ABLE OF · 1 INTRODUCTION – WHO IS CHRIS MITTY I have been a successful Technology Consultant...


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1 INTRODUCTION – WHO IS CHRIS MITTY ............................................................................ 3 1.1 The Purpose of This Report ............................................................................................ 4

2 AFFILIATE MARKETING KNOW HOW ................................................................................. 6 2.1 Internet and Affiliate Marketing ..................................................................................... 6 2.2 The Three Steps .............................................................................................................. 7

2.2.1 You need something to sell ..................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 You need somewhere to sell it ................................................................................ 9 2.2.3 You need someone to sell to ................................................................................... 9

2.3 Tools of The Trade ....................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Website or Blog .....................................................................................................11 2.3.2 Hosting ...................................................................................................................12 2.3.3 Visitor Interaction ...................................................................................................14 2.3.4 Affiliate Networks ...................................................................................................15 2.3.5 Traffic .....................................................................................................................15

3 TO BE EMPLOYED OR SELF EMPLOYED ........................................................................... 17 3.1.1 Where do you want to be? .....................................................................................19

4 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 22 4.1 Some Final Thoughts .................................................................................................... 22 4.2 Don’t Procrastinate ....................................................................................................... 23

5 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................... 25


I have been a successful Technology Consultant since 2005 and I started my

Internet Marketing journey back in 2008. Since then, I have been a specialist to

some of the world’s largest companies. In addition to this, I sell products in a

number of niches, and have even created my own software products.


As I was already into Technology, making a move into online sales was the

perfect choice for me. It allowed me to create a new business, right from the

comfort of my own home. There is no better feeling than to wake up knowing

you have already made money, even whilst you were asleep. This is what I like

to call a “Truly Automated Business”. I don't have to open a shop selling my

products and services and then wait for customers to walk in. I simply spend a

bit of time up front producing products and creating websites that promote other

people’s products, automating my offering, and then the rest is down to

marketing. I love nothing better than to deliver quality content to my visitors,

regardless of the niche it may be in. I hope you can learn from me and what I

have personally managed to achieve in what is relatively a short amount of


But I’m not technical Chris!

Many people say this to me and think you must know about Technology in order

to be a successful online entrepreneur. You do not need to be a Technology

expert to be successful in an online business, this is fact. You do need to be

willing to learn though, and the benefits far outweigh the efforts. I provide

mentoring to help you every step of the way and will share lots of valuable

information both on my Blog and YouTube channel to help you on your way to

online success.

I started from scratch as an Internet Marketer, by spending thousands of

pounds learning the industry. Applying the different business models, and in

that time, I found out what works, and what doesn’t.

Why should you be coached by me? Well, the above speaks for itself. I also

know Technology pretty much inside out. My business is successful, and it is

something I have worked hard to achieve. I know that you can also have the

same level of achievement as I have, if not more! I want to share these exact

same methods I use so here's to your success!

1.1 The Purpose of This Report

The purpose of this report is to share with you a proven system for making a

pretty nice income online. I will provide you with lots of information in an easy to

read manner. I will not over complicate things by bombarding you with technical

jargon. One thing we must make clear right now is….

This Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

Those systems just don’t exist in my opinion. All businesses are built on a solid

foundation, and this, my friend, is called a business plan, a plan of action that

you can execute time and time again.

**Multiple revenue streams are key to online success**

**People buy on emotion and justify with logic**

**Sell with emotion, justify logically why this is a good choice**

The way I make money online is really simple. I will walk through with you how I

do this step-by-step so you can also use these exact same methods to start

making some passive income.

Step-By-Step Guide: How To Go From Zero To

$10K... $100K... or Even $1Million In Sales,

Selling Other People's Products, Starting From



2.1 Internet and Affiliate Marketing

Internet Marketing has always been one of the most popular methods of making

money, simply because it requires very little start-up capital. It centres around

selling something you have personally created, something someone else has

created, or something that someone else is selling, and you are directing

potential customers to it, in order to gain some sort of commission. In a nutshell,

this is what earning money online is all about. This can be physical products,

digital products or even professional services. Marketing is how you position

yourself online in order to receive commissions, as you are the affiliate.

Compare this to a traditional shop, where you must invest thousands of pounds

up front, find premises, hire staff, then open up every day hoping people walk

through that door and purchase your goods. I have lost count of the number of

shops I see open and close on a regular basis.

