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A Brief History of the Order of Melchizedek

Library of the New & Free Expression of the Priesthood John: A Brief History of the Order of Melchizedek p1

A History of the Order of Melchizedek

2008 Retreat

IntroductionIn the time that we have today I wanted to share some questions with you. [Q & A – the best sort is if I ask the questions and then answer them J]

1. What does it mean to be a Melchizedek priest?2. Who is or was Melchizedek?3. Where and when did the Order begin?4. What is the purpose of the Order?5. How did I become a Melchizedek?6. What is the Unsealing? – does it make me clairvoyant?7. Is Ordination the same as “Initiation” – ie do I progress spiritually when I become

a priest?

MethodologyIt is not possible to discuss the Order of Melchizedek in the same way that we might, for example discuss the Stock Market, or the life of Beethoven, or the music of Madonna or basically anything that we might expect to have a rational, intellectual discussion about. This is because (as will become apparent), the History of the Order of Melchizedek is a history of consciousness, and our modern, intellectual consciousness is only a partial consciousness.

We need to approach the Order from a spiritual consciousness. An intellectual consciousness works from definition, argument, debate, contrast, exclusion and refutation. Spiritual consciousness, on the other hand, is somewhat like a very vivid and enlightening dream. It is inclusive, pictorial, enlarging and enlivening. We shall enter this consciousness in two ways. Firstly, we shall enter into understanding the Order through pictures and story. These stories one could call myth – but sometimes myth speaks Truth more clearly to the human spirit than does a mathematical theorem. Secondly, we shall call upon a high spiritual being to help us in our journey. This high spiritual being is found in many households in Australia – it is certainly found in every hotel room! It is to be seen in every church – it is generally just known as “the Book” – more frequently in its Latin form as “the Bible”.

Like any spiritual being, the Bible has four bodies. The outermost is a physical body. – You can tell that the Bible is a very high spiritual being, because (unlike us) it is not limited to one expression of a physical body! In its many and various forms, this physical body is the literal understanding of the text. For example, everyone knows the story of Noah and the Ark. In its literal form it is a story that purports to record people escaping from a disastrous flood.

The second body is called the “metaphorical” body. Here, we can read the stories in the Bible as metaphors that

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apply to our own spiritual life. Noah and the flood becomes, in this form, the story of how we human beings are occasionally assaulted by huge disasters within our lives that threaten to wash us away. In order to survive, we sometimes need to retreat to some structure within life that we have created to ride the waves. For example, many of us have lost someone very close to us. It may be a partner, a child, a loved friend or relation. It is impossible to make intellectual sense of such a disaster. It is not a problem that can be solved. It is a huge life catastrophe that we simply need to ride out. Here, we are Noah, our Ark is those few simple parts of our life that will sustain us while we ride out the flood.

I will omit, for the moment, the third body, the “occult” body and go straight to the heart of this being. As with every spiritual being, something of the divine dwells at the heart of the Bible. If we can communicate with this divine essence, then we shall be able to work with the third body. This body, the occult body, tells the story of the work of spirit within our world. We might, for example, come to an understanding that the story of Noah refers to the story of the destruction of Atlantis. On the other hand, it might depict something quite different. The “occult” body of the Bible is a “memory” body. That is, it is capable of releasing certain memories within us.

With this in mind, let us begin the search for the Order of Melchizedek with the first reading about the Melchizedek Priest.

Reading 1If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood.

So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1Cor 13

The BeginningWe shall begin at the beginning with the second reading from the Bible:

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Reading 2 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.

Gen 1:1-4


Reading 3:And God said, “Let there be a barrier in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” God made the barrier and separated the waters which were under the barrier from the waters which were above the barrier. And it was so. God called the barrier Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.

Gen 1:6-8

Reading 4: And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.

God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth.” And it was so.

Gen 1:9-11

Reading 5: God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he also made the stars. God set them in the heavens to give light upon the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

Gen 1:16-18

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Reading 6:

God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the heavens.” God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.

