A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO THE RAW VEGAN DIET · PDF fileNails Sharp claws Sharp ... Keep...


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Copyright © 2016 by Sivan Berko | EverydayBodyMastery.com

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This guide has been written and published strictly for informational purposes, and in

no way should it be used as a substitute for consultation with a healthcare

professional. You should not consider educational material herein to be the practice

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The author and publisher are providing you with information so that you can choose,

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own choices, actions, and results. Please consult with a legal health professional for

consultation. The author and publisher urge all readers to be aware of their health

status and to consult health professionals before beginning any health program.

Table of contents Introduction

What Is The Raw Vegan Diet?

Why Raw Food?

What Do We Eat On The Raw Vegan Diet?

How Do I Start?

More Info & Recommended Resources


Hi there!

My name is Sivan Berko, I am the founder of EverydayBodyMastery, and I am here to help

you on your journey.

For years I've been trying to figure the secrets for optimal health and nutrition. I call them

secrets, and I'll explain why. I've tried so many different approaches, diets and things

suggested by "experts" and huge industries, but I always felt like something was wrong. Like

this isn't working. I don't feel my best. It is not sustainable for the long term. And if it's not

sustainable for the long term, then maybe we are not designed to live or eat that way.

You see, we are, sort of controlled by huge industries that really all they care about is that

their business will keep growing and make them more money.

Since birth, we are programmed to believe that

eating animal products is a requirement for our

body and our health, that processed food is ok to

eat, that we need to go to the doctor if we are sick,

that we need pills and vaccines, that we need to live

ON supplements… etc.

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and

eventually people will believe it.

I am coming from eating the common bodybuilding

meal plan. Eating "healthy and clean", doing exactly

what my nutritionist said (egg whites… clean low fat

meat… healthy fish… etc.). Trusting that it will bring

me the results I am after while keeping me healthy

and strong. It did get me the results I was after,

which was losing fat and growing muscles, BUT

health wise, I felt like something isn't right. It got to

a point where I couldn't take it anymore. I was

suffering from asthma, allergies, fatigue, and the

worst thing was my thyroid issues. My doctor said I

should start taking pills to improve thyroid function.

"Wait, if it doesn't get better, will I need to take it for the rest of my life to support my


I started asking questions. How come all these women and men in the fitness industry eat

that way for years and years and sustain it for the long term (their entire life)?

I found the answer (click the link).

Which later led me to ask: Why do I have all these allergies and conditions? How come we

humans suffer from so many diseases? Why do the rest of the creatures in the world don't

have them and we do?

And so I started researching and educating myself. Every single piece of information I could

put my hands on. After realizing all the harmful effects of animal products, it made sense

that going vegan is the best choice.

But the fact that you go vegan, doesn't mean that you are healthy. I personally know A LOT

of vegans who live on junk and processed food and are not so healthy. So I decided that if I

am going vegan I want to make it sustainable for the long term. To keep me healthy.

I've been a vegan for 1 year and during my research and quest to improve my diet and make

it the healthiest I could, I came across the RAW VEGAN DIET. And that was the moment that

opened my eyes. I found it. All the animals know best and we try to manipulate nature.

What exactly is the raw vegan diet?

While observing the many families of the animals in their natural state, we see different

types of animals, who eat certain types of food. They avoid other foods, although,

technically they could eat them.

Humans belong to the mammals. Nutritionally, the mammals' family is branching out into

five main categories.

A. Carnivores - The carnivores eat other animals prey. Examples of animals belong in

this group: lion, tiger, wolf, cat, etc.

B. Omnivores – The omnivores eat raw meat, plants, roots and really anything that is

edible. Examples of animals belong in this group: bears, pigs, wild boars.

C. Herbivores – The herbivores eat leaves and plants of all kinds. Examples of animals

belong in this group: cow, sheep, goat, horse, gazelle, camel and more.

D. Frugivores – Eating fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and roots. Examples of animals

belong in this group: Gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon and others.

