A darkroom, while a handy addition to the photographic...


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A L F R E D H. TULL Go If Course Architect

420 Lexington Avenue

NEW YORK 17, N. Y.

NEW L I F E FOR PUTTING GREENS MSCLAIN • SPIKER I AND PERFORATOR A E R A T I O N is t h e th ing . Loosen u p tha t t ough so i l w i t h t h i s f i n e t u r f c o n d i t i o n e r . I S a v e s fer t i l izer a n d fungic ides . I n c r e a s e s g r a s s g rowth . R e v i v e s s l u g g i s h g r e e n s . S o o n p a y s fo r itself.

W r i t e fo r l i t e ra ture .


/it ¿cutí W e have them again

Those popular 3 " long


Illustration Actua l Size

Price $12.50 per thousand.

C a n Sh ip same day.

Wr i te or wire at

once how many.



We also can give one day

service on golf tees. Priced at

$2.75 to $2.90 per thousand. 3 sizes.

R8-l'/j", F49 & F50-15/i", Fsi-iy4"

We can pack one thousand tees in in

dividual boxes includ ing 50 glassine envel

opes at 25c per M extra Celluloid Caddy Buttons

—Tournament Badges.

SANDERS M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O M P A N Y Dept. G M Nashville, Tenn.

A darkroom, while a handy addition to the photographic tool, is not essential to the successful employment of photog-raphy, provided that a local establishment will provide good and prompt developing and printing service. Indeed, in the com-plete absence of any photographic equip-ment, the need for photographs for any of the purposes outlined above can be great enough to justify employing a commercial photographer for the occasion. However, the greenkeeper should have clearly in mind just what pictures he wants, and how he wants them taken. He will find it ad-visable to discuss the whole project with the photographer before the latter gets to the course. Otherwise the photographer may go haywire on the pictorial possibili-ties of the layout and shoot off his weight in expensive 8 x 10's. Once properly briefed, he will produce valuable sugges-tions on angles and coverage.

One warning. Photography, a useful servant, has the insidious capacity to be-come a time- and money-wasting master. When the greenkeeper begins to spend more time on focuses than on fairways, more time on gadgets than on greens, then's the moment to drop the whole busi-ness. Don't give the bosses a chance to say, "Okay, Snaphappy, go peddle your pictures elsewhere!"

N E W I R O N A G E S P R A Y E R S — N e w Iron

Age engine-driven golf course sprayers, with 4-gallon, 2-cylinder vertical pumps, are now being

produced by the A. B. Farquhar Co., York , Pa.

Pressure for thorough penetration of spray ma-

terial is provided by the 2-cylinder vertical pump ,

a new addit ion to the Iron Age line. Semi-en-

closed wi th a in. bore and a IV2 ¿n- stroke,

the p u m p delivers 4 gallons per minute at pres-

sures u p to 350 lbs. The p u m p is fitted wi th

hardened non-magnetic displacement tubes for

longer cup life. Special stainless steel, combined

with an exclusive finishing process, makes the

plunger tube finest obtainable. The pump's speci-

ally designed drive gear and p in ion , completely

enclosed and dust-tight, are cut on a precision

gear generator to assure perfect meshing of teeth

for exceptionally long life. A n air-cooled h.p.

engine is used to drive the pump . Four models of

the G o l f Course utility Sprayers are now in pro-

duction at Farquhar. Model 71 A , push cart type,

and Model 71B, with automobi le or tractor hitch,

have heavy duty steel tanks, in 50 to 125 gal lon

sizes, wi th intake strainer and propeller type agi-

tator as standard equipment.

• BENT G R A S S • Stolons and Sod. Washington — C I —and

other recommended strains.

HIRAM F. GODWIN 22366 Grand River Ave., Detroit 19, Mich.