For anyone who is just starting out, there’s no easier or faster method of

generating income. For anyone who already operates their own online

business, selling other people’s products can create a substantial boost to the

income they’re already receiving.

The primary appeal comes from the fact that the only task the affiliate has to

perform is promote whatever product or service they believe has good sales

potential. The owner of the product or service does everything else.

In theory, you don’t even need a website in order to make money as an affiliate.

You can simply promote your assigned affiliate link and then send prospective

buyers to the owner’s sales page. The affiliate links are provided by the vendor

or market place. This means your start-up capital is extremely low.

Of course, the obvious drawback is that almost every other affiliate will be doing

the exact same thing. If all you’re doing is directing targeted traffic through your

affiliate sales link, you’ll be competing on an equal level with countless other

people who are promoting the same product. The only way to break out of the

pack is to market and promote the affiliate product in a more intelligent and

aggressive manner.

To do this, you can’t just send traffic to an offer page with your affiliate link in the

hope it will convert. It may convert, but the conversion rate will be quite low. It is

much more effective to create your own website, or opt-in page, and give value

to your potential customers before asking them to buy from you.

The purpose of your video, website or blog is to pre-sell the item to potential

customers. In other words, you get the prospect primed and ready to purchase

prior to sending them to the vendor site.

2.2 The Three Steps

So… …its’ all about the 3 steps...

All you need is to master just 3 simple steps... (and you can rest assured that I’ll

cover each of these with you in turn. There are some fancy ‘tweaks’ you can

make at each of these stages to really maximise your success, which I’ll tell you

about too...) Sounds good?! Great. So what are these 3 steps?

2.2.1 You need something to sell

OK, I know this sounds ridiculous, but in order for people to willingly hand over

their money they need to have a reason to. If you can offer a product or a

service, or both, that somebody really wants, then ... fantastic! You have

something to sell, whether you own the product or not.

There are plenty of successful Internet Marketers that have never made a

single product of their own ... ever! And will continue to make thousands of

dollars every year. Personally, I quite like creating my own products, so I do ...

but there is an alternative way.

Let’s use Amazon as an example. They have the world’s largest affiliate

program, and you can get commission on products simply by sending people

to the Amazon marketplace through your affiliate link.

You can sell so many types of products online, but those that sell best are

products that solve a problem for the end user. Products related to self-help,

fitness, software and all types of physical products will sell well. Here are some


• Software

• Fitness

• Home and Family

• Hobbies

• Relationships

• Self-Improvement / Help

• Technology

Go over to Amazon right now, and just browse through some of the categories.

Anything that has a large number of positive customer feedback is usually

doing very well in terms of sales volume. There are not enough hours in the

day to count all the products, you just need to count those that are popular,

and that offer a decent affiliate commission. The same applies to any affiliate

program. The thing is though, if you drive enough traffic through your affiliate

offers, even low commission sales will all add to your bottom line.

2.2.2 You need somewhere to sell it

Whatever product or service you have, you need to be able to show it off so

that people can appreciate what it is that you’re offering and have the

opportunity to buy!

It is extremely important that you have your own website, blog or use video to

promote your products. This is easier than you think, and later in this report I

provide some more information on this topic.

2.2.3 You need someone to sell to

Now I know you may think I’m a bit crazy even mentioning this step. But I do

because I’ve seen new starters overlook this stage with rather devastating


You could spend a great deal of time sourcing or creating a superb product,

but even with a superb product and the best marketing in the world, if you

don’t have a market for the ‘thing’ you have created, you’ll not make a single


I make my money online by selling a combination of digital and physical

products, and I don’t even own most of them. There are lots of niches which

people are interested in, and willing to pay for. You do not need to be an

expert in these fields because if you progress as an affiliate marketer, which is

what I am recommending, the hard work of creating the product has already

been done by someone else.

The business of selling software, books, manuals, courses, reports, audio

products is a license to print as much money as you wish, providing you follow

a proven Internet Marketing strategy and direct traffic to those offers. The only

way you will not make money with this strategy, is if you fail to implement it.

You just need to be consistent with your content marketing and build your


There Is No Other Business As Profitable As The

Information Business

There are many people already in the same business, but it really isn’t a

saturated market. Just look at eBay or Amazon for example. There are so

many people doing the same thing, selling similar products, all at different

price points.

