A 1 Exercise Workout! · Linebacker Fitness | 3 | Disclaimer This book is not intended to be a...


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    Linebacker Fitness: A 1 Exercise Workout!

    By Vince Palko

  • Linebacker Fitness | 2 | www.VincePalko.com

    Linebacker Fitness: A 1 Exercise Workout!

    © 2006 by Vince Palko All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section107 or 108 of the United States Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addresses to Vince Palko Enterprises. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. The advice of a competent professional person should be sought if there are further questions. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, send an email to vince@vincepalko.com Visit our website: www.vincepalko.com Special thanks to Matt Furey for his coaching, Sean Furey for his support and Ed Baran for the spark of the idea. Some exercises are variations of ones taught in Combat Conditioning and the Magnificent Seven. For all other of Matt Fureyʼs life changing books and DVDs, visit www.MattFurey.com Also, special thanks to Cheri for holding down the fort while I finished this project, taking care of three girls all under the age of 5 (Sophia, Georgia, Vivian) is not an easy task.

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    Disclaimer This book is not intended to be a medical manual. Before starting any new exercise or dietary program please consult your physician first. The information included in this guide is intended to aid in making conscious decisions for better health and increased endurance. It is not a prescription to overwrite what a doctor has advised you to do. If you believe you have a medical problem we suggest you seek medical attention before beginning any exercise program. The creators, producers, participants, advertisers and distributors of this program disclaim any liabilities or loss as a result of these exercises or advice herein.

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    Dear Friend, Have you ever had some news hit you right in the gut and double you over gasping for breath?

    Back between the 1992 and 1993 college football seasons something happened that changed my career forever.

    In the off-season, I was talking with my linebacker coach. We discussed the past year, which was a good one that saw us winning the MAC championship and the Las Vegas bowl. But that’s where the good news ended for me.

    Coach let me in on something being discussed behind closed doors. He told me our Head Coach would be putting me under the microscope in the oncoming off-season training and next season. Turns out, the big man wasn’t too pleased with my performance.

    Basically, my position at middle linebacker spot would NOT be guaranteed in the next season. At the college level, nothing was guaranteed ever -- so this didn’t surprise me. But what surprised me was that I had started my last two years as a red-shirt freshman and sophomore.

    Now, some two years later, the head guy was putting the pressure on. I was stunned and speechless.

    Then I got pissed.

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    Inside, this infuriated me. I had given 110% every play in every game I was in. I was shocked and surprised because I always felt I gave a 110% the previous last two years as a starter.

    But apparently there was some stiff competition coming up in the ranks -- so strong that my linebacker position would be up for grabs. From that point on, I began thinking about how I would change my performance. I took into account what my strengths were and where my weaknesses were. I quickly realized I needed to increase my overall speed. So I made the intention to improve my quickness and agility. I ran all that summer. I ran long distance to develop my wind and not be fatigued in the forth quarter. I went out to the track and did shorter sprints to develop my fast twitch muscles. I ran stadium stairs to give me both strength and endurance. Last but not least, to round out my endurance, agility and strength, I returned to an exercise I had done earlier in my career – skipping rope. I vowed to do it consistently 15 minutes, every day at the stadium gym. By the end of the summer I gave new definition to “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”

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    That next season, we opened against Cincinnati. I took to their offense like a lion attacking a bounding gazelle. I instantly recorded 2 sacks and a couple of tackles for a loss (TFLs) besides a dozen tackles to round out the game. I was on fire. How do you like me now, Coach - I thought silently to myself. My job was no longer up for grabs. And that season I led the league with 19 TFLs. To round it out, I was awarded MAC Defensive Player of the Year. Looking back on a Hall of Fame career, I can point to the jump rope as the catalyst that gave me a perfect blend of strength, speed, agility and toughness.

    These days, however, the jump rope helps me stay fit. The jump rope keeps unwanted weight from creeping onto my frame. This is the main reason that I have assembled this course: It’s a great exercise for overall fitness performed in the shortest amount of time. Jumping rope is perfect because: 1) You don’t have to leave your house to workout

    2) You won’t waste any money on “workout”

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    3) You won’t need new running shoes

    4) You won’t get injured lifting weights

    5) You’ll activate your body’s supply of HGH

    6) Your body’s immune system will get much stronger

    7) Your sex life will improve

    8) You won’t damage any joints

    9) You’ll sleep like a brick

    10) You’ll be extremely flexible, and powerful

    One last thing regarding the program laid out in front of you: it is true to form of how linebackers train -- minus the glitz and glamour. There is no jumping to music and such. You know exercise videos where people hop around in leotards from the 80s to the music of Olivia Newton John.

    This program was filmed virtually in my backyard where I train regularly. It’s designed for you to follow along in your basement or your living room. Once you have the workout down, begin incorporating some of the advanced exercise routines I provide in the 8 FREE Linebacker Fitness Workout Starter Cards that came with the program.

    This program was created for results oriented people interested in seeing quick improvements in their health and

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    weight loss routine.

    Let me take time to congratulate you for shooting the gap and investing in Linebacker Fitness! Your workouts will never be the same – Literally.

    I look forward to hearing all about your success.

    Unleash YOU,

    Vince palko

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    Busting Stupid Myths About Jumping Rope


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    Stupid myth #1 - Jumping rope is high impact This is flat out not true. If done properly and on the right surface, jumping rope is not high impact. If there is anything that is high impact, it’s running. It is known that three times our body weight is exerted on our joints every time our foot hits the ground in a running stride. Now, to me, that sounds like high impact. You should only be jumping off the ground an inch. Let me repeat for emphasis. To jump properly, your feet should come off the ground no higher than an inch. Stupid myth #2 - Jumping rope is childish and for girls Go tell Mahumad Ali this in his prime. Yeah, I know how most guys think. They laughed at me in college to when I’d spend time outside our weight room in the hot August sun. “Look at the girl jumping rope,” they’d snicker. Didn’t matter. I ignored them. I showed them later in practice who the girlie girl was, once I was done ringing their bell after a crushing tackle. Pay no attention to what others think of your workout routine. Makes no difference to you how they judge you. Just go on your merry way exercising in ways where you don’t have to spend all day in the exercise facility. Stupid myth #3 - Jumping Rope Requires Top Physical Athlete Condition and Skill This could be the stupidest myth of all. Do me a favor stand up in your chair right now. Begin hopping in place. Hop in place for ten hops. If you can do this you can add the simple element of twirling a rope in place and hopping over it every time it revolves towards the ground.

