Abe~nathy WeeklY Reviewunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1989/1989-04-14.pdf · WDCC illl't yet...


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WDCC illl't yet fiRP1"Jd to asc, as a base of opcralio!u fur Ownbcr of Coaunorce aecretalJ LiDda Sparkmaa. . Spartmn. takiDa cmr dutiea from Jooa time Cbambcr lOCtCta1'y Cbril Waten, wu plamliDs to ma¥~: Chamber records to bu home. That's the way Chris managed Chamber dutiea for some 12

Chamber of Commerce Plans Auction, Office

4/89 LlSRi\RY


yean. I

Other plans discussed included a White Elephant Auc::tioo, teatative!y scheduled for .May 6, to raise funds for makiua a small S~:Coic park bet\wcu the o,ld theater and S&H Welding. A = :VC!w':ra~~S:: fa: the ~e Stoppers reward fund.

Tbc pllli is to borrow two t~ from the U.S. An!IY Re­wve u.nit ill Ulbbodt to erect on the lot for the auedoD. ADyone with "white c:lqlbuts" to donate can bepl llOW to C.U Hoppy Toler at Struve's Depart~ meat Store. He'D II'I'Uip for the 5tUff to be picked up and stored uatil audioo day.

Abe~nathy WeeklY Review


·. · .---~~;ope FUDW;)'OIIcl({1c!!J,·Tracrc imd nJraay (~. - ~·~~ ·,- . .

Farm Family Of The Year Honored

The Robert Pope family was aamed Farm Family of the Year at the Chamber of Commerce Banquet Thursday night. Robert, Gwyn, their daughters T'tfl'any and, Traeyc, and son Todd and his wife Helen were included in the· honor.

Last year's winners, WendeD and Salce Barric:k, made the pr~ntation. The foUowing is an excerpt from their spcccll annouacing the award. ... · Our farm family of 1988·89

was reared in the Abernathy COIIUDunity. Both mother and .father graduated from Abernathy High School, he in 1962 and she in 1964. He attCJlded North Tcxu State University, Hardin Simmoas University and then they both attended West Texas State University. They married in 1965 and began fanning that same year. Tbcy now have a 1760 acre fanning operation . .

Both have been veay active in church and civic affaars. He is lerYia& his · third term 11 a member of the Abeinathy lnde-

ndcnt School District Board of ~ his second term on the Halo County Appraisal District Board, is ·preaident '!( the board of Farmers Tuco Gm, Inc., ud a Community Committeeman for

~ ec::.ty ~= scmc:e. Slle has served 11 a 4-H

loaclcr, officer of Young Home-

makers of America and officer of the 1935 Study Club.

They both served as coaches, officers and on the board of directors of Abernathy Junior Basketball Association. Both have been active members of the Abernathy Booster Club for many years and have served as officers of that organization.

They arc members of Aber· nathy F'1rst Baptist Church where she bas served on the Missions Committee and as Mission Friends, Girls Auxiliary, and Acteen leader a~ well as Suaday School, Church Training and Vacation Bible School teacher. He served on the church finance committee and forfeited many nights sleep while his wife hosted youth parties co~ of giggling, squealing yo:un~ tprls.

This couple has three children. The oldest. Todd, is a candidate for May paduation from Texas Tech Uruversity with a .degree

:ar%1cet,:m~:d ~ wife Helen at.tends Texas Tech, majoring in accouating. The middle child, Trac:yc. is a freak­man elementary education major also at Texas Tech, and their yoUJIICSl, Tifl'any, is a sopho­m~atAbernat~High~ Sbe is the twirler for the Antelope Band, a mcmbq of the Lady 'Lopes basketball team, and was named to the AU-District Tcam. ·



. .

"IN t .Hf PAJ.N\ Of TH'f PlAINS"

City Council Update The city couacil held public

hearings for three variances to city ordinances Monday night. I Jc~ Grimsley and his next door i neighbor A.C. Harris agree on , the need for a variance to anow Grimsley to build a carport. Both were present ud the council granted the requested · variance. Felipe Lopez also needed a variance for a carport · but was not present so the rcqu_cst was tabled.

ment and suggested that Crump­ler might want to work out an arrangement with Bobby Cun· ningham at 66 Butane & Fer· tilizer. He had lines installed to his business years ago and it mi~t be less expensive for Phillips and Crumpler to get city water through his.

The council agreed to let the two men have city water thro­ugh whichever arrangement is most feasible.

MOIIIJWtO Control After coosidcrable discussion, The councal accepted a bid for

the council granted a conditional Southwest Aerial Service of use permit to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Plainview for aerial application Arthur who want to put ~ of mos9uito control chemicals. 11,1obile boines on dlt'ec .. lots • • "~'heir bi(J.<of-$1192 per $plica­ready outfitted for them. They tion was the only one received. were turned down on a similar rcqueat once before because many neighboring property owners obJected to mobile homes there. This time only one ob-jected. . .

The couacil cmpbasizcd, however, that the conditional use will not be in effect if the property is sold and only two mobile homes will be allowed.

The couacil discussed the need for a designated mobile home area in town so the city won't be constantly faced with special variance requests. Most feel that mobile homea scattered aU over

town will affect property values. .Mayor Thompson pointed out, hO"NCVCr, that nobody ever wants to put pnobil.c homes in

mobile home parks. They always want them beside a house or on a lot aU by themselves. A designated mobile home park would be an expensive undertak· ing.

Water Scnicc Request Carl Phillips and Eu~ene

Crumpler want city water ptped to two lots they own on the north side of town outside the cityUmits.

Crumpler attended the council mectl.t!a to explain what they need. He said he intends to put a small shop on his lot and Phillips wants water for usc on his I They bow they will have to pay the expense of the project.

Some of ·the councilmen said they have problems with fur­lliallina city service& to places outside the ci~ limits. The ~u;_ber DOW receiVing city water

They discussed . methods of gettina the water across pave-

Trash Service Bids The City's contract with CCC

Sanitation Service of Idalou is expiring. The company handles trash hauling for the city. The

f::Ccil R:!'~od ~:k ~i~8'~~ providing the service, as re­quired by law.

2'.oaiDs Ameodmcnt The c:ouacil held a · public

hearing, then adopted an amend· ment to the zoning ordinance which will prohibit the usc of a mobile home as a place of business unless a variance is obtained from the city council.

