Acknowledgement of SCPA Expectations Page


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Acknowledgement  of  SCPA  Expectations  Page    

**This  form  MUST  be  completed  with  page  numbers  and  initials.  Return  to  your  homeroom  teacher    

by  the  second  Friday  of  the  school  year.**    

 Parent/Guardian                                        Student  Initials    Initials    _____    I  have  read  the  SCPA  Handbook                                _______    _____  I  recognize  the  school-­‐wide  expectations.  (page  ___)                          _______    _____  I  recognize  the  attendance  policy  and  the  procedures  for  late  arrival  and                                                      _______                          early  dismissal.  (page  ___)    _____  I  recognize  the  promotion  policy.  (page  ___)                                _______    _____  I  recognize  the  no  pass  /  no  play  policy.  (page  ___)                              _______    _____  I  recognize  the  electronic  device  expectation.  (page  ___)                                                    _______    _____  I  recognize  the  visitor  and  message  policy.  (page  ___)                          _______    _____  I  recognize  the  building  hours  policy.  (page___)                            _______    _____  I  recognize  the  assembly  and  concert  behavior  expectations.  (page  ___)                      _______    _____  I  understand  that  in  order  to  be  enrolled  at  SCPA,  I  must  have  a  major.  (page___)                      _______    _____  I  have  received  and  read  the  addendum  regarding  the  SCPA  School  Climate  Plan.                        _______      

My  student  and  I  understand  and  agree  to  abide  by  the  contents  of  the  handbook.  By  our  signatures,  we  agree  to  accept  and  follow  the  stated  policies  and  procedures.  

 _______________________     ______________________     _____________  Parent/Guardian  (Printed  Name)     Parent/Guardian  (Signature)       Date        ___________________________     __________________________     ________________  Student  (Printed  Name)       Student  (Signature)         Grade  Level  


  Please  see  the  back  of  this  letter  for  FAQ’s  and  Do  and  Don’t  reminders.  


SCPA  CAR  ARRIVAL  &  DISMISSAL  PLAN  GRADES  K-­‐8  2016  –  2017  School  Year  

 Dear  SCPA  Families,    Thank  you  for  your  patience  as  we  implement  our  arrival/dismissal  procedure.  Our  students’  safety  is  our  number  one  priority.    Due  to  our  ever  increasing  enrollment  and  the  continual  OTR  growth,  we  must  constantly  re-­‐think  our  processes  for  arrival/dismissal.  With  that  being  said,  it  is  vital  that  we  all  understand  our  arrival/dismissal  plan  to  maintain  order  and  student  safety.    Please  review  the  information  below  very  carefully  and  follow  the  guidelines  according  to  your  child/children’s  grade  level.      K-­‐8  Students  Arrival  Students  in  grades  K-­‐8  are  not  permitted  to  arrive  any  earlier  than  8:45.  Bus  drop  off  will  occur  on  Central  Parkway  while  car  drop  off  will  occur  on  12th  St.  Both  areas  will  have  adults  on  hand  to  help  students  find  their  locations.  K-­‐2  students  will  go  to  the  cafeteria  where  they  will  have  breakfast  and  will  be  picked  up  by  their  homeroom  teacher.  Parents  are  welcome  to  escort  their  child  for  the  first  few  days  if  desired.  Grade  3  students  should  report  to  the  second  floor  ELA  and  will  be  escorted  to  breakfast.  Students  in  grades  4-­‐6  should  report  to  the  cafeteria  for  breakfast.  Students  in  grades  7-­‐8  should  report  to  the  multipurpose  room.    K-­‐8  Students  Dismissal                                                                                                                                    Option  1:  Car  Pick  Up  Lane                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cars  will  initially  be  assigned  a  number  per  family  and  we  ask  that  you  display  this  number  on  your  dashboard  in  clear  view.    As  we  learn  which  child  belongs  to  which  car  the  need  for  your  number  being  displayed  becomes  less  critical.  



   Kindergarten  -­‐  Grade  3  

Students  come  out    at  3:35pm  DO  NOT  ARRIVE  BEFORE  3:25  pm  to  enter  the  car  pick  up  lane.  

