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Compiled by Strategic Management

South African Police Service

Enquiries: Maj General l Rabie

Contact number: 012 393 3083

E-mail address:

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List of Abbreviations/Acronyms ............................................................................................................ 3

Official Sign-Off ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Key Departmental Programme 1: Administration ............................................................................... 8

1.1 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ............................................................................... 8

1.2 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................................... 22

1.3 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 25

1.4 PERSSONNEL MANAGEMENT: EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ....................................................... 30

1.5 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 33

1.6 INTERNAL AUDIT .................................................................................................................. 42

1.7 INSPECTORATE ..................................................................................................................... 45

Key Departmental Programme 2: Visible Policing .............................................................................. 46

1.1 VISIBLE POLICING ................................................................................................................. 46

1.2 OPERATIONAL RESPONSE SERVICE ...................................................................................... 79

Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services ......................................................................... 81

1.1 DETECTIVE SERVICE .............................................................................................................. 81

1.2 FORENSIC SERVICES .............................................................................................................. 94

Key Departmental Programme 4: Crime Intelligence ...................................................................... 103

1.1 CRIME INTELLIGENCE.......................................................................................................... 103

1.2 DIRECTORATE FOR PRIORITY CRIME INVESTIGATION ...................................................... 113

Key Departmental Programme 5: Protection and Security Services ............................................... 116

1.1 PRESEDENTIAL PROTECTION SERVICE ............................................................................... 116

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Acronym Explanation

AFIS Automatic Fingerprint Identification System

AGSA Auditor General South Africa

BAC Bid Adjudication Committee

BOC Board of Commissioners

BRVs Bullet-Resistant-Vests

CAS Case Administration System

CAS/ICDMS Case Administration System/Investigation Case Docket Management System

CCI Commercial Crime Investigation

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CFO Chief Financial Officer

CFR Central Firearm Registry

CI Crime Intelligence

CI Crime Index

CI AOP Crime Intelligence Annual Operational Plan

CIT Cash in Transit

CJS Criminal Justice System

CPA Crime Pattern Analysis

CPF Community Police Forum

CSC Community Service Centre

CTA Crime Threat Analysis

DFS Division: Forensic Service

DNA Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

DNC Deputy National Commissioner

DPCI Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation

DPW Department of Public Works

EC Eastern Cape

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Acronym Explanation

EIS Efficiency Index Systems

EMC Movement Control System

EMCS Enhanced Movement Control System

ERMS Enterprise Risk Management System

ERS Emergency Response System

eTEL Electronic Telephone Management

EUE End User Equipment

FCS Family Violence Sexual Offences and Child Protection Units

FDS Functional Design Specification

FLASH Firearms, Liquor and Second-hand Goods Services

FSL Forensic Science Laboratory

FTD Field Terminal Devices

GBV Gender Based Violence

GBVF Gender Based Violence and Femicide

HRC Human Rights Commission

HRD Human Resource Development

IA Internal Audit

IBIS Integrated Ballistic Information System

ICDMS Investigation Case Docket Management System

ICT Information and Communication Technology

INTERPOL International Police

IPID Independent Police Investigative Directorate

IS Information Systems

IS/ICT Information Systems/Information and Communication Technology

ISSET Inspectorate Station Self Evaluation Tool

ISSET Inspectorate Station Self Evaluation Tool

JCPS Justice Crime Prevention and Security

KZN KwaZulu Natal

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Acronym Explanation

LAN Local Area Network

LCRC Local Criminal Record Centre

LFS Labware Forensic Services

LIM Limpopo

MOSAC Modus Operandi Strategic Analysis Centre

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MP Mpumalanga

NCCF National Crime Combatting Forum

NCCS National Crime Combating Strategy

NFDD Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid Database

NFMCCC Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee

NPIS National Photo Imaging System

OD Organisational Development

PCOP Portfolio Committee on Policing

PIVA Person Identity Verification Application

PIVA/PVS Person Identification Verification Application

POCA Prevention of Organised Crime Act

POCC Provincial Operational Command Centres

POP Public Order Policing

PSI Private Security Industry

PSIRA Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

RFP Request For Proposal

RFQ Request for Quotation

RI Reference Index

RPAS Remotely Piloted Aircraft System

RSA Republic of South Africa

SAPS South African Police Service

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Acronym Explanation

SARPCCO Southern African Region Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation

SCM Supply Chain Management

SCS Service Complaints System

SITA State Information Technology Agency

SME Subject Matter Expert

SOI Service Oriented Integration

TID Technical Indicator Description

TMS Technology Management Services

TPP Training Provisioning Plan

USA United States of America

VC Video Conferencing

VISPOL Visible Policing

WAN Wide Area Network

WC Western Cape

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It is hereby certified that this Action Plan in response to areas of underperformance:

Was developed by the Management of the SAPS, under the guidance of the National Commissioner.

Takes into account all the relevant policies, legislation and other mandates applicable to the SAPS.

Accurately reflects the strategic objectives and performance standards that the SAPS will endeavour to achieve, during the 2019/2020 financial year.

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Sub-Programme: Technology Management Services

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.1.1 Successes and Achievements Percentage of identified Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure deliverables achieved.

Existing radio high sites were successfully maintained to ensure effective communication in support of policing.

Maintenance of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) environment contributed to the safe

custody of exhibits. Number of prioritised sites implemented with person management capabilities.

Implementation of Person Identity Verification Application (PIVA) at 200 sites of the 197 planned sites for the three quarters

enabled identification, verification and arrest of wanted suspects. PIVA is upgraded to Person Verification System (PVS) which

include improved functionalities and were successfully piloted at 42 sites. Percentage of prioritised Information Systems (IS) solutions deliverables achieved.

Development of functionalities to enable the management and monitoring of the investigations/process related to cases of gender

based violence (GBV).

SAPS systems were successfully maintained to enable for example forensic leads/hits management, generation of previous

convictions for the purpose of opposing bail, to enable effective case management, etc.

The mySAPS application was launched on 25 October 2019 in support of crime tip-off reporting.

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1.1.2 Areas of Underperformance

Enhancing Information Systems/Information and Communication Technology (IS/ICT), to support the business objectives of the SAPS.

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of identified Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure deliverables achieved

Annual Target: 80,00%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

89% 52% 73% The Wide Area Network

(WAN) and Local Area

Network (LAN) upgrade

was on hold due to

unavailability of funds.

The Criminal Justice

System (CJS) budget for

Xyplex was approved in

quarter 3, procurement

process is in progress.

SITA Cabling Request for

Bid (RFB) 1611 not

suitable in executing SAPS

cabling requirements.

SAPS Cabling Request for

Quotation (RFQ) was

cancelled as a result

The publication of the

compiled bid

specifications to establish

Closed Circuit Television

(CCTV) at the Local

Submit a Business Case to SAPS

Finance Committee requesting

funding for the total requirement

of roll over from 2019/2020

financial year and planned for

2020/2021 financial year

Engagement between SAPS and

State Information Technology

Agency (SITA) Executives on

current cabling (LAN) contract for

SITA to approve that SAPS to do

direct procurement through an

open bid process

Procurement of Xyplex (WAN)

equipment only

Recommendation and awarding of






Modernise and implement

Xyplex (WAN) equipment

Allocation of budget for WAN

and LAN in 2020/2021

Establish SAPS procurement

vehicle for LAN equipment

Republish the CCTV INK bid by


Conclude evaluation and audit

of the CCTV INK bid by SAPS

Recommendation and award

the CCTV INK bid by SAPS







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Criminal Record Centre

(LCRC) and INK (Inanda,

Ntuzuma, Kwa-Mashu)

Public Surveillance

Solution was placed on

hold and the BID was


The modernisation of End

User Equipment (EUE):


delayed due to shortage

of SITA resources

Hosting Services

Modernization service

proposal to be approved

Upgrade of the Radio

Communication High Sites

projects were delayed due

to administrative process

in the procurement


Establishment of the

Information Systems /

Information and


Technology (IS/ICT)

Operations Centre: The

Hosting Monitoring and

Application Monitoring

sub projects were put on

hold due to State

Engage with SITA to expedite the

appointment of certified

Windows10 technical resources

Approval of proposal was

concluded on 20 January 2020

Issuing of order to SITA for the

hosting back-up solution

Reprioritise the planned sites to

the new financial year

Publication of the bid for radio

infrastructure at high sites

Engagement on 23 January 2020

between SAPS and SITA Executives

on the non-performance of SITA on

the Smart IS/ICT Operations Centre

monitoring solution roll-out







Receive proposed quotations

to appoint technical resource

to rollout Windows10 from


Recommendation and

approval of quotations by


Modernise the Outstanding

End User Equipment

Modernise prioritised Hosting


Expedite the application for

obtaining servitudes at

identified radio high sites

caused by lease agreement

issues between DPW, Facility

Management and land


Recommendation and award

the bid for radio

infrastructure at high sites by


Roll-out of smart IS/ICT

monitoring solutions related

to Hosting service monitoring

and further application

system/solution monitoring








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Information Technology

Agency (SITA) non-



Communication: Video

Conferencing (VC) order

was issued to SITA

towards the end of

quarter 3 therefor work

can commence

Negotiate with SITA to expedite

issuing of orders to suppliers to

deliver the service


Implementation of VC to the

prioritised sites.


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Budget allocation

Improved turnaround times in

relation to SITA supply chain


SITA Contract Management


Improved turnaround times in

appointing SITA resources

Division: Financial and Administration





Approval of Business Case by the SAPS Finance Committee

Establishment of project Governance structures

Engagement through the Governance structures

Negotiate with SITA to expedite the appointment of certified

Windows10 technical resources





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Key Performance Indicator Percentage of prioritised IS solutions deliverables achieved

Annual Target: 85,00%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

85% 55% 81% The Automatic Fingerprint

Identification System

(AFIS) submitted request

for proposal was not

published. The bid was

cancelled due to

compliance issues

The delay by SITA to

appoint development

resources on the

Integrated Persons

Management and

Investigation Case Docket

Management System

(ICDMS) – Investigate

Case projects resulted in

non-performance of

planned deliverables

National Forensic

Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

(DNA) Database (NFDD) is

dependent on

development of Service

Oriented Integration (SOI)


There was a delay in

signing off Functional

Design Specification (FDS)

Conclude evaluation and audit of

the AFIS bid by SITA

Conclude evaluation and audit of

the IPM bid by SITA which will also

address the shortage of

development resources

Expedite the publishing of the SITA

approved business case for ICDMS


Development completed,

implementation to be concluded

Issuing of order to SITA, sign-off of

functional design specification and

commencement of development






Recommendation and awarding

of the AFIS bid

Recommendation and awarding

of the IPM bid by SITA



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and SITA for Service

Complaints System (SCS)

in quarter 1 and 2.

Approval to issue an order

was received towards the

end of quarter 3

Enterprise Risk

Management System

(ERMS) Systems bid was

cancelled which resulted

in underperformance for

planned deliverables

The revised Bid

Specification for

Emergency Response

System (ERS)/ Fleet

Management Solution

was handed over to SITA,

the bid has not been


The compiled Field

Terminal Devices (FTD)

bid specification

submitted for publication

was on hold until

availability of funds can be

confirmed. The Criminal

Justice System (CJS)

budget was approved in

quarter 3. The compiled

Field Terminal Devices

(FTD) bid specification

submitted for publication

is on hold as the project

Cancellation revoked

Recommendation and awarding of

bid by SAPS and SITA

Expedite publishing of bid by SITA

Approved procurement project

schedule for FTD by SAPS and SITA




Republish the ERMS bid by SAPS

Conclude evaluation and audit

of the ERMS bid by SAPS

Recommendation and award the

ERMS bid by SAPS

Recommendation and awarding

of the ERS / Fleet Management

Solution bid by SITA

Publish the FTD bid by SITA

Conclude evaluation and audit

of the FTD bid by SITA

Recommendation and award the

FTD bid by SITA








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was not funded by CJS or

TMS allocated funds

The Radio Frequency

Identification (RFID)

solution is not

maintained. A bid for the

maintenance and support

of the Radio Frequency

Identification (RFID)

solution has been

published but there was

no award by end of

quarter 3

User support calls for the

Inter and Intranet as well

as Efficiency Index

Systems (EIS) were logged

with SITA towards the end

of the quarter which were

attended to but not


Shortage of SITA

resources to implement

Electronic Telephone

Management (eTEL)

system and National

Photo Imaging System

(NPIS) resulted in


The approval process for

appointment of Subject

Matter Expert (SME) took

longer than anticipated

for NPIS.

Expedite the outcome of National

Treasury report on the bid process

Reprioritise user support calls to be

finalised in quarter 4 due to a

shortage of resources within SITA

Resource was appointed on 01

February 2020 to resolve the

technical errors on the eTEL system

to proceed with implementation.

Reprioritise planned sites to be

finalised in quarter 4 due to a

shortage of resources within SITA

Appointment of Subject Matter

Expert was concluded







Republish the RFID bid by SAPS

Conclude evaluation and audit

of the RFID bid by SAPS

Recommendation and award the

RFID bid by SAPS

Negotiate with SITA to expedite

the replacement of human

resources that have resigned

which resulted in the user

support calls not being finalised

Implement and conclude eTEL

system at the prioritised sites






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Labware Forensic Services

(FSL) Development is on

hold awaiting Change

request decision from


Expedite the outcome of National

Treasury report on the bid process.

Publish the Labware bid by SAPS

Conclude evaluation and audit

of the Labware bid by SAPS

Recommendation and award the

Labware bid by SAPS




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Improved turnaround times in

appointing SITA resources

SITA Contract Management processes



Negotiate with SITA to expedite the replacement of human


Engagement through the Governance structures for resolution



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Key Performance Indicator Number of identified digital radio communication infrastructure sites modernised and implemented

Annual Target: 112 high sites

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

5 high


7 high


9 high


There were delays in the

administrative process

of the procurement

application. The sites

must be up to standard

for upgrading, site

readiness is critical

The Infrastructure Bid

for needs above R500

000 has been approved

by the Bid Adjudication

Committee (BAC) for


Reprioritise the planned sites to

the new financial year

Publication of the bid for radio

infrastructure at high sites



Expedite the application for

obtaining servitudes at

identified radio high sites caused

by lease agreement issues

between DPW, Facility

Management and land owners

Recommendation and award the

bid for radio infrastructure at

high sites by SAPS



Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Procurement responsibilities and

processes that take too long.

Lease agreement and electricity supply

at high sites



Streamline internal procurement processes

Submit the requirement to Division: SCM to establish a task team

between these departments in order to resolve the challenges

experienced with lease agreements



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Key Performance Indicator Number of identified National Network Communication Infrastructure sites modernised and implemented (WAN and LAN)

Annual Target: 240 WAN sites and 180 LAN sites

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe



0 0 The Wide Area Network

(WAN) and Local Area

Network (LAN) upgrade

was on hold due to

unavailability of funds

The Criminal Justice

System (CJS) budget for

Xyplex was approved in

quarter 3, procurement

process is in progress.

