A Wireless Microsytem of Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring


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A Wireless-Implantable Microsystem forContinuous Blood Glucose Monitoring

Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadi, Member, IEEE, and Graham A. Jullien, Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—A remotely powered implantable microsystem forcontinuous blood glucose monitoring is presented. The mi-crosystem consists of a microfabricated glucose biosensor flip-chipbonded to a transponder chip. The transponder chip is inductivelypowered by an external reader with a 13.56-MHz carrier. It thenmeasures the output signal of the glucose biosensor and transmitsthe measured data back to the external reader using load-shiftkeying (LSK). The microsystem has a volume of 32 mm�. Theprocedures for the microfabrication of the glucose sensor and theassembly of the microsystem are described along with the descrip-tion of the circuit blocks of the transponder chip. The transponderchip has been fabricated with the TSMC 0.18- m CMOS processand has a total area of 1.3 1.3 mm�. The chip can measurethe sensor output current ranging from 1 nA to 1 A with lessthan 0.3% nonlinearity error, provided that the amplitude of thereceived RF signal is higher than 2.6 V; the circuit consumes atotal current of about 110 A.

Index Terms—Amperometric sensor, glucose, implantable,implantable microsystem, microsystem, potentiostat, telemetry,transponder chip, wireless.


C ONTINUOUS blood glucose monitoring can help to sig-nificantly reduce (between 40% to 75%) the symptoms

associated with diabetes [1]–[3]. Currently, a few continuousblood glucose monitoring systems are commercially availablewhich can continuously monitor the blood glucose level up toonly a few days [4], [5]. A very promising approach to long-termcontinuous glucose monitoring is to implant a glucose sensoralong with an electronic instrument, required for data measure-ment and communication, in the human body and measure theglucose level continuously. The sensor can be implanted just un-derneath the skin and be in contact with capillary blood or eveninterstitial fluid [6].

Most of the published works [7]–[15] that have employed theaforementioned idea suffer from some problems. First, the pre-

Manuscript received August 10, 2008; revised January 18, 2009. Current ver-sion published May 22, 2009. This work was supported in part by iCORE (Al-berta), in part by Micronet R&D, and by NSERC. Personal use of this material ispermitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes mustbe obtained from the IEEE by sending an e-mail to pubs-permissions@ieee.org.This paper was recommended by Associate Editor P. Mohseni.

M. M. Ahmadi was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neeering, University of Calgary, Calgery, AB T2N 1N4, Camada. He is nowwith Sound Design Technologies Ltd., Burlington, ON L7L 5P5 (e-mail: mmah-madi@ieee.org).

G. A. Jullien is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada (e-mail: jullien@atips.ca).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBCAS.2009.2016844

Fig. 1. Conceptual design of the proposed microsystem for continuous bloodglucose monitoring.

viously presented implantable units have relatively large sizesprimarily due to the construction of the implantable device usingdiscrete electronic components assembled on medium-size cir-cuit boards; and second, due to using a battery for powering theimplant. The size of the implant plays a key role in the successof the monitoring system [14]. A smaller implant can be moreeasily packaged and be simply implanted via outpatient surgery.It also provides more comfort for the patient and more optionsfor the implantation site. However, the most important advan-tage of a smaller implant is that it promises a longer consistentin-vivo monitoring lifetime because a smaller implant is lesssensitive to a patient’s movement; thus, the tissue surroundingthe implant comes to stability more rapidly and stays stable fora longer period of time [14].

A second problem of the previously published implantableunits is that they have used conventional electrochemical glu-cose sensors (either oxygen-based or hydrogen peroxide-basedsensors) for glucose sensing. The conventional sensors have sev-eral limitations when they are implanted in the body, such asthe requirement for oxygen, short lifetime (low chemical sta-bility), and interference from other chemical species, such asurate, ascorbic acid, and acetaminophen [16].

A third problem is associated with the requirement for bat-teries that can power the implant for a long period of time; notonly does this result in an enlarged size of the implant but alsodecreases the lifetime of the implant.

Our approach to the aforementioned problems is to minia-turize the implantable unit by: 1) microfabricating the glucosesensor; 2) integrating all of the interfacing circuits into an in-tegrated-circuit (IC) chip (transponder chip); and 3) attachingthe microfabricated glucose sensor to the transponder chip usingflip-chip bonding. Fig. 1 shows a conceptual design of our pro-posed microsystem.

Our glucose sensor is a novel electrochemical glucosebiosensor developed at the research group of Prof. V. Birss inthe Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary [17],[18]. The sensor can function without the need for oxygen,

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Fig. 2. Block diagram of the monitoring system.

and demonstrates good chemical stability, reproducibility, andbiocompatibility [17], [18]. These characteristics make thesensor an appropriate choice for our microsystem.

Due to the problems associated with using a battery or a wiredlink [19], we have used a passive telemetry link for power anddata transfer between the implantable microsystem and the ex-ternal reader. The link operates at the industrial-scientific-med-ical (ISM) frequency band of 13.56 MHz.