You just need to find your own position in that market, and then dominate it for

years to come with your own products or marketing efforts, driving potential

customers to offers. If you have no idea how to position yourself in a chosen

market, look at what other affiliate marketers are doing, and re-engineer their

efforts, but with a different product.

You may be thinking “Wouldn’t you want to keep this to yourself then Chris?”

No, the reason for this is because there are literally hundreds of thousands of

products out there that are great to get into, so sharing this with you is my way

of giving back what I have learned and helping others to be successful online.

I am in the Technology business, and I like teaching people what I have

learned, so they can have their own success. We all learn from others in some

form or other, it is how the world works.

2.3 Tools of The Trade

I have given you a high-level introduction to affiliate marketing now, and what it

is all about. It would not be complete if I didn’t go into a bit more detail around

the typical tools of the trade both myself and other marketers are using.

2.3.1 Website or Blog

Depending on what you want to achieve, you will either have a website or

blog. A blog can have a niche specific name, or it can be about you, just like

my blog is. If you go all out with an authority website, it will have more of a

standard look and feel, as opposed to a blog which is geared towards posts on

a particular topic. I personally use both, so you should also do the same.

I recommend WordPress, which is an open source software platform that

enables you to create a beautiful website, or blog, or even a hybrid of the two

under the very same domain name.

When I first started out, simple drag and drop website builders where not

available for integration with WordPress. I created my very first site 100%

using HTML code, but today you can have a website live within just an hour or

so using WordPress. Guess what, I don’t bother with HTML anymore like I

used to.

Creating A Website or Blog Is Easier Than Ever

You want to become an authority in whatever niche market you intend to

operate in. You could have a series of smaller mini-sites, or a larger authority

website. With larger sites and more original content, you will drive more traffic.

With more traffic you can offer more products, whether they be your own or

other peoples.

2.3.2 Hosting

Before you can create a website or blog, you need a hosting account, and they

are very cheap and simple to setup. There are lots of providers, and I

recommend the following:


I have used HostGator for many years now (see my first invoice below) as they

are extremely popular with over 8 million domains and offer a 1 click

WordPress installation. Their server uptime is 99.9% and I have never had an

outage in the last 8 years on any of my websites.

• Excellent WordPress support

• Good uptime, reliable, fast load times

• Never had any issues personally

• No free domain but domain names are inexpensive anyway

>> Click Here To See HostGator Plans <<


Bluehost have become one of the largest brand names when it comes to

WordPress hosting. I do not use them myself at the time of writing this report,

but I may do in the future, just to try them out. I still give them the thumbs up

as they have been rated number 1 for web hosting for small businesses many

times over. They do offer free domain names too as part of sign up, it just

means you may have to take out an extended term hosting plan.

• Excellent WordPress support, good uptime, fast load times

• Discounts on WordPress hosting and domain names

• Officially recommended by WordPress

• Support has been reported to be slow occasionally

>> Click Here To See Bluehost Plans <<


Another popular provider in the WordPress community, SiteGround, who also

provide 24/7 support and are also an official WordPress hosting provider. I do

not use SiteGround either, but they do offer a great service, so worth looking


• Excellent WordPress support, good uptime, fast load times

• Officially recommended by WordPress

• No free domain but domain names are inexpensive anyway

>> Click Here To See SiteGround Plans <<

Between the 3 options, the hosting control panels are similar in nature, using

CPANEL, which is a graphical interface given to users, so they can manage

their hosting account with ease. I am going to personally recommend all 3

here, because they are the best in the industry. For me, I use HostGator and

have never had any issues with outages or performance. Feel free to look on

each of the respective providers websites and make your own decision. If you

have any questions, head over to my blog and just ask me.

2.3.3 Visitor Interaction

You can engage with your visitors via email regularly using email

autoresponder services such as AWeber, a service I have personally used

myself since the beginning of 2011. Here is my first sign up invoice, where

they charged me $1. There are many others, but I outright recommend

AWeber to be one of the best out there.

>>> Get AWeber Auto Responder Service <<<

2.3.4 Affiliate Networks

I mentioned Amazon earlier, but there are so many programs out there you can

sign up to. If you google affiliate programs, you will find so many. Each program

will offer different levels of commission, depending on the products on offer.