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    I was talking to a man the other day who had just started jumping rope. After 300 skips he was gassed. Completely spent. He had not jumped rope ever before. He would skip 30 skips then miss one. Stop and try again. Go another 30 skips and miss another one. Yet he got all the way to 300 without ever giving up. The key is that you try and try and try. Never give up. The reason you never want to give up on improving this exercise is because it can benefit you in so many ways. Stupid myth #4 – Overweight people have no business jumping rope Yeah, we should all give up and die. How do you think Buster Douglas trained to defeat the heavy weight title of the world at the time, Mike Tyson? He skipped a lot of rope. At the time, he was jumping rope, he cut over 40 pounds in order to get down to his fighting weight. He skipped rope and the weight melted off. Nowadays he's back to the big Buster Douglas before his title fight. Jumping rope burns more calories than any other exercise and it takes very little time to do so. Stupid myth #5 – Big –busted woman experience pain and discomfort after beginning a jump rope routine. Making sure you have the proper training equipment is paramount. Ladies, make sure you have a good sports bra. If you have to, double up on the bra in order to make sure you are properly supported. Men, make sure you wear a jockstrap or tight fitting under garments to support yourself as well. Stupid myth #6 – Jumping rope requires tons of space and ceiling height.

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    I love to train with the rope outside because of the fresh air. However, there are many times I train in my basement that has 7 and 8 feet ceilings. Depending on your height, if you take the handle and double it down on the rope, then pinch it against your hand -- you can literally jump in a low ceiling room. This is also great for really working your quadriceps because you have to bend your knees to keep the rope from hitting the ceiling. If you stood at normal height the arch of the rope would hit the ceiling. At a low stance it will not. Stupid myth #7 – Jogging is better exercise than jumping rope This couldn’t be further from the truth than Mars is from Earth. You can literally get the same level of exercise from 10 minutes of jump rope compared to 30 minutes of jogging. Not only does the jumping rope take less time to get an effective workout, but it also makes exercising more fun. There are a thousand ways to add variation to a workout. So instead of simply getting a cardio workout working primarily your legs, you can exercise and build strength with your muscles. When you compare the data of jogging to jumping rope, the numbers look even more impressive.

    Source: NutriStrategy, 2005

    Actual Body Weight 130lbs 155lbs 190lbs Jogging 413

    calories 493

    calories 604

    calories Jumping Rope 708

    calories 844

    calories 1035 calories

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    Beginner Basics


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    How to adjust the rope to your size Let the rope lie on the ground between your feet. Step in the middle of the rope with one foot. Hold the ends of the rope up to your armpits. If the handles go past your pits then you know you have too long of a rope. Simply take one side of the rope and tie it in a knot. Then re-measure. If the rope is still too long, take the other end and tie a knot in that as well. Still to long? Add another knot. Keep doing that until the handles come up to your armpits. If the rope is too short be sure to twirl the rope with your forearms, and not your wrists. This will provide additional slack in the rope to jump over. If it is not long enough still there are websites that have extra long ropes to get your hands on. Side note for taller people: If you have rope that is too short, leverage it by bending your knees and doing jump squats until you can get a longer rope. This is a tremendous exercise for the legs and will still whoop you into shape quickly. Another way to tell that you have the correct size rope is when you’re twirling the rope, as it hits the ground it should hit out in front of you about 1 – 1.5 feet in front of your feet. If it is any more than that you need to tie a knot in one or both sides of the rope as seen in the DVD. What is the Proper Surface to Jump On Make sure you are hopping on a forgiving surface. One that gives a little as you come down on it. Some great places for skipping rope are: • High school track • Basement carpet with pad underneath • Hotel carpet • Low cut grass

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    • Packed sandy surfaces Avoid the jumping on concrete if at all possible. Your body vs. concrete – the concrete will always win out. Paved roads come in second for the worst surfaces. There is a little more give on this surface but nothing compared to the others listed above. The hydration factor Due to the large amounts of sweating and fat burning possibilities always make sure you take water with you to workout. You can get dehydrated quickly if you don’t. Drink even when you are not thirsty. Always keep a half-gallon to a gallon of water near you as you train. This keeps the body from cramping. It also staves the onset of earlier exhaustion. For more on how hydration helps keep your energy level high visit www.TripleYourEndurance.com What is the Perfect Jump Rope Attire? o Clothing: Wear clothing that will wick away sweat, because

    you’ll be sweating quite a bit. This kind of material is great because your shirts and shorts stay light the whole workout through.

    o Footwear: Cross trainers work great because there is more

    cushion in the forefoot as well as the heel. I’m a believer that running shoes work just as well as long as you are on the right surface.

    o Undergarments: A tight fitting underpants like sanitaries

    and boxer briefs are good to wear to provide maximum support. For women specifically big-busted women, a good sports bra goes a long way to reduce discomfort.

    What is the ideal jump rope?

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    Speed rope: The speed rope that came with this course is one of the best ropes because it includes ball bearings inside the handle for smooth movement of the rope. Some ropes simply have a rope attached to a handle and these are least desirable for using a jump rope for a workout. Little kids skipping on a sidewalk, yes. But no can do on a workout equipment tool. Weighted rope: A weighted rope is an excellent change-up for even more anaerobic work while twirling rope. Your arms, shoulders, and forearms will get twice the burn in the same amount of time. I highly recommend a weighted rope to take yourself to the next level. Sand weighted rubber ropes: For an extreme anaerobic workout there are rubber-tubed ropes (about 2inches) in diameter that are filled with sand. This additional amount of weight, at first cumbersome to jump with, can be used to super set a regular jump rope routine. One I highly recommend for the advanced user. What is Footwork This references how you place your feet on the surface while you jump. There are several ways to jump rope and in this manual we reveal over 20 ways to move your feet while hopping up and down as performing different foot drills. Breathing and counting basics The importance of counting while exercising adds another level of skill to it. When I count my reps, the mind gets its exercise and is staying aware while working out. So in a way I exercise my body and my mind at the same time. Breathing should be done no matter what exercise is being performed. The kind of breathing I’m talking about though is -- Deep breathing. The kind you can hear 20 yards away. When you breathe with deep forceful breaths good things happen. Your mind clears and focuses itself on what you want to bring into your life.

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    A complete mobile workout One of the main reasons I enjoy skipping rope is because of the mobility factor. Anyone can wind up a rope, tuck it in a brief case and unwind a complete exercise routine – all in one – anywhere you go: vacation with the family, a two day business trip and so on.

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    Small Steps –– Huge Success

    The key to delivering consistent results with fitness boils down to one simple element. A success secret so simple that anyone can follow it without feeling pushed to the limits.

    Some people suggest that, in order to attain greatness, you have to take major strides. This theory is all fine and well for some. However, if you want sustained results over time, practice this simple success ingredient.