Officials have received several complaints about RVs parked on city streets, presenting a traffic hazard. After checking into the need for an ordinance to control them, the city manager found the city already has one which takes care of the situation. Only additional enforcement is need­ed.

Se'M:I'UaeFec The EPA (Environmental

Protection Agency), which provided funds for our new sewer plant, required the city to impose a monthly administrative fee (based on flow) on each sewer conncc:rion on the city system. The city council has been avoiding this administrative fcc. However, it is mandatory bY. federal regulation so the c:ouncd adopted a SO cents per month fee per connection as rccom· mended by the city's consulting engineers.

,.. Callcc:tioaa Tax collections arc 92% col­

lected for this fCI' and the city tax base ia risang since several new ho~ were recently built.


Citizen Of The Year Abernathy Chamber of Com·

mercc honored Ken Moreland as the Outstanding Citizen of the Year at the Chamber of Com­merce Banquet Thursday night Last year's Citizen of the Year, Pete Thompson, presented the award, which is always a sur­prise to the recipient. The following is an excerpt from Thompson's pr;!c~tation speech.

The person we honor tonight was born in Amarillo and moved to a farm near Lamesa at a very young age. This person went to school in a two room country school through the ninth grade and then transferred to Lamesa High School and graduated at the top of his class.

After graduation, he wanted to enter military service but his mother had to sign the papers for him because of his young age. He went on to serve 10 years in the Counter Intelligence COIJ! and fought in the South Pacilic during World War II.

After lea~ tbe service, he married his hi&b school sweet· tlcart in RosweU, New Mexico lnd they set up bouse in Lub­bock.

He atarted working in the post office as a mail handler tad in a few )Ufs he became poatmaster. He is a 32nd Desrce Muon and a member of the BaptiatchurdL

He and his wife and daughter moved to Abernathy in 1981 where he immediately became involved in community services. He has served as president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Uons Club in addition to his regular duties 11 the postmaster.

- He has managed the Lions Oub

~=m C:cb flor se~r1J:." J~ also serves 011 the local library board.

He ia a very quiet peQOn who docs his public service without · fanfare and never cxpcc:ts acco­lades in return.

He is. also a very witty person with . his dry humor and often gets his point across by quodna somebody by the name Ol George. {George is a storehouse of wit and knowledge.)

Our community is a better place to live because of this man and his wife. ...

Pictures and details about the banquet will be in next week's issue of the paper. Since the· Weekly Review is printed on Thursday and the banquet was that night, we could only fea· turc the winners of tho two biggest honors. The recipicata arc chosen beforehand ud the secret Chamber committee trusted the Weekly Review ataft' with the knowledge.

~ Schooi .Board Meeting '~Routine" Abernathy Youth Win Prose,

Poetry Honors At Arts Festival · The prose of Matthew Guer- on display at the Lubbock Arts · ccrcmoay. Matthew. ancl Prim rant and poct1)' of Prim Ryan, Rcativil April14-16. The CX)IIteat will set Jo mcdt ber. both 7~. pcJora at Abernathy theme wu Viaioas of Welt Mltthew; i 7th srader, is the Junior HiaJa Scbool, won second Texas. lOll of Betty lllld StC\'e Gucr· place honon ia a contest apon· Because ol their 2nd pllce ·rant; Prim, also 7th ~ Ia fOrcd by the Lubbock Arts wins, .Matthe,v and Prim .U the claupter of DoaDa and Daa Peatival. .. • Mike Hushes and Matt .receive S2S aa'riD&s bonds .• . '~"~ley R~ ,tae,.fA 7th=: ia d!e Thoatp100 rccciWd honorable will also read their compo&itioaa · SOil ot Ga~ IIIII Hu&bea; mentions for dloir composidoal, at the award )II'CICntatioll ccte- and w-. aa ala , Ia the . ~,.:_,_and )fan in ~y S~_the 16th_~ PM_.SQD of_Prana.ud. Dan.'l'llomp-

- 'IhC · JIIICii· WCj~fil ihc Llulc Tbeater at~ 10.11. · 7th .~ 9Jh .,ado· Me!uorjal CiVic Center, SpOd,al . .• .

.... CaChcdDc l..liiJpD, ''luthot ... bet to look foi . of ............. ucl ollaer ~ Jewel c-1. ..... will be .. the ~It tile

a few

~the .·. u~t': friclld. or ncipbor to pi~ ttp . m,!y· mail from your box: Post· muter Garcia SJys. "ACCUIIII.I· Wed mail U. a. box is an adn:t· t~mem that the hou.sc: is vaClllit.

'Small rcceptaclea stteh u apai1lllent hou.sc: bolii:S ha~ a limited capacity. Your c:anier wiU r.eliiO'Ve. accul),'lulat~d mail­when the box becomes fuiJ, . and leave a nodee to pick up the mail at tile Post OffiCe.

"We will be: glad to hold your mail at the Post Office for up · to 30 days. Either st.op by the office here, or ask your earrier for a hold mail tard. Be sure to specify the dates which you would like your mail held, fill out the tard, sign it and hand it to a clerk or your carrier a day

muter," 1114)'$ Garcia. "W\\en you rc:t\1111, YO\! c.ail

either. pi~ up _tho QCCtlmulated mail at the iiltiee, or tall and !!Ilk dW it be ddivercd thct .next day. Since there may ·be more mail than will fit in the · bo)r. someone should be available to receiVe it.

"'( you exp«t io be away for mQte thaD 30 ~ys, you should eons.ider a t¢m~aty addteU dwlge. Simply pick up a. change of address order form from the Post Office or your carrier al)d fiU it out eompletely, illdud!Dg the effective date and the date you wi.SI.t to terminate the order.

"1'hi5 5Cl'Viee is eommooly u.sc:d when families travel to vacation homes. It allows them to stay current with bills and correspondence. Again, it 's a good idea to call when you return so that normal delivery will resume.

Workshop Offered By Tourism Division

A one day workshop, "PuttiJ18 All The Pieces Together, • will be _preaeated in Lubbock on Ajlril 18, at tbe Lubboclc Cham­ber of Commerce. Tbe Tourism Dividoa of the Tcx8s Oepart­~ent of Commerce is holding

the workshop for those interest­ed in ~ festivals and succer.s!J fun raiSing cvent.s.

