A FYNAN REPORT - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)report_v2.pdf · of income flowing through your...


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The financial system is set up to keep us working harder and harder!

Consider taxes and inflation, the “hidden” tax, for example.

As we save more and more money, inflation “eats” away at its purchasing power. It’s like we never saved anything all year, and the hard work is wiped out in an instant!

So just saving money for financial security is not enough. People spend their entire lives working hard only to find out that they cannot afford to retire. Finding a job at that age can be an incredibly difficult challenge.

There is nothing worse than finding this out right when you're ready to retire!

We are then told that we need to invest our money. Of course, to “invest” money, we are told to hand over our money to big financial institutions who will do it for us. Little do the financial institutions tell us the truth about how they are managing our hard-earned money. More on this later in this report!

Furthermore, for us to invest ourselves, we need to invest time to master the art and science of investing, which as we know is inherently risky. Many of us just don’t have the time to do so!

WHAT CAN YOU DO? Start by reading this report fully, for your sake and your family’s sake. This report is a game-changer. You will discover what most people don’t know, and will probably never know until it’s too late. Let’s get started on this eye-opening journey.

Most of our hard work is wiped out in an instant

with two simple financial strategies:




As you know, money flows in the economy and in our lives. We all earn money, hold it for a while, and then spend it. The holding period might be a few days, a few weeks, or as little as few minutes before we spend it!

We will divide how money flows in our lives into 3 main phases, as shown in the following diagram:

Notice that the above diagram shows the direction of money in our lives. We first earn it, then hold it for a short time, and then spend most of it.

In the diagram, the letter A is the point at which we receive the money (in the form of a check, cash, wire, etc.) and then point B is the point it leaves us (via check, cash payment, automatic withdrawal, etc.).

I’m walking you through this because the thought process for each of those phases is very different, and hidden within these processes you are about to discover something powerful. Keep reading. Now let’s analyze each phase.








These are the 2 conversations we are used to: “Make money” or “Save money.”

They are the 2 specific phases we discussed (#1 – Earn It and #3 – Spend It). Again, this is what we are used to. Whenever we are introduced to a new financial concept, we try to fit it into one of those 2 buckets (earn more/spend less).

Under Earn It, we tend to think of various ways to make (acquire or earn) new money. This could include a job, a side job, a business, or additional earned income from an investment. This typically includes selling your time for money and/or putting some of your money at risk for investments.

Under Spend It, the goal is to spend less of your income. This includes using coupons, looking for discounts, reading books on how to save money or live below your means, etc. This is the message you hear from many well-known personal finance gurus. Theirs is good advice too, but…


Assume that you earn $5000 per month in the Earn It phase. The source of money doesn’t matter for our discussion. It could be a job, dividends, investment profit, or business venture income: it doesn’t affect our financial strategies being

These are the 2 conversations we are used to:

“Make money” or “Save money.” But there is a 3rd

choice that most people don’t realize.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

$5000 $4800

But there is a 3rd choice that most people don’t realize. Phase 2, the Hold It phase, has a completely different approach. It’s neither “saving” money, nor “making” money. Let’s now discuss this phase, the Hold It phase. This is where it gets very interesting, and yes, a little confusing.


discussed here. All you know is that you have received $5000 into the Hold It phase, and it is sitting in your checking account in your local bank.

A few weeks later, you spend $4800. It goes out into the Spend It phase. This includes all your living expenses. We all have rent/mortgage payments, car payments, credit card bills, food, gas, insurance, taxes, and a myriad of expenses. So at the end of the month, we have $200 left over (in our example).

So $5000 flowed in and $4800 flowed out few weeks later.

The 2 to 3 weeks that your money is doing nothing can be used to do a LOT without investing. Consider this: that money is sitting in your checking account at a local bank for 3 weeks (as an example) during each month and doing nothing, and that cycle repeats itself every single month! That translates to 30 years of your 40-year career that your money is sitting there doing nothing! In fact though it is not actually doing nothing, it is working hard FOR the bankers to make them richer – it is just doing nothing for you.

It turns out that under the Hold It period, there are a number of very powerful financial strategies that can be easily implemented to increase your net worth. Furthermore, none of these strategies include investing, or putting money somewhere else for someone else to manage. That money is needed to pay bills, so you have to control it at all times!

Take a deep breath, and read the last paragraph again!

While in phase 2 of the Money Flow in your life (the Hold It phase), we don’t deal with “making money” or “returns”, or even “spend less” since that’s a function of phases 1 and 3. In phase 2 we deal with the Power of Finance!


Do you realize that, even for the short time that $5000 is being held

by you, it can, over time, be used to increase your net worth

significantly? Possibly by as much as 6 or 7 figures for many people.


We need to mimic the way banks work, and banks use pretty amazing financial strategies. So must we. We use advanced but simple-to-implement strategies that can be deployed easily once you understand them. These strategies will allow you to tap into some of the profits that the financial institutions are making off of you.


I want you to step back and imagine an income stream of five thousand dollars per month for forty years (from our example). Just imagine this income stream floating in front of you.

It is passing right in front of your face. You can almost reach out and grab it.

You watch that income stream and you see that now it is going into someone else’s pocket, and it is going to continue to do so for the next forty years.

