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  • 7/25/2019


    How To Get Motivated - Creating a Consistent Drive for High Performance

    extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation

    carrot stick vs autonomy, mastery and purpose

    How Your Subconscious Mind Holds You Back From GreatnessA Story About A Mushroom : real problem with money!

    While stirring the mushrooms, one of them fell out of the pan and tumbled down to the floor.

    I immediately, reflexively, picked it up off the floor and threw it back in the pan.

    On the surface is looks like I have a problem with hygiene - ,

    but actually, I have a problem with scarcity .

    You have to always be on the look out for how your limiting beliefs manifest themselves, and

    then as soon as you spot them, you have to commit to fixing them.

    The Number One Reason Why You're Not Succeeding

    Making sure you follow through trumps everything else when it comes to results. Designing a

    plan is great. Thinking about strategy is great. Making lists is great. Setting goals is great.

    Reading books is great. But all of that wont be enough if dont actually act on the advice and


    Are you working on it every day? How many hours? If you havent been consistently working on

    it for 20 to 30 days, what kind of results can you expect but failure?

    Are you listening to the material consistently? Every day? How many times have you listened to

    it? Have you taken notes? Have you re-read the notes? Have you done the exercises? Have you

    been practicing daily? If you havent done this for 10 or 20 days consistently, what kind of

    results can you expect but failure?

    This is the all-too-common result of the motivational speech you hear it, you get

    riled up , and two days later youre back in the mundane swing of life

    and nothing has actually changed at all, except that you build up a resentment

    for motivational speakers: Sigh Not another rah-rah speech.

  • 7/25/2019


    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


    Weightloss is a great example where I find myself doing this. I will commit to losing 10 pounds

    and then six days later Im complaining to myself that its not working. Logically I know better,but still I complain and start to second-guess myself.

    But then I catch myself complaining and ask myself, How long have you actually been at this? 6

    days? 6 whole days! Wow! What a surprise that you havent dropped 10 pounds yet! And

    whats that? You missed 2 of those 6 days?! What the fuck are you complaining about?! Youve

    actually only worked out for 4 days out of the 6 planned, and now youre crying about lack of


  • 7/25/2019


    The Power Of Routines - How Your Daily Routine Holds You Back From Your Dreams

    You are only as good as you daily routine.

    You have to be putting into practice, with consistency,

    the things you know you should be doing.

    At the start of every day you are making a choice. You either choose to do what you know is

    right, or you choose to backslide into comfort.

    As soon as your alarm rings, youve got a choice: Do I wake up and get to work, or do I snooze

    a bit longer under the warmth of my sheets?

    Every choice is a step forward or a step backwards.

    Be very concerned about how you break your routine.

    Successful, powerful people have successful, powerful routines.

    Can you remember the last time you set a list of 20 things to accomplish for the day, and you

    actually got them all done? How did you feel?

    You felt awesome because for that day you lived up to your full potential.

    Now think of a day where you set up a list of 20 things to accomplish but you didnt complete a

    single one. How did you feel?

    You felt horrible, right? Yeah, because you lived out your weakest self.

    True happiness comes from being in integrity with your deepest values. And that means taking

    action on the things that are important to you.

    If youve studied a lot of the theory like me and youre still not seeing results, you need to focus

    on your routine.

  • 7/25/2019


    My Ideal Daily Routine

    Heres what my ideal routine looks like right now:

    Waking up on time (the earlier the better)

    Listening to self-help audios while I showerTaking my supplements and doing some detox

    Eating a healthy breakfast

    Reading my mission statement

    10 minutes of journaling

    30 minutes of visualizations and affirmations

    60 minutes of meditation

    60 minutes of gym

    Working on my business for most of the day

    60 minutes of reading

    60 minutes of contemplation (examination)

    All of us struggle with creating positive routines.

    Take the time right now to sit down and draft out a plan, on paper. Draft out a daily routine

    that will keep you on track towards your highest goals and values.

    Dont discount the small things. Its the small things that matter!

    If you look at successful people, they have very healthy routines that theyve been consistently

    executing on for months and years.

  • 7/25/2019


    Sensitivity - Why Personal Development Is Impossible For You Right Now

    What is the effect of meditation on your life? Do you know? The effect can be very subtle.

    Drugs: what is the effect of alcohol and recreational or prescription drugs on your life?

    Thoughts: what is the effect of your thought patterns on your life?Diet: what is the effect of having a high-sugar breakfast, for example?

    Media: what is the effect of TV, videogames, internet, newspaper, etc. on your consciousness,

    on your mood, on your performance?

    Consider the old boiling-frog analogy: if you take a frog and set him into boiling hot water,

    he will jump out.

    But if you take that same frog and set him in lukewarm water and slowly crank up the heat,

    he will boil to death.

    Why does this happen?

    Because he fails to perceive subtle changes added up over time.

