A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS ON COCA-COLA’S …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/836/1...A...


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A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of Strata One (SI)

BAHTIAR RIFA’I NIM. 105026000928








The thesis entitled “A Semiotic Analysis on Coca-Coca’s Commercial

Advertisements” has been defended before the Letters and Humanities

Faculty’s Examination Committee on Friday, July 07th, 2010. The thesis has

already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Srata One (S1).

Jakarta, July 07, 2010

Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Dr. M. Farkhan M. Pd (Chair Person) __________ _________ NIP: 19650919 200003 1 002

2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd (Secretary) __________ _________ NIP: 1640710 199303 1 006

3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd (Advisor) __________ _________ NIP: 1640710 199303 1 006

4. Elve Oktafiani, M. Hum (Examiner I) __________ _________ NIP: 19781003 200112 2 002

5. M. Supardi, SS, M. Hum (Examiner II) __________ _________ NIP:



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, July 07, 2010.

Bahtiar Rifa’I


ABSTRACT Bahtiar Rifa’I, A Semiotic Analysis on Coca-Cola’s Commercial Advertisements, Thesis, April, 2010, Department of English Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University. The study in this paper concerns with the way the author explores the meaning of sign in semiotic signification. The writer focuses on five images of Coca-Cola’s advertisements and wants to know about the sign system and meaning in connotation and denotation level. The method used in this paper was descriptive qualitative analysis with textual and pictorial analysis where the writer describes and interprets the sign on the 10 images of Coca-Cola’s commercial advertisements. From the analysis, the writer concludes that each of the sign of Coca-cola’s advertisements has a system and formed by pictorials, texts, and contexts. These elements contribute a meaning in denotation and connotation meaning. Finally, the writer concludes that Coca-Cola’s advertisement support an idea about capital system, cultural and ideological term in connotation meaning.




A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of Strata One

BAHTIAR RIFA’I 105026000928

Approved by:

Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd NIP. 19640710 199303 1 006









ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………

APPROVEMENT ..................................................................................

LEGALIZATION …………………………………………………….

DECLARATION ……………………………………………………..

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………………..

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………….








A. Background of the Study ................................................

B. Focus of the Study ……………………………………..

C. Research Question ……………………………………..

D. Objective and Significance of the Study ………………

E. Research Methodology

1. Research Methodology …..…………………….….

2. Data Collecting Technique ………………………..

3. Data Analysis Technique …………………………

4. Unit Analysis …………………………………….










A. Advertisement …………………………………………

1. Definition of advertisement …………………………

2. The Function of Advertising ……………………….

3. Advertising Effects …………………………………

B. Semiotics …………………………………………………

1. Definition of Semiotics ……………………………..

Semioticians and his Theory ……………………

a. Ferdinand de Saussure ……………………………

b. Charles Sandre Pierce ……………………………

C. Advertisements as the Semiotic Signification ………….














A. Description Of Data ..……………………………………

B. Data Analysis ……………………………………………



CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS A. Conclusions ……………………………………………..

B. Suggestions …………………………………………….

REFERENCE ........................................................................................

APPENDICES ........................................................................................







A. Background of the Study

Advertising is everywhere, as it becomes more ubiquitous, we tend to

ignore it. But we tend to ignore it; advertisers find a new way to make it more

ubiquitous. As a result, in the television, no one is neutral about advertising.

We love or we hate it, many of us do both.

The term of advertising, according to the theory of mass media

communication, is a message which is published or broadcasted in the mass

media. It’s designed to provide information that will help to persuade people

to buy or accept goods, service or ideas. Advertising is paid for by an

identifiable sponsor, and it’s controlled, its means, the paying sponsor controls

when, where and how the ads appears. The advertising is impersonal, it

appeals to broad groups through mass media.1

In the term of globalization and consumer society, the number of

advertising to the consumer society is very close into their life especially, in a

big city where the societies live on. The advertising manifests about the

commercial product into the variety ways, the product manifests into billboard

all along the road, street banner, and even in the mass media such a

newspaper, radio and television, internet, with a very wide range of people can

watch it.

1 Thomas M. Pasqua, et al., Mass Meedia in the Information Age, (New Jersey: Prentice-

Hall, Inc, 1990), p. 185.


Afterward, the development of advertisement and advertising system

in the consumer society altered to the any problem of social and cultural

landscape. The problem primarily about the usage of sign, the image that

appeared, and the information that told, a meaning, and how the advertising

can influence the perception, understanding and people behave. Whether the

advertising extends the information about the product offered concretely or,

on the contrary, just extends about the falsifying the reality.2

In other word, the advertising would include and influence the

societies with the messages and the ideology systematically inherent in the

advertisement for a modern people. The advertising is no more promoting a

product that advertised in the media, but advertising created the system of the

idea with the specific values and stood on that system, autonomously.

The advertising produced for the audience contained with a certain

message. A message created with a many codes aimed to the audience for

understanding it. The code appears directed to influence the audience to buy

the product advertised, and this is not arbitrary codes, but it’s a code with a

message inherent within the advertising.

As codes that appears in the advertising for the mass consumer,

contained a message for us to interpret the sign from the advertising, the term

of interpretation of the sign in advertising recognized as semiology (or

semiotic, as it know better in America). The theory of semiology itself used

2 Yasraf Amir Piliang, Hipersemiotika Tafsir Cultural Studies Atas Matinya Makna,

(Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2003), p.280


for approaching the sign that appears in the advertising, especially for Coca-

Cola’s commercial advertisement.

