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The Lesser Chicken Louse (Goniocotes lzologilster N . ) .

T h e length of this qpecies is ahout ,035 to .06 inches. The I~ody of the fernale is very broad. The head is squared behind, the legs short and the ahdonlen regularly rounded behind. T h e colcnur is light yello~xish brown. The abdornen of the male is much shorter and broacler and scluared behind.

This ~pecies is not common in Canatla, though I have specimeils taken at Guelph at various times. I t has lxcn recorded in the

-IJniterl States and I have recei~wl sywcirnens from Prof. Hasc~nan taken :I: C's. l~~rn?~ia, 140.

. - --

Hoplandrothrips affinis, sp. :lo\

l;'t'i77a:e (1znrio,i/!ri.o2!Sj .-Lfvilgth aliout 1.8 111;n. Colo~lr (lark !>lacl<i:h l!ro\v11 n-ith bright ci-i~~lson hj-poc'ierm~~l pigmentation; 4 ? "

. - :,t,sl, i,;!-c ri!ti;e, nncl bascs of ailtenn,~l segments 3-6 Ic~non 57ellow; c!israf erli.!s of mid ancl hind t i b i : ~ and nf t u l x paler; \vings slightly

J.8 z :-:. 101,i


--- yellowish, with scalc of iore wings and a short subbasal streak in

Pig. P$. -Hoplanr io~h~ib~ afliinis Hood-1. Head and prothorax of female; holotypi.. 2. R igh t ,ore leg of rnlle; hllotyy?. 8. Third s-gmtnt of right antenna of i e m ~ l e ; ilolotype.

Hencl a little less than one and one-half times as long as \\ride

and 1.5 times as long as prothorax, broadest a t middle: ~ h e c k s

ro~rnded gent!y to eyes and to near base, thence nearly parallel, forming a neck which is narrower than greatest distance across eyes or about 0.86 the greatest width of head, set with a few small spiiles arisi~lg from slight tubercles, a pair a t posterior sixth stronger; dorsal surface smooth and shining except a t extreme base, which with tlie lateral surfeces is weakly subreticulate; vertex slightly and narrowly subconically produced, the anterior ocellu~ only


slightly overhanging; postoc~~lar bristles alone prominent, ~ ( l ~ i a l in

length to eyes expanded a t apex. Eyes as long as head, equal

in width to their ixltcrva!. Ocelli of posterior pair opposite middle

of eyes and equal in size to anterior ocellus, \$-hich is slightly more

distant. Antennz about 1.6 times as loilg as head, moderately

slender; segment I as broad as long; 2 about 1.7 tirncs as long as

wide, inner side straight, pedicel not curved rb~~tward; 4 very

slightly !oliger and narrower- than 3, clavatc, pedicel!atc, narrowed

a t apex, broadest in advance of middle, ahout 1.8 times as long as wide; 5 almost similar in form to, but distinctly narrower and

slightly shorter th i~n , 4 ; a l~out 2.1 times as long as wide; ti clavate,

more briefly pediccllate than 4 a i d 5, nearly 2.4 times as' long as

wide; 7 oblong, I-wiefly pedicel1a.t~~ truncate at apex and nearly

2.5 times as long as wide; about three-fourths as long as 7 ! conical,

more than three times as long as greatest width; segments 1 and 2 conco!orous with head, 2 paler a t lniddlc of apex; 3 yello~v, lightly infuscate in apical half; 4 yellow in basal two-fifths, brown beyond: slightly paler a t apex; -5 yellow in 1)asal third, brown beyond, slightly paler a t apes; 6 yello~\- in basal fourth, beyond blackish brown, darker than 5 ; 7 and 8 blackish browil: pedicel of former pa!er; sense cones: 3, 1-2; 4, 2-2; 5, l-l+l; 6, I - l f l ; 7 with one nn dorsum near apex. Mouth cone short-, broadly round(:d, rraching only about hnli way across prosternum, !nbrum scarcely surpassing labium.

