A report on Rangamate Ecologi


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  • 7/27/2019 A report on Rangamate Ecologi



    Chapter One


  • 7/27/2019 A report on Rangamate Ecologi



    1.1.Origin of the ReportThis report has been prepared to make a study on Status n elvoel o in

    Rangamatias a part of the fulfillment of assignment required for the completion of the course

    yelvE and Environment of BBA program (6


    semester) of the Business AdministrationDepartment of Leading University, Sylhet.

    The report was prepared under the supervision of Mr. Md. Raolla moa, Lecturer of

    Leading University, Sylhet. I am very much thankful to him for assigning such types of work.

    1.2 Scope of the Study

    The study intended to cover the gg n elvoel o n fvoin Bangladesh.

    Basic target is thatrepresents the situation of the whole fvo.

    1.3 Objective of the Study

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the elvoel o n fvo.

    The other purposes of the report are as follows:

    - To apply theoretical knowledge with practical situation.

    - To familiar with thebekvd n fvo.

    - To gain some clear ideas about general information n fvo.

    - To know about the Climate condition & o n gled .

    - To examine the major challengeg ned bE a vvoel ge n fvo.

    1.4 Limitation of the Study

    - Lek n eggE ono.

    - Lood o n n aog gdE.

    - Taog gdE og gln noed.

    - Bkdw n lleoeoE.

  • 7/27/2019 A report on Rangamate Ecologi



    Chapter Two


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    Defining the Research Problem

    It is said, A problem well defined is half solved. The first step in research methodology is to

    define the problem and deciding the research objective. mE gea pbl og g n

    elvoel o o fvo

    Selecting Area

    Ta gled n E gea og fvo o Caovv.

    Map: Rangamati

  • 7/27/2019 A report on Rangamate Ecologi



    Time frame

    Initially the duration of the program was for three weeks.

    Sources of Data

    This report was prepared mainly based on the secondary available data. Secondary data are those

    which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through

    the statistical process. In this case one is not confronted with the problems that are usually

    associated with the collection of original data. Secondary data either be published data or

    unpublished data. The secondary data was collected from the relevant website.

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    Chapter Three

    Literature Review

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    3.1 Background of Rangamati

    Rangamati Hill District lies to the south east of Bangladesh. The area of the district is 6,116

    sq/km or 6, 11,600 ha. There are ten Upazilas in the district. Many types of ethnic people live

    here; such as Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Tanchangya, Lushai, Khyang, Pankhoa, Kuki etc.

    The area covers vast forest land, wide range of hills and alluvial valley bottoms. Cultivable plain

    land is scarce in CHT region. Land suitable for intensive field crop cultivation is less than 5% of

    the total area. The traditional agricultural economy is based on the growing of paddy and other

    crops in the valley bottom land. The utilization of hill slopes by shifting cultivation locally

    known as jum. Beside this, due to construction of Kaptai dam in 1960 for hydroelectricity

    project, 60,000 acres of cultivable plain land was submerged in Kaptai Lake.

    Parallel to the government administrative system, there is a traditional system in this region. The

    region is divided into 3 circles, each of them corresponding more or less in their boundaries with

    the current districts. Each circle is divided into number of mouza leaded by a Headman and each

    mouza again subdivided in para (village) which is leaded by a Karbari.

    The economy of the area is mainly based on agriculture and main source of livelihood of the

    CHT people. The traditional shifting cultivation is based on rain fed condition which is called

    jum cultivation is the most common practice in the CHT region. The main crops generally grown

    in jum include rice, sesame, chili, ginger, turmeric, cucurbitaceous (sweet gourd, marpha, chinal,

    bitter gourd etc), maize, banana, aroids, cotton, okra etc. Along with jum cultivation, the upland

    area is also cultivated for other single crop like turmeric, zinger and aroids or covered with fruit

    garden, forest trees in rain fed condition.

    Rural poverty among the CHT communities varies with ethnicity, location, remoteness and

    gender. The indigenous peoples are in general poorer than the Bangalees. The UNDP study

    (2009) showed that the average income for indigenous people is about taka 62000 per year, while

    that for Bangladesh is taka 71000, as against taka 84000 per rural household in Bangladesh as a


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    In addition women of all communities, indigenous and Bangalees are worse off than men of

    these communities. There is a substantial difference in calorie consumption and decision-

    making power (UNDP 2009) between women and men of all communities.