Ferdinand de Saussure, as well-known as the father of modern

linguistics, look forward to a science that studies the life of sign within

societies, he called it Semiology from the Greek Semion “sign”. This is

general approach to the study of sign in every cultural life, and even of culture

as a sort of language. As quoted in his book, Course in General Linguistic, he


“Language is a system of signs which express ideas. Hence it is like writing, the deaf and dumb alphabet, symbolic rites, etiquette, military signal and so on, except that it is the most important of such systems. One may therefore envisage a science which studies the life of signs in the framework of social life….we shall call it semilogy (from the Greek semeion, ‘sign’). It will teach us what signs consist of, the law which they governed.”3

Afterward, Ferdinand de Saussure proposed a dualistic notion of the

sign, relating the signifier as the form of the word or phrase uttered, to the

signified as the mental concept. And it’s important to note that according to

Saussure, the sign is completely arbitrary, i.e. there was no necessary

connection between the sign and its meaning.4

The other semioticians that developed the theory of sign is Charles

Sander Pierce, he was a founder of philosophical doctrine known as

pragmatism. He preferred use a term of Semiotic, and defined the object sign

into tree categories:

3 Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistic, (New York City: McGraww-Hill

Paperback, 1966), p. 16. 4 Ibid. p. 67


1. Icon is the connection between sign and object because of its

similarities. For example, picture and map.

2. Index is the connection between sign and object because of cause

and effect. For example, smoke caused by a fire.

3. Symbol is the connection between sign and object because of the

agreement or convention in societies. For example, flag, a traffic

signal and linguistic sign.5

The term of Semiology/Semiotic definitely becomes more popular as a

new approach for decoding a sign. Roland Barthes as a well-known as the

scientist who practiced Linguistic and Semiology model of Saussurean. In his

book S/Z proposed another term to understand the sign by arranging and

grouping codes into five, there are a hermeneutic code, semantic code,

symbolic code, narrative/proairetic code and cultural code.

Interrelated with the theory of semiotic above, this thesis analyzes of

the meaning of the visual aspect and Linguistic of the Coca-Cola’s

advertisements. In this research, the writer applies the theory of semiotic

signification, and uses some of the semioticians’ theory. The writer uses a

Pierce’s theory to analyze the object sign in advertisement (icon, index,

symbol), Roland Barthes’s theory is to analyze the codes that appeared in the

advertisement (hermeneutic code, semantic code, symbolic code, narrative

code and cultural code), and Saussure’s theory is to find the meaning of the

5 Syukron Kamil, “Semiotika Teori dan Hubungannya dengan Sastra”, Al-Turas Mimbar

Sejarah, Sastra, Budaya dan Agama, Vol 07, No.11 (Januari, 2001), p. 40.


Coca-Cola advertisement in level of connotative meaning and denotation


B. Focus of the Study

In order to limit the research, the writer only focuses on the Coca-

Cola’s commercial advertisements in Coca-Cola Coke edition and takes three

image of it advertisement models. The next two images are from Coca-cola

Zero edition. Each of these editions consists of many slogans advertisement

that usually showed in billboard and street banner or even in the magazine.

The writer thinks that a coca-cola advertisement will be full of interpretation

to get the meaning from that advertising model. On the process of

interpretation of these Coca-Cola’s commercial advertising, the writer uses a

theory of semiotic especially in semiotic signification and focuses on the

aspect of an object of sign (Pierce), the codes (Barthes) and the meaning of the

advertisement in denotation and connotation meaning (Saussure).

C. Research Question

In order to get a meaning from the interpretation of the Coca-Cola’s

advertisement, the writer wants to explain and analyze each of the signifiers

that appeared in advertisement to get a denotative meaning. Afterward, the

writer interprets the advertisement in level of connotation to get a meaning of

whole sign appears in the advertisement. The questions are consists of:

6 Sumbo Tinurbuko, Semiotika Komunikasi Visual (Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2008), p. 23


1. What are the sign systems used on the coca-cola commercial


2. What do the signs in coca-cola advertisement mean according to

semiotic signification?

D. Objective and Significance of the Study

Based on the research question above, the writer has several objective

of the research as follow:

1. To know about the sign system that constituted the Coca-Cola’s

commercial advertisement

2. To know the meaning of the connotation and denotation level in coca-

cola advertisements.

Moreover, by analyzing the advertisement sign in the commercial

media in the term of semiotic, could give some of advantage for the reader

who is interested in the semiotic field for analyzing the cultural code that

manifests in various ways. Semiotic can be applied in analyzing many sign in

advertisement, linguistic codes, pop culture codes and many more.

E. Research Methodology

1. Research Methodology

The method which is used in this research is descriptive qualitative

analysis with textual and pictorial analysis where the writer describes and

interprets the sign on the Coca-Cola’s commercial advertisements



2. Data Collecting Technique

The method of data collecting technique in this research is analyzing

and observing the icon, index and symbol element that appears in Coca-

cola’s advertisement in “Coca-Cola Coke” edition and “Coca-Cola Zero”

edition. Beside it, the writer uses other resources in data collecting technique,

such as resources from any documents from books, journals, and internet.

3. Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data, the writer analyzes the meaning of the pictorial

aspect and linguistic aspect of the Coca-Cola advertisements. Firstly, the

writer uses a Pierce’s theory to analyze the object of sign in Coca-Cola

advertisements from the icon, index and symbol sight. Then the writer

analyzes the codes that appeared in the advertisements whether it is a

hermeneutic code, semantic code, symbolic or narrative code. Finally, the

writer finds the meaning of the Coca-Cola’s advertisements by analyzing

connotation and denotation meaning.

4. Unit Analysis

Unit analysis, which is used on this research, is the collection of Coca-

Cola’s advertisement from Coca-Cola Coke edition and Coca-Cola Zero

edition (see appendices).



A. Advertisement

1. Definition of Advertisement

The word “advertise” originates from the Latin advertere, which

means to turn toward or to take note of. Certainly, the visual and the verbal

commercial message that are part of advertising are intended to attract

attention and produce some responses by the viewer. Advertising is persuasive

and virtually impossible to escape.1

Newspapers and the magazine often have more advertisement than

copy, the radio and television provide entertainment but are also laden with

the advertisement. Advertisements also exist on billboard along the freeway,

in subway or everywhere. The persuasive of advertising and its creative

elements are designed to cause viewers to take note.

Advertising is form of communication used to help selling products

and services. Typically, it communicates a message including the name of the

products or services and how that products or services could potentially

benefit the consumer. However, advertising does typically attempt to persuade

potential consumer to purchase or to consume more of particular brand of

product or services.

1 Jorge Reina Schement, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Communication and Information

(Volume 1 ACA-FUN),(New York: Macmillan Library Reference, 2002), p. 10.