Gen 1:20, 24

Reading 7:

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female. God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was

morning, a sixth day.Gen 1:26-27, 31

Now it is time to ask ourselves, “How do we want to understand this story?” For many centuries orthodox Christians understood it as a literal story of the way Creation occurred. That of course, was spoiled by the dinosaurs – or at least the discovery of dinosaur fossils. (Archbishop Ussher of Ireland calculated that the world was created about 4pm of October 22nd, 4004 BC). The “metaphorical” or “metaphysical” interpretation would make it about our own creative process. The history of the Order of Melchizedek, however, belongs to the occult level of understanding. At this level, the story of the Creation is about the Creation of Consciousness.

I have put the six days of creation into a diagram. This diagram maps nine stages of consciousness.

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The total diagram represents the development of consciousness. We could spend a lot of time analysing it, but that is not our purpose today. We are in search of Melchizedek. Melchizedek has already made an appearance – did you notice it? It comes on Day One. There is an old question amongst scholars of the Torah – the Hebrew original version of the Old Testament:

To whom was God speaking when he said, “Let there be Light?”

First of all, that word which is simply translated “God” in the first chapter of Genesis is the Hebrew word, “Elohim”. This is a very tricky word. For a start it is plural! We should really be saying:

“In the beginning the Gods created the heavens and the earth”.

This is bad, from the point of view of orthodox Christianity! But things get worse. Not only is “Elohim” plural, it is also feminine! OK. We now have:

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“In the beginning the Goddesses created the heavens and the earth”.

One can have a great deal of entertainment, if you have a particular streak of mind, in dealing with fundamentalists on this point!

From the earliest times there have been those who communicated with the divinity that we call “the Bible”. In the Hebrew tradition these are called “kabbalists” after the word “kabbalah” which means “a received tradition”. In other words, a certain initiation was passed down from teacher to student, that connected the pupil with this insight. As we shall discover, this continued from the New Testament teachers – and our teacher, Rev Mario, passed it along in turn to his students. In Mario’s tradition, those who cultivated this special insight were called “occultists”, but the principle remains the same.

Let’s go back to the question we asked just before. To whom were the Gods speaking when they requested the manifestation of light? Why – to another God of course! In the Kabbalah tradition, this other God is called the “En Sof” which means “the Unknowable God”. Since the Elohim are the “high gods”, Melchizedek must be a “most high god”. We shall meet this term later. For the moment, let us say that Melchizedek is associated with the manifestation of light. Let’s stop being so “esoteric” for the moment and say that Melchizedek priests are also associated with the manifestation of light – in fact, one of the ways in which we recognise a Melchizedek is that they throw light on a situation.

We are not simple beings. The early C20 philosopher Edmund Husserl declared that philosophy could not discover the structures of consciousness through rationality, but through intuition. The diagram above (known as the Tree of Life) is the result of intuition investigating consciousness. Unknown to Dr Husserl, it has been known for some thousands of years. We shall (of course) find it articulated in the Bible:

Reading 8: …the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Gen 2: 8-9

The Tree of Life – the structure of consciousness was available to humanity. You may have noticed that our diagram actually lacks one level. This is the level of physical existence. There was a time when we had not yet taken on physical bodies. We played as spiritual beings in the spiritual worlds. There is an interesting condition recorded in Genesis:

Reading 9 ..the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”

Gen 2: 16-17

And what happened? A woman came along! It should be noted that technically speaking,

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Eve was not in breach of any contractual obligation with God – because she had not yet been created when God made his arrangement with Adam. We know how the story plays out. Both eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and are cast out of the garden. This is the story of the Fall. What it means to us is that we now have to add another level to our Tree of Life diagram.

The “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” is actually the Tree of Life without the central column. In other words the choice of humans was to choose feeling and thinking, and forget “being”.

These two aspects of “the Fall” develop two important aspects of physical incarnation:

Feeling creates sexuality;Thinking creates intellectual structures.

It is not an exaggeration to say that humanity is trapped by these two expressions today. On the one hand, sex binds us into relationships that need to be freed through the expression of love; on the other hand, thinking creates a certain blindness to spiritual reality.

