A - General Description · A - General Description ... Halliday & Resnick. “Física”. ......


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A - General Description

Programme Title – Conservation and Restoration

Qualification Awarded – Bachelor’s degree (Licenciatura) (180 ECTS)

Admission Requirements - General Application for Admission to Higher Education, re-enrolment and mature applications. National examinations in one of the following disciplines: Drawing, Physics and Chemistry and History of Culture and Arts. The following regional preferences are applicable: Coimbra, Leiria and Santarém

Educational and Professional Goals – this programme offers solid cultural, scientific and technological training in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural property. The study plan aims at developing a wide range of skills that are essential to access the labour market as well as to pursue higher-level studies:

� Practical skills developed in classroom context that allow them to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real problems;

� Ability to sustain their own solutions;

� Scientific curiosity and creativity skills;

� Ability to search information in different sources and apply it to the preservation of cultural property;

� Ability to communicate their work results both to specialists and non-specialists clearly and inequivocally;

� Ability to work as part of a team;

� Capacity to comply with health and safety at work rules;

� Knowledge of modern processes of intervention in cultural property and ability to promote its application in new contexts;

� Knowledge and skills that allow them to design conservation-restoration intervention projects;

� Skills that enable them to pursue further studies;

Access to further studies - this programme allows access to Master’s degrees in conservation-restoration related areas particularly the Master's degree in Conservation and Restoration offered by the Polytechnic of Tomar.

Course structure diagram with credits - Three-year programme (six semesters in total, 30 ECTS each)


Course Title Year of Study

Semester Number of credits

Physics I 1 1 4,5

Ancient History� 1 1 4

Ancient Art History � 1 1 4

Introduction to Conservation and Restoration 1 1 4,5

Introduction to Representation Methods 1 1 4

Materials I 1 1 4,5

Chemistry I 1 1 4,5

Conservation and Restoration I 1 2 4,5

Physics II 1 2 4,5

History of Mediaeval Art 1 2 4

History of the Middle Ages� 1 2 4

Identification of Cultural property 1 2 4

Materials II 1 2 4,5

Chemistry II 1 2 4,5

Conservation and Restoration II 2 1 4,5

Conservation and Restoration III 2 1 4,5

History of Renaissance Art 2 1 4

Modern History 2 1 4

Materials III 2 1 4,5

Chemistry III 2 1 4,5

Colour Reintegration Techniques 2 1 4

Biodegradation � 2 2 4,5

Conservation and Restoration IV 2 2 4,5

Conservation and Restoration V 2 2 4,5

History of Mannerist and Baroque Art 2 2 4


History of the Portuguese Expansion 2 2 4

Examination and Analysis Methods I� 2 2 4,5

Reproduction Techniques 2 2 4

Conservation and Restoration VI 3 1 4,5

Conservation and Restoration VII 3 1 4,5

Environmental Control 3 1 4,5

History of Contemporary Art 3 1 4

Nineteenth-Century History 3 1 4

Examination and Analysis Methods II 3 1 4,5

Palaeography (elective) 3 1 4

Iconology (elective) 3 1 4

Modernist Art 3 2 4

Heritage Law 3 2 4

Twentieth-century History 3 2 4

History and Theory of Conservation and Restoration 3

2 4

Representation Methods 3 2 4

Sacred Cult and Worldview (elective) 3 2 4

Iconography (elective) 3 2 4

Conservation and Restoration Project 3 2 6

Final exam, if any – Not applicable.

Assessment Regulations - regulations defined for each course unit.

ECTS Departmental Coordinator – João Luís Farinha Antunes


B – Description of individual course units

Course Title Physics I

Course Code 93806

Type of Course One-semester course

Level of Course I

Year of Study First

Semester/Trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of Lecturer Carla Alexandra de Castro Carvalho e Silva

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Provide skills that allow the students relate acquired knowledge with daily phenomena. Basic concepts of physical principles for kinematics and dynamics of motion. Basics of Hydrostatics.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 – Unit Systems. Magnitudes. Vector calculus. 2 – Mechanics: kinematics and motion dynamics; energy. 3 – Materials properties. Porosity. Hidrostatic. 4 – Thermal properties of matter.

Recommended Reading Handouts available at the course webpage or at the photocopying services. Halliday & Resnick. “Física”. Volume I, 4ªed, Livros Técnicos e Científicos (Ed.). Serways. “Física”. Volume 1, 3ªed,Livros Técnicos e Científicos Paul Tipler. “Física”. Volume. 1, 3ªed., Editora Guanabara Koogan Paul G. Hewitt. “Física Conceitual”, 9ªed., Bookman.

Teaching Methods Lectures. Theoretical/practical classes including laboratorial practice.

Assessment Methods Classwork worth 1 point (out of a 0-20 grading scale). Mid-term written test during regular examination periods worth 19 points.

Language of Instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Ancient History

Course code 93803

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study First

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer João da Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Provide an overview of the fundamental characteristics of the society and culture of Ancient civilizations.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 The Prehistoric times 2 Egypt 3 The Mesopotamia 4 The Hebrews 5 The Cretan and the Phoenicians 6 The Persian Empire 7 The Greek

Recommended reading 1 ATTEL, O., As religiões grega e romana, col. Saber, Lisboa, Europa-América, 2003. 2 CARREIRA, J. N., Introdução à História e Cultura Pré-Clássica. Guia de Estudo, Mem-Martins, Publicações Europa-América, 1992. 3 GARELLI, P., El Proximo Oriente Asiático, 2 vols., Barcelona, Ed. Laboe, 1980 e 1985. 4 GRIMAL, N., Histoire de l’Égypte Ancienne, Paris, Fayard, 1988. 5 MAISELS, C. H., Early Civilizations of the Old World, Londres, Routledge, 1999. 6 SERVICE, E. R., Los Orígenes del Estado y de la Civilización, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1984.