Submit a Business Case to SAPS

Finance Committee requesting

funding for the total requirement

of roll over from 2019/2020

financial year and planned for

2020/2021 financial year

Engagement between SAPS and

State Information Technology

Agency (SITA) Executives on

current cabling (LAN) contract for

SITA to approve that SAPS to do

direct procurement through an

open bid process

Procurement of Xyplex (WAN)

equipment only




Modernise and implement

Xyplex (WAN) equipment

Allocation of budget for WAN

and LAN in 2020/2021.

Establish SAPS procurement

vehicle for LAN equipment




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Budget Allocation

Improved turnaround times in relation

to SITA supply chain processes

SITA Contract Management processes

Division: Financial and Administration




Approval of Business Case by the SAPS Finance Committee

Establishment of project Governance structures

Engagement through the Governance structures




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Key Performance Indicator Number of prioritised sites implemented with Closed-circuit Television (CCTV)

Annual Target: 129 sites

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

0 0 0 No budget allocated to

this project. Demand and

Procurement processes

to be finalised

Submit a Business Case to SAPS

Finance Committee requesting

funding for the total requirement

of roll over from 2019/2020 and



Allocation of budget for CCTV

in 2020/2021

Publish the CCTV bid by SAPS.

Conclude evaluation and audit

of the CCTV bid by SAPS.

Recommendation and award

the CCTV bid by SAPS





Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Procurement responsibilities and

processes that take too long

Budget Allocation


Division: Financial and Administration


Streamline internal procurement processes

Approval of Business Case by the SAPS Finance Committee



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Key Performance Indicator Number of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) issued to prioritised areas

Annual Target: 10 RPAS

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

0 0 0 No budget allocated to

this project. Demand and

Procurement processes

to be finalised

Submit a Business Case to SAPS

Finance Committee requesting

funding for the total requirement

Engage Division SCM to expedite

the Bid process by publication of a

bid in a shortened time-frame



Allocation of budget for RPAS in


Publish the RPAS bid by SAPS

Conclude evaluation and audit of

the RPAS bid by SAPS

Recommendation and award the

RPAS bid by SAPS





Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Budget Allocation

Improved turnaround times in relation

to Supply Chain processes

Division: Financial and Administration



Approval of Business Case by the SAPS Finance Committee


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Key Performance Indicator Number of prioritised sites implemented with modernised incident management capabilities (10111 Centres and Vehicle Monitoring Units)

Annual Target: 6 - 10111 Centres

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

0 0 0 There are no contracts in

place to achieve the

targets. The Bid

Specification was split

into two different

solutions: (1) Vehicle

Monitoring and Fleet

Management as well as

(2) Incident Management

The Bid Specification for

Vehicle Monitoring and

Fleet Management has

been concluded, signed

off by the clients, and

submitted to SITA on

2020-01-06 for further


The Project Charter for

Incident Management is

still under development


Expedite publishing of bid by SITA

Expedite the sign off of project

charter by Div: TMS and the

submission of project charter to




Recommendation and awarding

of the Fleet Management

Solution bid by SITA

Publish the Incident

Management bid by SITA

Conclude evaluation and audit of

the Incident Management bid by


Recommendation and award the

Incident Management bid by






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Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Budget Allocation

Improved turnaround times in relation

to SITA Supply Chain processes

SITA Contract Management processes

Division: Financial and Administration




Approval of Business Case by the SAPS Finance Committee.

Establishment of project Governance structures

Engagement through the Governance structures




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Sub-Programme: Organisational Development

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.2.1 Successes and Achievements Number of prioritised areas with approved fixed establishments.

All five KPA’s with approved fixed establishments were targeted to be achieved 1st Quarter of 2019; (DPCI investigative capacity,

Police Stations and Specialised Units, FCS and organised crime and POPs).

Performance Achieved 80% (40% achieved 1st Quarter and 40% achieved between 2nd and 3rd Quarter) and request for

restatement to 4th Quarter on the outstanding 20% based on:

o Specialised Units work-study report capacitate Anti-Gang Unit, Murder and Robbery Unit, Taxi Violence and Cold Case Unit

approved on 2019-06-08;

o MOSAC – Work study to capacitate the centre approved on 2019-09-25;

o DPCI – Work-study investigation on capacitation of DPCI approved on 2019-11-19;

o Police Stations and identified units work-study to capacitate the crime weight police stations approved on - 2019-10-01;

o Family Violence Sexual Offences and Child Protection Units (FCS) – Workstudy Report to capacitate FCS was routed to the

National Commissioner on 2020-02-06;

o Crime Intelligence – SAPS Management instructed OD to re-visit the structure and capacity requirement;

o Public Order Policing (POP) – Work-study Report approved in phases year on year including 2019/2020. The capacity of POP

was part of the approved FE 2016-2019 by 31/03/2020; and

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Time delay in the adoption by HRC, Costing Approval by CFO, Adoption by BOC which will delay the final approval by National


1.2.2 Areas of Underperformance

To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support

Key Performance Indicator Number of prioritised areas with approved fixed establishments

Annual Target: 4

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

0 0 0 The fixed establishment costing exercise by the CFO which indicated budget cuts on the compensation budget and OD was requested to cut further on the post structure in order to align to budget cuts, endorsement by HRC is needed and the convening of, endorsement by support forum (input to OD on the re-visit the criteria for allocation and distribution of human resources and approval by adopting by BOC and approval by National Commissioner not yet achieved

All five KPA’s with approved fixed

establishments were targeted to be

achieved 1st Quarter of 2019; (DPCI

investigative capacity, Police Stations

and Specialised Units, FCS and

organised crime and POPs)

Performance Achieved 80% (40%

achieved 1st Quarter and 40%

achieved between 2nd and 3rd

Quarter) and request for restatement

to 4th Quarter on the outstanding



Adoption by HRC

Costing approval by CFO

Adoption by BOC

Approval by National



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Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Adoption by HRC

Costing Approval by CFO

Adoption by BOC

Approval by National Commissioner

Human Resource Committee

Divisional Commissioners Financial


Board of Commissioners

National Commissioner

State the Fixed Establishment at 191431 (ENE)


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Sub-Programme: Human Resource Development

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.3.1 Successes and Achievements To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

The South African Police Service (SAPS) is committed to ensure a professional and capable workforce by increasing the number of

police members with appropriate knowledge and skills to successfully fight crime. The South African Police Service is cognisant

of the growing need for specialised skills throughout the organisation, therefore more emphasis on promoting quality training

and development in specialised units to improve both technical and tactical skills of members to fight crime both proactively and


In terms of the SAPS Training Provisioning Plan (TPP), a total of 77 814 learners were trained and 77 280 or 99,31% were declared

competent upon completion of such training during the period 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2019.

In support of the SAPS Vision to ensure that all people in South Africa are and feel safe, focus was placed on the improved training

and development of forensics, crime investigations, the POP environment, cybercrime and preventing crimes against women and

children during the period 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2019 as follows:


Crime Prevention 29 954 29 926 99.91%

Public Order Policing (POP) 6 602 6 597 99.92%

Crimes committed against women and


7 007 6 986 99.70%

Crime Investigation 7 151 7 063 98.77%

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Forensic service-related learning areas 1 566 1 538 98.21%

Crime Intelligence 576 570 98.96%

Cybercrime 741 739 99.73%

In an effort to eradicate the Gender Based Violence and Femicide national scourge, the Domestic Violence Learning Programme

was developed and approved for implementation in 2020. The Vulnerable Groups Learning Programme is currently under

development to be implemented in 2020/2021.

Division: Human Resource Development reported the following in respect of the immediate roll out of training on victim-centric,

survivor focused services with a specific drive to train police, prosecutors, magistrates and policy makers with regard to the

President’s GBVF Emergency Response Action Plan: Proactive interventions:


2019-12-31 AS ON 2020-02-04 PROACTIVE

COURSE DESCRIPTION Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Total

National Victim Empowerment Training Programme 238 316 157 711

Crime Intelligence Gathering Course 76 141 50 267

Children and Youth At Risk 159 323 179 661

Crime Prevention for Category a Reservists 122 255 287 664

Human Rights In Policing Programme 132 174 200 506

Vulnerable Children Course 405 638 430 1473

Crime Prevention Level 1 Learning Programme 97 409 541 1047

Grand Total 1229 2256 1844 5329

27 | P a g e Reactive interventions:


2019-12-31 AS ON 2020-02-04


Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Total

Domestic Violence Learning Programme 547 854 458 1859

Psychologically Motivated Crime Course 0 30 0 30

Biological Body Fluid Detection Dog Course 0 0 5 5

Forensic Biology : DNA Casework Overview 49 28 6 83

Forensic Biology : Evidence Recovery 7 30 0 37

Sexual Offences Course for Investigating Officers 54 162 205 421

Basic Crime Investigative Practice 147 306 217 670

Resolving of Crime Skills Programme 1 313 396 406 1115

Forensic Biology Introduction Biology Unit 4 21 2 27

Family Violence Sexual Offences and Child Protection 40 0 72 112

USA Cyber Crime Investigations Course 0 2 0 2

SARPCCO Cybercrime Investigators Course 0 0 2 2

International Cybercrime Training 0 0 23 23

France: Cyber Crime Train -The-Trainer 13 12 0 25

Grand Total 1174 1841 1396 4411

The project plan to capacitate Anti-Gang Units has been developed and implemented. The development of a training programme

and training audit for the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape has been completed and the Training Provisioning Plan (TPP) was

compiled to prioritise the capacitation of the Anti-Gang Unit members.

28 | P a g e

An allocation of R3 000 000.00 was received to prioritise training. The training and development for Anti-Gang Units was

presented for members to understand gansterism and how to deal with gangsters.

The development of the Anti-gang Training Learning Programme is underway. Other available Internal Learning Programmes are

currently being presented to the members of the Anti-gang Unit, however Division: HRD also expanded the training scope to all

station members in areas who are dealing with gansterism related crimes.

29 | P a g e

1.3.2 Areas of Underperformance

To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of operational personnel declared competent in the modules: Legal Principles and the Use of Firearms: Handgun

Annual Target: 95% of 4 089

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe





trained and

373 were







trained and

607 were







trained and

482 were



Lack of training aids

The Introductory Police

Development Learning

Programme could not

take place due to SAPS

Academy Mthata being

renovated and awaiting

the handing over from

Department of Public


Further training will be

implemented on availability of

training aids

The backlog in all tactical training is

high, therefore the ammunition

that was received could address

only a few priorities such as Special

Task Force weapon phase and

Tactical Policing II


Proper planning of training with

regard to the Training

Provisioning Plan (TPP)



Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Procurement of ammunition and handing over

of SAPS Academy, Mthatha by Department of

Public Works



Submit needs for ammunition for all training to Division: SCM


30 | P a g e


Sub-Programme: Personnel Management: Employee Relations

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.4.1 Successes and Achievements Percentage of filled posts, in terms of the approved establishment.

Continues consolation with provinces. Provincial visits.

In-house training. Circulation of letters. Filling of critical posts as prescribed. Percentage of finalised service terminations submitted to various pension funds within the prescribed time frame.

Daily monitoring of PERSAP 2.21.57 report. Daily engagement of Provincial/Divisional administrators by Team leaders. Monthly

performance letters issued to Provincial Heads: PM/Divisional Support Heads. Provincial/Divisional visits by Service Terminations

Management and the provisioning of workshops to address challenges and developments in the environment. Percentage of disciplinary cases finalised.

Early warning systems. The implementation of weekly monitoring tools.

Performance letters are sent to Provinces and Divisions on a monthly basis. Provincial visits are conducted. Percentage of Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID).

Recommendations initiated.

Early warning systems. The implementation of weekly monitoring tools. Performance letters are sent to Provinces and Divisions

on a monthly basis. Provincial visits are conducted.

31 | P a g e

1.4.2 Areas of Underperformance

To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

Key Performance Indicator 90% of IPID recommendations disciplinary hearings finalized within 60 calendar days

Annual Target: 90% finalised within 60 calendar days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

100% 92.50% 86.81% Long Postponements of


Unavailability of witnesses

Complex cases

Delays caused by



Recusal of functionaries

due to alleged conflict of

interest and lack of


Representation of

employees by external

legal experts

Cases that are referred to

the SSSBC as pre-


Intervention (inspections) by

National Office at Provincial/

Divisional Offices for the

purposes of guidance and

support on the pending cases

Early warning system of

pending cases are sent on a

weekly basis to provinces and

divisions for them to prioritize

and expedite

Provinces/divisions to account

for non-performance at the

National Conduct Committee

Follow up on all postponed

cases at provinces/divisions to

provide guidance and support


Assessment of Provincial/

Divisional Commissioners on

administration and

management of Discipline

Consequence management on

Line Managers

Strengthening of control

measures (monitoring tools) at

all levels within SAPS

Round Table discussions with

registered unions on challenges

with their members during the

process of disciplinary hearings

Approved Discipline Training

Manual for all employees from

supervisory level to top

management to be

implemented on 1 April 2020,

which is mandatory as the

programme is in the TPP of the







32 | P a g e

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate

Dependency Timeframe

Labour Unions

External Functionaries (Lawyers), Office of

the State Attorney

Legal Services: on appointment of external

Functionaries (State Attorney)

Continuous bilateral


33 | P a g e


Sub-Programme: Supply Chain Management

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.5.1 Areas of Underperformance

To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

Key Performance Indicator

Planned police facility projects completed as per the SAPS Infrastructure Development Programme in the following prioritised areas: Number

of new mobile contact points procured

Annual Target: 15

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

0 completed

0 completed

0 completed

Reporting will commence with the placement

of the order for the conversion of the chassis

cabs into mobile CSC. A total of 15 chassis

cab trucks were procured. Waiting for the

contract to be awarded in order to place an

order to start with the conversion of the

chassis cabs into mobile CSC

Consequence Management in progress: Maj

Gen Dibakoane has been appointed to

investigate this matter Departmentally

against non performing members

Internal SCM environment

with cross functionality to be

monitored on monthly basis

to ensure establishment of

contract within 3 months

Monthly Resubmit demand for

contract for 2 year period

for conversion of mobile

CSC upon receipt of

notice of cancellation

Establish new contract

for conversion of mobile

CSC through:

o pre advertisement

within 2 weeks after

receipt of demand


o Advertise bid on

shortened period,







34 | P a g e

o BEC to evaluate bid

within month after

closing date;

o BAC to consider bid for

awarding; and

o Sign contract

Place order for

2020/2021 financial year

by 2020-06-01





Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

None None None None

35 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of Bullet-Resistant-Vests (BRVs) distributed in relation to the demand

Annual Target: 100% BRVs distributed, in relation to the demand

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance (Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


(3 893



in relation

to the

demand of

4 297)


(1 608



in relation

to the

demand of

2 826)

3893 (1st)


(2nd) out of

4297 (1st)

plus 2826


That is


(5501 out

of 7123)


(2 163 BRVs


in relation to

the demand

of 8 159)

3893 (1st)


(2nd) plus

2163 (3rd) out

of 4297 (1st)

plus 2826

(2nd) plus

1036 (3rd)

That is

93.93% (7664

out of 8159

Bullet-Resistant Vests that were

distributed, were distributed from

the buffer stock

The demand figure of 8 159 is used

as indicated on PAS report DR0016.

