9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


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  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    A A !n"estors9021 17 th A"enue #$% #eattle% $A. 9811&

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Table of Contents

    Project Introduction 1

    Priority Design Guidelines 2

    Nine Block Grid Study 3

    Vicinity Map – oning !

    "#ono$etric – 3D P%otograp% &

    Site I$ages '

    Streetscape Montage (

    Neig%)or%ood I$ages *+,

    Site Plan 1-

    Design .ption 1 /it% S%ado/ Study 0 loor Plans 11+1*

    Design .ption 2 /it% S%ado/ Study 0 loor Plans 1,+2'

    Design .ption 3 pre erred4 /it% S%ado/ Study 0 loor Plans 2(+3'

    5ypical Building Section 3(

    Proposed Project Materials 3*+3,

    6andscape Plans !-+!1

    6andscape Plans !-+!1

    Table of Contents

    Project Introduction 1

    Priority Design Guidelines 2

    Nine Block Grid Study 3

    Vicinity Map – oning !

    "#ono$etric – 3D P%otograp% &

    Site I$ages '

    Streetscape Montage (

    Neig%)or%ood I$ages *+,

    Site Plan 1-Design .ption 1 /it% S%ado/ Study 0 loor Plans 11+1*

    Design .ption 2 /it% S%ado/ Study 0 loor Plans 1,+2'

    Design .ption 3 pre erred4 /it% S%ado/ Study 0 loor Plans 2(+3'

    5ypical Building Section 3(

    6andscape Plans 3*+3,

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    16th Ave 16th Ave16th Ave


    26God's Body

    Shop Thrift Storeand Market




    17th Ave 17th Ave 17th Ave

    8 12 63




    D e l r i d g e

    W a y

    D e l r i d g

    e W a y

    House ForSale


    American CellTower

    B a r t o n A

    v e

    B a r t o n

    A v e

    Burger Boss Watts Electric


    18th Ave18th Ave18th Ave

    20th Ave20th Ave20th Ave

    20 48

    Tile andSewing Shop

    8 16 6

    14 3 210




    28 4

    3 6



    8 12


    S W

    H e n

    d e r s o n

    S t r e e t





    BusinessApartments2-4 Plex

    Co ndos/TownhomesHouse o Wors ip

    XNumber of Units

    Nine Block Grid

    The current nine block grid is a microcosm of the White Center community at large. This nine block grid contains fourdifferent building and p ermitting zones SF-5000, LR-3, C1-40 and NC 1-40 with all of the nine b lock g rid being pa rt of theWestwood Village-Highland Pa rk Residential Urban Village. The subject Prope rty is located at 9021 17th Ave SW in the LowRise 3 zone. J ust as the zoning would lea d one to believe the p opulation and commercial density increases traveling fromNorth to South and two bloc ks to the South one enters uninco rporated White Ce nter. The three bloc ks to the South arealmost exclusively single family residential. The three blocks that inc lude the subject property have a solid mix of singlefamily residential with a lean toward multifamily. The scop e o f the proposed p roject fits naturally into the surroundingthree bloc k area. Moving into the three b locks to the south of the project the neighborhood bec omes a bit busier andfeatures more businesses and highe r traffic trip co unts. We feel the p ropose projec t will be an a sset to the immediatecommunity and will materially improve many neighborhood conce rns.

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting



















    Bus RouteUr an Viage Bor e rWalkshed

    5 minute Walkshed

    10 minute Walkshed

    Vicinity Map - Zoning

    The zoning and vicinity map illustrates the dynamic and varied nature of the neighborhood. Directly adjacent to andincluding the bloc k the subject prope rty is on there are six sepa rate zoning types that that make for a lively and variedarea of the C ity of Sea ttle. The area includ es zones LR-2, LR-3, SF-7200, SF-5000, C1-40, and NC 1-40. M ost of theneighborhood including the site of this new, proposed project is overlaid by the Westwood Village-Highland ParkResidential Urban Village . The c ommunity is well served currently by the King C ounty Transit and service is expec ted to beincreased in the near future. The site for the propo sed projec t is within a 10 minute walk of a Frequent Transit Center. Theproject as currently propo sing two more pa rking stalls than number of units. The surrounding neighbo rhood fe atures manythriving businesses, churches and a large Salvation Army Community Center. Based on the C ity's current zoning and thecurrent nature and expec ted growth and revitalization of the neighborhood . We imagine that this proposed multifamilyapartment building will be a asset both functionally and aesthetically to the local community.