S p a l d i n g ' s N e w P r o C a r d

F o r S h o p D i s p l a y


J A C K M A N S P O R T S W E A R , formerly in the

Lytton Bldg., 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, now

are in ful l swing operation at their new home,

6332-34 Roosevelt Rd., Oak Park, 111. As Ren

Smith, Jackman pres., points out, the larger quar-

ters not only facilitate handl ing of their greatly

increased pro business but the new headquarters,

away from the traffic and parking problems of

Chicago's loop, make it quicker and more pleasant

for the pros to visit. "Best of a l l , " reports Smith,

"our 1947 line is the finest in both variety and

quality that we have ever assembled."

USED GOLF BALLS WANTED Highest prices paid

Check mailed within 48 hours after balls

are received

Known to the trade for 15 years

Ge t our prices before selling

EASTERN GOLF CO. 244 W e s t 42nd Street, New York, N. Y.


Golf Course Architect

Member : American Society of Coif Courxe Architect« •

664 N. Michigan Ave.


Phone: Whitehall 6530

EDWIN W. LANE CO. 32 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1, I I I.

Introducing the new " S W I N G W O N D E R "

and booklet " W h o t I t This Th ing C a l l e d S w i n g "

by Bea Go t t l i eb

A practice device to develop a conscious

swing sensitivity, coord inat ion and relax-

at ion. The booklet , simplif ied and con-

densed, w i l l en l ighten your understand-

ing of a go l f swing. Comple te set $2.50.

Box 6234 W . Pa lm Beach, Flor ida .



Beautiful, New Sessions (self starting) Electric Clock . . . 60 cycle—A.C. —110V. Golfing figure in lustrous Sun-Ray. Over-all height 10 inches. No. 453D, each $15.00 (Plus 20% Excise Tax) Hand Engraving 7c per


Write Dept. G for Free. Illustrated 1947 Catalog

Newest chemical for removing dirt, grime I and stains. Colorless, odorless. Does not gel rancid, foul or slim v. No injury to hands or clothing. No soap, alkali or acid. Write for literature and free testing sample. McClAIN BROTHERS COMPANY, Conton,Ohlo|



Spalding's 1947 pro display card in as many

cases as possible, when names are available, is

personalized with pro names filled in at bottom.

If you have not received your card, please notify

Adv. Dept. , A . G . Spalding & Bros., 19 Beekman

St., New York , N . Y .

W I N N E R S O F THE 5,000 SQ. FT. of Old Orchard bent stolons, donated by Ralph Bond as door prizes at recent turf conferences were: L. E. Lambert, Oakwood G & CC, Kansas City—at the Iowa meeting; H . J. Bohles, Minneapolis GC, Mankato, Minn.—at the Minn, conference and Orville Brown, Meridian Hills CC, Indianapolis, at the Purdue short course.

H E L E N M A C D O N A L D , well known Chi-cago woman golf instructor, formerly located at 406 S. State St., has opened her new golf school at 716 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago. The new loca-tion is in the center of the city's near north side golfing colony . . which adds up to a rushing business in lessons and golf equipment.

N E W S P O R T S W E A R C A T A L O G — May-flower-Medalist, Ltd., 307 5th Ave., New York 16, N.Y. , has issued its new catalog of sportswear for pro shop sale. In addition to Acushnet sales-men the line is handled in New England by Jos. W . McQuade, 60 South St., Boston and in Kansas and part of Missouri by Robinson's Equipment & Supplies, 3959 Broadway, Kansas City 2, Mo.

PATTY BERG BOOKLET — Book of press and radio information on Pat ty Berg has been compiled by Wilson Sptg. Goods Co., 2037 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago. It's a swell job of providing facts on Pat ty for use in publicity work at tournaments and clinics she attends. It shows Pat ty won 40 of the 73 tournaments in which she's com-peted, was runner-up in 16 and medalist in 42. The booklet also contains records of Women's National and Women's Western championships.

D E C K E R W I T H H E N D E R S O N — Fred Decker, for many years pro and gkpr. at Knoll-wood C Q Whi te Plains, N.Y. , has joined Peter Henderson and Co., 35 Cortlandt St., New York City. Decker will repre-sent the firm for all golf course equipment, seeds and fertilizers for golf course needs in West-chester County and Long Island, N .Y . , and the state of Connecticut. His home is in Scarsdale, N .Y .