You have a chance to “buy” this income stream and re-route this income stream into your pocket.

If you buy this income stream, you redirect this income stream into your pocket. My question is, how much would you pay to buy this income stream? Just think about it. Five thousand dollars per month for the next forty years. How much would you pay to capture that income stream?

Financial institutions fight hard every day to take a portion of that income stream. It is there for the taking. In your mind, can you still see the stream?

That’s why we make the claim that this can increase your net worth

significantly (6 and 7 figures for some people) over time, without

investing, by simply using the power of finance. The numbers add









Now focus, this is personal. We are talking about YOU and your family members here. You and your family have income streams leaving you right now, and all the financial institutions out there are fighting for those income streams. Their weapons in this fight include credit card offers, discounts on store credit cards, car loans, furniture loans, and other loans, etc.

This is how you should think of the Hold It phase. It is nothing more than a stream of income flowing through your life. You work hard to earn the money, and on the other side, money is flowing right out. Banks are using powerful financial strategies to tap into that stream and make you work harder and harder.

We can change that.

In the Hold It phase, we have to ask ourselves how can we capture or recapture part of that money flowing through Phase 2 while still maintaining our lifestyle. We are not talking about saving money, or living below your means. We are talking about recapturing and keeping more of our income flowing out.









As a company, that’s why we exist. We do all the nerdy, number-crunching work, sometimes for months and months researching various strategies, and then share them with you for you to implement.

So all we focus on is recapturing a part of that income stream that's going out anyway. It will be leaving you no matter what happens. The question is who's going to be on the receiving side of it?


You won’t capture all of it, but some of it. You can start recapturing some of that outflow sooner than you realize and eventually even more than you would believe possible.

With these financial strategies, you are not investing in some high risk venture or giving your money to someone else. You are simply using the power of finance for the benefit of you and your family while at all times still managing your own money. You control your money. You control your risk. You are in full control.

People from all walks of life have implemented this same exact information, including attorneys, experts in the financial world, CFOs, accountants, home makers, engineers, scientists, CEOs, fund managers, law enforcement, bankers among other. In fact, one highly respected Wealth Manager with over 30 years’ experience who works with the wealthiest families (net worth of $50 Million+) remarked that one of the many strategies we have is so brilliant, he calculated the annual IRR (internal rate of return – the most accurate way of calculating returns) on this strategy as being between 19% and as high as 35% after the 3rd year! This man was a very skeptical man when he first was introduced to these strategies. There are many more strategies with impressive returns while YOU control the risk and manage your money.


We started this report talking about how the financial system is built to make us work harder and harder.

Investing your money for higher returns (but also higher risk) is one way. Many


documentaries shed light on the reality of investing. One such documentary is “The Retirement Gamble” by PBS (Public Broadcasting Television) featuring the founder of the largest mutual fund company in the world, John Bogle. It is a discussion about how Wall Street, mutual funds and retirement accounts actually work, and is as scary and eye-opening as you'd expect. Everyone should watch this documentary.

Living well below your means to save money is another possibility. But this requires time and effort and may not offer a lifestyle you want.

However, in this report, we introduced another option that can result in more people living a more fulfilled lifestyle while using very simple-to-implement yet advanced financial strategies, all without having to sell more of their time for money.

Most people spend a lifetime searching for information and research to help build financial security for themselves and their families. We are so excited to be the company exclusively focused on making these financial strategies available to you.

This will require a shift in thinking! We have been conditioned to think about money a certain way due to the financial institutions wanting everyone to play their way. It’s time to change.

One of the greatest gifts anyone can give their family is the gift of financial security and peace of mind.


We are a think tank of financial nerds who thrive on finding shortcuts in the financial system. We are constantly researching and verifying existing and new powerful financial strategies for ourselves and for you from some of the top financial minds. These shortcuts are not “invest” or “live below your means” strategies. Rather, they are powerful financial strategies that can have a significant impact on your financial well-being. These are the financial strategies that are exclusively focused on the Hold It phase.

We share those strategies with you through self-paced master classes.


We believe you should manage and make your own decisions about your money (not some big financial institution). If you need help with implementation, we give you access to our community of people just like you who are implementing the same strategies. If you still need more help, we offer 1-on-1 support for an additional fee, however, we NEVER give financial advice. We just share our powerful findings.

By sharing with you these powerful lessons and how to implement them yourself, you will appreciate the biggest value to these powerful strategies. It boils down to one simple question – how many times would you invest $1000 to get back $2000? A lot I’m sure. How many times would you invest $1000 to get back $2000 this year, and every year after that? A lot I’m sure. FYNANC.com does a LOT more than that!

We can afford to do this full time based on the revenues generated from people just like you who are willing to invest a small sum of money to access our research, and understand that one single strategy implemented can help you keep thousands of dollars more in your pocket without sacrificing your lifestyle or putting your own money at risk of loss with other investments.

Our passion is to make a difference in people’s financial lives so that they have the peace of mind to go out and live a life of passion. We want that for you and everyone out there. All we ask is that you share your story with us once you have your “a-ha” moments from our research.

We invite you to be one of our family members.

Visit www.fynanc.com

for more information





