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•̀•••• rafeiwicelo'lhe. mem.

'sinerandusfilf Way 4 tO the *noisy Ciazonik ebeervaticets, I wiah to adiise I alwlirOWiniara IltipstVois

hu had iui opportunity"te'revilef*:tiakesimmillestiladllie - 4. 'Rogers stated that Olney'l znemOiendum

• --;> .d to

la that .thi 4

, •,.'rst plasagraph stated that the Crimlnal Division isd a* ersitisi as to the BUrein I . evaluating a situation and determining whetheiiiiiiet le brake its joiriadictinii..r. .: "Later an in this memorandum, "Olney stateeihifiadar the law the Bureau had t'

uthorityla investigate the De Galindei iiiiii.s.ItegeriiitOnted;this tout to .01ney:. ' and Olney then explained that his point In writing the memorandum of illayllea. for purpose of securing our ideas an hap taller lettere from the outakie:., which heretofore had been answered by Slating that the facts did not bring the case ,_. L.

::,..within the Federal Kidnaping Act, and that Olney1,4 point was that, since we had .:,t0 ...,....

7-- the authority to investigate but did not Investigate, then iire .iitailld have eonit;otber d answer. Rogers stated that Olney was *67 specific in statements to hiiii,t7:f he did not question the Bureaulejudgreent in sot.iiirestigatingthe'De. tsilindes,- ;;;;--On the other ha.nd,h.e felt that Burton!' jedgied in not Investigating the '

De Gilindez case was Correct and Idi.onlYpointiial to Sectileirhat be thought* ,. ..,.,-=. ... was necessary: 'eternal', -..41aetter &limier to ,Persocks Outside oieDe_partment .---

44 .::',-..:.; ..'.,: -,: - - ..i., i.Y. • .91t4fr';,PTAtk.7., zPv-T-' 4.rv-00' - lielA . - -.A47-5G4*,...,7k,

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__2_,...•'1-1' _I)•:=: 'Nei* --?‘"Ati^ovil -1.-,T. ki,. !f,..:...-:f:....,::!';r' ;11 ;::!...,,.. _ • .x:P;;;' I told Rogers that "was Olney', explination yesterday . but thit..

per 'record. had now beenMidland it reuinizahle;:iiredent person Would cori.C.1:idei from the Olney memorandum that 'Mei:idiom:. hadSorespcosthility imposedialicill

, ..'lt by law and was not discharging that iesPonithility;Itogera,Stated that be did...Tis act agree with the *Olney memorandum at all ortAerianner.ln which It had been:„?.?..f.ti.', handled. -Rogers further stated he had talked to AttornelGeneral and theic,- .:4,1' Attorney General does not want any change Siailiii in* .BuresS7a =traditicsii140*-' perations in the handling Of kidnaping Cases."%eig bled ii'inoiztoranciuin. x*?_,,,

ild be prePared for the Attorney General addressed ' .to Vicritiiiii1,. pointing t that the Bureau*, declaim wascorrect .11 the EsGalinbigllid 'related cases14.',."-:

- "and that the Bureau should continue'making the ...i...,,..7.-....- .... ......--.. ,, ......1.1.:.:*.e.-„-;......s.....14;:44ii". .." t., • - - :5 -.. At'-. 5-f /4 •••••••:lik :- 7*..11: • 7... '

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1-t -til.,4„: S. oe .tigiside,. ,ce1isd bi the Attorney General In. that thidd eirid the letters :to the Rtireau.

w owtedp the letierii.Al.told Rogers thatl would Send them right back because we were not gtiinetiiiicknoyrledge letters addressed . ',..4' to the Attorney General in this-or any otherihratteiSs It would be inappropriate" z-- -.._ d would put the Attorney General on 4'spOt...;I:gold Rogers that we have had no , ••...... iff..'.'" hesitancy in acknowledging letters addressed joIhe.itureau and taking the full *,, and complete responsibility for such letters Ira pat** correspondents who had = been turned down by the Bureau then appealed the matter and the letter. was ::: :- -?..'4 ..- • ' - referred around to the Bureau to answer, tids .would be highly improper, •. •

- .• tr *-A.;.1 be discourteous, and could be a source Cd embarrassment to the Attorney General..


1 1Rogers stated that be could see this point and _that either he orohnLindsai would _Ianswer the Letters: 1,'As ..71.,---•;,.'.: ,.-:■':;, .1.;•• 4A-,;;,?,../. .; '14,;;;-:. t .. .....ist•-:,,it; „:... i.. .6.;..; „ ., , .:,„ -; • a- r . , . - . --..0,Niv,,,,It4i-dio,t..-TA%r. . . 2 ,..26-,„-,a,,i,-,;;T:-..,-"•!t-Z-;:rf . .:. . -.- ' ::- ., .::.1.,-- -?...":' - '.':-:t .--4w-.- tie*, .7 . 1 'Jt• A 4 , -Ile( ,411 ,41PIR.- r ... ..z. /741:t 7 4.27rIte''' f, -;.i :. ":": -. ' k: FA „y5 __,-t#7. ,.. . '''77 • : . ' t. ;:.:...., - Rogers then asked whet • otter* there were which remain to be answered. *. I told him I frankly did not know that Olney had referred to a letter', ;... be had received from Franklin D. RoOtievelt and we are 'sending ananswer back ';.-- to Olney On this stating that we did not blow whit the answer was and would not.1„;,.44 ' • know until the Attorney General had ruled on our letter Of May 4. Rogers then c.Ft••_,It,.......- ...L asked me to prepare a reply to Franklin D. Roosevelt's letter for his signaturei.q.',„Z I told him that Olney had the original of the letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt...4t.AA and it would be inappropriatefor me to do this. lltogers stated he would get the ;:/. letter from Olney. Be then had a stack Of letters prepared in the Criminal ‘.. Division to different indivichda, including Senator Lehman at New York. These -".-_;:!:;• . . letters in essence stated that the FBI reported that there were no facts which - - . • _. *mild justify the Bureau's making an independent investigation under Federal law, that the New York Police Department was handling the investigation, and the ,1.--: , • -: 1:4.. etters were accurate and factual. f- ...-.4,0 ,-. .-. • •,:. • • . - . i.

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•ir,r;•- follow in the future. I told him there was no point in this because I could ..--...-" not improve upon the letter which the Criminal Division has bein sending out aim* it v11.11. fact.......„-7811.•fnd..:. accurately

7d,-- correctly

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