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Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015


Rahul M Jadhav1, Pradip D Jadhao2 and Shantanu G Pande3*

1 M.E. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Nashik 422003, India.2 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Nashik 422003, India.3 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Nashik 422003, India.

*Corresponding author:Shantanu G Pande pande_shantanu@yahoo.com

ISSN 2319 – 6009 www.ijscer.comVol. 4, No. 1, February 2015

© 2015 IJSCER. All Rights Reserved

Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015

Research Paper

INTRODUCTIONThe problem of waste disposal has become amajor problem in the developed countries aswell as developing countries like India. This isdue to the enormous increase in the quantityof disposable materials, the continuing storageof dumping sites, increase in the cost oftransportation and its disposal. The large-scale depletion of Natural Aggregate (NA) andthe increased amounts of construction and

Construction waste has been dramatically increased in the last decade, social and environmentalconcerns on the recycling have consequently been increased. Recent technology has greatlyimproved the recycling process for waste concrete. This study presents comparison of propertiesof natural and recycled aggregates and also the effect of mineral admixture (Metakaolin) onbehavior of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC). This study presents the experimental resultsof recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) prepared with different amount of Recycled CoarseAggregate (RCA). Six mixes of concrete with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% replacement ofnatural aggregate with recycled aggregate (RCA) were cast respectively with target compressivestrength 25 MPa. In addition to this partial replacement to the weight of cement is done withMetakaolin (20%) for all mixes. The compressive strength using cube specimen, flexural strengthusing beams specimen, split tensile strength using cylinder specimens were determined at theage of 28 days. The result show that there is minor effect on strength with 20% to 40% recycledaggregates in concrete and later the compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensilestrength of the concrete goes on reducing as the recycled aggregate content increases. Thestudy focuses on the possibility of the use of recycled aggregate as a structural material

Keywords: C & D waste, Metakaolin, Recycled Aggregates, Recycled aggregate concrete

demolition waste going to landfill sites arecausing significant damage to the environmentand developing serious problems denting thepublic and the environmentalist’s aspirationsfor a waste-free society. Therefore the conceptof recycling the waste material and using itagain in some form has gathered momentum.Also, recycling not only solves the problem ofwaste disposal but also reduces the cost andconserves the non-renewable natural sources.


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

Demolition waste generated in many countriesis no exception to the above problem. Andhence, recycling technology is makingconsiderable headway in the recycling ofdemolished concrete.

In India too, the same trend of depletion ofthe aggregate reserves. The situation in Indiais not serious, yet there are some parts of Indiawhere crushed stone aggregate are notavailable within several kilometers of theradius. However, the gravity situation in thefuture, demands serious rethinking on the partof the Indian community, especially when thevolume of concrete construction is expectedto increase manifold in coming decades.

Along with construction and demolitionwaste, excessive use of cement in concrete isa major cause of concern for environmentalists.Cement manufacturing industries are one ofthe major contributors of global warmingthrough excessive CO

2 emission. Researches

are going on to cut down the use of cement byreplacing part of cement with mineraladmixtures such as fly ash, silica fume,Metakaolin, etc.

WORLD SCENARIOReuse of C & DW in the construction is notnew. The first extensive and well documentedreuse was just after Second World War (Vivianet al., 2007). Recycling the concrete wastewas observed to be one of the best options tomitigate quantities of construction waste(Salomon et al., 2004). The research inrecycled aggregates concretes spans longerthan last three decades. In developedcountries, disposal of C & DW is a seriousproblem due to non availability of dumpinggrounds in the vicinity and very high rates of

waste generation. The rate of wastegeneration in developed countries is so highthat the conventional ways of recycling thewaste, i.e., sub base filling, land reclamation,etc., are not sufficient to tackle the problem ofwaste disposal.

Going through the wide literature it wasobserved that, the basic barrier to use recycledaggregates is ever increasing demand ofaggregates with growing rates of infrastructuredevelopment. Also, low specific gravity, lowpacking density, lower resistance to impact,crushing and abrasion are some problemsassociated with recycled aggregates.However, it is also observed that a normalstructural concrete can be easily achieved withpartial or full use of recycled aggregates.