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    9033 17thAve SW In

    DPD Review- Addition of Three New


    9043 18th AveSW In DPDReview -

    Constructionof Eight New


    9045B 18thAve SW In

    DPD Review -Constructionof Eight New




    Co mmunity

    Axonometric - Three Dimensional Photograph

    This image illustrates the general sca le of the buildings in the neighborhood. The the proposed development projec twill not only fit nicely into the scale of the surrounding buildings but, in style and charac ter augment the generalneighborhood aesthetic and provide a safe and welcoming property for current and future residents. The imagealso shows the future proposed development for the neighborhood and the Salvation Army Community Center forcontext.


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting




    Site Images The current site is a co mbination of twoexisting sites that will be combined intoone with the address 9021 17th Ave SW.

    The house that was was one the oldaddress 9015 17th Ave SW has beendemolished and the existing house on9021 17th Ave SW will be demolished inthe coming days/weeks. The houses asthey sat were attracting people into thehouses where the existing properties werebeing vandalized and materiallydamaged. Trash was being thrown or lefton the site. It is the owner's intent toenc lose the entire lot with a ta ll fenceafter the second house is demolished untilconstruction ca n beg in on the newproposed multifamily building.

    The owner performed an arborist's studyon the site that is include d with thissubmittal. The study, that has beenreviewed b y DPD co nfirms that there a reno exce ptional trees on the lot. Thesepictures of the lot illustrate the unkeptblighted co nditions that exist on the lot.Co nditions that we hop e to g reatlyimprove with the development of this newproject.

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Streetscape Montage

    These images provide a fair and c urrent depiction of the streetsca pes onbo th sides of the 900 block of 17th Ave SW. The street is mad e up mostly of 1970s era single fa mily houses and a pa rtment buildings, condos andtownhouses. The notable exceptions are two very nice new projects on thefar South end of the block that are not depicted very well in thesestreetscsape images but are show in other images in this submittal.

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    East Si e o 17t Ave SW A jacent to t e su ject property on t e West si e o 17t

    East Si e o 17t Ave SW

    NeighboringHouse to the

    South of subjec t


    NeighboringHouse to the

    North of subject


    Subject Property

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting



    These pictures represent the neighborhood around the AKAInvestors building site. There are four zoning areas within thisarea : Single Family 5,000, LR3, Commercial 140 and NC 140.

    The entirety of the area is within the Westwood Village -Highland Park Residential Urban Village and includes apa tchwork of a rchitecture styles as diverse a s the c ommunitythis Urban Village serves.

    Mount o Trans gurat onChurch

    Condominiums South Endof Block

    Groc ery Store &Fried C hicken

    Salvation ArmyCo mmunity Center

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    God's Body Shop: Thrift & G ifts

    Church 16th Ave SW

    Condominiums South Endof Block

    Westwood ChristianCo mmunity Church

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting



    Townhomes on 18th Ave SW

    Condominiums South Endof Block

    Townhomes on 18th Ave SW

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing OptionsOption 1

    Distinguishing Factors:

    This option is code compliant, and eatu!es cle!esto!" shed !ooelements that a!e intended to #!ing additional light into the uppe!

    loo! units, $hile having a mo!e !esidential cha!acte! than thepa!apet onl" option p!esented. %ue to the eave ove!hangs o the!oo elements, the #uilding is pulled a$a" !om the p!ope!t" lines,c!eating additional amenit" space on the south side.

    The pa!&ing is located #oth pa!tiall" #elo$ g!ade unde! the#uilding, and is supplemented #" cove!ed pa!&ing on g!ade. The#elo$ g!ade pa!&ing is less than '() a#ove the inished g!ade,allo$ing o! a height inc!ease as sho$n in the design guidelines.The on*g!ade pa!&ing is located on the no!th side o the #uildingto leave the south side availa#le o! amenit" space, and to limitthe shado$ impact on the apa!tment #uilding to the no!th o thesite.

    +nit ount- 1 +nits

    /a!&ing /!ovided- 1 Spaces

    /!os-• ode ompliant• Mo!e inte!esting a ade due to !oo eatu!es• A!ticulated a ade, and di e!entiated mate!ials !educe

    the visual scale o the #uilding.• Side set#ac&s inc!eased ove! minimum

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  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing Option 1

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Shadow StudiesMassing Option 1

    June 21 – 10 AM

    June 21 – 12 PM

    Vernal !uino" – 10 AM

    Vernal !uino" – 12 PM

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Site Plan Above

    Building Footprint Above

    Ga rage Level

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans with Parking Identified9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Options 1Garage Level

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    Plantab le Site

    Building Footprint


    Trash Enclosure

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans with Parking Identified9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Options 1Site Plan

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Common Area

    Building Above

    One Bedroom

    Support Space

    Two Bedroom

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116 Options 11st Floor

    OPTION 1

    C t lFl Pl O i 1

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Common Area

    One Bedroom

    Two Bedroom

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Options 1Upper Floors

    OPTION 1

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing OptionsOption 2

    Distinguishing Factors:

    This option is code compliant, and moves !om an 34) o!m to a3+) shape $ith a cent!al cou!t"a!d. The pa!apet onl" design!elates mo!e st!ongl" to the ad5acent comme!cial and multi amil"#uildings in the neigh#o!hood, $hile the shading devices andmate!ial va!iations add visual inte!est.

