8th Grade Algebra Curriculum...8th Grade Algebra Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator...


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8th Grade Algebra

Instructional Unit Unit 01-Difference of Squares: Organizing Data

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 1 provides opportunities The student will be -Analyze the structure of -written analysis of 2.4.8.F,for students to understand the able to interpret graphs. graphs 2.5.8.C,routines and structure of the graphs to solve -Make inferences and -construction of 2.5.8.D,CPM program more deeply. problems comparisons from graphs to graphs based upon 2.11.8.AThe main themes of this unit solve problems. relationshipsfocus upon developing -Design graphs. -written homeworkconcepts and skills with integer -unit quizzes operations, using patterns to -unit testsmake inferences, andintroducing the concept ofvariable. A variety ofmanipulatives are used toassist students in theirdeveloping integer operationsand combining like terms.Other topics that are touchedupon include interpretation ofgraphs, development of guessand check tables, scientificnotation, and the concept ofaverage. The unit ends with atheme problem that requiresthe students to search for

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 1 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 01-Difference of Squares: Organizing Data

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 1 provides opportunities The student will be -Develop rules. -written homework 2.4.8.A,for students to understand the able to use patterns -Predict terms. -group analysis of 2.4.8.B,routines and structure of the to make inferences. -Use guess and check as a guess and check 2.4.8.D,CPM program more deeply. strategy to solve problems problems 2.5.8.A,The main themes of this unit -group development 2.5.8.B,focus upon developing -Perform simplification of of number 2.5.8.C,concepts and skills with integer rules/patterns 2.5.8.D, operations, using patterns to -algebra tile lab to 2.8.8.B,make inferences, and develop 2.8.8.C,introducing the concept of understanding of 2.8.8.D,variable. A variety of 2.8.8.G,manipulatives are used to 2.11.8.Cassist students in theirdeveloping integer operationsand combining like terms.Other topics that are touchedupon include interpretation ofgraphs, development of guessand check tables, scientificnotation, and the concept ofaverage. The unit ends with atheme problem that requiresthe students to search for

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 2 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 01-Difference of Squares: Organizing Data

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 1 provides opportunities The student will be -Add with integers. -algebra tile labs to 2.1.8.B,for students to understand the able to demonstrate -Subtract with integers. develop integer 2.1.8.C,routines and structure of the an understanding of -Multiply with integers. operation rules 2.1.8.F,CPM program more deeply. integer relationships -Divide with integers. -number family 2.2.8.A,The main themes of this unit through operations. -Demonstrate understanding pattern development 2.2.8.B,focus upon developing of addition, subtraction and for division 2.4.8.B,concepts and skills with integer multiplication with algebra -classroom discussion 2.4.8.C, operations, using patterns to tiles. 2.4.8.D,make inferences, and -Develop rules for integer -unit quizzes 2.4.8.Eintroducing the concept of operations. -unit testvariable. A variety of - -journal entriesmanipulatives are used toassist students in theirdeveloping integer operationsand combining like terms.Other topics that are touchedupon include interpretation ofgraphs, development of guessand check tables, scientificnotation, and the concept ofaverage. The unit ends with atheme problem that requiresthe students to search for

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 3 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 01-Difference of Squares: Organizing Data

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 1 provides opportunities The student will be -Analyze the structure of -written analysis of 2.4.8.F,for students to understand the able to interpret graphs. graphs 2.5.8.C,routines and structure of the graphs to solve -Make inferences and -construction of 2.5.8.D,CPM program more deeply. problems comparisons from graphs to graphs based upon 2.11.8.AThe main themes of this unit solve problems. relationshipsfocus upon developing -Design graphs. -written homeworkconcepts and skills with integer -unit quizzes operations, using patterns to -unit testsmake inferences, andintroducing the concept ofvariable. A variety ofmanipulatives are used toassist students in theirdeveloping integer operationsand combining like terms.Other topics that are touchedupon include interpretation ofgraphs, development of guessand check tables, scientificnotation, and the concept ofaverage. The unit ends with atheme problem that requiresthe students to search for