2. The Function of Advertising

Although the primary objective of advertising is to persuade, it may

achieve this objective in many different ways. An important function of

advertising is the identification function, that is, to identify a product and

differentiate it from the other, this create an awareness of the product and

provides a basis for consumer to choose the advertised products. The

identification function of advertising includes the ability of advertising to

differentiate a product so that it has own unique identity or personality.2

Another function of advertising is to communicate information about

the product, its attributes and its location of sale, this is function known as the

information functions. The third function of advertising is to induce consumer

to try a new product and to suggest reuse of the product as well as new uses,

this is as the persuasion function.

A Webster’s New World Encyclopedia defines the advertising related

to its functions and purposes:

“….any of various methods use by a company to increase the sale of its product or to promote a brand name. advertising can be seen by economist as either beneficial (since it convey information about a product and so bring the market closer to a state of perfect competition) or as a hindrance to perfect competition, since it attempts to make illusory distinctions (such as greater sex appeal) between essentially similar product.” 3

According to the advertising function and its definition, basically the

advertising is a form of mass communication due to the message laden in the

2Ibid. p. 11. 3 Kasiyan, Manipulasi dan Dehumanisasi Perempuan dalam Iklan (Yogyakarta: Penerbit

Ombak, 2008), p. 149.


advertising communicated through a mass medium to a large number of


3. Advertising Effects

There are many critiques arguing that advertising places a burden on

society by raising the cost of merchandise and inducing people to buy a thing

they don’t need. There are four common of the advertising effect and


1. Advertising makes people buy things they don’t need

2. Advertising makes things cost more

3. Advertising helps sell bad products

4. Advertising is a waste money

Beside it, advertising has its detractor on its appearance and the a

message laden on it, here are the details of the common criticisms in

contemporary advertising and its effects:5

1. Advertising improper use of grammar debases a language.

A sentence “John tastes good like a cigarette should” may help sell

cigarettes, but its make like difficult for English Teacher.

2. Advertising makes people to materialistic.

It’s portrays the acquisition of things as the means to a happy life.

1. Advertising has the power to make people do irrational thing such as

buying product they don’t need.

4 Ralph E. Hanson, Mass Communication Living in a Media World, (New York:

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2005), p.413. 5 Thomas M. Pasqua, et al., Mass Meedia in the Information Age, (New Jersey: Prentice-

Hall, Inc, 1990), p. 187.


2. That is too much advertising, and this make life less pleasant that it

might be.

3. Many people find some advertising offensive or in bad taste.

4. Advertising perpetuates stereotypes, such as women being best suited

to housekeeping.

B. Semiotic

1. Definition of Semiotic

Semiotic (or semiology, as it better known in Europe) originate from

the Greek semion, which mean sign. Semiotics is a general study about the

signs as an essential part of cultural life and communication. According to

semiotics, we can only know culture and reality by means of the sign, through

the process of signification. Beside it, much of semioticians said that semiotic

is a theory related to the lie, fake or generally as a theory of the lie. Semiotics

is in principle the discipline studying everything which can be used in order to


Umberto Eco, write in his book A Theory of Semiotic, said:

“Semiotics is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign. A sign is everything which can be taken as significantly substituting for something else. This something else does not necessary substituting for something else. This something else does not necessary have to exist or to actually be somewhere at the moment in which a sign stand in for it. Thus semiotics is in principle the discipline studying everything which can be used in order to lie. If something cannot be used to tell a lie, conversely it cannot be used to tell the truth. It cannot in fact be used “to tell” at all. I think that the definition of a “theory of lie” should be taken as a pretty comprehensive program for a general semiotics.”6

6 Uberto Eco, Teori Semiotika, Signifikasi Komunikasi, Teori Kode, Serta Teori Produksi

Tanda, (Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana, 2009), p. 7.


According to a definition by Eco, the theory of lie is in definition of

semiotic, but implicitly inherent in this definition as the theory of the truth.

Because if the sign couldn’t show it reality, it’s couldn’t show his lies. Finally,

even Eco define a Semiotic as the theory of the lie, implicitly he define a

semiotic as the theory of the truth.

As the theory of interpretation in the cultural life, semiotic has two

fundamental founders, between Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sander

Pierce. These two founders put the fundamental aspect in semiotic through

ontological and epistemological.

Between these two founders of Semiotic, each of them develops the

different type and characteristic of semiotic. Saussure as the founder of the

modern linguists build the semiotic based on the language as the system of the

sign. And Pierce build the theory of semiotic based on the pragmatic and logic

philosophy. Generally, most of the expert of the semiotic differs between the

semiotics of signification based on the Saussure, and semiotics of

communication which based on Pierce logical and pragmatic philosophy.

Actually, in these two differences has a same interaction each other, even in

the system of the language sign and in the communication as the language


7 Kaelani, M.S. Filsafat Bahasa Semiotika dan Hermeneutika, (Yogyakarta: Paradigma,

2009), p. 169.


2. Semioticians and his Theory

1. Ferdinand de Saussure

Ferdinand de Saussure, is well know as the father of modern

linguistics and the founding father of structural linguistic in Europe.

Saussure was born in Geneva in 1857, studied mainly in Germany,

taught for a number of years in Paris, and then returned to the University

of Geneva in 1981 and dead there in 1913. His importance work, not in

his detail explanation in linguistic, but in his general view of

representation and the way his model of language shaped the semiotic

approach to the problem of representation in a wide variety of cultural


There are a three element distinction from Saussure according to

his Course in General Linguistic book as the fundamental element of the

structural semiotic approach, between (1) signifier and signified, (2)

langage, parole, and langue, (3) synchronic and diachronic.