    All o the pa!&ing is located pa!tiall" #elo$ g!ade unde! the

    #uilding in this scheme, $ith an ent!ance o o the alle". The#elo$ g!ade pa!&ing is less than '() a#ove the inished g!ade,allo$ing o! a height inc!ease as sho$n in the design guidelines.The #uilding shape allo$s o! a g!eate! visual connection #et$eenthe inte!io! o the #uilding and the st!eet, and a sc!een eatu!e isused to limit the vie$ o the p!ivate space !om the st!eet, $hile stillallo$ing da"light and !esh ai! to ente!.

    +nit ount- 6 +nits/a!&ing /!ovided- 6 Spaces

    /!os-• ode ompliant• uilding can #e located close! to the side p!ope!t" lines

    due to !emoval o ove!hangs• St!onge! !elationship to the ne$e! p!o5ects in the

    neigh#o!hood.• All pa!&ing is #elo$ the #uilding o! added amenit" a!ea.

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  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing Option 2

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Shadow StudiesMassing Option 2

    June 21 – 10 AM

    June 21 – 12 PM

    Vernal !uino" – 10 AM

    Vernal !uino" – 12 PM

    Conceptual Floor Plans with Parking Identified Option 2

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Site Plan Above

    Building Footprint Above

    Garage Level

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116p

    Garage Level

    Conceptual Floor Plans / Site Level

    Options 2

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116


    Plantab le Site

    Building Footprint


    Trash Enclosure

    Trash EnclosureElevator/Stairs

    Site Level

    Conceptual Floor Plans Options2

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Common Area

    Building Ab ove

    One Bedroom

    Two Bedroom

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Co ceptua oo a s9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Options 2Level 1

    Or Below

    ConceptualFloorPlans Options 2

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Common Area

    Building Above

    One Bedroom

    Two Bedroom

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    pLevels 2,3,4

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing OptionsOption – /!e e!!ed Option

    Distinguishing Factors:

    This option is code compliant, and simila! to Option 1, #ut locatesthe pa!&ing #elo$ the #uilding, !athe! than pa!tiall" #elo$ andpa!tiall" on the su! ace.

    The south cou!t"a!d is e:panded in this option, and includes #othp!ivate patios o! the lo$e! loo! units as $ell as a la!ge shadedcommon amenit" space. Additional common amenit" space is

    p!ovided at the !ea! o the #uilding on the ou!th loo! dec&. Thisoption utili;es the shed !oo ed eatu!es !om Option One in o!de!to #!ea& up the long a ade, and to !elate mo!e st!ongl" to theneigh#o!ing #uildings< pitched !oo s.

    +nit ount- 2 +nits/a!&ing /!ovided- 2 Spaces

    /!os-• ode ompliant• 8a!ge! "a!d on south side allo$s o! mo!e amenit" space

    on the sunn" side o the p!ope!t".• Amenit" spaces #oth on g!ade and on the top loo! dec&.• Additional clea!ance !om neigh#o!ing p!ope!ties to the


    ons-• uilding st!eet a ade is $idened to cove! the la!ge!

    pa!&ing ga!age

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing Option

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing Option

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing Option – Mate!ials

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Massing Option 3 – Materials

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Shadow StudiesMassing Option 3 – Preferred Option

    June 21 – 10 AM

    June 21 – 12 PM

    erna! "#uino$ – 10 AM

    erna! "#uino$ – 12 PM

    Conceptual Floor Plans with Parking Identified9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Option 3Garage Level

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Site Plan Above

    Building Footprint Above

    Garage Level

    Garage Level

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116 Option 3

    Sit L l

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Plantable Site

    Building Footprint


    Trash Enclosure

    Trash EnclosureElevator/Stairs

    Patio Spac e

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Site Level

    Conceptual Floor Plans9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Option 3Level 1

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting



    Common Area

    Building Ab ove

    One Bedroom

    Two Bedroom


    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Conceptual Floor Plans9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116

    Option 3Levels 2,3,4

  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Or BelowCommon AreaBuilding Above

    One Bedroom

    Two Bedroom

    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    Typical Building Section

    Landscape Plan9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116

    Landscape Legend9021 17th Avenue SW | Sea ttle, WA 98116


  • 8/20/2019 9021 17th SW design packet for Jan. 7th meeting


    AKA Investors | 9021 17th Avenue SW | Seattle, WA 98116
