9天暢意意大利之旅 - Charming Holidays€¦ · 原居地 羅馬 Home city Rome 羅馬 Rome...


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Fantastic Italy (ELY9)


原居地 羅馬Home city Rome


羅馬 - 梵帝崗Rome - Vatican City

訂購行程,請洽詢各大旅行社或前往官方網站閱讀更多。 www.charmingholidays.netELY9 WINTER 2019-2020

是日乘坐豪華客機,飛往羅馬~意大利首都。Depart from Home City for Rome, the capital of Italy.

是日抵達羅馬。抵達後前往酒店休息,今日晚餐於酒店享用。 (晚餐)住宿:Ergife Palace Hotel 或同級 Arrival Rome today. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel. Enjoy the hotel dinner tonight. (D)

聞名四方。此城興建在高地上,如大霧時份,遠眺此城彷似是飄浮於半空中的城市。基本上此城為古羅馬人興建,並有古代伊特魯亞人的遺跡。下午前往中古世紀小鎮- 錫耶納。位於托斯卡尼省的錫耶納曾富裕繁華,但因黑死病,瞬間落寞,但也因為這段歷史,讓這座小鎮更富有魅力,下午,先行參觀田野廣場,其為中古世紀最大廣場之一,還有錫耶納主教堂,融合古典、諾曼式與哥德式建築特色, 最後還有錫耶納的老市政廳。 (早/晚餐)住宿:NH Hotel Siena 或同級 After breakfast we shall go to Bagnoregio. Bagnoregio has been abandoned for a couple hundred years; it becomes famous again because of a Japanese cartoonist created an animated movie “Laputa: Castle in the Sky” according to the beautiful scene of this remote town. In the afternoon, head to the medieval town- Siena, which is located in the province of Tuscany. This town was once prosperous, but it became less important due to the Black Death. However, thanks to its rich history, the town has many stories to tell. Later, pay a quick visit at Piazza del Campo, which is one of the largest squares in the middle age of the history. Also, visit the Duomo of Siena, the structure combining classical, Norman and Gothic architecture styles. Today’s last stop is the old town hall of Siena. (B/D)

早餐後,開始遊覽這個到處都是歷史文物之名城。梵蒂崗為歐洲現存獨立小國之一,亦是全球天主教的中心點。廣場內之聖彼得大教堂除了外觀宏偉壯觀外,內部裝飾均是當代著名藝術家心血結晶,二十多種不同顏色的雲石大柱、雕塑及地面,大型的馬塞克鑲嵌畫,一代大師米高安哲奴的名作「聖母抱子像」及青銅做成的主祭壇等,堪稱得上是鬼斧神工。繼而途經古羅馬廢墟,賽馬車場及統一紀念碑,前往著名的古羅馬鬥獸場拍攝外貌,精緻的君士坦丁凱旋門及著名之許願泉。晚餐享用海鮮料理。 (早/晚餐) 住宿:Ergife Palace Hotel或同級 Rome is a city with unique blend of history, architecture and world famous monuments. Our flight arrive this magnificent city in the afternoon and a brief city tour will be arranged. Tourist spots include the Roma Forum, St Peter’s Basilica, the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, etc.(B/D)

羅馬 - 白露里治奧古城 (天空之城) - 錫耶納 Rome - Bagnoregio - Siena



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Day 312/25

Day 412/26

羅馬許願泉Trevi Fountain

Dec. 23th僅此一團,遊覽意大利


只要 $2999


2019 出發日期Departure Dates

出發城市:洛杉磯、舊金山、西雅圖、波特蘭、休斯頓、達拉斯 Departure Cities: LAX/SFO/SEA/PDX/HOU/DFW 單人附加費

Single Supplement

小費 Tips團號


連機票 Land + Air雙人 Twin

燃油費+稅金 Fuel+Tax

總額 Total

ELY9 2549 約+450 approx. 2999 569 €110其他出發城市歡迎聯絡查詢。上列費用均以美元每位計算,「稅金及燃油附加費」正確數目須於出票日方能作準。小童費用適用於2至11歲小孩不佔床。Other departure cities please contact for more information. Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed. The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; “Tax and Fuel Surcharge” is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance.