Teaching methods Lectures involving content presentation. Theoretical and practical sessions based on reading, comment and analysis of pictures and translations of illustrative literary works, texts and documents.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Ancient Art History

Course code 93804

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study First

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Teresa Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Provide historical foundations and its connection to the History of Art. Promote artistic sensitivity as to different time periods. The students should be able to identify different art forms within major artistic trends and locate them in the appropriate time and place.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 General Introduction to the History of Art and its objectives 2 Egyptian Art 3 Mesopotamian Art 4 Greek Art 5 Roman Art

Recommended reading 1 BURN, Lucilla, Mitos Griegos, Madrid, Akal, 1998 2 Dioses y Héroes de la Mitologia, Edicominicación, s/a, 1996 3 GARDNER, Jane F., Mitos Romanos, Madrid, Akal, 1998

4 HUYGHE, René, Sentido e destino da Arte, 2 vols., Lisboa, 1986

5PANOFSKY, Erwin, Significado nas Artes Visuais, Lisboa, 1979 6 PLÍNIO, Textos de Historia del Arte, Madrid, A. Machado Libros, S.A., 2001

Teaching methods Lectures. Theoretical-practical sessions including datashow and artwork analysis.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Introduction to Conservation and Restoration

Course code 93801

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study First

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Ricardo Pereira Triães

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Students will be introduced to Conservation and Restoration matters and terminology and familiarise themselves with laboratory practices gaining a general view of the technology and materials involved in a conservation and restoration intervention.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 – Preservation of cultural Heritage 2 – Fundamentals of health and safety. 3 – Manipulation and transport of cultural property 4 – Equipment and handicrafts 5 – Materials and products used in conservation and restoration 6 – Identification, diagnosis and recording 7 – Intervention methodology 8 – Environmental conditions for storage accommodation

Recommended reading Conservação & Restauro. Cadernos. 2. Instituto Português de Conservação e Restauro, Lisboa, 2002. AAVV, A Conservação e o Restauro do Património. Riscos, Prevenção, Segurança, Ética, Lei., ARP, 2002. CALVO, Ana, Conservación y restauración. Materiales, técnicas y procedimientos. De la A a la Z, Ediciones del Serbal.

Teaching methods Theoretical sessions including description of the major methodologies for the conservation and restoration of ceramic materials and practical classes where the students have the opportunity to practise with conservation and restoration materials, products and techniques.

Assessment methods Exam and reports of practical classes.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course Title Introduction to Representation Methods�

Course Code � 93802

Type of Course� One-Semester course�

Level of Course� NA

Year of Study � First �

Semester/Trimester� First �

Number of credits� 4

Name of Lecturer� Fernando Salvador�

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)�

Develop space visualization and representation skills. Acquire basic notions concerning the use of drawing in its different forms, types and supports in order to produce conservation and restoration representations that are graphically correct. �

Prerequisites� NA

Course contents � Introduction: Geometric constructions. Drawing sheets. Projections. Stroke and line. Accurate perspectives. Rapid perspectives. Sections and cross-sections. Stroke used in sections and cross-sections. Perspective crops. Sizing. Sizing of crop and perspective elements. Models for objects, construction techniques and applications. �

Recommended Reading� Cunha, L.V., Desenho Técnico, Lisboa, Ed. F.C. Gulbenkian. Berger, J., Modos de Ver, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1980. Massironi, M., Ver pelo Desenho: Aspectos Técnicos, Cognitivos, Comunicativos, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1982. Panofsky, E., A Perspectiva como Forma Simbólica, Lisboa, Ed. 70, Coll Art e Comunicação. Hilton, F., Dibujo Geométrico en la Construccion, Ed. G.Gili, México, 1979. Sausmarez, M., Desenho Básico – as dinâmicas da forma visual, Lisboa, Ed. Presença, 1979. Support tests and practical exercises.

Teaching Methods � Lectures and tutorials. �

Assessment Methods� Continuous assessment and final written test. �

Language of Instruction � Portuguese�


B - Description of individual course units �

Course title Materials I

Course code 93807

Type of course One-Semester course

Level of Course I

Year of study First

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer João Freitas Coroado

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

An introduction to natural materials (minerals and rocks) including composition, origin, properties and environmental reactivity. Study of weathering factors and mechanisms affecting rocks particularly in national monuments.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Introduction to materials 2. Mineral grow 3. Solid-liquid interaction 4. Rock formation 5. Rock weathering 6. Rock transformation 7. Binding and cementicious materials (renders and mortars)

Recommended reading Aires-Barros, L. (2001). As Rochas dos Monumentos Portugueses, tipologias e patologias. Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico (IPPAR), Vol. I e II. ChadwicK, G.A. (1972). Metallographic of Phase Transformation. The Butterworth Group, England. Torraca, G. (1988). Porous Building Materials: Materials Science for Architectural Conservation. I.C.C.R.O.M.; Italy.

Teaching methods Theoretical and Practical sessions.

Assessment methods Written examination

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Chemistry I

Course code 93805

Type of course One-Semester course

Level of Course I

Year of study First

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4.5

Name of lecturer João Luís Farinha Antunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Be able to prepare solutions in the different concentration units; Understand the variables associated to the chemical bond and its implications in the general substance properties. Understand the formation of covalent bonds and its polarity. Relate the intermolecular bonds with the properties of composites; Be familiar with the nomenclature for hydrocarbons and the relative variation of its properties; Understand the general mechanisms of the chemical reactivity and chemical balance. Be able to write and understand the meaning of simple chemical equations.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Chemistry basics. Chemical bond. Chemical calculation. Chemical balance. Chemical kinetics. Covalent bond. Intermolecular bonds. Hydrocarbons

Recommended reading TIMAR-BALASZY, Agnés; EASTOP, Dinah -- Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation. Oxford [etc.]: Butterworth, 1998. CORREIA, C.; NUNES, A. – Química 11º ano. Porto: Porto Editora, 1995 STOKER, H. Stephen -- Introduction to Chemical Principles. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999

Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and problem-solving classes exploring the course contents. Practical lessons in the chemistry laboratory.

Assessment methods Written final examination. Reports of practical lessons.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and restoration I

Course code 93808

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course I

Year of study First

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Fernando Costa

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Raise awareness of the significance of observation, analysis and diagnosis prior to any Conservation and Restoration intervention, as well as the importance of graphic, photographic and bibliographical search as auxiliary and complementary means even in the production of illustrative documentation of the artifact in question or in the definition of criteria and justification of treatments to be carried out.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Rocks as porous materials 2. Water movement in the rocks 3. Effects of temperature variation 4. The effect of salts in stone deterioration 5. Chemical attack 6. Bio-deterioration 7. Pathologies or forms of stone deterioration 8. Interventions on stone

Recommended reading - AIRES-BARROS, L., “Alteração e Alterabilidade das rochas ”, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica; Centro de Petrologia e Geoquímica da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisboa, 1991 – AMOROSO E FASSINA, “Stone Decay and Conservation”. Elsevier, 1983 - HORIE, C. V., “Materials for Conservation” – Organic Consolidants, Adhesives and Coatings, Butterworths, London 1987

Teaching methods Lectures; practice in a real environment

Assessment methods Continuous assessment: practical performance, technical report and written examination. Final evaluation: written examination.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Physics II

Course code 938013

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course II

Year of study First

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Carla Alexandra de Castro Carvalho e Silva

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Acquisition of physical principles associated with the Theory of Light. The students will develop skills that allow them to understand the electromagnetic spectrum and interpret an object’s colour. They will be provided with Optics foundations in order to understand concepts such as prisms, mirrors, lenses (magnifying glass, microscope, etc.) �

Prerequisites� NA

Course contents Wave phenomena: waves and particles. Light properties and propagation. Colour analysis. Fundamentals and basic laws of Geometric Optics. Light refraction. Spherical lenses. Light refraction. �

Recommended reading Handouts and exercises available at the course webpage or at the photocopying centre. Halliday & Resnick. “Física”. Vol. 4, Livros Tec. e Científicos (Ed.). M. Margarida Costa & Maria José Almeida. “Fundamentos de Física”, Almedina (Ed.).Coimbra. 1993. Hecht, Eugene. “Óptica”. Fundação Gulbenkian. 1991. Paul G. Hewitt. “Física Conceitual”, 9ªed., Bookman.