Prothorax about two-~hirds as long as head and !jnclusiv: of COX=) z~bout twice as \vide as long; pronoturn smooth; all usual bristles present, expanded apically, a little shorter than the postocu- lars. Wings slightly narrowed a t rnitldle; fore pair with scale brom-n, light yel!owish beyond, six accessory hairs on posterior margin. Legs moderately slender: forc tarsus with a strong, slightly curved tooth.

Abdomen very slightly broader than pterothorax. Tubc 0.6 as long as heacl, only a1,out twice as locq as greatest subbasal width, which is about 2.1 times the a ~ ~ i c a l , sides straight. Lateral bristles expanded a t apex, almost colourless: segment 9 with the


three long, pointed pairs: terminal l~ristles bro\vn, ~ ? I O U ~ one and one-half times as long as t u t ~ c ,

h!easurements ol 11olot::pe : Ixng t h 1.76 mm. ; head, length C.274 mm., width 0.192 mm. ; prothorax, length 0.180 mm., width (inclusive of coxa,) O.:36fi nun. : pterothorax, width 0.372 mm. ; abdoi~?en, u-idth 0.378 Inm.; 1111-~c, length 0,165 mrn.; 11-idth a t base 0 08 1 inn1 . , at apex, 0.038 mrn.

i \n tennaiseg~ncnts . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i.ength ( p ) . . . . . 4% 35 66 69 6.4 59 54 42 Vi.icit11 (p). . . 4 2 33 39 35 30 25 22 I:! -. !oral jenpth of anteu11;~. C . 4 1 mm.

. r -!iu/t- (i7!n~~o$il0~0?1s).-l,ength about 1.6 Irirrl. Colour and stl-uc- [;!re csscntia!!~ as in female. (;e11:i1 sy?ine a li!t!c stourer than in i-.maEe. Arltcnil;~ 1.7 titr~es as lonp as head, nmre slender. Tarsal

7 1

r::oir; iarge, siout, curved. LAhdorne~~ slightly narrower than l \ l tt.Trotho!-,is. ‘, Tul :~ : a l ~ o u t 0.54 as lo i~g as head, about twice as long a i prci~test s;~hi;asal \\-itltt~; n-liich is a!~out t7,vice the ;ipical, sides sli;;htlx,- ccjllcrt\-e. S:.pir:ent 9 of abtioinen n-ith the lower lateral -?;id tile dorsal bristles longer than tuhc and pointed, the upper i:i::.r,+,l; \.er>- short (three-fifths as lonq as basa! uicltln of tube) s + s . ! - ., .:r, poinlec!, ant1 c!arlr in colour.

,licasuremer~is of allotype: 1,eilgth 1.56 mrn.; hcad, length (j.246 m:r!., I\-iclth 0.168 nirn. ; protilorax, length (3.157 mm., width (;:.<-lr , ...A .; e of coxc'i 0.31 8 ~ n m . ; pterothorax, width 0.322 mm. ;

, . :~ i~ ion ;en , n-jdt!~ 0.284 1~1111.; rube, length 0.132 mm., \\-itith a t base 0 '$23 : ~ l . i ~ . , at apex 0.033 mill.

--lntcilna! seg~xents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Id~il;<tll ( ,L'I . . . .:38 31 63 65 A2 54 47 3 s t h ) . . 38 30 36 31 27 23 20 i l !'oral length of ; i i ~~cnna ! 0.118 mm.

I':escrii,cd ii-0111 oiie feninlc and one ~ n a l e taken I-)etxx-een leaf C..Yii .7,k:_,ti~s of s::gar cane, a t Rose Flall. Berbice, 13ritish G1.1iana.

;i~-~:h 2; 19 1.5, 11y (~;. E. 13ocll.:in.

'i'he onl:- spccic.:, oi the genus recorder1 from South .Imerica