Here are just a few of the larger programs I personally use:

• Amazon associates

• Clickbank

• Jvzoo

• Max Bounty

Top Tip: Head over to, an aggregation of lots of affiliate


2.3.5 Traffic

Traffic is at the heart of your business and is the difference between success

or no success. You can get traffic through:

• Organic search engine searches

o Onsite and offsite search engine optimisation of your


• Paid Advertising

o Facebook, YouTube, Google Adwords, Native Advertising networks

• Video creation

o YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe

• Article Marketing

o EzineArticles, GoArticles, Buzzle, ArticleDashboard

You can really ramp up your marketing efforts by introducing pay per click

advertising. To make money, you sometimes have to spend it, and providing

the numbers stack up, this can be a very good strategy for increasing sales

and income in your business. Video these days is an extremely powerful way

of getting 100% free traffic if you are starting out on a budget.

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If you want to make decent money, the only way to do it is to go out there and

make it yourself! Ok that is not exactly true, but if you make a success of your

business, you will go with my view. Think about this, where you see lots of

amazing houses. I am talking 5 and 6 bedroom properties, selling between

£600,000 for smaller homes, right up to £2,500,000 + for larger 6 bedroom

homes in really nice areas, who do you think owns them?

You could be lucky and end up being the Chief Executive of a company who are

paying you hundreds of thousands, enough to afford a property worth

£1,000,000 or more, however the likelihood of this happening is slim for most of

us. The thing is, when you look around, you get to understand that these people

are all involved in business. Not necessarily online businesses, just business in


When you work for someone else, your progression is always limited in some

way or other by either your boss, or the organisation, as they ultimately hold the

key to your destiny. People hop about from job to job to get the increase they

feel they deserve, and for those that stay put, they are in the keep net, lucky to

receive a rate of inflation increase.

I have nothing against those that do not like having their own business, because

there are so many benefits to working for someone else that I personally do not

have. Everyone has a place, and if you are reading this, it’s because you have

made a conscious choice to take on something completely new, or as a side

line business to supplement your current line of work.

The tables below show the ten highest and ten lowest paid occupations in the

UK respectively, as of April 2018, and these are median figures before tax has

been taken. Apologies if my figures are a little incorrect, but they represent a

37-40 hour week working for someone else. If you are in other parts of the

world, figures will vary, but you get my point. Where do you fit in?

Occupation Median full-time gross weekly pay (£)

Aircraft pilots and flight engineers £1,846

Air traffic controllers £1,549

Marketing and sales directors £1,298

Advertising and public relations directors


Information technology and telecommunications directors


Legal professionals £1,217

Medical practitioners £1,167

Brokers £1,149

Financial managers and directors £1,143

Occupation Median full-time gross weekly pay (£)

Cleaners and domestics £281

Nursery nurses and assistants £285

Retail cashiers £278

Leisure and theme park attendants £280

Kitchen and catering assistants £281

Hairdressers and barbers £320

Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers


Waiters and waitresses £300

Bar staff £300

If you are lucky enough to have made it into the top earning category, you

probably started many years ago when qualifications were not required, and I

am talking approximately 25 years ago, or have worked your way up the ladder

over the last 25 years to get to your current position, taking regular training

offered by your employer. So, not so lucky, as you have had to work hard to get

where you are. You are in the higher earner category within the country.

If you are in the second table, you may have still trained very hard to get to

where you are, because all jobs these days require lots of training. It just so

happens that for all the effort we put in, some jobs will always pay more than


3.1.1 Where do you want to be?

In order to get into a professional job these days, you really do have to go to

university or take on some other form of professional qualifications specific to

the role, and it takes years to qualify. Even then, you will start on a low wage

for that sector, as companies know you just want the job. About 12 years ago

university fees where approximately £1000 per year in the UK, and I thought

that was expensive then. More recently, you are looking at approximately

£6000-9000 per year in fees, all covered by a student loan, before factoring in

the cost of living on top of that.

Many people stay on at school or college, followed by a university degree of

up to 4 years. Leaving that £300 per week job behind from the table above,

this means you have basically left £93,000 on the table over the last 6 years.

Now add on £50,000 in student loan debt. In 6 years you could easily work

your way up in a non-skilled job to earn more than £300 per week, so your

actual loss would be higher than the £93,000 I quoted above.

Now, if you went to university, you are £50,000 down by the time you start

your first job, and given the starting salaries for professional jobs will still be

between £21,000 and £25,000, you then have nearly the price of a mortgage

to pay in student loan repayments, before even thinking about buying a house.