    College coach Gary Blackney would remind his players during preseason camp, “As an athlete, you never stay the same—you either get better or you get worse. There are no in-betweens. What kind of athlete are you? The key to success is to improve 1% every day. If you make 1% strides, moving forward, you’ll be successful.”

    This life principle is also known as Kaizen—a principle we Americans taught the Japanese after World War II. A principle that focuses on constant improvement. One that the Japanese manufacturers excel at and we can take lessons from.

    Apply this principle to your fitness. What if you made 1% strides every day? For instance, what if you improved one rep on your body weight exercises? Or shaved 5 seconds off your mile, every day? Or, simply, got moving for 5 minutes a day?

    At the end of a year, you would be on top of your game. After 5 years, you would have come so far that your starting line would be barely visible.

    Achieving success is not mysterious, full of lofty theories and hidden secrets. It’s about doing the little things that add up to huge improvements in your life. So, take your 1% step today. You’ll be glad you did.

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    5-Minute Linebacker



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    A warm-up to the warm-ups When I played pro football overseas in Germany the foreign players were always perplexed as to why the coach started with stretching before the muscles were warmed up. “Dis makes no sense to me,” a guy named Jon would say. Then his friend Karsten would pipe in on top of him. “Yeah, don’t they know that if the muscles were warm we would get even a deeper stretch?” Somehow the word got back to coach and within a very short period of time we were jogging a couple laps around the field before we started our warm-up routine. Made sense to me. We were a lot more flexible and had a lot less injuries. Ever since, I always I’ve always at least walked before beginning any stretch routine to make sure my muscles are warm. Its kind of like starting your car in the midst of winter. You don’t just tear out of the driveway once the engine is turned on. Otherwise the engine wears down more quickly. You have to make sure the oil and lubrication is warmed up at least for a minute or so. The same is true for your warm up routine. I suggest walking at least a mile before doing any kind of stretching routine. If you can jog a half mile, that’s even better.

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    Once you are done walking or jogging, the warm up should only take 5 minutes. We’re not running a marathon or sprinting against Carl Lewis – so you don’t have to stretch for four hours on end. It is wise to stretch for fifteen minutes on days you’d normally take off. By doing this you won’t be stiff as a board sitting in the same position in front of the computer or on the couch at home for 7 and 8 hours per day, 365 days out of the year. As you warm-up, begin to focus on your breathing. Become aware of it and breath deeply as you stretch and warm your muscles. Special Note: Some of these stretches shown are variations of Matt Furey’s Magnificent Seven exercises. I have adapted them by incorporating the jump rope as you stretch. You can view all the Magnificent Seven exercises by going to: http://www.successvisuals.com/products/mag_seven.html or visiting Matt Furey’s site at http://www.mattfurey.com

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    Arm Circles - Big These arm movements are crucial to warm up before you start a jump rope workout. Arm circles ensure that your deltoids, arms, and back are nice and loose.

    1. Extend arms out directly from your armpits so that the entire body resemble a T-shape (arms parallel to the ground)

    2. Begin moving your arms forward in large circular motions pivoting at your shoulders for 5-8 rotations and then stop

    3. Reverse direction of the arm movements for 5-8 rotations

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    Arm Circles – Big (Photos)

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    Arm Circles - Small These arm movements are similar to the Arm Circles -- Big. Arm circles ensure that your deltoids, arms, and back are nice and loose.

    1. Extend arms out directly from your armpits so that the entire body resemble a T-shape (arms parallel to the ground)

    2. Begin moving your arms forward in small circular motions pivoting at your shoulders for 5-8 rotations and then stop

    3. Reverse direction of the arm movements for 5-8 rotations

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    Arm Circles – Small (Photos)

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    Side bends with rope Excellent for the obliques, this warm-up is perfect for a stretch and also strengthens your muscles.

    1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart 2. Grab the rope and extend both arms above your head – grip

    the rope so there is about two feet between each hand 3. Inhale and stretch to the right as far as your body will go --

    hold for a 3 count 4. Return to the upright position 5. Then bend while facing forward your body to the left as far

    as it will go -- hold for a 3 count 6. Return to the upright position 7. Do 10 repetitions each side

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    Side Bends with Rope (Photos)

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    Trunk rotators Great exercise for making your core strong and lean. This also loosens up your lower back, which is a must for performing the jump rope.

    1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart 2. Grab the rope and extend both arms out in front of you– grip

    the rope so that there are about three feet between each hand 3. Without moving your feet, rotate your trunk to the right as far

    as you can go and hold for a 1 count 4. Rotate your body to the left all the way around until you are

    in the opposite-ending position, breathing regularly the entire time

    5. Repeat step 3

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    Trunk Rotators with Rope (Photos)

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    Ankle Rotators I first learned this exercise from Matt Furey, and it’s a great warm-up for the ankles. You can perform “joint rotations” all the way up your body moving from your ankles to your knees, hips and so on. However, to keep this warm-up short, we are going to focus strictly on the ankles because of all the jumping we’ll be doing.

    1. Start with your right leg and rotate your ankle in one direction

    2. Make 3-5 rotations in that direction, then stop 3. With the same leg, switch directions and rotate the ankle in

    the opposite direction for 3-5 revolutions 4. Change legs and rotate the left leg clockwise for 3-5

    revolutions and stop 5. With the same leg, switch directions and rotate the ankle in

    the opposite direction for 3-5 revolutions

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    Ankle Rotators (Photos)

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    Cross-over hamstring stretch This is a good change up to a regular boring straight hamstring stretch

    1. Put your right foot over your left foot 2. Bend at the waist 3. Depending on your flexibility, grab your socks, touch your

    toes or grab behind your ankles -- hold for a ten count 4. Switch legs, cross the left over the right 5. Bend at your waist and grab your socks, touch your toes or

    grab behind your ankles -- hold for a ten count

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    Cross-Over Hamstring Stretch (Photos)

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    Squatted Buddha This is a variation to the seated Buddha stretch. This stretch is not only great for your groin and inner thigh area; it’s also good to loosen the calves and the ankles simultaneously as well.

    1. Get down in a squatted position 2. Place arms in a prayer like position in between two legs 3. Use your arms to press out on each inner thigh 4. At the same time slowly rotate your ankles and direct the

    weight of your body on your ankles 5. Rotate body back and forth in a rocking chair motion

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    Squatted Buddha (Photos)

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    Seated Hamstring Stretch This is a variatation of the sprinter’s stretch, but this one is even better for your lower back and quad of the opposite leg being stretched.