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Feeling and thinking together are like a remorseless gravity that return us time and time again to physical incarnation. There was a time in human evolution when these forces had free reign. This had the effect of shrinking the time between incarnations:

There came a time, in fact where evolution had to be catastrophically changed or we would have become part of the earth – and lost our spiritual heritage.

Reading 10 The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that in the thoughts of his heart he could only continually imagine evil. The LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.

So the LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

But Noah found favour in the eyes of the LORD.Gen 6: 5-8

If we fight our way through the old-fashioned language, we shall perceive that the “wickedness of man” was the fact that he was becoming trapped into the earth. The gods however, had a plan:

Reading 11…rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights. On the same day that rain began to fall, Noah and his sons, (Shem and Ham and Japheth), and their wives, entered the ark. With them also went every beast according to its kind…

As God had commanded him, they all, male and female, entered the ark and the LORD shut them in.

The flood continued forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth.

Gen 7:12-17

This is not the place to enter into a deep understanding of exactly who Noah was, and what the Ark was, for what we need to understand is that a time came in human evolution when it became impossible for souls to take on physical incarnation.

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This leads us immediately to another question: “Where did they go?”

Well, they had only one option, they returned into the spiritual worlds. When we talk of the spiritual worlds in the Western spiritual tradition we use a terminology that at first sight appears very confusing. There are seven spiritual worlds that are (by and large) accessible to souls. They have the same name as the seven planets of our solar system – but we must understand that when we use the term Saturn, Mars of Jupiter, we are talking about states of consciousness – we are not talking about possible invasions from Saturn or Mars or Jupiter! The seven spiritual worlds, listed from lowest to highest are as follows:

Moon; Mercury; Venus; Sun; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn

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On the levels of consciousness of the Tree of Life they would appear as given.

We can follow the progress of the souls at this time. The highest initiates went to Saturn. Thus, for example, the entities we know by the names of Rudolf Steiner and Krishnamurti are now what we call “Saturn” beings because of the choice made at this time. The seers and those with highly developed humanitarian instincts went to Jupiter; those who had developed qualities of leadership, performance and endurance were able to enter the sphere of Mars; those souls who had particularly developed their sensuality in terms of sexuality, music, artistry sojourned on Venus; those who valued the development of mental powers, thinking, planning, creating mental structures such as philosophy, went to Mercury and finally those who had become so earth-bound that they could not or would not go far from the earth, journeyed to the sphere of the Moon where the events of the earth could be mirrored within the soul for the future.

Oh yes, the Sun! I haven’t mentioned the Sun in this list. Why not? Because no sensible soul wanted to go to the Sun. The spiritual Sun burns as much as the physical Sun. Souls knew that to travel to the Sun would mean that they would lose something – their self-consciousness.

There were, however, some few, crazy souls. These souls plunged into the Sun like fiery meteors rushing to earth. What possible motive could souls have to make this pilgrimage of annihilation? No sensible motive – but one that we should all understand, for these souls were those who had experienced the emanations of Love from the Being that dwelt within the sphere of the Sun.

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What happened to these souls? They were burned up, of course. They ceased to exist. And then their essence was remoulded, reshaped in the image of the Sun Being. Those crazy, love-struck souls – they were the Melchizedeks, because the Being that made His dwelling place in the midst of the Sun consciousness had a very special relationship with Melchizedek.

If we return to our consciousness diagram for a moment, we could put a couple of important names on it:

The sphere of the Sun is in a direct relationship with the sphere of Light which in turn is the gift of Melchizedek.

The “Fall” is about the separation of the human psyche into Feeling and Thinking. It needs the middle column to reunite the divisions in the psyche – the column of Being. The work of Melchizedek then, is to restore the human soul to its previous spiritual heritage – and this is the work of those souls, we know as “Melchizedeks”.

We can now go to the first and only appearance of Melchizedek as an actor on the stage of human evolution.

Reading 12

Melchizedek King of Salem brought out bread and wine to Abram. Melchizedek was priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High,maker of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!”