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 4 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 01-Difference of Squares: Organizing Data

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 1 provides opportunities The student will be -Develop rules. -written homework 2.4.8.A,for students to understand the able to use patterns -Predict terms. -group analysis of 2.4.8.B,routines and structure of the to make inferences. -Use guess and check as a guess and check 2.4.8.D,CPM program more deeply. strategy to solve problems problems 2.5.8.A,The main themes of this unit -group development 2.5.8.B,focus upon developing -Perform simplification of of number 2.5.8.C,concepts and skills with integer rules/patterns 2.5.8.D, operations, using patterns to -algebra tile lab to 2.8.8.B,make inferences, and develop 2.8.8.C,introducing the concept of understanding of 2.8.8.D,variable. A variety of 2.8.8.G,manipulatives are used to 2.11.8.Cassist students in theirdeveloping integer operationsand combining like terms.Other topics that are touchedupon include interpretation ofgraphs, development of guessand check tables, scientificnotation, and the concept ofaverage. The unit ends with atheme problem that requiresthe students to search for

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 5 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 01-Difference of Squares: Organizing Data

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 1 provides opportunities The student will be -Add with integers. -algebra tile labs to 2.1.8.B,for students to understand the able to demonstrate -Subtract with integers. develop integer 2.1.8.C,routines and structure of the an understanding of -Multiply with integers. operation rules 2.1.8.F,CPM program more deeply. integer relationships -Divide with integers. -number family 2.2.8.A,The main themes of this unit through operations. -Demonstrate understanding pattern development 2.2.8.B,focus upon developing of addition, subtraction and for division 2.4.8.B,concepts and skills with integer multiplication with algebra -classroom discussion 2.4.8.C, operations, using patterns to tiles. 2.4.8.D,make inferences, and -Develop rules for integer -unit quizzes 2.4.8.Eintroducing the concept of operations. -unit testvariable. A variety of - -journal entriesmanipulatives are used toassist students in theirdeveloping integer operationsand combining like terms.Other topics that are touchedupon include interpretation ofgraphs, development of guessand check tables, scientificnotation, and the concept ofaverage. The unit ends with atheme problem that requiresthe students to search for

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 6 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 02-Tiling the Kitchen Floor: Area/Subproblems

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In this unit, the students will The students will be -Determine the area of -written development 2.1.8.B,apply the use of subproblems able to solve regions. of area formulas with 2.2.8.A,to assist in solving problems. problems by using -Solve real-world the aid of plane figure 2.3.8.A,This problem solving strategy subproblems. applications problems in cut-out 2.3.8.D,will be woven throughout the group and individual -written homework 2.5.8.B,unit as students develop area settings. -class discussions 2.8.8.C,formulas for plane figures and -Construct area formulas -unit quizzes 2.9.8.Gsolve real world problems for plane figures including -unit testinvolving area. Development parallelograms, triangles, -group posters forof perimeter and circumference trapezoids and circles. theme problem occurs by way of hands-on -Construct the formula fortechniques as the students circumference.derive various formulas. -Compute numericContinued work with patterns expressions using the orderallows the students to develop of operations.understandings of the -Identify the size ofDistributive Property, order of numbers using scientificoperation, and writing numbersin scientific notation.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 7 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 02-Tiling the Kitchen Floor: Area/Subproblems

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In this unit, the students will The student will be -Formalize inductive -algebra tile lab to 2.4.8.A,apply the use of subproblems able to use the patterns into an algebraic develop the 2.5.8.B,to assist in solving problems. distributive property rule. distributive property 2.5.8.C,This problem solving strategy to manipulate -Use algebra tiles to design -written homework 2.8.8.A,will be woven throughout the algebraic situations reflecting the -unit quizzes 2.8.8.B,unit as students develop area distributive property. -unit test 2.8.8.D,formulas for plane figures and -Manipulate algebraic -class discussionsolve real world problems expressions symbolically -journal entryinvolving area. Development -calculator activity toof perimeter and circumference develop the order of occurs by way of hands-on operations (optional)techniques as the students -demonstration ofderive various formulas. both symbolic andContinued work with patterns manipulativeallows the students to develop understandings of theunderstandings of the distributive propertyDistributive Property, order ofoperation, and writing numbersin scientific notation.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 8 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 03-The Burning Candle: Patterns and Graphs