    Along with poverty incidence being higher by location (hill or valley) and remoteness there is

    also the difference in the nature of agricultural systems. As pointed out hill dwellers are mainly

    jum cultivators, while valley dwellers rely mainly on plough agriculture. Additionally remote hill

    communities, who find it difficult to market their goods, rely much more on relatively

    nonperishable commodities, such as cotton, ginger and turmeric for their commercial production.

    On the other hand, hill communities on main roads rely much more on perishable products; such

    as fruits for their main commercial production. Valley dwellers cultivate perishable vegetables as

    commercial crop.

    Along with remoteness or nearness to markets, another factor affecting the development of

    horticulture and other tree crops is the absence of natural security. A large part of the land of

    indigenous peoples is unregistered and liable to be lost to immigrants; particularly where road

    networks are developed insecurity of tenure reduces the incentive in medium to long term

    investments, such as in horticulture or timber. Instead insecure promotes short-term investment

    in seasonal crops, which may neither provide the highest income for the households nor be

    environmentally beneficial.

    3.2 Climate condition

    The region experiences a subtropical monsoon climate with the mean maximum and minimum

    temperature range 26.6 34.2C and 12.4 25.3 C. The 80% rainfall takes place in May-

    September and the rest months of the year remain nearly dry.


    Kaptai Lake is the largest source of water in Rangamati. This water has multipurpose use like

    electricity generation, fish production, navigation, irrigation etc. Due to some activities like

    spading the hill for agricultural activities; soil erosion may cause a hazard. Deforestation

    activities have a bad impact in environment. To prevent this impact, massive plantation and

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    conservation program should be taken with the participation of local community.

    3.4 Food situation and population

    According to the population census 2011, the total population of the district is 5, 95,979among

    which male 3, 01,376 and female 2, 82,903. The total number of households is 1, 28,496 and the

    average size of household is 4.6. The population growth rate is 1.58 andpopulation density per

    sq. km is 97. The area for cereal crop cultivation is not adequate. So every year the scarcity of

    food remains in the district.

    3.5 Food consumption, food security and poverty

    Rice is the staple food for all households in CHT. Food habit reflected in food items consumed

    by the CHT people is almost similar to the plain land people except very few items like nappi (a

    special type of dry fish), bamboo shoots and dry vegetables. The physical quantity of daily food

    intake per person in CHT is about 718 gm.

    3.5 General information

    Rangamati Hill District lies to the south east of Bangladesh. The area of the district is 6,116

    sq/km or 6, 11,600 ha. There are ten upazilas in the district. The total population of the district is

    5, 95,979. Many types of ethnic people live here; such as Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Tanchangya,

    Lushai, Khyang, Pankhoa, Kuki, khumi etc.

    3.6 Livestock department

    There is a scope of increase livestock production in the district. There is a government poultry

    farm, a duck farm and a pig farm in the district. There are also some private livestock farms e.g.

    dairy (141), goat (36), layer (54) and broiler (102). All government livestock farms are located in

    the district headquarter. There is no government farm at upazila level. In Rangamati there is a

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    good scope of pig farming. The local ethnic people prefer pork very much. So some activities

    may be taken to increase the production of pig. There is an opportunity of rearing local cattle &


    3.7 Fisheries department

    Rangamati district is rich by the presence of all concerned fisheries departments under the

    Ministry of Fisheries and livestock. Department of Fisheries is playing an important role through

    technology transfer, fish act implementation although, the culture fishery is very limited in

    compared to the other parts of the country. Rangamati district is one of the fish surplus

    producing districts of the country and main source of the fishes are from Kaptai Lake which is

    managed by BFDC (Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation). A reverend substation of

    Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute is carrying out different research on fish production

    improvement. Kaptai Lake is the largest water body in the district which occupying the 33% of

    the total closed water bodies of the country. There are also some small ponds, cricks, rivers here.

    The production of the fish is not sufficient.

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    Chapter Four

    Major challenges

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    4.1 Crop related

    -Irrigation and water management:

    Most of the crops in CHT are cultivated rain fed condition in the season of kharif-1 and kharif-2.