 Please  display  your  pink  number  in  your  window.  THERE  IS  ABSOLUTELY  NO  PARKING!  

 Grades  4-­‐8    

Students  come  out  at  3:55pm  DO  NOT  ARRIVE  BEFORE  3:55  pm  to  enter  the  car  pick  up  lane.  

THERE  IS  ABSOLUTELY  NO  PARKING!    Children  in  Multiple  Grades,  K  -­‐  8  only      

Follow  dismissal  times  for  your  oldest  child.    Older  siblings  are  to  meet  younger  siblings  in  their  grade  level  line  so  family  members  can  enter  the  vehicle  at  the  same  time.  For  example:  a  parent  with  a  Kindergartener  and  4th  grader  should  arrive  at  3:55  pm  to  pick  up  both  children.  The  4th  grader  will  stand  with  the  Kindergartener  in  the  K  line.  


Option  2:  Parent  Walk-­‐Up  You  have  the  option  to  park  your  vehicle  in  an  authorized  parking  location  and  walk  up  to  retrieve  your  child.    We  suggest  the  following  authorized  parking  locations:  Washington  Park  Garage,  Elm  or  Race  St.  meters.    After  you  have  parked,  please  use  the  crosswalk.    Walk  up  to  the  school  to  get  your  child  from  the grade  level  line.  Please  do  not  cross  in  the  middle  of  the  street  with  your  child.      We  appreciate  your  patience  and  we  thank  you  for  your  continued  support!  

Frequently  Asked  Dismissal  Questions    

1. What  do  I  do  if  I  do  not  have  a  number?  

You  can  request  a  number  by  asking  a  dismissal  volunteer.    We  will  do  our  best  to  assign  you  a  number  immediately.  

2. What  if  I  have  multiple  children  and  one  of  my  children  was  dismissed  late  from  class?  

If  there  is  space  for  you  to  pull  up  past  the  car  pick  up  line  you  may  be  able  to  wait  for  5  minutes  for  your  other  child.    If  after  5  minutes  your  other  child  still  is  not  out,  you  will  be  asked  to  circle  around  the  school,  or  find  an  authorized  parking  space.  

3. What  happens  if  I  park  my  vehicle  in  a  NO  PARKING  ZONE?  

The  City  will  issue  you  a  citation.    The  make,  model  and  license  plate  of  your  car  is  being  recorded  and  may  be  requested  by  the  proper  authorities.  

4. Can  my  4th-­‐8th  grader  put  themselves  in  my  vehicle?  

Yes,  all  4th-­‐8th  graders  will  stand  in  the  fenced  area  on  12th  street.    When  you  enter  the  car  pick  up  line,  your  child  can  enter  your  vehicle  at  any  time.    ONLY  4th-­‐8th  graders  are  allowed  to  enter    a  vehicle  outside  of  the  loading  zone.  Please  ask  your  child  to  look  for  your  vehicle.    

5.  What  is  the  latest  time  I  can  pick  my  car  rider  up  from  school?  

Security  is  only  on  the  premises  until  4:30  pm  each  day,  therefore,  for  the  safety  of  your  child,  it  is  imperative  that  you  arrive  and  pick  up  your  student  no  later  than  4:15  pm.    If  you  are  in  need  of  after  school  care,  you  may  contact  Sarah  Speeg,  Site  Coordinator  for  the  YMCA  After  School  Program  at  513-­‐363-­‐8096,  in  order  to  receive  enrollment  information.    


Do’s and Don’ts Do remain in your vehicle at all times while in the car pick-up line. Your child will be helped into your vehicle. Please help by having your car doors unlocked.

Please do not leave your car unattended at anytime

Do pull up all the way to the gate entrance when you enter the loading zone. Students in grades K-3 will enter vehicles in the loading zone assisted by a dismissal helper on passenger side of vehicle.

Please do not stop your car and call for your children while in the car pick-up line. Please pull up to the loading zone. Your children will be escorted to your vehicle.

Do pay close attention to the car in front of you and encourage your child to enter the car quickly and carefully.