Fabulous Fi_nds

Can't liDd a boa? Hard to wrap gifts? The world's fastC5t gilt wrap is the unique Puff Pac; now available ill assorted ai2e& at Allr.nlltJw Floral &: Gifts, 1312 A~~et~ue b. These are great for birthday, j!faduation, and any other eelebraliOD gifts. ... w.....-. by Lila oll'ers waUpaper aclection, wall prepa· ratioa, padded and fabric willis alld flee eadmates. Lisa Predey .... ~)'UB' tmpCIIicnce ·witb diBntHw'Nmtb lmd<WC5t. Teas, papered tbe famous P..Yrllllid House in ICcrmit and worh with COII!ractors and decorators. Her mollo is "Show me a pidW'e and •'U do it!" c.n her at 298-2266. ...

Once upon a time a number of yeao ......... SCXJtt llarted • ~ . •. curtains, tablcdolhl,

: bcdlpreada, pillows. dust ruJfles, dolla; crodic:t rag ni(IIS•-cven distilled water covers. Now her cwtalns are cverywhete . . . 0«ua, Giheston, Lubbock, Amarillo and Utdeficld. W'ath your approval, ahe will even

I shop for your fabric.. Heads will nod with approval when they see Barbara'a .. ~eationa. Call 2.98-2735. ...

i From the Piney Woods to the f Gulf Coast to the Panhandle,

! fishume.n go rJSbinsr. alshtsccrs eajoy llowcirs, and history bufrs pause at historical signs in

• Teas. • Abc:nuithy Weekly Review has

f'lllliDa Texas. An Angler's Guide by RusseU Tinsley: Wild­

(. .._,. 91 Tmu bY Geyata

f AjiJvsai; 11ac StOf)' of T- in Four Parta by John Edward

, WCCIIIS ~d Don Stone.

Tbe $3S regislration ree includes lunch and a compreben· sive workbook COVeting such topics as organization, budget· ing. insurance requirements and markefin$ special events.

Hosts of the workshop are the Lubbcd CVB, South Plains Association of Governments and Southwestern Public Service Company.

These books are wonderful gifts Cor fishermen, sightseers and blstory buft's of any age and SJeat assessories to the very popular The Roads of Tc::as.

Alice u.sc:d The Roads ol Texas as a "lap book" on a recent trip to Tyler and· other quaint Easl Texas lOWII$. They found places they would have missed Without it. ·

Nd 4 dmmsmcn'· Ne~s:lf.p~r~r ·j,;;~

Kay Caffey and Jemilfer of Bryan spent last week io . the home of J.P; ud ~ Yo~~~~g. Kay was here to help celebrate her mother's 79th birthday.

Happy Birthday

M.M.B. From- ~·

Frontier Jlybrids


USPS OIJJ.340 JAOOUBLYNSMYERS ISSf1~~291 editor-Publisher ·

Assembly Of God Puts New Face On BuQding

The Assembly of God church on the 1-27 east service road is· making major changes in ap­pearan.ce. Workers -bed put·· ting a brick facing on the entire building this week .The play area on the north side of the

building got a new fence re­cently. Students a~ tbe church'& school play there.

"Everyone ia getting .eoneeined about amproving the loob of our town. We just thought 'l(e needed to make our. part of toWn look nicer too and wanted to do our part; said plst!lt Clinton EUiott.

The improvements began the middle of February and will be finished by the end of this month.

Abernathy Fire Fighters Attend Training

by locly Map:&&

Earlier thls month several Abernathy fire lighters went . to the 41st ~ annual Lubbock Fire l"ightcrs Traiuill8 School held at the Lubbock Training Cel)ter. The training was in several different areas of fife fighting, including protective equipment, smoke bouse, ladders and plat­form, hose and nozzle handling, ventilation and forcible entry, power tQ<il and extrication rescue and a fire rotation that includcp house · and •garage fife, transport ,,t.c:U!;k, U'G li!n.k. heater treater and ground level spill.

The training took place over a four-day period. We were train· ed on the proper way to put out a.nd contain a ftre. Overall safety and team work were stressed bceause fire fighting is more than· putting water on the fire. More damage ean be done by water than rue if not done in the proper way. There is a lot to learn on how to put out fues and this training was . a good learning experience. - Not

only did we learn and use tbe techniques -on how to put out a fue, but we also learned to tru.~l our fellow tire-fighters. The main thiJ18 stressed was safety beeause aU fues · are dangerous if tbe fare fighter is not trained properly.

The training was exhausting but very worthwhile. Please support your local rue depart­ment and EMS because only with your help ean we go to

.these schools • ~ntl ·get ·the: ~t possible training: "" ·- "· ~

Galloway, Palacios In Area All-Star Cast

Kristi Galloway aitd Robert Palacios won places U.· the All­Star Cast in area one act play eomr.lition at Boys Jtanch last wee . Both had lead roles in "A DoD's House•, the AHS . play which won distri.ct eompetitioo. Matt Williamson and Mandi Mouser were named tp the cfis.. triCt · All-Star Cast .the week before.

Offer good Friday thru Thursday

1/4 pound hamburger grilled or charbroiled - $.99


Public Invited To Fish Fry

All the fish you tan cat. fried ·-~ J;Jy ~ •. Jrill JlC hosted .next

mooth by the MCI!'a Committee of st. 1Udorc. Catholic Chureb. The fiah £ry will be .Saturday, May 6-•Eiection Dax. The pUblic ts umted. Food will be served from 11 AM lo 2 PM in . the churdt ball atst. Isidore's.

"AU ue . welcome arld we promise some really good fish, • said 1111111 ~a member of the Mea'S' COmmittee.

The ~ . will be. Manuel. "Pro( ~arboza of · Crosbyton

who ia gaining fame in tile area as a c:Ook fOr big · .CVCIIt$. . .Hia fiah will . be a«ompuie4 by Crencll, fries, eoleslaw aDd tea.

Tickets for the fish £ry are S6 each for aduha. SiD&~!: serving tickets foi children are $2 each. The proc:eclds will be used for keeping up the grounds at St. Isidore.