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

The Burning Candle Unit The students will be -Determine the algebraic -silent board games 2.8.8.A,promotes the use of patterns able to interrelate rule based upon an x-y data -algebra walk 2.8.8.B,to investigate graphs on the symbolic and table. -written homework 2.8.8.C,coordinate plane and symbolic graphic -Determine the algebraic -unit quizzes 2.8.8.G,representations. By the end of representations of rule for a graph based upon -unit test 2.8.8.H the unit, students will have analysis of points. -class discussiongraphed both linear and -Recognize the shape of a -individual studentnon-linear equations. Scaling graph based upon its design of silent boardof axes, identification of games (optional)intercepts, and the use of -partner quiz (optional)graphs to make inferences are developed throughout the unit. -concept theme Students also use silent board posters (optional)games to synthesize numberpatterns into algebraic rules.This is extended to equationdevelopment from graphs ofthose equations. The themeproblem asks the students tocollect data from a videopresentation. Analysis of thisdata follows so that one canmake predictions based uponthe graphed data.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 9 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 03-The Burning Candle: Patterns and Graphs

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

The Burning Candle Unit The students will be -Demonstrate the difference -written homework 2.6.8.C,promotes the use of patterns able to apply their between linear and -unit quizzes 2.7.8.B,to investigate graphs on the patterning skills to non-linear equations and -unit tests 2.7.8.C,coordinate plane and symbolic graphing equations. graphs. -class discussions 2.8.8.B,representations. By the end of -Recognize the relationship -group construction of 2.8.8.F, the unit, students will have between an algebraic graphs 2.8.8.G,graphed both linear and formula and its graph. -group analysis of 2.8.8.Hnon-linear equations. Scaling -Estimate x and y data collected (Theof axes, identification of intercepts. Burning Candle Video)intercepts, and the use of graphs to make inferences are -partner quiz (optional)developed throughout the unit. Students also use silent board -concept themegames to synthesize number posters (optional)patterns into algebraic rules. -class-sized graphThis is extended to equation construction (Thedevelopment from graphs ofthose equations. The themeproblem asks the students tocollect data from a videopresentation. Analysis of thisdata follows so that one canmake predictions based uponthe graphed data.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 10 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 04-Choosing Phone Plan: Write/Solve Equations

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

The main purpose of this unit is The students will be -Write algebraic expressions -written plan to solve 2.3.8.A, for students to be able to write able to formulate from guess and check the unit theme 2.3.3.B, equations for word problems equations from word tables. problem 2.5.8.A,and to solve equations. problem settings. -Model word problem -written homework 2.5.8.B,Students learn to write situations using symbolic -unit quizzes 2.5.8.D,equations through the use of -unit test 2.8.8.Gguess and check tables. -large poster sheetPattern recognition in the guess and check tables leads tostudent development ofalgebraic expressions andequations. Students also begin to solve equations in this unit. Equation solving begins withmanipulatives from whichsymbolic manipulationeventually occurs. Equationsinvolving decimals, fractions,and formulas are solved. Thetheme problem asks thestudents to use equations todetermine an appropriate phone

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 11 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 05-Estimating Fish Pop: Geo/Alg Ratios

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

A conceptual understanding of The students will be -Solve equations through -written homeworkratios is critical to any able to solve the use of manipulatives. -unit quizzescomplete understanding of equations in a -Solve equations -unit testsmathematics. In this unit, variety of ways. symbolically. -unit theme problemalgebraic and geometric ratios -Solve literal equations for -algebra tile labsare integrated to give students -class discussiona more thorough experience -group problemwith the concept. Studentsfocus upon the notions ofsimilarity, particularly withtriangles. This is buildingtoward a later development ofslope. Area and perimeterratios as they relate to similarfigures are discussed.Problems involving percentageratios and proportions are also