This total shows the total BRV's for

which requisitions were captured

for the 2019/2020 financial year for

the period 1 April 2019 until 31

December 2019

1st Quarter = 4 297

2nd Quarter = 2 826

3rd Quarter = 2 163

9 Months 2019/2020 = 7 664

These Bullet Proof Vests were

procured for replenishing stock in

the provinces, however all

operational members were issued

with Bullet Proof Vests

Approached National

Treasury for approval to

approach the last successful

bidders as preferred suppliers

on a quotation process for

sizes small and medium for

the trainees

Lead time

depends on


process and


lead time of


A bid for the supply and

delivery of bullet-resistant

vests for two years will be

advertised on 2020-02-21

and the bid closing date is

2020-03-20. This bid is for

bullet-resistant vest

components from which

complete bullet-resistant

vests can be made up, or

which can be used to

replace worn-out or

damaged components of

the vests

Demand for a bid for 8000

bullet resistant vests

(complete vests – not

components) for trainees

(small and medium sizes) is

being processed. Division

HRD still has to confirm


Lead time

depends on


process and


lead time of


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

To provide confirmation of funds HRD

Finance and Administration

Confirm funding 2020/2021

36 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Number of SAPS-owned firearms reported as stolen/lost

Annual Target: Reduce by 5,00% to 605

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance (Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

171 189 153 Deviation from target on PAS was as a

result of escalation of crime against

members including but not limited to,

housebreaking, robbery and

negligence. Provinces and Divisions

were sensitised via quarterly letter

addressing lost/stolen firearms.

(Division: SCM cannot comment on

deviations on J-TRACK or corrective

actions taken by VISPOL). The TID and

Board of Commissioners require that

information be furnished via J-Track

reports. Division: SCM do not have

access to EFRS (VISPOL) and further

to this Division: SCM is not

responsible for information carried on

EFRS or J-TRACK reports. Division

Supply Chain Management applied

for access to J-TRACK from Division:


Distributed letter with reference

19/1/1 dated for third quarter, on

how to prevent the loss of

firearms and follow up monitoring

letters of reported losses are been

prepared to be sent to Provinces

and Divisions for the third quarter

2019/20 financial year. Follow up

monitoring and reconciliation of

feedback received. Enhancement

of PAS to validate to EFRS with

regard to circulation of lost/stolen

firearms. A balance adjustment on

PAS will not be allowed if the lost

stolen firearm is not circulated

first and a CAS number provided.

PAS function E4.4 was enhanced

to display the circulation of

lost/stolen firearms as well as CAS

number and Station where

reported. Dot-peen marking (bar

coding) of all official firearms

Firearms are Integrated Ballistic

Information System (IBIS) tested

to ensure that the SAPS has

firearm profiles for all official



The 5% reduction per

financial year was agreed

upon by the National


Enforce consequence


Bi-annual inspection and

certification of firearms


37 | P a g e

Biannual inspection and

certification of all official firearms.

Procurement of safes to safeguard

firearms on members SAPS 108’s.

Firearm losses is a performance

indicator of Provincial/ Divisional

Commissioners performance


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Provincial/Divisional Commissioners to enforce

compliance to prescripts regulating

management of firearms in the organization

Provincial/Divisional Commissioners and Heads

of Components

Circulation of letters addressing losses of firearms

Monthly monitoring of firearm losses

Division TMS to enhance system integration between firearm

related systems




38 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Planned police facility projects completed, as per the SAPS infrastructure development programme in the following prioritised areas: Capital Works

Annual Target: 80,00% (144)

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


(1 from

a total

of 161)


(14 of




from a

total of


Site Clearance (10 Sites): Dependency on the

following Departments For: - Municipalities for

the rezoning and subdivision approvals. Rural

Development and Land Reform: For the interim

protection of informal land rights consent.

Surveyor General for surveyor general approvals.

Heritage Department for heritage consent

Environmental Affairs for Environmental

authorisation or exemptions

Planning and Design: The 17 Projects on planning

and design could not proceed with the

appointment of the consultants due to the

directive of the Minister of Police for the re

assessment of the location , size and the need for

living quarters which necessitated the reviewal of

the planning and design projects. The approval of

the recommendations by the Minister was only

done during November 2019

Execution (3 Sites): The negotiation / litigation

process for Muyexe and Dwarsberg could not be

finalised due to several litigations that are

currently in court since 2016 for Dwarsberg Police

Station and 2017 for Muyexe. Qhasa project has

been completed

8 Site Clearances will be


2 Site Clearances are delayed

due to dependency on

Municipality. Consultation with

Municipalities ongoing

The reviewal of the planning

and design phase was done

through the assessments in

line with the directive of the

Minister. The implementation

of the approved

recommendations is in a

process to proceed with the

appointment of consultants


Engagement of the high

level structure of external


(dependencies) to ensure

that special / timeous

council setting are held

for the tabling of SAPS


The time frames for

Planning and design

phase will be drastically

reduce. The consultants

will be given the SAPS

concepts (stage1 and2)

to produce the drawings

(plans) instead of

restarting the whole

phase. This in turn will

enable SAPS to complete

the 17 project earmarked

for Planning and design.

Consultants still to be




39 | P a g e

Repair and upgrade (7 Sites): Continuous

requoting for specialised services contributed to

the delay including the non-responsiveness of


The following sites were completed:

o Port Edward (KZN); and

o Tableview (WC)

The following projects are still under repair and


o Kolomane (EC) 77% completed – Personnel on


o Mtunzini (KZN) 98% completed – Supply and

install of two air conditioners outstanding

(requote) and data connection outstanding on

the two park homes;

o Schoemansdal (MP) 77% completed – Roof

repair and painting in progress;

o Vaalbank (MP) 49% completed – Committee

leaders are fighting on who must get the

construction job. There are also water

problems; and

o Novalspont (MP) 93% completed – Busy with

plumbing, painting cell blocks

Generators and Aircons (79 Projects): Bids were

awarded and Contracts signed during July and

November 2019 which delayed the execution of

projects at various Stations

61 is for the installation of Air conditioners of

which 27 projects were completed. 34 (11 under

investigation, 23 rest will be completed

4 projects will be completed

A team of electrical projects

managers to be assigned to

outstanding Province to

manage the signing off of

installations before the end of

March 2020



The re- measurements at

Dwarsberg will take place

before the end of the

financial year to ensure

that the completion of

the project is finalized

before the end


Vaalbank - Senior

Government Officials

intervened and

arrangements were

reached ito community

The procurement office

has been requested to

assist with the


authorization for the

outstanding items to

ensure that the

outstanding work is done

(Repair and Upgrade

Contract to be awarded





40 | P a g e

Accessibility (28 Sites):

o 18 Sites completed

9 Sites will be completed end

Financial year


1 Site (Vaalbank) will be

carried over to Repair

and Renovations.

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

None None None None

41 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator

Planned police facility projects completed, as per the SAPS infrastructure development programme in the following prioritised areas: Planned


Annual Target: 80,00% (17)

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


(0 from

a total

of 17)


(1 of 17)


(1 from

a total

of 17)

Execution: The execution of the Project delayed

as the condition of the buildings necessitated the

additional works to be included in the scope of

works. Some of the projects scope of work had

to be revised due to the Deteriorated condition

of the building as the planning and designs were

done in 2012/2013 and never executed

12 Repair and Renovations (Execution):

o Zaaiplaas (LIM) and Malmesbury (WC)


o Banadlierskop 70 % completed – Poor

performance of contractor to be dealth with;

o Makuya 70 % completed – Contractor on site

but progress very slow; and

o Charl Cilliers (MP) – next fin year – Contractor

to be appointed

5 Repair and Renovations (Planning and Design):

o Non-performance on planning and design for

the repair and renovations at devolved stations

by Senior Officers. Consequence Management

will be instituted

The review of the scope of works

has been finalized but will not be

achieved for execution within

this financial year


The internal resources

will be utilized to

execute the planned

maintenance work to

change the conditions of

the Stations and any

capital works related

items will be excluded

Projects will be




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

None None None None

42 | P a g e


Sub-Programme: Internal Audit

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.6.1 Successes and Achievements Inculcate a culture of uncompromising compliance and performance management

The Component Internal Audit achieved 14% (24 audits) and 31%(52 audits) for the first and second quarter respectively, however,

did not achieve the third quarter target of 60% (100 audits) Only 39% (66 Audits) were finalised, due to, changes to the plan,

whereby a total number of 22 Audits were cancelled between the second and third quarter and replaced with the Irregular

Expenditure audit, that was requested by the SAPS Top Management, to implement the action plans, requested by the CFO of the

department, in addressing the qualification by AGSA. With this management requested the component to redirect its resources,

to support to management in its request.

43 | P a g e

1.6.2 Areas of Underperformance

To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of audits completed in terms of the approved Internal Audit Plan

Annual Target: 100% (166)

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


24 from

a total of



52 from a

total of



66 from

a total of


Internal Audit was

requested by

management to address

irregular expenditure

qualification by AGSA

and therefore resources

were redirected to

address that

22 audits are still in process for

quarter 3

Approval was granted by the Audit

Committee and National

Commissioner to adjust the Internal

Audit Plan to accommodate the

Irregular Expenditure audit as

requested by the CFO of the

Department. 22 audits were

removed from the plan

The following actions/interventions

were implemented to ensure

finalisation of Quarter 3 audits:

o Monthly CAE Appraisal meetings;


o Quarterly Performance Review



All audit will be completed 2020-04-30

44 | P a g e

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Depend on the availability of Senior

Management/Auditee and or acceptance

of finding

Audited business units The Communication Protocol of the Internal Audit within the

Department states that after receiving the report from

clients/auditees with action plans and relevant comments, the audit

(audit report and file) will be officially signed off. However, the

Internal Audit reserve the right to accept or reject action plans.

Rejected action plans will be sent back to the client/auditee for


After receiving the report from clients/auditees with action plans

and relevant comments, the audit (audit report and file) will be

officially signed off. However, the Internal Audit reserve the right to

accept or reject action plans. Rejected action plans will be sent back

to the client/auditee for revision. The client/auditee will be given

additional ten (10) working to submit back the revised action plans

to IA. Non-compliance in this regard will be reported to the National

Commissioner and Audit Committee in the IA quarterly report

And where management disagree with the findings of Internal Audit

and/or refuse to implement the recommendations thereof from

Internal Audit, management must indicate as such in writing stating

their disagreement and the reasons thereof. Management

representation letter must explicitly state the acceptance of risk

associated with finding as indicated by the Internal Audit. These

representations will be escalated to the next levels of management

(i.e. Cluster, Provincial, Divisional Management and National

Commissioner) and the Audit Committee for their noting and/or



45 | P a g e


Sub-Programme: Inspectorate

Strategic Objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services

1.7.1 Successes and Achievements The Division: Inspectorate’s target regarding the percentage of intervention execution standards executed was achieved. This was

achieved due to a tactical plan that was compiled in consultation with and the absolute tangible co-operation of all Provincial

Commissioners. In addition to the handover of the Inspectorate Station Self Evaluation Tool (ISSET), all Provincial Inspectorates, the Intervention

Execution Managers and the Support Service Commanders of all 270 prioritised stations were provided with development in respect

of facilitation and the execution of the self-evaluation in inspections. The aim of this approach is so that a station is able to self-

diagnose and self-correct compliance

46 | P a g e



Sub-Programme: Visible Policing

Strategic Objective: To discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the

levels of priority crime

1.1.1 Successes and Achievements Percentage of identified police stations that have functional Community Police Forums (CPFs) according to set guidelines: 99,56%

(1 149 from a total of 1 154)

Boetsap, Kubusiedrift and Mokgopong Police Stations are exempted from having a CPF as they have no community in the policing

precinct, only seasonal workers. Qhasa, in the Eastern Cape and Moletlane in Limpopo Province do not have a functional CPF.

Qhasa was prematurely registered on the system however it is not yet functional. Moletlane is currently functioning as a satellite

and not as fully fledged police station. Number of reported contact-related crimes: Decreased by 3,7%, from 88 957 reported contact- related crimes during 9 months, in

2018/2019, to 85 697 during 9 months, in 2019/2020

Operations were conducted in line with CPA and CTA. Various operations are ongoing such as Operation Fiela, Operations

Economic Stimulus Package, Operation Safer Festive Season 2019/2020, Operation Emangusi, Presidential Operations, Operation

Thunder, In the Cape Flats, Operation Ganolimp/GAUBULET (cash-in transit heists) and North West Stabilisation Operations. Force

multipliers such as reservists, K9 Units, Rapid Rail, Metropolitan Police Service, as well as other government departments joined

resources during these operations. Cooperation between the Police and Community assisted in bringing down the levels of crime

due to availability of information. The call by the President on all communities and government, on all levels, to work together in

47 | P a g e

the fight against crime shows the seriousness of government to reduce crime and therefore, the increase in targeted operations

and the redeployment of resources. Number of reported property-related crimes: Decreased by 5,6%, from 375 233 reported property- related crimes during 9 months,

in 2018/2019, to 354 035 during 9 months, in 2019/2020

These achievements can be attributed to the operations conducted by the Provincial Intervention Teams, Cluster Operational

Teams, Station Operational Teams, Specialised Units, Operation Thunder and members of Other Law Enforcement, Units in a

coordinated, multi disciplinary approach. Operations were conducted in line with CPA and CTA. Various ongoing operations, such

as Operation Fiela, Operations Economic Stimulus Package, Operation Safer Festive Season 2019/2020, Operation Emangusi,

Presidential Operations, Operation Thunder, in the Cape Flats, Operation Ganolimp/GAUBULET (cash-in transit heists) and North

West Stabilisation Operations contributed to the achievement of this target. Force multipliers, such as reservists, K9 Units, Rapid

Rail, Metropolitan Police Service, as well as other government departments joined resources during operations. Cooperation

between the Police and Community assisted in bringing down the levels of crime due to availability of information. Stock theft

remains an area of concern. Number of reported other serious crimes: Decreased by 4,1%, from 335 889 reported other serious crimes during 9 months, in

2018/2019, to 322 034 during 9 months, in 2019/2020

Operations were conducted in line with CPA and CTA. Various operations are ongoing such as Operation Fiela, Operations

Economic Stimulus Package, Operation Safer Festive Season 2019/2020, Operation Emangusi, Presidential Operations, Operation

Thunder. Thurder to this in the Cape Flats, Operation Ganolimp / GAUBULET (cash-in transit heists) and North West Stabilisation

Operations. Implementation of the Community Policing Strategy, the Community in Blue concept and Eyes and Ears Project also

contributed to the achievement of this target. Force multipliers, such as reservists, K9 Units, Rapid Rail, Metropolitan Police

Service, as well as other government departments joined resources during operations. Cooperation between the Police and

Community assisted in bringing down the levels of crime due to availability of information.

