Accessing and Preparing Soils Data for Use in RUSLE2 Linda Scheffe Conservation Agronomist National...


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Accessing and Accessing and Preparing Soils Data for Preparing Soils Data for

Use in RUSLE2Use in RUSLE2

Linda ScheffeLinda ScheffeConservation AgronomistConservation Agronomist

National Soil Survey CenterNational Soil Survey CenterLincoln, NELincoln, NE

Web Soil Survey (WSS)Web Soil Survey (WSS)

Contains only the “current” version of official dataContains only the “current” version of official data Web accessibleWeb accessible Link to eFOTGLink to eFOTG generate standard reportsgenerate standard reports

selected map units, or whole SSAselected map units, or whole SSA download datadownload data download Access templatedownload Access template

national or state-specificnational or state-specific

Download Soils Data Tab; Download Soils Data Tab; Select Download Link for SSASelect Download Link for SSA

Save Download to SSURGO Save Download to SSURGO Download FolderDownload Folder

Unzip access dbUnzip access db

Move access db to tabular Move access db to tabular folderfolder

Copy addressCopy address

Click on access db; select stop Click on access db; select stop all macros, enable contentall macros, enable content

Paste address, rename to Paste address, rename to desired county or SSA, click OKdesired county or SSA, click OK

Select all SSAs, Select RUSLE2 Related Select all SSAs, Select RUSLE2 Related Attributes Report Name, click Generate Attributes Report Name, click Generate

Report Report

Scroll through the report and look for missing data. Scroll through the report and look for missing data. Ignore water bodies, miscellaneous land types Ignore water bodies, miscellaneous land types

and minor components comprising less than 15% and minor components comprising less than 15% of the map unitof the map unit


Scroll through the report and look for missing data. Ignore water bodies, miscellaneous land types and minor components comprising less than 15% of the map unit.

If you finding missing values for mineral soils which should be populated, let your State Soil Scientist know to see how or if these can be populated.

Importing SSURGO soils data into Importing SSURGO soils data into RUSLE2RUSLE2

Requires state Requires state agronomist access or agronomist access or higherhigher

Obtain the access Obtain the access from Linda Scheffe from Linda Scheffe and put it in the and put it in the RUSLE2 users folderRUSLE2 users folder

Importing SSURGO soils data into Importing SSURGO soils data into RUSLE2RUSLE2

Requires state Requires state agronomist access or agronomist access or higherhigher

Obtain the access from Obtain the access from Linda Scheffe and put it Linda Scheffe and put it in the RUSLE2 users in the RUSLE2 users folderfolder

In RUSLE2 do: In RUSLE2 do: Options/access/load and Options/access/load and select the R2_NRCS_ select the R2_NRCS_ Sta_Agron accessSta_Agron access

Only State Agronomist and higher RUSLE2 access levels can import soils data from SSURGO files. Do: File-IMPORT- NASIS Soil Database. RUSLE2 still calls this NASIS but will change on next version to SSURGO.

Navigate to the folder containing the NASIS/SSURGO data just formatted in the ACCESS template and select it.

Give it the Name of the County or Soil Survey area.

Let it complete the import and accept it.

Use RUSLE2’s Database-Rearrange to check to see if it imported.

Open a map unit folder to view component listing.

Perform a RUSLE2 export of this soils folder and its contents. Database-Export with templates and access and enter the name of the county and state or soil survey name.

Naming the soils gdb the same as it has been previously named allows the user to simply import and overwrite the preexisting soils in the working moses gdb.

Hit “finish” and then open the soils folder and select the folder containing the desired county dataset and select “none” on including dependent records.

The RUSLE2 export file will be created and saved in the RUSLE2/Export folder.

After all counties are imported into RUSLE2 and exported out in RUSLE2 format, zip them and send them to Linda Scheffe for processing and posting to the RUSLE2 website.

After posting to the website, users After posting to the website, users can then go download the soils can then go download the soils

data and import it into their copy of data and import it into their copy of RUSLE2.RUSLE2.

Once posted by the database manager, the soils and other data is available on the RUSLE2 website

Open the Data Files folder under Soils Data

Select file, right click and select “save target as”

Preferred view is the details view where you can see data size and type of each file. Copy to the RUSLE2 / Imports folder on your hard drive

Verify that the file is in the Import folder.

Using RUSLE2, import it into the RUSLE2 active database.

Select the folder under soils containing the data; Select: “Include Dependent records” ““NONE”” and “Import”

Select: “OK”

Select: “Include Dependent records” ““NONE”” and “Import” and “OK”

Open a soil record and………..

view the data