"GOLF PRINTING! Specialists, for years to many of America's

largest and most exclusive courses, can best serve you, too.

Score Cards - - Charge Checks Greens Maintenance Systems

Caddie Cards - - Handicap Systems Forms for Locker and Dining Rooms

and for the Professional. Samples to your club for the asking.

VESTAL CO.. 703 S. La Salle, Chicago

MARK-IT IS USEFUL GIMMICK —R. R McKenzie Co., 524 E. Lomita St., Glendale 5, Calif., has a new gimmick combining a device for marking a ball on a green, marking the ball for identification, a knurled section to rough up grips of clubs and a metal pick to clean mud out of grooves in club faces. It looks to be an item that should sell strong in pro shops. It retails for Si.50. The device isn't much larger than a scor-ing pencil. Touching the device to the green leaves a small spot of neutral white powder mark-ing ball location in a way that's a great improve-ment over the customary method of marking with a coin or the scratching with a wooden tee.

H O G A N FEARS STALENESS—In a feature sports article spread, Life magazine for March 24 gave a study of Ben Hogan. Life termed Hogan "The best over-all golfer since little Bobby Jones retired from competition 17 years ago". The magazine pointed out that Hogan like Jones stands 5 feet 8 inches. That Hogan's concentra-tion and judgment "pay off" is cited by Life which said that in 1946 he was the biggest money winner in golf with $42,000 and this year may hit $75,000. "But", Life added, "Hogan has one constant worry, the worry of every professional golfer. At any time, for no explainable reason, he may suddenly go stale".

SIEMS ON MIDWEST BOARD—H. B. Siems, director of research, plant food div., Swift & Co., was elected a new director to represent industry on the Midwest Region-al Turf Foundation at its annual meeting held during the Purdue short course at La-fayette, Ind. The short course was at-tended by 210. Other directors of the Mid-west foundation for 1947 are A. L. Bran-

ALLAN L. LONGSTAFF Professional Golfer for Over 20 Years

Golf Course Designing, Construction

1929 West State St., Milwaukee 3, Wis.





Fred Decker


M O W E R don , G . O . M o t t , J o e G r a f f i s , C . A . B re t z-

la f f , F r e d V . G r a u , C . R . R u n y a n , G e o r g e

T . D o n o g h u e a n d N e i l R a n s i c k . B r a n d o n

is pres . M i d w e s t T u r f , A p r i l i ssue , o r g a n

o f t h e f o u n d a t i o n , c o n t a i n s h i g h l i g h t s o f

t h e M a r c h m e e t i n g . A c o p y m a y be ob-

t a i n e d f r o m t he F o u n d a t i o n ' s exec, sec.,

G . O . M o t t , a g r o n o m y dep t . , P u r d u e un i-

ve r s i t y , L a f a y e t t e , I n d .


J im Dante, who's been pres., N e w Jersey P G A

5 times, and Leo Diegel, twice P G A national

champion and 4 times Canadian Open winner,

have written in collaboration w i th Len Elliott,

sports editor, Newark ( N . J . ) Evening News,

"The 9 Bad Shots of Go l f—and what to do about


McGraw-Hi l l Book Co., Inc., N e w York , pub-

lish the book which sells for $2.50.

J im and Leo, conceded by pros to be 2 of the

best teachers of the game, have done a very effec-

tive job in this book. They mainta in that there

are only 9 bad shots in go l f ; slicing, hooking,

topping, smothering, pul l ing, pushing, skying,

sclaffing and shanking. Diagnosis and correction

of the causes of these 9 faults constitute the major

part of the book. The rest of the book is devoted

to the correct grip and stance, the swing, iron

play, putt ing, play in rough and traps and on un-

even lies.

Al though this book is concerned mainly with

"straightening out" the player w h o has chronic

faults it is an excellent treatise for helping play-

ers who shoot from 85 up have a clear understand-

ing of what they should do r igh t—and why—as

well as explaining the cause and cure of their

troubles. It is a book that can be tied up closely

with expert pro personal instruction as its sets

forth what almost every other pro has shared with

Diegel and Dante in the problems of getting

pupils to understand the causes of their troubles

so clearly they won't s lump into hopeless confu-

sion and discouragement.