Please do not engage in distracting behaviors while in the car pick-up line. We need your full attention.

If you choose to park your car in an authorized parking area and walk to get your child, use the crosswalk on the corner of Elm and 12th St., or on the corner of 12th and Race St.

Please do not park your vehicle across from the school and call for your children to come to you. They must be assisted by an adult in the pick-up line.

Do follow the above guidelines and treat adults/teachers helping with dismissal with respect.

Please do not argue or debate with school helpers while in the dismissal line. If you have a suggestion or question please send a note to school with your child or call the school during business hours.

Do continue to be patient as we all work together to have a safer, more efficient dismissal

Try not to get frustrated. We are doing our very best to keep your child safe.



Teachers:      Please  complete  the  information  below  regarding  volunteers  who  will  be  assisting  you  in  the  classroom  this  year.  Of  course,  it  is  important  that  we  know,  at  all  times,  who  is  in  our  building  and  for  what  purpose.      Our  gracious  volunteers  will  still  need  to  sign  in  each  day,  and  either  have  a  Security  Volunteer  Badge  on  a  lanyard,  or  a  Lobby  Guard  temporary  type  badge.      We  will  use  the  information  below  in  order  to  get  know  our  volunteers  better,  and  keep  track  of  who  is  here,  where  they  are,  and  how  often.      _______________________________________  Volunteer  Name        _______________________________________  Teacher  Name    _______________  Room  number      _________________________________________________________________________________________  How  often  will  he/she  be  volunteering?  (ongoing  [i.e.,  daily,  weekly]  or  occasionally  as  needed)    _________________________________________________________________________________________  Nature  of  volunteer  duty?  (i.e.,  assisting  in  the  classroom,  field  trip,  etc.)      You  will  need  to  complete  and  forward  this  form  to  Patti  Abbatiello  for  each  volunteer  that  assists  you,  at  any  time  during  the  school  year.    _________________________________________  Teacher  Signature    _________________  Date  



DISMISSAL  PROCEDURE  –  End  of  Academic  Day  (Buses  and  Parent  Pick-­‐Up)  

   Student  Name  ___________________________                _________________________________         (First)                                        (Last)    Bus  Number  ________________                (If  Parent  Pick-­‐Up,  write  “Parent  Pick-­‐Up”)    All  students  must  follow  their  Bell  9  teacher  to  the  buses  and  parent  pick-­‐up  location.    You  must  stay  with  your  Bell  9  teacher  until  you  have  been  “checked  off”  at  your  dismissal  location.    Failure  to  do  so  will  result  in  the  following:    

1st  time  –  Verbal  Warning  to  Student    2nd  time  –  Parent  phone  call:    

 Teacher  will  call  home  to  remind  parents  of  the  safety/security  importance  in  following  the  end  of  academic  day  dismissal  procedure.  

 3rd  time  (and  each  subsequent  occurrence):  

 Teacher  will  assign  a  consequence  following  the  SCPA  Discipline  Plan.  

   By  signing  below,  I  acknowledge  that  I  have  read  and  understand  the  End  of  Academic  Day  Procedure  Policy.    Please  sign  and  return  this  entire  form  with  your  Back  to  School  packet  at  Orientation  or  to  the  Main  Office  within  the  1st  week  of  the  school  year.    Thank  you!  

   Student    _______________________________________________           (Signature)              Parent/Guardian___________________  ______________________           (Signature)    Phone  #______________________                  Date  __________________  



2016  -­‐  2017    

__________________________________  Student  Name  (Print)    I  grant  permission  for  my  child’s  teacher  to  take  my  child  across  the  street  to  Washington  Park  for  class  activities.    This  Washington  Park  permission  will  be  granted  for  the  2016  –  2017  school  year  with  the  following  understanding:    

• My  child  will  be  fully  engaged  in  academic,  artistic,  or  reward  activities  • Washington  Park  activities  will  only  occur  periodically  • My  child  will  be  supervised  by  the  classroom  teacher  at  all  times  • The  activity  will  pertain  directly  to  material  studied  in  class  

   _____________________________________________  Classroom  Teacher  Name      _____________________________________________  Parent  Name  (Please  Print)      Check  one  of  the  following:                I  give  my  permission  for  my  child  to  participate  in  classroom  activities  at  Washington  Park.    _____________________________________________  Parent  Signature                    I  DO  NOT  give  my  permission  for  my  child  to  participate  in  classroom  activities  at  Washington  Park.    _____________________________________________  Parent  Signature    

Please  return  this  form  to  the  teacher  listed  above.  