This paper describes the general aspects of the microsystemwith more concentration on the transponder chip and its charac-terization results. Section II provides a systematic overview ofour monitoring system and its data transmission protocol. Sec-tion III describes the circuit details of the transponder chip. Sec-tion IV presents the procedures for the microfabrication of theglucose sensor and the hybrid integration of the microsystem.Section V briefly describes the external reader and Section VIpresents experimental results. Section VII discusses some issuesregarding the implantation of the microsystem in the body, andSection VIII concludes this paper.


Fig. 2 shows a simplified block diagram of the monitoringsystem consisting of an implantable microsystem and an ex-ternal reader. The external reader generates a high-frequencymagnetic field in an external coil (primary coil), through whichpower is inductively transferred to an internal coil (secondarycoil) which is connected to the implantable microsystem. Themicrosystem measures the blood glucose concentration andtransmits the measured data to the external reader by usingload-shift keying (backscatter modulation).

The required data-transmission rate for continuous blood glu-cose monitoring is very low. One measurement with 5% accu-racy [11] every 10 min [20] can adequately describe the dy-namics of blood glucose variation. As a result, our proposedstrategy is to turn on the external reader every 10 min throughwhich the microsystem is powered. The microsystem is kept onfor about 2 min in order for the glucose sensor to settle to itsfinal value.

The glucose sensor used in our microsystem is an ampero-metric electrochemical biosensor which generates a current pro-portional to the glucose concentration. It consists of three elec-trodes: 1) a working electrode (WE); 2) a reference electrode(RE); and a counter electrode (CE).

The working electrode serves as a surface on which the elec-trochemical reaction takes place between the glucose and an en-zymatic layer coated over the electrode. The enzymatic layercontains glucose oxidase which is an enzyme, specific to glu-cose. It catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid, pro-ducing a small electric current at the electrode. The new glu-cose sensor employed in our microsystem uses iridium–oxidenanoparticles to mediate the transfer of the electrons from thereduced enzyme to the working electrode. This approach elimi-nates the need for oxygen (which has low concentrations in thebody) and extends the lifetime of the glucose sensor since it doesnot produce hydrogen peroxide (which plays a major role in re-ducing the lifetime of the glucose sensor).

The reference electrode is used to measure the solution (bloodor interstitial fluid) potential. The counter electrode is an inertconductor (gold) that supplies the current required for the elec-trochemical reaction taking place at the working electrode.

The transponder chip consists of two main blocks: 1) an RFfront-end block and 2) a data-acquisition (DAQ) unit. The RFfront-end block receives the RF signal that is induced in the in-ternal coil, rectifies it, and generates the supply voltage requiredfor the operation of the DAQ unit. It also comprises a load mod-ulation circuit, which modulates the current dissipated in the im-plant according to the received data from the DAQ unit.

A very simple protocol for data transmission was developedwhich enables us to transmit the glucose concentration data withminimum on-chip circuit blocks and very low power consump-tion. The DAQ unit converts the sensor current to a pulsewaveform, for which the time difference between two consecu-tive pulses is inversely proportional to the sensor current as


where is the proportionality constant. The pulsewidth of thewaveform, defined by , is constant and known.

As shown in Fig. 3, the envelope of the received RF signalon the internal coil changes according to the load modulationin the transponder chip. Subsequently, due to the coupling be-tween the external and internal coils, the envelope of the trans-mitted RF signal changes too. The external data detector sensesthese envelope fluctuations and generates another pulse wave-form. Due to the low-pass filtering nature of the power transferlink, the pulsewidth of the externally reconstructed waveform,shown by , is larger than and is also signal dependent.

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Fig. 3. Data measurement and transmission strategy.

Thus, in order to recover the data, the frequency of the externalpulse waveform is measured (which is exactly equal tothe frequency of the internal pulse) and since is constant andknown, is recovered by using



The transponder chip was fabricated by using TSMC’s0.18- CMOS process. All of the circuit blocks in the RFfront end, excluding the bandgap bias circuit, were designed byusing 3.3-V transistors which have 7-nm-thick gate oxides. TheDAQ block was designed with 1.8-V transistors which have4-nm-thick gate oxide.

The chip occupies an area of 1.3 1.3 mm . The chip areais limited by the required number of pads for test purposes. Themain core circuit occupies an area of about 0.2 mm . The unusedactive area was filled with capacitors required for the analogand digital supplies and also for a resonance capacitor , res-onating with the internal coil at 13.56 MHz. Fig. 14(a) shows amicrophotograph of the transponder chip.

A. RF Front End

Fig. 4 shows the block diagram of the RF front end. The firstblocks connected to the internal coil are two RF limiters whichclamp the amplitude of the induced RF signal in order to avoidelectrical overstress on the gates and junctions of the coretransistors.

