A Roadmap for RPAS integration in European airspace by … · A Roadmap for RPAS integration in...


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A Roadmap for RPAS integration in European airspace by 2016


EC DG Enterprise and Industry

ASD Convention – Technology Forum Lisbon -11/10/2012


Definitively yes!Europe is now developing the necessary environment for the European industry to stay in

and lead the race.

UAS industry,is Europe still in the


The EC supports the development of civil RPAS applications .


11 The past (building on a broad consultation)The past (building on a broad consultation)

22 The future (Roadmap for RPAS integration into civil airspace)The future (Roadmap for RPAS integration into civil airspace)

More than 10 years of EU activities

Ü Studies:

èThe European Civil Unmanned Air Vehicle Roadmap (UAVnet/CAPECON/USICO, 2005)

èINOUI study (2007)


èthe Policy Statement on Airworthiness Certification of UAS (2009), NPA (2012), 3 tasks foreseen in 2013 rulemaking programme

Ü Consultations (DG MOVE):

èthe Hearing on Light UAS (2009)

èthe High-Level-Conference on UAS (2010)

2011: The UAS Panel consultation

Ü Need to consolidate the views through a broad consultation in order to decide the way forward

Ü Launch of a consultation made of 5 workshops

èIndustry and Market (UVSI)

èAir space Insertion and Radio Frequencies (ECTL)

èSafety (ESA)

èSocietal Dimension (Prof. Roma)

èR&D (EDA)

Ü Discussion Papers and Conclusions available at


Conclusions of the UAS Panel (1)

Ü RPAS are today a reality

Ü RPAS present a real potential for the development of civil applications (jobs & growth)

Ü Unleash this potential requires to address the following challenges :

èRPAS airspace integration is urgent (safety and business)

Ä Requires development of regulation and technology

è Societal impact of RPAS needs to be addressed (liability, insurance, privacy protection, public acceptance, etc)

Conclusions of the UAS Panel (2)

Ü Achieving RPAS airspace integration requires increased coordination:

èCoordination of the efforts to develop regulation (MS, EASA, EURCAE, ECTL, JARUS, etc)

èNeed to stimulate harmonization between national approaches (< 150 kg)

èNeed to coordinate regulatory and technology developments, etc

Conclusions of the UAS Panel (3)

Ü In consequence the UAS Panel

èCalled for the development of a

Roadmap for safe RPAS integration into European airspace by 2016covering the following 3 areas:

Ä Regulation


Ä Societal impact

èCalled upon the EC to lead this coordination effort

EC conclusions

Ü The benefit for European economy and society justifies that EC supports the development of civil RPAS applications

Ü First action needed: support RPAS airspace integration by leading the development of a Roadmap identifying the actions needed to

èDevelop the regulation for large RPA (> 150kg - EASA)

èSupport the development of harmonized national regulation for light RPA (< 150 kg)

èDevelop the necessary technology

èAddress the societal issues linked to RPAS integration

Staff Working Document SWD(2012)259

Ü Objective of the SWD:

èSummarizes the conclusions of the UAS Panel Process

èProvides a common understanding on the issue at stake and the actions needed

èProposes a way forward

Ü Issued last September

Ü Available at: https://circabc.europa.eu/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/fc235dde-8a61-49cd-ae01-fe457eb0742a/COMM_NATIVE_SWD_2012_259_STAFF_WORKING_PAPER_EN_V2_P1_705000[1].pdf


11 The past (building on an extensive consultation)The past (building on an extensive consultation)

22 The future (Roadmap for RPAS integration into civil airspace)The future (Roadmap for RPAS integration into civil airspace)

Roadmap for safe integration of RPAS into European airspace by 2016

Ü Objective:

è Ensure progressive RPAS integration from 2016 by

Ä Defining all the necessary activities needed (regulation, R&D and societal impact)

Ä Coordinating the efforts of the different actors

Ä Monitoring the progress towards RPAS insertion

Ü Timing:

è EC launched the development of the Roadmap in July.

è The first version should be ready early 2013

è Annual revision of the Roadmap foreseen

èRoadmap spans over 15 years (until full integration)

Roadmap for safe integration of RPAS into European airspace by 2016

Ü Content:

èEstablish stepwise approach with partial insertion from 2016 & identify quick wins

èDescribe the necessary tasks :

Ä Development of aviation regulation

Ä Development of necessary technologies to support airspace integration

Ä Addressing societal issues

Ü Structure:

èVolume 1: Overall roadmap for usersèVolume 2: Detailed work plan to monitor the progress

Roadmap for safe integration of RPAS into European airspace by 2016

Ü In the area of aviation regulation the Roadmap will

èDefine priorities (taking into account market needs, ICAO work, etc)

èTwo urgent needs:

Ä Large RPA : define adequate safety objectives

Ä Light RPA : promote harmonized national regulation allowing limited commercial operations (VLOS)

èProvide a detailed work plan a of all necessary activities to ensure good coordination of all efforts (EASA, ECTL, EUROCAE, JARUS, national CAAs etc)

Roadmap for safe integration of RPAS into European airspace by 2016

Ü In the area of Research and development for RPAS integration the Roadmap will

èIdentify necessary technology developments and validation activities and streamline the R&D efforts

Ä Detect & Avoid, secure C2 link, cyber security, aerodromes operations, etc.

èCoordinate technology and regulatory developments.

èFacilitate coordination between potential future civil and military programs (EDA JIP, H2020 …)

Roadmap for safe integration of RPAS into European airspace by 2016

Ü In the area of Societal Impact the Roadmap will

èIdentify societal impact (liability, privacy, etc) that need to be addressed

èSet-up appropriate consultation mechanism

èDefine necessary actions to address them


Ä Liability and insurance (revision of regulation 785/2004)

Ä Privacy and data protection (covered by the EU data protection framework): seek opinion from WP29, EDPS, issue recommendations…

European RPAS Steering Group

Ü Setting-up a European RPAS Steering Group


Ä Endorse the Roadmap and

Ä On the basis of the Roadmap, monitor the progress towardsinsertion of RPAS into air traffic in Europe.


Ä Chaired by DG ENTR and DG MOVE

Ä Include main organizations involved in the tasks identified inthe Roadmap (EC, EASA, EUROCONTROL, ECAC, EDA, ESA,EUROCAE, SESAR JU, JARUS, ASD, UVSI)

Ä Composition may evolve according to the needs