INDIAN SCENARIOIn India there is severe shortage ofinfrastructural facilities like houses, roads,hospitals, etc., and there is need of largequantities of construction materials for creatingall these facilities. The planning Commissionof India allocated approximately 50% of capitaloutlay in successive 10th and 11th Five YearPlans for infrastructure development. Rapidinfrastructural development of highways,airports, etc., and growing demand for housinghas lead to scarcity and rise in cost ofconstruction materials. Most of the wastematerials produced by demolished structuresare disposed by dumping them as land fill.Waste dumping on land is causing shortageof dumping place especially in urban areas.Unfortunately there is no any provision for theuse of RA in concrete in the Indian standardcodes for the specification of concrete. Lackof codified provision does not; however,indirectly or directly imply a prohibition on the


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

use of RA. Therefore, it is necessary to startrecycling and re-use of demolition concretewaste to save environment, energy and cost.


The details of various materials used during

the study are presented here.

The cement used is Ultratech Ordinary

Portland Cement (OPC) of 53 Grade

conforming to Bureau of Indian StandardSpecifications (IS: 12269-1987) with a specific

gravity of 3.15.

The local ly available natural sand

conforming to grading Zone II (IS: 383-1970)is used in recycled aggregate concrete.

The natural coarse aggregates obtainedfrom the locally available quarries with

maximum size of 20 mm and satisfying thegrading requirements of BIS (IS: 383-1970) is

used during this work.

The recycled coarse aggregates are obtained

from the demolished building. The scrap concreteobtained from demolished building is transported

to the nearby crusher and recycled aggregates

of size less than 20 mm are obtained. Thepieces greater than 20 mm are crushed again

to the maximum size of 20 mm.

A cementitious material, Metakaolin, is

used for cement replacement. Metacem 20micron is used in the present experimental


Various physical properties of natural and

recycled aggregates are determined prior toconcrete mix design. The same properties are

listed in Tables 1 and 2.

Specimen Preparation

During present experimental investigation inall six proportions of concrete mixtures areprepared. One mix is prepared with naturalaggregates and is a reference mix.

Remaining five mixes are prepared with 0%,20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% replacementof natural aggregates with recycled aggregateby weight. Only a part of natural aggregates,i.e., coarse aggregate is replaced by recycledaggregates. In all six mixes, cement is partlyreplaced with a processed Metakaolin(Metacem 20 micron). 20% of total cementquantity is replaced with Metakaolin (MK).

As the study is intended for utilization of Cand D waste in normal structural concrete only,the scope of work is limited to M25 grade(f

ck = 25 MPa) of concrete and only 28 days of

Table 1: Properties of Natural Aggregate

Test Result

Aggregate crushing value 11.26

Aggregate impact value 11.11

Specific gravity 2.70

Water absorption 3.06%

Fineness modulus 3.09

Table 2: Properties of Recycled Aggregate

Test Result

Aggregate crushing value 15.45

Aggregate impact value 15.16

Specific gravity 2.54

Water absorption 8.70%

Fineness modulus 2.62


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

curing. The mixes are designed according toIS 10262-2009. The adopted water cementratio is modified to cope up with waterabsorption property of coarse as well asnatural aggregates. The mix proportionsobtained for various mixes are as given inTables 3 and 4.

The mixing of concrete ingredients is doneusing pan mixer in the laboratory. The testspecimens prepared are: concrete cubes of size150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm for compressivestrength test, beams of size 100 mm × 100 mm× 500 mm for flexural strength test, cylinders with150 mm (diameter) and 300 mm (height) for split

tensile strength test and modulus of elasticity. Allspecimens are prepared and cured accordingto IS 516.

Compressive Strength Test

Three cubes with size of 150 mm × 150 mm ×

150 mm for each proportion are used for the

determination of the compressive strength at

28 days of curing. The compressive strength

test confirming to IS 516 is carried out. The

average value of three cubes is taken as the

compressive strength of respective mix. The

results obtained from this test are presented

in Table 6.

Table 3: Mix Proportion Details (Quantities in kg/m3)

Ingredients Mix Designation

MK0 MK20 MK40 MK60 MK80 MK100

Water 203 209 216 223 230 236

Cement 286 286 286 286 286 286

Metakaolin 71 71 71 71 71 71

Fine Aggregate (Sand) 800 800 800 800 800 800

Coarse Aggregates (Natural) 1100 880 660 440 220 0

Coarse Aggregates (Recycled) 0 220 440 660 880 1100

Table 4: Mix Proportion Details (Quantities in kg/m3)

Ingredients Mix Designation

MK0 MK20 MK40 MK60 MK80 MK100

Water 203 209 216 223 230 236

Cement 358 358 358 358 358 358

Fine Aggregate (Sand) 800 800 800 800 800 800

Coarse Aggregates (Natural) 1100 880 660 440 220 0

Coarse Aggregates (Recycled) 0 220 440 660 880 1100


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

Splitting Tensile Test

Three cylinders with size of 150 mm (diameter)

and 300 mm (height) are used for each

proportion to determine the split tensile

strength. The split tensile test confirming to IS

516 is carried out. The average value of three

cylinders is taken as the split tensile strength

of respective mix. The results obtained from

this test are presented in Table 7.