The voltage rectifier block rectifies the received RF signal andcharges up an off-chip storage capacitor to an unregulateddc supply voltage. The following block, the load modulator, isresponsible for changing the load current of the rectifier, andfinally, a voltage regulator produces two regulated dc supplyvoltages: one for the analog circuit blocks and one forthe digital circuits . The reference voltage for the voltageregulator is generated by a current-mode bandgap bias circuit[21].

An important parameter of the voltage regulator is its power-supply ripple rejection ratio (PSRR). The input voltage to the

regulator is an unregulated dc voltage, while its outputis a clean dc voltage. As a result, to improve the PSRR of thecircuit, the supply voltage of the bias circuit is obtained from theoutput of the regulator. This strategy makes use of a power-on-reset (PoR) circuit necessary in order to drive the circuit fromits zero condition during startup. Thus, a closed-loop power-on-reset circuit is designed to force the voltage regulator out of thezero quiescent state.

1) RF Limiter: Minimizing the power consumption of thetransponder chip is very important because: first, the availablepower to a biomedical implant is limited; second, because itincreases the read range of the transponder chip; and third, itminimizes the risk of the damage to the surrounding tissue dueto any temperature increase in the transponder chip.

An obvious approach to minimizing the power consumptionand improving the performance of a circuit is to design the cir-cuit using more advanced IC fabrication technologies. However,the oxide and junction breakdown voltages in these technologiesare limited to only a few volts. Since it is extremely difficult tokeep the external and internal coils in a constant position, thedistance between these coils may decrease, resulting in strongerinduced RF signals in the internal coil (possibly up to tens ofvolts). As a result, two RF limiter blocks are required to clampthe amplitude of the induced RF signal.

Fig. 5 shows the circuit schematic of the RF limiter. Whenthe RF voltage exceeds the sum of the threshold voltages ofand , a current starts to flow in which, in turn, graduallyturns on. When the voltage across exceeds the thresholdvoltage of , turns on and draws a considerable amount ofcurrent from , which, in turn, reduces the amplitudeof the received RF signal. RF limiters were designed to clampthe amplitude of the RF signal at 3.3 V.

2) Voltage Rectifier: Using a half-wave rectifier slightly sim-plifies the design of the RF front end. However, the reversevoltage stress on the rectifying diodes is larger in a half-waverectifier than that in a full-wave bridge rectifier. Thus, we de-signed a full-wave rectifier with a schematic shown in Fig. 6.

and operate as switches to minimize the voltage dropbetween the substrate (ground) of the chip and .and are diode-connected and their bulk terminals are con-nected to their drain terminals, resulting in a lower voltage dropacross and . This reduced voltage drop is due to the fol-lowing two reasons.

First, since the source-to-bulk voltage of and ispositive when either passes the current, because of body effect,the threshold voltage of those transistors is reduced to a valueless than its nominal value.

Second, the parasitic /n-well diodes of the source terminalsof the transistors (i.e., and ), work in parallel with and

.The reduction in the voltage drop across the rectifier is im-

portant because it reduces the dissipated power in the rectifier,which is a major source of power dissipation in the chip. In ad-dition, it enables the chip to be powered with weaker receivedRF signals.

If, because of high current, the voltage drop across andincreases, the parasitic diodes of and , as

shown in Fig. 6, turn on and help to minimize the voltage drop.

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Fig. 4. Block diagram of the RF front end.

Fig. 5. RF limiter.

Since the bulk terminals of and are not alwaysconnected to the highest voltage in the chip, there is a risk oflatch-up in the rectifier [22]; thus, very wide guard ringswere placed around and , and very wide guardrings were placed around and to minimize the risk oflatch-up.

The aspect ratio of transistors and are very large be-cause they should be able to pass not only the current flowingthrough and , but also the large currents that are sunk bythe RF limiters.

Based on the measurement results, the voltage drop across thevoltage rectifier is about 0.57 V for a loading current of 110 Awith a 22-nF storage capacitor. This voltage drop is relativelylow, considering that the nominal threshold voltage of 3.3-VPMOS transistors in the process is higher than 0.7 V.

The series resistance of the interconnect traces between therectifier and the pads connected to the internal coil and thestorage capacitor must be kept as low as possible because largecurrents flow in these traces and a series resistance as smallas 3 can reduce the read range by several centimeters [23].Therefore, multiple layers of wide metal lines were used forthese traces.

3) Load Modulator: Fig. 7 shows the load modulation cir-cuit. The circuit turns on when the output pulse of the DAQunit is high (during the time period of ) and turns it off when

Fig. 6. Voltage rectifier.

Fig. 7. Load modulator.

the signal is low (during the time period of ); when is on,it sinks a considerable amount of current from the output of therectifier , creating a large load for the internal coil. At thesame time, is off to prevent discharging the storage capac-itor to the ground.