PHONE: 513-363-0100 FAX: 513-363-0105    

Security Department, Related Procedures: Background Checks                                                                                                                  Revised  6/12/15    

District Form-8475-1F2

Volunteer/Consultant/Contractor Security Badge Authorization/Approval Form


Consultant Name: _____________________ Company with: _______________

Contractor Name: ______________________ Company with: _______________

Student Teacher: ______________________ College attend: ______________

Volunteer Name: _______________________

1. This person will have unsupervised access*** with students? YES □ NO □ (Unsupervised contact means not accompanied with a CPS Employee)

2. Should this person have access to your building’s doors? YES □ NO □

Administrator Name: ___________________________Title: __________________ (please print)

Administrator Signature: ________________________Date: ___________________

1) This form must be completed by the school office and faxed to the Safety and Security Services Office prior to issuance of any CPS Security Badge.

2) Bring your background check to the CPS Safety and Security Services Office at the Board of Education, 2651 Burnet Ave, 45219

3) Local Background check $5.00 from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, 1000 Sycamore St, 45201, covering the last 5 years residence must accompany this form and is required in order to receive volunteer badge.

***All persons that have unsupervised contact with students must also supply a BCII and FBI background check. (Unsupervised contact means not accompanied with a CPS Employee)

Contact the Safety & Security Office at 513-363-0100 with questions or need assistance.



2016-­‐2017    Dear  Parents  and  Students,    To  ensure  that  all  SCPA  students  are  safe  while  riding  to  and  from  school  please  read  the  following  Yellow  Bus  Protocol  and  sign  the  acknowledgement  form  on  page  3.    Please  return  it  during  Orientation,  or  the  first  week  of  school.      Yellow  Bus  Stops  Bus  stops  are  established  at  various  locations  throughout  the  district.    Parents  should  see  that  their  children  arrive  at  the  designated  stop  well  before  the  scheduled  pick  up  time  to  avoid  missing  the  bus.    Parents  are  reminded  that  the  responsibility  for  the  supervision  of  their  children  from  home,  to  the  bus  stop,  and  while  waiting  for  school  bus  arrival,  rests  with  the  parent  or  legal  guardian  (Board  Policy  3541.2).    The  principal,  and/or  the  designee,  is  primarily  responsible  for  supervising  the  orderly  loading  and  unloading  of  pupils  at  each  school,  in  accordance  with  State  Regulations.    Rules  of  Conduct  for  Bus  Riders  The  following  rules  will  apply  to  daily  Yellow  Bus  Service  or  any  trip  under  school  sponsorship.    Students  shall  respect  the  driver,  monitor,  supervisor  or  chaperone  appointed  by  the  school.    These  adults  are  responsible  for  acceptable  behavior  on  the  bus.      

Students  must:  Ø Load  and  unload  as  explained  by  the  driver  Ø Remain  seated  and  face  the  front  at  all  times  Ø Ride  in  assigned  seats  Ø Keep  the  bus  aisle  clear  at  all  times  Ø Obey  all  instructions  of  the  driver  Ø Talk  quietly  Ø Be  silent  at  railroad  crossings,  and  Ø Be  courteous  at  all  times  

 Students  must  not:  

Ø Put  any  part  of  their  bodies  out  of  the  windows  Ø Fight  or  hit  others  Ø Throw  objects  Ø Take  items  belonging  to  others  Ø Smoke  or  light  matches  Ø Use  or  carry  fireworks  Ø Open  the  emergency  door  Ø Handle  the  radio  or  safety  equipment  Ø Touch  the  controls  of  the  bus  Ø Damage  the  bus  or  seats  in  any  way  Ø Bring  animals  or  hazardous  cargo  on  the  bus  Ø Eat,  drink,  or  chew  gum  Ø Litter  the  bus  Ø Use  profane  or  abusive  language,  or  Ø Behave  in  a  disorderly  manner    