Any member of tbe St. lsldote Men's Collllilittee has tiCkets. Soane of them art Jim RoclriJ gUcz, JUIIII ·Flores. Pete Caiitu and felipe~

Northside Baptist Churc~ . Hosts Spring .ReVival

NorthSide Baptist ·. Church, IOtated at 16th and Ave. E in Abeqlathy, has announced . its S~ring. Revival. The meetings Will be', held Sunday through WediiC5day, April 16-19. Tlie Sunllay schedule indudes IIIOr­Sbip services at 1l AM ;md 6 PM with a "dinqer on the groundS" followill8 the morning worship services. The weekly schedule includes the traditional evening sel\lices which will begin at 7:30 PM, as well. as noon services where free sand­wiches will be served prior to a lime of Bible study and prayer. ' Monroe Teeters is this year's

evangelist. Rev. Teeters has

putored B~Ptlsl Churches ~n West Texas for . over 30 years. He is turrently serving as pastor' of rJ.rSt Baptist 'Ohutcb, Tarzan. He is also the father of Rev. Dennis Teeters of Abernathy,

Robert Smith will lead, in music and praise. Robert is a graduate of AHS and is current· ly a . student at South Plains College in Levelland. He is also serving as Minister of. Music and Youth at rust Baptist Church, Anton.