To simplify the data detection in the external reader,should have enough strength to create more than 30% modula-tion depth on the envelope of the signal across the internal coil.

A logic circuit is placed before the gate of and ; first,to block data transmission during the startup of the chip (whenthe power-on-reset circuit is active), and second, to create anonoverlapping logic signal for switching and (other-wise, and might be simultaneously on, dischargingto ground).

From the previous discussion, we note that during the timeperiod , (in which is off and on), the full-wave rectifiercharges up , while during the time period , the power forthe chip is supplied from the stored charge in . Thus,should be short enough to prevent discharging of below theminimum required supply voltage for the voltage regulator. Buton the other hand, too short a period for results in very sharpload changes that cannot be detected by the external reader. Inthis work, was chosen to be about 2.5 s as a compromisebetween the aforementioned tradeoffs.

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Fig. 8. New voltage regulator generating two isolated outputs.

4) Voltage Regulator: The voltage regulator is one of themost important circuit blocks in remotely powered systems.The regulator should produce a clean and stable supply voltage,while consuming very low power and having a very low voltagedropout.

A major problem in radio-frequency identification (RFID)and medical implant applications (and, generally, in mostmixed-signal circuits) is the supply noise due to fast switchingin the digital circuitry [23]. The conventional solution to blockthe digital supply noise from being injected into the analogsupply is to use two voltage regulators: one for the analogcircuits and the other for the digital circuits. Clearly, the powerrequired for the voltage regulation is almost double using thisapproach.

Fig. 8 shows our proposed voltage regulator structure whichisolates from , without adding any extra powerconsumption, chip area, or even complexity to the circuit. Alinear series voltage regulator is used to generate . To pro-tect from the switching noise in , the pass tran-sistor of the regulator is divided into two transistors; gen-erates in the closed-loop feedback of the voltage regu-lator, while generates in an open-loop circuit. Dueto the closed-loop control, is very well defined at 1.8 V;but because is not generated with a feedback circuit, itis not very well controlled; however, this is not important as itgenerates the supply voltage for the digital circuits. As a conse-quence of the aforementioned approach, and arewell isolated and measurements of the circuit show more than40 dB of isolation between them.

In order to achieve low dropout voltage regulation, andare realized with native (zero-threshold) MOS transistors.

is added in order to create a left-half-plane zero in the feed-back loop and, thus, improve the stability of the regulator.

The current consumption of the regulator is 22 A. The cir-cuit shows a line regulation of 30 mV/V, a ripple rejection of 28dB (at 13.56 MHz), and a dropout voltage of 120 mV forand outputs. The load regulation for is 18 mV/mAand for , it is 450 mV/mA.

5) Power-on-Reset: The design of a power-on-reset circuitthat works reliably at all of the process, temperature, and supplyvoltage corners and with any load condition is quite challenging.

Fig. 9. Power-on-reset circuit.

Fig. 9 shows the schematic of our proposed power-on-reset cir-cuit. When is zero, is zero; thus, connects thegate of to , which results in powering up the regu-lator output . When is high enough, turns off and

is controlled by the feedback loop of the regulator.In order for the circuit to work properly, the ratio of

should be chosen to be very small (e.g., 1/10) and the ratioof should be very high (e.g., 10/1). Under these conditions,the switching threshold voltage of the - inverter is almostequal to the transistor threshold voltage of , defined by .

In order for the power-on-reset circuit to switch to its off stateat a proper time, the value of resistor and should bechosen based on the following inequality:


where and represent the upper and lower levelsof with respect to process and temperature variations;

represents the minimum supply voltage under whichthe bandgap bias circuit outputs the desired reference voltagefor the regulator. represents the desired outputvoltage of the regulator (in this case, 1.8 V).

Based on (3), it is important to design the bias circuit suchthat it can function properly with a supply voltage as low as


B. DAQ Unit

Fig. 10 shows the block diagram of the DAQ unit whichconsists of an electronic potentiostat, a current-to-frequency( -to– ) converter, and the bandgap bias circuit which iscommon between the RF front end and the DAQ unit.

The potentiostat interfaces with the glucose sensor and gener-ates a mirrored image of the sensor current . is theninjected into a -to- converter, which generates a pulse wave-form, for which the time difference between two consecutivepulses is inversely proportional to .

In order to prevent injection of the switching noise from the-to- converter into the sensitive analog circuits, an indepen-

dent bias circuit was designed for the -to- converter.

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Fig. 10. Block diagram of the DAQ unit.

1) Potentiostat: A potentiostat is an electronic instrumentthat controls the voltage difference between the working andreference electrodes of an electrochemical cell by sinking orsourcing a current from or into the electrochemical cell throughthe counter electrode. In almost all applications, the potentio-stat measures the current flowing between the working and thecounter electrodes.

