A Changing Society


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by: Jenny Salewski

A Changing Society

Do you know the sweet aroma of a home cooked

meal that makes your mouth water? OR

Are you so used to the smell of a fast food

restaurant that has food covered in grease?


Outcomes of families eating dinner


-better nutrition-better communication-stronger relationships

- better learning-less likely to become overweight

-less problems with children

Shouldn’t we be striving for this?

What happened to families like this?

This is what happened to them…

We are now eating in our cars or in loud fast

food restaurants.

A study showed that about 96% of American school-aged children

recognize Ronald McDonald, second only to Santa Claus.

Happy meals for our children?

Think about how this

happy meal may affect

your child…-Fast food can

negatively impact our brain in relation

to learning and memory.

The health of our body is

at risk-large amounts of sodium

-increase in blood pressure-high cholesterol

-heart attack-heart failure

-nutritional deficiencies-HFCS


Break the fast food


…Doing this will help improve your mental and

physical health

Lets show our children the benefits of a home cooked

meal, so it can be passed on for many generations to come!!