48 | P a g e Number of reported serious crimes at the identified 30 high crime weight stations: Decreased by 3,7%, from 160 542 reported

serious crimes during 9 months, in 2018/2019, to 154 671 during 9 months, in 2019/2020

Force multipliers, such as reservists, K9 Units, Rapid Rail, Metropolitan Police Service, as well as other government departments

are now joining resources during operations. Cooperation between the Police and Community assisted in bringing down the levels

of crime due to availability of information. The call by the President on all communities and government, on all levels, to work

together in the fight against crime shows the seriousness of government to reduce crime and therefore, the increase in targeted

operations and the redeployment of resources. Number of identifiable stolen/lost SAPS firearms recovered: 182 recovered

Intelligence driven operations in the Province as well as the ongoing operations such as Operation Fiela, Operations Economic

Stimulus Package, Operation Safer Festive Season 2019/2020, Operation Emangusi, Presidential Operations, Operation Thunder,

In the Cape Flats, Operation Ganolimp/GAUBULET (cash-in transit heists) and North West Stabilisation Operations contributed to

the recovery of firearms. Number of escapees from police custody: 473

The National Plan and Provincial Plans as well as National Instruction 11, 12 and 13/2019 was implemented to prevent escapes.

Consequence management: 110 members were charged for the period 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2019. 70 Cases not yet

placed on roll, 40 cases placed on roll, 37 hearings finalised, 15 guilty, 18 not guilty, 4 withdrawal. 1 Member was dismissed, 6

Written warnings, 5 Final written warnings, 3 suspension without pay for 1 month, pending cases on role and 3 pending cases on

roll. Number of rural and rural/urban mixed police stations implementing the set criteria of the four pillars of the Rural Safety Strategy:

877 from a total of 883

Roll out of the peer to peer toolkit in-service- training in all provinces.

49 | P a g e Number of community outreach campaigns conducted: 21 (6 National and 15 Provincial)

Provinces hosted more awareness campaigns specifically in relation to 16 Days of Activism and Gender Based Violence and roll

out of Traditional Policing Concept. The launch of the Safer Festive Season Operations also contributed to achieving this indicator.

The Office of Minister and Deputy Minister also hosted more events during the quarter 3 to raise awareness for crimes against

women and children. Number of schools identified to implement the School Safety Programme: 185

Some Provinces already reached their target in quarter 2. An overachievement of target was reported. Operational Highlights:

Planning for a Firearm Amnesty for 2019/2020;

Review of National Instruction 12 of 2015 Road accidents and the roles and responsibilities of the SAPS;

Draft Mounted Community Policing Concept;

Approved Divisional Directive – Veterinary Services – Volume 3 of 2019;

Draft SOP for accreditation of Second Hand Goods Dealer Associations finalised;

Draft SOP to address illegal gambling;

Draft National Instruction and Sector Policing Guidelines (circulated for inputs);

Establishment of a Safer City Executive Task Team and Working Group on 4 July 2019;

Draft Collaboration Strategy between SAPS and Metropolitan Police Services;

Pilot of the Ears and Eyes Project in Gauteng Province;

Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Department of Tourism;

Launch of the Rural Safety Strategy;

Launch of the 16 Days of Activism Gender-Based Violence and Crimes against women and children;

Launch of Operation Safer Festive Season; and

Hosting of National and Provincial Imbizo’s.

50 | P a g e Future Plans/Interventions/Strategies

Obtain the approval for the National Youth Crime Prevention Strategy;

Finalise the development of the Integrated Sexual Offences and Gender-Based Violence Strategy;

Planning and preparing for a Firearm Destruction in May 2020;

Launching of the Community Safety Strategy with the Community in Blue Project within all the Provinces;

Roll out of the Ears and Eyes Project to the remaining eight provinces as Gauteng province was already piloted ; and

Piloting of the Safer City Framework in identified Provinces. Division: Visible Policing developed the following Strategies, Concept documents and High Level Action Plans with the purpose to

ensure all people in South Africa are and feel safe

Community Policing Strategy

o The Community Policing Strategy is a strategic response to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (RSA), particularly

Section 206(3) and White Paper on Safety and Security, 2016. The Strategy is intended to operationalise the concept of

community policing and to stimulate active citizenry and citizen participation in the fight against crime. The Strategy was

launched on 20 October 2018 in Dobsonville, Gauteng Province. The Community Policing Strategy was launched in most of

the Provinces, and are being rolled out in all provinces.

Community in Blue Concept

o The Community in Blue programme emphasises the importance of involving the community in safety and policing related

matters through the assistance of community patrollers. Community in Blue patrollers will be more involved in structured

community safety initiatives/structures/projects and into a formal police-community partnership. The Community in Blue

patrollers will be utilised in the following capacities:

Participate in the social crime prevention initiatives;

Support crime prevention through environmental design initiatives;

51 | P a g e

Institutionalise community participation within situational and developmental crime prevention;

Advocate for community involvement in ensuring safety and security needs within the JCPS cluster;

Collaborate with the SAPS in increasing visibility and operational capacity; and

Enhancing community based intelligence.

Traditional Leadership in Policing Framework

o The purpose of this Framework is to enhance the role of traditional leaders and other relevant structures in the fight against

crime through:

Maximising the participation and mobilization of traditional leadership in crime prevention;

Improving the moral fibre of society through public education and awareness campaigns;

Intensify community education and awareness on crime and matters which relates to safety and security;

Implementing and integrated and focused crime prevention programmes or projects in a coordinated manner which

draws on the resources of all government agencies, including civil society;

Developing a set of national and local programmes which serves to kick start and focus the efforts of various government

departments in delivering quality service and addressing root causes or contributing factors to crime;

Promoting community participation in crime prevention activities; and

The Traditional Leadership Framework was approved and is being rolled out in all Provinces.

Rural Safety Strategy

o The National Rural Safety Strategy of the South African Police Service provides a safe and secure rural environment to support

food security, social and economic development. The reviewed National Rural Safety Strategy was launched on 11 October

2019 in Limpopo Province. The reviewed strategy has the aim to:

Respond to the safety and security needs of rural communities;

Provide a safe and secure rural environment to support food security, social and economic development;

52 | P a g e

Strengthen the building of relationships in the rural community;

Encourage all stakeholders in rural safety to cooperate in a coordinated and integrated manner; and

Engage in joint planning, implementation, development and evaluation of the execution of the plan to combat crime and

the lack of safety and security, in rural areas, as determined by the National Crime Combating Strategy (NCCS).

Non-Ferrous Metal

o A Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee (NFMCCC) was established and is meeting on quarterly basis under the

Chairpersonship of the South African Police Service to address the following matters in an integrated and collaborative

manner involving all concerned stakeholders:

Initiate measures to address non-ferrous metal and essential infrastructure related crimes in an integrated manner;

Initiate the implementation of joint ventures, involving all relevant stakeholders to effectively address non-ferrous metal

and essential infrastructure related crimes at both national and provincial levels;

Initiate joint crime prevention and combating operations which focus on suppliers, dealers and end-users of non-ferrous


Initiate the implementation of an educational and communication programme to enhance the skills and knowledge, as

well as raise awareness in respect of non-ferrous metal and the essential infrastructure environments;

Monitor investigations pertaining to non-ferrous metal related crimes; and

Monitor the import and export of non-ferrous metals.

o A joint integrated NFMCCC Turn-Around Plan was developed to address the recent scourge in non-ferrous and essential

infrastructure related crimes due to its negative impact on the South African economy and society at large. The targeting of

copper cables in particular, impacts on various industries including local government, energy, transport, mining and

agriculture, which are critical aspects of South Africa’s economy and stability.

53 | P a g e

Integrated Sexual Offences and Gender Based Violence Strategy

o The SAPS participates on the Task Teams of the Interim Gender Based Violence and Femicide Steering Committee and

provides inputs to the development of the National Strategic Plan on Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF). In this

regard the pillars of the draft SAPS Gender Based Violence Strategy was revised to be in line with those of the draft National

Strategic Plan framework.

o An Integrated Sexual Offences and Gender Based Violence Strategy for the JCPS Cluster is in the process of being developed.

o The Strategic intent of the Strategy is to intensify and accelerate efforts to prevent acts of sexual offences and gender-based

violence, by creating multi-sectoral, short, medium and long-term strategic interventions.

Stabilisation and normalisation framework blueprint

o The South African Police Service (SAPS) has adopted a two pronged approach in dealing with crime in South Africa i.e.

Stabilisation and Normalisation. Stabilisation refers to crime combating measures that are aimed towards stopping serious

criminal elements, and this approach uses various forms of operations to target hotspot areas as well as any jurisdiction as

prioritised by NATJOINTS based on intelligence processes. In the contrast, normalisation approach refers to all basic policing

processes are necessary to operationalise on the ground once the crime situation has stabilised. The normalisation process

intends to operationalise “Community Centred Policing“. The key elements of the process therefore includes youth crime

prevention, community policing, broader community safety framework, traditional policing, spiritual crime prevention moral

fibre investment, community outreach programmes and education, campus safety and other force-multiplier strategies to

prevent crime. This blueprint is currently being reviewed.

Turn-around Plan – FLASH Environment

o The purpose of this Turn-Around Plan is to implement preventative measures to enhance the effective functioning of the

Component: Firearms, Liquor and Second-hand Goods Services (FLASH) in ensuring the achievement of all deliverables set in

the Annual Performance Plan as well as the Divisional Annual Operational Plan in guaranteeing service delivery and


54 | P a g e

SAPS 13 Turnaround Plan

o A turnaround plan was develop and multi-disciplinary task teams were established in all Provinces to ensure effective exhibit

management within the SAPS 13 Stores. Key action is to facilitate the management of firearms in the SAPS 13 Stores with

the following deliverables:

Number of priority police stations visited with 400 and more firearms;

Maintain a manual database to establish the movement of firearms in the SAPS 13 Stores; and

Percentage reduction of the total firearms in the SAPS 13 Stores in accordance with the Turn-around Plan.

Closed-up Security Action Plan

o Multi-Disciplinary Task Teams for the Tracing of Firearms of Closed-Up Institutions (Security Companies) was established in

all provinces. The purpose of the task teams are to:

Deal with problematic security service providers identified by CI, PSIRA, CFR and Provinces;

Regular follow up on cases opened and firearms confiscated; and

Cancellation of firearm licences.

NCCF instructions

o Issuing of NATJOINTS Instruction 14 of 2019 (Fiela and JCPS Stimulus Package) and NCCF Instruction 2 of 2019 to enhance the

policing of licensed/unlicensed liquor premises through enhanced compliance inspections.


o Drug use and dealing is being discouraged through the Action Plans and drug hotspots areas/houses identified by all police

stations and monitored on a monthly basis by the Division: Visible Policing and reported through the Drug Master Plan on a

quarterly basis to the National Drug Authority.

55 | P a g e


o The Anti-Gangsterism Strategy Implementation Plan is aimed at addressing all gang-related activities in the country, to ensure

that “all people are and feel safe” with the view of achieving the objectives of outcome 3, of the National Development Plan.

The implementation of the Anti-Gangsterism Strategy requires a multi-disciplinary and integrated approach, involving all role-

players within the SAPS and broader Government.

o The Anti-Gangsterism Strategy Implementation Plan, has taken into consideration, intelligence gathering, analysis and

coordination, pro-active and high visibility approach, combat and re-active approach, reactive approach through detection,

including organised crime approach, community policing concept, as well as communication and liaison.


o A Terms of Reference was developed and communicated to establish Provincial Liquor Law Enforcement Forums and in

process of establishing Provincial Liquor Law Enforcement Forums at provincial level to:

Establish a platform to enhance collaboration between the SAPS and all stakeholders involved, to address and combat

liquor related crimes at operational level;

Jointly develop and implement/activate measures to address and to strengthen the effective detection, investigation and

prosecution of all cases related to the illegal trade in liquor;

Facilitate the sharing of knowledge and skills transfer to effectively enforce compliance to all applicable legislative

requirements in the respective areas of responsibility in a coordinated manner;

Share information to identify threats, trends, modus operandi, routes, linkages, syndicates and hot spots to support joint

operations to address the illegal trade in liquor;

Share operational actions and successes executed to combat the trade in illicit liquor products and concoctions;

Monitor compliance by licensed liquor premises to the provision of the respective provincial liquor legislation;

Monitor the termination of illegal trade in liquor/closure of unlicensed liquor premises;

Enhance processes to ensure successful investigation of prosecution and conviction of perpetrators pertaining to the

illegal trade in liquor;

Monitor existing licensed liquor premises and unlicensed liquor premises in close proximity to schools;

56 | P a g e

Serve as a platform to identified and share good practices;

Implement NCCF and NATJOINTS instructions;

Monitor the implementation of NCCF and NATJOINTS instructions;

Address the issuing of fraudulent liquor licences and liquor premises in close proximity to schools;

Address the trade in counterfeit and illicit liquor products;

Conduct an analyses of the outcomes of court decisions pertaining to the cases of selling liquor without a licence;

Develop a comprehensive communication plan;

Jointly raise awareness and educate licensees on the compliance to the provisions of liquor legislation and combating of

the illegal trade in liquor;

Identify skills development areas and activating the necessary skills development initiatives for Designated Liquor

Officials; and

Identify and eradicate corrupt activities by Designated Liquor Officials.

JCPS Economic Stimulus Package

o The Division Visible Policing is reporting monthly on the The JCPS Cluster Economic Stimulus Package which have identified

five high priority focus areas that will be addressed though the safety and security pillar 4 of the NATJOINTS, namely:

Crimes against Women and Children (Murder, Gender Based Violence and Sexual Offences, etc.);

Trio Crimes (Carjacking, House Robbery and Business Robbery) and Cash in Transit (CIT) including other contact crimes

Murder including Taxi Violence;

Proliferation of Firearms, Liquor, Drugs and Gangsterism; Illegal Immigration, stock theft; Illicit Economy, Ferrous and

Non-ferrous Metal Theft including stock theft; and


57 | P a g e

Combined Assurance

o Division: Visible Policing re-introduced Combined Assurance at National, Provincial and Cluster level. The combined assurance

assessment are conducted over a two-day period per police station:

30 identified police stations Divisional Level;

Ten at Provincial Level; and

Three at Cluster Level.

o A temporary Nodal Point has been established in the Management Information and Strategic Planning (MISP) office to keep

record of all assessment visits conducted during the combined assurance process and to monitor progress on implementation

of the respective action plans.