Flexure test

Three beams with size of 100 mm × 100 mm× 500 mm for each proportion are used for thedetermination of the flexural strength at 28 daysof curing. The load was applied using a flexure

testing machine. The flexure test confirming toIS 516 is carried out. The average value ofthree beams is taken as the flexure strength ofrespective mix. The results obtained from thistest are presented in Table 8.

Modulus of Elasticity

Modulus of elasticity test is carried out in

accordance with IS: 516-1959. The modulus

of elasticity is determined at a standard rate

of loading on a universal testing machine using

extensometers until the specimen fails. Three

cylinders for each proportion are tested at the

age of 28 days curing, and the average

modulus of elasticity is determined. The results

Table 5: Mix Designation Details

S. No. % of Recycled Aggregate Mixes without Metakaolin Mixes with Metakaolin

1. 0 M0 MMK0

2. 20 M20 MMK20

3. 40 M40 MMK40

4. 60 M60 MMK60

5. 80 M80 MMK80

6. 100 M100 MMK100

Table 6: Compressive Strength (in N/mm2)

Mix Compressive Strength Mix Compressive Strength

M0 34.25 MMK0 32.87

M20 31.66 MMK20 24.82

M40 29.62 MMK40 14.72

M60 26.85 MMK60 12.23

M80 20.88 MMK80 10.20

M100 20.82 MMK100 8.25


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

Table 7: Split Tensile Strength (in N/mm2)

Mix Split Tensile Strength Mix Split Tensile Strength

M0 2.37 MMK0 2.61

M20 2.33 MMK20 2.59

M40 2.15 MMK40 2.62

M60 2.06 MMK60 1.74

M80 2.05 MMK80 1.64

M100 2.03 MMK100 1.12

Table 8: Flexural Strength (in N/mm2)

Mix Flexural Strength Mix Flexural Strength

M0 5.5 MMK0 5.08

M20 5.1 MMK20 4.88

M40 4.92 MMK40 4.83

M60 4.5 MMK60 3.92

M80 4.1 MMK80 3.83

M100 3.6 MMK100 3.67

Table 9: Modulus of Elasticity (in N/mm2)

Mix Modulus of Elasticity

MMK0 28374.5866

MMK20 25172.07655

MMK40 21884.94997

MMK60 23073.22504

MMK80 21256.5608

MMK100 17578.86614

obtained are presented in Table 9.


The mix designations are as described inTable 5.

The results of various tests carried out areas given herein.

Comparison of Modulus of Elasticity

Experimental values of modulus of elasticity

for various mixes are obtained and those are

compared with theoretical values given by

various codes.

Equations for Modulus of Elasticity

The Indian code of practice (IS 456)recommends the empirical relation betweenthe static modulus of elasticity and cubecompressive strength of concrete as,

5Ø8Ü5ØPÜ = 5000 “5ØSÜ5ØPÜ5ØXÜ


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

EC = 500 fck

The ACI code (ACI-318) defines therelationship between elastic modulus ofconcrete and cylinder compressive strengthas,

EC = 57000 fck'

EC = 4734 fck'

The Euro-code recommends the followingequation for static modulus of elasticity ofconcrete from its cylinder compressive strengthas,

EC = 22000 (fck'/10)0.3

The British Code of practice (BS – 8110)recommends the following expression forstatic modulus of elastici ty with cubecompressive strength of concrete as,

EC = 20000 + 0.2 fck


Ec is the static modulus of elasticity at 28

days in MPa,

fck is cube compressive strength ofconcrete,

fck' is cylinder compressive strength ofconcrete.

The comparison of theoretical andexperimental values is given in Table 10.

Comparison of Modulus of Rupture

Experimental values of modulus of rupture for

various mixes are obtained and those arecompared with theoretical values given by

various codes. The comparison of theoreticaland experimental values is given in Tables 11

and 12.