E. Humans – What are we designed to eat? We are very very similar to the frugivores.

Let's learn why and how.

We are going to discuss and make an anatomical and physiological comparison between the

mammalian groups and examine the differences and similarities between them to

determine the dietetic nature of human.

Anatomy Carnivores Omnivores Herbivores Frugivores Human Mouth opening vs. Head size

Large Large Small Small to medium


Jaw Motion and mastication

Shears meat and swallows; no lateral or forward mobility for chewing

Shearing & crushing; minimal to no lateral or forward mobility for chewing

Great lateral and forward mobility for chewing leafy green plants and grasses

Great lateral and forward mobility for chewing fruit, seeds, nuts and vegetables

Great lateral and forward mobility for chewing fruit, seeds, nuts and vegetables

Necessity of Chewing Food

None; swallows food whole

Swallows food whole &/or simple crushing

Extensive chewing necessary

Extensive chewing necessary

Extensive chewing necessary

Facial Muscles Reduced to allow wide mouth gape

Reduced to allow wide mouth gape

Well-developed to facilitate chewing

Well-developed to facilitate chewing

Well-developed to facilitate chewing

Salivary Enzymes

No carb-digesting enzymes; lysosomoes

No carb-digesting enzymes; lysosomes

Has carb-digesting enzymes like ptyalin

Has carb-digesting enzymes like ptyalin

Has carb-digesting enzymes like ptyalin

Salivary Acidity Acidic Acidic Alkaline Alkaline Alkaline

Tongue Extremely rough for use in tearing meat

Moderate to rough

Moderate to rough

Smooth; used mainly like a shovel for food

Smooth; used mainly like a shovel for food

Colon Chemistry

Alkaline Alkaline Acidic Acidic Acidic

Stomach Capacity

60-70% of total vol. of digestive tract

60-70% of total vol. of digestive tract

Less than 30% of total vol. of digestive tract

21-27% of total vol. of digestive tract

21-27% of total vol. of digestive tract

Peristalsis Does not require fiber to stimulate

Does not require fiber to stimulate

Required fiber to stimulate

Required fiber to stimulate

Required fiber to stimulate

Length of small intestine

1.5 to 3 times body-length

3 times body-length

10 times body-length

12 times body-length

12 times body-length

Colon Length Short Short Long Long Long

Short-Chain Fatty Acids

Can metabolize large amounts efficiently

Can metabolize large amounts efficiently

Can only metabolize smaller amounts efficiently

Can only metabolize smaller amounts efficiently

Can only metabolize smaller amounts efficiently

Cholesterol Can metabolize large amounts efficiently

Can metabolize large amounts efficiently

Can only metabolize phytosterols efficiently

Can only metabolize phytosterols efficiently

Can only metabolize phytosterols efficiently

Digestion (time to complete)

From 2 to 4 hours

From 6 to 10 hours

From 24 to 48 hours

From 12 to 18 hours

From 12 to 18 hours

Brain Chemistry Fueled by fats and proteins

Fueled by fats and proteins

Fueled by glycogen

Fueled by glycogen

Fueled by glucogen

Cooling System Has sweat glands in paws only; panting

Minimal sweat glands in mammals

Has sweat glands all over the body

Has sweat glands all over the body

Has sweat glands all over the body

Nails Sharp claws Sharp claws or blunt hooves

Blunt hooves Flattened nails Flattened nails

Circadian Rhythm

Sleep 18-20 hours per 24 hours cycle

Sleep 18-20 hours per 24 hours cycle

Sleep 2-6 hours per 24 hours cycle

Sleep 8-10 hours per 24 hours cycle

Sleep 8-10 hours per 24 hours cycle

Optimal Diet: Meat Meat, Plants, Roots, etc.

Leafy plants, grass

Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, sprouts

Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, sprouts

So what do humans eat?

If we look back at the table above, it seems that the selection of food depends on:

the natural senses, the gait, the structure of hands and nails, tongue, salivary glands, teeth,

the structure of the stomach and intestines. We can clearly see that we are completely

identical with those of the frugivores. We see that humans, according to our physiological

and anatomical structure, are designed to consume fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

But today anyone choose to believe whatever is comfortable for them and can claim and

argue that humans can eat everything.