While state-of-the-art potentiostats are now integrated incomplementary metal–oxide semiconductor (CMOS) tech-nologies [23]–[32], there is still a demand for very low powercircuits required for remotely powered biomedical implants.Fig. 11 illustrates the structure of our proposed potentiostat[33]. Since our glucose sensor generates oxidation current (thedirection of the sensor current is from the working electrode tothe counter electrode), in order to increase the headroom forthe signal swing at the counter electrode, the working electrodeis directly connected to . and , together, controlthe voltage difference between the working and the referenceelectrodes by sinking current from the counter electrode. At thesame time, generates a mirrored image of . The mirroredcurrent is then injected into the -to- converter.

The cell potential is applied between and theinverting input of . The direct connection of the working elec-trode to , which is an ac ground, reduces the noise andinterference pickup at the working electrode and improves thestability of the potentiostat [33].

To minimize the kickback effect from the -to- converterto the potentiostat, is mirrored again before being deliv-ered to the -to- converter. A cascode structure is used to re-alize the current mirrors - and - to improve mirrormatching. The potentiostat consumes a total current of 18 A.

2) -to- Converter: Fig. 12 shows the circuit schematic ofthe -to- converter [34]. The operation of the circuit can beseen by assuming that the output of the flip-flop is off (i.e.,

is on and is off). Therefore, the mirrored current of thesensor is integrated in until the voltage acrossand exceeds . Then Comp1 sets the flip-flop wherea reference current starts to discharge untilreaches . Finally, Comp2 resets the flip-flop, and this cyclerepeats. Thus, is a sawtooth waveform, and the output ofthe flip-flop is the desired data waveform.

Fig. 11. Potentiostat.

Fig. 12. Current-to-frequency converter.

The time difference between two consecutive pulses can beexpressed as


and the pulse width is


Thus, is inversely proportional to the mirrored current of thesensor and is constant. Since is chosen to be largerthan the maximum value of the sensor current, will be alwaysshorter than . The proportionality constant , defined in (1),can then be derived from (4) to be


Since and are subject to process variations,and are process-dependent; thus the transponder chip willbe required to be calibrated before implantation by measuring

and , where is determined by using (5) and (6).and are generated by a voltage divider, realized by

diode-connected PMOS transistors to save power and chip area.The -to- converter consumes a total current of 10 A.


The new glucose sensor used in our microsystem is an am-perometric biosensor, functioning based on the three-electrodeelectrochemical measurement system. The details of the orig-inal construction of the sensor and the experiments performedon the sensor are described in [17] and [18].

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Fig. 13. Cross-sectional view (�-� ) of the microsystem illustrated in Fig. 1.

The working electrode of the sensor plays the principal rolein glucose sensing. It is constructed by immobilizing an en-zymatic layer over a gold electrode using a sol-gel approach.The sol-gel solution is a mixture of glucose oxidase, Nafion andiridium nanoparticles suspended in a mixed solvent of ethanoland water. The counter electrode of the sensor is also built ofanother gold electrode and the reference electrode is a pseudo(quasi) Ag/AgCl electrode [35], [36].

The gold electrodes required for the working and counterelectrodes were created by depositing and patterning a stackedmetal of titanium-nickel-gold (40 nm-400 nm-400 nm). Themetallization was also utilized for interconnect metal traces andbonding pads.

The titanium layers act as adhesion promoter between themetallization and the sensor substrate. The nickel layer pri-marily acts as a diffusion barrier layer preventing the corrosionof the adhesion layer by creating a barrier against the metalspecies and ionic contaminants which may diffuse from the topmetal layers or from the solder bump into the adhesion layer[37].

Usually, a thickness of a few tens of nanometer of nickel isenough to act as a diffusion barrier layer [37], but we increasedthe thickness of the nickel layer to about 400 nm in order to par-tially use it as a solder-wettable layer required for the bondingpads. The final gold layer acts as the counter and working elec-trode for the glucose sensor. It also acts as an antioxidationlayer required for the bonding pads. We increased the thick-ness of gold to about 400 nm in order to partially use it as thesolder-wettable layer in addition to the nickel layer.

For the reference electrode metallization, titanium-palla-dium-silver (50 nm-50 nm-600 nm) metallization was selectedbecause of its excellent corrosion characteristics [35].

Fig. 13 illustrates the cross-sectional view ( - ) of the mi-crosystem shown in Fig. 1. The procedure for the microfabri-cation of the glucose sensor is as follows. A 4-in silicon wafercoated with a 500-nm silicone oxide layer was used as the sub-strate for the sensor and the microsystem. The oxide layer pro-vides the insulation between sensor electrodes.

Then, the titanium-nickel-gold-titanium metallizationrequired for the working electrode, counter electrode, intercon-nect traces, and bonding pads was deposited and patterned overthe substrate using a lift-off process. The top titanium layer

works as an adhesion layer between the metallization and thepassivation layer deposited over the metallization.