The Indian code of practice (IS 456)

recommends the empirical relation betweenthe static modulus of rupture and cube

compressive strength of concrete as,

fr = 0.7 f


The ACI Code (ACI -318), defines theflexural tensile or modulus of rupture of

concrete as,

fr = 0.62 f


The Euro-code (EC-02) recommends the

relationship between flexural tensile or

modulus of rupture of concrete and cubecompressive strength of concrete as,

fr= 0.3f


Table 10: Modulus of Elasticity (in N/mm2) of RA Concrete

Mix Experimental Value IS Code ACI Code BS Code Euro Code

MMK0 28374.5866

MMK20 25172.07655

MMK40 21884.94997

MMK60 23073.22504 22361 23665 20004 28960

MMK80 21256.5608

MMK100 17578.86614


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

Table 11: Modulus of Rupture (in N/mm2) of RA Concrete

Mix Experimental Value IS Code ACI Code Euro code

M0 5.5

M20 5.1

M40 4.92

M60 4.5

M80 4.1 3.13 3.1 3.32

M100 3.6

M60 4.5

M80 4.1

M100 3.6

Table 12: Modulus of Rupture (in N/mm2) of RA Concrete

Mix Experimental value IS Code ACI Code Euro Code

MMK0 5.08

MMK20 4.88

MMK40 4.83 3.13 3.1 3.32

MMK60 3.92

MMK80 3.83

MMK100 3.67

DISCUSSIONPhysical and Mechanical Propertiesof Aggregates

The specific gravity and density of recycledaggregates is observed to be less comparedto that of natural aggregates. This might bedue the fact that there is a mortar adhered tothe surface of recycled aggregates. Theattached mortar is light and porous in natureresulting.

The water absorption for recycled

aggregate is higher compared to that of naturalaggregates. This is because the voids content

is more in recycled aggregates and in addition

to this cement particles are also adhered tothe aggregate.

The mechanical properties of recycled

coarse aggregates namely crushing strength,

impact strength are relatively less comparedto natural aggregates due to separation and

crushing of light porous mortar adhered torecycled aggregates during testing.


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015


The slump test is conducted for each mix toknow the degree of workability. It reveals thatthe workability is low in case of recycledaggregate concrete compared to normalconcrete. This may be due to high absorptioncapacity and rough surface texture of recycledcoarse aggregates. Also, in presence ofMetakaolin, workability is observed to bereduced. The slump can be increased by usingplasticizers.

Compressive Strength

The results of compressive strength tests forall mixes (Table 6) are shown in Figure 1. Ingeneral, it is observed that the compressivestrength of concrete mix goes on reducing withincreasing recycled aggregate content of mixcompared to concrete with natural aggregates.The compressive strength of normal concretewith Metakaolin is observed to be about 10%less than the normal concrete without fly ash.Almost same % of strength reduction isobserved for all mixes with and withoutMetakaolin. This reduction in strength of mixesmight be due the addition of 20% Metakaolin

as a replacement to the cement. This reductionmight diminish over a longer age of concreteas strength gain rate in Metakaolin concreteis less at early age.

The compressive strength of recycledaggregate concrete without Metakaolin ismore than the recycled aggregate concretewith Metakaolin at all levels of replacement.For recycled aggregate concrete withoutMetakaolin the strength goes on reducing asthe percentage of replacement increases upto 40% replacement level and on 100%replacement the strength remains almostconstant as that of 40% replacement. On theother hand the compressive strength of therecycled aggregate concrete with Metakaolincontinuously goes on reducing as thepercentage of replacement increases.

Splitting Tensile Strength

The results of splitting tensile strength tests forall mixes (Table 7) are shown in Figure 2. Ingeneral, it is observed that the splitting tensilestrength of concrete mixes go on reducing withincreasing recycled aggregate content of mixcompared to concrete with natural aggregates,

Figure 1: Comparisonof Compressive Strength

Figure 2:Comparison ofSplit Tensile Strength


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

as in case of compressive strength. However,the degree of reduction is not greater.

It is observed that the 20% use ofMetakaolin as a replacement to cementcauses a reduction in splitting tensile strength.The degree of reduction goes on reducing withincreasing recycled aggregate content.However, specimens for normal concrete withMetakaolin and 20% recycled aggregates withMetakaolin are observed the splitting tensilestrength of recycled aggregate concretewithout Metakaolin remains almost constantfrom 20% to 40% replacement level. On theother hand the Splitting tensile strength ofrecycled aggregate concrete with Metakaolincontinuously goes on reducing as thepercentage of replacement increases. The rateof strength reduction is fast up to 60%replacement then the reduction ratedecreases.

