Officer En vi ron men t a I Licens in g P r.ogramine Office of En\:ironmtntal Sustainability

:. > , , , ’

. . , :

3 . . , , . , . ,. . . I . . .:, 1

, , I I . , .

. I ’ . <

M r Paddy Mathews Managei of Eiibi i oniiient 6i Planning Failte Ireland Environinen t Uni t

SS-95 Amiens Stiect Dublin 1 Attn Mi Paddy Matthews

, . 02/06/16

1 Environmental Protection Agency An Ghmomhorreorht um Choomhnu Comhrhaorl

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland ~ 3 5 wa2 1

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Shedin Contae Loch Garman. h e ~ 3 5 ~ 8 2 1

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa le

W wwwepa ie

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

Reg No.: WO287-01

Dedi Mi Mathew.,

\\ i t h the pio\ is,ion\ of Regulation 2 1 of the EPA (Iiidustiinl Emissions) iilatioii.s 201 3,, please see attached notillcation and piopoqed determination i n

iccnce nppliqation lioiii Oimonde Oiganics Limited, Kil!oyeii, Poitlaw, County Watertoid i n iecpect of, a n activity, a t Killowen, Poi tlaw, County Wateifoid A copy of the Inspectoi .\ Repoi t IS available foi incpectioii on tlic Agency's website W\Y\V epa ie

Any ol7jectioii to the proposed deterininatlon iiiay be made on-line on tlie Agency's website at M \v\v epd re oi P y \endiiig,it by p d p,op to the I ieadwi te i s of the Agency, or by lea\iiiig \vitliiaii employee of the Agency, ,e hcac1quiirtel-s of the 4 g e w in Wexford during office h u t \ , I e 9 OOai11 10 5 001yi. Monday to Fiid$l A \slid objection must be ieceived at the headquaiteis of the Agency before 5.00 pm on' tlie applicable date, as specified in the ac c o in p w n y i n g no ti fi c ii tio n

Yours sincerely

Dorota Richards Programme Officer Env i ron iii ei? i a I Licensing P rograiiiiu e Office of EiiviroiiilientaI ~ustainabi~ity

Health 6i Safety Authority cheiiiical@sa ie

For the att&tion of Alice Doheity/Taia Hoiigaii


Dear Sir/Madam

- - An Ghniornhomadf urn Choomhnj Cornhrhood

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

W w e p a le

LoCall 1890 !3 55 99 Reg No WO287-0 I I

the"ap$iciible date

Dorota Richaids ., ,, : , :

P I-ogra nim e 0 ff i cer Environmental Licensing I'rogrami-rie I

Office of Environmental Sustainabi lity

, ! ' > ,

H: j . . . . I , . . .

. , ' : , , a :

Di Gieg Foide Rivei Ba\iii Didi ict Diiectoi Inland Fisl<ebie\ Iielaiid 3044 Lake Diive City West Busines\ Caiiipu\ Dublin 24 Attn Di Gieg Foide

021061 1 6

@ ronmental Protection Aqency

An Ghniomhoireotht om Chaomhnli Comhrhaoi(

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman h e Y35 W821

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa ie W wwwepa ie

Locall 1890 33 55 99 Reg No WO2S7-0 1

Dear Dr. Forde

m c e , with the pro\ i\ioiis of Regulalioii 2 I of the EPA (Industrial Emissions) ) Regulations 2013, plca\e see attached notification aiid piopmed determination in

ielatioii to thc licence applicatioii fioiii Oriiiontle Oigaiiics Liiiiited, Killowen, Poi tlaw, County Wateifoid in iespect.of an acti\,ity at Killowen, Poitlaw, County Wateiford A copy of the Iii\pectoi'.; Repoi t is a\ailable foi iii4pectioii on the Agency's website \v\v\v epa ie

proposed determination may be made on-line on the Agency's website at post to the headquarters of the Agency, or by lea\,ii!g i t

.headq!iarter! of the Agency in Wexford dui ing office houis, i e. 9 OOaiii to 5.0Opm Monday to Fiiday A valid objection inlist be received at the

he Agency before 5.00 pni on the applicable' date, as specified in the

Yours sincerely

Dorota Ri,cliarcls Programme ,Officer En vi ro ii iii e12 ccil L.i ceii s i iig P rogra i n i i i e- 0 ffi c r o t' En v i r o i y en ta I S us ta i i i a b i I i t y

Colllpan)~ Sec1 etill y 11 I , ! , Ware1 Col\/ill House 24/26 Talbot Street Dublin I


Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford. ljeland ~ 3 5 wa21

Ceanncheathru aosca Poist 3000 East8 C~~i.~l~ab~~ai;alie.Shedin Contae Loch G%%ikre ~ 3 5 wa2 1

T t353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa le

W w e o a le

Reg No.: WO2X7-01

Dear S irihll atlam

Do ro I a Richards Programme Officer Environiiiental Licensing Programme Office of En\~ironmental Sustainability