M A C - G R E G O R STAFF M E E T S — H e n r y P.

Cowen, pres. and G . M . of MacGregor Go l f , Inc.,

and H u g o Goldsmi th , president of Sport Pro-

ducts, Inc., conducted a winter conference of the

MacGregor G o l f Pro Advisory Technical Staff,

at M iami Beach, Florida, March 5 and 6. The

conference fol lowed the International 4-Ball Go l f

Matches won by Ben Hogan and J immy Demaret

of MacGregor's staff for the second consecutive

Creeping Bent Sto lons


Consulting Specialist Construction^—Maintenance^—'Turf Product ion

Churchill Road Turtle Creek, Pa. Phone Valley 44.31 or 9 7 7 4 S u b u r b of Pi t t sburgh

• Fence Rows • Driveways

• Hazards, Roughs • Lawns, Wood lots

It mows clean and fast in tight corners; 3-foot cut; variable speed. Young folks can run it. Rugged design, detachable en-

See your dealer or write Dept. 12.

JAMES CUNNINGHAM, SON & CO. 13 Cana l Street, Rochester 8, N. Y. Est. 1838

NUTRIA PEAT SALES C O M P A N Y 500 Stinson Blvd. Minneapol i s 13, M inn .

R. H. Tractor Wheel SPUDS quickest to put on or take off. Increa.se tractor effi-ciency and cultivate turf . . . that's why more than half the U.S. and Canadian clubi use them. Durable and low priced. Sample spud and circular on request: advise make of tractor and purpose for which Intended.

Immediate shipment. If your Ford or equip-ment dealer cannot supply, write direct to

R. S. HORNER Geneva, Ohio



Balanced Topographical Design M e m b e r :

American Society of Coif Course Architects T e l e p h o n e : Keystone 6 5 0 1

2403 Grace Street, Chicago Illinois

A valuable soil amendment for green dressing mixtures and green construction. Cu t s labor




GOLF RANGES W e have for sale

GOLF BALLS — T E E S — C L U B S Wri te for details

EASTERN GOLF CO. 244 W e s t 42nd St., New York, 18, N . Y.

Plastic Golf TEES S E N S A T I O N OF THE G O L F I N G W O R L D

Made of cellulose acetate in assorted colors. Strong, long lasting, colorful. Golfers clamor for them. $3 per thousand (bulk) F. O. B. Chicago. 5,000 minimum order. Order early while they last I

CONTINENTAL PLASTICS CO. 308 Wes t Erie St. Chicago 10. III.

year. Another conference of the MacGregor Pro

Technical Advisory staff is scheduled for Cin-

cinnati on Apr i l 9.

Cowen returned to Cincinnati on March 10 but

Goldsmith remained in Miami Beach to round out

his vacation at his winter home.

MacGregor G o l f is a subsidiary of Sport Pro-

ducts, Inc.

G O L F N O V E L T Y — S m o k i n g stands, whose

tray supports are in the form of mid-irons, are

innovations offered by the Funderburk Engineer-

ing Co., 29 Moody Street, Wa l t ham , Mass. The

firm promises immediate delivery. Prices and ad-

ditional information may be obtained by writ ing

the company.

F I R E - F I G H T I N G P U M P — L o w cost fire pro-

tection in the form of a trailer-mounted high

pressure portable p u m p and fire-fighting unit is

now available to clubhouses in the Porto-Pumper,

mfg. by Porto-Pump, Inc., 227 Iron Street, Detroit

7, M i c h . W i t h a cost about one-sixth that of most

m in imum priced fire-fighting units, Porto-Pumper

consists of a gasoline-driven high pressure utility

p u m p ; 75 feet of supply hose, and 250 feet of fire

hose; an 18 foot 3-section extension ladder; fire

axe and hand type extinguisher. The trailer-

mounted unit is easily attached to car, jeep, or

truck and comes equipped with heavy duty tires

of standard automobi le center-to-center track.