Next, a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition(PECVD) process was used to deposit an 800-nm siliconnitride passivation layer over the wafer. Silicon nitride waschosen as the passivation layer because it is less permeable towater vapor and alkali ions rather than silicon oxide. A reactiveion etching (RIE) process is then used to etch away the siliconnitride from the active areas, such as sensor electrodes andbonding pads. Next, the top titanium layer of the depositedmetallization was removed in the active areas by immersing thewafer in a titanium etchant (a 5% hydrogen fluoride solution).

Next, the titanium-palladium-silver metallization required forthe reference electrode was deposited and patterned by using asecond lift-off process.

The next step in fabricating the glucose sensor is to deposit theenzymatic solution over the working electrode; but because theglucose oxidase contained in the enzymatic solution denaturesabove 65 [38], this step needs to be performed at low temper-atures without any high-temperature postprocessing. Since, in aflip-chip bonding process, the temperature of the substrate andthe chip has to be raised up to the melting point of the solderbumps (which is above 200 ), the enzyme-immobilizationprocess should be performed after flip-chip bonding.

The wafer was then diced to individual substrates andthen a transponder chip was flip-chip bonded to one of the mi-crosystem substrates using a Karl–Suss FC150 flip-chip bonder.The bonding pads of the transponder chip were bumped withindium-lead solder balls before the flip-chip bonding process.The solder-bumping process was performed on singulated diesby a vendor (CVInc). Then, the off-chip components, includingtwo capacitors and the internal coil inductor, were connectedto the substrate by using either solder paste (a conductiveepoxy can also be used). The internal inductor was a five-turnrectangular coil (4 mm 8 mm) made of varnished wire (AWG38) wound around the perimeter of the microsystem.

A 2-mm-thick poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) hard maskwith a 1-mm circular opening was created by using a stain-less-steel mold and then placed over the sensor substrate suchthat the circular opening was over the working electrode. Next,a very small droplet of the enzymatic mixture was pouredinto the opening of the PDMS mask using a micropipette. The

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Fig. 14. (a) Microphotograph of the transponder chip. (b) Microphotograph of the glucose sensor. (c) Photograph of one of the assembled microsystems (beforepackaging and enzyme immobilization) next to a dime.

mixture was left to dry for a few minutes and, finally, the PDMSmask was removed. Fig. 14(b) shows a microphotograph ofthe glucose sensor after enzyme immobilization and Fig. 14(c)shows a photograph of one of the assembled microsystems.

Part of the rationale behind using PDMS as a hard mask is thatPDMS has dangling silanol bonds [39]. When the PDMS maskis attached to the sensor substrate, some molecular bonds arecreated between the PDMS and the top layer of the sensor sub-strate (silicon nitride), preventing the enzymatic mixture fromleaching between the PDMS mask and the substrate. In addi-tion, PDMS is an inert and nontoxic material, which does notreact with the enzymatic mixture.

The next stage is the packaging of the microsystem whichis necessary to protect the interconnection conductors and off-

chip components from the blood and interstitial fluid, whichare highly corrosive materials. Materials, such as epoxy, sili-cone, and Parylene C can well protect the microsystem for a fewmonths [35] and have been previously used for the packaging ofimplantable devices [7], [8], [13] with satisfactory results.

For our in-vitro tests, we used MED6–6606 (Nusil Tech-nology), which is a one-part silicone dispersion material, topackage the microsystem. This silicone has a low viscosityand designed for dipping or wiping. As a result, packaging ofthe microsystem was performed very simply only by dippingthose sides of the microsystem that had to be packaged into thesilicone.

As a final remark, it should be noted that the performanceof the reference electrode is very critical in an electrochemical

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Fig. 15. Simplified schematic of the external reader.

experiment, as variations in the reference electrode potential di-rectly shift the working electrode potential, which itself changesthe redox current. A pseudo Ag/AgCl reference electrode [35],[36] can satisfactorily function if two conditions are met: 1) thechloride concentration of the test solution is relatively constantand 2) the current in the reference electrode is very small. Fortu-nately, both conditions are met for this work. First, the microfab-ricated glucose biosensor is intended to be used in blood, whosechloride concentration is almost constant (350–375 mg/dL or98–106 mM), and second, because of using a three-electrodeelectrochemical sensor in this work, the current in the referenceelectrode is considerably small.

For our in-vitro experiments, we left the sensor in a phosphatebuffer solution with NaCl (100 mM) (the solution we used forour experiments) for a few hours in order to convert the surfaceof the silver electrode to AgCl. We believe that in an in-vivo test,the conversion of the surface of the silver electrode to AgCl isaccomplished during the first few hours after the implantationthrough the chloride ions contained in the blood.

More details about the microfabrication and the hybrid inte-gration of the microsystem can be found in [40].


Fig. 15 illustrates the circuit schematic of the external readerused in our experiments. A class-E power amplifier, operatingat 13.56 MHz, was designed to generate the carrier that powersup the microsystem. functions as the external coil. It wasrealized with a four-turn circular spiral inductor with an outerdiameter of 44 mm over a printed-circuit board (PCB).