    You are frustrated and unsatisfied with your life because subtle influence have, over time,

    added up and drained you of your power.

    This effect is MUCH stronger than you admit to yourself.

    Which would you rather do: watch the latest blockbuster movie in the comfort of your own

    home under a nice cozy blanket, with your spouse cuddly near you, with a big oily, salty bowl of

    popcorn and a glass of cold Coke, or mediate quietly alone in an empty room? Its a no-brainer!Who would ever want to meditate?

    Meditation is a subtle pleasure.

    It cannot compete directly with the thrill of sex or entertainment.

    You CANNOT do effective personal development from a low consciousness state.

    From now on, start becoming very sensitive about the effects of even very small

    actions/behaviors on your life.

    For example, if you hit the snooze button on your alarm 3 times and wake up 15 minutes late,

    notice how this affects your mood, your performance at work, your diet, etc.

  • 7/25/2019


    Dream Life - What It Takes To Create An Extraordinary Life

    Story of the Old Lady and the Wolf

    A long time ago there was a village just outside the woods.In this village lived a simple old lady.

    One night the old lady goes out into the woods to run a chore.

    As she wanders through the woods, suddenly, a giant blood-thirsty

    wolf jump out in front of her.

    The wolfs jaws are wide open and his fangs are glaring. The wolf is just about to maul her.

    Having nothing in her hands to fend off the wolf, the old lady is absolutely terrified.

    Even a grown man couldnt handle this wolf alone.

    So what does she do? The only thing she can:

    she reaches out and grabs the wolf hard by the tongue.

    She pulls out the wolfs tongue past his teeth and starts walking towards the village.

    When she finally gets back to the village with the wolf,

    one of the men clubs him to death over the head.

    Old Lady: 1, Wolf: 0

    So what does this story tell us?

    Simple: you either go all-in, or youre fucked!

    The only reason youre not living your dream life is because youre too afraid.

    You keep telling yourself that life is dangerous and that you must be cautious.

    Caution is okay is some cases, but not when you have a wolf in your face about to maul you.

    Think about it, what would have happened if that

    old lady hesitantly reached out for the wolfs mouth?

    If youre going to half-ass your life, you will get mauled ,

    and it will be painful. You MUST be all-in. You MUST go full-out.

  • 7/25/2019


    Cause & Purpose - What Are You Willing To Die For?

    You Have Nothing To Live For

    The real problem is that you have nothing in your life that youre willing to bleed for.

    You have no cause.

    Honestly, what are you living for?

    Are you living to:

    Party with your friends?

    Watch the next season of Game of Thrones?

    Go to your boring, useless 9-5 job that provides no value to humanity?

    Get even more comfortable and lazy inside your lame marriage?

    Go to another fancy restaurant?

    Get into another cozy relationship?

    Redecorate your house until its just perfect?

    Go shopping?

    How can you hope to create a great life from that? You are pathetic!

    The soldiers in 300 are fighting for their ideals beyond all odds.

    What are you fighting for?

    It seems like there was a time in human history when people

    where willing to die for what they believed in.

    In the ancient times, life was actually a matter of life and death.

    Survival was constantly on your mind. The shortness of life was palpable. (clear)

    Think about what the world was like 3000 years ago:

    Famine , War , Crime , No political stability , Rape and pillage , No education

    Crude medicine, Crude science, Crude technology, Mythology and superstition

    What would a human being need to have to survive in that kind of environment, psychologically


    Purpose. That person would need something larger than himself to cope with all that chaos.

  • 7/25/2019


    What do you really value in life?

    By value Im not talking about what you like to think or believe.

    Im talking about what you actually practically value with your labor.

    If youre going to a boring 9-5 job, thats what you practically value, even though you mightbelieve in making a difference.

    We all have these deeper, higher values, but few of us are connected to them because we are

    distracted by the modern world.

    You have to start living for something greater than sex, entertainment,

    stimulation(excitement), money, security, comfort, or peace of mind.

    The only way youre going to radically change the trajectory (path) of your life is by committing

    to something big.

    What it means for something be to be meaningful is that you are willing to bleed for it.

    If you dont have a cause, you simply will not make it, because it takes too much emotional

    toil to make these ideals real.

    Stop being so fucking selfish. Commit your life to something that is not YOU!

    Your life is going to be both very long and very short.

    You already know what it means that life is short, but its also long.

    Its long in the sense that if you dont have a cause, all youre going to be doing is a bunch of

    useless shit that wont ever make you fulfilled.

    Stop making useless shit the center of your life. Useless shit is okay,

    but make it the garnish (decoration) of life, not the main dish.

    The main dish in life is your purpose.

    Purpose is larger than you, your family, or your friends. Purpose is about humanity.

    When you are on your edge, you literally get the sense that if you were to die right now,

    you would die with a smile on your face.