    1. Sit on the ground and put your right foot forward and tuck your left foot into your groin area

    2. Stretch down and grab your ankle -- hold for a ten count 3. Bring the right foot in and extend the left leg out in the

    opposite position 4. Stretch down and grab your left ankle and hold for a ten


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    Seated Hamstring Stretch (Photos)

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    Seated Quad Stretch Using the same position for the seated hamstring stretch, only this stretch focuses on the quad.

    1. Sit on the ground and tuck your left foot underneath your butt and sit with your right leg in an Indian style position

    2. Slowly lean back and place your elbows on the ground (your back should have a round arch)

    3. Hold position for a ten count 4. Switch legs and with your right leg repeat step 1

    Important note: It is not important to try and force yourself over and touch your back to the ground. Don’t over do it. Lean back as far as you can without too creating any pain in your quad.

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    Seated Quad Stretch (Photos)

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    Heel Sit Although a great stretch for the quads, this stretch’s primary purpose is to loosen your ankles and shins.

    1. Squat down so you are sitting on your heels 2. Slowly walk yourself back so your chest is facing the sky and

    your head is as well. 3. Use your arms to brace yourself and support your upper body 4. Breathe as you put all your weight back on your heels 5. Hold for a 10-15 count

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    Heel Sit (Photo)

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    Calf Stretch This is a great stretch to do when you don’t have a wall or object to support yourself when loosening the calves.

    1. Get down in a sprinter start position and have your right leg straightened out and your left leg bent beneath you

    2. With both hands on the ground supporting your body, push back on the right calf hold for a ten count

    3. Walk your hands back to your feet and focus your energy, stretching the right calf even more as your body becomes perpendicular to the ground

    4. With palms still on the ground, make sure you keep your right heel to the ground and hold for a 5 count

    5. When done, switch to your left leg and repeat step 1

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    Calf Stretch (Photos)

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    Tricep Stretch Left A great stretch for the entire arm utilizing the jump rope

    1. Extend your left hand above your head holding the rope and let it hang behind your back

    2. Put your right hand behind your back and grab the dangling rope

    3. Slowly pull down on the rope until you feel a good stretch in your left arm and tricep - hold for a ten count.

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    Tricep Stretch Right A great stretch for the entire arm utilizing the jump rope

    1. Extend your right hand above your head holding the rope and let it hang behind your back

    2. Put your left hand behind your back and grab the dangling rope

    3. Slowly pull down on the rope until you feel a good stretch in your right arm and tricep - hold for a ten count

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    Wrist warm ups You want to make sure your wrist joint and forearms are loose before your begin skipping rope.

    1. Double up the rope and with your right hand grab two feet from the end

    2. Begin twirling the end of the rope with your right wrist (10 rotations)

    3. Switch directions and go the opposite way. 4. Repeat for your left hand

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    Wrist Warm-ups (Photos)

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    “The Tenacious Ten” Fat Burning

    Foot Movements


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    There are literally a thousand ways to jump rope. There are many different foot positions and variations with each foot. There are also many skill levels and ways to advance your particular level. In this section I will teach you ten fat burning foot movements called “The Tenacious Ten”. All of these exercises should be performed once you are well into a good rhythm. Never go straight into a specific foot movement without first feeling comfortable with a nice easy twirling repetitions.

    What is the Ready Position? Start with rope behind the feet. Arms should be extended out in front of you, slightly angled at the ground in a 45-degree angle. In a half circle motion, bring your hands from up front down to and holding with your wrists stopping just below your waist. The rope should make a revolution from movement of the wrists. Once the rope is spinning sustain it by moving the forearms (at the elbow joint) in a circular motion. Let the rope twirl around you. Then keep it moving at a nice even pace.

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    Basic Jump This exercise is the most basic of all the jumps. This is the staple behind any jump rope program. Most people grew up doing this movement. Basically you can do this movement while simply hopping in place.

    1. Begin in ready position 2. Start with your hands out front of you angled towards the

    ground at a 45-degree angle 3. Twirl the rope in a half circle 4. Stop your wrists at your sides and let the momentum of the

    rope continue it twirling 5. The rope will come over your head and as it descends, wait

    for it to hit the ground in front of you 6. When you hear the pop on the ground, hop in place 7. Continue twirling the rope and hopping in place

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    Basic Jump (Photos)

    (1) (2)

    (3) (4)

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    Jumping Jack This exercise is similar to a regular jumping jack, only with a jump rope integrated into it. This works the inner and outer thighs.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Jump off the surface separating your feet slightly wider than

    shoulder width apart while the rope is above your head. 3. Before the rope hits the ground, jump from a your spread

    position, jump back to your standing position. 4. As the rope twirls forward, the rope will naturally pass

    underneath your feet before they hit the surface 5. Land on the balls of your feet 6. Repeat step two

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    Jump Jack (Illustration)

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    Scissors Resembling a scissors motion, move your legs back and forth as if you are cutting the air between your legs.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Simultaneously move right leg out in front of your body and

    left leg back under your butt as the rope is overhead 3. Once your feet hit the ground, quickly shift leg positions: the

    leg in front moves to the back position and the leg in back moves forward- all in one motion

    4. As your feet shift positions, they will simultaneously jump over the rope as it completes its revolution in a continuous motion back and forth

    5. Repeat Step 2

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    Scissors (Photo)

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    Hip Twist These feet movements are great for your abdominals, hips, waist, upper thighs and saddlebag region (on women). This motion parallels a downhill skiing movement. Your knees should be slightly bent the entire time.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Jump one inch off the ground, turn your hips to the right in a

    45-degree angle while your head and torso face forward (the rope will be overhead in this position)

    3. As you jump off the ground, the rope will pass under you, and rotate your body into the opposite 45-degree position, hips facing left

    4. Then repeat step 2. Side note: Except for the turning motion of your forearms, try to keep your upper body still. Focus your energy on moving the hips. Each revolution of the speed rope signals a hip movement: first to the right and then to the left

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    Hip Twist (Illustrations)

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    Heel Tap A fun exercise to break up a typical jump rope routine strengthens hand-eye coordination. If it doesn’t come easy at first, give it some time and focus on getting each foot to tap the ground between revolutions. This move works your quads, calves and buttocks.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Jump off the ground and move your right heel forward as the

    rope comes under your feet 3. Land with most of the weight on your left foot and your right

    leg stretched out in front of you (your right heel should tap the surface -- toes pointing up)

    4. The rope passes overhead 5. As the rope moves down, bring both feet back together and

    hop over the rope 6. Then allow the rope to make a full rotation, jump off the

    surface and extend your left heel forward while the rope passes under your feet.

