स्वास्स्िक पस्लिक स्कूि...treatment for toothache and its...


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Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

स्वास्स्िक पस्लिक स्कूि


ववषय– ह िंदी कक्षा – 7

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

प्रश्न1. रयक्त स्थानों की ऩूर्त ि कीजजए I 10

1. आजकर हवा भें ________ नह ीं होती I 2. ऩानी को र्नभिर औय ________ यहन ेदो I 3. हभें सदैव _______ वचन फोरन ेचाहहए I 4. हभें अऩनी _________ के अनुसाय ह कामि कयना चाहहए I 5. ववद्माधन ________ के बफना नह ीं मभरता I

प्रश्न2. र्नम्नमरखित प्रश्नों के उत्तय मरिो I 10

1. ऩानी से रोगों को क्मा मिकामत ेथी ? 2. हवा की फात सुनकय भहायाज ने रोगों को क्मा हहदामत द ? 3. हभ जर प्रदषूण को कैसे योक सकत ेहैं ? 4. क्मा भूिि व्मजक्त फुविभान फन सकता है ? 5. ववद्मा कैसे प्राप्त की जा सकती हैं ?

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

प्रश्न 3. र्नम्नमरखित दोहे के अथि मरिो I 10

1. ‘भधयु वचन तै जात मभट उत्तभ जन अमबमान

तर्नक सीत जर सौ मभटे, जैसे दधू उपान’

2. “कयत - कयत अभ्मास के जड़भर्त होत सुजान

यसय आवत जात त,े मसर ऩय ऩयत र्निान”

प्रश्न 4. तोत ेऩाींव ऩसारयए जेती रींफी सौय, ववषम ऩय एक अनुच्छेद मरिो। 10

प्रश्न 5. र्नम्नमरखित िब्दों के अथि मरिकय वाक्म फनाओ। 10

क. कीं चन ख. भुजश्कर ग. भाहौर घ. मिकाय ङ. जोहड़

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

स्वास्स्िक ऩस्लऱक स्कूऱ



कऺा – 7

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

प्रश्न1 ननम्नलऱखिि शलदों के अर्थ लऱिो I 5

1. त ् 2. एत नन 3.ऩश्रम ् 4.कन्दकु नन 5.क नन

प्रश्न2. एि ेऔर ि ेका प्रयोग करिे हुए ऩांच वाक्य संस्कृि में बनाइए I 10

प्रश्न3. धािुनाम उचचि रूऩेण ररक्ि स्र्ाननन ऩूरयि - 10

1. शशको ________ I (ध व)् 2. सैननक : देश _______ I (रऺ) 3. त नन ममत्र णि _______ I (भ्रम) 4. क न्य ऩत्र ______ I (मऱख)् 5. युव म ्पऱॊ ______ I (ख द्)

प्रश्न4. धािुरूऩाखण अर् ै: सह मेऱयि - 5

1. ध वत् (वह) हॊसत है 2. रव दन्न्त (वे दो) फोऱत ेहैं 3. भ्रमन्न्त (वे दो) दौड़ते हैं

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

4. हॉसनत (वे सफ) ख त ेहैं 5. वदत (वे सफ) घूमत ेहैं

प्रश्न5. (गम)् धािु के िीनों वचनों में ऱट् ऱकार रूऩ लऱिो । 10

प्रश्न6. सवथनाम की ऩररभाषा लऱिो और उदाहरण भी दो I 5

प्रश्न7. एिि सवथनाम के िीनो लऱगंो स ेसंबंचधि चचत्र चचऩकाए और उनके लऱए प्रयुक्ि होन ेवाऱे संस्कृि सवथनाम शलदों के नाम लऱखिए । 5

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Swastik Public School AUGUST ASSIGNMENT

Subject – ENGLISH

Class – 7th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Section A

Reading section

Ques.1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. 5

Indians are known to like their food hot and spicy. Photo imaging of food without

spice is rather unimaginable, isn't it? They say wherever you find an Indian,

chances are you will find a range of aromatic spices. But along with the taste that

spices provide, they also have several Medicinal benefit as well.spices have been

used for centuries for their medicinal quality and researches continue to study

their healing qualities.

Chilli powder relieves painful joint. Research showed that capaicin, found in chilli

peppers, and an anti-inflammatory effect, which may help ease arthritic swelling

and pain .cinnamon protect against diabetes and heart disease.a study has

discovered that about half a teaspoon of cinnamon lower blood glucose and

cholesterol. Garlic improve your heart health. Its consumption can lower your

cholesterol and triglyceride level by an average of 10 %. Clove oil is well known

treatment for toothache and its antiseptic properties make it an in arthritis. It is a

warming spice, which can help to reduce congestion and stimulate

digestion.Ginger contain antioxidant and can help protect against diseases.it is

also known as an excellent treatment for nausea.