Gen 14:18-20

This is a good place to dissect this obscure name, “Melchizedek”.It derives from two Hebrew words: “Melech”= King; and “Tzaddik” – a word that is virtually untranslatable but we could perhaps translate it as “an enlightened being”. One of the traditions of the Kabbalah is that there are always ten Tzaddiks in the world, and as long as there are ten at one time, God will not destroy the world. In reality, the “Tzaddik” is one of the spheres, the “sephiroth” upon the Tree of Life – in other words a “Tzaddik” is one who expresses a pure consciousness. Melchizedek is “king of the Tzaddiks” so he is above the Tree of Life – he appears to Abraham then as a representative of the “Most High God” – who is, as we noted before, a god even higher than those who created consciousness. Melchizedek is also King of Salem, that is, King of Peace. It is worth noting, that one of the titles of Christ is “Prince of Peace”. Christ then, is in a relationship with Melchizedek – he is the Being who made his dwelling in the sphere of the Sun.

Melchizedek gives Abram two very important gifts: bread and wine. Bread represents the right hand side of the Tree of Life – Thinking. Wine represents the left side of the Tree – Feeling. By presenting these two gifts, Melchizedek is the mediator – the central column between the right and left columns that constitute the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Thus, a priest of Melchizedek is a mediator for humanity. Not necessarily a mediator between God and man, as the orthodox priesthood would understand it, but even more, a mediator between head and heart for humanity, mediating through the quality of “Being”.

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Mario would often stress this point. As a priest you don’t have to “do” anything. You don’t have to say wise words, you don’t have to produce on the spot healing, you don’t have to utter clairvoyant insights – just BE. He would say, “Just let the priesthood work.” Indeed, sometimes we have to stand aside from our concepts of how a priest should operate so that the quality of Being might enter into a soul and produce the healing and reconciliation needed within that soul.

There is a particular reason why an aspect of this “most high God”, Melchizedek would meet Abram. This was not a meeting in the physical world, it was a meeting in the spiritual worlds. Melchizedek meets Abram, because the initial act of light had failed. Through the choices of the Fall, humanity had forgotten the middle column, the column of light and being. The gods now had to find a way to re-speak the existence of light within the human soul. A new drama was being set in place that would take many thousands of years to come to fruition.

These thousands of years of preparation cannot be described in a single afternoon. The essence of the meeting of Melchizedek is that something would be added to the blood line of Abram. What would be added is Melchizedek souls. These souls would continually incarnate, preparing for the next expression of light within the human soul. This is indicated by the change in Abram’s name. Immediately after this meeting, his name is changed to Abraham. The aspirate, “h” is added. The “h” is the sound of the wind – the movement of spirit. It indicates that a new spiritual impulse has entered into the bloodline of Abram. What we call the “Old Testament” records the work of the Order over hundreds of thousands of years. Only about a thousand years before the birth of Christ, the psalmist David exclaims:

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Reading 13The LORD has sworn

and will not change his mind,“You are a priest for ever

after the order of Melchizedek.”Psalm 110:4

Note the words “for ever”. Once the destiny has been made conscious through the act of ordination, the Melchizedek is sealed to the priesthood life after life. This does not mean that they will be employed as a priest, Anglican, Catholic or Baptist – it means that the purpose of each incarnation will be to express the mediation of Melchizedek and bring light to the souls of people in what ever career or vocation they find themselves.

The Central DramaThe question that the gods asked of themselves was: “Humanity is once again in danger of losing contact with the spiritual worlds and becoming absorbed into the earth. How do we replant the quality of Being – the power of Light within the human soul again, so that humanity may begin to reascend the Tree?” The answer was simple and painful. It would take a high spiritual being, a high representative of the Order of Melchizedek, to give up their exalted consciousness and descend into the darkness of the physical realm. Only through expressing the quality of “Being” in the centre of the human soul, could the act of mediation begin. Amongst the realms of consciousness of the Tree of Life, there was only one Being who was able to take on this pivotal role. This was the Being who dwelt in the sphere of the Sun. The expression of love, the Son of the Father – the Being we know as Christ. The two Beings who dwelt in the Middle column were the Father and the Son.