    7. Similar to the right foot, allow the heel to hit the ground with your toes in the air with most of the weight on the right foot.

    8. As the rope makes a full rotation then hits the surface in front of you, jump and bring both feet back together again.

    9. Alternate heels hitting the ground one after the other Side note: It’s a two count move: (1) tap (2) together (1) tap (2)

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    Heel Tap (Illustrations)

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    High Knees This is similar to running in place while focusing on raising your knees as high as you can. Taking each leg above parallel to the ground. Important note: Lean backward as you do this movement and make the leg movements continuous. This works your abdominals, hamstrings, buttocks, and calves.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Raise your right knee to a 90-degree angle as the rope passes

    under the left foot 3. Now raise your left knee to a 90-degree angle and let the rope

    pass under your right foot 4. Repeat step 2

    Also note: This is a rapid-fire movement never letting a full rotation pass between foot changes. The difference between this and running in place is you strive to get your knees up to a 90-degree angle where running in place you’re simply getting the foot high enough to pass over the rope.

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    High Knees (Illustrations)

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    Butt Kicks Typically a great exercise on its own, when used with the jump rope it becomes even more powerful and a great variation for your workout. The Butt Kick is great for stretching the quadriceps while building strength in the hamstrings. Important note: lean forward as you do this movement and make the leg movements continuous.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Move your right leg back toward your butt, right shin just

    above parallel to the ground (rope is overhead) 3. All of your weight is on the left foot and as the rope comes

    down it hops over the rope 4. Move your left leg up to your butt, left shin just above

    parallel to ground and right leg on the surface (rope is overhead)

    5. All of your weight is on the right foot and as the rope comes down it hops over the rope

    6. Repeat step 2 Also note: This is a rapid-fire movement never letting a full rotation pass between foot changes. It is a smooth interchange of feet and rope passing underneath with each foot rotation.

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    Butt Kicks (Illustrations)

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    One Leg Hops This is a great exercise that strengthens the individual calves. Each calf supports the weight of the body and provides great muscular endurance while building muscle mass.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Raise your right knee to a 90-degree angle as the rope passes

    under the left foot 3. Keep your knee raised in this position for 5 to 8 revolutions

    while landing on the ball of your left foot 4. Now raise your left knee to a 90-degree angle and let the rope

    pass under your right foot 5. Keep your knee raised in this position for 5 to 8 revolutions

    while landing on the ball of your right foot 6. Repeat step 2

    Important note: If you feel sensitivity in your shins stop immediately. Although a great exercise for strengthening your calves, this exercise exerts much force on your shins and ankles. Use sparingly throughout your workout

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    One Leg Hops (Photo)

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    Side to Side This foot movement works your quads, your inner and outer thighs, hips and calves. Like the Front/Back this works your core as well. Visualize an imaginary line that you are hopping over with each sideways jump. This gives you nice full plyometric jump.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope comes down and almost hits the ground, keep

    your feet together and jump sideways six inches 3. Allow the rope to pass under your feet and land on the balls

    of your feet 4. As the rope twirls a second time and approaches the ground,

    hop back to the starting position and let the rope pass under your feet again

    5. Repeat step 2 Side note: This is a two-count movement with one revolution jump sideways and another revolution and jump back. Its important that you jump over and not up.

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    Side to Side (Photos)

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    Front to Back This foot movement works your quadriceps and hamstrings. It’s a great way to work your core. Visualize an imaginary line that you are hopping over with each jump. This gives you nice full plyometric jump.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope comes down and almost hits the ground, keep

    your feet together and jump forward six inches 3. Allow the rope to pass under your feet and land on the balls

    of your feet 4. As the rope twirls a second time and approaches the ground,

    hop back to the starting position and let the rope pass under your feet

    5. Repeat step 2 Side note: This is a two-count movement with one revolution jump forward and another revolution and jump back. Its important that you jump out and not up.

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    Front to Back (Photo)

    You can use a real line in on the surface or you can create an imaginary one on the ground that you hop over.

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    How to Rally from a Set Back When pursuing your goal to get fit sometimes people slip into a mindset of what they don't have. Or develop an “I wish I had this” mentality. Wishing only leads to frustration. And it also leads to more of the same crapo-la in your life. If you are feeling frustrated, stuck in this kind of rut there are a couple things to focus on. Playing Div. I college football, my coach Gary Blackney, always had a method for rebounding from a loss. And believe me this rarely happened (Our team won several championships and bowl games) but when it did I tuned into what coach shared. Two things to focus on: * Draw on the positives * Get back to the basics Let's take the first. Everyone has something they can draw upon to be positive about. What is that about you that you can be proud of for accomplishing. When watching film of the embarrassing loss the coaches always found something good to call out from select players. This did two things. Helped us see that the loss wasn't entirely terrible and also brought back the success consciousness to the surface. Focusing on what you HAVE leads to an element of gratitude. This feeling quality allows you to move forward and accept more success into your life.

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    And the second. Getting back to the basics usually meant performing better at: running, tackling, throwing and catching. I dreaded hearing this mid-season because we would do more tackling drills than we did preparing for the season, and we'd practice these relentlessly until Coach was satisfied. Then we'd start our regular practice. What are the basics you need to focus on? Maybe it’s reviewing your goals every day for five minutes. Maybe it’s slotting time for more exercise. Maybe it’s taking more time with your family. Select all of the things that will enhance your future and its possibilities. Truth is, when you do these two things, which are not hard to do, you'll find you are back to allowing success to flow to you more rapidly. Go out and grab what is yours.

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    Advanced Foot Movements and



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    Varying Rope Speeds Not only can you change your feet positions to add variety to your workouts but you can also vary the speed of the rope. Overall the change in speed works the same muscles in different ways. Faster movements can be used for even better aerobic workouts that ratchet up your wind and lung-power while slowing it down can incorporate anaerobic movements into your workout, such as the jump squat and the lunge as I’ll discuss in greater detail in this chapter. “Sprinting speed” with the Rope This exercise is a simple variation that will accelerate your heart rate even more. Once you get good at jumping rope, you will then be able to speed up your twirls to the point where it feels like you are sprinting in place. Varying your rope speed is critical for a complete workout. It’s a basic “feet together” jumping motion only moving the rope as fast as you can and hopping your feet. “Jogging speed” with the Rope As you advance in your jump rope workouts, one way to gather yourself and catch your breath without stopping is to slow down the rope speed. Almost like going from a sprint to a jog. This is great for your body because not only do you keep the workout going, and also when you slow down the rope your body has to adjust to different pace and it will use the same muscles in an anaerobic manner. It’s a basic “feet together” jumping motion only slowed down to half your normal speed moving the rope.