"Humans have created the knife, they discovered the fire, they invented the wheel and

learned to kill, grind and cook various meats and the processed products that we have

today. All these foods indeed "digest" in our body. Products containing chemicals are

digested somehow too, and so why not enjoy it?"

The answer is that this ingenuity of humans, that allowed them to learn to create various

tools and use them for hunting is actually working against them.

The fact that we invented the oven, doesn't mean we are designed to eat food that was

heated by it.

Just because we invented the micro-wave, doesn't mean we are designed to eat food that

was heated in the microwave.

And don't just look at the diet: we are not designed to sit on a chair, we are not designed to

use the mouse of the computer….

And the list goes on and on.

Why raw food?

What if there was a cure for all these conditions we suffer from? What if there IS a cure?

Today people just accept the fact that they are suffering from various conditions like:

Acne, eczema, rashes, constipation, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies, tooth

decay, whatever it is.

If you tell them: "There is a cure to your condition", they are will immediately use an excuse

in which they learned from their doctors or the media like:

"It's genetic, I have it in my family so that's why I am suffering from it as well."

"There is no connection between diseases and nutrition"

"Diseases are caused by something you cannot control like bacteria, virus or it's autoimmune

(the body attacks itself for some unknown reason). Keep eating the way you do, keep buying

meat and processed food, and take these medicines and supplements"

"I was born like that, and there is nothing I can do about it"

"My doctor said there is no cure for my condition. All I can do is ease the pain or situation,

but there is no cure, I will suffer from it until my last day."

I was like that. Really. I said similar things until the raw food diet opened my eyes.

You're going to hear me saying this a lot. Ok ready? I want you to read it a couple of time

until it sinks in:

Everything we do against our nature, is likely to cause problems later.

So everything we do against our nature, against what this beautiful machine is supposed to

do, will likely to cause problem later like diseases, pains, allergies, inflammation, etc.

The main difference between frugivores and humans is the brain. We humans, have the

most developed brain on earth. We learned, by using our minds, to create many tools. But

despite the development of the brain, the anatomy and physiology of our bodies has not


Back to the industries and huge companies I was talking about earlier, today many of us

have to face a small group of very powerful people, who are using their knowledge and their

minds to constantly brainwash millions of people, interfere with our natural senses and feed

our minds with lies.

Although the western culture has changed the conditions of human's life, but not the

physiological needs of the body. In this respect, human is a creature that belongs to nature,

and like all the other animals in the world living only on raw food, humans must also eat like

them. All those foods that a person cannot digest in their natural state and must be cooked

first, are not meant, apparently, to be part of our diet. We can live and thrive without them.

Experience proves and shows that animals fed with cooked food all suffer from common

diseases which are found in humans. The general condition of tooth decay for example

(which does not exist in animals in the wild), is the most striking evidence of health damage

caused by eating cooked food.

In order to understand how the cooked food can cause diseases, we need to know how

cooking affects the different elements inside of it.

It might be difficult distinguishing a chemical change in the food, which causes destruction of

the elements in the food, unlike the physical change which can be seen easily – food

becomes softer, changes its color, taste and smell change, etc.

What is the problem with cooked food?

A. Cooking destroys a significant portion of vitamins

The amount of vitamins destroyed in the cooking process depends on the following


The cooking method, temperature, cooking time, the amount of oxygen come in contact

with the food, the pressure at which the food is in, presence of light, the material of the

cookware and more.

Water-soluble nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin B group seem to be the most

vulnerable to degradation in processing and cooking.

Depending on the method used, loss of vitamin C during cooking typically can range

from 50 percent to 100 percent.

A study showed that boiling for just five minutes caused 45 to 64 percent of vitamin C to

be lost.