Pastor Elwin Collom and t~ membership of Northside Baptist

~~~~ooW: ~l~ ~cod a eordi ..

Services For Michael Ortiz

Rosary for Michael Ortiz, 70, of Idalou, formerly of Abet~ nathy, were held April 6, ·ill White Memorial Chapel.

Services for Ortiz were held Friday, April 7, ' in St. Phillip's Catholic 'Church With the Rev. Alden Maguire, pastor, official·

"1urial was in Idalou Cemetery under direction of White Funeral Home.

He died at 6:tS PM Tuesday, Aplil 4, in Lubbock General


Hospital liter a lengthy illness. He. ~ boi'D in Waco, wbete

be attellded . SdiOol, ·aiad .noVed to Idalou in 1962 · &om Aber­nathy, He was a rct!fd farmer and a member of S.C Phillip's Catbo'ic Church. ·

Survivors include a daughter, Rosie Sandoval of ldalou; two sons, Paul and Michael Jr., both of Idalou; a sister; two brothers, Steve and Felix, both of Mexieo; and five SJandchildren.

La.dyLopes The Lady lopes trait teiuli

competed. at &hallowa~er last weekend.~ to the fonowg c(Of . pl!c:ipg 11) tf& meet. · Diseus. Anita Rodriquei-6th; Lons jutnp, rritranz Poj:>e-Sth; Triple · jump, PrisCilla Salinas, 1st; Tiffany Pope-4th; 3200m · tun, Lori Moralez.ist; .400m relay, team of PrisdDa Salinas, Eva Dominguez, Suzy lara, Tiffany Pope·lst; lOOm dash, Suzy Jara·5th; Tiffany Pope-6th; 800m relay, team of Priscilla Salinas, Eva Dominguez, Shannon Peeples, Tiffany Pope-2nd; 400m dash, Brandi Martin-2nd; 1600m run, Alyson Aldridg¢-lst; 1600ni relay, team of Priscilla Salinas, Eva Dominguez, Suzy Jara., Debra Wesley-1st.

The girls did a good job at Shallowater. We bad several girls out for different reasons

Varsity Boys Shallowa.tcr - 4-{8.89

Team totals: Frenship 13S; Abernathy 116; Shallowater 108; Ralls 52; Lorenzo 37; Tahoka 24. 1st Place • High jump, Steve Peeples (6'4"); Long jump, Steve Peeples (23'S", one of the top 5 jumps in the state this ye]; 3200m, Jesse Ruiz (11:21.20 ; BOOm, Vic Vecch!o (2:10.Sl; l600m, Jesse Rmz (4:48.4 ; 1600m relay, team of Terry Norris, Abel Barrera, Gabe Trevino, Steve PeepleS (3:36.62). 2nd Place - 400m, Abel Barrera (54.14); 1600m, Vic Vecchio (5:02.65); 400m relay, team or Terry Norris, Steve Peeples, Gabe Trevino, Abel Barrera (45.84). 3rd Place - Shot put, Alex Garcia (43'0"); Discus, Tony Vecchio (122'3").

Congratulations to our ~ t~ Cor qualifying to ·go to regional. In tennis, &.bel Ortiz in singles, and Jodi Morrison and Ashley Kester qualified for regional. GOod Jude to all or these athletes. M.O.E..

6th Plaee • 110 high hlirdles, Seot Attaway (16.96); 300 Inter. hurdles, Scot Attaway ( 46.69).


Dilllmit • 4-4J8.89

Team placed lOth out of 13. 3rd P1ac:e - Shot put, Cody Shipley (45'1-1/2'). 4tJa Place • 400m relay, team of Seot Norris, James Teague, Alex Salazar, Mike Perez {49.22). 5th Place • 1600m, Bobby Tovar (5.22). 6th Place - 1600m relay, team of Seot Norris, James Teague, Alex · Salazar, Max Rive ria (3.59.97}; Discus, Cody Shipley (102'3"). .


SirlOin for Two • f1.95

FRIDAY NIGHT SPBOAL All the Cadish )1011 c:an eat • $4.95

924 A VENUE D • ABERNA111Y •198-2.988

ltlrlstilllil • .• ,.,. I . .,. ISI,Da.

The Abernathy Elcmc!ltary School will hold a pre·reg~Stra· tion for aU children Who will be enteting kindergarten and the four-year old program for the school year 191J9.90,' on ~ gay. &!til ~ J2S2. Pre-regi~­tratioa will be held in the B1g Room of the Elementary building from l-4PM.

Children registering for the ball day kindergarten program must be five years of age on nr before September 1, 1989, and must brill8 with tbem a birth certificate and up-to-date im­munization record. State law requires that a stude11t have at least three doses of OPT, one after his/her fourth birthday;

three doses of pcilio, one al'tcr hls/her fourth bi{thday; and one each of measles, Rubella, and mumps.

School Menu

MONDAY Breakfast: Orange juice,

peanut butter, toast, milk. Lunch: Pizza, tossed salad.

corn, appl':fu:i>~ y •

. .. ~te;!ld'ast : Apple juice, pan-cakes, syrup, milk. . .. ,

Lunch: Enchilada casserole, tossed salad, pinto beans, corn bread, Storybook cake, mil.k.

WEDNESDAY Breakfast: Pineapple juice,

oatmeal,mil.k. Lunch: Chicken fried

mashed potatoes, pea salad, rolh, brownies, milk.

Children registering for the four-year old program must be four years of age on or berore September 1, 1989. These stu­dents must also have a birth certificate and immunization record. Children may eruoU for the four-year old progJam if they qualify as migrant, idcnt· ilicd as bmited English l!ro­ficient, or if they are elig.ble for free lunches.

AI this time kindergarten age children will be given the developmental screening for placement in kindergarten classes for next year.

Mr. Aldridge, elementary principal, eneourages all new students to kindergarten and the four-year old progJam to take advantage of this ear!y registra· lion.

Please bring your child's social security number with you for pre- registration.

THURSDAY Breakfast: Fruit juice, little

smokics, biscuits, mil.k. Lunch: Taco w/cheese,lettuee,

tomato, pinto beans, Cowboy bread, milk.

FRIDAY Breakfast: ~pple$auee. cin·

namon toast, malk. Lunch: Hambutgers, lettuce,

onions, pickles, french fries, Ranger cookies, milk.

Jr. Wgb _l)_iSJrict Tr~~:ck_ Jt~sults llda Chic Gidl JIART. 4-((t/f1141J •

Team ·~ Olton 151; C5dl l'1ac:o • UO!D ~ higb hurdles, : Abenlatby a9; ~Loc:boy W; Lutrick (21.41); SQOm run; Billy~ Hart 59; i"......U 39; Halo Celller Ri~ (~Ul}i .• ~Wlln nm, . 12. · . J~ D_ anJ<d. ~JI!IJ'C~' (S:49.82)> r