    Sometimes supplementary irrigation is needed for valley rice cultivation. The winter valley crops

    (rice or vegetables) are cultivated with irrigation. For better yield in valley crops (either paddy or

    any other crop) irrigation plays a vital role in winter season. In winter, water source is mainly

    from different cross dam, chhara, jhiri, using LLP or gravitational flow of hilly water. On the

    other hand, jum cultivation method is fully depends on rain water or rain fed condition. In the

    hilly crop cultivation (mixed or solo fruit production, spices etc) water scarcity is a major

    problem specially the months from October to March. In many places there is no facility like

    irrigation channels, water source for irrigation. The water source is far away from the crop field.

    Due to inadequate irrigation channel they cant irrigate the crop. So area under irrigation is not

    increasing significantly. The existing irrigation channels are not maintained properly. There are a

    few facilities for irrigation in the slope area. More over the farmers are not solvent to make

    irrigation facility by using many irrigation machineries.

    -Horticultural crops

    In Rangamati, in some places, there is a problem of availability of quality seed or seedling for

    horticulture crops. There is no horticulture centre in many upazilas. Again there are many

    problems of the existing horticulture centres like manpower, budget allocation etc. There are

    some places like Farua (Bilaichhari), Sajek (Baghaichhari) which are potentials for horticulture

    crop. But there is no sell centre of different saplings. There is also a problem of suitable land for

    horticulture crop cultivation. The productivity of the existing horticultural garden is poor. Mostof the farmers are not aware about different improved agricultural management practice.

    Irrigation facility is another problem of gardening. Poor communication system is another major

    problem for increasing horticultural garden. Additionally in many places there is no credit

    facility in many places. Poor market system, lack of post-harvest knowledge, capital is also a

    problem for fruits & spice production.

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    - Availability of Seed and Fertilizer:

    Seed is the single vital event for better crop production. BADC and other government nursery

    provide some quantities of quality seed or saplings. The rest are of farmers source. In the open

    market, some traders sell different types of rice or vegetables seed or fruit seedlings. But there is

    no assurance or authenticity about the quality of the seed or seedlings. Some times the price is

    also higher and the supply of seed is not sufficient to fulfill local demand. There is no BADC sub

    sell centre in each upazila.

    Fertilizer is another important input for successful crop production. The government has

    appointed fertilizer dealers and retailer at upazila level (total #23) and union level (total #90)

    respectively. For this management, the availability and price of chemical fertilizer is under


    - Harvest and post-harvest management

    There is no improved method of fruits harvest or collection. Most of the fruits are collected

    directly dropping from the trees. For this it causes some quality problem. Some fruits and

    vegetables are perishable in nature. These should be marketed to consumer as early as possible

    after harvest. Most of the fruits and vegetables are made available in market within a limited

    period. During the peak harvesting time, a big amount of the produce is made available in the

    local markets. As a result the growers or the farmers do not get the proper price of their product.

    Sometimes a large number of the products are wasted due to microbial infection, transportation,

    storage, processing and marketing. Various marketing limitations may be found here - lack of

    farmers or growers association or cooperative, limited volume of produce due to small farm size,

    seasonal production, immediate need of cost return, inadequate and under developed transport

    system, high charges in the form of local tax and tolls, lack of physical facilities like road or

    water communication, poor market channel, lack of market information, absence of storage and

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    processing facility, government interventions etc. Moreover the roles of middlemen dominate the

    marketing system seriously. For this the growers dont get the real price of their products.

    - Jum cultivation

    Jum cultivation is subsistence farming where the farmers produce different types of crops for

    their daily living. The main problem of jum cultivation system is poor productivity. The seeds

    are not of improved variety & their yield potentiality is not high. More over the farmers do not

    follow different improve management practice like weeding, fertilizing, pest management etc.

    For this the jum farmers dont get good harvest. The scarcity of land is another problem of jum.

    During jum hill preparation, burning destroys all types of living organisms and herb & shrubs.

    So it disturbs the biodiversity. If the farmers use spade for cultivation then it may cause soil

    erosion during rainy season.

    - Soil fertility

    Soil is the main supplier of plant nutrient. Soil of the CHT is less fertile compare to other parts of

    Bangladesh because they mostly originated from the weathering and erosion of bed rocks.