Firearm Destruction

o Next firearm Destruction is planned for 7 May 2020.

Firearm Amnesty

o The removal of illegal or excess firearms or ammunition is indeed in the interest of the public and is supported by the crime

statistics which indicates that firearms is the instrument commonly used in the commission of crime, especially serious crimes

Section 139(1) of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act no 60 of 2000) provides that the Minister of Police may by notice in the

Gazette declare an amnesty if the amnesty may result in the reduction of the number of illegally possessed firearms in South

Africa and is in the public interest to do so. The Firearm Amnesty has been announced and is currently running for the period

1 December 2019 to 31 May 2020.

58 | P a g e

Ears and Eyes Project

o The Eyes and Ears Project is a joint crime fighting initiative between the South African Police Service, Business Against Crime

South Africa and the Private Security Industry. The purpose of the initiative is to enhance the situational awareness and

appropriate response by the SAPS through collaboration with the PSI to be the additional eyes and ears of SAPS. The PSI has

a large geographical deployment footprint which can be used by the SAPS as an information resource in the fight against


o Objectives of the Ears and Eyes Project:

To operationally implement the “Eyes and Ears” concept in all the provinces through the Provincial Operational Command

Centres (POCC) or any other suitable centre which may be identified based on operational requirements;

To develop a model for improved situational information sharing between SAPS and the PSI; and

To enhance operational response to crime hotspot areas, TRIO crimes and with specific emphasis on crimes which are

heavily dependent on situational information and a shared concern for both the SAPS and the PSI.

59 | P a g e

1.1.2 Areas of Underperformance

To discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the levels of priority crime.

Key Performance Indicator Number of reported serious crimes

Annual Target: Reduce by 2% to 1 618 407

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address


(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in

2020/2021 if underperformance

could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

Reduced by

1,4%, from 404

652 reported

serious crimes

during the first

quarter, in

2018/2019, to

398 820 during

the first

quarter, in


Reduced by

2,1%, from 819

905 reported

serious crimes

during semester

1, in 2018/2019,

to 802 595

during the

semester 1, in


Reduced by

2,7%, from 1 264

035 reported

serious crimes

during the first 9

months, in

2018/2019, to 1

229 665 during 9

months, in


Increase in serious and violent

crimes in the country due to social

ills and other related factors

Insufficient resources at Police


There is an increase in new

developments and a mushrooming

of informal settlements. These

developments are outgrowing

police capacity to police all the


Absence of local community safety

plans which are aligned to the IDP’s

The community is not cooperating

with the Police in solving crime due

to lack of participation in structures.


No dedicated crime prevention

units at station level

Deployment as

per Crime Pattern

Analysis and

Crime Threat


High visibility


Involvement of

Crime Intelligence

in operations

Continue with

High density



execution on the



plan and JCPS


Stimulus Plan

Ongoing Roll out of the

Eyes and Ears

Project to all



of the

Community in

Blue concept,


policing concept

and recruitment

of more reservist


and resourcing of

dedicated Crime

Prevention Units

at station level to

enable them to

conduct 24 hour

visibility patrols




60 | P a g e

Easy availability of illegal firearm,

increase in drugs and alcohol abuse

by the youth


of stabilisation

and normalisation

plans at identified

hot spot areas

Continue with

crime prevention


throughout the


Crime Prevention

Units are in

process of


commencing with

Top 30 as part of


resources to

Station level

Conduct root

cause analysis

Provincial crime


summits and

development of

provincial and

local crime



Inter cluster

engagements to

develop a holistic

response on cross

cutting root

causes of crime

Review of the

National Crime








61 | P a g e

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate

Dependency Timeframe

Availability of resources at affected High Crime Stations

Development of Provincial and local crime prevention frameworks

Provision of holistic approach to the root causes of crime and violence

All Government Departments and

Community Involvement/


Provincial and local government


Implement National Commissioner Turn

Around Strategy of migrating resources

to Stations and filling up vacant posts

Convening of Provincial and local crime

prevention summits

Inter-Cluster engagement

Short Term

Long term

Short term

62 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Number of reported contact crimes

Annual Target: Reduce by 2,00% to 545 363

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


by 1,3%,

from 141





during the


quarter, in


to 142 926

during the


quarter, in



by 1,2%,

from 291







1, in


to 295 151

during the


1, in



by 0,8%,

from 463





during the

first 9

months, in


to 467 899


the first 9

months, in


Most of these crimes

are domestic violence

related and some

committed indoors

between people who

know each other thus

making it difficult to be


Liquor, substance abuse

and environmental

design factors play a key

role in the commission

of these crimes.

Majority of the police

stations across the

country are

experiencing massive

spatial developments

especially informal

settlements and

exponential population

growth which has

outgrown the capacity

of these police stations

Stabilization and high density

basic policing interventions are

running in all the provinces. The

stabilization and high density

basic policing interventions are

complemented by normalization

interventions such as:

Ministerial izimbizo

Community engagements by the

Minister and police leadership in

all provinces during the festive


Community awareness


Youth crime prevention projects

Implementation of community in

blue (patrolling streets)

Intensified police visibility during

festive season

Reservists call up

The enforcement of the Liquor

Act by stations

Weekly Compliance inspections

at liquor outlets

Declaration of firearm amnesty

which reduced number of

firearms and ammunition in


On Going Long-term Intervention: A

Safety Framework for

Informal Settlement was

compiled by the Division

and circulated for inputs. All

Government stake holders

including the Local

Municipalities are to be

activated to take care of

Environmental Design

challenges through the

establishment of Multi

Agency Forums and each

Department will be urged to

carry out their mandates as

contemplated in the White

Paper for Safety and

Security 2016

An Action Plan for the

Departmental Drug Master

Plan will be implemented to

address substance abuse to

cut the supply and demand


Economic Stimulus

Operations are ongoing and

Stations are monitored Bi-

weekly to assess




63 | P a g e

The implementation of Gender

Based Violence Strategy

Implemented Eyes and Ears

initiative in Gauteng (South

African Police Service, Business

Against Crime South Africa and

Private Security Industry


Intensification Social Crime

Prevention campaigns (drugs and

substance abuse, dangerous

weapons, sexual offences etc.)

deployment of resources at

hotspot areas and ensure all

operations are intelligence


Crime Prevention Units are

in process of establishment

commencing with Top 30 as

part of migrating resources

to station level

Conduct root cause analysis.

Provincial crime prevention

summits and development

of provincial and local crime

prevention frameworks

Inter cluster engagements

to develop a holistic

response on cross cutting

root causes of crime

Review of the National

Crime Prevention Strategy






Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Availability of resources at affected High Crime


Development of Provincial and local crime

prevention frameworks

Provision of holistic approach to the root

causes of crime and violence

All Government Departments and

Community Involvement/


Provincial and local government


Implement SAPS Turnaround Strategy of migrating resources

to Stations and filling up vacant posts

Convening of Provincial and local crime prevention summits

Inter-Cluster engagement

Short Term

Long term

Short term

64 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Number of reported contact crimes at the identified 30 high crime weight stations

Annual Target: Reduce by 2,00% to 69 136

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address


(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021

if underperformance could not be

resolved before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


by 2,4%,

from 21





during the


quarter, in


to 22 260

during the


quarter, in



by 0,8%,

from 45







1, in


to 45 686

during the


1, in



by 0,6%,

from 71





during the

first 9

months, in


to 71 551

during the

first 9

months, in


Most of these crimes are committed

indoors between people who know

each other thus making it difficult to

be prevented

Liquor, substance abuse and

environmental design factors play a

key role in the commission of these


Majority of the police stations

across the country are experiencing

massive spatial developments

especially informal settlements and

exponential population growth

which has outgrown the capacity of

these police stations

Stabilization operations

declared in most of the

provinces. The following

five pillar approach is used

in the operations:

Intelligence and analysis


Proactive approach

Combat approach

Reactive through


Communication and


Gauteng Province: is

concentrating on


MOLAO“ in all the 5


A safer policing district

operational plan within

Gauteng province in order

to enhance the current

running OKAE MOLAO

Ongoing Long Term

Intervention: A Safety

Frame Work for

Informal Settlement

was compiled by the

Division and circulated

for inputs. All

Government stake

holders including the

Local Municipalities are

to be activated to take

care of Environmental

Design challenges

through the

establishment of Multi

Agency Forums and

each Department will

be urged to carry out

their mandates as

contemplated in the

White Paper for Safety

and Security 2016.

An Action Plan for the

Departmental Drug

Master Plan will be

implemented to

address substance



65 | P a g e

Western Cape: There are

heightened high density

operations to deal with

crime at Cape Town

Central and Operation

lockdown at 19 lockdown


Kwa-Zulu Natal: The SAPS

management have

identified problematic

policing precincts which

are contributing to crime

in the province and the

multi-discipline resources

eg TRT, Detectives, POP,

Visible policing (new

constables) have been

deployed. The resources

are concentrating on all

problematic stations and

stabilise the crime through

Operation Vala. The

intervention started on

the 25th February 2020

Redistribution of new

constables from outlying

police stations to

Plessislaer, Inanda and


TACJOCS have been

activated as part of

operation Vala

abuse to cut the supply

and demand reduction.

Economic Stimulus

Operations are ongoing

and Top 30 Stations are

monitored Bi-weekly to

assess deployment of

resources during

weekends between

Friday and Monday at

hotspot areas and

ensure all operations

are intelligence driven

Crime Prevention Units

are in process of


commencing with Top

30 Stations in line with

the NASCOM directive

to migrate resources to

Station Level

Crime Prevention Units

are in process of


commencing with Top

30 as part of migrating

resources to Station


Development of root

cause analysis.

Provincial crime

prevention summits

and development of

provincial and local






66 | P a g e

Weekly monitoring and

evaluation process led by

the Minister, Deputy

Minister of the Police in

relation to operation Vala

and lockdown

Cordon and searches at

hostels, taxi ranks,

correctional service


Drug and substance

intelligence led operations

crime prevention


Inter cluster

engagements to

develop a holistic

response on cross

cutting root causes of


Review of the National

Crime Prevention




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Availability of resources at affected high crime


Development of provincial and local crime

prevention frameworks

Provision of holistic approach to the root causes of

crime and violence

All Government departments and

community involvement/participation

Provincial and local government


Implement SAPS Turnaround Strategy of migrating

resources to stations and filling up vacant posts

Convening of provincial and local crime prevention


Inter-Cluster engagement

Short Term

Long term

Short term

67 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Number of stolen/lost and illegal firearms recovered

Annual Target: Increase by 1,00% to 5 404

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

3 621



- 716

1 156

779 Non-circulation or late

circulation of firearms

Number of firearms

captured on the OPAM

system as recovered for

Quarter 3:

o October 2019 – 1 949;

o November 2019 –

2 175;

o December 2019 –

3 296;

o Total: 7 420

Re-distribution of directives on

the circulation of firearms re-


Cordon and search, High density

as well as stop and search

operations (including

roadblocks) has been intensified

Cordon and search operations

Compliance inspections at

security companies and gun


Conduct combined assurance at







Establishment of task teams

to clear the storage facilities

Workshopping of the TID to

Vispol heads, Visible policing

commanders and shift




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

None None None None

68 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Number of stolen/robbed vehicles recovered

Annual Target: Maintain the number of stolen/robbed vehicles recovered at 36 548

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address


(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

8 248.

7 016


vehicles, 1



vehicles and

44 vehicles

during cross-



8 667

7 353


vehicles, 1




and 52






8 133

6 823


vehicles, 1




and 30






First phase cancellation

does not include all the

vehicles recovered

First phase cancellation

does not include all the

vehicles recovered.

A total of 6 259

vehicles have been

recovered however;

the owners of these

vehicles have not as yet

identified their vehicles

and therefore remains

circulated as

stolen. From 1 April

2019 to 31 December

2019 at total of 25 048

vehicles were

recovered and

cancellations done

This inter alia means

for the period 1 April

2019 to 31 December

2019 at total of 25 048

+ 6259 = 31 307

lost/stolen vehicles

have been recovered

Increased number of roadblocks

and compliance inspections at

second hand goods dealers such

as pawn shops and scrap yards

Implemented eyes and ears

initiative in Gauteng (South

African Police Service, Business

Against Crime South Africa and

Private Security Industry




System enhancements/

safeguards to capture all

stolen/robbed vehicles

upon recovery on the

Circulation System: Vehicles

is already in progress


69 | P a g e

The progressive target

for the same period is

27 411 which means

SAPS over achieved on

the set target

The repatriation of

stolen/robbed vehicles

recovered from other

countries is

complicated by



cooperation and

coordination and

different legislative

prescripts circulation of


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Division Detective Service is the custodian of

the Circulation System: Vehicles. Detective

Services must first approve policy and system


TMS is responsible for activating and costing of

approved System amendments

Division Detective Service


Task team already appointed with Detective Service included

Cancellation proposal approved by Detective Service

User request for Service to be compiled by Detective Service

to initiate TMS processes

TMS to cost and create Request for Service



70 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of applications for new firearm licenses finalised within 90 working days

Annual Target: 90,00% of new applications finalised within 90 working days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address


(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


20 902 from

a total of 26



20 035 from

a total of 23



20 243

from a total

of 24 497

The slowness of the

mainframe system

unable to synchronise

the scanned items with

the application.

Delay in the finalisation

of CRC reports due to

system downtime

Implementation of night duties

2020-03-31 Implementation of Flash

Turn -around plan is

approved by the National

Commissioner for


Firearm application process

flow developed to expedite

the finalization of new

firearm licenses within 90

working days

Acquisition of a new

Firearms Control Systems

Acquisition of a building for


Completion of the walk-ways

for the 10 containers






71 | P a g e

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

SITA decides not to develop the

solution, but to outsource the work,

SITA will, in accordance with National

Treasure prescripts, inform the client

and provide procurement service in

that regard to obtain an appropriate

solution from the supplier market

SITA Compile a Request For Proposal (RFP) in the required format and

submit to SITA

Compile a Request For Proposal (RFP) in the required format and

submit to SITA

Project Initiation and Planning

Compile project plan

(Resource recruitment and security clearance, etc.)