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 12 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 05-Estimating Fish Pop: Geo/Alg Ratios

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

A conceptual understanding of The students will be -Solve proportions -written homework 2.1.8.D,ratios is critical to any able to apply symbolically. -unit quizzes 2.8.8.C,complete understanding of proportional -Determine the similar figure -unit test 2.8.8.E,mathematics. In this unit, relationships to a relationships dealing with -unit theme problem 2.3.8.D,algebraic and geometric ratios variety of scale factors, areas, and (estimating fish 2.3.8.E,are integrated to give students perimeters. populations) 2.3.8.F,a more thorough experience -Solve word problems -class discussions 2.5.8.A,with the concept. Students involving proportional -similar-figure 2.5.8.B,focus upon the notions of relationships. constructions 2.9.8.J,similarity, particularly with -Construct similar figures -large grid paper 2.10.8.A,triangles. This is building based upon a given scale 2.10.8.Btoward a later development of factor.slope. Area and perimeter -Solve proportion problemsratios as they relate to similar involving percents.figures are discussed. -Graph relationshipsProblems involving percentage involving proportionalratios and proportions are also relationships.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 13 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 06-World Records: Graphing/Systems

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Throughout this unit, students The students will be -Solve systems of -daily homework 2.5.8.B,will advance their study of able to design equations using graphs. -unit quizzes 2.5.8.C,systems of equations. The analyses of -Solve systems of -unit test 2.6.8.C,study of these systems will competing situations equations using substitution. -class discussions 2.6.8.F,focus upon algebraic, numeric, by using a variety -unit theme problem 2.7.8.B,and graphed solutions. of mathematical -Use a system of equations (comparing Olympic 2.8.8.F,Students will also focus upon techniques. to model a word problem swimmers)real world settings that could be setting. -TI73 graph solved using a system of -Analyze the graphs of representationsequations. It is hoped that competing situations. -large graph paperstudents will recognize the -Compare the solutions class presentationspower of the algebraictechnique, with substitutionbeing the main method chosen. Elimination is covered at alater time in the course. Asecond major topic in this unitis the multiplication ofbinomials. A connection ismade to the DistributiveProperty, as students buildtheir understanding ofmultiplication through the use

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 14 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 06-World Records: Graphing/Systems

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Throughout this unit, students The students will be -Multiply binomials using -daily homework 2.1.8.E,will advance their study of able to multiply manipulatives. -unit quizzes 2.8.8.B,systems of equations. The binomials in multiple -Multiply binomials -unit test 2.8.8.Dstudy of these systems will representations algebraically. -algebra tile labsfocus upon algebraic, numeric, -Diagram binomial -class discussionand graphed solutions. multiplication using aStudents will also focus upon generic rectangle.real world settings that could be -Plan a technique to multiply solved using a system of any set of polynomialsequations. It is hoped that without the use ofstudents will recognize thepower of the algebraictechnique, with substitutionbeing the main method chosen. Elimination is covered at alater time in the course. Asecond major topic in this unitis the multiplication ofbinomials. A connection ismade to the DistributiveProperty, as students buildtheir understanding ofmultiplication through the use

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 15 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 07-The Big Race: Slopes/Rates of Change

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

The major components of a The students will be -Determine slopes and -daily homework 2.3.8.A,linear graph will be focused able to distinguish intercepts visually. -unit quizzes 2.3.8.D,upon in this unit. Slope and various linear graphs -Calculate slopes given two -unit test 2.8.8.G,intercepts will be connected to based upon the points. -class discussionlinear situations in algebraic relationships of -Calculate intercepts given -slope lab using theand graphical situations. The slopes and a formula. TI73 calculatorsidea that slope is a rate of -Recognize the relationship (optional)change will be represented in a between a linear equation, -unit theme problemvariety of ways. Intercepts its slope and y-intercept. (The Big Race)and, in particular, the -Graph linear relationships -string problems toy-intercept will be explained in using a slope and have studentsa variety of contexts as well. y-intercept. determine slopeLinear graphs will be made -Solve systems of without a gridusing slope and intercept, and equations, using ideas of (optional)the connection to the "y=mx+b" slope and y-intercepts to form will be discovered in this facilitate graphing.unit. The Big Race theme -Determine the relationshipproblem will tie together the between a type of slope andstudents' understanding of its effect on a graph.slope, intercepts, and systems of equations.

