About Asme Viii


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  • 8/18/2019 About Asme Viii


    Prior to 2007, the ASME VIII Div 2 guidelines for plastic analysis ere si!ilar to those in

     ASME III" #he 2007 ASME III Div 2 plastic analysis procedures are significantly different to

    previous versions$ !ost nota%ly, the von Mises yield criterion is specified as the design stress

    %asis &as opposed to the #resca criterion used in ASME III', large defor!ation theory !ust

    %e used and to Acceptance (riteria are specified in place of the tice elastic slope criterion"

    In addition, an optional true stress)strain curve that can %e holly derived fro! standard

     ASME !aterial data is specified in Appendi* +"D" hen using this !odel, the hardening

    %ehaviour is included up to the true ulti!ate stress and perfect plasticity %ehaviour assu!ed

    %eyond this li!it"

    #he to Acceptance (riteria are a -lo%al criterion that re.uires de!onstration that the

    design does not e*perience overall structural instability  &plastic collapse' under the

    specified design load cases, indicated %y convergence failure in the analysis, and Service

    criteria that li!it the potential for unsatisfactory perfor!ance under the alloa%le loads

    evaluated according to the glo%al criterion" In addition to designing against glo%al plasticcollapse, a local strain limit failure criterion is defined"

  • 8/18/2019 About Asme Viii