    Moreover, the soils formed over unconsolidated sedimentary rocks containing significant amount

    of kaolinite clay, which provides a low capacity to retain nutrients. The fertility further declines

    due to sustainable resource management practices. The soils over siltstones and mudstones are

    better in this respect, because they have mainly illitic clays, which have higher nutrient buffering

    capacities. Due to leaching effect during high monsoon rainfall the N and K are washed out. One

    important cause of soil erosion is the cultivation of some tuberous crops like ginger, turmeric,

    aroids etc. During seed sowing & harvesting time the soil is spaded twice which causes soil


    - Deforestation

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    It is a significant problem to keep a natural and pollution free environment in Rangamati Hill

    District. New settlement is developing in the deep forest areas. For the subsistence of livelihood

    people intervene the forest and cut down the valuable trees beyond the knowledge of Forest

    Department. Some areas have already become barren for habitation in the forest areas. Chharas

    and waterfalls in the hill dry up within few years. Water flow of small chharas which are used for

    irrigation in crop fields became a problem for sustainable crop production. Monoculture of

    timber trees like teak, rubber, eucalyptus etc. causes natural hazard.


    A discordant note in the development of commercial crops is the spread of tobacco cultivation,

    largely in the valleys while providing substantial income. There is a large element of

    environmental degradation involved in tobacco cultivation, as wood from forests is used for

    drying and curing tobacco. The tobacco companies provide money in advance to the farmers for

    tobacco cultivation. The land become unfertile & decreases nutrient status. The fertile lands are

    used for tobacco cultivation. Reasons of tobacco cultivation are

    - Credit facilities from Tobacco Company

    - Technical support (seed bed preparation, curing)

    - Guarantee of marketing

    Disadvantages are

    - Negative implication on health

    - Deforestation

    - Deflation of soil nutrients

    - Woman & child labors

    - Fringe land

    In the dry season vast agriculturally potential lands rise up where the people produce rice,

    different vegetables etc. This land is called fringe land. The rule curve helps them for producing

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    these crops in this fringe land. But every year the farmers are not sure whether the fringe land

    will rise up or not. So there is an uncertainty of crop production. Due to problem of irrigation

    facility & some other management practices the production of the fringe land crops is not

    satisfactory. Water hyacinth is another problem of Kaptai Lake for navigation. There is no

    activity to check it.

    4.2. Livestock related

    - Fodder crop/ Feed /grazing land

    Cow, pig, goat, poultry, buffaloes are the common & important animals of farmers. Most of the

    animals are left open for grazing. They move here and there for their food. In summer and rainy

    season there is no scarcity of fodder crop. But in dry season, there may be a problem of fodder

    crop or grazing land for the livestock. The farmers are also not aware about fodder preservation

    or production. But for successful commercial farming, fodder crop production and preservation

    is very important. There is no genuine source of livestock feed even at upazila level.

    -Deworming program:

    The main reason of malnutrition & ill health is infestation of different types of worms. People

    are not aware about deworming activity. For this they livestock suffer from malnutrition. Thus

    the production of livestock decreases day by day.


    There are some problems for vaccination activities. Due to poor communication facility, the

    vaccination program is not followed properly. The carrying, preservation of vaccine is a great

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    problem. Due to lack of vaccination program the health of livestock is not good. Sometimes they

    suffer from different diseases. In some upazila due to problem of electricity supply, preservation

    of vaccine/medicine faces problem. Sometime inadequate supply of vaccine is another problem

    for vaccination.

    - Veterinary health service:

    Most of the technical posts like ULO, VS or field worker are vacant in many upazilas which

    causes a major problem of veterinary health service. There is also no disease diagnosis

    laboratory in the district. The supply of different medicine is not adequate to fulfill the demand.

    - Quality breed

    The quality of different livestock breeds are not improved one. Most of the breeds are of local

    breed. For this the productivity of meat, eggs, milk is not high. There is no government livestock

    farm at upazila level. Moreover the farmers are not aware about the quality breed. For this they

    are not interested in AI program for breed development of cattle. Poor communication facility is

    also a problem for conduct AI program by the field worker to improve quality breed.

    4.3 Fisheries related

    - Scarcity of ponds / water bodies

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    The largest water source in the district is Kaptai Lake. Besides this, there are some ponds, water

    stream in the district, most however are seasonal. Due to hilly area there is a lack of water bodies

    / ponds for fish culture. Again the fish farmers do not take care of existing ponds or do not

    follow the proper management for the improved fish culture. So their productivity decreases day

    by day. On the other hand, BFDC does not permit for pen/cage culture in the lake area which

    causes less production.