I am not saying do not go to university, because it did actually work for me, at

the time. Personally though, I would not go to university these days, because

there are other ways to start earning straight away, without having to spend 4-

7 years in college and university before you earn a penny.

I wanted to write this up just to give you a little bit of perspective on things. It is

not intended to lower the tone, but to show you that there are ways to get to

where you want to, and it does not always mean following the path of others,

what others recommend, or what others say you need to do in order to get a

pay rise. Start making your own decisions about that right now.

I don’t know about you, but I am not willing to wait around whilst a couple of

managers decide whether or not I will get a 1 or 2% rise. That 2% average rise

on a UK £25,000 salary is equal to an additional £500 per year before tax so

think about that next time you put in unpaid overtime to “stand out from the

work crowd” in the hope you will get a rise.

There is no logic here in my view unless the remuneration matches the effort

put in, which it often never does. Once I learned this lesson, making money

online for me was simple. I know exactly what to look for and how to go about

setting up my next venture. When there is something worth learning it is

matched by effort. This is what a lot of people lack and is why they are never

successful. You should learn that as you yourself start to put in the effort with

your affiliate marketing ventures, it will be matched by a return for your hard

work. Only then my friend will the penny/cent really start to drop.

The fact remains that the Internet is one of the easiest ways to start a home-

based business. You can get started with very few costs and little experience.

That's why I encourage anyone who is hesitant about trying it, to just jump in

and get their feet wet. It's not expensive to get started, and the upside is

astronomical. I am living proof of this.

Don’t Look For Get Rich Quick, It’s The Wrong

Mindset. You Need To Be Looking For Sustainable



4.1 Some Final Thoughts

Many individuals right now are sick of running to a daily job of 9 in the morning

to 5 in the evening and so they're seeking best home businesses ideas. Check

out this google keyword search I have just carried out, people really want this

way of living.

There are numerous home businesses and the only thing that you have to do is

to look around and get more of an idea yourself. Running your own home

business has got lots of benefits. You get to work at whatever time that you

wish and likewise at the comfort of your own home. This is really nice as you've

time for your loved ones and friends compared to being an employee.

With online business, there are no bosses to follow you around and question

you for every error you make.

4.2 Don’t Procrastinate

Every day you procrastinate, every day you are losing money. Very soon you

could be well on your way to making your first sale on-line (or perhaps

improving your current sales on your blog or website).

So, enjoy the journey and keep your eyes peeled for updates from me shortly.

I will keep you posted as and when I release new content to my blog or

YouTube channel. Please ensure you subscribe and be sure to hit the

notification bell to ensure you are notified as I post new video content. If you are

ready for the challenge, click on the image below

There you have it, I have given you a lot of information in this free report today

but this only scratches the surface because this really is the best way to make a

successful living from the internet, and from the comfort of your own home. I

started my online business with £50, I made a few sales and re-invested my

profits continually. It goes to show that you do not need to invest a huge amount

before you can start your own business. It’s all about reinvesting your profits

and expanding at a level you are comfortable with.

If you keep learning and are consistent with your efforts, your rewards will

come. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my report

today. I wish you all the very best in your online business. Your dedication will

be key to this, and with every new venture you start, your wish of running your

own successful online business will become reality. Please feel free to contact

me anytime if there are any questions you have about my products or services.

I will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

All the best...

Chris Mitty

Note: If you have accidentally discovered a copy of this report, and love it, but

aren’t currently a subscriber, perhaps you’d like to become a subscriber, and

receive periodic updates on internet marketing, tips, business opportunities, and

insights. Just follow the links below to receive updates providing fresh and

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form,

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The information contained in this document is only for the intended recipient

and may not be used, published or redistributed without written consent from

Chris Mitty.

The opinions expressed are in good faith and while every care has been taken

in preparing this document, Chris Mitty makes no representations and gives no

warranties in respect of this document, including but not limited to the accuracy

or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained therein.

Your level of success in attaining the results claimed depends on a variety of

factors, ideas and techniques such as your own learned knowledge, and the

actions you have personally taken in order to seek results. Chris Mitty cannot

guarantee your success and individual results may vary. Chris Mitty is not

responsible for any of your actions that result from reading any of his

publications, therefore cannot be held liable for the use of and reliance of the

opinions, estimates, forecasts and findings in this document.