1. Saussure defined the linguistic sign as two side entity. One side of

the sign was what he called the signifier. A signifier is the

thoroughly material aspect of a sign. If one feels one’s vocal when

speaking, it is clear that are made from vibrations (which are

undoubtedly material in nature). Saussure describes the verbal

signifier as a sound image.8

8 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz, Semiotic for Beginner, (London: Penguin Books, 1997),



Inseparably from the signifier in any sign, engendered by the

signifier is what Saussure calls the signified as the mental concept. The

word “dog” in English made up the signifier /d/, /o/ and /g/, what is

engendered for the hearers is not the real dog but a mental concept of


These two inseparable of the Signified (mental concept) and the

Signifier (material aspect) are described as the following diagram:

Signified Signifier

(Figure I. Meaning element from Saussure)

2. The general phenomenon of language (in French, langage) is made

up by two factor, between parole (individual acts of speech) and

langue (a system of difference between sign).9

3. According to Saussure, the linguistic research must concern in

Synchronic aspect before Diachronic aspect. Saussure describes

this vital distinction as: “Synchronic linguistic will be concerned

with the logical and physiological relations that bind together

coexisting terms and form a system in the collective mind of the

speaker. And Diachronic linguistics, on the contrary, will study

relations that bind together successive terms not perceived by the

9 Ibid, p.15.


collective mind but substituted for each other without forming a


2. Charles Sander Pierce

Charles Sander Pierce, the founder of the philosophical doctrine

as pragmatism, he defines a sign in the term of semiosis as “...something

which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity...”.

In this term, Pierce determine the subject of the sign as the part that

unseparated from the proses of the signification. The Triadic model of

Pierce (representament + objek + interpretant = sign), show the

important role of the subject in the language transformation. The sign

according to Pierce is which stand in the proces of the unlimited

semiosis, or the proses of the unlimited semiosis series, which creating

the interpretant in the newest form.11

This is the triange model or the semiosis by Pierce:


Interpretant Object

(Figure II. Meaning element from Pierce)

10 Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistic, (New York City: McGraww-Hill

Paperback, 1966), p. 99. 11 Yasraf Amir Piliang, Hipersemiotika Tafsir Cultural studies atas MatinyaMakna,

(Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2003), p. 266.


In the other name, a sign, is a fisrtnes which stand in such a

genuine triadic relation to a secondes, called it object, as to be capable

on determining the thirdnes, called representament.

From this triadic model, Pierce determines the sign clasification.

Ground or a sign itself clasified into Qualisign (quality on sign),

Signsign (actual event on sign), and Legisign ( a role or norm or a habit

on sign).

Based on it object, Pierce clasified a sign into Icon (the

connection between sign and object becouse its similiarities), Index (the

connection between sign and object its causalities and effect), and

Symbol (the connection between sign and object becouse the convention

on the social agreement).

On the interpretant, a sign clasified on Rheme (a sign interpreted

to represent based on the choises), Dicisign (a sign intrepreted to

rerresent based on the fact), and the Argument (a sign interpreted to

represent on the reason on something else).

C. Advertisements as the Semiotic Signification

Adveertisment as the langguage communiacation has a spesific

language structure. It express the message with the certain language and

sometimes contain of false expression than the real purpose of the



According to the semiotic signification, advertisment has contain more

than a signs, it consist of the language element which arraged from a signifier

or the a material element of the advertisment showed as picture, fhoto and

ilustration. And a concept of signified and the meaning beyond it signifier.

These structural element of advertisment is used to show a reality or even

falsifaying the reality of the advertiments. 12

Usually, an advertisments has three elements of sign. An object of the

product that advertise, contexts of advertisment aroud it object showed as the

things that gives the contexs of and object. And the text of advertismets in

written language. Beside it elements, advertisment has a levels of meanings, it

a denotative meaning, and a deepen meaning or connotative meaning when the

advertisment related to the cultural context and the undestanding of an


Beside it elements, advertising has indicate to a certain codes. The first

code that exist in usual texts is a linguistic code refer to what the texts

expressed. Generally, this code is express abut what is in the meaning of

dictionary or in linguistic order.

Roland Barthes, a well-known as the scientist who practiced linguistic

and semiology model of Saussurean and Piercian to analyze the secondary

code in cultural product such advertisements. In his book S/Z proposed

another term to understand the sign by arranging and grouping codes into five,

12 Ibid, p. 280. 13 Ibid.


there are a hermeneutic code, semantic code, symbolic code,

narrative/proairetic code and cultural code.14

Before he defines a sign into five codes above, he made two order of

signification of meaning to get a meaning in level of connotation and related

to cultural condition. In this order of signification, Barthes interrogate every

pieces of cultural and material product such advertisements and explained that

advertisements contribute to cultural myths as second-order signs.

First Order Second Order

Culture Reality Sign

Connotation Form

Signifier Signified


Myth Content

(John Fiske, Introduction to Communication Studies, 1990.p.88)

The first order is based from Saussure work on semiology. In this first

order shows a relation between signifier and signified in sign and between a

sign with other reference in external reality. Roland Barthes called this order

with denotation. A meaning in denotation level may show a similarity except

14 Roland Barthes, S/Z, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990), pp.19-20.


in connotation level. In this case, denotation tends to be described as the

definitional, literal, obvious or commonsense meaning of a sign.15

The term of connotation is used to refer to the socio cultural and

association to ideological of the sign. These are typically related to the

interpreter’s class, gender, and so on. Sign according to Barthes are more

polisemic in their connotations than their denotations.16

These are definition of codes that Barthes proposed in his second order

of signification:

1. A hermeneutic code consists of all units which function is to

articulated in various ways question, its response, and the variety of

chance events which can either formulate the question or delay its

answer, or even, constitute an enigma and lead to its solution.

2. A Semantic code is a code of connotation which utilizes hints or

flicker of meaning generated of certain signifiers. Third is symbolic

code which code of recognizable groupings or configuration

regularly repeated in various modes and by various mean in the

text, which ultimately generates the dominant figure in the carpet.

3. Other code is a narrative/proairetic code. Narrative or proaretic

code is a code of action derived from the concept of proaresis, the

ability rationally is to determine the result of an action, and this

code is also embodied in sequence such as lexcia.

15 John Fiske, Introduction to Communication Studies,(Jogjakarta: Jalasutra, 1990), p.

119. 16 Ibid.



4. The last code which Barthes called as cultural code, which code

manifest as a gnomic, collective, anonymous and an authoritative

voice which speaks for and about what it aims to establish as

accepted knowledge or wisdom.