D A V I S H A S W E E D E S T R O Y — W e e d e s t r o y ,

made by Riverdale Chemical Co., Harvey, 111., is

now being distributed in the Chicago area by the

George A. Davis Co., Riverdale has announced.

Weedestroy, which last year received wide course

acceptance, is based on the butyl ester of 2,4-D.

Selective Weed Killers Dow 2-4-D Powder, 70%, 50# drums SI.65 per lb., I 0 # drums $1.80 per lb., freight allowed on orders of I00# or more. Weedone, 5 gallon drums, per gal. $6.00. Freight allowed on I00# or more.

Rainbird Sprinklers Heads only, No. 20 covers to 84 ft. $2.75; No. 40 covers to 102 ft. $5.50; No. 70 covers to 147 ft. $7.90; No. 80 covers to 215 ft. $15.70; 18" roller bases $6.00 each.

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.



Swinging Around Golf Continued f r o m page 31

now makes news like Demaret, Hogan, Nel-son, et a l? make for the Grayson type-writer. . . And what pro is going to stay away from tournaments where he may make big money and "a name" ?

Joe Miskovic goes to Hillsdale GC (Chi-cago dist.) as pro. . . Miskovic also teaches summer classes a t a Chicago YMCA. . . Tracy Pa rks , Houston, claims his Blue Goose handmade put ters , ordinari ly retai l-ing for $15, have sold for as high as $25 out of the bags of t ou rnamen t pros. . . Brit ish a r e a hardy race as is proved by golf played on snow-covered courses dur ing wors t winter old inhab i tan t s can recall.

Interesting event at Hillcrest CC (KC dist.) is scheduled Sept. 6-7 when members will play at their handicaps against their pro Wolf Rimann. . . Member who beats Wolf by longest margin gets a prize. . . Vinne Richards, head of Dunlop Rubber Co. sports dept., is made commissioner of pro tennis. . . The noted Vinnie also is a pretty good amateur golfer. . . Dai Rees, on his return to London, said there's no reason why the British Ryder Cup team shouldn't beat the Yanks this fall.

Chicago Dist. annual junior tou rnamen t to be played a t Glen Oak CC, July 21-24. . . Fred Gleim, before the w a r pro a t Shore-acres club, signed as pro by Green Acres CC (Chicago dist.) . . . J e r r y Cooke is pro a t Cleveland Heights CC, Lakeland, Fla. . . Wm. F. Riley, 72, ve teran New Je rsey gkpr. , who ret ired f rom Cres tmont GC, be-fore the w a r and was succeeded by his son, Wm. R., died recently a t his home of a hea r t a i l m e n t . . . He was a g rand old gentle-man and up to a few yea r s ago was an ice ska t ing ins t ructor as an avocation. . . Youngs te rs in his neighborhood, including his 2 grandchildren, considered him one of the world 's premier toy-makers .

Nothing like this gas driven power chain saw for felling and bucking trees. Write Lombard Governor Corporation, Ashland, Massachusetts.

JIMMY MILLAR DIES—James Millar, 54, for 24 years at Klinger Lake (Mich.) CC and veteran of the Scotch Black Watch in World War 1, died of a heart attack, March 24, at Sturgis (Mich.) Memorial hospital. He is survived by his widow, who was Janet Robinson Clark and came from Scotland in 1925 to be married to Jimmy, and their son, William, who was in the U. S. Navy during World War II. Jimmy rebuilt the Klinger Lake course. He was the beloved friend and helper of thousands of golfers, amateur and pro, and one of the cheeriest, finest and most competent men in the game.

H O S E R E P A I R — The Clamp-Master Ki t ,

which uses the well known Punch-Lok clamping

and band ing method of industry, now makes

available to golf clubs the easy repair of split

hoses, posts, ladder rails and tool handles. The kit

is also useful for splicing cables, tying conduit to

pipe lines, and performing maintenance work on

tools, machinery, fences, and bui ld ings. Clamp-

Master Kits are mfg. by the Punch-Lok Co.,


M E T A L L A W N C H A I R S — L a w n chairs are

now produced combining the brightness of

chrome with the lightness and corrosion-resisting

qualities of a luminum. Made by the Troy Sun-

shade Co., Troy, O. , in two styles, chairs and

chaise lounge, the furniture incorporates backs

and seats of nylon strapping in bright colors. Both

the chairs and chaise lounges can be stacked

(nested) in groups of 4. Their lightness makes it

possible for a child to stack them.