The input of the data detector is extracted from the resonatingnode of the power amplifier (the node between and ) be-cause the signal has a larger amplitude at this node. andshift the negative peak of the RF signal to zero. The level shiftingalso acts as a voltage doubler on the signal. , , and forman asynchronous envelope detector. Usually, the amplitude ofthe RF signal is in the order of tens of volts, thus the dc level of

Fig. 16. Circuit, emulating the glucose sensor, used for calibrating thetransponder chip.

the signal at node is at the same range. blocks the dc levelof the signal and makes its processing convenient for the sub-sequent stages. , , , and the amplifier AD8605 generatea low-pass filter with 32-dB gain in its passband. The low-passfilter amplifies the signal and rejects the ripples at the carrier fre-quency. Finally, a hysteresis comparator, composed of ,

, and the comparator AD8611, is used to digitize the signal.


Before characterizing the entire monitoring system, quanti-fying the precision and accuracy of the transponder chip andthe telemetry link in measuring the sensor current and in trans-mitting the measured data to the external reader is required. Inorder to do that, a circuit emulating the electrical behavior ofour glucose sensor was connected to the transponder chip, andthe chip was powered through the telemetry link.

The circuit used for emulating the glucose sensor is shownin Fig. 16 [33]. The experiment was conducted as follows. Theemulated sensor current was varied by using the 100-kpotentiometer and the average frequency of the received rawdata at the external reader was measured by using a TektronixTDS5054B digital oscilloscope. Using the measured frequency,the transmitted data was recovered by means of (2).

was swept from 1 nA to 1 A (the current range of the ac-tual glucose sensor is in the range of 10 nA to 300 nA, dependingon the area of the sensor). Fig. 17 shows the oscilloscope wave-forms of the critical nodes for of 400 nA. This experiment

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Fig. 17. Transient waveform of the critical nodes of the monitoring systemfor the input current of 400 nA; from top: � (oscilloscope coupling: AC, 50mV/div),�� (oscilloscope coupling: AC, 50 mV/div),�� (oscilloscopecoupling: AC, 50 mV/div), � (1.0 V/div), � (2.0 V/div), signal acrossthe internal coil RF1-RF2 (2.0 V/div), and the detected raw data by the externalreader (2.0 V/div).

revealed that the telemetry system, including the transponderchip and the telemetry link and the data detection circuit, hasless than 0.3% integral nonlinearity error (the maximum per-centage error between the ideal output of the monitoring systemand the measured output level).

In order to test the performance of the overall proposed mon-itoring system in measuring glucose concentration, a nonstirredaerated phosphate buffer solution (pH 7) with 100 mM NaClwas used. In the human body, the blood glucose concentrationis normally in the range of 4 to 8 mM. This range for diabeticpeople is wider (i.e., 2 to 30 mM). Thus, in our experiment, weincreased the glucose concentration of the solution from 0 tomore than 30 mM, by gradually adding glucose to the solution.After settling the sensor current to its final value (in approxi-mately 2 min), the transmitted data were measured by using theapproach explained before. Fig. 18 shows the measured currentsby the monitoring system for different glucose concentrations.

As is clear in Fig. 18, the response of the sensor is not verylinear which is due to fact that we have not placed a diffusion

Fig. 18. Measured response of the overall monitoring system to the change inglucose concentration.



limiting layer over the glucose sensor; thus, it was functioningin a mass-transport limited regime [36]. As is explained in Sec-tion VII, when the sensor is implanted in the body, a scar-liketissue encapsulates the sensor. The layer, even though it reducesthe flow of blood or interstitial flood toward the sensor, worksas a diffusion-limiting layer and greatly enhances the linearityof the sensor.

Measurement results reveal that the transponder chip func-tions properly providing that the amplitude of the received RFsignal on the internal coil is higher than 2.6 V; the maximumdistance between the external and the internal coils can be upto 4 cm; the circuit consumes a total current of about 110 A.Table I summarizes the characteristics of the monitoring system.

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When a device is to be implanted in the body, some consider-ations should be taken into account, such as biocompatibility ofthe device, implantation site, the effects of the body’s immunesystem on the device, and packaging of the device. The pack-aging of our microsystem is explained in Section IV. In this sec-tion, we briefly discuss the other issues. We note that our sensorhas not yet been used for in-vivo tests. We base our discussionon prior published implantation work from other researchers.

Our sensor is biocompatible since it is very similar to the con-ventional enzyme-based glucose biosensors which have provento be biocompatible [41]. The only new material in the sensor isiridium oxide which is also biocompatible [42].

The implantation site is targeted to be just underneath theskin in the subcutaneous tissue where the implant will be incontact with interstitial fluid whose glucose content has goodcorrelation with the blood glucose concentration [6].