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    Advanced Full Body Movements Jump Squat This exercise will give you a great anaerobic burn in your quads and at the same time skyrocket your endurance. One that can replace squats with weight – if you give it a chance. Side note: Slow the rope down to less than half speed and focus on getting a good squat. Have patience with this, this exercise alone will be the bulk of your lower body workout days.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope hits in front of you, jump an inch off the ground 3. Once your feet hit the ground, do a half squat with your legs.

    Important note: The slower you move the rope, the deeper the squat you can achieve

    4. With the rope overhead, in one full motion go from a squatted position and pop off the ground and let the rope pass underneath you

    5. Repeat step 2

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    Jump Squat (Illustrations)

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    Quick Lunge This exercise is basically a scissors skip WITHOUT continuously rotating your feet back and forth. Important note: slow down the speed of the rope to half speed.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Simultaneously move right leg out in front of your body and

    left leg back under your butt for a quick count in a scissors motion (the rope will be overhead). Important note: Don’t extend your feet out too far or else the rope will hit your foot as it tries to pass underneath.

    3. After it passes through, quickly bend both your knees and pop off the ground – your feet should be on the ground for a one count

    4. Rotate leg positions and while you do a lunge your feet should be on the ground for a 2 count (the rope will be overhead)

    5. Pop off the ground as the rope passes under your feet 6. Rotate back and each leg until you feel a good burn

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    Quick Lunge (Illustrations)

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    Running in Place Primarily used as a transition in and out of certain feet movements, this exercise is great for loosening the leg muscles while jumping continuously. The difference between this and high knees is you are NOT focusing how high each knee should raise – just enough to get over the rope.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope is overhead place your right foot on the ground

    and then step over the rope as it passes 3. Just as the right foot comes off the ground and the rope

    passes underneath, the left foot then goes down to touch the ground

    4. Repeat this right – left movement back and forth rapid fire for as many reps as you like

    Simply said: You run in place while stepping over the rope each time it passes beneath your feet.

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    Running in Place (Illustrations)

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    Rocky criss-cross This exercise is a great way to incorporate more arm movements into your jump rope routine. This will work your shoulders and chest in addition to your arms and back.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As your feet leave the ground and as the rope passes under

    your feet, bring both wrists across your chest forming an “X” (right thumb pointing left and the left thumb pointing right)

    3. As the rope comes down it will form a small loop. Jump through the rope.

    4. After the rope passes under your feet, uncross your arms and bring them back to the regular position (right thumb pointing right and left thumb pointing left)

    Important note: Slow the rope speed down to half speed until you get this correct.

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    Rocky criss-cross (Illustrations)

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    Super Skip (Double Skip) This exercise will ratchet your endurance and strength 2X and 3X. The Super Skip may take some time to master, but stick with it because this single exercise will send your workouts into the stratosphere. Warning: The Super Skip should not be attempted unless you can perform a 1,000-skip workout (at least).

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Instead of jumping only an inch off the ground, jump 1 to 2

    feet off the ground 3. As both feet leave the ground, simultaneously whip your

    wrists in place and allow the rope to pass once and then a second time just before your feet land on the ground

    4. Repeat step 3 for about 5-10 repetitions

    Side note: At first you may think you have to jump about 2.5 to 3 feet off the ground in order to do this. Simply go with that and as you get better, your jump heights will steadily decrease. This is what you want to happen. You’ll expend less energy and be able to do more in a row. Important note: The secret is whipping the wrists so the rope passes under your feet quickly before you hit the ground.

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    Super Skip (Illustrations)

  • Linebacker Fitness | 84 | www.VincePalko.com

    Why Set SHORT Term Goals The other day I watched a movie called “Touching the Void”. If you have not seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a true story 'bout two young mountain climbers and their perilous climb up the 21,000 foot Siula Grande peak in Peru. It's a wonderful movie depicting what happens when one is faced with adversity -- how climbers encounter it and handle it. Zeroing in on the human spirit and how far it can be pushed before it gives up is its major thrust. If you have ever seen an intense movie before -- multiply this one by about ten. It’s one that will lift your spirit. I came away from the movie with a clear understanding of the importance of long and short terms goals. Before this movie, I thought of how important it was to have long-term goals, but never really understood why it is so vitally important to have both. Each is fundamentally different with two distinct purposes that support each other for achieving great things. The way I see it, long terms goals are the lofty visions you create for yourself that you aspire to reach. Let's apply this to the health and fitness. I could say, “I want to lose 20 pounds by next year.” This is a clear and definite goal of what and when I want to achieve. If you don't set long-term goals you'll float along in the sea of life aimlessly. Short-term goals are different. If long term is about creating the vision of your future state, then short-term goals represent the “baby chunks” (or small steps) in a focused direction to achieve that long-term goal.

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    For instance, “I want to exercise everyday this week for at least 15 minutes,” is a good example. This is a short-term goal that will get me closer to my long-term goal of losing the weight. Life by the inch is a cinch. Setting small goals along the way is easier to achieve when considering the big picture. When you create small chunks you make the journey achievable. If the main character in the movie didn't have a long-term goal in his mind he would have lost his life. Similarly, if he didn't have a short-term goal of breaking up his decent into baby steps he would have lost his life as well. You'll know more what I'm talking about when you see the flick. I don't want to ruin it for ya. Problem is, most people set a long-term goal, then a short term goal. Yet they never follow through on either. They’re overwhelmed with all the steps involved to hit their long-term goal. Or life runs them into the ground and they’re buried in busyness and stress -- instead of being in control -- in the drivers seat. In fitness, what they lack is tools to keep them focused not only on the proper routines but also to check-in on their progress. We all want to win and daily check-ins create instant self satisfaction and the winning mentality you need to succeed. Especially, if you are training for a big race, an athletic event, or simply want to lose weight to gain energy. This is one way to deliver consistent results day-after-day until you hit each short term goal and eventually your long term goal.

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    Are you action oriented? Or are you just a talker. If you’re all action, like me, you’ll want to invest in a tool that delivers supreme fitness and health. And helping you reach your pinnacle is my GOAL. Step up and reach for it! For more FREE tips like this head on over to www.SuccessVisuals.com and sign-up for our FREE email newsletter tips.