     Yellow  Bus  Suspension  Procedure    The  pupil  management  plan  is  effective  throughout  the  entire  school  year.    Bus  suspensions  may  extend  across  grading  quarters.    It  should  be  made  clear  to  the  student  and  the  parent  that  suspension  from  the  bus  does  not  mean  suspension  from  school.    Parents  must  arrange  other  transportation  to  and  from  school  while  the  student’s  bus  riding  privileges  are  suspended.    Yellow  Bus  Rule  Infractions  To  ensure  that  the  student  understands  that  safe  bus  riding  rules  are  being  violated,  the  driver  will  warn  the  student.    Continued  misconduct  will  result  in  a  School  Bus  Incident  Report  being  mailed  to  the  school.    A  copy  of  the  Incident  Report  will  be  sent  home,  as  well  as  a  phone  call  home.    *Fighting  is  an  automatic  ten  (10)  day  suspension  from  riding  the  bus.    The  child  is  expected  to  be  in  school.    

First  Incident  The  child  will  be  called  to  the  office  and  given  a  verbal  warning.    A  copy  of  the  referral  will  be  sent  home  to  the  parents  with  their  child.  The  referral  will  be  posted  on  PowerSchool.      Second  School  Bus  Incident  Report  The  child  will  lose  recess  and  may  receive  a  DT  where  they  will  be  counseled  on  why  they  received  the  write  up  and  the  importance  of  safe,  considerate  behavior  on  the  bus.  The  referral  will  be  posted  on  PowerSchool  under  discipline,  and  a  phone  call  home  will  be  made.          Third  School  Bus  Incident  Report  Bus  riding  privileges  will  be  suspended  for  three  (3)  school  days;  SCPA  notifies  the  parent  by  a  letter  sent  home  with  their  child.  The  referral  will  be  posted  on  PowerSchool  under  discipline  and  a  phone  call  home  will  be  made.  The  suspension  begins  the  second  school  day  after  notification.      Fourth  School  Bus  Incident  Report  Bus  riding  privileges  will  be  suspended  for  five  (5)  school  days;  SCPA  notifies  the  parent  by  a  letter  sent  home  with  their  child.  The  referral  will  be  posted  on  PowerSchool  under  discipline  and  a  phone  call  home  will  be  made.  The  suspension  begins  the  second  school  day  after  notification.      Fifth  School  Bus  Incident  Report    Bus  riding  privileges  will  be  suspended  for  ten  (10)  school  days;  SCPA  notifies  the  parent  by  a  letter  sent  home  with  their  child.  The  referral  will  be  posted  on  PowerSchool  under  discipline  and  a  phone  call  home  will  be  made.  The  suspension  begins  the  second  school  day  after  notification.  There  will  be  a  parent  conference  to  determine  possible  quarterly  to  yearly  removal  from  the  bus.      Sixth  School  Bus  Incident  Report  Any  bus  incident  report  issued,  past  the  fifth  report,  results  in  suspension  to,  either  the  end  of  the  quarter  or,  the  end  of  the  school  year  depending  upon  the  offense.    





GRADES  K-­‐8    Please  return  this  completed  form  to  your  child’s  homeroom  teacher  (K-­‐3)  or  to  the  main  office  (4-­‐8)  during  Orientation,  or  first  week  of  school.  Thank  you.      I  _______________________________the  parent  of  ________________________________      Parent’s  Name        Please  (print)                                                                      Student’s  Name  (print)    have  read  and  discussed  the  SCPA  YELLOW  BUS  PROTOCOL  with  my  child  and  understand  the  expectations.  I  will  call  the  school  office  at  (513)  363-­‐8002  with  any  questions  or  concerns.    ____________________________                        ______________________________________  Date                                                                                                                          Route  Number    ____________________________  Parent’s  Signature  