Teaching methods Lectures. Theoretical/practical classes including laboratorial practice. Practical assignments in the Physics laboratory. �

Assessment methods Laboratorial assignments worth 2 points (out of a 0-20 grading scale) Mid-term written test during regular examination periods worth 18 points. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title History of Medieval Art

Course code 938010

Type of course One-Semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study First

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer João da Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Provide fundamentals of an historic work of art and their key characteristics. Identify the main Medieval artworks.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 Introduction to Medieval Art 2 Study of Romanic art 3 Study of the Gothic style

Recommended reading CHEVALIER (Jean) e BRANT (Alain Gheer), Diccionaire des Symbo-les. Mythes, Rênes, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figures, Couleurs, Nombres, Paris, Ed. Robert Laffont e Jupiters, 1982. DUBY (Georges), O Tempo das Catedrais. A arte e a sociedade de 980 a 1420, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1967. ECO (Umberto), Arte e Beleza na Estética Medieval, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1987. HALL, (James), Diccionario de Temas e Símbolos Atísticos, Alianza Editorial, 1974. PANOVSKY (Erwin), Arquitectura Gótica e Pensamento Escolástico, Madid, Ediciones de la Piqueta, 1986. VORÁGINE (Santiago de), La Leyenda Dorada, vols. I e II, Madrid, Alianza Forma, 1994.

Teaching methods Lectures. Theoretical-practical sessions focused on reading of medieval texts complemented by datashow.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title History of the Middle Ages

Course code 93809

Type of course One-Semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study First

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer João da Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

An introduction to the main characteristics of medieval society and economy.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Fundamentals of the Medieval economy and society

2. The expansion of Medieval Europe

3. Termination of the Middle Ages

Recommended reading DUBY, G. — L´Économie Rurale et la vie des campagnes, Paris Aubier-montaigne, coll. "Historique", 1975. FOSSIER, R. — Histoire Sociàle de L´Occident Médiéval, Paris, Armand Colin, coll. "U", 1970. FOURQUIN, G. — Histoire Économique de L´Occident Médiéval, Paris, Armand Colin, coll. "U", 1971.

Teaching methods Lectures and theoretical-practical lessons based on reading, analysis and comment from texts and documents.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Identification of Cultural Property �

Course code 938011

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study First

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Miguel Cabral Moncada

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

This course is an introduction to the theoretical problematics of expertise and evaluation of cultural property.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Introduction. Identification. Auxiliary Sciences. Heuristics. Recommended reading. Portuguese Furniture: Introduction; Portuguese furniture in general; Portuguese furniture in particular. �

Recommended reading Moncada, M.C., Peritagem e Identificação de Obras de Arte, Civilização Editora, 2006. Moncada, M.C., Lições de Peritagem em Arte, Apontamentos, Tomar, 2005. Moncada, M.C., Mobiliário Lusíada, Apontamentos, Tomar, 2005.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials. �

Assessment methods Two mid-term written tests or a final written exam. Possibility of an oral exam. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Materials II

Course code 938014

Type of course One-Semester course

Level of Course II

Year of study First

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer João Freitas Coroado

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

This course focuses on such materials as renders, glass, ceramic and metals, their composition, properties and thermal transformation processes. The weathering factors and mechanisms that affect these materials are also studied.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Glass and ceramic materials 2. Glass and glaze materials 3. Ceramic microstructure 4. Ceramic production 5. Ceramic characterization 6. Ceramic, glass and glaze weathering 7. Metals and alloys 8. Corrosion – general principles

Recommended reading Fonseca, A.T. (2000). Tecnologia do Processamento Cerâmico. Universidade Aberta, nº214, Lisboa. Gomes, C.S.F. (1988). “Argilas o que são para que servem”. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa. Navarro, J.E.E., Albaro, J.L.A. e Fuster, M.M. (1985). Tecnologia Cerâmica, Vol. I, II, III e IV. Instituto de Química Técnica (Tecnologia Cerâmica). Univ. Valência.

Teaching methods Lectures and laboratory practice.

Assessment methods Final written examination.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Chemistry II

Course code 938012

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course II

Year of study First

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4.5

Name of lecturer João Luís Farinha Antunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Understand the mechanisms for acid-base balances and apply this knowledge to Heritage Conservation. Be able to understand and compare action mechanisms of the different types of cleaning agents in wet systems and the factors that have an impact on its effectiveness.

Prerequisites Basics of chemistry: calculation and chemical balance.

Course contents Conservation-restoration cleaning; acids and bases; salts; Coordination compounds; Oxidation-reduction; wet cleaning methods.

Recommended reading TÍMÁR-BALÁZSY, Ágnes; EASTOP, Dinah – Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation. Oxford [etc.]: Butterworth (Series in Conservation and Museology), 1998; WOLBERS, Richard – Cleaning Painted Surfaces: Aqueous Methods. London: Archetype Publications, 2000, 197 pags. ISBN 1 873132 36 0; MATTEINI, Mauro; MOLES, Arcangelo – La Chimica nel Restauro. Roma: Nardini Ed., 1989. 379 pgs; OTTEWILL, R. H. – Surfactants: introduction. In Th. F. Tadros (ed.) - Surfactants. Proceedings of a meeting held in Bristol, England in July 1983. London [etc.]: Academic Press, 1984 (Cap. 1 - pags 1-17).

Teaching methods Lectures and practical sessions focusing on problem-solving. Laboratory sessions.

Assessment methods Final written examination. Reports of practical sessions.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and Restoration II

Course code 938015

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course II

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Ricardo Pereira Triães

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

This course focuses on the diagnosis, examination, conservation and restoration of archaeological ceramic artifacts as well as decorative and common ceramic artifacts.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 – The use of clay and the production of ceramic materials 2 – Portuguese ceramics 3 – Technology of ceramic materials 4 – Deterioration of ceramic materials 5 – Diagnosis, exam and recording 6 – Materials and equipment for conservation and restoration of ceramic materials 7 – Intervention methodology 8 – Climate control for the storage of materials

Recommended reading Triães, R. (2007), Apontamentos teóricos – Materiais cerâmicos, 110 páginas. BUYS, Susana, OAKLEY, Victoria, (1993), The conservation and Restoration of ceramics, London, Butterworth, Heinemann. WILLIAMS, Nigel, (1983), Porcelain-Repair and restoration, London, British Museum Publications.