All the B vitamins are sensitive to heat, but thiamin, also known as vitamin B-1, folic acid

and vitamin B-12, are the most unstable and likely to be destroyed by cooking and

improper storage. The study that evaluated the effect of boiling on vitamin C content

also studied how the B vitamins in broccoli fared. After five minutes of boiling, between

50 and 64 percent of the vitamin B-6 and folate in broccoli disappeared.

Lack of vitamins in the body causes a long list of deficiencies and various illnesses.

Today, people don't get enough vitamins from the food they are eating, and what do

they do instead of eating more raw fruits and vegetables? They go to their doctor which

then recommends supplements… instead of going straight to the source.

B. Cooking destroys the minerals and make them inorganic

Leafy vegetables cooked with water, losing almost all mineral content in them. When we

cook cabbage, for example, it loses about 72% of the calcium and 62% of iron. Calcium

deficiency and iron deficiency are very common today, despite the fact that both of these

important minerals are abundant in almost all types of food we eat.

What's inorganic mineral? What's the difference between organic and inorganic?

There are two types of minerals, organic and inorganic. Human physiology has a biological

affinity for organic minerals. Most organic minerals for our body functions come from

dietary plant foods. A growing plant converts the inorganic minerals from the soils to a

useful organic mineral.

We often think of ‘organic’ in terms of chemical and hormone-free produce. But when we

talk about minerals, the term organic relates to the type of molecule it’s bound to.

These ‘extra’ molecules are needed because minerals are not simply absorbed on their own,

they need another molecule to help them get into and around the body. The type of

molecule bound to your mineral affects how it is absorbed and utilized by your body.

Organic minerals are generally absorbed better and have higher bioavailability.

(Mineral supplements often contain inorganic minerals as these are cheaper to produce.)

Science has not yet discovered all the elements found in the food. Only by eating raw, natural

food can we ensure the supply of all the materials we need for our health.

C. Cooking destroys the enzymes

The body's metabolism processes cannot work without the aid of enzymes. Enzymes help us digest our food. The presence of enzymes during the digestion of food is essential in order to exploit elements that the body needs to utilize.

The enzymes are easily destroyed in relatively low temperature. When raw foods are exposed to temperatures above 118 degrees, they start to rapidly break down. Once enzymes are exposed to heat, they are no longer able to provide the function for which they were designed.

Raw food, chewed properly, digested well thanks to the existence of enzymes. The digestion of cooked food uses valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest your food. Digestion of cooked food demands much more energy than the digestion of raw food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the digestive tract in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time it takes for cooked food.

D. Cooking alters the protein composition and lowers its quality

As we all know, the proteins are not absorbed by the body as they are, they need to be

broken down to more simple compound first – to amino acids, which then can be absorbed

by the cells and tissues.

During the cooking process, the proteins undergo physical and chemical changes. An egg

hardens and a milk forms are examples of physical changes. The chemical change is not

visible but it is reflected in the amino acids being damaged by the heat.


E. Cooking breaks down the fat and makes it toxic

When heating fat, it begins to undergo a chemical disintegration. Free fatty acids are formed

which do not digest and even prevent the digestion of other foods.

Not only that but the fats become toxic. Fats can become rancid through oxidation,

irradiation, and heat.

One reason the fats cause so many health problems is that they tend to become oxidized or

rancid when subjected to heat, oxygen and moisture as in cooking and processing.

Rancid fats are found in the human diet in places such as cooking fats and oils and fats that

was exposed to air and had a long shelf life. That means that any food containing fat can

become rancid.

The heating process makes them carcinogenic and some research indicates that

homogenized fats may contribute to heart disease, brain damage and more.

How Does The Raw Food Diet Work? What Do We Actually Have To Eat?

So we learned that even though it's been a really long time since our ancient

ancestors thrived as gatherers, our genetics haven’t changed that much since then.

The raw food diet is going back to eating how we're biologically designed to eat,

allowing us to tap into our genetic potential and start living healthier immediately.