A. Description of Data

The writer uses the image of the coca-colas advertisements as the

object of the research. The data are collected from coca-cola coke and coca-

cola zero images edition that has an identical characteristic as sign. The data

of the images that the writer obtains can be presented on the table below:

Object Expression Form Content form/Interpret ant

Image 1 “Welcome to the Coke side of life”

- To invite an audience of the message to consume coca-coca’s drink product.

- To tell to the audience that coca-cola is better product of drink.

- To Influence to the audience that coca-cola is a part of people life.

Image 2 “Continuous quality is quality you trust”

- To claim coca-cola as the best quality that audience trusted.

- An icon of coca-cola factory and five-penny of each coca-cola bottle shows an idea of industrial capitalism.

Image 3 “How to liven up the day after the holiday, too!”

- Coca-cola’s product influences the audience that his brand is suited for a holiday and party times.

- Coca-cola’s product is suited for any American food.

- Coca-cola and American food (sandwich)


are extra taste to consume.

Image 4 “Taste so Much Like Coke”

- A new appearance of coca-cola zero edition with a black color as dominant element of the product.

- A new kind of coca-cola product

- Coca-cola Zero claimed a taste is better than a previous coca-cola coke edition.

- Coca-cola as a company sue themselves to the audience about a taste of coca-cola zero edition.

Image 5 “Real Taste and Zero Sugar”

- A new appearance of coca-cola zero edition with a black color as dominant element of the product.

- Coca-cola zero sugar claims as the real taste of coca-cola and with zero sugar.

- An audience persuade to consume a coca-cola zero sugar due to an ingredient of it mixture is safely for consume.

B. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, according to the semiotic signification on the

advertisements, the writer analyzes the meaning of the pictorial aspect or an

object of the advertisement and the contexts that gives the context to an object

of advertisement, and the text of advertisement as the linguistic symbol.

An advertisement has a complex meaning when it appeared in many

ways. A semiotic signification had determined a meaning of advertisement to


denotative meaning (an explicit meaning of sign) and connotative meaning (a

meaning of sign related to ideological and cultural term).

Due to advertising has it referring codes, then the writer analyzes the

code that laden in the coca-coca’s advertisements. This code may show its

hermeneutic code, semantic code, symbolic, cultural, or even narrative code.

Finally, finding the meaning of coca-cola’s advertising meaning is the final

step of this data analysis, whether it shows in denotative meaning or

connotation meaning.

1. Semiotic analysis on Coca-cola Coke edition, “Welcome to the Coke side

of life”.

(Image 1)

Coca-cola’s product is famous with its red color symbol. A bottle of

coca-cola’s products are generally in red color with other combinations to


support its symbol elements. In the picture above, a bottle of coca-cola is

obviously colored with a red painting. Actually, it is important to be aware of

the concept of red color in coca-cola symbol as a fundamental principle of

coca-cola products to distinguish from other products.

It is obviously interesting according to context of the pictorial sign

above when a bottle of coca-cola explodes various colors in dynamic pencil

sign. According to Pierce a sign is something which stands to somebody entity

and determines a sign into triadic model of semiotic interpretation to

representament, object, and interpretant. Following to Piercian concept of

semiotic interpretation, a sign of pencil represents a coca-cola concept at all.

A sign of pencil pictorial symbol references an interpretant about

coca-cola personification products. A pencil colored with a red and light

prominently among others color shows the ideas about coca-cola is very

dominant product among others.

Another important of the pictorial elements above is the use of an

expression text ‘welcome to the Coke side of life’ in a middle of the pictorial

element and associated to general consumer of coca-cola drinks products. An

expression phrases explains an ideas about a persuasion that a coca-cola drink

is element of a people side of life.

The text on that coca-cola’s advertisement identified as signifier given

in the middle of the picture. The sign as a whole is the printed text: “Welcome


to the Coke side of life”. The signifiers are the letters or words as individual

units and signified about:

1. To invite the audience of the message in order to consume coca-coca’s

drink product.

2. To tell the audience that coca-cola is better product of drink.

3. To influence the audience that coca-cola is a part of people life.

The first signified concept about invited an audience to consume coca

cola’s drink product can be understood by viewing the concept of the

advertising above. The signifier of pencils, or the signifier of the various

colors showed in that advertisement signified to something about coca-coca

audience or consumer. A concept of color and pencil, however, signified to the

people or some community that they consume the coca-cola’s drink products.

The second signified concept of special product, as represented in

coca-cola brand, showed in the bottle as a signifier of the advertisement.

Coca-cola, especially in Coke edition, however, is consumed by people around

the world in every countries. The advertisement of coca-cola find in many

ways of advertisement, people may find the coca-cola advertising in the

magazine and television. In addition, this why a coca-cola drink is the product

that so close to people life due to its advertising process signified for people to

consume and drink coca-cola.


The third signified concept is the most important concept of the

advertisement above. The phrase about “Welcome to the Coke side of life”

Influences to the audience that coca-cola is a part of people life. This pictorial

symbol organizes the audience and influences their consciousness to consume

the coca-cola’s drink product as their part of life.

After identifying the signifier and the signified elements, the second

ways to understand the sign is identifying the connotation meaning. By

analyzing the signifier and the signified above or in denotation meaning, the

writer bear the meaning into connotation interpretation or what is the meaning

of the sign in cultural term or ideological term. However, as identified the sign

in level of the signifier and the signified, the sign above dominantly told about

the coca-cola as the drink product and also a product that consumed by a

whole people around the world, this is what the sign told about in connotation


The last important thing of the advertisement sign above is the

referring codes of the advertisement. There are also certain codes, refers to the

sign of coca-coca’s advertisement above into symbolic code, and semantic


In the term of symbolic code, the sign of coca-cola’s advertisement

under the phrase ‘welcome to the Coke side of life’ applied any symbols as a

dominant element of a sign. A picture of coca-cola’s red bottle as the first

symbol of the sign and a picture of colorful pencils, in connotative level,


symbolize to someone entity. A red bottle, actually designated a coca-cola as

an industry of drink and a picture of colorful pencil designate to people whom

drink a coca-cola’s product.