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Instructional Unit Unit 08-The Amusement Park: Factoring Quadratics

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Students will revisit the use of The students will be -Build factored -daily homework 2.1.8.E,algebra tiles in the construction able to factor representations of -unit quizzes 2.4.8.A, of polynomials. Students will polynomials, using polynomials. -unit test 2.5.8.A,look at the inverse of multiple -Factor polynomials -algebra tile labs 2.5.8.C,multiplyingor, in this case, representations. symbolically. -class discussion 2.8.8.D,factoring. Relationships -Determine patterns -unit theme problem 2.8.8.G,between the polynomial and its between concrete (construction of an 2.8.8.Bfactor parts will be sought. The representations and amusement park) unit also has students begin to symbolic representations of -written analyses of solve a new type of equation: factored polynomials. patterns found withthe quadratic equation. To -Determine factoring factoring specialfoster this, the Zero Product patterns for specialProperty is developed. The polynomials such as perfectunit closes with a theme square trinomials andproblem that requires factoring differences of squares.to solve it. -Identify the greatest

common factor within apolynomial.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 17 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 08-The Amusement Park: Factoring Quadratics

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Students will revisit the use of The students will be -Solve equations using the -daily homework 2.8.8.E,algebra tiles in the construction able to solve Zero Product Property. -unit quizzes 2.8.8.B, of polynomials. Students will problems that are -Communicate a conceptual -unit test 2.5.8.A,look at the inverse of based upon understanding of the Zero -class discussion 2.5.8.B,multiplyingor, in this case, quadratic Product Property. -unit theme problem 2.5.8.Cfactoring. Relationships -Recognize the type of (construction of anbetween the polynomial and its equation requiring the use of amusement park)factor parts will be sought. The the Zero Product Property. -written analyses of unit also has students begin to patterns found with solve a new type of equation: factoring specialthe quadratic equation. Tofoster this, the Zero ProductProperty is developed. Theunit closes with a themeproblem that requires factoringto solve it.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 18 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 09-Birthday Party Pinata: Dia/Write Equations

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Three major objectives are met The students will be -Determine the Pythagorean -daily homework 2.1.8.A, in Unit 9. First, students work able to apply the relationship based upon -unit quizzes 2.1.8.B, with the Pythagorean Pythagorean data analysis. -unit test 2.1.8.C,Theorem. Students will solve a Theorem, when -Solve for missing lengths -right triangle lab to 2.1.8.G, variety of word problems appropriate, to in right triangles, using the develop the 2.2.8.D,using the theorem. Out of this, solve real world Pythagorean Theorem. Pythagorean Theorem 2.4.8.A, solutions to quadratic -Solve equations involving 2.4.8.E,equations involving radical square roots. -class discussion 2.5.8.A,answers are developed. -Simplify square roots. -unit theme problem 2.8.8.E,Simplification of square roots -Estimate the meaning of a (The Birthday Party 2.10.8.Ais also touched upon. A square root as a number. Piñata)second objective focuses upon -Graph equations involving -cooperative learning students solving equations square roots. to solve wordinvolving fractions. Referred -Determine the distanceto as fraction busters, students between two points, using will learn to 'clear out' the Pythagorean Theorem.denominators by multiplyingwith the least common multiple. The third objective is for thestudents to learn how todetermine the equation of a line without using a graph. Thetheme problem of this unitinvolves the construction of adiagram to determine theamount of rope needed to hang a pinata. The PythagoreanTheorem is used to lead the

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 19 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 09-Birthday Party Pinata: Dia/Write Equations