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    9 “Nitschke” Foot Drills


  • Linebacker Fitness | 88 | www.VincePalko.com

    These next series of exercises is named after one of my favorite “Old School” linebacker who never had any faced equipment to improve his agility and speed. Up until now we have been discussing foot movements to incorporate into your workout while hopping in place. Next, we will discuss 9 “Nitschke” Foot Drills that you can master and be like an old time pro getting ready for the season. They will improve your skill level and make rope skipping an even more interesting workout. These nine explosive plyometric foot movements will radically transform your body practically overnight. Remember, it’s not about training harder just smarter. These types of bounding movements will accelerate your heart quickly while building stronger muscles in your lower body. Here they are: 9 “Nitschke” Foot Drills ---------------------------------------------------------- 1| Linebacker Pursuit 2| Box Pattern 3| Diamond Pattern 4| “X” Pattern 5| 5-Yard Sprint 6| 5-Yard Backpedal 7| Side-to-Side Forward

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    8| Side-to-Side Backward 9| Pirate Hops (Right & Left)

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    Linebacker Pursuit This is almost like a karaoke shuffle but your feet never cross over one another. This exercise resembles a linebacker floating over top of fallen bodies to pursue and knock the tar out of the tailback.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. While skipping the entire time, move to your left 3. Move your hips in a karaoke and step over the rope each time

    as it passes underneath each foot 4. Stop when you’ve gone five yards and then jump in place 5. Go back the same direction you came from 6. Repeat back 3 times

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    Linebacker Pursuit (Illustration)

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    Box Pattern This is a great hand-eye-foot coordination exercise. It combines the side-to-side and the front and back movements learned earlier.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope is overhead, with both feet jump left 6 – 10

    inches. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    3. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump foreword 6-10 inches. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    4. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump to your right 6-10 inches. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    5. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump backwards 6-10 inches completing a box shape. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    6. Repeat step 2. Do this pattern for 5-10 repetitions Simply put: Jump in the pattern of an imaginary box shape on the ground.

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    Box Pattern

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    Diamond Pattern This pattern is a great fat burner that forces you to do quick bursts of movement.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope is overhead, with both feet jump foreword

    diagonally 6 – 10 inches to your left. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    3. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump diagonally forward 6-10 inches to your right. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    4. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump backwards diagonally 6-10 inches to your right. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    5. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump backwards diagonally 6-10 inches to your left completing a diamond shape. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    6. Repeat step 2. Do this pattern 5-10 repetitions. Simply put: Jump in the pattern of an imaginary diamond shape on the ground.

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    Diamond Pattern

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    “X” Pattern This pattern is another great fat burner that forces you to do quick bursts of movement.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. As the rope is overhead, with both feet jump diagonally

    forward 6-10 inches to your left. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    3. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump right 6 – 10 inches. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    4. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump backwards diagonally 6-10 inches to your right. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    5. As soon as your feet hit the ground, with both feet jump 6-10 inches to your left completing a “X” shape. The rope should pass below your feet and then your feet will hit the ground.

    6. Repeat step 2. Do this pattern 5-10 repetitions. Simply put: Jump in the pattern of an imaginary “X” shape on the ground.

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    “X” Pattern (Photo)

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    5-Yard Sprint In general, sprinting is great fat burning exercise that raises your heart rate quickly. Adding a twirling jump rope will increase your fat burning capabilities and endurance even more.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. While skipping the entire time, take off from a hopping

    position 3. Step over the rope each time as it passes underneath each foot 4. Stop when you’ve gone five yards and then jump in place 5. Only do 3-5 reps at a time

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    5-Yard Back Pedal Similar to the 5 Yard Sprint, this exercise will be performed while you are jumping rope. It’s a great fat burning exercise raising your heart rate quickly. So adding a twirling jump rope will increase your fat burning capabilities and endurance that much more.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. While skipping the entire time, take off from a hopping

    position 3. Step over the rope each time as it passes underneath each foot 4. Stop when you’ve gone five yards and then jump in place 5. Only do 3-5 reps at a time

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    Side-to-side (Forward down a line) This foot drill is a variation of the simple side-to-side hop. This works even more of the calf and leg muscles because your are hopping side-to-side plus moving your feet forward. You can use a real line marked on the ground or simply imagine one drawn on the surface. Important note: make sure to do this exercise on the balls of your feet.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Begin moving your feet back and forth in a side-to-side

    motion 3. Then slowly begin moving your feet forwards over and

    imaginary line – in a diagonal movement moving 6 inches at a hop

    4. Repeat movement until you go ten yards Side note: Each hop is moving to the opposite side over an imaginary line as well as forward.

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    Side-to-side (Backwards down a line) This foot drill is a variation of the simple side-to-side hop. This works even more of the calf and leg muscles because your are hopping side-to-side plus moving your feet forward. You can use a real line marked on the ground or simply imagine one drawn on the surface. Important note: make sure to do this exercise on the balls of your feet.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Begin moving your feet back and forth in a side-to-side

    motion 3. Then slowly begin moving your feet backwards over and

    imaginary line – in a diagonal movement moving 6 inches at a hop

    4. Repeat movement until you go back ten yards Side note: Each hop is moving to the opposite side over an imaginary line as well as forward.

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    Pirate Hops This foot drill is a variation of the one legged hops. Instead of working both legs, focus on the left one.

    1. Get into a comfortable rhythm jumping rope 2. Begin hopping in place on your left leg for a few revolutions 3. As you continue to hop move your left foot to the left 6

    inches 4. Continue hopping to the left until you reach 5 yards 5. Stop and hop in place then hop on your right foot back to

    your original position 6. Repeat 3 times

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    Pirate Hops (left 5 yards)

    Pirate Hops (right 5 yards)

  • Linebacker Fitness | 104 | www.VincePalko.com

    The Courage to Act Did you hear about the Russian woman who is suing a local weather station? Yep, she said THEY ruined her vacation. The weather station promised her good weather all week long. However, while on her vacation, it rained every day. Even had Typhoon-like wind and rain -- while she and her family huddled in their tents probably pissed off -- soaking wet. I can see her now -- steam rising from her ears like Elmer Fud being foiled by Bugs Bunny. That weather station ruined her camping trip. So she's suing for all her vacation expenses. Ha, ha, -- he, he. This isn't too far from some people suing fast food jointsfor their “addicting” candy burgers. Side note: Did you know they are calling fast food the new nicotine? So keep smoke 'em down fatties. I'm tired of the negative BS reported by the news. Sure, many millions of people all over the world are overweight and out of shape falling victim to diabetes and other diseases related to weight gain. But how about the select few who have decided to make a change for the better. Where are those reports?

