Academic Analytics User Group - Purdue University · chosen peer group .. Academic Analytics...


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Academic Analytics User Group

Academic Analytics Campus Plans 13 November 2019

Peter Hollenbeck, VPFA Cherise Hall, APFA


Academic Analytics User Group

• Origins – National Research Council study

• Web searching algorithms => research impact database

• Contents: publications, grants, awards, patents, clinical trials

• Accuracy: highly curated and tested

• Updated nightly (benchmarking db = an annual snapshot)

;II Acadli:mic Aralytic, Porbl Purdiue un tverSl,ty Ci AAD20 17.11.01292: Pemr Hol le-n !).eek _

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AAD 2018 Databases

ACADEMIC ANALYTICS Supporting Academic Researieh Excelleniee

Academic Ana llytics 20 18 Databas,e Releas ,e 'We are pl!eased to announce the new rel,ease of the Academ c Analyt cs IDat,abase~ MD 2018. The re ease number is. AAD2018~00.01324.

'We ieontlin,ue 1!o enha ce the Portal,, creating morie pol nts of aocess, and greater flexibility to dlspRay the data. Some of the, highlights:

• Our database went from 37)]00 J01.1rnals. ro S0.,000 Journals • Thanks t:o user foedback our honorinc a ards. database ~re from 7,500 honors t:o, 111,000 honors • Analys s Sho case co!lectl.on o spedal reports, • Video TILliiorial:s


• • • • • • • •

AAD 20 ffl 7 ComJDi11rativ Data bas D · au I Time Windo . · 0

AAD 2017 Deta "Is Database 0



Academic Analytics User Group(




Af'./ ACADEMIC ANALYTICS ACADE MI C A N ALYT ICS Supporting Academic Research Excellence

■ Academ ic Ana lytic s 2018 Database Release We are pleased to announce the new release of the Academic Analyt:lcs Database, AAD 2018. The release number is M020 18.00.0 1324.

We continue to enhance the Portal, creating mofe points of access and greater flexlbllity to display the data. Some of

0 . Ourdatabasew:::;:::i:::~Joor~lsto SO,OOOjoornals 0 • Thanks to user feedo.Kk our hoOOfiflc awards database grew from 7,500 hOOOfs to 11.000 hoOOfs • Analysis Showuse collection of spe<ial reporu • Vld~Tlltorials


AAD 2017 Comparative Database Default Time Windows 0

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MD 20 17 Details Database 0

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Academic Analytics web site

“Documentation” contains:

• Database Contents • About Academic Analytics • How the Database is Assembled • System Requirements • Portal User Guides • Guidelines for External Use • Portal Tutorial Videos


Academic Analytics web site

Research Insight is a search engine that indexes the titles and abstracts of articles, conference proceedings, books, federal grants, United States patents, clinical trials, and book chapters stored in the Academic Analytics data warehouse to provide a targeted result set for searches on keywords and faculty names. Research Insight is a separate tool on the Academic Analytics portal. Coverage is national, not limited to a single institution, department or program, and is not restricted to comparative time windows.

Data coverage is as follows: Articles: 2004 –present Citations: 2004 –present Conference Proceedings: 2004–present

For those who are not registered users: Books: 2003–present 2006 –present

Awards: varies by award Patents: 1990–present Clinical Trials: 2000 –present Book Chapters: 2003 –present


Bene arking s e

Provides st rategic decision support for academ ic adm inistrators

and facu lty leaders using Academ ic Ana lyt ics comparait ive

standard ized data .

o·scove y Sui e

Provides d isc,overy and showcase capabi lit ies fo fa,culty members.

adm inistrato,rs, and the pub 11ic using Academ ic Ana1llyt ics data ,

facu lty self-entered data and integrated ·nst itut ion data1.


Academic Analytics analytical tools

Str t , ·,g · c P · nn s g - deve I o,p h ig h-lleve l st ra·tegy to

gu ide the un iversity towa1 ds ijts resea ch 1m ission

goa lsl! a1nd m o,n itor prog e-ss towards those ,goa Is, with

co ntextu . · I iz:ed long itud i na I data .

F culty o· v lopm ·nt - he lp fa1cu lty rmembe s a1t an

career stages to niavig.ate obstacl ,es and succeed in

thie~r resear ,chi programs.

An u P ogr , R v = ,enhance your p:rogra1m or

department review workflow by augment ing the

p rooess w i·t hi o Jective , th ird party data to

co nt ,extu al iz:e scho lar ly a,ctiv i · y at the un it leve I.



Aw rd om 'in Uon Str teg·es -cu lt ivate a cu lture of

mi om nation by ide nt ifyii ng the ch aracteri sUcs of awa1 d

··inners a1nd bu ild a strra .. egy ·o nom inate rresearcher:s

for prrest ig1i o us hono ·s.

De · op Pubfc tion Str t gy- compare ·where

your tac . lty mem ,. ers publish to the d isciiplh11e as a

who le· or you chosen pee rs, 1i ncl ud i ng n ua need

a ni a lysis of c iitat r on met i cs1 to deve lop a1 long-ter 1m

publ licat ion strat:eg1y ror your academ 1ic units.