Reading 14For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.

… he who does what is true comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God.

John 3:16.17, 21

This drama in Western spiritual tradition, we know as the Mystery of Golgotha. It is about the implanting of the light in the human soul. The Gospel of John reveals to us the lineage of this Being. “He was in the beginning with God”, that is, He was one of the Elohim, one of the creative spirits of Genesis. He was “the Word” – the one who spoke the creative power to Melchizedek – “let there be light”. As one of the Elohim, “all things came into existence through him”; and he became the Regent of Light, the Dweller in the Sun, the “light that shines in the darkness”. After his task on earth was fulfilled, he is able to implant the spark of light into each person “as that person comes into the world.”

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Reading 15In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with god, and the Word was a god. He was in the beginning with god. Everything was made through him, and nothing came into existence without him. In him was life, and the life was the light of humanity. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not understand it.… He was the true light, the light that lights up every person entering into incarnation.

John 1:1-5, 9

Christ is called the “High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek” by the writer of the letter to the Hebrews. As such, like Melchizedek, he presents gifts of bread and wine:

Reading 16And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and gave it to them saying, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” And likewise the cup after supper, saying, “This is my blood which is poured out for you in the new covenant in my blood.”

Luke 22:19-20

The gifts of Melchizedek to Abram were given in the spiritual worlds – they were spiritual substances. Christ has to make these spiritual substances physical elements, so he identifies them with his body and his blood. At the crucifixion he experiences the ultimate pain of physical existence, loneliness and isolation. He calls out in this agony of loneliness:

Reading 17And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?”

Mark 15: 33-34

Rudolf Steiner pointed out that the words “Eloi, eloi” could be read “Heloi, heloi” which means, “Brothers of the Sun, why have you forsaken me?”

Christ, the Being who dwelt in the Sun, has descended into the depths of the earth consciousness. He has taken the two pillars of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil into his very body and his blood – but he has added something new – his own Being. For the first time since the Fall, Being has entered into the earth consciousness. The Tree is reconnected and it is possible to reascend. This ascent does not take place instantly:

Reading 18Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him, “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to the brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my god and your god.”

John 20:17-18

Christ makes his way back up the Tree, traversing it in the reverse order of the Creation until he returns to the source, the sephira of Light, of Being. Having (as Paul puts it) been “seated at the right hand of the Father”, he then returns, bringing a new impulse – this is what we

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know as the Holy Spirit. There is now a new connection upon the Tree of Life that links our physical reality with the spiritual worlds:

This new gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to humanity at Pentecost. The Being we know as the “Holy Spirit” dwells in the closest spiritual realms to earth. It is therefore accessible to us through a simple act of will.

There is a second gift that is bestowed on the Melchizedeks:

Reading 19Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive a holy spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

John 20:21-23

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We might ask why it was necessary to give the disciples the holy spirit twice! The answer is quite simple – they are different “holy spirits”! The little word “the” is not used in either John nor in Acts. Holy spirits are being given – but they are different. The holy spirit given at Pentecost is given to the whole of humanity. It is the gift of our individuality. If we work with this, and allow it to flow through us, then we shall be able, like Christ, to reascend the Tree. The holy spirit given to the disciples is different. It is different because they are Melchizedeks.

You will remember that what creates Melchizedek souls is that flight to the Sun. Those souls gave up something of their essence so that they might be able to participate in the preparation for the incarnation of Christ. Now something is being added. This holy spirit is a portion of Christ. It can only be given at ordination through the laying on of hands. The statement has been asked by some, “If I am a Melchizedek, then as a Sun being, I will automatically work for Christ. I do not need ordination.” This is not necessarily true. Melchizedeks are as open as any other soul to forgetting their spiritual heritage. Ordination restores consciousness of purpose to the individual. Ordination occurs in consciousness, and through the recognition of who we are, we are able to receive this portion of Christ. Mario called it the ‘seed of the priesthood’. It takes normally, about seven years for this seed to grow and evolve, but if we encourage it and work with it, then we shall express the power of the Melchizedek priesthood.