1. What are spices used for ?

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2. What substance of chilli help to is arthritic swelling and pains ?

3. Which spice is called warming spice. why ?

4. What are the benefit of consumption of cinnamon ?

5. Give a suitable title of the passage.

Section B

Writing Section

Ques.1 Write a story with the beginning given below. 5

Varun was sure he was being followed. He kept looking back over his shoulder.

In the darkness, he could barely make out.....,..


Write a story giving the moral "Honesty is the best policy".

Section C

Vocabulary Section

Ques.1 Write the antonym of the following: 2.5

1. Failure 2. Giant 3. Joy 4. Import

5. Servant

Ques.2 Write the synonyms of: 2.5

1. Custom 2. Keep 3. Fight 4. Excellent 5. Blame

Ques. 3 Write one word for : 2.5

1. That can be changed.

2. That cannot be conquered.

3. A person who worship many gods.

4. Science of properties of matter and energy.

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5. Art of handwriting.

Ques.4 Write the meaning of the following idioms. 2.5

1. Eye to eye

2. Fair and Square

3. French leave

4. To follow suit

5. Fallout

Section D

Grammar Section

Ques.1 Define adjective with suitable example also write the names of its kind.


Ques.2 Rewrite the sentence by correcting the order of the adjective. 2.5

1. Sandra _______ (old/ gold/ round) ring is lost.

2. It was a ______ (warm /shiny/ lovely) day.

3. He seem to be a _________ (young/ tall/ strong) man.

4. I 've had a _____ (long /terrible/ depressing) dream.

5. Everybody here has a _________ (triangular/ small/ white) badge.

Ques.3 Change the degree of adjectives in the following sentences as directed.


1. Telling the truth is far better than lying. ( Positive)

2. Wheat is more nutritious then rice . (Superlative)

3. You always seem to be then I am. (Positive)

4. Nobody in the family it as fast as my younger sister. (Comparative)

5. Some people have more wealth than wisdom. (Positive)

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Ques.4 Underline the adjective and tell Which noun do they belong to. 2.5

1. The cat not drink any milk.

2. English is a difficult language.

3. Whose mobile did you bring?

4. This book is yours and that is mine.

5. My brother got the fourth rank in class.

Section E

Literature Section

Ques.1 Write the meanings. 3

1. Reverle 2. Preoccupied 3. Bizarre 4. Solitary

5. Chaunt 6. Planitive numbers.

Ques.2 Answer the following question any five. 5

1. What was the reaper doing when the speaker first saw her?

2. Why is the speaker not sure about the theme of the song! what are the

alternative he suggest?

3. How did the Tripura Babu gets surapati agree to his request?

4. Compare and contrast surapati and ambitiousness Tripura Babu' s.

5. Describe the character MaoshaSan with reference to the chapter "A

farmer's Greatest Treasure"

6. Why does the speaker seen ine sure whether he want to stay or move on.

Ques.3 Read the extract given below and then answer the question. 8

1. I listened motionless and still

And, as I mounted up the hill

The music is my heart I bore

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Long after it was heard no more.

a. How did the speaker feel as he walked away from the scene ?

b. Did the song affect the narrator greatly ?

2. “Will you now agree to my proposal”.

a. Who is the speaker ? What was his proposal ?

b. Why had the listener not argued to the proposal initially ?

c. Did the listener change his mind ?

3. ‘Oh, what a feast there will be tonight’

a. Who said these words ?

b. Why did the speaker think that there will be feast ?

c. Describe the speaker state of mind by saying these words.