Flexural Strength

The results of flexural strength tests for all mixes(Table 8) are shown in Figure 3. It is observedthat the flexural strength of concrete mixes goon reducing with increasing recycled

aggregate content of mix compared toconcrete with natural aggregates, as in caseof compressive strength. The degree ofreduction is not greater for specimens with noMetakaolin, but it is higher for specimens withMetakaolin.

The Flexural strength of recycled aggregateconcrete without Metakaolin goes on reducingup to 40% replacement level and is more thanthe recycled aggregate concrete withMetakaolin up to this level of replacement,further as the percentage of replacementincreases the strength remains almostincrease up to 100% replacement level. Onthe other hand the strength of recycledaggregate concrete with Metakaolincontinuously goes on reducing as thepercentage of replacement increases.

The experimental values of modulus ofrupture are compared with the predictedvalues of IS 456:2000, ACI: 318 and Eurocode EC: 02. The predicted value by Eurocode is higher than IS code and ACI. Thepredicted values by IS code and ACI arealmost same. The experimental values showthat the values 100 percent replacement levelsare higher than that of predicted values of allcodes. As the replacement level increases 0to 100%, the experimental values goes onincrease of predicted values by codesbecause of to adding the admixture Metakaolin

Modulus of Elasticity

It is observed from the theoretical values givenby various codes that the modulus of elasticitypredicted by Euro-code (EC: 02) is higherthan those predicted by Indian standard (IS456: 2000), British standard (BS: 8110),American concrete institute (ACI: 318) and the

Figure 3: Comparison ofFlexural Strength


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

value by British standard (BS: 8110) is lowerof all. The value predicted by IS code and ACIis almost same.

The experimental values obtained show thatthe modulus of elasticity goes on decreasingas the level of replacement of recycledaggregates goes on increasing. Theexperimental values of modulus of elasticity upto 60% are within the range of values given byIndian Standard code and American ConcreteInstitute. As the replacement level increasesabove 60% the values goes on decreasing andbecomes lower than the theoretical valuesgiven by all the codes.

The degree of reduction of modulus ofelasticity for specimens with Metakaolin is notmore with replacement up to 60%. However,as the recycled aggregate content increasesto 80%, 100% there sudden drop down in themodulus of elasticity value. This trend is similarto that observed in compressive strength,splitting tensile strength and flexural strength.Replacement of natural aggregates withrecycled aggregates up to 60% is observedto give satisfactory strengths.

CONCLUSIONIn the present experimental investigations themechanical properties of recycled aggregateconcrete with and without Metakaolin.Mechanical properties such as compressivestrength, splitting tensile strength, flexuralstrength and modulus of elasticity are studied.The basic test variables are replacement ratiosfor natural aggregates (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%,80%, and 100%) with recycled aggregates anduse of 20% Metakaolin as substitution tocement. The combined effect of recycledaggregates and Metakaolin on the propertiesof concrete is explored in the present study.

• As mortar is attached to the surface of RCAit exhibits low specific gravity and highwater absorption than conventionalaggregate.

• The recycled aggregate prone to higherwater absorption than the natural aggregatecare must be taken to maintain the watercement ratio while designing forcorresponding strength.

• After crushing the net quantity of the coarseaggregate from the recycling process iscollecting to be 60% of the total quantity.

• About 40% of the finer particles are thrownas waste.

• Using Metakaolin 20% in concrete it iseconomical to the replace the recycledaggregate to the natural aggregate

• To replace recycled aggregate 20 to 40%to achieve minimum target strength ascompare to conventional concrete.

• For the flexural test the strength of recycledaggregate concrete is nearly constant at40% replacement increasing to the

Figure 4: Comparison of Modulusof Elasticity


Int. J. Struct. & Civil Engg. Res. 2015 Shantanu G Pande et al., 2015

replacement of 40% recycled aggregatethe value goes on decreasing but the codalprovision the value is sufficient to good usein concrete.

• The flexural strength of recycled aggregateconcrete is satisfying the strength of thedifferent codal provision.

• Recycled aggregate concrete can be usedfor normal structural purposes with 20% to60% replacement of natural aggregates.

• The Modulus of Elasticity of concretecontaining recycled aggregate with 20%Metakaolin at 28 days is at sufficient valueup-to 80% replacement level and then itreduces.

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