• Disi:us, Edd1e C"IIDlpiOII (90'9");-llt .~ • Hi&h Jump, Holly Hlghjump,Han.cy(4'10"). . . ;: Daw(4'4"). . Other team members; Ch~lle ; 2M l'faco • <100m relay, team of Pie15011, Heath Manney, Mrueos ; = ~ ~ ~ Loper., Gary Hugca, hfatt : (S9.<CS); lOOm h. Elise Tho,mps. oa,. Mike ~aap, carlos; Prather (l8.88); 1600m, Micbclle Casias and Tony Daw. Steele (6:35.s4); Shot put< Rachel 7lb Glade Gm. Waits (rfl{Z'); long jump. Michelle Stcde (14'1/4'). Team t~ FarweU 14'7; ~ 3nll'llll:lc. 100m hurdles, Rachel Abernathy 120-1/2; Hart 87; ~ Waib (19-.(Ji)); 100m clash, Amy · Olton 74-i/Z'; Locbey 60; Hale : CUevas (14.57); 200m dash, Amy Center 42. • Cuevas (30.62)• 1600m telay, lsi; Place - 400m dash, Shirley . telan) of MicheUe Steele, Elise Harp (75.07); 400m telay, team · Prather, Rachel Waits, Deena of Daruta Hood, Diua A&uirrc, : Moralez (4:S7.1S); Discus, Rachel Marilyn Askins, Vicki Steele; · Waits {71'.5-l/2'); Long Jump, 800m relay, team or Prim Ryan, Elise Prather (13'5"); High JUmp, Diana guirrc, Stephanie McBee, : Stacy Thames {4'2"); Triple Daniea Hood (2:05.06). · jump. Lashae Martm (28'5·3/4"). 2Dd Place • 1600111 relay, team · 4111 Plaee • 100m hurdles, Stacy of Prim Ryan, Diana Aguirre, : Thames (19.43); BOOm run, Shirley Harp, Danica Hood . Michelle Steele (2:SS.84); 800m (4:59.22); l..oni. jump, D~ . relay, team of Rachel Waits, Aguirre (13'); High jump, Vicki ~ Elise Prather, Deena Moralez, Steele (4'2•); Triple jump, Prim · Stacy Thames (2.'0S.47). Ryan (26'5-1/4"). : Sda Place • 1600m run, Holly 3nl PlaQ: • lOOm hurdles, Prim Davis (7:03..59); 400m. dash, Ryan (18.74); Triple jump, Diana ; Lashac Martin (75.93); BOOm run, A~irre (2S'3"). · Holly Davis (3:02.29); Triple jump, Deena Moralez (27'10"). 6dl Plaee • 800m run, Crystal Ponce (3:02.81); 400m dash, Stacy Thames (77.96); 1600m run, Crystal Ponce (7:10.55);


Team totals: Olton 227; Lockney 83; Abernathy 67; Farwell 43; Hart 33; Hale Center 22.

2Dd Place • 400m relay, team of Line Lutrick, Dennis Haney, Duggan Barcheers, Ralph Ponce (51.56). :kd Place • 110m high hurdles, Duggan Bareheers (19.13); Pole vault, Barcheers (7'6"); Esteban Lopez (7'6"). "' 4tb Plaee - 800m dash, E. Lopez (2:27.68); 400m dash, Danny Lopez (1:02.31); 300m lnterm. hurdles, Ralph Ponce (47.99); 1600m run, E. Lopez (5:37.34); Shot put, Dennis Haney (39'5· 1/2"); High jump, Line Lutrick (4'10"). Sda Place •, llDm high hurdles, Malt Hettiandcz (19.75); 200m dash, Haney (26.64); Pole vault, Ponce (7'0").



4th Place • 800m rua, Vicki : Steele {2:58.21); 1600m r1111, : Vicki Steele (6:54.38). • 5th Place • 100m hurdles, Sum- • mer Ridett.s (21.66); 800m run, .. Stephanie McBee (2:58.44); Long ~ jump, Prim Ryan (12'6-1/2"). 6tll Place • 1uom Clasb, MariJYn·: Askins (1632); 200m dash, Summer Ricketts (33.31); 1600m, Melinda Smitherman (7:54.27); High jump, Shirley Harp (3'6").

7lb Grade Boys

Team totals; Hale Center 147; Lockney 102; Hart 101; Olton 65; Farwcll47; Abernathy 33.

bl Place • 110m high hurdles, Brian Martin (20.25). 4th Plaa: • 400m relay, team of David Carver, J.C. Garcia, Brian Martin, Jeremy Mansanales (53.65); 1600m relay, team of Carver, Garcia, Martin, Tad Overstreet (4:29.12). Sth Place - ;200m dash, Man­sanaiCS; ••(27.27);, .. 16QOm ,. run, Garci.a (5:40$0); ·Pe!O.Voult,·'Jlad Overstreet (6'0"). ·, 6th Place . 1600m run, Chris Lambert (6:03.66).

Oiber team members; Larry Stephenson, Roy DeAnda, Peeos Shafer, Johnny Titsworth, Mar· eos Villegas, Kraig Durrett, Michael Attaway, and Orlando Salinas.

$9.99 Blooming' ~-~Hanging Baskets WE SPEOAUZE IN




J & J Garden Mart North University & FM 1294 (next to The Co11ntry Depot)

Mark Beck 298-4235

Forallyout concrete needs!

Patios,.Sidewalb, Driveways, and CeiJus

Eel J'ohnson 839-2952




lf.l.lblowa'tqcoc.y faca.~t J1tariaa1 dais teSJJoo.. tbe SC:oare bas already appCOI/ed his coolioucd CA!PloYit!CIU. aiiCI the House Is

. lQrdy 10 do tile .... 1'be JIIIITOD alrot cJ farmin&

peOple, Willie NcJ1011, pve PIO- -HiJbiO!Wer ..UIIID!IY to the Hoose PIIDd !at wc:ct, as did · former ~Barbara Jardm.

But Oov. Bitl Clelllt.IUJ lw the power 10 veto tbe IWlset bill

, if it doem't ue Hlehto¥oer, and ly lyM.II Wll!.ms be basn 't committed. Clements

lecAS PllESS ~IAnON m:: ::::: =: imagine if Hightower were tealalatcd out d bia job. 'Ibell try 10 estimate

AUmN-Those who seek 10 rid the ~ with wbkh be would tbe&melves d AarfCQJrure Com· rush c1ow11 to party headquarters lllissiooer Jim Hlabtower by abol· mel scribble his check to file for isblq bil elcctlw: office sboold anotbct office. tad 1 paae in m:ent lcslslatiw: Yes, an office more wwerful hiaoy. . than 11 commissioner and one be

Tbc ploy doesn't always 'Mlfk. might win without tbe sympathy 1Urn 10 the cbllpter titled, "'The 1o\lle. ~Best lem: the yellow dog

We d lim Matm •, llld n:all alone, • one observer quipped last ihal redistricting conservatives iD week . the Legislai\IJC sought to end his PUC Heat 1\Jrned On Ubenl political career by shred· Some leftist consumer ad 'lOCates dinl tbc: congressional diStrict he iD Austin thought tbc: last thing ba4 beld for yean. they would see under Clements

It eoded bls days In Congress. was a pro-consumer Public Utility But, be rode tbe sympathy back· Commission. lash all tbc: way up to tbc: AI- Now the PUC is talcing all t0f11CY Geoeral's office, and. be's kinds d political beat for deciding been alving tbem bell e\'Cr smce. 10 refund $128 ntillion in ta~

lblltlcal Creature 0111:rcltarges to customers of GTE The conservative farm and Soutbwest.

ranch leaden who seek to make tbe PUC nailed GTE for al­Hlabtower defunct by making hi~ k:gedly clwging customers for of&e appointiw: are not likely to wc:s it new:r forwarded to state succeed. But if they do, tbey likely and federal goYemmcnts and or­will • Higblower aaain in the dered refunds dating back to Jan. future. He it as political a creature: I, 1987. as anybody around today. The decision beld that Texas

Wbo knows? Someday it might replaced gross receipts taxes with be Gov. Hightower appointing sales taxes and GTE continued tbe aew agrlculi\IJC c:omrnlssioner. U> cltarge ratepayers for both sets 10111e011e wbo would be farther left d taxes and pocketed tbe gross ihan the editor d Mothn loMs ftl<:elpts taxes. magazine:. Clements, Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby

and Speaker Gib Lewis said a

Weather by Deenag' special session d the Legislature may be needed to oYerhaul tbe


4-7 4-8 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13

83 46 11!1 49 S7 30 so 30 6C 33 so 40 .D1


PUC and they will name a special team to investigate the commission.

Meanwhile, rwo Clements' ap­pointees to the tbree-member com­mission face collfirmatioo hur­ings in. the Senate amid the im· plied political threats, and con­sumer leaders accuse GTE d wag-ing leglslatiw: warfare to ovc:rrum the decision.

The resolution passed easily on a 'JOice YOte, but only after •ts sponsor. Sen. Eddie Bernice John­son d .Dal.las ,s,ll;lppeli •• w~ •. she called_ a .~110\\-:SCMib!e:.., ~~~d­ment by Victoria Sen. Ken Arm­brister, on a 16-15 YOtc:.