2. Semiotic analysis on Coca-cola coke edition, “Continuous quality is

quality you trust”.

(Image 2)

In this advert, a very dominant through pictorial symbol consists three

elements, row of coca-cola’s bottle, coca-cola manufacture, and a coca-cola

coke labels with a red color. These three elements are object of the sign

according to Piercian model of semiotic because every picture of coca-cola’s

bottles, manufacture, and its symbol has a relation each other to a sign in

general coca-cola coke edition.

The writer agreed that an object of the pictorial aspect of the adverts

above has a sign and meaning. A bottle of the coca-cola has its interpretant, a


factory and a label too, has its relation to interpretant element of Piercian

model of semiotic.

A row of coca-cola’s bottle is a represantament which related to a

coca-cola product as an object of the sign intention above. Based on the role of

the sign by Piercian model, if there are signs that represent on the reason or

something else, an interpretant element can identified as argument

interpretant. Actually, a pictorial symbol in rows of bottle is a symbol of

coca-cola general production.

The next object of a sign above is a picture of coca-cola factory and

red coca-cola logos. These two objects represent to an interpretant about coca-

cola units whole elements, including a factory activities and labels. Each of

three interpretants appeared in a sign above, pointed to coca-cola corporation

as a capital business. Including in a sign above, a theme told something about

trade system and a price of each bottle of coca-cola drinks.

How does the pictorial sign above have a meaning? To answer this

question, the writer determines these three pictorial sign and compared it with

a context which is appeared in a sign above. In these cases, between a picture

of coca-cola factory, its bottle and even its red label as a dominant, gives a

context to the audience in other to have an interpretation about coca-cola’s

capital system.

The texts on the coca-cola’s advertisement identified as signifier

element of a sign. The sign as a whole is the printed text: Continuous quality


is quality you trust, Coca-Cola Coke, Ask for it either way…both trade-mark

mean the same thing, 5$, copyright the Coca-Cola Company. These signifiers

are individual units and indicate to signified about:

1. A phrase ‘continuous quality is quality you trust’ is a claim of coca-

cola drink products as the best quality that trusted by the audience.

2. A phrase ‘ask for it either way…both trade-mark mean the same thing’

is an idea of industrial capitalism that coca-cola had built is the best

among other drink products.

3. A phrase ‘Coca-Cola Coke’ is a Coke edition of coca-cola drink


4. A word 5$ (penny) is a price for each bottle of coca-cola.

5. A phrase ‘copyright© the Coca-Cola Company’ means a copyright of

every coca-cola drink labeled by coca-cola company industry.

The signifier ‘continuous quality is quality you trust’ as the writer said

in the previous page that this expression as a claim of coca-cola that it is the

best quality or drink in audience lifestyle. This signifier is not enough

meaning of the concept to understand a whole meaning of a sign. A phrase

above is actually composed to another meaning called a signified meaning. In

this term of interpretation, the writer agreed that a phrase ‘continuous quality

is quality you trust’ signified to a trick of coca-cola industry through his

consumer to agreed that coca-cola is the best quality of drink production.


These signified concepts are supported by a pictorial element appeared in

whole sign above. Beside it, other signified concept of the previous interpreted

phrase could be a persuasion trick for the audience of this advertisement to

consume and to believe that the quality of coca-cola drink is the best quality

among other.

A signifier expression in phrase ‘ask for it either way…both trade-

mark mean the same thing’ signified about an idea of industrial capitalism that

coca-cola had built is the best among other drink products. A structure

constituted this expression is a communication process that persuades and

invites an audience to interact each other or to think something about when

they are seeing this advertisement. A phrase that expresses an invitation to the

audience to think or to find another best product outside of coca-cola applied

in the phrase ‘ask for it either way’. This expression phrase in active sentence

and signified to the audience to think another product except coca-cola. The

audience may think about, is there something else but coca-cola, or is there

another best drink quality except coca-cola?

Supporting for a signified above, other phrase appeared in second

phrases ‘both trade-mark mean the same thing’. An expression of this signifier

is a strengthening of the previous expression. At first glance, the audience

signified to think about another coca-cola drink product and to find another

best quality in other products, but in second phrases, the audience stimulated

to believe that coca-cola is the best product after all. The audience has to


believe both trade system, and coca-cola label (trademark) is the best drink

production after seeing a sign in advertising above.

The look ‘Coca-Cola Coke’ and ‘5$’ which is located in front of the

picture provide a paradigmatic perception through its signified concepts. The

receiver or the audience of this coca-cola advertising version would assume to

think about coca-cola’s price, and version. This assumption might be the first

conclusion but not merely a right assumption. When this advertisement mode

seeing in each time by an audience, a sign in signified concept appeared which

tells about Coca-Cola manufacture attention to build a capital trade system.

The means of this signified concepts aim to the audience who ever saw this

advertisement to buy and to consume Coca-Cola drink.

The last signifier in phrase ‘copyright© the Coca-Cola Company’ is a

minor element built in the advertisement above. This signifier also means to

tell the audience about a copyright of every coca-cola drink labeled by coca-

cola company industry, which is manufactured guarantee for all coca-cola

drink production. Although this signifier is a minor element, a structure in this

signifier also provides other claim about capital industry and trade system or

something called as capitalism.

As a combination of many textual signifier and pictorial signifier

concept which arranged in the sign above, there are also latent codes

throughout the sign. In this assumption, the writer identified that there is a

narrative/proairetic code as a major code.


Consideration of the code’s role and interpretation from many signifier

element appeared which constitutes to many signified interpretation, a sign of

coca-cola coke edition in image 2, encodes and narrates to coca-cola

manufacturing process. A pictorial signifier in manufacture image, a process

of labeling a bottle, and a trade symbol of coca-cola label, is major

information to indicate that this sign would be a narrative code.

3. Semiotic analysis on cola-cola coke edition, “How to live up the day after

the holiday too!”.