Teaching methods Lectures focusing on the description of the key methodologies for conservation and restoration of ceramic materials. Practical classes involving the practice of techniques and experimentation with conservation-restoration materials and products.

Assessment methods Exam and report of practical classes.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and Restoration III

Course code 938016

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course III

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer José Manuel da Silva

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

An overview of style evolution of carved altarpieces as a part of a given art movement; the materials and their properties and behaviour; the causes for materials change and deterioration and respective treatments. The students should be able to develop skills to perform technical examinations and diagnoses and to implement preservation, conservation and restoration actions.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1-Introduction to carving 2-The agents in the production process 3-The materials and execution techniques 4-The main causes of change and deterioration 5- Specific ethical aspects 6- Conservation and restoration treatment – support and structure 7- Conservation and restoration treatment - surface 8- Preservation methods and techniques

Recommended reading ALVES, Natália M. F., A Arte da Talha no Porto na Época Barroca. Porto: Arquivo Histórico da Câmara Municipal, 1989. Vols. I e II. Gilded Wood - Conservation and History. (Gilding Conservation Symposium, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania). Madison, Connecticut: Sound View Press, 1991. LIOTTA, Giovanni, Gli Insetti e I Danni del Legno: Problemi di Restauro. Firenzi: Nardini Editore, [1991],1993. SMITH, Robert C., A Talha em Portugal. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte,1962.

Teaching methods Lectures including datashow. Laboratory Practice Tutorial Guidance: support to individual projects and theoretical work.

Assessment methods Continuous assessment: technical reports and mid-term written test. Final assessment: written examination

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title History of Renaissance Art

Course code 938019

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Teresa Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

An overview of the historical and cultural context of the Renaissance.

Identification of art production in this period in its various dimensions.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Introduction to historical and cultural Renaissance 2. Concept of Renaissance 3. Architecture and urbanism 4. Sculpture - materials, artists and works. Iconography. 5. Transition Painting. Decorative arts.

Recommended reading 1- CHEVALIER, Jean, GHEER BRANT, Alain, Dictionnaire de Symboles. Mythes, Rêves, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figures, Couleurs, Nombres, Ed. Robert Laffont S.A. e Jupiter, Paris, 1982. 2- HALL, James, Diccionário de Temas e Símbolos Artísticos,

Alianza Ed., 1974. 3- JANSON, H. W., História da Arte, tradução portuguesa de Ferreira de Almeida, Ed. Fundação C. Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1986. 4- RÉAU, Louis, Iconografia del Arte Cristiano, tradução

espanhola, 5 volumes, Ed. Del Serbal, 1996-1998. Teaching methods Lectures.

Theoretical-practical sessions accompanied by datashow and manipulation of works of art.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Modern History�

Course code 938018

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Maria Madalena Giraldes Barba Pessôa Jorge Oudinot Larcher

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The major political and cultural milestones between the 15th and 18th centuries in Europe. The impact of major cultural trends on art and heritage. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. The first half of the 16th century. The Protestant Reformation and its major branches; the Renaissance the origins of Science; its impact on Political and Legal Thinking. 2. The second half of the 16th century: Catholic Reformation - the significance of the Society of Jesus and Council of Trent; the religious wars. 3. The 17th century: the Thirty Years' War and the Vestfalian Treaties; the Absolutism; the Old Regime society. 4. The French Enlightenment: English influences; major lines and representatives; Jean Jacques Rousseau.�

Recommended reading História Universal, Círculo de Leitores, s.l., 1976, v.III: André CORVISIER, O Mundo Moderno. História Geral da Europa, dirigida por Georges LIVET e Roland MOUSNIER, v.II, Sintra, 1996. LARCHER, M.Madalena, Os Factos e as Ideias Políticas nas Grandes Linhas da história da Cultura Europeia, Tomar, 2003.

Teaching methods Lectures including datashow; theoretical-practical sessions focused on the critical interpretation of documental sources. �

Assessment methods Written test. �

Language of instruction Portuguese�


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Materials III

Course code 938021

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course III

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4.5

Name of lecturer António João Cruz

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

History, composition and behaviour of organic materials with structural function and of dyes and pigments with historical interest.

Prerequisites Basics of chemistry

Course contents Introduction: polymeric materials Wood Paper Vegetal fibres Parchment and leather Animal fibres Artificial fibres Textiles Dyes and dyeing Painting pigments

Recommended reading H. Kühn, Conservation and restoration of Works of Art and Antiquities. Volume 1, Butterworths, 1986 K. Nicolaus, Manual de Restauración de Cuadros, Könemann, 1999 Á. Tímár-Balázsy, Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002

Teaching methods Lectures and theoretical-practical sessions where case studies and problems are discussed.

Assessment methods Reports and theoretical tests

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Chemistry III

Course code 938020

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course III

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer João Luís Farinha Antunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Get familiar with the nomenclature of organic compounds employed in Conservation and with simple organic compound formulas; Be able to classify organic compounds used in Conservation by identifying their functional group and relating constituent properties with the structure; Be able to evaluate the different risks of solvents; Be able to evaluate the type of interaction of each solvent with the materials used in conservation; Be acquainted with the chemical structures and physical and chemical properties of polymeric materials, natural and synthetic, and to understand its use as binding media, adhesives, consolidants and coverings conservation and restoration.

Prerequisites Basics of organic chemistry: covalent and intermolecular bonding.

Course contents Organic solvents: its properties organized by chemical family. Danger: toxicicity and flamability. Synthetic polymers and biomolecules: classification, materials employed in heritage and conservation. Deterioration mechanisms.

Recommended reading HORIE, C. V.; Materials for Conservation. Oxford [etc.]: Butterwoth-Heinemann, 1995; MASSCHELEIN-KLEINER, L. -- Les Solvants. Bruxelles: IRPA. MASSCHELEIN-KLEINER, L.; Ancient binding media, varnishes and adhesives; ICCROM: Rome, 1995. MILLS, J. S.; WHITE, R. -- The Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects. London: Butterworth, 1987.

Teaching methods Lectures and theoretical-practical sessions focusing on the discussion of case studies and problems.

Assessment methods Final written examination. Oral presentation of practical assignments.

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Colour Reintegration Techniques

Course code 938017

Type of course One semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Cláudia Falcão Neto

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The students will be provided with theoretical and practical knowledge of visual perception – light and colour phenomena, thorough visual interpretation of two and three-dimensional works of art (volume; visual weight; guiding lines; formal, greyscale and colour studies). They will also be able to experiment with colour retouching techniques through practical exercises performed in the classroom in order to develop both manual ability and sensitivity to manipulate colour and achieve accurate colour reintegration.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Visual perception and plastic form - the structural elements of plastic language

2. Visual perception and restoration

2.1. Image recovery – visual perception and conservation assessment; the action of discontinuities; visual weight and equilibrium; natural alterations and level of intervention;

2.2. Colour reintegration. Goals, materials and techniques.

Recommended reading ARNHEIM, Rudolf, Arte & Percepção Visual, Uma Psicologia da Visão Criadora, Livraria Pioneira Editora, S. Paulo, 1994.