Hi-Ball Continued from page 68

necessary than at the ordinary driving range. This illumination must be made to increase in intensity as the ball gets farther from the tee, a situation calling for a special lighting system.

Clusters of great floods totaling 90,000 watts and costing $12,000 were placed be-hind the lateral barriers at ground level. The lights are progressively more powerful as the distance increases from the tee until illumination on the ball is strongest at 200 yards. At that point the light begins to decrease.

The lateral barriers serve as protection for the lights behind them. They are con-structed of 20 gauge rabbit wire stretched on a wooden frame of two by fours, and covered with painted burlap.

The first three barriers will be lower on subsequent Hi-Ball Fairways to allow "grass cutters" to score. Fairway lights will be taken out of their bunches and spread evenly across the fairway. Two stories of concrete tee stalls and full set club-rentals are expected to double the "take" of the next Hi-Ball Fairways.


treated at race horse speed. Noth ing like the Hydro-Mixer for handling this big job with least labor and expense.

Hundreds of Hydro-Mixers now sav ing owners money everywhere . Dependability, accuracy of Hydro-Mixer unequalled. Hand or power operated.

Write for literature. M c C l A I N BROTHERS C O M P A N Y , Canton, Oh i o

*Tot mota Heautifjul GREENS and FAIRWAYS U* WHITNEY


LAWN SEED Special Mixtures made to your order. Write-


JACK L. DARAY Golf Architect

C o n s u l t a n t o n p o s t w a r r e m o d a l i n g


WESTERN SUMMARIZES CADDY WORK —Weste rn Go l f Assn., I l l W . Wash ing ton St.,

Chicago 2, 111., features extensive work done for

caddie encouragement, training and reward at golf

clubs by the W G A in a booklet recently issued.

The booklet also contains a record of the outstand-

ing performance of Evans scholarship caddies,

which unquestionably is among the great sub-

stantial contributions of golf to the nation. W G A

championship records also are contained in the

book. The Western again is enlisting member

clubs at annual dues of $35. Off icials of clubs are

invited to write, without obligation, to the West-

ern for the details of the organization's work for

clubs and the caddies.

LOEFFLER RESIGNS AS PRO — Emil (Du t ch ) Loeffler, for 45 years at Oakmon t CC

(Pittsburgh dist.) has resigned from pro job he's

held since 1929 but wi l l continue as gkpr. He

started with the club as a caddie and became recog-

nized as one of the top men in course condition-

ing. Loeffler and the Fownes, father and son,

have constituted one of the most successful

greenkeeper-official teams in establishing a great

reputation for a course. Dutch was wounded in

Wor l d W a r 1 and on Oakmont 's appeal the W a r

Dept. shipped h im home to mend wh i le he con-

dit ioned the course for the 1919 Nat ional Ama-

teur, which was won by the home club player

Davie Herron, who defeated Bob Jones, 5 and 4,

in the finals. Loeffler's job was such that the

U S G A issued its first commendation to a green-

keeper on condition of a course during a cham-

pionship. He is reputed to have been drawing

the highest salary of any pro in the country.

WILLIE MAGUIRE IMPROVING—Latest report on condition of W i l l i e Maguire, pro of

Houston (Tex. ) C C and treas., P G A of America,

is that the veteran is doing a grand job of fight-

ing the illness with which he was stricken sudden-

ly. He may soon be permitted to leave the


DESIGNS NEW SCORESHEET — H. L. Davis, principal, Lafayette h igh school, Lexing-

ton, Ky., has designed a scoring sheet for com-

bined, single and 4-ball matches that is especially

convenient for league and interclub matches.

Sheets are made with plenty of room for legibility

but for easier filing and reference than the custom-

ary size. The sheets are put up in book form.