Some time ago an argument arose amongst a group of people who thought they might like to be ordained. They objected to the idea that they should forgive sins. My first reaction was “Why would anyone not want to be able to forgive sins?” I realised that it probably meant that such people were not Melchizedeks, for to “forgive sins” is the purpose of the Order of Melchizedek. The word “sin” in Greek is “hamartia” which was a word used when an archer missed the target. What target do human beings miss? We miss the middle column of the Tree! (For those who happened to watch the Grand Final – I think Geelong missed the middle column quite frequently!) That is, we either react from emotional levels or we try to live from mental concepts that are false. The “forgiveness of sins” from the Melchizedek priest is firstly a rebalancing of head and heart, and then the addition of the element of Being.

The UnsealingTo conclude our session on the History of the Order of Melchizedek, I should like to address the last two questions on the list. You may have already discovered the answer to Question Seven: Ordination is not initiation. Melchizedeks are not (although they be) especially advanced spiritual beings. In fact, it is part of the power of Melchizedeks that we can share a consciousness with every other person on the planet. We can be just as simple, just as obtuse, just as sorrowful, just as passionate. It is not our intellectual or artistic genius that is used, it is our beingness.

During the service of Ordination there is a section called “The Unsealing”. I would like to spend a few moments sharing something about what it means to be “Unsealed”.

In the old Centre service of ordination there was a statement that with the Unsealing, the powers of clairvoyance would be released within the candidate. Melody when she created the service that we have adopted, left this out because (especially since the demise of Mario) this has been very misunderstood. Some priests ordained thought that they would suddenly become very psychic and began to make what they thought were “clairvoyant”

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pronouncements over those who hadn’t been ordained. Judgements flew thick and fast – the air was filled with the visions of those who had (with Mario’s passing) suddenly become the oracles of the future.

There are three ways in which one may become clairvoyant.

Firstly, you may have been trained in a past life. If this is the case, then you will exercise a trained clairvoyance in this one. It is quite easy to discover these individuals – they are being paid for it! In the New Expression, there are several priests who fall into this category – Sally Sinclair, Stuart Bruce and Imogen Oliver. There is a reason that trained clairvoyants are paid – and we shall return to this point later.

Secondly, a person may have an active psychic ability which is a legacy from Atlantis. Mario used to call this “old Atlantean clairvoyance”. Rather than indicating the person is more spiritually advanced – it indicates that for some reason this person has been retarded in their spiritual development.

Thirdly, there is the clairvoyance of the priest as given in Ordination. This is released in the Unsealing.

But if there is an “Unsealing”, then there must have been a “sealing” at some point in the past.

St Paul says to the Corinthians: “But it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has commissioned us; he has put his seal upon us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”

So Melchizedeks were sealed at some time in the past.

Reading 20Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire. He had a little scroll open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and he called out with a loud voice like a lion roaring; when he called out, the seven thunders sounded. And when the seven thunders had sounded I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.”

Rev 10:1-4

Who is this “mighty angel”? His face is “like the sun” and he bestrides both land and sea – ie both right and left column of the Tree and in so doing, he mediates between both of them. He represents Melchizedek. This is a representative of Melchizedek in a particular role. It is to do with the seven spiritual centres (the rainbow). The Tree of Life is an expansion of these centres.

The “seven thunders” are the active expression of the centres. If they are allowed to “resound” then we become able to have spiritual influences enter into us that will raise us into the spiritual worlds. Here, for a time we have the viewpoint of the gods, we are totally

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clairvoyant; we can see the past, the present and the future – as St Paul puts it, we can “know all things”. This was the situation in Atlantis, but then the Melchizedeks experienced that these centres were “sealed” up – we were cut off from the knowledge of spiritual worlds – we lost that atavistic clairvoyance. Why did this happen?