SCARZANELLA, Chiara Rossi, CIANFANELLI, Teresa, La percezione visiva nel restauro dei dipinti. L’intervento pittorico, PROBLEMI DI RESTAURO, RIFLESSIONE E RICERCHE, Edifir Edizione, Firenze, 1992.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials.

Assessment methods Final marks: practical performance; Portfolio, written test

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Biodegradation

Course code 938027

Type of course One semester course

Level of Course

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer H. Cláudia Falcão Neto

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The students will understand the different aspects of biological action concerning the care of cultural property. They will be provided with basic knowledge to detect, identify and control a variety of biodeteriogens with particularly harmful effect on materials.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Introduction. Defining Preservation: different concepts and different approaches (Prevention, Conservation, and Restoration).

2. Damage and decay factors. Biological risks. 2.1. The range of deteriogens, causes and consequences of their action. 2.2. Aesthetics and material effects of biodegradation. Principal threats to inorganic and organic substrates (stone, cellulosic materials, natural products of animal origin…)

3. Risk assessment and risk management. Detection techniques for biodeteriogenic microorganisms.The control of biodegradation.

Recommended reading ALLSOPP, D., SEAL, K., GAYLARDE, C., Introduction to biodeterioration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.

CANEVA G., NUGARI M.P., SALVADORI O., Biology in the Conservation of Works of Art, ICCROM Ed. Roma, 1991.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials.

Assessment methods Final marks: written work + public presentation; technical reports; evaluation test

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and Restoration IV

Course code 938022

Type of course One semester course

Level of Course IV

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Carla Rego, H. Cláudia Falcão Neto

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The students should acquire basic theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in the conservation and restoration of polychromatic wooden sculpture. By working with a large number of objects of different venues (churches, museums, private owners) with different degradation problems, and taking into account all the historical, esthetical and functional parameters, they will be able to develop distinct approaches and procedures.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Polychromatic wooden sculpture execution techniques and materials; 2. Damage and decay processes in polychromatic wooden sculpture; 3. Conservation and restoration methodologies.

Recommended reading CLERIN, Philippe, La Sculpture, Dessain et Tolra, Paris, 1988.

PERUSINI, Giuseppina, Il Restauro dei Dipinti e delle Sculture Lignee, Del Bianco Editore, Firenze, 1989.

TAMPONE, Gennaro, Il Restauro del Legno, Vol. 1 e 2, Nardini Editore, Florença, 1990.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials

Assessment methods Final marks: practical performance; technical report, written test

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation Restoration V

Course code 938023

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course V

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Fernando dos Santos Antunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms

of learning outcomes competences)

Raise awareness of the history and technology of artistic production of furniture. Evaluate the material, technological, artistic and aesthetic nature of an artifact. Develop the ability to assess the state of conservation, diagnosis and definition of methods of intervention. Increase awareness of the technologies of preservation, conservation and restoration. Develop knowledge and practice of technical assistance. Foster team spirit and multidisciplinary action.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Technological aspects of furniture production. Ethics on furniture. Preparatory treatment phase. Work record and documentation. Observation and analysis of the state of conservation. Analysis, interpretation and discussion of results. Diagnosis - identification of damages and patologies. Treatment proposal. Furniture conservation and restoration intervention. Packaging, storage and exhibition of furniture. Packaging and transport of furniture.

Recommended reading MCGIFFIN, Robert F. - Furniture Care and Conservation. Nashville, TN: American Association of State and Local History, 1983.

BROMMELLE, N.S., WERNER, A.E. - Deterioration and Treatment of Wood. Joint Meeting of the Scientific Committee for ICOM Museum Laboratories and the ICOM Sub-Committee for the Care of Paintings. Washington and New York, September 1965, pp. 1-21.

WILLIAMS, Marc A. - Keeping it All Together - The Historic Preservation and Care of Furniture. Worthington, Ohio: Archetype Books, 1990.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials

Assessment methods Continuous Assessment System: Theoretical (60%) – Written Intervention Report (25%); Written Paper (15%); Written Test (20%) Practical (40%) - Performance (30%); Assiduity and Participation (10%). Note: Final assessment is independent from continuous assessment performance (final exam = 100%).

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title History of Mannerist and Baroque Art

Course code 938026

Type of course Semester

Level of Course Lectures and tutorials

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second Semester

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Teresa Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Understand the underlying art context of Mannerism and Baroque. Understand the characterisation of art movements. Identify in space and time architectural, sculptural and pictorial production of these periods.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 Introduction to the study of Mannerism 2 The Mannerist painting and drawing. 3 The architectural way and the chão style 4 Sculpture 5 Introduction to the study of Baroque style 6 Resistance and acceptance of style 7 Sculpture and gilded wood 8 Painting and tiling 9 Decorative Arts

Recommended reading 1 CHATELÊT, Albert, GROSLIER, B. P., História da Arte, vol. 2, Ed. Larousse, trad. port. Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa, 1985.

2 CHEVALIER, Jean, GHEERBRANT, Alain, Dictionnaire des Symboles. Mythes, Rêves, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figures, Couleurs, Nombres, Ed. Robert Laffont S.A. et Ed. Jupiter, Paris, 1982.

3 JANSON, H. W., História da Arte, Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1986. 4 RÉAU, Louis, Iconografia del Arte Cristiano, 5 vols., Ed. del

Serbal, 1996-1998. Teaching methods Lectures.

Theoretical-practical sessions accompanied by datashow. Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title History of the Portuguese Expansion �

Course code 938025

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Maria Madalena Giraldes Barba Pessôa Jorge Oudinot Larcher

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The early stages of overseas expansion. The impact of overseas expansion on national culture as well on the European and world history in political, economical, artistic and intelellectual terms. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents I. The 15th century: Conquests and Discoveries II. The 17th century: The strategies used in the East, Africa and Brazil. III. The Fillipine Period (1581-1640): maritime competition. IV. The Restoration Period (1640-1668): the West crisis and the territorial expansion in Brazil; impact on Portuguese culture (Priest António Vieira) V. From the consolidation of Bragança Dinasty to the late Old Regime (1668-1777): the Brazilian gold; the Madrid Treaty; the Pombaline Reform VI. The empire at early contemporary age (1777-1821)�

Dicionário de História dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, dirigido por L.DE ALBUQUERQUE, 2 vs., Lisboa, 1994. História da Expansão Portuguesa, dirigida por Francisco BETHENCOURT e Kirti CHAUDURI, 5 vs., Círculo de Leitores, 1998, vs.I-III.

