A Gift Discovered




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Written by Bobbie Solley and Katie Edwards Schrodt Illustrated by Ashley Reeves

Healing Hands International www.hhi.org

AGift �

Text copyright © 2015 by Bobbie Solley and Katie Edwards Schrodt

Illustrations copyright © 2015 by Ashley Reeves

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or stored

in an informational retrieval system in any form or by any means, electronic,

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Healing Hands International

455 McNally Drive

Nashville, TN 37211



Produced by Pollock Printing in Nashville, TN USA

Book design by Ashley Reeves

Text is set in Baskerville

Illustrations are rendered in watercolor on paper

This book is dedicated to both the real Celestina and the women of Urerihana

(a jewelry making and sewing cooperative) who live in Mozambique. This story is

inspired by their lives and work. May you live as empowered women of the Lord,

fully exploring each gift He has given you and using it to bless others.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10 NIV


One day in a land far away where the sun rises in the east and sets ablaze the desert sand, a small girl-child is born. And, on that day as the

wind sweeps across the expanse, a tiny hut where a girl-child is born erupts into laughter and singing.“What will

we name her?” Cruz asks as Fanito and Sabado crowd around and wait for Mama and Papa to speak.“We have waited for many

years for a girl-child. We will wait and see what happens.” For Mama knows there is something special about her

baby girl. There is fire in her smile, a contagious glow in her eyes; her name must reflect the light within her. Looking down

the road Mama notices a young visitor coming toward their hut. As she draws near, Mama notices the

beauty within the young woman and the same fire in her eyes as her new baby girl. The embers within Mama’s heart

ignite, and she knows this is the one they have been waiting for. As the young visitor stands before

Mama and the new girl-child, she looks into the eyes of the new baby and says, “‘Celestina’, she

is a gift from God.” And, Mama knows that just as this girl-child is a gift to them,

she will one day be a gift to others.



grew up knowing the precious meaning of her name. She

knew the story from which it came and she was reminded almost daily that she

was indeed a gift from God. From helping her Mama and Papa to playing with her

brothers to tending to the little children in her village, Celestina lived up to her

name. And when it was time to leave her small village for the big city for the very

first time, she knew that good things were about to happen.


Celestina and Mama had been planning this trip for a long time. It was the day of

the convention, a place where women from all over the region would gather

together to sell their products and learn how to own a successful business.

“Celestina, where are you?”

Celestina ran around the corner to where Mama was standing.

Stopping to catch her breath, she answered, “What is it Mama?”

“Celestina, I need you! The chapa (public transportation) will be here

any minute. You must not forget why you are going with me. Remember

your name...you are my gift…and that gift today is to be my helper.

Is there enough water for the boys and Papa? Have you covered

the food? Where is your bag? Hurry now.”


At that moment, the dull rumble of the chapa lumbering down

the road caused Celestina to spring into action. She ran back

to the hut to retrieve her mat and bag, check on the food

and water supply, and quickly kiss Papa on the cheek.

When she returned, the chapa was there, and together,

they climbed into the van. They chose their seats and

as Celestina settled in, she began to think about

what the city and convention would be like.

She had heard stories of women who owned their own businesses,

who created and sold their own wares, who returned to their villages to

help support their families. Celestina’s heart raced as she thought

about all the possibilities that awaited them in the city.


It seemed as if the journey had just begun when she saw signs of the city. Wide-eyed with wonder, Celestina felt the bumpy road shift to smooth

black concrete. The trees gave way to buildings, stores, and tents. The noise, the colors, the smells, they all flowed over her and Celestina was caught

in a whirlpool of wonder. She drank in her surroundings so fast that she almost missed the sign, the place in the center of town they had come to see.

WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN! They were here. Looking at the sign, and thinking about what lay ahead, Celestina’s eyes swelled with

tears. Women empowering women! Can I be a woman who is empowered? What can I do? What can I give? I am a gift from God but how can I use

my gifts to become an empowered woman?


All these thoughts flooded Celestina’s mind as she and her mother stepped off the chapa. They entered

the large tent which had been set up for the convention. Inside, women of all ages, sizes and

descriptions milled around the colorful mats that were spaced evenly throughout the tent.


Celestina craned her neck and hopped up and down, all in an effort to see over the crowd of women.

Mama, watching her daughter’s excitement, placed her hand on Celestina’s shoulder,

“Go, child. Explore everything you can.”


Dashing off, Celestina’s eyes caught sight of mats full of ripe fruit, hand sewn bags, and vegetables.

But, the ones that made her stop and catch her breath were the mats at the back of the huge tent.

They were full of the most beautiful jewelry she had ever seen - earrings, necklaces, bracelets –

and all made with shiny colorful beads – reds, magentas, sapphires, amethysts,

and jade. It was nothing like she had ever seen before and her

hands itched to work with the beads.

The convention passed in a blur

and before she knew it, she was on

her way home.

Celestina’s mother attended all the meetings to

learn about setting up her own business back

home. But, Celestina spent all of her

time with the jewelry makers. She watched

them, and she learned.