Ques.3 Re-arrange the words to make meaningful sentences. 4

1. You/do/if/ well/ examination/ you / study / hard.

2. You/drink/ warm / water/ if / everyday / you / feel / fresh.

3. You / play / computer games/ if / at night / your / eyes / hurt.

4. You / eat lot of / if / your / stomach / hurt.

Ques.4 Fill in the blanks 1.5

1. Moasha was extremely _________ to see his only child grow weak and thin


2. Will no one tell me what he sings, perhaps the ________ flow.

3. Surapati took the pack of cards and realised that his finger were ________.

Ques. 5 Write (T) for the true statement and (F) for the false one. 1.5

1. Anil was Tripura Babu assistant.

2. The girl was cutting grains in the field.

3. Just when the wheat was re opening, it the rain heavily.





Ques.1 Write in expanded form. 6

a. 56.56 b. 23.984

c. 0.004 d. 9.78

e. 39.4686 f. 8.045

Ques.2 Express as a fraction in simple form. 4

a. 9.08 c. 2.076

b. 0.017 d.6.008

Ques.3 Find the sum of. 4

a. 31.826 + 3.471 + 0.004 + 0.6 b. 72.9 + 2.3788 + 35.47

Ques.4 Subtract. 4

a. 890.89 – 8.9 b. 23 – 12.8765

Ques.5 Find the value of. 6

a. 0.132 ÷ 6 c.1.245 ÷ 15 e. 0.837 ÷ 9

b. 69.531 ÷ 11 d.0.0125 ÷ 5 f. 20.4 ÷ 600

Ques.6 Divide: 6

a. 16 ÷ 0.0004 b. 0.377 ÷ 2.9 c.1 ÷ 0.0064

Ques.7 Convert : 6

a. 3km = ____m b. 478cm = ___m

c. 3mm = ___m d. 3.59g = ___mg

e. 4000g = ___kg f. 4hg = ____g

Ques.8 Find in cm, the height of a pile of 15 book if each is 2cm 3mm thick.


Ques.9 A racing car travels 425m in 10 sec; express this speed in km per hour. 5

Ques.10 A pile of 160 sheets is 6.08cm high. Find in mm the thickness of one



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Swastik Public School AUGUST ASSIGNMENT

Subject – SCIENCE

Class – 7th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1Choose the correct option for each of the following . 5

1. Browning of fruit is an example of

a. Physical change c. chemical change

b. both of these d. none of these

2. Which of the following is not a chemical change

a. Inflating balloon c. Burning candle

b. Heating sugar d.Rusting of iron

3. Which of the following is not an organic acid.

a. Malic acid c. Lactic acid

b. Nitric acid d. Acetic acid

4. A salt is formed when

a. Acid react with water

b. Acid react with bases

c. Bases react with water

d. Acid or bases react with oxygen

5. Iron forms rust when it react with

a. Hydrogen and oxygen

b. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen

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c. Oxygen and moisture water

d. Water and carbon dioxide

Ques.2 Fill in the blanks 5

a. The number of atoms that make up a molecule of an element is called


b. The chemical substances that participate in a chemical reaction are called


c. Nitric acid is an example of ____________.

d. Potassium hydroxide is an example of _____________.

e. Salt obtained from seawater can be purified by the process of __________.

Ques.3 State whether the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ) 5

1. The atom of most of the element exist independently. ( )

2. Rust is another form of iron. ( )

3. Acid are highly corrosive in nature. ( )

4. The pH value of 7 indicate a substance is neutral. ( )

5. Ammonium hydroxide is present in most cleaning agents. ( )

Ques.5 Define the following . 8

1.Valency 2. Crystallization 3. Acid 4. Alkalis

5. Indicator

Ques.6 Match the following. 5

a. Citric acid potassium hydroxide

b. Nitric acid chemical change

c. Copper hydroxide A mineral acid

d. potash Found in orange

e. Browing of food A weak base

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Ques.7 Name the substance that cause soap to have a slippery feel and bitter

taste. 1

Ques. 8 Write the two characteristics of chemical change. 2

Ques.9 How are compounds different from mixture ? 2

Ques.10 What are universal indicators and what are their uses ? 3

Ques.11 What are differences between atoms and molecules ? 4

Ques.12 Distinguish between strong and weak bases. 4

Ques.13 What is the chemical symbol and what are the picture of the modern

method of representing element ? 6

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Swastik Public School AUGUST ASSIGNMENT

Subject – S.St

Class – 7th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Define these words. 8

1. Colony

2. Republic

3. Sovereign

4. Indulekha

5. Museum

6. Adult franchise

7. Secularism

8. Amendment

Ques.2 Fill in the blanks. 5

1. James mill categories Indian history into ____ broad period.

2. Modern period began in Europe around ____ century CE.

3. Socialist means free from all form of _____.

4. A secular state treat all equally ____.

5. Most of the part of the Indian subcontinent were ruled by the British for

nearly _____ years.

Ques.3 Who is dictator?

Ques.4 List the key feature of democracy.

Ques.5 List any four constitution Monarchies.

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Ques.6 How are travelogue an important literary ?

Ques.7 Why are inscriptions and coined useful historians ?

Ques.8 What is communism name any two of government in the world today?

Quesw.9 Differentiate between archaeological and literary sources of


Ques.10 Fill in the blanks. 5

1. Leaders of a democracy are answer to the ____.

2. Sufi philosophy preaches _____ among men.

3. USA and France have ______ democracy

4. The form of government where a king rule is known as _____

5. The study of old inscriptions is known as _______

Ques.11 Write a short note on. 5

1. Discuss the monarchy form of government.


Write a short note on the chronicle of mediaeval India.

Ques.12 Match the column. 5

1. Tughlunama Kalyan

2. Rajatarangini Beruni

3. Prithviraj-Rao Amir Khusrau

4. Kitab-al-Hindi Abul Fazl

5. Akbarnama Chand bardai