Minister foi: Transport, Tourism and Sport Departinelit tor Traiisport, Tourism and Sport 44, Kildare Street Dubliii 2

02/06i I 6

Dear Si r/M a cl alii

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhoireocht urn Choomhnu Cornhrhaoil

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Potst 3000 Eastat Chatslean Bhatle Sheatn Contae Loch Garman. Eire Y35 W821

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E tnfo@epa te W w e p a le

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

Reg NO.: WO287-01,

ns of Regulation 21 of the EPA (Indus t i ia l Eiiii

lease see attached notification and piopossd determina fi 0111 Oriiionde Organics Limited, Killo

ity at Killowen, Portla\\/, Couiity Wdte inspection on the Agency's N ebsite u w ~ v e lx i ie

!I> P h t law, c o u w rd A copy of the

inatioii inny be made on-line on the, Agency's website at d post to the headquaiteis of the Agency, or by leaviiig i t

e hc%lquarters of the Agency in Wexford during office y to Fiiday A valid objectioli iuust be iecelved at the 5.00 pin on the applicable date, as specified in the

Yours sincerely

Dorota K'IChdlds

Pi ograinm e 0 fficei En\/iroiiiiieiital Liceiiaiiig Progi aiiiiiie

0 ffi ce of En vi i on menta I S us ta i na bi I i t y

Diiectoi of Sei vice5 - Environment Section Wdteiford c'ily and County Council City Hall The Mall Watei fold



. :?,

Reg No.: W02S7-01

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniornhoireachi urn Choornhno Cornhrhoorl

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathry. Bosc? Poist 3000 Eastat Chaisle?n'Bhatle Shear Contie'toch Gar;ad,%re

I ~ 3 5 wa21

T t353 53 9160600 ' F t353 53 9160699 E info@epa ie W wwwepaie

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

' I , Deal Si i /Madam

Dorota Richai dc Progi aiiiiiie Officer E ii v i roiinieii t a I Li ceii s i iig P rogramiii e Office of Environiiiental Sustainabi I i t y

I 'Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhoireocht um Choomhnri Comhrhooil

Mr Paddy Bip\vne I-lcdd of Clop\, En\,iionment & Land Use

'Teagasc .lohnctown Ca\tle Receai ch Centre .lo hn s town Ca \ t I e E \ td t e County Wekfoid Attention M I Paddy Biowie

Headquarters PO Box 3000 lohnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W82 1

Ceaniicheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaisledn Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. h e Y35 W821

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa ie W wwwepaie

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

02/06/16 Reg NO.: \Y0287-01

Dear MI. Browne

In accoidance wi th the plowsions of Kcpla t ion 2 1 of the EPA (Industi~nl Eiiiis\ionv) guI*atioiis 201 3, plea\e see attached notification and pioposed deteimindtion i n

icencc: application tiom 01 inonde 01 ganics Limited, Killowen, Poi t law, County e;pect of 311 k t ; v i t y at Killowcn, Poitlaw, County Wateifoid A copy of t i k

Inspectoi .\ Repoi t I \ a\railablc'for riiyection on the Agcncy's website U \\'\v epa le

oposed detei inination may be niade on-line on the Ageiicy's website at !is I ( by piepaid povt to lhe heaclquaiteis of the Agenc

fee of the Agency, at the hcadqwirters of the Agency in W c s p i Moiiilay to Friday A valid' ofijection must be ieceivecl at the y before 5.00 pm on the applicable date, as specified in the

aicompanying notific a t ' 1011

Dorota Richai d\ PI ogi amme OR icei Environmental Licrn\ing Prograinme Office of Envii onniental Su\tainability

Dr. Conor Newman Chairperson The Heritage Couiicil Church Lane Kilkenny Attention : Wiltllife Officer


ronmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhoirearht um Chaomhnu Comhrhoorl

Reg No.: WO287-01

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W82 1

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastal Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. h e Y35 W821

T t353 53 9160600 F t353 53 9160699 E iiifo@epa ie W wwwepa ie

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

Dear Dr. Ne\vman

I n accoi:dance with the provisions of Regulation 2 1 of the EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensing) Regulations 2013, please see attached notification and. proposed determiihtion i n relation to tlie licence application from' Ornionde Organics Limited, Killowen, Portlaw, County Waterford in respect of an activity at Killowen, Portlaw, County Waterford. A copy of the Inspector's 'RePoft is available for inspection on tlie Agency's website


Any ob.iection to tlie proposed deteriiiination may be made on-line on the Agency's website at w\\i\ or by sending i t by prepaid post to the headquarters of tlie Agency, or, by leaving it with an employee of the Agency, at the headquarters of the Agency in Wexford during office hours, i.e. 9.00aiii to 5,OOpni Monday to Friday. A valid objection must be received at tlie headquarters of tlie Agency before 5.00 pm on the applicable date, as specified in tlie accompany in g no ti fi c ii t ion.

Yours sincerely

Dorota Richards Programme O ft'icer En vi roniiien ta I Licensi iig Programme Office of Environmental Sustainability