But soon enough she and her brothers were outside

playing and pretending once again. Their favorite

place to play was across the road from their hut near

the trash pile where they loved to explore.

They always found the most interesting treasures there. Today’s

treasures were some large, mostly worn, old flip flops.

Back at home, Celestina had trouble going back to her daily routine. Gathering water,

helping clean the small hut, and playing with her brothers couldn’t compare with

all of the sights and sounds of the city, the convention, and ...the jewelry.


Celestina and her brothers stomped around in the oversized flip flops, pretending to be

their Papa. Not looking where she was going, Celestina tripped over a rock and fell

face-first into the dirt, the flip flop bending underneath her feet. After sitting up and

making sure she wasn’t hurt, she looked down at her foot where the flip flop

had ripped apart. She had heard about the colorful inside of flip flops,

but she had never seen it before. What she saw that day amazed her -

a rainbow of colors filled the old, worn out flip flops. And a flash

of that magical day in the market sprang into her mind - the

colored jewels spilling out on the mats, patterned and bright,

were as real today in her mind as they were that day.

Could these be the beads she needed?


Her mama stopped what she was doing, looked at her daughter, and for the first time in a long time

was reminded of the fire that burned inside Celestina since birth. “Celestina. Slow down. What is it?”

“Look Mama! Inside the flip flop! Look at the colors!”

Both mother and daughter sensing the other’s thoughts, said together, “These could be the beads!” Pausing, Mama added, “But,

how can we make beads from these flip flops? Beads like we saw at the convention? Maybe you should ask Papa for his advice.”

Leaving her brothers to stare after her, Celestina

ran to their hut where Mama was busy cooking

dinner, “Mama, Mama! LOOK!!” �


Running to Papa’s work area where he was busy building a bed for Cruz,

Celestina explained what she needed to do with the flip flop.

“Hmmmm, let’s try a nail. See what that will do.”

Together, Celestina and her Papa used a hammer to drive a nail through

the flip flop. Out popped the tiniest colorful bead piece.

It was beautiful but not quite big enough.

Disappointed but not willing to give up, she thanked her

Papa and wandered across the road to the trash pile,

determined to find the tool she needed.

14Running once again to her Papa she said, “Papa, I think this will work. It is

bigger than the nail but not too big. Can you cut it for me?”

As she rummaged through the plastic bottles, strips of fabric, and old wood pieces,

she spotted an old, rusted pot handle. Picking up the rusty handle, she noticed that one

end was perfectly round and hollow. This was it! It was the perfect size for a bead.


With the metal cut to just the right length, once again Celestina and her Papa hammered the metal into the flip flop.

And this time out popped the perfect size bead full of color and just waiting to be made into a necklace.


After dinner, Celestina and her mother sat down outside their hut with the old flip

flops. While Celestina punched the holes, Mama cut the dirty tops and bottoms off

of each bead. Twenty beads later, she looked up and noticed her mother looking at

her intently. Looking at the wild fire in her daughter’s eyes, she asked, “Would you

like me to show you how to thread the beads?”

“Oh could you?” cried Celestina. Watching every move her mama

made, Celestina took another needle and more thread and copied

exactly what she saw her Mama do. Together, they threaded two

different colored necklaces from the one old pair of flip flops.


“Now…what are you going to do with this necklace?” Mama asked.

Hmmm…I could keep it for myself, Celestina thought. But, that

quickly gave way to, “I know. I’m going to give it to

Grandma. She loves beautiful things

and she will love this!”

Quietly and thoughtfully, Mama took Celestina’s chin into her worn hands and

lifted her face, “Do you remember Celestina? Do you remember your name?”

“Yes, Mama. I am a gift from God.”

“Use your gift well, my child. The fire that burns so brightly in

your eyes can light the world around you. Always remember.”


And, as the girl-child becomes an adult, she continues to give to

others. As the wind sweeps across the desert plains, the adult

remembers long ago when the visitor with a fire in her eyes,

gave her the name... Celestina, gift from God.

She thinks back to how she has used her gift.

And, she smiles.

The story of A Gift Discovered is a compilation of several experiences during different trips to Mozambique by

one of our staff members, Ashley Reeves. During an internship in Mozambique, she really

did stumble upon a small hut where a baby had been born moments earlier. The

family asked her to name the little girl, who still goes by the name, Celestina.

Healing Hands International began partnering with Martha Smith (missionary to Mozambique)

and the Mozambican women she works with in the fall of 2012. They call their group “Urerihana” which in Makua

(the local language) has two meanings. It can mean “to bless one another” as well as “to make one another beautiful.” The group believes that

in their sewing and jewelry making business, they are able to weave the two together. They bless others by making them beautiful, and they in

turn are blessed by the generosity of others.

In 2014, HHI returned to Montepuez to partner with missionaries in the area to host a Women’s Empowerment conference. Its purpose was

to educate women in basic business skills and help them start small businesses of their own. Women have been encouraged to start savings

groups and are continuing to learn how to use their income to help provide for their families.

Because of the generosity of caring people in the United States, our Women’s Empowerment program is blessed to be working in six

different countries: Haiti, India, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Mexico. We thank you for your continued support for this ministry!