The Sealing occurred in what we know as the “Temple of the Sun” in the Atlantean period. During this time, the powers of the different spiritual spheres established what we term “temples” or “lodges” on earth. Each of these contained an “oracle” of that particular power. It was a link between the spiritual worlds and the physical world. Thus there was a Saturn lodge, a Jupiter lodge and so on. Four lodges are particularly important for our story. They are the temple of Mercury; the Temple of Venus; the temple of the Moon and the Sun temple. The story of the building of the Sun temple is also related in the Old Testament.

Reading 21David said to Solomon, “My son, I had it in my heart to build a house to the name of the LORD my God. But the word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘You have shed much blood and have waged great wars; you shall not build a house to my name, because you have shed so much blood before me upon the earth. Behold, a son shall be born to you; he shall be a

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man of peace. I will give him peace from all his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quiet to Israel in his days. He shall build a house for my name. He shall be my son, and I will be his father, and I will establish his royal throne in Israel for ever.’’”

1 Chronicles 22:7-10

What connection does this have with Melchizedek? The clue is in the name:

Solomon = (Heb) Shelomoh = Shalom = “peace” = “Salem”

So Solomon is “King of Peace” ie King of Salem – Melchizedek. The story of the Temple of Solomon is the story of the Atlantean Temple of the Sun. There is a very interesting relationship between the first four temples:

You will see that this diagram has different paths. Before one could enter the Sun Temple, the individual had to pass through the temple of the Moon – this was called the “Court of Purification”. It was possible, and this also happened, that individuals could choose to bypass this purification and enter the temples of Mercury and Venus directly.This introduced impurities into these temples and that was the beginning of the end for Atlantis.

Certain souls were chosen to have their access to the spiritual worlds “sealed off”. Interestingly some of the myths surrounding the figure of Solomon tell of his possession of a “magic ring”. Because of the sign engraved upon this ring, Solomon had power over all

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demonic and negative forces. Even to this day, this sign is called “Solomon’s Seal”. The form of “Solomon’s Seal” is a hexagram formed by two interlaced triangles. Since the late middle ages this has also been known as the “Star of David”.

The “Seal” meant that the consciousnesses from Kether to Yesod were now locked into the Sun sphere (Tifareth).

This blocked the ascent of the Tree by those souls who were sealed. They could now only access those energies that emanated from the Sun through the Moon. The effect of this was to build the thinking ability in those souls – if clairvoyant perception is denied, then those energies will focus in on themselves to create mental perception.

Reading 22Set me as a seal upon your heart,as a seal upon your arm;for love is strong as death,jealousy is cruel as the grave.Its flashes are flashes of fire,a most vehement flame.

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Many waters cannot quench love,neither can floods drown it.

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

The seal is set upon the heart centre – the arms are extensions of the heart (healing comes through the hands).

It is only in the latest manifestation of the Order that this Seal can be removed. The purpose of the Unsealing is to open the heart centre and so to allow the progression up the Tree.

This brings me back to clairvoyance. What, precisely, is the clairvoyance of the priest?

The clairvoyance of the priest should proceed through the sphere of the Moon. This is a reflective consciousness. Here we met ourselves. That is why, Mario defined clairvoyance firstly as insight into self. To enable the priest to enter the sphere of reflective consciousness, Mario taught a discipline he called “Metaphysics”. Here are four principles of metaphysics:

1. I only ever confront self.2. I have created what I am.3. Mind is the builder.4. I AM a spiritual being.

These are difficult principles to apply. If we did apply them, then it would actually prevent the operation of the old type of clairvoyance – for that is a “you” consciousness. We experience clairvoyance in terms of impulses and images. The first stage to developing real clairvoyance is to understand that all those impulses, insights and images that come towards us are not about someone else, they are about self! We do not have permission to psychically “snoop” into the consciousness of another person. That would be to trespass upon their individuality.

Not every person has the determination to apply this discipline. Most of us can only hope to begin now. For to take on that we are totally accountable for every aspect of our life: our partnerships; our financial situation; our career; the relationships we form with our children; our health – to accept that we are the creators is almost too difficult for us to cope with. Much easier to put the blame on heredity; environment; society; other people – and of course – karma.