Okay, if we now cut out the processed foods, the grains, animal products and basically

everything that requires some sort of heating in order to eat it, you’re left with only things

that occur naturally:

- Fruit

- Vegetables

- Nuts

- Seeds

- Sprouts

- Seaweeds (spirulina, chlorella, dulse, nori, kelp, hijiki, wakame, laver, etc.)

Basically, everything that does not need cooking and processing in order for you to eat it.

Making the transition - How do I start?

This diet might sound like a fad to you, or it’s too restrictive, complicated, etc.

Why not give it a shot for 30 days? JUST TRY IT: If after 30 days you haven’t noticed a

marked improvement in your health, skin, vitality, sleep, performance, recovery, then send

me a message.

Take it step by step. Take 30 days and give it a shot — cut out the cooked food, start eating

more vegetables and fruits, incorporate some sprouts, nuts and seeds, and see how you feel

after the month is up.

How do you minimize and avoid cooked food?


More raw foods you incorporate in your diet = Less space you'll have for cooked food

Yes, it's not easy to make the adjustment and start eating more fruits and vegetables

because we are not used to it, and we were always told that it is not "recommended" to eat

a lot of them. But this is what we are designed to eat. Start buying and filling your kitchen

with fresh, raw, ripe fruits and vegetables.

It’s important to give yourself a full 30 days before passing judgment. Your body has to

adjust from fueling itself on processed foods and junk, which can take a few weeks. If you’re

not willing to cut out cooked food from your diet completely, work on MINIMIZING cooked

foods gradually and see how your body adjusts. Slow transitions are often much easier to

handle over the long-term; the more you can shift your diet closer to raw foods, the faster

you’ll start to see results.

I could cite sources about how the raw food diet has changed people’s lives, but instead I

just ask you to try it and then judge for yourself. I also suggest you get your blood work done

at the beginning and end of the month. Take a picture of yourself now, and then another 30

days from now. I bet you’ll be surprised.

When planning our daily meal plan, we should take into account the personal data of

every person: Age, gender, physical activity level, etc.

I don't like the whole pyramid concept, but just to make it more visible and clear,

this might help you:

Raw Vegan Food Pyramid:The

Below you can find lists of options for each group. Of course there are a lot more

types and variations of foods, but I provided a short list with a pretty good amount

of options that are common and available in most places.


Cabbage, (Romaine, Iceberg, butterhead, etc.), Kale, Lettuce: Leafy Green vegetables

Collard greens, Dill, Garden rocket, Swiss chard, Spinach, Parsley, Cilantro, etc.

Bell pepper, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Tomato Fruity vegetables:

: Broccoli, CauliflowerEdible flowers

fennel, Kohlrabi, onion : Celery, Chives, garlic (rarely),Bulb and stem vegetables


Carrot, Radish, Parsley root, Beetroot, Parsnip: Roots


Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cantaloupe, Cherry,

Cherimoya, Coconut, Cranberry, Date, Dragonfruit, Fig, Grape/Raisin, Grapefruit,

Kiwi, Lemon, Lime, Loquat, Lychee, Mango, Watermelon, Mulberry, Nectarine,

Orange, Clementine, Papaya, Passionfruit, Peach, Pear, Persimmon, Plum, Pineapple,

Pomegranate, Pomelo, Raspberry, Strawberry.


Alfalfa Sprouts, Broccoli Sprouts, Mustard, Buckwheat, Mung Beans, Radish Sprouts,

Lentil Sprouts (Yellow, Black, Brown, Green, Pink & more), Beet sprouts, wheatgrass,

Pea/Snow pea, Buckwheat, Chickpea, etc.

Nuts & Seeds:

Almonds, Walnuts, Pecan Nuts, Brazil Nut, Cashew, Chestnuts, Hazelnut,

Macadamia, Pecan, Pine Nut, Pistachio nut, Chia seeds, Flaxseed, Hemp seeds,

Poppy seed, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seed, Safflower, Sunflower, etc.


Basil, Catnip, Chives, Lemon Grass, Lovage, Mint, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage,

Tarragon, Thyme, etc.