Details may be secured from Hurst Ptg. Co., Lex-

ington, Ky .


Reliable man with 25 years' experience as pro-green-keeper wants to make a change from present position. Single. Will go anywhere. Address Ad 401, c/o Golfdom. Capable Greenkeeper and S u p e r i n t e n d e n t — des ires change from the east to California. Over 20 years in construction and maintenance of golf courses; also 15 years Supt. for landscape company and private es-tates. Scotchman, age 56, married, no family. Avail-able within 2 weeks. Address Ad 402, c /o Golfdom. Golf Ball« Wanted: Used—no cuts. $2 .00 per dozen. We pay express. Megargels Inc., Buck Hill Falls, Pa-lmed Go l f C lub» W a n t e d : 4 ' s , 5 ' s , 6 ' s a n d P u t t e r s . Megargels. Inc., Buck Hill Falls,, Pa. Golf Pro—-35, available. 20 years' experience with exclusive resorts. A-l credit rating. First class teacher and player. Highly recommended. Address Ad 403, c/o Golfdom. Asst. to Pro-Greenkeeper in Midwest wanted. One with some teaching and shop experience. Must be steady and reliable. State experience, reference and salary in first letter. Address Ad 404, c /o Golfdom. For Sale—1937 Worthington Tractor, complete with 5' sickle bar attachment, Dual rear wheels. Very good condition. $750.00. Meadowbrook Country Club, Clayton, Ohio. Greenkeeper—36, wishes to change jobs. 15 years a greenkeeper; some construction experience. J. R. Walton, 611 Morning St., Worthington, Ohio. Phone Columbus Fr 2-6856. First class Pro with highest recommendations for teaching and all pro department operations desires new location. Especially good at stirring up playing interest at clubs. Fine all-around operating man for smaller club. War veteran, with prior experience being at clubs where his services were highly satis-factory. Addres Ad 405, c /o Golfdom. Wanted to Lease—an 18 hole golf course. Write stat-ing terms and location to "Scotty", Ad 407, c/o Golfdom. Pro Manatcer—16 years' experience. Available imme-diately. Excellent credit and references. Address Ad 408, c /o Golfdom.

FOR SALE—MAILING L I S T of 250 golf driving ranges and buyers of driving range equipment and supplies. $10 .00 postpaid, immediately. E. R. Coyle, RD 3, Mentor, Ohio. WANTED: Any quantity slightly cut golf balls. $1 per dozen—no cut $1 .75 per dozen—Cash will be sent promptly and we pay express charges. Arrow Distributors, 2318 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y.

Experienced, successful Professional—wil l consider change for 1948. 40 years old; present position over eight years. Available for eastern interview in July; western in May. Veteran. Address Ad 409, c /o Golfdom. USED GOLF BALLS. We buy, sell, trade, used golf balls of any type. Our prices are 60c per dozen for cut and cull golf balls. Other grades priced accord-ingly. We pay shipping charges. For information, write or call Northern Golf Ball Co., 3441 N. Clare-mont Ave., Chicago, 111. (Well ington 1 4 2 0 ) . Wanted—Caddiemaster for large midwest club. Must be steady and reliable, able to organize and instruct caddies in their duties. Give age, qualification and salary in first letter. Address Ad 410, c/o Golfdom.

2 ,000 new putters for pro shop and putting courses. Very well constructed and offset design. Price $ 3 . 0 0 ; quantity less. Write or wire Northern Golf Ball Co., 3441 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago, 111. (Wellington 1420) .

Experienced pro-grkp., for past few years away from club work, desires to return after acquiring addi-tional wartime business experience that can be used to profit of clubs. Fine teacher, industrious, agree-able personality and thoroughly dependable. Address Ad 411, c /o Golfdom.

GEN. MGR.—Outstanding record in country club business management is assurance of what I can do for a club whose officials want to secure highest type of wasteless operation, fullest development of facili-ties, and get club on soundest basis to withstand any recession that may be in prospect after present golden era. Addrss Ad 414, c /o Golfdom.