(Image 3)

In the interpretation of semiotic and its analysis through a sign, there

are main sphere interests, identified as the sign itself, the code or system in

which the signs are organized and the culture which these codes and signs are

operated. According to these main interests and related to the advertisement of

coca-cola above, a theory of semiotic could be the appropriate theory in


analyzing a sign of coca-cola which expresses about “How to liven up the day

after the holiday”.

In analyzing a sign of coca-cola advertisement above, the writer

decides to analyze a pictorial symbol as the represantament that indicate

toward an interpretant. There are two main represeantament/ground or

pictorial symbols in coca-cola coke advertisement, in coca-cola’s bottle and


These two represeantament/ground refer to interpretant. The

interpretant in coca-cola bottle figure is an index idea of industrial label and

product, and the interpretant in sandwich figure is an index of American

special food for a holiday.

Each of coca-cola’s bottle and sandwich pictorial elements, give a

context meaning that audience know something about coca-cola drinks. In this

interpretation step, the sign in pictorial elements show ideas about coca-cola

product as a special drink and suitable for any occasion in holiday with a

sandwich. On the other side, the audience or the viewer of this advertisement

are (sign) influenced to consume a coca-cola drink when they are eating a

sandwich. Meanwhile, both of a coca-cola drink and sandwich are pairs of

food and drink.

A text that operates to other meaning in the advertisement above

identified as signifier element of sign. The signifiers printed in; “how to live

up the day after the holiday too!”’ is as the main purpose of the


advertisement. A paragraph as explanation of coca-cola and sandwich, is

written in “It’s the day after. You open the fridge and all that’s left are the

leftovers. This is your change to pile up all your favorite holiday taste into one

giant super-sandwich. Now… if you can just find one chilled bottle of Coke

somewhere between the carton of eggs and the last of the turkey, you’ve got it

made”. A line referred to coca-cola bottle, is written in “Stoke up on plenty of

Coke… you know how taste it disappears!”. Every lines referred to sandwich,

is written in, “the last of the cocktail olives” , “Uncle Jim’s annual Virginia

ham”, “The best turkey that I ever cooked”, “Aunt May’s candied yams”, “Our

family favorite stuffing ”. The last signifier is a phrase “Coke Adds Life”.

However, signifier is a form or physical element of sign and referred to

signified elements concepts about;

1. A phrase “how to live up the day after the holiday too!” is a question

statement to the viewer of the whole sign. A whole sign perceive that a

coca-cola’s drink and American sandwich is pair of special food.

2. A paragraph “It’s the day after. You open the fridge and all that’s left

are the leftovers. This is your change to pile up all your favorite

holiday taste into one giant super-sandwich. Now… if you can just find

one chilled bottle of Coke somewhere between the carton of eggs and

the last of the turkey, you’ve got it made” is a story about the coca-cola

as the special drink for the holiday.


3. A phrase “Stoke up on plenty of Coke…you know how taste it

disappears!” lined to coca-cola’s bottle is expression about coca-cola

coke edition taste.

4. A phrase “the last of the cocktail olives” is signifier of olive as a

additional ingredient for sandwich.

5. A phrase “Uncle Jim’s annual Virginia ham” referred to a ham is one

of sandwich (American food) ingredient that Uncle Jim (American

people) has special ham.

6. A phrase “The best turkey that I ever cooked” referred to a turkey is

one of sandwich (American food) ingredient.

7. A phrase “Aunt May’s candied yams” refere to candied yams in

sandwich is one of sandwich (American food) ingredient

8. A phrase “Our family favorite stuffing” referred to any stuff in

sandwich is one of sandwich (American food) ingredient.

9. Moreover, the last signifier written in phrase “Coke Adds Life” is a

final statement of the advertisement theme. This coca-cola coke

advertisement signified to inform an ad about people of American life.

After identifying the signifier element that manifested in text and

defined its element to signified concept, the writer decides to identify it in

connotation meaning or in the meaning related to the culture and ideological


term. Connotations meaning derives not from the sign itself, but it is from the

way of the society value use both the signifier and the signified.

According to the usage of connotation term, the writer argued that the

coca-cola’s coke advertisement has meaning to American people life style.

This is cultural meaning as what the advertisement appears in each the

signifier told. The signifier in texts and pictorial element show the ideas to the

audience of this sign about the idea of American food and drink culture.

As a combination of many textual signifier and pictorial signifier

concepts which is arranged in the sign above, there are also semantic and

culture codes throughout the sign. Semantic code is a code in connation which

utilize hint of meaning generated to certain signifier. In this term, according to

the semantic code and from each the signifier appear in coca-cola coke “how

to live up the day after the holiday too!” edition generates a meaning in

connotation level about American food and lifestyle especially in holiday. A

coca-cola and sandwich are describes as the special pairs of food and drink for

people in the holiday.

The second codes that appeared in coca-cola coke “how to live up the

day after the holiday too!” edition is culture code. This culture code

considered as what the coca-cola advertisement above want to tell to the

audience. Coca-cola coke advertisement (sign) want to show the audience that

coca-cola is general drink product that people consume and suited with an

American food style.


4. Semiotic analysis on cola-cola Zero edition, “Taste So Much Like Coke”.

(Image 4)

In coca-cola zero edition, a coca-cola industry shows the different

concept than in Coke editions. In zero editions, coca-cola industry changed the

image of bottle as the pictorial element of sign into can. However, a picture of

coca-cola can is a dominant element of pictorial sign and identified as a

represantement of sign. The other important thing in this advertisement is a

text that appeared in the advertisement. In this situation, the writer decides to

classify a pictorial element and the text as the represantement of the sign.

In order to get the meaning of the sign above, then the writer applies

the theory of semiotic as Piercian models. The represantement of the can is

index to coca-cola drink in general product and the information of new coca-

cola product after Coke edition. The represantement in text elements supports

the first index of coca-cola new edition. From this classification between

represantament and indexes, the pictorial symbol and text signified and


indicate to interpretant about coca-cola zero is better taste claims than the

previous Coke edition.

After those explanations, the text element is classified as signifier to

get the meaning in signified level and connotation level. A phrase “Taste so

much like coke, we should sue ourselves” is signifiers in words as individual

units and signified to concepts about:

1. A new appearance of coca-cola zero edition with a black color is as

dominant element of the product.