Sample Meal Plans

Meal Plan # 1 Raw Vegan Meal Plan

Amount of Calories: 1700

Meal # Food Item Portion Size Nutritional Facts: Meal #1 Watermelon 1/2 fruit Calories: 686.4

Protein: 14 Carbs: 163 Fat: 3.4

Meal #2 Peaches Nectarines Big Salad: avocado Celery Blueberroes Tomatoes lettuce

2 medium 2 medium 1/2 fruit 5 sticks 1 cup 1 medium 1 head

Calories: 548.1 Protein: 15.5 Carbs: 80.1 Fat: 13.8

Meal #3 Green lentils sprouts Carrot Alfalfa sprouts Dill Chives Walnut

100 g 1 medium 1/2 cup Handful Handful 8 units

Calories: 494 Protein: 30.5 Carbs: 67.1 Fat: 11.7

Total: Calories: 1728.5 Protein: 60 Carbs: 310 Fat: 28.9

Meal Plan # 2

Raw Vegan Meal Plan Amount of Calories: 2000

Meal # Food Item Portion Size Nutritional Facts: Meal #1 Green Smoothie:

Spinach Kiwi Pear Kale

1 cup 2 medium 2 medium 5 leaves

Calories: 357.5 Protein: 8 Carbs: 81 Fat: 1

Meal #2 Oragne juice Clementines Almonds

5 oranges 5 medium 10 units

Calories: 567.8 Protein: 10.6 Carbs: 103.7 Fat: 10.2

Meal #3 Lettuce wraps Avocado Scallions Tomato Red cabbage Pumpkin

4 leaves 4 tbsp 2 sticks 1 medium 100g 1 cup

Calories: 199.5 Protein: 6.5 Carbs: 29.5 Fat: 9

Meal #4 Red Lentils sprouts Big Salad: Leafy greens Cherry tomato Mushrooms Radishes Cucumber

100g 1 cup 10 units 1 cup 5 units 1 medium

Calories: 405.5 Protein: 29.5 Carbs: 74 Fat: 2

Meal #5 Mung bean sprouts Mixed baby greens Pumpkin seeds

100g 1 cup 1 tbsp

Calories: 445 Protein: 23.3 Carbs: 65 Fat: 10.5

Total: Calories: 1975.3 Protein: 77.9 Carbs: 353.2 Fat: 32.7

Meal Plan # 3 Raw Vegan Meal Plan

Amount of Calories: 2500

Meal # Food Item Portion Size Nutritional Facts: Meal #1 Green Smoothie:

Mango Banana Lettuce Hemp seeds

1 medium 1 medium 1 head 1 tbsp

Calories: 413 Protein: 11.5 Carbs: 90 Fat: 5.5

Meal #2 Young Mung Beans Sprouts Broccoli Zucchini Red bell pepper

200g 150g 1 medium 1 medium

Calories: 753.5 Protein: 51 Carbs: 134.5 Fat: 3

Meal #3 Cantaloupe Melon

1 Large Calories: 277 Protein: 7 Carbs: 66 Fat: 1.5

Meal #4

Large Salad: White cabbage Carrot Scallions Sesame Seeds Apple

200g 2 medium 2 medium 1 tbsp 1 medium

Calories: 256 Protein: 6.5 Carbs: 52.5 Fat: 5

Meal #5 Red Lentils Sprouts Avocado Cauliflower Fennel

100g 1 fruit 100g 1 medium, cubed

Calories: 647.5 Protein: 31 Carbs: 91 Fat: 23

Total: Calories: 2517 Protein: 107 Carbs: 435 Fat: 39

Above all, remember to enjoy the process! This really is an incredible and fun journey,

discovering your body's potential and mastering this amazing machine

If you ever need anyone to help you along the Raw Vegan journey, feel free to shoot me an

email at everydaybodymastery@gmail.com. I will personally respond and make sure that I

do everything in my power to help you achieve your goals. Even if something is out of my

realm of expertise, chances are I know someone who can help!



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