帕爾馬 - 蒙特納(陳年醋區) - 維羅納馬Parma - Modena - Verona

維羅納 - 威尼斯(市內觀光) Verona - Venice (City Tour)

特約旅行社 Your Travel Agent

旅行規則、責任問題及詳細內容,請瀏覽官方網站或章程。 For more information, please refer to the website or color brochure

盧卡 - 五鄉鎮 - 帕爾馬 Lucca - Cinque Terre - Parma

威尼斯 原居地Venice Home City

自助式早餐。餐後前往拉士碧芝區轉乘火車暢遊五鄉鎮。五鄉鎮分別為Monterosso Al Mare、Vernazza、Corniglia、Manarola and Rionaggiore,是尼古拉區不受任何人工影響的鄉土漁村度假區及擁有天然海灘。本公司安排火車套票,各團友乘坐火車穿梭於五鄉鎮,其中有一條小徑稱為”情人路”是情侶響往的風景區。午餐自備。餐後前往帕爾馬,晚餐於當地餐廳,享用地道美食。 (早/晚餐)住宿:Russott Hotel Guinigi Lucca 或同級 After breakfast, coach to Cinque Terre, a dream holiday resort for urban Italians. Riding on a train, all will pass through natural fishing villages with stop-overs at various locations. Then move on to Parma for overnight. (B/D)

美式或自助式早餐。稍後前往帕爾馬地道食品店~風乾肉店,品嚐著名之“Parma Ham 及 Parmi-giano Reggiano”。接著遊覽另一名城蒙特納,著名釀陳年醋區。參觀陳年醋釀製方法及講解,可自由選購不同年份的陳年醋。 稍後驅車前往莎士比亞名著《羅密歐與茱麗葉》而名譽於世的維羅納,抵達後參觀栩栩如生的茱麗葉銅像及其府邸。繼而前往保存得極完美的古羅馬競技場。晚餐於當地餐館,品嘗火雞餐。 (早/晚餐) 住宿:Saccardi Quadrante Europa Hotel Verona或同級 After breakfast, we start the day in Parma to see The Fa-cade and belfry of Cathedral. Later, our tour group will visit the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese factory and prosciutto ham mills. Later, stop at Modena to learn the process involved in making vinegar. Afterward, drive to Verona for the historical sites, the home of Shakespeare’s “star-cross’d lovers”. We shall visit the Roman Arena and the Juliet’s Balcony before enjoying turkey dinner at a local restaurant. (B/D)

美式或自助式早餐。餐後驅車前往意大利「水鄉」威尼斯。早晨先參觀玻璃廠,觀賞專人示範玻璃製作過程,午餐後,抵達後安排水上的士前往聖馬可廣場,「水城」上之嘆息橋、道奇皇宮、聖馬可教堂及鐘樓等,皆是不容錯過的拍攝地方。如天氣許可,還可自費乘坐特有的貢多拉平底船暢遊大小運河,親身體驗水鄉風情館。 (早/晚餐)住宿:Fourpoints by Sheraton Venice 或同級 Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, due to the city being one of the world’s greatest and most beautiful cities of art. An estimate at 2007, the city has an average of 50,000 tourists a day! We are going to visit her after breakfast. This morning, we will witness a demonstration in a glass blowing factory first. Then, upon arrival we shall proceed to St. Mark’s Square by Water Taxi. Bridge of Signs (Ponte dei Sospiri), Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale) and the Church of St. Mark are some places you should not miss. Also visit the Basilica. You may also ride on the famous Gondola on your own cost to cruise around the waterways if the weather situation permits! (B/D)

自助式早餐後,於指定時間乘車往機場飛返原居地。 (早餐) At the time specified, we will arrange transfer to the airport and wish you a pleasant home ward flight. (B)

美式或自助式早餐。餐後驅車前往THE MALL FI-RENZE 托斯卡纳奢侈品奥特莱斯。享受完整的早晨時光購物。午後,驅車前往「文藝復興」的發源地-佛羅倫斯。抵達後以步行觀光方式細意觀賞被譽為「中古時代再現」的文藝復興之城。繼而前往有「露天博物館」美譽的聖日內亞廣場,其中的海神像,大衛像複製品更是栩栩如生,而「被強暴的薩比奴婦人」,更是不可多得之作,繼而前往世界第三大教堂聖母百花大教堂,外觀以粉紅、綠及奶油色的大理石建成。遊畢驅車前往盧卡。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/晚餐) 住宿:Best Western Guinigi Lucca或同級 After breakfast we proceed to the most famous and luxuri-ous Ourlet in Reggelo, which is only 30 minutes away from Florence. Guests will spend an ample time to shop at the Mall Luxury Centre. Afterward, we move on to Florence. Florence contains an exceptional artistic patrimony, glorious testimony to its secular civilization, and we should enjoy the artistic atmosphere by walking throughout the city. The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore and Signoria Squares are two of the major spots you must visit. If time allows we should take a panoramic view from Michelange-lo Square. Then we proceed to Lucca for overnight. (B/D)

錫耶納 - 雷杰洛(奧特萊斯) - 佛羅倫斯 - 盧卡Siena – Reggello (Outlet) - Flor-ence - Lucca

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ELY9 WINTER 2019-2020


帕爾馬風乾肉Parma Ham

聖日內亞廣場Signoria Square

12月 Dec. 23