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Three major objectives are met The student will be -Calculate the slope of a -daily homework 2.8.8.B, in Unit 9. First, students work able to express an line using two points. -unit quizzes 2.8.8.F, with the Pythagorean equation for a line -Determine the y-intercept -unit test 2.8.8.G,Theorem. Students will solve a without using a of a linear equation using -class discussion 2.8.8.H, variety of word problems the formula y=mx+b. -cooperative learning 2.8.8.Ausing the theorem. Out of this, -Write the linear equation in groups solutions to quadratic the form y=mx+b whenequations involving radical knowing the slope andanswers are developed. y-intercept.Simplification of square rootsis also touched upon. Asecond objective focuses upon students solving equationsinvolving fractions. Referredto as fraction busters, students will learn to 'clear out'denominators by multiplyingwith the least common multiple. The third objective is for thestudents to learn how todetermine the equation of a line without using a graph. Thetheme problem of this unitinvolves the construction of adiagram to determine theamount of rope needed to hang a pinata. The PythagoreanTheorem is used to lead the

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 20 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 09-Birthday Party Pinata: Dia/Write Equations

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Three major objectives are met The students will be -Determine the least -daily homework 2.8.8.E in Unit 9. First, students work able to solve common multiple of -unit quizzes with the Pythagorean fractional equations. denominators in fractional -unit testTheorem. Students will solve a equations. -class discussion variety of word problems -Solve fractional equationsusing the theorem. Out of this, by first 'clearing out' the solutions to quadraticequations involving radicalanswers are developed.Simplification of square rootsis also touched upon. Asecond objective focuses upon students solving equationsinvolving fractions. Referredto as fraction busters, students will learn to 'clear out'denominators by multiplyingwith the least common multiple. The third objective is for thestudents to learn how todetermine the equation of a line without using a graph. Thetheme problem of this unitinvolves the construction of adiagram to determine theamount of rope needed to hang a pinata. The PythagoreanTheorem is used to lead the

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 21 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 10-Yearbook Sales: Exponents/Quadratics

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 10 focuses upon the The student will be -Determine the values of a, -daily homework 2.1.8.C,development of exponent able to apply the b, and c in a quadratic -unit quizzes 2.2.8.C,rules. Students abilities to quadratic formula to equation. -unit test 2.8.8.Efactor trinomials are enriched; solve quadratic -Evaluate answers for 'x' -class discussionand, an extension into equations. using values of a, b, and c -cooperative learningsimplifying rational expressions in the quadratic formula. groups is explored. The unit ends with -Determine if a quadratic -unit theme problem an introduction to the quadratic equation is factorable using -graphing scenarios formula that is developed the discriminant.more formally in a later course. -Use the answers found with The theme problem of the unit the quadratic formula to forces the student to use thequadratic formula to solve anoptimization problem relatingprice and sales of yearbooks.

Unit 10 focuses upon the The student will be -Use FOIL to arrange -daily homework 2.4.8.A,development of exponent able to factor components of binomials in -unit quizzes 2.5.8.A,rules. Students abilities to trinomials where the their appropriate locations. -unit test 2.5.8.B,factor trinomials are enriched; coefficient of -Solve equations using -class discussion 2.8.8.A,and, an extension into x-squared is not 1. trinomials where the -cooperative learningsimplifying rational expressions coefficient of x-squared is groups is explored. The unit ends with not 1. an introduction to the quadratic formula that is developedmore formally in a later course. The theme problem of the unit forces the student to use thequadratic formula to solve anoptimization problem relatingprice and sales of yearbooks.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 22 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 10-Yearbook Sales: Exponents/Quadratics

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

Unit 10 focuses upon the The student will be -Determine the rule for -daily homework 2.1.8.E,development of exponent able to develop power of a power. -unit quizzesrules. Students abilities to exponent rules of -Determine the rule for -unit testfactor trinomials are enriched; mathematics monomial powers. -class discussionand, an extension into through inductive lab -Determine the rule for -cooperative learningsimplifying rational expressions dividing powers. groups is explored. The unit ends with -Manipulate negative -lab settings an introduction to the quadratic exponent expressions into formula that is developed positive exponentmore formally in a later course. expressions. The theme problem of the unit -Determine the value of any forces the student to use the base to the power of zero.quadratic formula to solve an -Simplify algebraicoptimization problem relating expressions symbolicallyprice and sales of yearbooks. using exponent rules.


Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 23 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 11-Cola Machine: Functions/Equality

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In the last unit of the Algebra I The student will be -Factor expressions -daily homework 2.1.8.E,course, students will explore able to simplify completely. -unit quizzes 2.4.8.D,the nature of relations and expressions -Cross-cancel like factors. -unit test 2.8.8.Afunctions in the context of involving -Determine if an expression -class discussion'function machines.' Students multiplication and is completely simplified. -cooperative learningextend their work with solving groupssystems by including theelimination method. They willalso extend their understanding of rational expressions toinclude multiplying and dividing expressions. New to this unitwill be work with absolute value graphs and equations, as wellas solving equations involvingsquare roots. Students willalso formalize the properties of equality for real numbers.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 24 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 11-Cola Machine: Functions/Equality

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In the last unit of the Algebra I The student will be -Determine least common -daily homework 2.8.8.Ecourse, students will explore able to solve multiples of coefficients. -unit quizzesthe nature of relations and systems of -Add/subtract equations to -unit testfunctions in the context of equations using eliminate variables. -class discussion'function machines.' Students -Determine the correctness -cooperative learningextend their work with solving of solutions by evaluating groupssystems by including the 'x' and 'y' values in theelimination method. They willalso extend their understanding of rational expressions toinclude multiplying and dividing expressions. New to this unitwill be work with absolute value graphs and equations, as wellas solving equations involvingsquare roots. Students willalso formalize the properties of equality for real numbers.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 25 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 11-Cola Machine: Functions/Equality

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In the last unit of the Algebra I The student will be -Determine if a relation is a -daily homework 2.5.8.Bcourse, students will explore able to determine if function. -unit quizzesthe nature of relations and an equation is a -Evaluate relations using -unit testfunctions in the context of relation through the function notation. -class discussion'function machines.' Students use of numerical -Determine independent and -cooperative learningextend their work with solving and graphical dependent variables in a groupssystems by including the relation. -unit theme problemelimination method. They will -Determine if a formula is a -graphing scenariosalso extend their understanding relation via the vertical line of rational expressions to test.include multiplying and dividing -Determine the rule of a expressions. New to this unit relation give a set of (input,will be work with absolute value output) pairs. graphs and equations, as wellas solving equations involvingsquare roots. Students willalso formalize the properties of equality for real numbers.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 26 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 11-Cola Machine: Functions/Equality

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In the last unit of the Algebra I The student will be -Identify algebraic -daily homework 2.4.8.A,course, students will explore able to design properties of equality. -unit quizzes 2.4.8.B,the nature of relations and mathematical -Design examples of the -unit test 2.5.8.B,functions in the context of equations using algebraic properties of -class discussion'function machines.' Students properties of equality. -cooperative learningextend their work with solving groupssystems by including theelimination method. They willalso extend their understanding of rational expressions toinclude multiplying and dividing expressions. New to this unitwill be work with absolute value graphs and equations, as wellas solving equations involvingsquare roots. Students willalso formalize the properties of equality for real numbers.

Thursday, May 08, 2003 Page 27 of 28

Instructional Unit Unit 11-Cola Machine: Functions/Equality

8th Grade Algebra

Unit Content Objective Performance Indicator Performance Task State Standards

In the last unit of the Algebra I The student will be -Graph absolute value -daily homework 2.1.8.F,course, students will explore able to solve relations. -unit quizzes 2.8.8.E,the nature of relations and equations using -Graph absolute value in the -unit test 2.8.8.Gfunctions in the context of absolute value and context of a distance from -class discussion'function machines.' Students square roots. zero. -cooperative learningextend their work with solving -Solve absolute value groupssystems by including the equations.elimination method. They will -Solve equations involvingalso extend their understanding square roots. of rational expressions toinclude multiplying and dividing expressions. New to this unitwill be work with absolute value graphs and equations, as wellas solving equations involvingsquare roots. Students willalso formalize the properties of equality for real numbers.

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