  • Linebacker Fitness | 105 | www.VincePalko.com

    For every 6 overweight, out of shape people, I bet there 1 or 2 people who have made up their minds to get their slug-like bodies moving. Deep within, they muster up the courage and determination to say they CAN and WILL change starting today. They break the chains from the couch and desk to move. I define courage as the ones who are afraid to act but they go anyway. The ones who take it upon themselves to improve. Self-satisfaction and pride emanates from the DOERS all from taking small baby steps towards their dream to be thin, healthy or to have endless energy. Visit http://www.tripleyourendurance.com/increase_energy-endurance.html When you decide to change, rest easy knowing there are others out there to support your dream. They’re hidden, but they are out there. I’m one of them. Give an ounce of courage and I'll give you a program to change your life. Do it now. For more free tips like this head on over to www.VincePalko.com and sign-up for our FREE email newsletter tips.

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    8 Interval Workouts

    for the Renegade Linebacker


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    How to Integrate the Jump Rope with Body Weight Exercises Besides the basic jump and rest exercise routines that are taught in the DVD, you can also add body weight exercises for an interval workout. Herein are 8 addition workouts to add to your repertoire. By supplementing your regular jump routines with these powerful muscle-building exercises you will rocket launch your results. Interval training cuts weight faster while replacing unwanted fat with muscle quicker. Why? Well, you are maximizing anaerobic and aerobic movements into one exercise. Even more so that just jumping and hopping. You are already getting some anaerobic workout by doing a regular jump rope routine. When you twirl the rope you’re building good upper body strength in the chest, arms and back. Your quads, buttocks and calves are also getting a good anaerobic by jumping up and down, side to side and so on. But stopping to throw in a couple pushups or Sit-ups or Hindu Squats in between sets will target the muscles even more. Bodyweight exercises are already a good mix combining aerobic work with anaerobic work. The other added benefit is this keeps your workout completely mobile. You don’t need a single weight of any kind to have a stellar workout in just a few seconds.

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    Bonus Workout: Madonna’s Secret for Turning Back the Clock My mother-in-law was watching a celebrity news program the other day and found some interesting news about Madonna. Having a body most 20 year-olds are envious of, the music legend who’s almost 50 revealed her fountain of youth secret. Madonna incorporates a jump rope workout into her daily routine. Anyway, at the climax of her workout her trainer has her do a simple workout that anyone in decent shape can follow. Her trainer gives her a challenge. Skip 1000 times in a row without stopping. If you mess up - go back to the beginning and start over. Now for most, simply doing a jump rope workout would be good enough. But to do it non-stop is in my opinion something nice to announce on a celebrity show. I believe when you are starting out you simply need to get the reps in. I don’t care if it takes you 10 minutes or 10 hours. As long as you are sticking with it the fat will unstick itself and fall from your body. So if this interests you, set a goal of working towards a thousand skips without stopping. One way to do these is start hopping and drift back about 30 yards. Once you hit a hundred run in place 30 yards forward. Then start the process of drifting backwards until you hit another 100. Repeat this until you hit 1000 skips. Changing your hopping movement up will relieve your legs and calves and keep them from cramping up. If you are wondering how I can include Madonna in a linebacker manual – think again. She is someone who walks the walks. Not

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    just talking a bunch of talk. She is always taking risks reinventing herself. In my book, risk takers are linebackers. She’s sets a fine example for never succumbing to – “Well, I’m too old or too tired.” Every time I see her she’s right there mixing it up.

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    Keep Your Eyes on the Prize Today, we will talk about how to achieve what you want while focusing on the end target using golf as a metaphor. For instance, let’s talk about hitting a perfect shot. The times I focused on where I would imagine my ball to launch itself to and land I’d have a perfect shot almost every time. I say “almost” ‘cause I'll tell you about one that didn't. You’ll enjoy it. I never advised you to worry about your grip, your stance, your swing or any of the mechanics. My past struggles with golf were because I focused on the mechanics of my swing. Oh, I don't have my feet right or my grip right or I'm not following through. But when I expected to hit the ball well and right where I wanted -- I did. Simple as that. The same is true for focusing on your dreams and aspirations. If you have plans to lose weight -- don't worry how you will get there. Simply set the intention, focus on the end state (seeing a thinner you from using past photos or from using the Lose Your Gut system) and let all the other supporting elements fall into place. Thinking about the negatives won't get you there either. If you notice the huge water to the right of the fairway or the houses (OB) to the left, guess where you will put it. Same goes for your goals, stay as positive as you can. Avoid negative family members and friends.

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    When I golf with my dad he knows to check the negative self talk at the clubhouse or better yet, at the outhouse. Early on he hit one into the sand trap, "What a great start, sassa frassa." I didn't say a word. By the end of the hole, he ended up with a fat snowman. An eight for people who don’t golf. He said, "Man, I fell apart that hole. What happened." "’Member your second shot," I said. "You said, ‘Ohh what a great start.’ That's what happened." "Keep the negative chatter to a minimum," I reminded. He went on to clean up his round and finish strong the last 9. Now for the one drive I mentioned earlier that was terrible. I put it right into a patch of overgrown brush -- gone forever. I quickly realized what had happened. Right as I was about to connect with the backside of the ball an errant thought of those tall weeds flashed onto my radar. The key is to notice your mistakes, learn from them and move on. Don't harp on them and don't share them with the world because you only attract more of it to you. Let's say you lost a few pounds but then quickly gained them back. A deep breath and a whisper, "I' CAN and WILL lose those pounds again." will work wonders. And leave it at that. I have created an illustration of a mountain climber looking at a sunset. The rocks in front of him represent your challenges (we all

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    have them) but are not being focused upon. Rather, you are looking into the future with binoculars at your desired destination. Og Mandino writes about this same topic in the Book, The Greatest Salesman in the World. He concludes, “I will ignore the obstacles at my feet and keep my eyes on the goal ahead of me. I created an illustration to drum this point home.

    “Keep Your Eyes on the Prize” (Success Visual) For more FREE Success Visual tips like this surf over to www.SuccessVisuals.com and sign-up for our Success Newsletter.

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    How to Treat Jump Rope (or any other)



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    When in doubt … Our trainers in college always had a saying, “When you’re ever in doubt what to do with an injury, you can’t go wrong if you put ice on it.” How to Ice Your Shins: The best way to ice your shins is to fill up a couple of paper Dixie cups and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, take them out and rip a quarter inch off the side of the cup. Begin rubbing down your shins flip-flopping each side of your shinbone. This is the best way to get rid of shin splints. Never Put Heat on the Injury Unless: You are trying to warm up the muscle before exercise. For instance, if you’ve injured your hamstring, ice always comes first. Once it’s at a point where it’s about 80% healed, then and only then do you put heat on it before you go out to walk or run on it.

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    You have the equipment. You have the knowledge. Now it’s time to put it all to use. As linebackers say, “Its GAMETIME!” Go out and get it done.