    - Quality fingerlings/fish feed

    Availability of quality fingerlings in the district is a problem. There is a government hatchery at

    Kowkhali upazila which is the only government source of fingerlings in the district and another

    hatchery is not functioning in the district which was running under a project. There is no nursery

    at upazila level. Most of the fingerlings are collected by the farmers from outside the district. So

    the price of fingerlings is high and the quality is not genuine. Fish feed availability is also a big

    problem for the fish farmers. There is no authorized dealer of fish feed. The knowledge of fish

    feed preparation is not known to most of the people, which result less productivity of fish.

    - Capital / agricultural credit

    For successful & commercial livestock farming (dairy, pig, poultry or any other) it needs capital

    investment. Most of the farmers of this area are not solvent for commercial farming. Moreover,

    for commercial farming, the livestock loan processes needs some documents which is not

    available to the local farmers. For this process system, sometime they do not feel interest to have

    a loan. Moreover the farmers are not aware about loan facility.

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    Chapter Five


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    mj nodovg n aog ggov re

    1. Rangamati Hill District lies to the south east of Bangladesh

    2. Many types of ethnic people live here; such as Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Tanchangya,Lushai, Khyang, Pankhoa, Kuki etc.

    3. The area covers vast forest land, wide range of hills and alluvial valley bottoms.

    4. maximum and minimum temperature range 26.634.2C and 12.425.3 C.

    5. The 80% rainfall takes place in May-September and the rest months of the year remainnearly dry.

    6. Kaptai Lake is the largest source of water in Rangamati.

    7. According to the population census 2011, the total population of the district is 5, 95,979among which male 3, 01,376 and female 2, 82,903.

    8. Rice is the staple food for all households in CHT.

    9. Rangamati district is rich by the presence of all concerned fisheries departments underthe Ministry of Fisheries and livestock.

    10.There is a scope of increase livestock production in the district

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    Chapter Six


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    Development potentials (Focused areas)

    The following are the major focused areas which are identified for strategy formulation. They are

    classified as crop related, livestock related, fisheries related & other opportunities.

    6.1. Crop related

    These issues are related to production or management of crop in the valleys or in the hills.

    - Improved jum cultivation

    - Irrigation and water management

    - Develop & use of watersheds /catchments

    - Post harvest management (Including communication, marketing, storage and processing)

    - Fringe land utilization

    - Increase horticultural crop production (Fruits and spices)

    - Soil conservation

    - increase seed & fertilizer availability

    - Afforestation

    6.2. Livestock related

    These issues are related to livestock production or related to it.

    - Increase quality breed and feed availability

    - Provide animal health care

    - Development & establish of farm

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    6.3. Fisheries related

    There are some potential which are related to fisheries production.

    - Management of Kaptai Lake

    - Development/ repair of new / existing pond, crick

    - Increase quality fingerlings / fish feed

    6.4 Credit facility

    - Motivation activity

    - Coordination

    6.5 Other intervention and opportunities

    There are many other potentialities or activities which are working or which have prospects in

    the district. These issues are

    - Establish herbal garden

    - Increase Sugarcane production

    - Replace tobacco cultivation

    - Increase mushroom production

    - Provide ICT facility

    - Increase pulse & oil seed production

    - Cotton production

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    Chapter SevenConclusion

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    The hill people try to preserve and maintain the individual culture owned by them. They have

    individual languages, alphabets and book also. Due to scarce of practice, the writing languages is

    losing day by day. RHDC is trying to develop/gear up language practices of the school teacher

    by training them. RHDC prepared some alphabet books and supplied those to primary school

    recently. The women are very interested to put on their individual cloths, ornaments of their

    culture. The songs and dances also heritage by differently each tribes. The Chakma have

    gangkholi songs by the special singers which are sometime presented in different cultural

    program. The Tripura have the bottle dance during the spring season. The Marma also have a

    beautiful water festival which they observe during their new year called Saigrai Ri Long Baiy.

    Lushai have bamboo dance which is very attractive. Almost all the tribes have individual culture

    in their livelihood. The tribal people like dry fishes and vegetables in their everyday food. They

    also collect their foods from nearby forest such as bamboo shoots, tara, some spices. They prefer

    aromatic and sticky rice which are produced in jum.

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    http://www.rangamati.bandarbantours.com/ http://www.parjatan.gov.bd/rangamati.php http://www.lonelyplanet.com/bangladesh/chittagong-division/rangamati http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rangamati http://www.rangamati.bandarbantours.com/ http://www.rangamatiwaterfront.com/

