A guide to content curation



Learn how to curate, leverage and measure third party content to optimise your content strategy.

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Content is the currency of the web – the thing

by which we transact, trade and own cultural

and business value online.

The only problem is that we’re beginning to drown in it!

We’re creating and consuming content at a faster rate than ever before.

This has serious implications for your content strategy, as maintaining

relevance and standing out from the crowd are becoming more and more


Rewriting or duplicating awesome content that’s

already out there is redundant.

Instead, learn how to curate and leverage third-

party content to optimise your own content strategy.

Content curation is the act of finding, gathering, presenting and

contextualising digital content on a given topic

to an online audience.

This basically means that you collect and select the most

relevant or helpful information on a topic and present it to your

audience in an organised fashion, whether that be through a

series of status updates or blog posts.

1. The ability to offer your audience timely, relevant and

interesting content on a regular basis.

Curated posts can be faster to produce and publish than owned content.


You can let experts in other fields of your sector explain recent

developments, saving you time and ultimately budget.

Creating enough good-quality owned content is a challenge for us all. Why try

and reinvent the wheel by rewriting or duplicating noncritical content that has

been written well by others?

3. By curating the best content in your sector,

you position yourself as a tastemaker and

your platform as the go-to space to suit all of

your audience’s content needs.

If you help people find great information without having to wade through a

content tsunami, of course they’ll appreciate it and keep returning. This helps

build your content community.

4. If you share and credit others,

others will share and credit you.

It’s all part of growing your network. New networks are sitting on the tips of

your fingers – dive in and become part of other communities. You’ll

appreciate it when this effort is reciprocated.

Curating is not regurgitating –

quality assurance is key.

Stop adding to the noise!

If the first mediocre blog you found at 8.30am contributes nothing to an

understanding of your discipline, don’t share it with your followers.

By curating and posting only the most informative, interesting and valuable

content you build both trust and rapport with your community.

Post boring, subsidiary content and your audience will go elsewhere.

Make sure your voice is heard.

Don’t waste the opportunity! Curating and posting content without

contextualising or providing your audience with your perspective is useless.

Giving your perspective, emphasising a certain aspect or revealing a link

between a curated post and other content validates and strengthens both

your position as a community leader and your original content’s significance.

Don’t be a scoundrel! Attribute correctly.

Curate and share, but never steal. Ensure that you reference and provide

links for each piece of content that you curate.

Producing great original content is time-consuming and expensive (as you

are well aware). Play nice in the share economy or suffer the social wrath of

a cranky content producer.

It’s all about measurement.

Curated content is a knockout for data capture!

Because curated content is less time and budget-

consuming than original content, it is a great way to

experiment with other types of content and gauge

which types of content are the most shareable,

valuable or, conversely, unpopular.

Measuring the success or failure of curated content

allows you to identify which content works and tailor

or optimise your own original content strategy


Now that you have all the tools you need, get


But remember, curated content should always play

second fiddle to the cornerstone of your content

strategy: high quality original content.




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