Teaching methods Theoretical-practical sessions including datashow. Theoretical-practical sessions focused on illustrative texts of the age of discoveries. �

Assessment methods� Mid-term written test or final exam.�

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Examination and Analysis Methods I

Course code 938028

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course I

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4.5

Name of lecturer António João Cruz

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

To develop competences enabling interpretation and use of information provided by some examination and analysis methods relevant to the study of cultural heritage.

Prerequisites Basic knowledge of chemistry

Course contents Introduction: electromagnetic radiation Direct examination and optical microscopy Ultraviolet radiation examination Infrared photography and reflectography Radiography Electron microscopy Classical methods of chemical analysis Instrumental methods of elemental analysis Instrumental methods of structural analysis Chromatographic methods

Recommended reading M. Matteini, A. Moles, Ciencia y Restauración. Método de investigación, Editorial Nerea, 2001 A. M. Pollard, C. M. Batt, B. Stern, S. M. M. Young, Analytical Chemistry in Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, 2007 B. Stuart, Analytical Techniques in Materials Conservation, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials.

Assessment methods Reports on experimental classes and theoretical tests

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Reproduction Techniques

Course code 938024

Type of course One Semester

Level of Course NA

Year of study Second

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Fernando Costa

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Students will be able to expand their knowledge of technical processes developing theoretical and practical skills in such areas as modulation, moulding and reproduction of artistic objects.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Differences between moulding and modulation 2. Differences between copy, falsification and reproduction 3. Types of moulds 4. Standards of evaluation of copies or reproductions 5. Legislation and Codes of Practice on casting 6. Types of reproduction 7. Moulding applied to conservation and restoration cases 8. Moulding materials 9. Reproduction materials

Recommended reading - Larsen, Erling Benner MOULDING AND CASTING OF MUSEUM OBJECTS – COPENHAGEN: THE SCHOOL OF CONSERVATION, 1981 ISBN 8787918 137.Cota: 12 IPT [9462] - Chavarria, Joaquim, A CERÂMICA – Colecção Artes e Ofícios, Editorial Estampa, Lisboa, 2004. 25099 CDA - Rosier, Pascal ; MOULAGES FACILES – Créez vos décors, Dessain et Tolra, Paris, 1997. 25100 CDA

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials.

Assessment methods Continuous assessment: practical performance, technical report and written examination. Final evaluation: written examination

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and Restoration VI

Course code 938029

Type of course One semester course

Level of Course VI

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Carla Rego

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The students should be able to recognise production techniques and materials as well as the conservation state of wooden and canvas paintings, always supported by diagnosis through scientific methods, and to develop specific intervention methodologies taking into account basic ethical principles.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Easel paintings - techniques and materials; 2. Damage and decay processes; 3. Conservation and Restoration methodologies

Recommended reading VILLARQUIDE, Ana, La Pintura sobre tela I. Historiografia, técnicas y materiales, Nerea, 2004.

VILLARQUIDE, Ana, La Pintura sobre tela II. Alteraciones, materiales y tratamientos de restauración técnicas y materiales, Nerea, 2004.

SCICOLONE, Giovanna C., Restauración de la Pintura Contemporanea, Nerea, 2002.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials.

Assessment methods Final marks: practical performance; technical report, written test

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and Restoration VII

Course code 938030

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course VII

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer Aida Nunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Develop skills for the conservation and restoration of graphic documents, at preventive and curative level, through the identification of materials, art production forms, deterioration processes and restoration-related techniques. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Graphic documents. Paper. Parchements and stamps. Bookbinding. Inks. Alteration of paper supports. Identification of pathologies. Characterisation of the cellulose support. Paper supports – restoration. Conditioning and exhibition. Preventive conservation and ethical principles. �

Recommended reading� Support material and handouts available at the photopying centre or the course webpage. Reading list for each course theme available at the photocopying centre and the course webpage. �

Teaching methods Lectures focused on illustrative examples of material charcaterisation and deterioration and restoration methodologies. �

Assessment methods Mid-term “closed-book” test or final exam and three practical assignments. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Environmental Control

Course code 938031

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer João Freitas Coroado

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The student is supposed to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and the capacity to understand environmental data, identify decay factors and execute environmental management projects as well as solving various problems related to the conservation of cultural property.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1. Introduction to climate control 1. Main principles:perfect gases and real gases 2. Water and temperature in interior spaces 3. Thermal comfort (standard ISO 7730/2005) 4. Thermal behaviour 5. Light and lamp properties 6. Limit values of chemical substances

Recommended reading Aslhey-Smith, J. – Risk Assessment For Object Conservation. London: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. Camuffo.D. Microclimate for Cultural Heritage. Developments in Atmospheric Science, 23. Oxford: EC Elsevier, 1998. Tètreault, J. Airborne Pollutants in Museums, Galleries, and Archives: Risk Assessment, Control Strategies, and Preservation Management. Ontario: Canadian Conservation Institute, 2004.

Teaching methods Lectures including analysis of case studies.

Assessment methods Written examination

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title History of Contemporary Art �

Course code 938033

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester First �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Maria Teresa Desterro

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The context underlying 19th and 20th- century artistic movements. Characterisation of these movements identifying relevant artworks and some of their key representatives. The work of art as an artistic, aesthetic and historic object. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents General considerations on Contemporary Art. Impressionism. Impressionism. Fauvism. Cubism. The Italian vanguard. The Russian vanguard. Expressionism. Neoplasticism and “De Stijl”. Dada movement. The Italian “metaphysical painting” of Giorgio de Chirico. Surrealism. The “École de Paris”. The North-American Abstract Expressionism. Kinetic and Optical art. Pop Art. Modern Sculpture. �

Recommended reading Varied bibliography according to the subject matters taught.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials. �

Assessment methods Continuous assessment (written work including oral presentation) or final written exam. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units

Course title Nineteenth-Century History �

Course code 938032

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Fernando A. D. Oudinot Larcher Nunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The great lines of contemporary history focusing on the associations between the main themes and related events.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Early events. The Classical Revolutions. The Naploeonic Age (1799-1814): Under the Restorationist Spirit (1814-1830) and the Independence of Spanish America. Under the Liberal Cycle (1830-1848) Under the Sign of Democratisation. In the 1848-1870 period Under the Sign of Democratisation. The European Apogee and the Empire Age (post 1870). �

Recommended reading LARCHER, FERNANDO, História Contemporânea, 1778/1789 – 1989, Programa, IPT, v.I,II e III, 2005-2006. Idem, Os Primórdios do Constitucionalismo Clássico, A Experiência Constitucional Americana, Tomar, 2000. NÉRÉ, JACQUES, História Universal, v.IV, O Mundo Contemporâneo, Círculo de Leitores, 1977.