Let us suppose, for a moment, that we have spent some years striving to live from this reflective consciousness. We would note that it is impossible to form judgments of others form within this consciousness. Mario and Colin lived a life style that challenged others on the level of judgement. When you came into the Centre, you first noticed that they smoked and they drank – and their language was not always the language expected of a minister of religion! They were challenging people to judge them. They allowed themselves to be used as screens on which we could project our own problems. For example, if you said disdainfully, “They are out of control in their drinking and smoking” – then reflective consciousness would say “I am out of control” – ie somewhere in my life I am out of control. Everywhere we look in life we are challenged to judge or to accept. If we follow the path of metaphysics, then everywhere we look we shall discover ourselves – the more negativity we see in others, the

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more we find it in ourselves. Eventually, if we persist, we shall simply stop – we shall simply BE.

What happens then is extraordinary – for suddenly the second aspect of the priest’s clairvoyance becomes activated. If we have managed to establish ourselves in the sphere of the Moon, then we are looking towards the sphere of the Sun – and what we see there is Christ. Strangely enough, the experience of perceiving Christ from this sphere is the experience of perceiving ourselves – for we are, in a very deep and incomprehensible way, Christ. To see Christ is to recognise who we truly are.

Having had this experience, then the priest’s clairvoyance expands our understanding of those souls who come towards us. We begin to have real insight into other souls. We must remember, however, that this insight is for us! It is not so that we can give impromptu advice and on-the-spot readings to people. It is a gift to us so that we can understand the motives of souls. The more we abide by the principles of metaphysics – which are the principles of respect towards self and others and the acceptance of our companions as spiritual beings, the stronger becomes the power of the priesthood working within us.

There is a final temptation.

You may have noticed that I have almost always worked with a version of the Tree that has only one connection between the Earth and the spiritual worlds. As indicated, however, in Atlantis, there were two other possible connections. If an individual had an incarnation where they were part of certain esoteric schools, then they may choose to re-establish these paths on the Tree. There is a danger here, because the other two paths allow access to the spiritual worlds without having to pass through the sphere of reflective consciousness. If, for example, an individual moves from Earth to the sphere of Venus – this gives rise to a type of clairvoyance that will indeed see into the spiritual worlds. This clairvoyance will discern motives and directions. It will perceive past lives and hidden causes. Something similar happens if you travel from the Earth sphere to the sphere of Mercury. Here mental structures become pre-eminent; prophecy and prediction become possible. The problem is, that because you have not passed through the sphere of reflective consciousness, you will take with you something that should stay on the earth level – your ego!

The ego is the projection of the I AM into the earth sphere. We need the ego to cope with life on earth –but we do not need to take it into the spiritual worlds. Clairvoyance that works from the structures of the ego is judgemental. It is critical. It can be very damaging to other souls – but most of all, it is damaging to self.

For a while, such a person may make quite a reputation for their “clairvoyant” insights – but gradually people will notice that they are becoming less and less accurate. Their pronouncements become wilder and they become either more emotional and reactive or more authoritative and controlling – perhaps both! Such an individual will cease being an effective priest, and only if the gods are kind and bring them down to earth with an appropriate life crisis, will they have the chance to begin again.

Today we rejoice to welcome two new Melchizedeks into conscious participation in the Order. In Ordination we approach the heavens – and they approach us. Together with the

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ordinands we shall travel in consciousness up the Tree, through the outer court of purification – the sphere of reflective consciousness – and at the moment of Ordination we shall join for a moment with the Being of the Sun – the emanation of light and of love. This moment will join Nicolette and Karen with us forever – and from then on we shall be united in the consciousness of the Sun. A consciousness that does not judge, a consciousness that does not compare, a consciousness that radiates a calm, a compassion, a “beingness” that will penetrate the walls of despair and hopelessness in people, and empower them, as Melichizedek Priests, to give to hungry souls, a new light, a new life – and above all a real love.

So shall it be.