Public works to determine arrange

the alternative accommodation



Identify the suitable accommodation according to personnel

strength for CFR

Finalize the new Firearm System

Determine the required technology infrastructure

Procure and install the network/cabling



72 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Average national police reaction time to Alpha Complaints

Annual Target: 17:37 minutes

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe







More alpha complaints

were received in the 3rd

quarter, 1 158 883

compared to the 2nd

quarter, 1 086 472

This can be due to the

festive season (influx of

tourists and families)

Load shedding

negatively impacts on

reaction time due to

robots not working

Directives for daily, weekly and

monthly monitoring of complaints


Issuing of the monthly complaints

status reports to the provinces


The Minister and National

Commissioner of Police are

engaging Premiers to provide

a comprehensive response to

this challenge

Municipalities and Salga are

continuously engaged to deal

with these through the

development and

implementation of

community safety plans

Provincial Commissioners are

increasing number of vehicles

and members during peak





73 | P a g e

Complex spatial design

relating to the


mushrooming and

increase of informal

settlements across the

country characterized

by environmental

design factors such as

lack of accessible

streets/ road


infrastructure, lack of

streets lights, lack of

streets names as well as

house numbers

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Development of provincial and local crime

prevention frameworks

Alteration of environmental design factors

Provincial and local government

Convening of provincial and local crime prevention summits

Long term

74 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Average national police reaction time to Bravo Complaints

Annual Target: 21:28 minutes

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe







More alpha complaints

were received in the

3rd quarter, 1 158 883

compared to the 2nd

quarter, 1 086

472. This can be due

to the festive season

(influx of tourists and

families). Load

shedding negatively

impacts on reaction

time due to robots not


Core business

diversion as a result of

service delivery


Directives for daily, weekly and

monthly monitoring of

complaints status

Issuing of the monthly

complaints status reports to the



The Minister and National

Commissioner of Police are

engaging Premiers to

provide a comprehensive

response to this challenge

Municipalities and Salga are

continuously engaged to

deal with these through the

development and

implementation of

community safety plans

Provincial Commissioners

are increasing number of

vehicles and members

during peak times




75 | P a g e

Complex spatial design

relating to the


mushrooming and

increase of informal

settlements across the

country characterized

by environmental

design factors such as

lack of accessible



infrastructure, lack of

streets lights, lack of

streets names as well

as house numbers

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Development of provincial and local crime

prevention frameworks

Alteration of environmental design factors

Provincial and local government

Convening of provincial and local crime prevention summits Long term

76 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Average national police reaction time to Charlie Complaints

Annual Target: 19:13 minutes

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before 31

March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe







These crimes of a less

serious nature are

mostly taking place in

informal settlements

and rural areas. The

distances to various

small holdings, farms

and villages and over-

stretched capacity of

various police stations

Complex spatial design

relating to the


mushrooming and

increase of informal

settlements across the

country characterized

by environmental

design factors such as

lack of accessible



infrastructure, lack of

streets lights, lack of

streets names as well

as house numbers

Directives for daily, weekly and

monthly monitoring of

complaints status

Issuing of the monthly

complaints status reports to the



The Minister and National

Commissioner of Police are

engaging Premiers to

provide a comprehensive

response to this challenge

Municipalities and Salga

are continuously engaged

to deal with these through

the development and

implementation of

community safety

Implementation of an

approved rural safety


Weekly blue and white

blue patrols

Deployment of reservist

capacity during peak times

Availability of serviceable








77 | P a g e

The core business

diversion due to

service delivery

protests and load

shedding which

affected robots

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Development of provincial and local crime

prevention frameworks

Alteration of environmental design factors

Provincial and local government

Convening of provincial and local crime prevention summits

Long term

78 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of police stations rendering a victim-friendly service to victims of rape, sexual offences, domestic violence and abuse

Annual Target: 100% of 1 149 police stations compliant with 2 of the 3 set criteria

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


1 151

from a

total of

1 151


1 151

from a

total of

1 154


1 152

from a

total of

1 154

Qhasa Police Station in

the Eastern Cape

Province and Moletlane

Police Station in

Limpopo Province not

fully operational as yet

De-registration of the Qhasa Police


Reclasification of Moletlane as a

Sattelite police station

2020-03-20 N/A N/A

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Correction of police stations database Organizational Development Deregister Qhasa Police Station

Re-classify Moretelete as a satellite


79 | P a g e


Sub-Programme: Border Security and Specialised Intervention

Strategic Objective: To discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the

levels of priority crime

1.2.1 Successes and Achievements Sub programme 1: Border Security:

Ports of Entry recovered 20 371g of heroin, 33 141g of cocaine, 45,59g meth cathinone, 16g magic mushrooms, 91 674g of khat,

3 104,8g crystal meth/tik, 1 316 ecstasy tablets, 415g dagga seeds, 1 284 691,80g dry cannabis and 1 976,5 mandrax tablets for

the reporting period 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019. A total number of 11 firearms and 591 rounds of ammunition were

recovered for the period 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019 compared to 13 firearms and 68 rounds of ammunition recovered

in the same quarter for the previous financial year.

A total number of 3 981 arrests were made for the reporting period which comprised of arrests made for 10 firearms, 10 for

rounds of ammunitions, one in possession of explosives, 3022 illegal foreigners with no travel documentation and with travel

documentation related offences, 283 in possession of narcotics, nine stock theft, 68 marine living resources, seven for possession

of precious metals and stones, two for transnational commercial related crimes (Endangered species), 10 transnational

commercial related crimes (illegal import/export), four transnational commercial related crimes (Under – non Declaration), six

transnational commercial related crimes (counterfeit/contraband), 307 other crimes, three officials involved in corruption, 164

EMC hits persons by means of warrant of arrests, two for recovered vehicles due to MCS or EMCS, 72 stolen/robbed vehicles and

one stolen trailer.

80 | P a g e Sub programme 2: Specialised Interventions

The National Intervention Units recovered 22.3 g cocaine, 230.32 g tik, 5 562.18 g cannabis, 6 mandrax tablets and 1 008 cocaine

rocks for the reporting period compared to 2 765 g heroine, 48 g cocaine, 160 g tik, 2 100 g cannabis, 368,5 mandrax tablets and

25 cocaine rock in the same quarter for the previous financial year. From 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019 a total number

of 11 stolen/robbed vehicles were recovered compared to 10 vehicles recovered in the same quarter for the previous financial


A total number of 40 firearms and 895 rounds of ammunition were recovered for the period 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019

compared to 20 firearms and 601 rounds of ammunition recovered in the same quarter for the previous financial year. A total

number of 60 arrests were made for the reporting period compared to 61 arrests made in the same quarter for the previous

financial year. Special Task Force: From 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019 a total number of nine stolen/robbed vehicles were recovered

compared to four vehicles recovered in the same quarter for the previous financial year. A total number of 22 firearms and 1 025

rounds of ammunition were recovered for the period 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019 compared to 11 firearms and 696 rounds

of ammunition recovered in the same quarter for the previous financial year. A total number of 37 arrests were made for the period

1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019 compared to 50 arrests made in the same quarter for the previous financial year. Mobile Operations: A total number of 59 valuable and/or dangerous government cargo protected by Mobile Operations in the third

quarter of the reporting period with no security breaches. Public Order Policing: A total number of 366 arrests for crowd unrest incidents were made for the reporting period compared to 687

for the same period for the previous financial.

81 | P a g e



Sub-programme: Detective Service

Strategic Objective: To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders by investigating, gathering and analysing evidence

1.1.1 Successes and Achievements The implementation of the Person Identification Verification Application (PIVA/PVS) importantly contributed to the tracing of

suspects with outstanding cases. This system has been implemented in 665 of the 1 154 stations countrywide and roll out is still in

progress. Through the utilisation of the system 4 710 suspects have been identified and arrested. The utilisation of tracking teams in

the Provinces also contributed to the tracing of wanted suspects. The Detective Service also had numerous successes through the

tracking and tracing of suspects that are linked with forensic linkages. From a total of 1 919 cases of leads and linkages that were

outstanding 702 cases have been finalised. Attendance of case-flow-management and Provincial Enhancement Efficiency Committee meetings also had a positive influence on

the performance. Since the inception of the 2019/2020 financial year the Division also undertook initiatives that involves community participation

through social media, which will assist in the investigation of crime. These initiatives are the launch of the MYSAPS App and the

Amber alert with Facebook South Africa. The Amber Alert is a missing child emergency alert platform that is aimed at activating and

sending a message of a missing child on Facebook, to alert users to be on the lookout for a reported missing child. The alerts include

photographs and details of the missing child. An investigator can require an Amber Alert when s/he suspect the probability of harm

to the child is high. All instructions relevant to reporting the child as missing must be followed before the Bureau for Missing Persons

is approached for activation of an Amber Alert.

82 | P a g e The Division Detective Service is also continuously monitoring the identified top 30 high crime weight stations. The following stations

showed an improvement in the detection rate for serious crime at the end of the 3rd quarter: Delft, Dobsonville, Eldorado Park,

Moroka, Randfontein, Temba and Umlazi. The following stations also showed improvement in the reduction of wanted suspects:

Dobsonville, Mamelodi East, Mitchell’s Plain, Nyanga and Pretoria Central. The Detective Service also enhanced Partnership Policing, through the involvement of external stakeholders, eg Other State

Departments, Insurance Crime Bureau (ICB), during operations. Through the application of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA) the Detectives were able to secure convictions on

racketeering cases that contributed to the successful finalisation of reported serious crimes. The following life sentences on serious crime were achieved at the end of the 3rd quarter:

Life Sentence Number of cases Number of accused

364 321 241

83 | P a g e

1.1.2 Areas of Underperformance

To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders by investigating, gathering and analysing evidence

Key Performance Indicator Detection rate for serious crime

Annual Target: 37,25%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

36.26% 36.59% 36.15% Suspects are unknown

The late reporting of cases

by victims (lack of forensic

evidence when victim

reports late, impact/delay on

linking suspects to the crime)

In some cases victims are

mentally challenged and

cannot identify suspects

Task Crime

Intelligence/informers and

Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Task Teams to identify and

trace suspects/tracking teams

Identity kits to be drawn up

Continuous awareness

campaigns to educate the

community on early reporting,

basic safety and strict

enforcement of liquor-related

regulations, in collaboration

with the Visible Policing


An Integrated Troika Task Team

to prioritise and investigate

linkages/Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(DNA)-related cases at each unit

Address resources – Buccal Kits

All tasks to be


daily until 31


Capacitation of all Detective

Service components including

specialised units eg Murder

and Robbery

Identified technology user

requirements. (Identification

concluded) and will be

submitted to TMS



84 | P a g e

Case dockets relating to

Independent Police

Investigative Directorate

(IPID) where suspects have

been arrested but not

charged on the CAS (No

access to systems and a

delay in finalising


Most of the cases are

alcohol-related, which

resulted in poor to no

recollection of incidents,

including crime scenes

A shortage of specialised

skills required to investigate

fraud cases

The utilisation and

enhancement of partnerships

with external role players, e.g.

SABRIC and The Insurance

Crime Bureau

The utilisation of available

systems e.g. Person

Identification and Verification

Application (PIVA), PVS

Enhance cooperation with the

IPID during monthly meetings

and assist IPID to update the


Enhance the utilisation of

Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)


Request prosecutor-guided


Capacitation of Provincial

Commercial Crime

Investigation (CCI) Units

(“New” Constables specifically

recommended by the national

office, as well as lateral

placements) Presentation will

be made to the National


Ensure the correct placement

of members, in terms of the

fixed establishment (economic

crimes at station level) and

skills development. (Training

and workshops with partners)



85 | P a g e

Implementation on the

Detective Academy/University

(Long term - Enhanced

Investigative capacity) A launch

is scheduled to take place


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Capacitation of all Detective Service

components including specialised units

eg Murder and Robbery




Work study concluded, final approval to be facilitated

Ongoing recruitment drive by Division Detective Service at SAPS

Training Academies

Submission of Training needs (TPP)




Finalisation and implementation of the

MOU between SAPS and IPID

Legal Service


Continuous engagement with Legal Service Bi-weekly

Complete roll out of sexual offences

courts in all Provinces

Department of Justice

National Prosecuting Authority

Continuous engagement with Department of Justice during the

monthly National Technical Interim Steering Committee – Sexual



Identified technology user requirements TMS Submission of identified IT requirements to TMS by 9 March 2020 2020-03-09

Capacitation of Provincial Commercial

Crime Investigation (CCI) Units



Work study concluded, final approval to be facilitated

Preliminary allocation was made of 247 members nationwide for

Commercial Crime units.

Presentation will be made to the National Commissioner




Implementation on the Detective


HRD Divisional participation in the Establishment Working Group

A launch is scheduled to take place



86 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Detection rate for contact crimes

Annual Target: 55,22%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

50.21% 50.28% 49.21% Suspects are unknown

Late reporting of cases by

victims (lack of forensic

evidence to link suspects

to the crime)

Cases were victims are

mentally challenged and

cannot identify suspects

Shortage/dysfunction of

Forensic support

Task Crime Intelligence/informers

and Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Task Teams to identify and trace

suspects/tracking teams

Identity kits to be drawn up

Continuous awareness campaigns to

educate the community on early

reporting, basic safety and strict

enforcement of liquor-related

regulations, in collaboration with the

Visible Policing Division

An Integrated Troika Task Team to

prioritise and investigate

linkages/Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(DNA)-related cases at each unit.