Teaching methods Lectures including datashow and documental material. Theoretical-practical sessions focused on the critical interpretation of documents and analysis of illustrative material. �

Assessment methods Written test. Possibility of an oral exam. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Examination and Analysis Methods II�

Course code 938036

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course II

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester First �

Number of credits 4,5

Name of lecturer António Martiniano Ventura

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Application of photographic techniques within the conservation and restoration. Ability to execute photographic records to identify artifacts, document working steps or preliminary analyses of artworks through applied photographic methods;

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Photography as a complex system; the photographic process and its areas of interest; the object approach; the interaction of light and matter; the formation of an image; the camera and its mechanisms; close, micro and macro photography; 2D and 3D objects; light sources in photography; the surface examination method; invisible radiations and the photographic record. �

Recommended reading AAVV; PROBLEMI DI RESTAURO, RIFLESSIONI E RICHERCHE; Edifir, Edizioni Firenze, 1992. Blaker, Alfreda; HANDBOOK FOR SCIENTIFIC PHOTOGRAPHY, 2ª ED.; Focal Press, Londres 1989. Brill, Thomas; LIGHT - ITS INTERATION WITH ART AND ANTQUITIES; Plenum Press, New York, 1980.

Teaching methods Practice of the operational processes in question. �

Assessment methods Continuous assessment. Final grade is the result of weighted average of the written test (30%), presentation and oral defense of practical assignments (20%), final assignment (30%) and participation (20%).

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Palaeography

Course code 938034

Type of course One-Semester course (Elective)

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester First

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer João da Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The students will be provided with basic knowledge that allows them to read and understand documental sources, particularly from the Modern Age, and become aware of their variety, value and importance.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 The concept of Palaeography. 2 Alphabets. 3 Notions of Chronology. 4 General Standards for transcription. 5 Publication of sources.

Recommended reading 1 BATTELLI, Giulio — Lezioni di Paleografia, 4ª ed., Citta del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2002. 2 COSTA, Avelino de Jesus da, Normas Gerais de Transcrição e Publicação de Documentos e Textos Medievais e Modernos Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, 1993. 3 COSTA, Avelino de Jesus da — Álbum de Paleografia e Diplomática Portuguesas, 6ª ed., vol. I - Estampas, Coimbra, 1999. 4 GASPARRI, Françoise — Introduction à l' Histore de l' Écriture, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1984. 5 STIENNON, Jacques — Paléographie du Moyen Age, Paris, Armand Colin, 1991.

Teaching methods Theoretical-practical sessions based on text reading, analysis and comment.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Iconology�

Course code 938035

Type of course One-semester course (Elective)

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester First �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Fernando Larcher Nunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Understand the concept and scope of Iconography. Acquire knowledge that allows the identification of the depicted characters and scenes. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Iconography. Types of iconography according to its object. Iconographic sources. Christian Iconography. Marian Iconography. Iconography of Jesus’ life. Saint Iconography. �

Recommended reading Atiwater, D., Dicionário de Santos, PPA, Lisboa, 1992. Chevalier, J., Gheerbrandt, A., Dictionnaire de Symboles. Mythes, Rêves, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figurs, Couleurs, Nombres, Ed. R. Laffont et Ed. Jupiter, Paris, 1982. Reau, L., Iconographie de l’Art Chrétien, 6 Vols., PUF, Paris. Reau, L., Iconografia del Arte Cristiano, 5 Vols., Ed. del Serbal, Barcelona, 1996.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials. �

Assessment methods Written test. �

Language of instruction Portuguese�


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Modernist Art �

Course code 938041

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester Second �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Teresa Desterro

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Understand the context underlying Portuguese Art of the first half of the twentieth century. The work of art as an artistic, aesthetic and historic object. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Naturalism and the “Grupo do Leão”. Portugal in 1910 and the Humorists. Futurism. Amadeo de Sousa Cardoso. Eduardo Viana. The Twenties. Almada Negreiros. The Thirties. Vieira da Silva. The Forties: Neo-Realism. The Forties: Surrealism. The Forties/Fifties: Abstractionism and Figurativism. Almada Negreiros. The mid-nineteenth century sculpture. The “First Modernist Generation” of Portuguese sculpture. Themes of Portuguese sculpture of the Thirties and Forties. The “Second Modernist Generation”. The aperture of the Portuguese world and sculpture (1940). Preliminary issues for Portuguese Architecture. The "Arte Nova” episode. The first “Modernists”. The “First Generation” Masters. The “Compromise Generation”. The modernists and the aperture of the Portuguese world in 1940. �

Recommended reading França, J.A., A Arte em Portugal no Século XX, Ed. Bertrand, Lisboa, 1974. História da Arte em Portugal, Vol. 12, 13 e 14, edições Alfa, Lisboa, 1966 História da Arte Portuguesa, Vol. III, Ed. Círculo de Leitores, Estampa, Lisboa, 1966.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials. �

Assessment methods Continuous assessment or final exam. �

Language of instruction Portuguese�


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Heritage Law�

Course code 938042

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester Second �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Fernando A. D. Oudinot Larcher Nunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Get acquainted with the basic legislation applicable to the Portuguese cultural heritage as well as with basic concepts of heritage law. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents The evolution of the concept of heritage law as from the late twentieth century. The evolution of the Portuguese legal framework. The public administration with jurisdiction over cultural heritage. Major lines of the present Portuguese legal framework for cultural heritage. World heritage classification. �

Recommended reading European and International Charts GOMES, CARLA AMADO, Direito do património cultural, direito do urbanismo, direito do ambiente: o que os une e o que os separa in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Univ.Lisboa, v.42, 2001, nº1 JORGE, FERNANDO PESSOA, Monumentos de interesse histórico-militar (Projecto e parecer da Câmara Corporativa), separata de Museus de Portugal, Lisboa, 1971 NABAIS, JOSÉ CASALTA, Instrumentos jurídicos e financeiros de protecção do património cultural, CEFA, Coimbra, 1997-1998 IDEM, Introdução ao Direito do Património Cultural, Almedina, Coimbra, 2004

Teaching methods Lectures including datashow and documental material. Theoretical-practical sessions focusing on legislation reading and problem analysis. �

Assessment methods Mid-term written test or final exam.�

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Twentieth-Century History �

Course code 938040

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester Second �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Fernando A.D.Oudinot Larcher Nunes

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Get acquainted with the great lines of contemporary history focusing on the associations between the main themes and related events. Be able to relate the great problematics with cultural events and manifestations. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents From the early 20th century to the end of the Great War (1901-1918). From the end the First War to the end of the Second World War (1918-1945): The war consequences; the three major doctrines underlying political regimes; the colonial empires betweeen the two wars; the great conficts of the Thirties; the Second World War (1939-1945). III. The Post-War World (1945-1989): The immediate Post-War and structuring of a new order: the ONU; the two winning powers: the USA and the USSR and the Cold War; the decolonization and the Empire collapse; the European States and the construction of the European Community; the rest of the world. �

Recommended reading LARCHER, FERNANDO, História Contemporânea, 1778/1789 – 1989, Programa, IPT, v.IV, 2005-2006. NÉRÉ, JACQUES, História Universal, v.IV, O Mundo Contemporâneo, Círculo de Leitores, 1977.