Gr du t , P,I c m nt i Ac d m· -identi 'fywhere

your gi ad uat ,e students . become facu l'ty m ,embe r s a1nd

g aug ,e the ir p og1 ,ess as scho lars in the context of you

chosen peer group ..

Academic Analytics Benchmarking Suite

0 @

Cur t F culty · Pr,ofi s - put faculty m 1embers in

cont rol of their sch o I a1 rry prof ·1,es to ens u r,e a comp lete

representat ion of the 1 ese.arch and O•ther act ivities.

An lyz Co 1 I r · 1v . N · tworks - . is.cove new and

existing elatio11ships between ·scholars to bu ild and

enlhanoe interdisdplirna y teams .

Fos "l m Ser nc -bu "ld 'team,s based on use r-

specified the ,rnes o ir t,o p ies outs ide tlhe usua I

department and progr m boundar ies.

ese:~ rch C nt r o,r I nstitut - Use· objective

data to ·f ind t he right theme - a Iii d the rig ht scholars -

fo,r your new or ex·i sting ce nterrs a1nd ii nst "tu tes.

T r,get und·n g Op 1portu n · · es - find new sources of

fund ing re levan i to ongo ing scholar sh ip or ini line w jth

proposed in it iat iives.

Subject M tter Expe i e I dent it· c ti on - ide nt ify

r,esea chers by the ir e · pen ise and ta lent when

initiat i g new research p ojects. ,or bu ild ing1 teams to

tack l,e pressing ~ssues.

Sh owcas Faculty Scho ship = Put your i 11 sti t ut 1i 011 s

r,esear ch prowess ronit and center for potent i'al

ind u stria I partners . med ia out lets . ,an · potent iia I



Academic Analytics Discovery Suite


Academic Analytics: Faculty Insight

Purdue Sponsored Programs Data (grants and opportunities)

AcA database Faculty data entry/ amendment


Purdue Faculty Insight database


Faculty Insight vs PU Faculty Reporting Tool

The Faculty Insight database is NOT a faculty reporting tool (e.g., Digital Measures)

FI contains only research impact measures – not teaching, service, engagement, or other aspects of faculty effort

BUT the AcA database can be used to initially populate individual research measures into our faculty reporting tool, when units are first setting it up

We are currently searching for a new campus-wide faculty reporting tool (at the RFP stage), stay tuned to this


Academic Analytics Campus Roll-out

Assemble Review Group

Start with general principles and develop a PU AcA best practices guide

Share ideas and experience with the analytics tools throughout 2019-20 Convene User Group

Access limited to colleges

Academic Analytics in AY 2019-20

Goals? • get familiar with key features of AcA,

share experience and expertise • identify an opportunity in faculty

development, collaboration, or awards


Academic Analytics User Group

“Point-person” in each college:

Engineering: Arvind Raman Ag: Bernie Engel Libraries: Karen Hum HHS: Jessica Huber CLA: Kristen Hunt Education: Wayne Wright Management: Andrea Pluckebaum Pharm: Alan Zillich PPI: Carrie Berger Science: Kenda Kostel-Mikel Vet: Malathi Raghavan


Academic Analytics: best practices at PU

General principles of use:

• We will use the AcA data and analytics as an aid to faculty development, identifying opportunities, unit self-studies and planning

• We will not use AcA data and analytics alone to make any decision

• Faculty will be able to check their own data and add to the FI database

The Review Group will discuss and refine these over time

Academic Analytics dos and don’ts? Examples of use: How we will not use:


Programmatic • Prepare unit review self-study docs • Strategic academic planning • Examine career trajectories and faculty

appointments of our graduates • Budget discussions • Predict impact of retirements and hiring

Programmatic • Will not use AcA data as the sole source of

information in unit reviews, but as one of many sources

• Recognize the disciplines in which AcA data are incomplete, and employ with caution there (e.g., the arts)

Peers Peers and rankings • Identify current and aspirational peers • Will not compare different disciplines within • Compare programs and disciplines at Purdue Purdue to each other

to their larger fields • Will not generate detailed quantitative rankings vs other institutions

Opportunities • Identify relevant grant opportunities • Identify potential collaborations, centers or

institutes through research themes and existing networks

• Faculty development Faculty development • Identify nominees for external awards and • Will not use the data to evaluate individual

honors faculty • Identify faculty who may need mentoring or • AcA is not a C.v. replication database

other support


Academic Analytics Review Group

Review group:

Cheryl Cooky (CLA, Chair of the University Senate) Natalie Carroll (AG, past Chair of the University Senate) Michael Fosmire (Libraries) Chris Hrycyna (Dept Head of Chemistry, SCI) Nancy Peterson (CLA, Provost Fellow for Awards) Nichole Ramirez (I-DAtA) David Reingold (Dean, CLA)

Peter Hollenbeck, ex officio (SCI, VPFA)


Academic Analytics User Group

How shall we communicate amongst this group?

• A website including a list of Frequently Asked Questions will be available soon, on Provost web site under “Faculty”

• Sharing information about using tools

• Updates to the best-practices rules

• Announcements of changes and upgrades

• Questions about the data should be directed to our IDA+A group at
