A poster is a strong advertising technique when designed properly. Every good poster has several...


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A poster is a strong advertising technique when designed properly.

Every good poster has several things in common.

Keep these five characteristics in mind as you design your own poster

to sell your toy

Many beginning business people think that they need to pack as much as they can onto their posters. However, trying to put too much information, or too many images, into your poster will make it look complicated and cluttered. A cluttered poster cannot “talk” to its viewers quickly, which prevents it from doing its job. A good poster is simple yet effective. It tells everyone who looks at it what they are supposed to know right away.

1. It Does the Job QuicklyA poster’s job is to communicate your

information quickly.

Obviously, a good poster is attractive. You want to capture the customers attention so they look at the poster and get the information you want them to have. It is usually a good idea to include special offers on your posters to gain attention. Or, you can throw in some interesting information. You can also include a picture or image that is attention grabbing.

2. It Gets Attention


It’s fun

Instead of just drawing a picture of your toy in the centre of your page.........................

Think outside the box

You do not want to include too much information in your poster. However, you have to give your readers enough to convince them that what you are saying is accurate. Use short, strong statements like a slogan. Exaggerate! “The best toy on Earth!” to make customers feel like they need one.

3. It is


You do not want to include too much information in your poster. However, you have to give your readers enough to convince them that what you are saying is accurate. Use short, strong statements like a slogan. Exaggerate! “The best toy on Earth!” to make customers feel like they need one.

A poster that incorporates colour will attract many more viewers..

4. It has Effective

Use of Colour

Some of the most effective

posters are surprisingly

simple. Always try to keep

your poster as simple as you

can, while still conveying

your message. Your poster

should have one clear

message to your customers.

5. It is Simple

1. The poster communicates your information quickly

2. The poster is eye catching and gets your attention. Appropriate use of images, special offers and interesting info.

3. It is convincing to customers. Good use of exaggeration with strong, short statements.

4. It has effective use of colour to attract customers.

5. It is simple. The poster is not cluttered with too many things.

Poster assessmentName: ___________________________

3. Slogan

4. Logo

5. A strong, short statement from your Jingle

7. A picture of your toy

6. A realistic price

1. Department name

2. Toy company name

Teacher comment:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________

Poster assessment