Teaching methods Lectures including datashow and documental material. Theoretical-practical sessions focused on the critical interpretation of documents and analysis of illustrative material. �

Assessment methods Written test. Possibility of an oral exam. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title History and Theory of Conservation and Restoration

Course code 938039

Type of course One-Semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer José Manuel da Silva

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Get acquainted with such notions as the evolution of Conservation throughout history, from the theories by Viollet - le - Duc and John Ruskin of XIX century, through the modern theories of Camilo Boito, Giovannoni and Césare Brandi (XX c.), to the most recent positions by contemporary authors. Know and comply with ethical principles and code of ethics of the conservator-restorer. Be able to decide when, how and to what extent to intervene.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 - Summary of the theories on conservation and restoration of works of art, 2 - The 20th century and early theories and intervention criteria - The style restoration by Viollet-le-Duc.; John Ruskin and the anti-restoration movement. 3 - Modern theories and criteria: Camilo Boito and Gustavo Giovannoni, 4 - Cesare Brandi and the Critical Restoration, 5 - The Conservation and Restoration in Portugal - the 20th century, the DGEMN, the Arte Antiga museum 6 - Ethical principles and codes of ethics of the conservator-restorer.

Recommended reading Brandi, Césare, “ Teoria de la Restauración” Alianza Editorial, 1988. E.C.C.O., “Professional guidelines: The profession and the code of Ethics”, Brusseles, 1993, 5pp. Electrónico González – Varas, Ignacio, “Conservación de bienes culturales – teoria, história, principios e normas”, Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 2000. Martínez Justicia, Maria José, “Historia y Teoria de la Conservación e Restauración Artística”, 2ª ed., Madrid, Editorial Tecnos, 2001.

Teaching methods Lectures including case study analyis and discussions on conservation theories.

Assessment methods Continuous assessment - participation in class and written mid-term test.

Final assessment - written examination

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Representation Methods�

Course code 938038

Type of course One-semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester Second �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Fernando Salvador

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Develop 2D and 3D representation skills. Be able to execute graphic structures capable of responding to the nature of objects or situations to be represented and its articulation with conservation and restoration. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Introduction. Graphic representation types. Sorts of object analysis and representation. Graphic supports, examples. Representation scales and proportions. Space planning techniques. �

Recommended reading Cunha, L.V., Desenho Técnico, Lisboa, Ed. F.C. Gulbenkian. Berger, J., Modos de Ver, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1980. Massironi, M., Ver pelo Desenho: Aspectos Técnicos, Cognitivos, Comunicativos, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1982. Panofsky, E., A Perspectiva como Forma Simbólica, Lisboa, Ed. 70, Coll Art e Comunicação. Carneiro, A., Campo Sujeito e Representação no Ensino e na Prática do Desenho/Projecto, Porto, Ed. FAUP. Testes de Apoio e exercícios práticos.

Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials. �

Assessment methods Continuous assessment including a number of practical assignments. Written test. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B – Description of individual course units �

Course title Sacred Cult and Worldview �

Course code 938043

Type of course One-semester course (Elective)

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third�

Semester/trimester Second �

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Maria Madalena Giraldes Barba Pessôa Jorge Oudinot Larcher

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

Be able to integrate the cult objects in the major evolutionary lines of the man-sacred relationship history with a special focus on the three major western religions. Understand the christian cult objects in their historic context and eclesiastic or liturgic role. Understand the role of sacred art objects in social history and in the relationship between the official rules and popular religiosity. Be able to prepare inventories of sacred art that are scientifically accurate. �

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Cult and world vision in the three major religions of the Book: Judaism, Chistianism (catholic and orthodox) and Islamism. Catholic cult and eclesiology: concept of eclesiology, the major chronological periods and relation of cult with the abovementioned periods. The great Councils and cult rules: hagiography; impositions about the forms of representation of saints and sacred issues. Cult in the social history: spiritual currents; popular religiosity; material projection: the typology of cult buildings; liturgic artifacts and sacred garments. �

Recommended reading Dicionário de História Religiosa de Portugal, 4 vs., Lisboa, Centro de Estudos de História religiosa, Universidade Católica, 2001.

Teaching methods Lectures including datashow on valuable sacred artifacts. Theoretical-practical sessions focused on the topics of assignments in the framework of research, inventory and classification of sacred art. �

Assessment methods Assignment (70%) and mid-term test (30%) or final exam. �

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Iconography

Course code 938044

Type of course One-Semester course (Elective)

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 4

Name of lecturer Teresa Cunha Matos

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

The biographies of the most depicted Saints. Relationship between their attributes and their life. Icon identification based on their attributes and symbolism.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents 1 Introduction to the study of Iconography 2 Biography of the most representive Saints 3 Study of attributes and symbology 4 Analysis of liturgical vestments

Recommended reading 1 ATIWATER, Donald, Dicionário de Santos, PPA, Lisboa, 1992.2 CHEVALIER, Jean, GHEERBRANT, Alain, Dictionnaire de Symboles. Mythes, Rêves, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figures, Couleurs, Nombres, Ed. Robert Laffont S.A. et Ed. Jupiter, Paris, 1982. 3 REAU, Louis, Iconographie de l’Art Chrétien, 6 vols. PUF, Paris.

Teaching methods Lectures. Theoretical-practical sessions focusing on text reading and analysis with the help of datashow.

Assessment methods Final exam

Language of instruction Portuguese


B - Description of individual course units

Course title Conservation and Restoration Project

Course code 938037

Type of course One semester course

Level of Course NA

Year of study Third

Semester/trimester Second

Number of credits 6

Name of lecturer Various lecturers

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning

outcomes competences)

At this specific point of his instruction, the student should be able to put in practice and develop knowledge acquired in conservation and restoration subjects as well as in other complementary disciplines. This module is intended to enhance students’ research skills, applied under a pluridisciplinar perspective, oriented towards the study and interpretation of artistic objects or other property.

The students will be given some degree of autonomy so that their knowledge and abilities to deal with a practical context can be evaluated, taking into account the ethical principles that regulate the conservation and restoration profession.

Prerequisites NA

Course contents Defined by each lecturer according to the selected area

Recommended reading Defined by each lecturer according to the selected area

Teaching methods Development of autonomous work with the lecturer support (tutorials).

Assessment methods Final marks: practical performance evaluation; written work + public presentation

Language of instruction Portuguese