Renewed contract for Integrated

Address resources – Buccal Kits

The uilisation and enhancement of

partnerships with external role

players, e.g. SABRIC and The

Insurance Crime Bureau

All tasks to be


daily until 31

March and


Capacitation of all Detective

Service components including

specialised units eg Murder

and Robbery

Identified technology user

requirements. (Identification

concluded) and will be

submitted to TMS

Implementation on the


Academy/University (Long

term - Enhanced Investigative

capacity) A launch is

scheduled to take place




87 | P a g e

Dockets with IPID were

suspects have been

arrested but not charged

on the system (No access

to systems and delays in

finalising investigations)

Most of the cases are

alcohol related which

resulted in poor to no

recollection of incidents

including crime scenes

The utilisation of available systems

e.g. Person Identification and

Verification Application (PIVA), PVS

Enhance cooperation with the IPID

during monthly meetings and assist

IPID to update the CAS

Enhance the utilisation of Closed-

Circuit Television (CCTV) footage

Finalisation and

implementation of the MOU

between SAPS and IPID



with Legal


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Establishment and capacitation of

Detectives Service including specialised




Work study investigation was conducted that require approval

Preliminary allocation was made of 247 members nationwide

for Commercial Crime units

Ongoing recruitment drive by Division Detective Service at SAPS

Training Academies

Presentation will be made to the National Commissioner


Finalisation and implementation of the

MOU between SAPS and IPID

Legal Service


Continuous engagement with Legal Service Bi-weekly

Complete roll out of sexual offences

courts in all Provinces

Department of Justice

National Prosecuting Authority

Continuous engagement with Department of Justice during the

monthly National Technical Interim Steering Committee –

Sexual Offences


88 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Detection rate other serious crime

Annual Target: 36,80%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

36.11% 36.43% 35.95% Suspects are unknown

No witnesses

Shortage of specialised

skills which is required

Fraud investigators

Continuous Awareness campaigns

Enhance the utilisation of CCTV


All tasks to be


daily until 31

March and


Capacitation of Provincial

Commercial Crime Investigation

(CCI) Units (“New” Constables

specifically recommended by

the national office, as well as

lateral placements)

Ensure the correct placement

of members, in terms of the

fixed establishment (economic

crimes at station level) and

skills development. (training

and workshops with partners)


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Establishment and capacitation of

Detectives Service including specialised




Work study Investigation was conducted that require approval

Preliminary allocation was made of 247 members nationwide for

Commercial Crime units

Ongoing recruitment drive by Division Detective Service at SAPS

Training Academies

Presentation will be made to the National Commissioner


89 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Detection rate for serious crimes at the identified 30 high crime weight stations

Annual Target: 37,65%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

36.16% 32.22% 31.23% Suspects are unknown

The late reporting of cases by

victims (lack of forensic

evidence when victim reports

late, impact/delay on linking

suspects to the crime)

In some cases victims are

mentally challenged and

cannot identify suspects

Task Crime

Intelligence/informers and

Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Task Teams to identify and

trace suspects/tracking teams

Identity kits to be drawn up

Continuous awareness

campaigns to educate the

community on early reporting,

basic safety and strict

enforcement of liquor-related

regulations, in collaboration

with the Visible Policing


An Integrated Troika Task Team

to prioritise and investigate

linkages/Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(DNA)-related cases at each


Address resources – Buccal Kits

The utilisation and

enhancement of partnerships

with external role players, e.g.

SABRIC and The Insurance

Crime Bureau

All tasks to be


daily until 31


Capacitation of all Detective

Service components including

specialised units eg Murder

and Robbery

Identified technology user

requirements (Identification

concluded) and will be

submitted to TMS



90 | P a g e

Case dockets relating to

Independent Police

Investigative Directorate (IPID)

where suspects have been

arrested but not charged on

the CAS (No access to systems

and a delay in finalising


Most of the cases are alcohol-

related, which resulted in poor

to no recollection of incidents,

including crime scenes

A shortage of specialised skills

required to investigate fraud


The utilisation of available

systems e.g. Person

Identification and Verification

Application (PIVA), PVS

Enhance cooperation with the

IPID during monthly meetings

and assist IPID to update the


Enhance the utilisation of

Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)


Request prosecutor-guided


Capacitation of Provincial

Commercial Crime

Investigation (CCI) Units

(“New” Constables specifically

recommended by the national

office, as well as lateral

placements) Presentation will

be made to the National


Ensure the correct placement

of members, in terms of the

fixed establishment (economic

crimes at station level) and

skills development. (Training

and workshops with partners)



91 | P a g e

Implementation on the

Detective Academy/University

(Long term - Enhanced

Investigative capacity). A

launch is scheduled to take



Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Capacitation of all Detective Service components including specialised units eg Murder and Robbery




Work study concluded, final approval to be facilitated

Ongoing recruitment drive by Division Detective Service at SAPS

Training Academies

Submission of Training needs (TPP)




Finalisation and implementation of the MOU between SAPS and IPID

Legal Service


Continuous engagement with Legal Service Bi-weekly

Complete roll out of sexual offences courts in all provinces

Department of Justice

National Prosecuting Authority

Continuous engagement with Department of Justice during the

monthly National Technical Interim Steering Committee – Sexual



Identified technology user requirements. TMS Submission of identified IT requirements to TMS by 9 March 2020 2020-03-09

Capacitation of Provincial Commercial Crime Investigation (CCI) Units



Work study concluded, final approval to be facilitated

Preliminary allocation was made of 247 members nationwide for

Commercial Crime units

Presentation will be made to the National Commissioner


Implementation on the Detective Academy/University

HRD Divisional participation in the Establishment Working Group.

Launch is scheduled to take place.


92 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Detection rate for contact crimes at the identified 30 high crime weight stations

Annual Target: 55,96%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

39.30% 39.32% 37.13% Suspects are unknown

Late reporting of cases by

victims (lack of forensic

evidence to link suspects

to the crime)

Cases were victims are

mentally challenged and

cannot identify suspects

Shortage/dysfunction of

Forensic support

Task Crime Intelligence/informers

and Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Task Teams to identify and trace

suspects/tracking teams

Identity kits to be drawn up

Continuous awareness campaigns to

educate the community on early

reporting, basic safety and strict

enforcement of liquor-related

regulations, in collaboration with the

Visible Policing Division

An Integrated Troika Task Team to

prioritise and investigate

linkages/Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(DNA)-related cases at each unit.

Renewed contract for Integrated

Address resources – Buccal Kits.

The uilisation and enhancement of

partnerships with external role

players, e.g. SABRIC and The

Insurance Crime Bureau

All tasks to be


daily until 31

March and


Capacitation of all Detective

Service components including

specialised units eg Murder

and Robbery

Identified technology user

requirements. (Identification

concluded) and will be

submitted to TMS

Implementation on the


Academy/University (Long

term - Enhanced Investigative

capacity). A launch is

scheduled to take place.




93 | P a g e

Dockets with IPID were

suspects have been

arrested but not charged

on the system (No access

to systems and delays in

finalising investigations)

Most of the cases are

alcohol related which

resulted in poor to no

recollection of incidents

including crime scenes

The utilisation of available systems

e.g. Person Identification and

Verification Application (PIVA), PVS

Enhance cooperation with the IPID

during monthly meetings and assist

IPID to update the CAS

Enhance the utilisation of Closed-

Circuit Television (CCTV) footage

Finalisation and

implementation of the MOU

between SAPS and IPID



with Legal


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Establishment and capacitation of

Detectives Service including specialised




Work study investigation was conducted that require approval

Preliminary allocation was made of 247 members nationwide for

Commercial Crime units

Ongoing recruitment drive by Division Detective Service at SAPS

Training Academies

A presentation will be made to the National Commissioner


Finalisation and implementation of the

MOU between SAPS and IPID

Legal Service


Continuous engagement with Legal Service Bi-weekly

Complete roll out of sexual offences

courts in all Provinces

Department of Justice

National Prosecuting Authority

Continuous engagement with Department of Justice during the

monthly National Technical Interim Steering Committee – Sexual



94 | P a g e


Sub-programme: Forensic Services

Strategic Objective: To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders by investigating, gathering and analysing evidence

1.2.1 Successes and Achievements Improve the processing of fingerprint searches and maintenance of criminal records

Percentage of original previous conviction reports generated – The implementation of effective workflow processes contributed

to the achievement. Enhance the processing of Forensic Evidence case exhibits (entries)

Percentage of non-routine case exhibits (entries) finalised – The implementation of effective workflow processes contributed to

the achievement.

95 | P a g e

1.2.2 Areas of Underperformance

To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders by investigating, gathering an analysing evidence

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of registered case exhibits (entries) exceeding the prescribed time frame

Annual Target: Backlog not exceeding 10% of registered case exhibits (entries) received

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


13 642

from a

total of

85 160


36 293

from a

total of

174 886


56 414

from a

total of

260 811

External factors had a

negative impact on the

finalisation of routine

cases (water

interruptions and power


Crime Index (CI) and

Reference Index (RI)

lanes were negatively

impacted, due to down


Lack of consumables had

a negative impact

Increase operational baseline

budget to retain CJS investment.

Ensure financial commitment

certificate for all Bids

Strict monitoring of Bidding

processes timelines

2020-03-31 Once there’s an commitment

from the CFO, SCM and TMS

and all the challenges with

regards to the challenges listed

are addressed an action plan

can be put in place

Due to the intricacies of the

different role players all needs

will have to be addressed for

the different environments

before they can be fully


Processes activated to acquire

consumables, calibration and

services and repair of


Facilitate and activate processes

to acquire consumables

Capacitate environment with

operational case work support



96 | P a g e

Capacitation to be aligned to

increasing demand in service

delivery including

accommodation, personnel,

budget and equipment

FSL to procure heavy duty


Facility related challenges to be

address urgently including

environmental conditions and

maintenance (generator, UPS)

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

They determine the budget to be


Responsible for the processing of the Bids



To increase the allocation of baseline budget

Constant monitoring of the bid applications and timelines


97 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of results of trial updated, in respect of the following: Guilty verdict

Annual Target: 95,00% of results of trial (guilty) updated within 20 calendar days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

96. 62%.

53 435

from a

total of

55 305


62 761

from a

total of

76 013

91. 32%

57 061

from a

total of

62 484

A project has been

launched, with regards

to the purification of

results of trial in case

dockets by detectives.

The volume, thereof,

influences the influx of

work which impacts on

Forensic Services


Under Capacitation

Unavailability of Systems

due to power failures

Distribution of workload to LCRC’s

with less work nationally

Monitor and coordinate the




Raise awareness to the

Detectives regarding timeous

submission of results of trial


Monitor and coordinate the


Capacitate the CR and CSM

with human resource




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Inadequate Allocation of Resources

(Human Resource, Financial Resources)

Failure to submit results of trial

timeously by Investigation Officers

(Detective Services)

Power Failure due to load shedding.


Division Detective Services



Activate a process to acquire additional resources

The Divisional Commissioner Detectives Services to enforce the

provisions of National Instruction 2 of 2013

CRC and SCM to procure heavy duty generators




98 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of results of trial updated, in respect of the following: Not guilty verdict

Annual Target: 95,00% of results of trial (not guilty/withdrawn) updated within 20 calendar days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


241 849

from a

total of

248 852


265 278

from a

total of

318 891


240 121

from a

total of

269 973

A project has been

launched, with regards

to the purification of

results of trial in case

dockets by detectives.

The volume, thereof,

influences the influx of

work which impacts on

Forensic Services


Under Capacitation

Redistribution of workload to

LCRC’s nationally

Monitor and coordinate the



Raise awareness to the

Detectives regarding timeous

submission of results of trial


Monitor and coordinate the


Capacitate the CR and CSM

with human resource




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Inadequate Allocation of Resources

(Human Resource, Financial Resources)

Failure to submit results of trial timeously

by Investigation Officers (Detective


Power Failure due to load shedding


Division Detective Services

Activate a process to acquire additional resources

The Divisional Commissioner Detectives Services to enforce the

provisions of National Instruction 2 of 2013



99 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of routine case exhibits (entries) finalised

Annual Target: 75,00% of routine case exhibits (entries) processed within 35 calendar days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


34 143

from a

total of

54 163


37 133

from a

total of

52 908


27 727

from a

total of

45 246

System downtime: Gas

Chromatography Mass

Spectrometry (GCMS) at

the laboratory, in

KwaZulu-Natal. The

system was affected by

the flooding, during April


Inadequate consumables,

due to a lack of

procurement contracts.

Power outages

experienced due to load


Inadequate human

capital, due to a loss of

expertise during the

promotional phase

Lack of maintenance

contracts to service

equipment in the

laboratories to produce

accurate information for

the courts

Increase operational baseline

budget to retain CJS investment

Ensure financial commitment

certificate for all Bids

Strict monitoring of Bidding

processes timelines

2020-03-31 Once there’s an commitment

from the CFO, SCM and TMS

and all the challenges with

regards to the challenges listed

are addressed an action plan

can be put in place

Due to the intricacies of the

different role players all needs

will have to be addressed for

the different environments

before they can be fully


Processes activated to acquire

consumables, calibration and

services and repair of


Facilitate and activate

processes to acquire


Capacitate environment with

operational case work support


Facility related challenges to

be address urgently including

environmental conditions and

maintenance (generator, UPS)







100 | P a g e

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

They determine the budget to be received

Responsible for the processing of the Bids




To increase the allocation of baseline budget

Constant monitoring of the bid applications and timelines



101 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of IBIS Intelligence case exhibits (entries) finalised

Annual Target: 95,00% of IBIS case exhibits (entries) finalised within 35 calendar days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


2 759

from a

total of

2 759


513 from

a total of



1 087

from a

total of

2 151

The implementation of

the firearm amnesty

resulted in the influx of

work for the Ballistic

Section. In addition, IBIS

System was non-

operational for more

than 2 months. This

resulted in backlog of

cases as there was no


There’s no quick action to rectify N/A Support and Maintenance

contract to be secured


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Obtaining the contract TMS

Monitor the fast tracking of the bid process Monthly

102 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of Biology DNA Intelligence case exhibits (entries) finalised

Annual Target: 80,00% of DNA intelligence case exhibits (entries) processed within 90 calendar days

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved before

31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

93.86 %

18 846

from a

total of

20 079


5 630

from a

total of

7 520


3 325

from a

total of

16 654

Lack of consumables.

Power outages and

water interruptions.

System downtime (CI

and RI lanes)

Inadequate human

capital, due to a loss of

expertise during the

promotional phase

Lack of maintenance

contracts to service

equipment in the

laboratories to produce

accurate information for

the courts

Contracts to be secured for the

service, maintenance of laboratory

equipment and consumables

Facility related challenges to be

address urgently including

environmental conditions and


2020-03-31 FSL to procure heavy duty


Monitoring bids process for the

service, maintenance of

laboratory equipment and


Constant engagement with the

DPW for the repair and

maintenance of the buildings




Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Responsible for the processing of the Bids DPW/SCM

To increase the allocation of baseline budget

Constant monitoring of the bid applications and timelines


103 | P a g e



Sub-Programme: Crime Intelligence

Strategic Objective: Manage crime intelligence, analyse crime information, provide technical support for investigation and crime

prevention operations

1.1.1 Successes and Achievements Conduct network operations to infiltrate/penetrate criminal groupings/syndicates and collect intelligence on priority threats.

Percentage of network operations successfully terminated:

o Target of 55% has been overachieved by 9.56% namely 64.56% (368 out of 570) at the end of quarter 3. Conduct security risk and vetting assessments within the SAPS.

Percentage of security risk and vetting assessments conducted:

o Target of 75% has been overachieved by 3.85% namely 78.85% (3906 out of 4954) at the end of quarter 3. Operationalisation of intelligence reports generated.

Percentage of intelligence reports that were operationalised:

o Target of 70% has been overachieved by 9.53% namely 79.53% at the end of quarter 3.

o It also needs to be mentioned that all four (4) CI AOP performance indicators, applicable to this strategic objective, were

achieved at the end of quarter 3.

104 | P a g e Conduct security risk and vetting assessments within the SAPS.