A1111bristct'i ~ "IIICUid anow ICboOI dlstdctiiD cboo!le 1101 to teld! a educatkJD IDd t1001c1 lla¥estricl'ena P~g in(llnllltlon 011 ~""'· •

The \011: WM l~•IS 0111 motioo to table 11\C llllelldllloeot bC~Qie· Hobby 1o\l!Cd to table it. .

IUI'J Trtal Retained Sell. Bob- GlasJa. !at wc:et

unveiled bit compromile 'IIOtbn' compensation bill. His reform pacltlge retains tbe rlabt 10 a jury trial and puts toupc:r safety requiremenll on busineues.

The proposal retains many · cJ tbe cllanges In beoefits already approved by the Hou,se.

Glasgow's measure will be presented as a complete substlrute for a bill by Rep. llicbanl Smith. R·BI)IIIl. .

Othw Hlghllgb&l • Ctwttli Allen, the wildlife

dlftl<:tor d tbc: PaJts and Wildlife Commission, facing cbllrges d illeaal antelope trapping, was fired last week.

• The Texas Racing Commis­sion approved its first pari-mutuel license to G; Rotlie Wblte Downs iD Brady, and quickly approved otbc:r llcc:nsea for Bandera D.owns near San Antonio and · Trinity Meadows near Fon Worth:

M)'dlal MUII'8)' (at right)



EDITOR'S NOTE: Information about each candidate will be " featured each week as it be­comes availa~l~ •

Pat Tuman is a driver for TNM&O Coaches. He is a native of Dallas, graduated of courses in computers from the National Radio Institute and iD written communications from UCLA. He 10\ic:s sports and is an avid camper.

He and his wife Pam have three boys: David, 13; Michael, 11; and T.C., 6. They have lived in the school district six years.

Pam was the founder of the Young Lions Booster Club. Both spend lots of time supporting activities of New Deal students.

."My biggest concern is that the average person have more input into the operation of the school system;• ~i~ Pat.

Swim Team Places Karl Rieken is an electrician with Lubbock Electric Company.

The swim team · of which He and his wife Sheryl have two Mycbal Murray is a member children: Kristi, a 6th grader, placed lOth out of 24 entered in and Kasey, in 3rd grade. the free relay at the state Karl is a native: of New Deal TAGS (Texas Age Group Swim- and graduate of New Deal High mers) meet in Austin last week. School. He is a trustee of New They placed 17 out. of 24 in the Deal United Methodist Church medley relay. and enjoys helping with Little

Mychal is the grandson of Joe Dribblers, Little League and 4-and Ruby Thompson and a for- H Club. mer resident of Abernathy. His "I am concerned for the mother Jane Murray said the growth of our school; said Karl, team will begin working now on about why he is running for Long Course swimming to pre- office. "I want to see our youth ~a:e r?r another state compc:- becoming the future leaders of t't10n 10 1.411811¥· Short Course " '"t~morrow' •tbrough'' the uhlJthest 5'Nimming, which ended witb last quality of education possible~ · week's competition, runs Sc:p· • • • tember through April. CHRIS REfCHLE AND VERLIN

ANGLIN NEXT WEEK. Farm Bureau Insurance


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MI CASAGRANDE 2 meat or cheese enchiladas, 1 taco - $2.95


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Compare the all-new Case · IH MAGNUM Tractors with the current Deere line. New 505-cubic-inch engines In the MAGNUM Tractors offer over 8% more displacement than Deere's 466. MAGNUM Trsctor engines are all-new and give you the cost­efficient power modern farming demands.

You get 20% more work­ing speeds - 18 in-line, no-clutch, full powershift speeds with the new MAGNUM Tractors­against only 15 with the Deere powershilt. An.d the 18-sPeed transmlssi(in is Slandard on all MAGNUM

'New Oeal News



To the Registered Voters of New Deal, Tcus.

Noti~X: is he.reby gi_ven_ that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on May 6, 1989, for voting iD a general election.

A.bseutee ·vociag by personal appearance will be conducted cadi weekday at Northrup King, 403 South Monroe, New Deal, Texas between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM beginning on April17, !989 and ending on May 2, 1989.

Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Sherlyn Brunson or Yvonne Reyna, P.O. Box 189, New Deal, Texas 79350. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 28. .

Issued this the 27th day of February, 1989.

Mayor Teny Martin


A los YlltaJitca n:gistraclol del New Deal, Tcus.

Notifiqucse, por las presente, que las casillas clectorales sitados abajo se abriran desde las 7:00 AM basta las 7:00 PM el 6 de Mayo de 1989 para votar en Ia Elcccion para City of New Deal.

La VotKioo co ausencia en persona se llevara a cabo de Junes a viernes en Nonhrup King, 403 South Monroe, New Deal, Texas entre las 8:00 de Ia manallll y las 4:00 de Ia tarde empezando el Aprill7, 1989 y terminando c:l Mayo 2, 1989.

Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran c:n ausencia por correo deberan c:nviarse a Sherlyn Brunson or Yvonne Re)lllll, P.O. Box 189, New Deal, Texas 79350. Las solicitudes par.a boletas que se votaran en ausencia. por COf!C:O deberan rea· birse para el fm de Ia!; horas de negooo c:l Abnl28.

Emit\i\1\5~4· 27t}l,AA Yrbruary, 1~.' •· "

AJcaJde Tc:ny Martin

See 17% more. Feel 100% better. Compare a · MAGNUM ll'actor's 48 square feet of tinted glass to Deere's 41. Compare the Case lH floor-to-ceiling front glass, one-piece side picture windOw, wide rear window, and the unique ; sloping (and uncluttered} . ~ for optl_mun\ visibility.

Ask us abOut these tour new Case IH 11'actors, 130 to 195 PTO hp. MAGNUM ll'actor~~ __,. tractors that will do more for you_.

Tbank xou for all the ltindness, ~ tad COI!Qim you exprc:ssc:d durin& our time or sorrow at the loss of our mother. Yoor .,_ and fric:pd$hip are greatly ~ed. .

ne .Pamn,r~ YIIOIICIItc (NOn.) Ouda

( ForSale )

VENDING MACHJN13S 12 eandy and gum vending IDI· chines. Make: offer. Also 55 gallon trash barrels. CaU 747-7850.(1tp)

1!l8S OIEVROLBT IMPAlA extra dean, excellent condition, $4,300. Before 6:00 PM, 298-2S2L After 6:00 &: on '!vc:ekcnds. 2!)8.:2ti68.(15-2tp-16)

SMAlL ENGINE REPAIR Lawn mowers, roto-tillers, chain saws, riding mowers. Also have engines & mowers for sale. 1210 4th Street, 298-2101. All work guaranteed.(14-2tp-15)

( Re~) a.eAN RUGS lJICE NEW '

So easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sbampooer for $1. Slnm Department Store.(rts)

SEE RINSE N VAC the incredible new p<>rtablc steam-type carpet cleanmg sys· tem .. It does the job of profes· sional carpet cleaners at a frac· tiDn of the cost. Rent one now at Slnm'a i>eputmeat Store,


most brands Of TV's and refri-. gerators. Service on all Whirl­

pool appliancea. Newton Radio&: l'V, 306 MaiD Street, 298-2338. (rts) .

A'l'1EN110N J11RST TIME HOME B\JYBRSll to 3 bedroom mobile homea. No credit ex­~ llCCded. We deliwr. CaU ~7212.(14-4to-17)

REJIOS 2 and 3 bedroom mobile homes. No credit experience needed. We deliver. CaU ~187. (14-4to-17)


Home for sale: by owner, three bedrooms, two baths. 1.96 acres, barn, out of city . limits. Call 296-63$1, 293-2304, or 298-2650 alter 4:30. Reduced from $45,000 to$39,000.


NURsERY HELP NEEDED Sunday morniligs and special ewnts. Salary . negotiable. rust United Methodist Cburdi. Call 298-2581.(14-4tp-17)

IMMEDIATE OPENING to provide Jive-in care for elderly. Good pay. Call793-1934. (14·2tc-15)

SECRETARY NEEDED Call Hubbard Insurance, 298-2529.(15-2tc-16)

Deadline For News and Ads ··

Tuesdal'S - 4 PM


Applications for transfer of students into the: Abernathy Independent School District. for the 1989-90 school year, should be completed by April 28th, 1989. These forms arc: in the superintendent's office. Parents should come by during the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Apply· ing for transfer does not insure the transfer will be approved by the T~ Education Agency.

C & G Builders

&S:tes 298-2086.

BLUB IlEBLER PUPPY 1oet last week. vicinit)' or a 4th. 4 month old female -riDs blue coUat wi'tb sequins. Dcli­nitdy 'ftllt bMl. Please Cllll 298-2071 after 6.(ltp)

COUPLBNEEDS~ in Abernathy to rent.. y be. in 10Wil or out. Must be ~ble in June. Call 1106.83 or

· 839·2312.(111) I

WANTED Preachoolers &: school ap dilldren to swim, roUer $kate. JO to movies &: picnics. ~ DID. fwl. Clwtie Brun Lcantill

• ():ntc:r, 298-215L(l4-31c-16}


Notice is hereby givell that a City Officers' Election wiJJ · be held on the 6lh day ol May, 1989 in the above named cit)' for the purpose of elediog the foUowing officers for said city: One (1) Mayor and tVIO (2) Aldermen. Said election will be held at the Abernathy Community Center Building at 811 Avenue D.

The polls will be open from 7:00 ·o'clock AM to 7:00 o'clock PM.

The abeentee voting for the above election shall be held at the Abernathy City Hall Building, and the place or absentee voting shall remain open for ar least eight hours on each day of ~bsentee voting wbich is not a Saturday, Sunday or an official State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continu­in' lhrough the 4th d~ preceding the date of said election.

~ :.!.~ ~M~:rs;:·cl=~pen between the hours or

Dated this the 24th day of February 1989.



Por lo presentc: se notifies de Ia proxima cleecion en cl b de mayo, 1989, eo Ia mcneionada civdad arriba a fin de eleglr: Uno (1) alcalde y dos (2) concejalc:s. La Elcccion mc:ncionada sc lle\'llfll acabo en el edilicio de la comnidad central de: Abernathy, Texas, en Ia aw:nida D. numero 811.

J.u .umas electorales- seran abiertas desde las 7 AM basta las 7PM.

Para los votantes ausentes se llcvaran aCllbo en cl edificio de Ia casa . municipa~ e c:ste Iugar permancera abic:rto por ocho (8) boras (lo mc:oos) excepto: sabados y domingos o dias lestivos ofiaales empesando en el vigesimo dia y continuando bast cl cuarto dia prc:cedicndo Ia fccha de cleccioo.

El Jugar citado para votar permancera abierto desdc: las 8 AM basta las S PM. ·

Fecha de este w:iote y quatro dia de febrero 1989.



2 bee. for 2 ch. eese ··. - ~ .. . :, -enchiladas $3.00 · ., with beans and ric:e plus tax { , . ,

: VECCHIO; .. " . ~ .' 303 Avenue D · 298-2874

AAA Body Works -Free Estimates-

317 Main 298-4078 Quality & Paint Works

• Nothing runs like a Deere

JOE THOMPSON IMPLEMENT Abernathy 105 Ave. D Lubbock · 298-2541 Abernathy, Texas 762-1038

House Painting Interior-Exterior Quality Work


Solon & Wanda Wilkins sm sch St. 298-2339


The Abernathy Independent School District Board of Trustees hereby giw:s notice of an election to be held May 6, 1989. for the: purpose: of c:lectiDg one trustc:c: cadi for positions desig­nated as Place 1 and Place 3. .. Por Ia prcseote Ia junta de regc:ntc:s del distrlto independieato da aviso que se Uevara a cabo~~;~~~~~-:: ~~~~~~~~~~~ei~::~~~=L:~:~ .. ~j~:~~;~~ Posicion 1 y Posicion 3.

ABSENTEE VOTING by personal appearance wiU begin on Monday, April 17th, and continue through Tuesday, May 2nd from 8 AM to 5 PM on each day whidt is not a Saturday, Sunday or an official state holiday.

VOTACION POR AUSENCIA en persona comcncera cllunc:s 17 de Abril y continuara basta cl Maries 2 de Mayo 1989 desdc las 8 AM basta las 5 PM en toclos los dias que: no sean saba­do, domingo, o dia oficial de vacaciones estatales.

Absentc:c: voting in person will be conducted at Abernathy Cit)' Hall, Abernathy, Texas. Applications for absentee ballots by mail should be mailed to Abernathy t.S.D., Absentee Clerk, Abernathy City Hall, Abernathy, Texas 79311.

Votando por ausc:ncia personal va a ser conducido en Aberna· thy City Hall. Solicitudes para una boleta de ausencia por corrc:o debcn dar vuelta por corrcro al Abernathy lSD, Absen­tee: Clerk, Abernathy City Halol, Abernathy, Texa.~ 79311.

THE POWNO PlACE designated below will be open from 7 ~ to 7 PM on the day of the election.

LOS smos DE VOTAC:fON iDdlcados abajo se abriran desdc las 7 AM to 7 PM el dia de Ia eleccion.

Abc:rnatbyi.S.D~ Abernathy City Hall '

ST.ISIDORI! OIUROi South A .. auc D 29fWl8'n Suaday9:GOAM Tltunday7:00PM FridlyllllOAM Soturday7:00 PM

IISSI!MIIl.Y OF GOD 1404A .. oucB 298-2060 Stlllday Sdlool9:4$ AM Wondilp l0:4S·AM ·

~~ ..... 7:00 Rev. a Mil. Cllaloa Elllolt

I'RJMER.ntfiSSION IL\UI'ISTA 1112 Jerome St. 298-1613 S~nday S<hooi9'A5 AM Wonlllpii:OOAM Ew:nioaTrainioa 6:00

~=or:~~p~ R!MrcnciO.O.Fic!res

Ml!11tODISTCHUROI NewDelt Sund,y SeMcea !I AM Sunday Sehool JO AM ~Frank fl8bblo

J6e Thompson Implement. · Abematby Farmers co-op Gin ~ S~v~~IJDJiem•t ~- ____ ~~Op_GraiaCoJPIN'DY Abe~U..., Medkal Olbdc Pay·N·Save

Fitti Diapers

4•• fiOZ. $218 lOX

~oz.~229 lOX


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