When an electrochemical glucose sensor is implanted in thebody, the body tries to reject the sensor as it does to other im-plants. Thus, during the first few days after implantation, thesurrounding tissue continuously changes and causes the outputsignal of the sensor to drop or drift considerably. Therefore, themeasurements are not very reliable during the first few days fol-lowing implantation.

After a few days, the body encapsulates the implant in a thinscar-like tissue. Although the encapsulation results in a muchlower amount of glucose reaching the sensing site, there is someevidence showing that it provides a more stable sensing environ-ment. For example, in-vivo tests performed in the subcutaneoustissue of dogs have shown that the glucose sensors were inactivefor the first few days, unstable for the next 7–14 days, and finallybecame relatively stable for the subsequent several weeks [9].

Another study reports a novel approach for improving thelongevity, dynamic range, and stability of calibration of the sub-cutaneous sensors [13]. In this approach, an angiogenesis mem-brane and a bioprotective layer are added to the sensor mem-brane to first stimulate the development of capillaries aroundthe sensor and, second, to reduce the body’s immune systemreaction. This approach shortens the early period of inconsis-tent monitoring and improves sensor lifetime. It proves the pos-sibility of monitoring glucose in subcutaneous tissue for longperiods of time (the mean lifetime of the sensors is reported asmore than 100 days) [13].

The early period of inconsistent monitoring can be as earlyas six days or be delayed two or three months for reasons thatare not yet clear [14]; but it is believed that miniaturization ofthe implant can minimize this period because the implant is thenless sensitive to the patient’s movements [14].


This paper has presented a miniaturization procedure for awireless-implantable microsystem for continuous blood glucosemonitoring. The microsystem receives inductive power from anexternal reader using a 13.56-MHz carrier, measures glucoseconcentration, and transmits the measured data back to the ex-ternal reader using load-shift keying (LSK). The microsystemhas a volume of 32 mm and consists of an electrochemical glu-cose biosensor, a transponder chip, two surface-mount capaci-

tors, and a hybrid coil inductor wound around the perimeter ofthe microsystem. The microsystem is designed to be implantedjust underneath the skin. It is activated when the amplitude ofthe received RF signal at the internal coil is larger than 2.6 V.

A low-cost procedure for the microfabrication of the glucosesensor over a silicon substrate was presented along with theprocedure for the hybrid integration of the microsystem. Thesystem design as well as the circuit blocks of the transponderchip along with their measured results were described. The cir-cuit realization of a simplified external reader has also beenpresented.


The authors would like to thank Prof. V. I. Birss and A. S.Jhas for their collaboration and helpful discussions that madethis work possible. They would also like to thank Dr. C. Daltonand Dr. R. Potucek for their assistance with the enzyme-immo-bilization process and thank CMC Microsystems for the use oftools and fabrication technology.


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Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadi (S’05–M’07) receivedthe B.Sc. degree in biomedical engineering (Hons.)from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, in2000, the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineeringfrom Sharif University of Technology, Tehran,Iran, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in electricalengineering from the University of Calgary, Calgary,AB, Canada, in 2007.

His Ph.D. research was on developing a wireless-implantable microsystem for continuous blood glu-cose monitoring. Since 2007, he has been a member

of the R&D Group at Sound Design Technologies Ltd., Burlington, ON, Canada.His research interests include analog, mixed-signal, and radio-frequency inte-grated-circuit (IC) design for biomedical and communication applications. Hehas also conducted research in the areas of BioMEMS and biomedical microsys-tems.

Dr. Ahmadi received awards at the 44th ISSCC/DAC and the third AnalogDevices student circuit design contests. He was also the winner of the clearestmessage award at the 2006 Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference, and isthe recipient of the Robert B. Paugh Memorial Scholarship in Engineering in2006.

Graham A. Jullien (M’71–SM’83–F’03–LF’08),recently retired as the iCORE Chair in AdvancedTechnology Information Processing Systems andthe Director of the ATIPS Laboratories, ProfessorEmeritus in the Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment, University of Calgary, Calgary, ABCanada. His long-term research interests are inthe areas of integrated circuits (including SoC),very-large scale integrated signal processing,computer arithmetic, high-performance parallelarchitectures, and number-theoretic techniques.

Since taking up his Chair position at the University of Calgary, he expandedhis research interests to include security systems, nanoelectronic technologies,and biomedical systems. He was also instrumental, along with his colleagues,in developing an Integration Laboratory cluster to explore next-generationintegrated microsystems. He has published many papers in refereed technicaljournals and conference proceedings.

Dr. Jullien is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and, until re-cently, was a member of the Boards of Directors of DALSA Corp., CMC Mi-crosystems, and Micronet R&D. He has served on the organizing and programcommittees of many international conferences and workshops over the past 35years. He was the General Chair for the IEEE International Symposium on Com-puter Arithmetic in Montpellier in 2007, and was Guest Co-Editor of the IEEEProceedings Special Issue on System-on-Chip: Integration and Packaging, in2006.

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