Percentage of ICT security assessments finalised, in relation to the total planned annually:

o Target of 75% has been overachieved by 10.57 % namely 85.57% (2704 out of 3160) at the end of quarter 3.

Percentage of mandatory physical security assessments finalised in relation to the total planned annually:

o Target of 75% has been overachieved by 8.12% namely 83.12% (496 out of 640) at the end of quarter 3.

Percentage of security awareness programmes conducted, in relation to the total planned annually:

o Target of 75% has been overachieved by 13.23% namely 88.23% (270 out of 306) at the end of quarter 3. Operationalisation of pro-active intelligence reports generated.

Percentage of pro-active intelligence reports that were operationalised at cluster level:

o Target of 70% has been overachieved by 1.96% namely 71.96% at the end of quarter 3.

Percentage of pro-active intelligence reports that were operationalised at national level:

o Target of 90% has been overachieved by 6.03% namely 96.03% at the end of quarter 3.

o It also needs to be mentioned that all four (4) CI AOP performance indicators, applicable to this strategic objective, were

achieved at the end of quarter 3. Operationalisation of re-active intelligence reports generated.

Percentage of re-active intelligence reports that were operationalised at cluster level:

o Target of 70% has been overachieved by 7.69% namely 77.69% at the end of quarter 3.

o It also needs to be mentioned that all four (4) CI AOP performance indicators, applicable to this strategic objective, were

achieved at the end of quarter 3. Promote mutual assistance and cooperation between the SAPS and other National and International Law Enforcement Agencies

to address transnational crime.

Percentage of cross-border operations facilitated, on request from INTERPOL member countries:

o Target of 100% has been achieved at the end of quarter 3.

105 | P a g e

1.1.2 Areas of Underperformance

Manage crime intelligence, analyse crime information, provide technical support for investigation and crime prevention operations

Key Performance Indicator

Percentage of cross-border operations and arrests of identified transnational crime suspects facilitated in relation to requests

received from INTERPOL member countries

Annual Target: 100%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


(2 out of 12)


(1 out of 12)


(8 out of 9)

At the end of quarter 3,


unfortunately not

received the required



documents, from

member countries and

some cases were still

pending court (only 7 of

the 27 requested arrests

were facilitated)

Weekly follow-up with relevant

member-countries and weekly

feedback to the Head: IAC and

Div Comm: CI to ensure that

target of 100% will be reached

Actions has



and will be

ongoing until



106 | P a g e

After a suspect has been


INTERPOL is dependent

on an authority


documents, from the

member country, to

finalise the request and

close the facilitation-file.

It might also happen

that a suspect fleas RSA

before he/she is traced

and then there is a

certain time-period that

needs to lapse before

the facilitation-file can

be disposed of

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Authority letters/extradition documents, from

INTERPOL member countries


INTERPOL member countries

Weekly liaison with relevant member countries to obtain

outstanding authority letters/extradition documents

Actions has



and will be

ongoing until


107 | P a g e

Conduct security risk and vetting assessments, within the SAPS.

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of security clearances finalised, in relation to the total planned annually.

Annual Target: 100% (1 154)

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


(155 out of



(312 out of



(294 out of


The under-

performance during

quarter 1 was as a

result of the Division’s

Security Vetting Panel

that could not convene

due to pre- and post-

election commitments

Security Vetting Panel

convened more regularly

during quarter 2 and 3 to

ensure that the quarter 1

backlog is addressed

Identify vetting personnel in

provinces to assist the Head

Office Vetting Capacity (force







Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

None None None None

108 | P a g e

Operationalisation of pro-active reports intelligence reports generated.

Key Performance Indicato Percentage of pro-active intelligence reports that were operationalised on provincial level.

Annual Target: 80%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

84.61% 73.49% 77.80% The operationalization

process is, in some

instances, of such a

nature that immediate

feedback is not always


Certain early warnings,

threat and risk

assessments relates to

possible public order


incidences which

sometimes do not


Instruction by DNC: Crime

Detection to CI Provincial

Heads to provide lists, per

product, of feedback not yet



on 2020-01-21

and ongoing -at

least monthly

Instruction by DNC: Crime

Detection to CI Provincial

Heads to provide lists, per

product, of feedback not

yet received, during

Provincial Crime

Combating Forums

(standing arrangement)

Ongoing -at

least monthly

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Feedback on re-active intelligence reports to CI on

provincial level

Divisions VISPOL and ORS

(provincial level)

Instruction by DNC: Crime Detection to CI Provincial Heads to

provide lists, per product, of feedback not yet received,

during Provincial Crime Combating Forums (standing





and ongoing -


109 | P a g e

Operationalisation of re-active reports intelligence reports generated.

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of re-active intelligence reports that were operationalised on provincial level.

Annual Target: 80%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address


(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

75.73% 69.92% 79.98% The operationalization

process is, in some

instances, of such a

nature that immediate

feedback is not possible.

Profiles and intelligence

analysis reports are

used mostly for



operations which might

take some time before

being operationalised

Instruction by DNC: Crime

Detection to CI Provincial

Heads to provide lists, per

product, of feedback not yet

received, during Provincial

Management meetings,

Provincial Crime Combating

Forums and Provincial Crime

Detection meetings (standing

arrangement) before end of

financial year closure




and ongoing -


Instruction by DNC: Crime

Detection to CI Provincial

Heads to provide lists, per

product, of feedback not

yet received, during

Provincial Management

meetings, Provincial Crime

Combating Forums and

Provincial Crime Detection

meetings (standing

arrangement) before end

of financial year closure

Ongoing -


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Timeous feedback on re-active intelligence reports

to CI on provincial level

Detective Service (provincial level)

DPCI (provincial level)


Instruction by DNC: Crime Detection to CI Provincial Heads

to provide lists, per product, of feedback not yet received,

during Provincial Management meetings, Provincial Crime

Combating Forums and Provincial Crime Detection

meetings (standing arrangement) before end of financial

year closure




and ongoing -


110 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of re-active intelligence reports that were operationalised on national level.

Annual Target: 90%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address Underperformance

(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe

66.14% 86.35% 72.44% The


process is, in some

instances, of such a

nature that

immediate feedback

is not possible.

Profiles and

intelligence analysis

reports are used

mostly for



operations which

might take some time

before being


Div Comm: CI to provide lists,

per product, of feedback not

received at monthly Divisional

Commissioner’s Forum

meetings (standing


Develop a feedback- form and

-process to obtain feedback

from secretariats during all


2020-02-28 and


ongoing -


Completed and


Div Comm: CI to provide

lists, per product, of

feedback not yet received

at monthly Divisional

Commissioner’s Forum

meetings (standing


Ongoing -


Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Timeous feedback on re-active intelligence reports to

CI at Head Office level

Division: Detective Service



Div Comm: CI to provide lists, per product, of feedback not

yet received at monthly Divisional Commissioner’s Forum

meetings (standing arrangement)




ongoing -


111 | P a g e

Key Performance Indicator Percentage of arrests of identified transnational crime suspects facilitated, in relation to requests received from INTERPOL

member countries

Annual Target: 100%

Actual Performance Reasons for Deviation

Quick Win Actions to Address


(Not later than 31 March 2020)

Actions to be implemented in 2020/2021 if

underperformance could not be resolved

before 31 March 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Action Timeframe Action Timeframe


(1 out of 10)


(0 out of 10)


(6 out of 7)

At the end of quarter 3,


unfortunately not

received the required



documents, from

member countries and

some cases were still

pending court (only 7

of the 27 requested

arrests were facilitated)

Although the target has not

been achieved by the end of

quarterly 3, it needs to be

mentioned that during

January and February 2020

INTERPOL managed to already

finalise an additional 15

arrests-facilitations, elevating

the performance 88%

Actions has



and will be

ongoing until



112 | P a g e

After a suspect has

been traced/arrested,

INTERPOL is dependent

on an authority


documents, from the

member country, to

finalise the request and

close the facilitation-

file. It might also

happen that a suspect

fleas RSA before he/she

is traced and then

there is a certain time-

period that needs to

lapse before the

facilitation-file can be

disposed of

Key Dependencies

Nature of Dependency Responsible Business Unit Actions to be Implemented to Facilitate Dependency Timeframe

Authority letters/extradition documents, from

INTERPOL member countries


INTERPOL member countries

Weekly liaison with relevant member countries to obtain

outstanding authority letters/extradition documents

Actions has



and will be

ongoing until


113 | P a g e


Sub-Programme: Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation

Strategic Objective:

To gather crime intelligence in support of the prevention, combating and investigation of crime.

To collate, evaluate, analyse, coordinate and disseminate intelligence for the purpose of tactical, operational and strategic


To institute counter-intelligence measures within the South African Police Service.

To prevent and fight crime through enhanced international cooperation and innovation on police and security matters.

1.2.1 Successes and Achievements All KPIs where targets were achieved: Through interventions like the National Clean Audit Task Team under the Hawks we are serious

about cleaning up our municipalities so they can fulfil their primary mandate – not to adjudicate tenders, but to deliver services to

our people. Some of the results includes, but not limited to a total of (49) arrests been made recently in Ethekwini, City of Tshwane,

Nala and Dihlabeng Municipalities (FS). These interventions and investigations resulted in assets valued at R 51 million been

restrained(extract from the SONA): Percentage of trial –ready case dockets for fraud and corruption within the JCPS cluster (target 77%)

Quarter 1 - 85.94% (385/448); Quarter 2 - 87.50% (378/432); Quarter 3 - 86.31% (309/358).

Multi-disciplinary approach and good stakeholder involvement. Brought forward system used to finalise investigations.

Increased capacity of investigators has made a positive impact against the set target. Constant consultation with prosecutors.

114 | P a g e Conviction rate for fraud and corruption within the JCPS cluster (target 70%)

Quarter 1 - 100% (13/13); Quarter 2 - 100% (26/26); Quarter 3 - 92.22% (83/90).

Preparing water tight case for the NPA to prosecute. Good relations with prosecutors to ensure that cases are prioritised.

Fully investigated cases are presented in court.

Finalisation of investigation before arrest in order to reduce number of cases withdrawn or struck off the roll. Percentage of trial-ready case dockets for fraud and corruption within the public sector; (target 70%)

Quarter 1 - 80.72% (67/83); Quarter 2 - 80.55% (58/72); Quarter 3 - 89.23% (58/65).

Focused consultation with the NPA to finalise the Prosecutor Guided Investigation on time for the case to be on the court roll.

Multi-disciplinary approach and good stakeholder involvement. Conviction rate for fraud and corruption within the public sector (target 70%)

Quarter 1 - 75% (3/4); Quarter 2: 100% (414/414); Quarter 3:100% (3/3).

Maintain constant consultation with prosecutors. Good relations with prosecutors to ensure that cases are prioritised. Percentage of trial-ready case dockets for fraud and corruption within the private sector (target 66%)

Quarter 1: 68.06% (98/144); Quarter 2: 80.45% (107/133); Quarter 3:73.91% (119/161).

Focused consultation with the NPA to finalise the Prosecutor Guided Investigation on time for the case to be on the court roll.

Multi-disciplinary approach and good stakeholder involvement. Conviction rate for fraud and corruption within the private sector (target 70%)

Quarter 1: 95.45% (21/22); Quarter 2: 100% (12/12); Quarter 3: 100% (8/8).

Constant consultation with prosecutors. Good relations with prosecutors to ensure that cases are prioritised.

115 | P a g e Conviction rate for serious commercial crime related charges (target 97%)

Quarter 1: 88.57% (4729/5339); Quarter 2: 98.11% (20792/21193); Quarter 3: 98.48% (2569/2700).

There were four (4) cases that affected the performance for Quarter 1, thereafter the situation has been corrected.

Constant consultation with prosecutors. Good relations with prosecutors to ensure that cases are prioritised. Percentage of trial ready case dockets for serious commercial crime related charges (target 65%)

Quarter 1: 70.64% (1961/2776); Quarter 2: 70.71% (1943/2748); Quarter 3: 70.40% (1915/2720).

Prioritisation of outstanding investigations and eliminating unnecessary delays in the investigation process. Percentage of registered serious organised crime project investigations successfully closed (target 72%)

Quarter 1: 0%; Quarter 2: 0%; Quarter 3: 100% (3/3). Percentage of identified clandestine laboratories dismantled with arrest (target 90%);

Quarter 1: 100% (7/7); Quarter 2: 90.91% (10/11); Quarter 3: 100% (14/14).- 32 clandestine labs dismantled, with 66 arrests.

Good informer network maintained and intelligence- led investigation to ensure that labs were positively identified and

successfully dismantled that included 22 accused being arrested. Percentage of specialised cybercrime investigative support case files successfully investigated (target 55%);

Quarter 1: 47.83% (22/46); Quarter 2: 47.54% (29/61); Quarter 3: 63.38% (45/71).

Minimal activities, software licenses.

Acquisition of equipment delay that is reliant on external role players.

Outdated equipment.

Minimal staff complement.

Large scale investigations.

Nature of case files finalised in the 3rd Quarter enabled the expedition of services rendered, resulting in an over achievement.

The calculation type is cumulative therefore not underperformance.

116 | P a g e



Sub-Programme: Presidential Protection Service

Strategic Objective: Minimise security violations by protecting foreign and local prominent people and securing strategic


1.1.1 Successes and Achievements Minimise security violations by protecting foreign and local prominent people and securing strategic interests.

During the 1st Quarter, all targets were achieved in terms of the Annual Performance Plan for 2019/2020. 100% protection was

provided to VIPs without security breaches. 100% protection at identified government installations and identified VIP residences

without security breaches was provided. There was an over performance during the evaluation of the NKPs, the quarterly target

according to the Annual Performance Plan (APP) is 2 from a total of 11 and 27.27% (3 from a total of 11) NKPs was evaluated. The

reason for over performance is that “the opportunity availed itself to assess more NKPs than indicated”.

During the 2nd Quarter, all targets were achieved in terms of the Annual Performance Plan for 2019/2020. 100% protection was

provided to VIPs without security breaches. 100% protection at identified government installations and identified VIP residences

without security breaches was provided. The quarterly target for the evaluation of NKPs according to the Annual Performance

Plan is 3 from a total of 11 and 27.27% (3 from a total of 11) NKPs was evaluated.

During the 3rd Quarter, all targets were achieved in terms of the Annual Performance P lan for 2019/2020. 100% protection

was provided to VIPs without security breaches. 100% protection at identified government installations and identified VIP

residences without security breaches was provided. There was an over performance during the evalua tion of the NKPs, the

quarterly target according to the Annual Performance Plan is 3 from a total of 11 and 36.37% (4 from a total of 11) NKPs

was evaluated. The reason for over performance is that “securing an appointment at one NKP, prior to its original

appointment date was possible”.