2. A new kind of coca-cola product

3. Coca-cola Zero claimed better taste than a previous coca-cola coke


4. Coca-cola as a company sue themselves to the audience about a taste

of coca-cola zero edition.

The first of three signified above is general sense of the sign or this

advertisement. This three signified just information about the new coca-cola

zero edition with a modern design is better than the classical design. However,

it is also important signified concept in the last signified. The phrase “taste so

much like Coke, we should sue ourselves” which appeared in dominant

sentences is a main purpose of what is the coca-cola industry wants to tell to

the audience of this advertising. A use of word “we” and “ourselves” in phrase

expression signified to someone entity or group and in this interpretation the


unclear entity could be represented or signified to coca-cola industry or


Furthermore, after got the interpretation of system or in the denotation

level arranged in a sign of coca-cola zero editions, the next interpretation is in

connotation level. There is important information about previous coca-cola

edition that the product of coca-cola has to influence on people ways of living,

actually to consume coca-cola drink products. When coca-cola drink product

had become habit and people consumes the drink in every ways and times, an

industry innovates their product to keep the consumer. In this situation, coca-

cola industry will produce the new image or the new edition.

The trends of changing previous edition become a new one is what

coca-cola industry wants to publish. When the people knew the new edition of

coca-cola product and people are influenced to know a taste of the new

edition. Actually, the industry does not change the ingredient of the taste. By

this interpretation, the writer decide to take a conclusion about the connotation

meaning in coca-cola zero “Taste So Much Like Coke” sign that the meaning

of this advertisement is meaning to capital systems.

Another last thing appeared in this sign is a code system intended

to cultural code. A sign in coca-cola zero “Taste So Much Like Coke” indicate

to manifest a collective understanding that the zero edition or coca-cola

product in general information establish as the best drink product in people

mind and understanding.


5. Semiotic analysis on coca-cola zero sugar edition, “Real Taste and Zero


(Image 5)

Coca-cola Zero Sugar is a recent edition of coca-cola industry. The

concepts of the image and the color as same as the previous edition in coca-

cola zero but the newest thing appeared in this edition is added by the new

label. In addition, an interpretant of pictorial sign indexes to coca-cola

industry and coca-cola recent edition.

A combination of the texts on the coca-cola zero sugar’s

advertisement identified as signifier element of a sign written as “Now we

have REAL TASTE and ZERO SUGAR….why can’t big nights come with Zero

morning afters?”. A signifier expression above signified to express thing s


1. A new appearance of coca-cola zero edition with a black color is as

dominant element of the product.


2. Coca-cola zero sugar claims is as the real taste of coca-cola and with

zero sugar.

3. The audience persuades to consume a coca-cola zero sugar due to an

ingredient of its mixture is safely for consumer.

The last two signified concepts are the important thing of the sign

above and provide information about what the coca-cola meant and want to

tell an audience of the coca-cola zero sugar’s advertisements. The second

signified is about coca-cola zero sugar claiming taste and positioned its edition

to the real taste among previous editions is a coca-cola fake. This fake

represents in phrase “Now we have REAL TASTE and ZERO SUGAR”. In

reality, thus expression of real taste and with zero sugar is claiming and

falsifying of ingredient in coca-cola product. By this signifier, the audience

persuades just to consume coca-cola drink due to the mixture of ingredient

safely for consumer.

In previous explanation, the writer decided to put the meaning of

connotation level about capital system that the coca-cola company develops in

consumer. Although an image and text as signifier was very different, and a

denotation meaning of whole sign expressed something explicit of the sign,

thus element combined from signifier and texts, express the same thing about

the capital system.

Consideration of the code’s role and interpretation from many signifier

element and denotation level appeared, which constitutes to many signified



interpretation, a sign of coca-cola zero sugar edition, “Real Taste and Zero

Sugar” indicate to hermeneutic code. By reading phrase “why can’t big nights

come with Zero morning afters?”, the audience of this advertisement asked

and influenced to buy a coca-cola as the priority. In other circumstances, the

audiences when they are seeing this advertisement and reading a phrase they

led to solution to buy a coca-cola zero sugar as the final solution.



A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis of five kinds of Coca-cola’s advertisements that

has been made and the general purposed of semiotic signification research

aimed to find a meaning of denotation and connotation meaning, the writer

concludes as the following:

1. After analyzing five edition of coca-cola advertisement, the writer

decides to summarize that a sign in coca-cola advertisement used any

structure of sign system. Each of the sign has a system and formed by

combination between pictorial element, texts and context. Thus

element has contribution to give a meaning of each signifier in

pictorial element, text and signified to denotation and connotation


2. There are similarities of sign system appeared in all advertisements of

Coca-cola. The usage of pictorial elements, texts, and color, especially

the usage of red color as brand mark signifies to Coca-cola’s drink

products as general. A red color become a trade mark of Coca-cola and

used to symbolize every advertisement of Coca-cola.

3. In denotation meaning each of coca-cola advertisement’s signified to

produce a meaning about coca-cola as the best drink product. In this

level, an audience influence to consume a coca-cola product by seeing



each of the advertisement. This denotation meaning supports an idea

about capital system and people habit as cultural and ideological term

which describes a connotation meaning. Mostly, the writer found a

symbolic code, narrative code and cultural code in coca-cola’s

advertisements that the writer interpreted for.

B. Suggestions

From the conclusion above, the writer suggest some points to the

readers who want to analyze coca-cola’s advertisement and general semiotic


1. The coca-cola company uses any manipulation in their

advertisements. The manipulation exists in a structure or system

which constituted the sign in advertisement. So, the reader should

understand the coca-cola advertisement and it manipulation system

and structure in semiotic term.

2. The consumers or audience of coca-cola’s product have to be more

understand about the coca-cola purposes in advertising. The

consumers and audiences of coca-cola advertising have to

understand and aware of coca-cola slogan and manipulation in their

sign (advertisements).

3. Finally, the writer hopes that this study will be useful for the future

semiotical research, especially for the English Letter Department

students who want to analyze the semiotical research.


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